Methodological development in the Russian language (Grade 5) on the topic: an outline of a lesson in the Russian language. spelling hare

Summary of the lesson in Russian (No. 1)


Theme. RR Writing a text on the text "Tricky Hare."

5th grade. The Russian language program edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya (2 lessons on this topic; this lesson is 1).

purpose   - text presentation training.


  1. Educational: to teach to correctly understand the information of the oral message.
  2. Developing: to develop students' written language.
  3. Educational: love and respect for the native language.

The type of lesson is combined.

Time grid

  1. Organizational moment - 2 minutes
  2. Repetition (features of a written retelling) - 6 minutes
  3. Reading text - 3 minutes
  4. Work on the text - 25 minutes
  5. Physical minutes - 2 minutes
  6. Lesson summary - 2 minutes
  7. Lesson number 2 (held on the same day) - writing the presentation

Equipment: spelling dictionaries, explanatory dictionary, speech development notebooks, multimedia.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time:   writing the number and topic (type of work) in a notebook.
  2. Reiteration.

Guys do you thinkwhat is the statement? (answer options: text, writing, retelling,written retelling) It is important to note that the complexity and feature of the presentation, firstly, is that it is a written retelling.

Now let's thinkwhat difficulties we may have  with a written retelling? (answer options:understand correctly   text correctly identifythe topic   (immediately pay attention to the definition of the topic (what is said in the text) and where the topic can be clearly, clearly reflected (in the title), it is important to understand what the author wanted to say with all this text (i.e. why he wrote it, i.e. try to define an idea) try not to allowspelling mistakes  (work with the dictionary), correctly understandmeaning of words   (work with explanatory dictionary)).

Well done!

  1. Reading text.

Once with me on a hunt there was such an incident. I went hunting for hares. An hour later, my dogs found a hare in the forest and drove. I stood on the track and wait.

Dogs are chasing a hare through a forest felling, but the hare does not run out. Where did he go? I waited, I waited and went into the clearing to see what was the matter. I’m looking: my dogs scamper through the bushes around the stumps, sniff the ground, cannot understand the hare’s tracks. Where to hide a hare in a clearing?

I went to the middle of the meadow and I don’t understand anything. Then he accidentally looked away, and froze. Five steps away from me, at the top of a high stump, a hare lurked, my little eyes glared at me as if they were asking: “Don’t give me to the dogs!”

I am ashamed to kill the animal. I lowered the gun, recalled the hounds. We went to look for other birds with one stone, and passed this difficult test for cunning. Let them live, they teach the rabbit to the mind.

  1. Work on the text.
  1. Vocabulary work.

Identify which words in the text are incomprehensible. Ask the guys to try to explain the meaning of these words, and then clarify the lexical meaning of the dictionary.

Hounds   - A special breed of hunting dogs.

It teaches intelligence   - conveys life experience.

To dig   - firmly, penetrate deeply, stick into something.

Exam   - check, test.


Jump, jump in the forest

Hares - gray glomeruli

  (Hands near the chest, like paws of a hare; jumping).

Jump - jump, jump - jump -

I got a hare on a stump

  (Jumping forward - backward)

He built everything in order, began to show charging.

Time! They walk everything in place.

Two! Hands waved together.

Three! We sat down, stood together.

Everything behind the ear was scratched.

Four stretched.

Five! Caved in and bent.

Six! Everyone stood in a row again

We walked like a squad.

  1. Questions on the text.

A. Did you like the text? What is he talking about? How can I title a text? What is the theme of the text? Was it reflected in the title that you proposed?

B. What type of speech did you recognize? Prove (narration with an element of reasoning). Note: the guys usually don’t have difficulty recognizing the narrative, but sometimes they have difficulties with reasoning, so you need to pay attention to the part of the text where the author’s reasoning is (ask additional questions).

B. What are the main three parts of the text. It is advisable to retell every part of the text. (example of an answer: one child names parts of the text, distributes the boundaries in the text of the presentation, and other children (one at a time) retell each part).

D. Why did the hunter feel ashamed to kill the animal? Note: it’s important not to let the guys stay within the boundaries of the text.

D. How do you understand the expression "passed the trick exam"?

E. What does cunning and smart mean? Are these synonyms? (what are synonyms?)

Cunning   - hiding his true intentions, walking indirectly, often fraudulently, towards the goal.

Smart   - possessing a developed mind, capable of complex reasoning and correct conclusions.

G. Do you think this story is only about a sly hare, an understanding hunter and stupid dogs, or something else?

Z. What does this story teach? What is the idea (to define the concept) of the story?

  1. Compilation of a complex plan(the plan is drawn up by the students, written on the board by the teacher, in parallel, the students make notes in the notebook)
  1. Introduction.
  1. The hounds tracked down the hare.
  1. Main part.
  1. The hare is gone.
  2. “Don't give me away!”
  1. Conclusion

3.1. The hunter spared the hare.

  1. Spelling preparation:case, by accident, occurred, track, forest, cutting down, top, gun, hounds, exam, hare, wisdom.
  1. Summarizing the lesson.

What are we doing today? Why do we need this? What is the practical use of the retelling skill?

Lesson 2 - writing a presentation.

List of references

Statement.  Which of the titles more clearly reflects the content of the text: “Case on the Hunt”, “How I Once Hunted” or “The Tricky Hare”? Indicate words that are close in meaning to words go, lookto scream, run, hide.

Write a summary of the plan below (from a 3rd person).

Once with me on the hunt there was such an incident.

I went hunting for hares. An hour later, my dogs found a hare in the forest and drove. I stood on the track and wait.

Dogs are chasing a hare through a forest clearing, but the hare does not run out. Where did he go? He waited, I waited and went into the clearing to see what was the matter. I’m looking: my dogs scamper through the bushes around the stumps, sniff the ground, cannot understand the hare’s tracks. Where to hide a hare in a clearing?

I went to the middle of the meadow and I don’t understand anything. Then he accidentally looked away, and froze. Five steps away from me, at the top of a high stump, a hare lurked, little eyes glared at me as if they were asking: "Don’t give me to the dogs!"

I am ashamed to kill a beast sitting five steps away from me. I lowered the gun, recalled the hounds. We went to look for other birds with one stone, and passed this difficult test for cunning. Let them live, they teach the rabbit to the mind. (According to G. A. Skrebitsky.)


    The hounds tracked down the hare. 3) "Do not betray me!"

2) The hare is gone. 4) The hunter spared the hare

How to prepare for presentation

    Read the text carefully.

    Find out the meaning of words you do not understand.

    Define the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. Find those words, phrases
    and suggestions that are especially important for its disclosure.

    Divide the text into parts and head them.

    Explain the spelling of the selected letters, as well as the placement of characters

    Re-read the text carefully again.

Now I will read the text. You will listen. For what purpose? (To determine the topic and idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.)

IV . Teacher reading text

Cunning hare

Once with me on a hunt there was such an incident. I went hunting for hares. An hour later, my dogs found a hare in the forest and drove. I stood on the track and wait.

Chasinga hare of a dog in a forest clearing, but a hare doesn’t run out. Where did he go? I waited, I waited and wentlook at the clearing what's the matter. I’m looking: my dogs scamper through the bushes around the stumps, sniff the ground, cannot understand the hare’s tracks. Where to hide a hare in a clearing? I went to the middle of the meadow and I don’t understand anything. Then he accidentally looked away, and froze. Five steps away from me, at the top of a high stump, a hare lurked, little eyes glared at me as if they were asking: "Do not give me to the dogs!"

I am ashamed to kill the animal. I lowered the gun, recalled the hounds. We went to look for other birds with one stone, and passed this difficult test for cunning. Let them live, they teach the rabbit to the mind.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

V . Conversation on the text

What task did you need to complete? (Define the theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.)

What is the text about? (About the hare) Formulate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. (The trick of the hare.)

Why? How can I title? Determine which of the listed names most clearly reflects the content of the text: “Case on the Hunt”, “How I Once Hunted”, “Tricky Hare”. What type of speech is the text read?

VI . Analysis of language features of the text

We have to find the expressive means of the language that the author of the text uses and determine their role in the text. Perform the task yourself. Use your cards as an assistant.

Student Assistant Card ( duplicated on the screen).

Give yourself a preliminary self-assessment for this assignment.. (Children raise self-esteem warning cards.)

We’ll check how you accomplished this task.

Once I had one incident.

How can I say otherwise? (Once, once). Author uses colloquial word time, which matches the style of the whole text.

I went hunting for hares.

Predicate set off - in the first place in the offer, for hares - at the end of the sentence. Why?

This word order allows us to emphasize that it will be told not just about hunting, but about the case with a hare.

For what purpose did we analyze the language features of the text?

Physical education .

VII . Text Planning

What will we do next? (We need to make a plan.) Why do we need a plan? (In order not to forget anything, to be consistent.) First, recall what varieties of the plan we know? (Simple, complex, quotation.)

Look at the plan that is presented on the board. (The outline of the text with omissions is given on the board):


    The hounds tracked down the hare.

    “Don't betray me!

What need to do? (The second and third parts of the plan should be entitled.)

Sample plan (on the board after the answers of the children):

    The hounds tracked down the hare.

    The hare is gone.

    “Don't give me away!”

    Trick exam passed.

IX . Error prevention


The words: hare, meadow, exam are presented on the slide.

Municipal educational institution secondary school 4 of the city of Rasskazovo, Tambov Region Skrebitsky (presentation to the Russian language lesson in grade 5 according to the textbook by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya) Prepared by V.N. Manokhina, teacher of Russian language and literature, Rasskazovo 2011

Teacher's word - Today we will write a statement. You did this kind of work back in elementary school, and everyone knows that writing is a retelling. How the retelling is carried out is also known: the teacher reads the text, and then everyone writes, they try to write as well as the writer did. They try to retell the article, that is, to state what they heard. Hence the name of the work: presentation.

What does it mean to write a detailed exposition? - The task of a detailed presentation is to reproduce the content of the text, retell it accurately, fully, consistently, trying to disclose the topic of the statement as the author did, and trying to preserve the language features of the text, if possible.

Why write a statement? After all, the writer wrote a story, it was printed, and everyone can read it. Why write again, especially since you can’t write a better writer? Maybe take and compose your story? After all, it will be very interesting to compose everything yourself. About a squirrel in a living corner, or about football, or how they hid from a thunderstorm when they went to the forest.

Before embarking on “writing”, you need to carefully “take a look” at how experienced writers do it. The art of word is very complex and diverse. It is almost impossible to understand this art on your own, to understand language skills on your own. Here we need analysis of exemplary texts. Here for such an analysis can be a retelling of the statement.

“... expanded the boundaries of our idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty in nature, which helps us better see our Motherland and love it passionately. His love of nature was an inexhaustible source of great love for his homeland. ” Vl. Arkhangelsk Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky

Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky was born in Moscow in 1903. He grew up and studied in the Tula province. He later moved to Moscow, where he lived until the day of his death in 1964. G. Skrebitsky traveled a lot with a gun and fishing rod, but his hunting trophies were usually modest. But from the trips he brought a lot of impressions, which formed the basis of his stories. Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky wrote many books, most of which you read because they were written for children and adolescents.

Reading the text Once with me on a hunt there was such an incident. I went hunting for hares. An hour later, my dogs found a hare in the forest and drove. I stood on the track and wait. Dogs are chasing a hare through a forest clearing, but the hare does not run out. Where did he go? He waited, I waited and went into the clearing to see what was the matter. I’m looking: my dogs scamper through the bushes around the stumps, sniff the ground, cannot understand the hare’s tracks. Where to hide a hare in a clearing?

Reading the text I went out into the middle of the meadow and I don’t understand anything. Then he accidentally looked away, and froze. Five steps away from me, at the top of a high stump, a hare lurked, little eyes glared at me as if asking: “Don’t give me to the dogs!” I was ashamed to kill the animal sitting five steps away from me. I lowered the gun, recalled the hounds. We went to look for other birds with one stone, and passed this difficult test for cunning. Let them live, they will teach to the mind, they teach the mind. (According to G. A. Skrebitsky.)

Conversation about the text - A well-drawn up plan reflects the main content of the text, the sequence of events, according to a good plan you can guess what the text will discuss, what is the topic of the statement. What are the main actions in the development of the event. - How does the text begin? - How does it end? - Are the beginning and end of the text related?

Chatting about the text - How would you define the subject of the story? What is he talking about? - Did the hunter do the right thing by lowering his gun? After all, he went hunting. “How would you rate the story if it ended like this:“ Although the hare was sitting close, I still shot, do not be oblique, such a simpleton! You can’t deceive me, I’m also a hunter? ”- What does the story teach?

Conversation about the text The title “Case on the Hunt” is suitable for many stories of this type, it is universal and does not express ideas, because it does not evaluate this case. The title “How I Hunted” is inaccurate, because after it a story about the hunting process is expected. It, like the first, has no evaluation, it is neutral. The third title (“The Tricky Hare”) reflects both the topic and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story, because it is a tricky hare: if it weren’t cunning, there would be no story.

Language analysis of the text I went hunting for hares. - The predicate went - in first place in the sentence, for the hares - at the end of the sentence. Why? “This word order allows us to emphasize that it will be told not just about hunting, but about the case with the hare.”

Language analysis of the text - What verbs did the writer use when “drawing” the actions of dogs? (“... found ... and drove”, “chased”, “rushed ... sniffed ... will not figure it out”, “search”.) - Find two interrogative sentences that convey the confusion, perplexity of the hunter. (Where did he go? Where is the hare in the meadow to hide?)

Language analysis of text - What verbs does the author use to describe the actions of a hare? (“Doesn’t run out”, “hide”, “lurked”, “stuck”, “ask”.) - What did the author see in the eyes of a hare? (Prayer, request.) - The hare trusted the man, believed in his kindness, and this caused the hunter pity for the hare.

Spelling analysis Once with me on a hunt there was such an incident. I went hunting for hares. An hour later, my dogs found a hare in the forest and drove. I stood on the track and wait. Dogs are chasing a hare through a forest clearing, but the hare does not run out. Where did he go? He waited, I waited and went into the clearing to see what was the matter. I’m looking: my dogs scamper through the bushes around the stumps, sniff the ground, cannot understand the hare’s tracks. Where to hide a hare in a clearing? I went to the middle of the meadow and I don’t understand anything. Then he accidentally looked away, and froze. Five steps away from me, at the top of a high stump, a hare lurked, little eyes glared at me as if they were asking: “Don’t give me to the dogs!” I was ashamed to kill the animal sitting five steps from me. I lowered the gun, recalled the hounds. We went to look for other birds with one stone, and passed this difficult test for cunning. Let them live, they teach the rabbit to the mind. (According to G. A. Skrebitsky.)

Punctuation analysis Once with me on the hunt there was such an incident. I went hunting for hares. An hour later, my dogs found a hare in the forest and drove. I stood on the track and wait. Dogs are chasing a hare through a forest clearing, but the hare does not run out. Where did he go? He waited, I waited and went into the clearing to see what was the matter. I’m looking: my dogs scamper through the bushes around the stumps, sniff the ground, cannot understand the hare’s tracks. Where to hide a hare in a clearing? I went to the middle of the meadow and I don’t understand anything. Then he accidentally looked away, and froze. Five steps away from me, at the top of a high stump, a hare lurked, little eyes glared at me as if they were asking: “Don’t give me to the dogs!” I was ashamed to kill the animal sitting five steps from me. I lowered the gun, recalled the hounds. We went to look for other birds with one stone, and passed this difficult test for cunning. Let them live, they teach the rabbit to the mind. (According to G. A. Skrebitsky.)

Literature 1.T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov and others. Russian language: a textbook for 5 cells. general education. institutions.– M .: Education, S. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language: Ok words / Ed. Corr. USSR Academy of Sciences N.Yu. Swede. - 18th ed., Stereotype. - M .: Rus. ide., Plenkin N.A. Summary with language analysis: A manual for the teacher. - 3rd ed., Revised. and add. –M .: Education,\u003d%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0% BA% D0% B0 +% D0% B3% D0 % BE% D0% BD% D1% 87% D0% B0% D1% 8F & hl \u003d ru & prmd \u003d ivns & source \u003d lnms & tbs \u003d isch: 1 & ei \u003d Tu4UTa6tI5Cu8QPH9Z2FBw & sa \u003d X & oi \u003d mode_link & ct \u003d mode & ved \u003d 0 & bhtt \u003d 0 & bi \u003d 95 & bh \u003d 95 & bhtt \u003d 0 & bh \u003d 0 ru / images? q \u003d% D0% A1% D0% BE% D0% B1% D0% B0% D0% BA% D0% B0 +% D0% B3% D0% BE% D0% BD% D1% 87% D0% B0 % D1% 8F & hl \u003d en & prmd \u003d ivns & source \u003d lnms & tbs \u003d isch: 1 & ei \u003d Tu4UTa6tI5Cu8QPH9Z2FBw & sa \u003d X & oi \u003d mode_link & ct \u003d mode & ved \u003d 0CBAQ_AU & biw \u003d 1680 & bih \u003d 959%% go D0% B0% D1% 8F% D1% 86 & hl \u003d en & prmd \u003d ivns & source \u003d lnms & tbs \u003d isch: 1 & ei \u003d k_QUTemzEsih8QOe9vTBg & sa \u003d X & oi \u003d mode_link & ct \u003d mode & ved \u003d 0CBMQ_AU & biw \u003d 95C \u003d 80B D0% 97% D0% B0% D1% 8F% D1% 86 & hl \u003d ru & prmd \u003d ivns & source \u003d lnms & tbs \u003d isch: 1 & ei \u003d k_QUTemzEsih8QOe9vTBg & sa \u003d X & oi \u003d mode_link & ct \u003d mode & ved \u003d 0CBMQhtt \u003d 6 & bimwht \u003d 9 & bimwht \u003d 9 & bimwht \u003d 95 ru / images? q \u003d% D0% 93% D0% B5% D0% BE% D1% 80% D0% B3% D0% B8% D0% B9 +% D0% 90% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BA % D1% 81% D 0% B5% D0% B5% D0% B2% D0% B8% D1% 87 +% D0% A1% D0% BA% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B1% D0% B8% D1% 86% D0% BA% D0% B8% D0% B9 & hl \u003d ru & pr md \u003d ivnso & source \u003d lnms & tbs \u003d isch: 1 & ei \u003d HCQvTb6VJsH2sga2wOHdBw & sa \u003d X & ohd \u003d & & ohd \u003d & & oh \u003d 0 \u003d 959http: // Q \u003d% D0% 93% D0% B5% D0% BE% D1% 80% D0% B3% D0% B8% D0% B9 +% D0% 90% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BA% D1% 81% D 0% B5% D0% B5% D0% B2% D0% B8% D1% 87 +% D0% A1% D0% BA% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B1% D0% B8% D1% 86% D0% BA% D0% B8% D0% B9 & hl \u003d com

Theme of the lesson: Detailed exposition of “The Tricky Hare”.

Subjects (volume of development and level of competency): know the attributes of the text (the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, semantic completeness, the sequence of sentences in the text); be able to compose text from separate sentences; title the text; select parts of the text; make a simple plan.

Meta-subject (components of cultural competence / acquired competence): the application of acquired knowledge in everyday life; the ability to use the native language as a means of obtaining knowledge in other academic subjects; application of acquired knowledge, skills and analysis skills of linguistic phenomena at the interdisciplinary level.

Personal: understanding the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people; the decisive role of the mother tongue in the development of intellectual, creative abilities and moral qualities of the individual, its importance in the process of obtaining school education

teaching methods and forms

Observation of the tongue; creating problem situations; individual, group, frontal



Interactive whiteboard (screen), computer, multimedia projector

Visual demonstration material

Multimedia series: presentation on a lesson topic made by a teacher or a group of trained students

Basic concepts

Text, subject and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text

Organizational structure (scenario) of the lesson


And developing components, tasks

And exercises

Teacher activities

Ongoing activities


Interaction organizations

Molded Skills


Learning Activities)

Intermediate control

to educational activities

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for mastering the material

Opening speech:

We will respond actively,

To behave,

To the lesson to all of us

I wanted to come again!

Listen to the teacher. participate in a dialogue with the teacher. Show lesson readiness


Personal: positive

To learning, gain new knowledge, improve existing.

Cognitive: aware of the educational and cognitive task

Reverse sheets

2. Updating

And trial training action

Reproduction of the previously studied, the establishment of successive ties of old and new knowledge and their application

In new situations.

Heuristic conversation

Cunning hare

Once with me on a hunt there was such an incident. I went hunting for hares. An hour later, my dogs found a hare in the forest and drove. I stood on the track and wait.

Dogs are chasing a hare through a forest felling, but the hare does not run out.

Where did he go? I waited, I waited and went into the clearing to see what was the matter. I’m looking: my dogs scamper through the bushes around the stumps, sniff the ground, cannot understand the hare’s tracks. Where to hide a hare in a clearing? I went to the middle of the meadow and I don’t understand anything. Then he accidentally glanced to the side, and he froze Five steps away from me, at the top of a high stump, a hare lurked, his eyes glared at me as if they were asking: “Don’t give me to the dogs!”

I am ashamed to kill the animal. I lowered the gun, recalled the hounds. We went to look for other birds with one stone, and passed this difficult test for cunning. Let them live, they teach the rabbit to the mind.

(According to G. Skrebitsky.)

What does it mean to retell the text in detail? (To retell the text in detail means to fully, with all the details, consistently state the content of the text; to understand and use the words and expressions of the author to better reveal the theme and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.)

Determine which of the listed names most clearly reflects the content of the text: “Case on the hunt”, “How I once hunted”, “Tricky

Make a plan.

Write a third-person account. Reply in writing

to the question: “What feelings did you feel reading the story of G. Skrebitsky?”

Answer the questions. Build partner-friendly statements

Frontal, individual

Cognitive: perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form; carry out the operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, and cause-effect relationships to solve educational problems.

Regulatory: accept and save the training task.

Communicative: they ask questions, answer the questions of others, formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view

Verbal answers

Listening to text, highlighting microthemes

Listen to the text and think how best to headline it: “Case on the Hunt”, “How I Once Hunted”, “Tricky Hare”.

(The title of the text is not read aloud by the teacher.)

Reads text. Organizes and accompanies students' activities, supplements answers

They perceive information by ear, highlight microthemes, and headline the text.

Pondering answers to questions and voicing them

Frontal, individual

Cognitive: can understand the information presented in a pictorial, schematic, model form, use symbolic means to solve various educational problems

Verbal answers, assignments

3. Identification of a place

And the reasons for the difficulty

Discussion of the content of the text, comprehension

Text analysis.

What does the text say (its topic)?

What do you think, what was the main task the author set: to communicate and explain the exact facts or to draw a picture of what he saw, to arouse certain feelings in the reader?

Which of the above headings reflects the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text? Prove it.

What person is the narrative from? How does the story begin? ("Once with me ...")

Describe the appearance of the hare.

How do you understand the expression "little eyes and glared at me"?

When retelling, be careful not to disrupt the narrative sequence.

Find synonyms for the word "hare."

Individual, group

Personal: they are aware of their difficulties and strive to overcome them; show the ability to self-evaluate their actions, deeds.

Cognitive: establish causal relationships, draw conclusions.

Regulatory: aware of the insufficiency of their knowledge.

Communicative: ask questions

In order to obtain the information necessary to solve the problem

Verbal answers

The disclosure of the essence of new concepts, the assimilation of new educational methods

And mental activity

Listen to the retelling of this text. Can this retelling be called detailed? Prove your answer

They are working on a task. They answer questions and, under the guidance of a teacher, draw up a work plan on presentation

Individual, group

Communicative: build small monological statements, carry out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks

Verbal answers

4. creative practice

for the implementation of the constructed project

Drawing up a plan, comprehension of the content of the text on microthemes

Work on the plan.

Rough plan

1. The case of the hunt.

2. Where should the hare hide?

3. "Do not betray me."

4. I passed the exam for tricks.

Re-reads the text of the presentation.

complements answers, organizes and accompanies students

Draw up a presentation plan with the teacher




They read and listen, extracting the necessary information.

Regulatory: control educational activities.

Communicative: they can ask questions for clarification

Work sequences

Verbal answers


and systematization of knowledge and the formation of rational ways of applying them in practice. Paperwork

Writing outlines.

Before writing the presentation, the teacher recalls that the narration comes from the 1st person.

Words with unexplored spelling are pre-recorded by the teacher on the blackboard.

Self control.

After writing the work, students are invited to read the texts they created, check whether everything is correctly and accurately stated, make the necessary corrections


With the task. Formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view.

Ask questions to clarify information.

Individual, group

Personal: master new types of activities, participate in the creative creative process.

Regulatory: adequately assess their achievements, recognize the difficulties that arise, look for their causes and ways to overcome
