Special keys on the keyboard. Name of special keys on the keyboard

The value of the keyboard buttons

On the keyboard, with which we typing the text, there are quite a few buttons. Each of these buttons is needed for something. In this lesson, we will look at the keyboard buttons and remember those of them that will come in handy to work with the text.

Keyboard keys

Key ESC. Its complete name is Escape (pronounced Esqueype) and it means "out". With this button, we can close some programs. To a greater extent, it concerns computer games..gif "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Function keys (F1-F12)" width="350" height="87">!}

Just below there is a number of buttons with numbers and signs (! "№;% :? *, etc.).

In order, instead of the digit, the sign printed, press the key with the desired sign, while holding the SHIFT button.

If the sign is printed not the one that you need, try to change the alphabet (bottom right) .. gif "alt \u003d" (! Lang: English" width="19" height="22 src=">!}

On many keyboards, the numbers are also on the right side.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/316/images/image009_91.gif "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Num Lock" width="45" height="46 src=">!}

Let us turn to the most important part - to the central part of the keyboard keys. These are the keys that print text.

As a rule, there are two letters on each button - one foreign, other Russian. In order to print the letter of the desired language, it must be selected at the bottom of the screen ..gif "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: English" width="19" height="22 src=">!}

The computer "chooses" the letters of the alphabet, which is installed on it.

Alphabet can also be changed by pressing two buttons immediately:

Shift. and Alt.

Shift. and Ctrl

How to print a big (title) letter

In order to print the title letter, you need to hold the Shift key, and with it click on the desired letter.

How to print a point and comma

If the Russian alphabet is installed, then in order to print a point, you need to click on the last key in the lower alphabet. It is located in front of the Shift button.

To print a comma, press the same button while holding SHIFT.

When the English alphabet is selected, you need to press the key to print the point, which is located in front of the Russian dot. It is usually written the letter "Yu".

And the comma in the English alphabet is where the Russian letter "B" is written (in front of the English point).

Tab button is needed in order to make an indent at the beginning of the sentence. This indent is also called paragraph or red string. Click the text at the beginning of the text and press the Tab key. If the red row is properly configured, the text will shift slightly to the right.

Under the key that makes the Red Row, the Caps Lock key is located. It is used to print big letters.

Click on Caps Lock once and release it. Try typing some word. All letters will be printed big. To cancel this feature, click on the Caps Lock key and release it. Letters, as before, will be printed with small.

The long bottom button on the keyboard is called a space. She needs to take gaps between words.

On the right side is the backspace button. Often it simply draws an arrow to the left.

This button is needed in order to wash the letters. It removes those letters that are printed before the blinking stick (cursor). Also, the Backspace button is used to raise the text above.

Under the key to delete text there is a Enter key.

It is designed to lower the text below and go to the next line.

Consider the buttons that are between the alphabet and numeric keypad. These are the buttons like Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, Page Down and the arrow buttons. They are needed in order to work with the text without the help of the mouse.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/316/images/image020_44.gif "alt \u003d" (! Lang: Print Screen" width="150" height="56 src=">!}

In this article, we looked at the keyboard keys. Many of them are most likely you will never need. But there are those keyboard keys that you will use quite often.

Keyboard buttons to remember

https://pandia.ru/text/78/316/images/image021_45.gif "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Caps Lock" width="78" height="42">- после нажатия этой кнопки все буквы будут печататься большими. Чтобы вернуть печать маленькими буквами, нужно еще раз нажать кнопку Caps Lock.!}

- Does indent (red string).

Space. With this button, you can make a distance between the words.

Lowers on the string below. To do this, you need to put a flashing wand (flashing cursor) to the top of the part of the text you want to lower down and press the ENTER button.

Removes the symbol before the blinking cursor. Simply put, erases the text. Also, this button raises the text on the string above. To do this, put a flashing wand (flashing cursor) to the top of that part of the text you want to raise up, and click on the "Backspace" button.

And when writing a letter and calculating digital data, cannot do without keyboard - Basic information entry to the computer. This section tells about the basics of working with the keyboard and introduces the keyboard commands.

How the keyboard keys are ordered

Keyboard keys Computer can be divided into several groups of functions:

  • Letters (letters and numbers). These are keystap keys, numbers, punctuation and symbols, as on the usual typewriter.
  • Office keys. These keys are used individually or in combination with other keys to perform certain actions. Most often used Ctrl, Alt, Esc and keys with Windows emblem.
  • Function keys. Function keys are used to perform special tasks. They are indicated F1, F2, F3 and so on, to F12. Depending on the program, the functionality of these keys may vary.
  • Navigation keys. These keys are used to move across documents, web pages, as well as to edit text. These include arrow keys, HOME, END, Page Up, Page Down, Delete and Insert.
  • Numeric keypad. On the numeric keypad, it is convenient to quickly enter numbers. The keys are grouped into the block, as on the usual calculator.

The figure below shows how these keys are located on a typical keyboard. You may have another keyboard layout.

Entering data from keyboard

When you need to enter something into the program, in the message e-mail or in the field, the vertical feature flashes on the screen (|). This cursor, which also call the input position. It shows where the input will begin. You can move the cursor by clicking the desired location or using the navigation keys (see this section item).

In addition to letters, digits, punctuation and symbols, the input keys also include the tabs key, Shift, Caps Lock, Enter, Space and Backspace.

Title key

Using a key


To enter a capital letter, press this letter in conjunction with the SHIFT key. If you press the SHIFT key in combination with another key, you can enter the character shown on the top of the key.

Caps Lock.

To enter only capital letters, press CAPS LOCK once. If you press the CAPS LOCK key again, this feature will be disabled. On the keyboard there may be a light indicator that shows the CAPS LOCK function is enabled.

If you press the Tab tab, the cursor will move to several gaps forward. Also using the tab key you can go to the next field in the form.


If you press the Enter key, the cursor will move to the top of the next line. Pressing the Enter key allows you to select a selected button.


If you press the Space key, the cursor moves to one gap forward.


By pressing the Backspace key, you can delete the symbol before the cursor or selected text.

Using keyboard shortcuts


Windows emblem key

Open the Start menu

Alt + Tab.

switching between open applications or windows

Alt + F4.

Close the active object or exit the active program

Ctrl + S.

Ctrl + C.

Copy selected object

Ctrl + X.

Cut selected object

Ctrl + V.

Insert the selected object

Ctrl + Z.

Cancel action

Ctrl + A.

Select all objects in the document or window

Open Help Program or Windows

Key with Windows + F1 emblem

Open Windows Help and Support

Cancel current task

Key "Context"

Open the context menu of commands associated with the selected object or objects in the program. It is equivalent to pressing the right mouse button.

Use the navigation keys

Navigation keys allow you to move the cursor, navigate through documents and web pages, as well as edit text. The table contains a list of the basic functions of such keys.

To perform such an action

Arrow left, arrow right, up arrow or arrow down

Move the cursor or allocation to one spacebar or string in the direction of the arrow, or scroll through the web page in the direction of the arrow


Move the cursor to the top of the string or web page

Move the cursor to the end of the string or web page

Ctrl + Home.

Go to top of the document

Ctrl + End.

Go to the end of the document

Page Up.

Move the cursor or go to the screen page above

Page Down

Move the cursor or go to the screen below


Remove the symbol before the cursor or selected text, in Windows - delete the selected object and move it to the "Basket"


Enable or disable insert mode. When the text insertion mode is entered in appears in the cursor position. When the insertion mode is turned off, the text that is entered, replaces the existing characters.

Using a numeric keypad

On the numeric keypad are the numbers from 0 to 9, the signs of arithmetic action + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication) and / (division), as well as a decimal comma, as on the calculator. These characters are duplicated on other keys, but their location on the numeric keypad allows you to quickly enter digital data or signs of mathematical operations with one hand.

To use for entering the numbers with a numeric keypad, press the NUM LOCK key. Most keyboards have a light indicator that indicates whether the Num Lock function is turned on. When Num Lock is disabled, the digital keyboard functions as the second set of the transition keys (these features are depicted on the keys in numbers and characters).

Also, using a numeric keypad, you can perform simple calculations in the Calculator program.

Management of the Calculator program with a numeric keypad

  1. Open the Calculator program.
  2. Look at the keyboard indicator to find out, Num Lock is enabled. If Num Lock is disabled, press the key.
  3. Using the numeric keypad, enter the first number of counting.
  4. On the numeric keypad, press the + button to add - for subtraction, * for multiplication or / for division
  5. Enter the following number in the counting.
  6. To complete the calculation, press the ENTER key.

Three Additional Keyboard Keys

We have already examined almost all the keys that you can use. But for curious, let's look at the three most mysterious keys on the keyboard: PRTSCN, SCROLL LOCK and Pause / Break.

PRTSCN key (or Print Screen)

Once this key really performed the function that its name indicates (i.e., "screen printing") - sent the text of the current screen to the printer. Now pressing PRTSCN fixes the image of the entire screen (makes a snapshot of the screen) and copies it to the clipboard in the computer's memory. From there, it can be inserted (by pressing the Ctrl + V keys) in Microsoft Paint or another program and, if desired, print out this program.

On some keyboards, the PRTSCN key also marked the SYS RQ command - it is still mysterious. SYS RQ someday meant "System Request" - "System Request", but in Windows this command is not available.

For more information about the PRINT SCREEN key, see Creating a Screenshot (Print Screen key).

reference: To secure the image of not the entire screen, but only the active window, press Alt + PRTSCN.


In most programs, pressing the SCROLL Lock does not give any effect. In some programs, pressing the SCROLL Lock changes the behavior of the arrow keys and the Page Up and Page Down: Press these keys calls the scrolling of the document without changing the position of the cursor or selection. On the keyboard there may be a light indicator that shows the SCROLL LOCK function is enabled.

Pause / Break key

This key is rarely used. In some ancient programs, pressing the Pause / Break can suspend the program, and pressing the CTRL + PAUSE / BREAK key can stop executing the program.

Other keys

On some modern keyboards there are also "hotkeys" or buttons that provide fast, in one touch, access to programs, files or commands. In other models, there is a volume adjustment, scroll wheels and scale and other gadgets.

You can learn more about these features from the instructions for the keyboard or computer, or on the manufacturer's website.

Proper use of the keyboard It can prevent pain or damage to wrists and hands, especially with a long-term use of a computer.

Here are some tips to help prevent problems:

  • Place the Keyboard at the elbow level. Your forearms should fall relaxed on the sides.
  • Place the keyboard in the center in front of you. If there is a separate group of digital keys on the keyboard, you can read the "Space" key with a central point.
  • During input, your hands and wrists should stay above the keyboard.So that far-spaced keys can be taken by the movement of the whole hand, and not pulling the fingers.
  • Do not put palm or wrists on any surface when entering text. If the keyboard has a recreation area of \u200b\u200bwrists, use it only during breaks in text input.
  • During text input press the keys easily, your wrists must be straight.
  • If you do not enter the text, relax hands.
  • Make short breaks in the computer every 15-20 minutes.

Traditional keyboard - laptop, or, "desktop", despite the dominance and universal prevalence of "sensors" on smartphones and tablets - when using people, sometimes, begin to forget what the keys are the object that uses ubiquitous demand. Stylish and - welcome piece of computer interior of any IT enthusiast.

Ease of use of the appropriate hardware component of the PC, and not only its appearance is also an important criterion for the comfort of the owner of the computer. The keyboard is, historically, the first PC control, the mouse was invented later. And therefore, the keys of the device are especially in combination with others - by default, a very efficient and functional tool in the user's hands. There is a version that the technological features of the "desktops" and laptops predetermine some difference between the capabilities of the keyboards, with which the corresponding types of devices are controlled.

Does the value of the computer keyboard type from the point of view of the key functional purpose? Is there a difference between standardization policies in this aspect, carried out by different laptop brands? What key combinations can we highlight as the most useful?

Keys on a laptop and "desktop": comparison

The principal difference between the way the keyboard of the laptop and the "desktop" is usually observed. This is understandable - manufacturers of computers try to release the appropriate controls, adhering to the standards so that people are more willing to buy equipment without fear that they will have to adapt their skills to the new location of the keys. It is worth it, however, it is worth noting that this thesis is valid if a computer is taken in consideration in the most popular architecture today - there are other standards of hardware-software PCs - such as, for example, Macintosh.

Standardization of functions

Therefore, it does not matter if we are talking about the same platform that we have the buttons in the "desktop" version or a laptop keyboard - the key destination will be almost the same in all cases. However, there are still nuances. In many ways, they are determined primarily by the difference in the size of the "desktop" and a laptop. At the disposal of the user of a regular PC, as a rule - a whole table. It can accommodate a very large keyboard. In the most courageous design formats. Another thing is the laptop keyboard. The purpose of the keys on it, although practically the same as on the "desktop" - the buttons have to be extremely compact. As a result, the manufacturer of a laptop may decide that in principle to remove some keys groups.

Is it distinguished by the designation depending on the specific brand? For the most part, no. And it is also largely due to the marketing factor: the brand-producer wants the user to relate to the fact that at its disposal - the laptop keyboard "Lenovo", could easily adapt to the similar hardware component from ASUS, and vice versa. Differences if they are, then they, as a rule, are in the design of buttons, their height, shape, color, manufacturing material. The keyboard for the Acer laptop is thus almost identical to the analogues from ASUS, HP, Dell and other brands, based on the purpose of the buttons.

However, it will be useful to know the key features of the distribution of functions tied to specific keys. No matter - we are talking about buttons adapted for a "desktop", or the laptop keyboard is studied. Purpose of key functional groups, especially in combination with others, is a very interesting area of \u200b\u200bstudy of computer capabilities. So let's start with the study of the corresponding types of buttons.

Function keys

The function keys on the keyboard of the laptop are practically present - if it comes to techniques released by well-known manufacturers - Acer, Lenovo, ASUS. Consider what each responding is responsible for. Total function keys 12. They are located above all the others. Let's explore what they answer.

The F1 key is almost always programmed to call help - in the operating system or in some separate program. This feature can be said is unchanged for all PC models - the keyboard for the HP, Lenovo laptop is used, or, asus - without any difference. In some cases, if the built-in help file is not provided for by the program, pressing F1 can give the computer to the computer for downloading the manufacturer's Internet page with the necessary information.

Traditional Purpose F2 - Laptop keyboard keys or "desktop" to rename a dedicated file or folder.

The F3 button in most cases is responsible for calling the Windows Search Engine - loading its common interface using which you can search for files throughout the computer, or local - in a separate window. If a folder is open, then the search will be conducted by objects located in it if the browser window is active or, say, Word, then on the page on the page.

The F4 key is mainly adapted to the use of third-party file shells - such as, for example, Total Commander. Her utility in Windows is assessed by many experts as not so obvious. But with this opinion you can argue: by pressing F4, say, in the browser, you can open the address bar - it is faster than a similar action with the mouse.

The F5 key is designed to quickly update the contents of the application window, desktop or Windows Explorer. At the same time, in third-party file shells, its use is usually completely different. For example, in Total Commander using this keypad key or "desktop", files and folders are moving.

The F6 key has approximately the same functional purpose as F4. True, in this case, as a rule, a list with the history of sites in the browser address bar is not activated.

Some buttons on the laptop keypad and the "desktop" - F7, F8, F9, and the F12 do not have a strict functional binding. Depending on the specific program, or, the device model, they can be programmed to different commands. This is exactly the case when we can observe incubation of technologies used by brands-manufacturers of equipment or programs.

In turn, the value of the keyboard keypad or "desktop" F10 and F11 is sufficiently standardized - if we are talking about using them in the Windows system. The F10 button is responsible for opening the application menu. F11 is usually programmed to switch the windows from the usual mode to the full screen and vice versa.

Laptop keyboard keys have a distinctive specificity: as a rule, the actions that imply their combination with the specific Fn button, which on the keyboards "desktops" in most cases is missing. Now we will look at the features of working with them.

FN key

On the laptop, as a rule, is allocated in a separate color - for example, white, or blue - so that the user can easily detect it on the keyboard. Such keys on the device are usually one or two. Pressing Fn in pure form, as a rule, does not imply any function. But its combination with the function keys is programmed to a large number of useful actions. Their content depends on the laptop brand. The Asus laptop keyboard, thus, may differ in the activation aspect of the Fn key from a similar hardware element in Lenovo or Acer devices. However, experts allocate several regular patterns for all computers regarding the use of FN capabilities. Consider them.

In combination with the F1 button, the Fn key may, for example, give the computer to switch off (power off). It saves time if you compare this operation with a similar procedure conducted with the mouse.

In combination with the F2 button, the Fn key in some cases allows you to call the settings window associated with energy saving. This option may be useful if, for example, it was found that the laptop ends the battery charge, and it urgently needs to be translated into another, more economical mode of operation.

The FN key on a laptop in combination with the F3 button can be responsible for switching on and off wireless interfaces - for example, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This is convenient if, for example, there are no hardware switches on the computer housing, with which you can perform similar actions.

In combination with the F4 button, the Fn key is usually programmed to transfer the computer to the switch to sleep mode (without shutting down). In some laptops brands, the same combination is also responsible for the "awakening" of the computer.

Using the FN and F5 combination on most of the techniques, you can activate or deactivate the video output to the external display connected via the wired interface to the video card. At the same time, on many laptops, this is the only way to carry out this kind of action by the hardware method - an alternative can be enough to have a long-time output procedure by software settings.

Disable the monitor, as a rule, allows the combination of Fn and F6 or F7. This key assignment is useful if, for example, the user decided to move away from the computer for a while - in this case, you can save electricity by turning off the display.

A sufficiently useful combination - Fn and F8. It allows you to enable or disable the sound on the computer (at the same time, the current sound level is not reset - after pressing this combination, the settings are restored). This key destination is useful if, for example, someone called the phone, you need to urgently answer, and loud music is playing on the PC.

Many laptops provide temporary disabling Touch Pad - built-in touch-type device that performs similar functions of the function. This action can be implemented by pressing the FN and F9 combination.

If you use the FN and F10 combination, you can change the keyboard layout. This is useful if, for example, more familiar keys for some reason do not work.

If there is a numeric keypad on the laptop (usually right), then activate, or it can be deactivated by using the FN and F11 combination.

The Fn and F12 combination can be programmed under a fairly wide range of actions, depending on the specific model of the computer. The HP laptop keyboard can provide a single, similar hardware component from Acer - another. In some cases, this combination implies some software action - for example, the activation of the function of moving the screen running, in particular, in the Excel program.

Also note that the Fn key can be programmed to any function in combination not only with the buttons with the F index, but also in combination with the usual, which are located below on the keyboard. Again, it all depends on the device model. ASUS laptop keyboard can have its own rules for Lenovo, they can be completely different. For example, in some models of devices, the Fn combination and the keys on which the number 1 (and an exclamation mark) is displayed, can adjust the display brightness level. The combination of Fn and the buttons on which the number 2 is drawn (@ icon) may, in turn, control the sound volume.

So we studied, what features the laptop keyboard is characterized, the purpose of the functional keypad. We now turn to the study of the most interesting category of buttons. They are called hot keys. What are their features?


Almost all keyboards intended for PCs in the IBM architecture and running Windows, and therefore, in laptops, too, there are so-called "hotkeys". They are designed to quickly activate some hardware or software functions of the OS, the challenge of which by the actions of the mouse is usually longer and more difficult. Consider the spectrum of the most popular features that give hotkeys in Windows 7 - one of the most popular operating systems today. Note that those combinations of the buttons that we give below work if we have any device for entering data - "desktop" option, or the keyboard of the ASUS laptop. The appointment of the "hot-type" keys, in general, on all devices the same. Provided, of course, that Windows installed on them.

Hot keys with Alt Pressing

One of the basic keyboard buttons involved when activating various functions in "hot" mode - Alt. What opportunities does it open in combination with other keys? Among the most remarkable functions - activation, or deactivation of the file panel: for this you need to use a combination of Alt and P.

The ALT and TAB combination allows you to quickly switch between active applications running in Windows. The ALT key in combination with the UP button allows you to rise above in the open window structure with folders. The ALT and F4 combination closes the active application window, or, exit a program or a computer game. The Alt and space combination allows you to open the context menu of the running window.

Hot keys pressing Ctrl

Another group of useful combinations "is headed by" the Ctrl key. Consider examples of popular combinations. The Ctrl and A combination allows you to highlight all files and folders in the window, or all the text and other objects located on the document page or, for example, in the browser. Combination Ctrl and C is a convenient and known to many users to copy text and other objects. If you replace the second letter to V, then you can insert the selected one. When using x instead of C - the object is "cut out", and after pressing V - moves to the user specified by the user.

The Ctrl and N combination allows you to create a new file or document in the appropriate editor program if you replace N to O - then open the object. The Ctrl and P combination sends text or other data from the print screen to the printer. The Ctrl and Z combination allows you to cancel the last of the user performed by the user. The combination of Ctrl and F4 is a little similar to Pressing Alt and F4 - the active window is closed with the document, while in the second case, exit from the running program is completely. By pressing Ctrl and Esc, you can open the "Start" menu. By using the combination of three keys - Ctrl, SHIFT and N, you can create a new folder. Task Manager can be called by pressing the CTRL and TAB combination.

Hot keys and Win button

In most cases, the button on the keyboard of the laptop or "desktop" contains the WIN key. This button like the Microsoft brand check box. She is, in its kind, adapted to the Windows operating system. By the way, it was introduced into the keyboard structure, it was relatively recently (if you compare with the evolution of the development of the appropriate hardware component of the PC) - in 1995, after entering the market of Windows 95. In other OS, it is usually not functional. Although it is not always so - in many modern operating systems on the open code of the function based on the Win button, it is quite fully implemented. Still, a trend reflecting the standardization of technologies is characteristic not only for the hardware region, but also for software. Consider what options the use of the Win key in combination with other buttons.

If you press a combination of Win and Up, you can deploy an active application window to the entire screen. In turn, if you replace in this combination of UP to DOWN, the window will come, or its initial size will be restored. When you press Win and the "Left" arrow, the active window moves to the left side of the screen. If you use the "Right" button, the window will also shift in the same direction. The combination of Win and Home allows you to simultaneously collapse, or deploy all windows, except what acts as active. Using the Win and E combination, you can open the Windows Explorer. Increase or reduce the image on the screen, using the combination of Win and the "+" or "-" buttons. The combination of win and f launches the file search system.

Standardization "Software"

We note the most important nuance - all the above-described patterns in the aspect fully functional when working in Windows. If the user has a different operating system - for example, Linux or Google OS, then discrepancies in the aspect of the binding of buttons combinations to one or another functions are possible. At the same time, as many IT experts say, the universalization of technologies is observed not only at the hardware level - in relation to the purpose of the keys (we were told at the beginning of the article), but also in the programmey direction. That is, if we talk about the latest versions of OS other than Windows, in many of these, the algorithms for the implementation of "hot" functions or involve, say, the Win keys are similar to those (and even identical), which are present in the most popular in world operating system.

We also note that historically Windows is not the first operating system under which the keys that we studied today have been adapted. By the time of this OS, the keyboard market with the location of functional and other buttons is identical to how we see them now, or very similarly - there have been no one decade. So, it is more right to say that the functional purpose of many keys is dictated not only by Windows leadership, but also historical prerequisites.


After studying the design features of the keyboard for "desktops" and laptops, we can make a number of conclusions.

First, there are groups of keys that have sufficiently strict reference to some specific functions - and such majority. There are, in turn, the buttons that allow you to transfer the computer to the computer, depending on the context of a specific application.

Secondly, we have the right to celebrate a rather large variety of combinations of various keys. In many cases, they can be used as an effective alternative to working with the mouse, and, as a result, use PC more effectively.

Thirdly, we have the right to mark a high level of standardization not only in the aspect of the location and purpose of the keys, but also at the level of interpretation of their various combinations of PC software elements - operating system, applications for viewing and editing files, browsers.

The article will consider the modern layout of the computer keyboard and its purpose, the description of the keys and the photo will be given.

The keyboard passed a number of modifications from 1984 to our time. She acquired additional elements to make a computer work easier for beginners and more comfortable for professionals.

Any user is now available equipment for its creative ambitions.

Computer keyboard - Photo, description and device

The number of duplicating keys affects the size of the keyboard. For example, for convenience, some manufacturers provide the device with a separate digital set.

Most hackers and programmers ignore the use of the mouse in the main work. For such users, the distance between the keys is very important, which affects the size of the keyboard.

The location of the personal computer keys is different from the laptop. Because of this, users connect the external device without losing mobility.

"Hot Keys" - the most useful combinations

To speed up work in programs, fast key combinations are provided. They are also called "hot" keys. Conditionally divided into groups.

Exchange buffer:

  • "Shift" + Insert - the insertion of the fragment copied to the clipboard;
  • "Control" + INSERT - copying a fragment into a buffer;
  • "Shift" + Del - cutting out the fragment and placing it into the buffer with the possibility of insertion.

Font editing:

  • "Control" + "and" - the allocation of text "fat";
  • "Control" + "sh" - meanwriting;
  • "Control" + "G" - to emphasize.

Text alignment:

  • "Control" + "D" - on the left edge of the document;
  • "Control" + "U" - centering;
  • "Control" + "K" - on the right side of the document;
  • "Control" + "O" - uniform distribution of text between fields.

The hidden combinations of the operating system allow you to now customize the computer without opening the parameters:

  • Windows + "+" : open the Center for Action;
  • Windows + "I":gain access to Windows settings;
  • Windows + "S":start the Cortana program;
  • Windows + "C":translate Cortana to listening mode.

Keyboard keypad

We will analyze more keys function.


The letters on any keyboard are located on the QWERTY principle, since it was precisely such a layout on printed machines. Programmers from Microsoft decided not to change the transition from printing into electronics to be familiar even to the machines.

This approach was reasonable. Users of printed machines did not conceive how to put one or another symbol. For example, a square bracket or an exclamation mark.

You only need to monitor and switch the keyboard layout on time. Tip from the operating system is in the lower right corner (near the date and time).

Numbers and signs

Between the letter "E" and the "BEXPEIS" key, there are numeric keys from one to zero. When you click on them, the user can dial in the text or produce arithmetic action.

To put the punctuation marks and other characters specified on the buttons with numbers, you should climb the "Shift" key (the side does not matter) and the corresponding digit.

Showing below what icon on which digit is located:

  1. – «!»;
  2. - "quotes" (rus.) Or "@" (eng.);
  3. - "Number" (rus.) Or "Lattice" (eng.);
  4. - "Dollar" (eng.) Or ";" (rus.);
  5. - "percent";
  6. - "colon" (rus) or "tick" (eng.);
  7. - "Question mark" (Rus) or "&" (English);
  8. - "Multiplication Sign"
  9. – «(»;
  10. - She key "0" is responsible for the sign ")";
  11. - It does not have figures, but "Damfis" is drawn. If you click "Shift" + this button, then the "Lower underscore" _ "will turn out.
  12. the last button before "backspase" is "+", and with the "Shift" there will be an "\u003d" icon.

The following punctuation marks can be inserted using the keyboard keys with letters:

On the key with which letter is the symbol Which symbol can be obtained
in the English layout with the SHIFT key in the English layout
H. (Figure bracket left [Square Left Square
Kommersant ) Figure brace right ] Square bracket right
J. : colon ; semicolon
E. "» Quotes 'Upper comma
B. < математический знак меньше , comma
YU \u003e Mathematical Sign More . point

F1 - F12

Twelve keys of the top are called functional. They allow you to work with the operating system without the help of the mouse.

In some cases, it allows you to do without auxiliary programs:

  • F1 - Causes a certificate;
  • F2 - renames the selected file or folder;
  • F3 - opens the search bar;
  • F4 - opens the history of address requests or browser;
  • F5 - update working window;
  • F6 - highlights the tabs of the working window;
  • F7 - launch of spelling and punctuation checking system;
  • F8 - more often used for user loading mode;
  • F9 - Some programs launches the measuring instrument panel;
  • F10 - opens access to the active program menu;
  • F11 - transition to full screen mode;
  • F12 - Opening the Document Saving Menu.


The key to the English Escape is to avoid. Interrupt the operating computer command or cancel.


On the keyboard, instead of abbreviation, an operating system icon is applied. By default, Windows opens the "Start" menu.

If you combine with the "B" key, then you can achieve coagulation of windows. The transition is carried out by combining Windows + Tab, and Windows + "A" is a search command on a computer.


There is a similar key only on laptops. Designed to switch the settings and function keys.


Switches the registers of the capital and line set of letters in the text. The SHIFT + END combination allows you to highlight the string in the text, the SHIFT + HOME combination cancels the action.

Text design buttons

Here will be presented special keys that help edit user-called text.

Special keys


The purpose of this command from the keyboard is a good removal of the symbol from the left side of the cursor. Apply well in a text editor when typing. When combined with the "Alternative" key ("Alt") cancels the last action in the program.

In the file manager, switches to the superior folder. In the photo viewer, the viewer returns to the previous photo.


The key shares the words in the document text. Makes indents between characters. When the replacement is enabled, it can be used as the "Delete" key. In this case, the reference information from the cursor is erased.

The key is designed to enter the command, confirm the selected action, output to the screen of the result of a mathematical function.


It has a light indicator on some keyboards. When a single press includes a constant text set mode with capital letters.

In the lexicon of users there is an expression "do not capse" (do not write large) - this is a request to disable this feature (remove large letters).

Tabulation is used in text editors to create the first retirement (red row). When combining the keys with Alt, the possibility of transition between the program windows opens. If an appropriate option in the system is enabled, then turning will be held in the beautiful mode "Aero".

Useful with a disabled or sudden mouse fault. Allows you to transfer the cursor from one row of the context menu to another.

Additional keys

INSERT - Key Even in combination is designed to insert either a fragment replacement. In text editors, it allows you to operate information in the exchange buffer.

Home - In the texts, it transfers the cursor to the beginning of the string, allowing the user to edit without the mouse's help.

Page Up - the transition from the current place to the page above.

Page Down - scrolling the page down.

Arrows - the direction of the keys indicates which way the cursor will be moved. When combination with the "Windows" key moves the active window to the right or left. If you press the up or down direction, the window will unfold.

Pause - designed to stop the multimedia player for a while. Repeated pressing will continue to play.

"Digital Castle" (Numlock) is used to disconnect the numeric keypad.

"Printscreen" key to fix the screen as a screenshot.

Category issues and answers

  • How to make a capital letter on the keyboard?

Using two keys: "Capslock" or "Shift" + key with a letter.

  • How to put a point and comma on the keyboard?

Point at the end of the line can be put in the key located on the left of the right "chiffs". The second method is suitable for English layouts - you should press the key with the Russian letter "YU" (for the comma "B"). An example is described in the table above.

Put the comma, you can simply press Del.

  • How to put the top comma on the keyboard?

The so-called apostrophe on the computer is placed by switching the layout into English and pressing the "E" key. An example is described in the table above.

Knowing all combinations can be a real lord of its computer. Even with a non-working computer mouse, the work will not be suspended. And the so-called "hotkeys" must be remembered even to a schoolboy as the main assistants when typing and editing text.

We have already learned. Now it's time to study the keyboard. In order to write a letter, or the request in the Internet search engine, without the keyboard, we can not do. In addition, if you do not work the mouse, you can use the keyboard. It is enough to know a few simple commands. Real programmers and hackers do not work at all. For them, the main tool is the keyboard. Perhaps you will also ever work, but for now we will study the basics of work on the keyboard.

Location of keys

The entire keyboard, depending on the functions, can be visually divided into several groups:

  • Function keys (F1-F12) - Used to perform special tasks. If you re-press the same key, then the action is canceled. The F1 key - calls the help of the program in which you are currently at the moment;
  • Alphanumeric - These are keys with letters, numbers, punctuation and symbols.
  • Control keys- These include keys HomeEnd,PageUp,PageDOWN,Delete. and Insert..
  • Control keys cursor- Used to move the cursor by documents, web pages, edit text, etc. Control keys (modifiers) (CtrlAlt,Caps.LockWINFN.) - Used in various combinations and separately.
  • Digital keys- For quick input numbers.
  • Editing keysBackspace, Delete..

The keyboard layouts may differ slightly. Often there are still multimedia keys on modern keyboards. Such as the inclusion / disconnection of the audio, the volume control, transition to the mailbox, etc.

Keypad key destination

Each key performs a specific action:

  • SPACE KEY- The longest key on the keyboard. Located at the very bottom in the middle. In addition to its main function, do
    The gap between the words, it also removes the "dedicated" object.
  • ESC- cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).
  • PRINT SCREEN.- a "snapshot" of the screen. This screen snapshot can be inserted into Word or Paint. This screen of the screen is called a screenshot. As well as this key displays the contents of the screen.
  • Scroll Lock.- Used, to scroll up-down information, but not on all computers this button works.
  • Pause / Break- Restore the current computer process, but also does not work on all computers.
  • Insert.- It serves to print the text over the already printed. If you click on this key, the new text will be printed erase old. To cancel this action, you need to press the INSERT button again.
  • Delete.(on the keyboard is often designated abbreviated Del.) - Delete. Removes signs on the right side of the flashing cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text, folders, files).
  • HOME- Go to the beginning of the filled line.
  • End.- Go to the end of the filled line.
  • Page Up. - turns the page forward.
  • Page Down- turns the page back.
  • Backspase.- Removes signs to the left of the flashing cursor during text typing. And returns to the previous page in browsers and in the "Explorer" windows, replacing the arrow "Back", in the upper left corner.
  • Tab.- Tabulation fixes the cursor in a specific location of the line.
  • Caps Lock.- Switch of capital and uppercase letters.
  • Shift.- Short-term pressing of this key - gives a capital letter. In order to print the title, you must first press the Shift key and hold it down to press the desired letter. The SHIFT key can be pressed both on the left, and to the left, as you are more convenient.
  • Alt.- To go to the opposite language (from English to Russian and vice versa) - you need to press the Alt key and without releasing its SHIFT key. Pressing and holding the ALTGR key (right alt) is used to go to the second keyboard level.
  • Ctrl- Right and left. Opens additional programs.
  • Nut Look- Includes an additional digital keyboard.
  • ENTER- The information entry key confirms the "Yes" command, or go to the next line.
    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (left). Using these arrows, you can move not only by text that you print, but also by open pages of sites and programs.


You probably heard such an expression. " Hot"They are called because when you click on a combination of these keys, you can quickly call some kind of program or menu.

Each program has its own set of such keys. It is not necessary to memorize them. If you are constantly working in some kind of program, then there is a sense to memorize them. Gradually, we with you many of these combinations will be studied.

In many program windows, when opening any menu, opposite this or that command, the shortcuts are specified to call the same command.

Keyboard shortcuts

Usually such combinations are indicated by the sign + (Plus). For example, Win + E.. This means that you must first press the key WIN.and then key E..

Letters mean Latin, regardless of which layout you have at the moment.

The most necessary steps on the keyboard

  • In order to switch to another language, you must click on the key simultaneously Shift. + Alt. or Shift. + Ctrl.
  • In order to print large (title) letterneed to hold the key Shift. And click on the desired letter.
  • To print all the text only in large letters, press the key. Caps. Lock And let go. And in order to go to small letters again, press this key again.
  • In order to print a comma, you must press the key Shift. and comma key. They are usually located close to the right.
  • The point in the English layout is located near, to the left of the point of the Russian layout.
  • To quickly call the menu Start, you can press the key WIN.. It is usually drawn the window icon (Windows Logo).
  • Key FN. Designed for a laptop. If you press it and any of the keys F.1- F.10 You can enable or disable additional features. Usually on the keys F.1- F.10 A small icon is drawn, which shows that this particular key does.

While these knowledge of the keyboard is enough for you. Find each key on your keyboard and try it in action.