How to make a four-piece equilateral tent roof for the cottage. Recommendations, descriptions, drawings and photo of rafter systems for classic tent roof

The tent roof is symmetric and in its shape resembles a pyramid with a rectangular base. This design saves on the wall material because it does not have frontones.

A significant drawback of the tent roof is a rapid system, which is more complex compared to its device in other types of roofs. The rafter design should be qualitatively installed, since the slightest error in the calculation can provoke even its collapse. For this reason, it is quite difficult to fulfill the construction work on its own, it is wiser to resort to the services of professionals.

Two types of rafters are distinguished:

- inclined, which are installed, as a rule, on a four-piece roof with an inclination angle of no more than 40 degrees, similar rafters are fairly easily installed and beneficial in terms of savings;
- Hanging, support for which external walls serve, this kind of rafter is quite difficult to make, as well as repaired.

The design of the tent roof is manufactured as follows. Under the rapid legs either along the entire length of the structure, the supporting timber is laid, the so-called Maurylalat. In the case of a brick house, the timber is installed on the inside of the wall, while it is necessary to place a moisture insulating material between the wall and Mauerlat. If the house is wooden, a burden will act as Mauerlat.

In the upper part of the construction of the rafters, parallel to the reference vehicle, it is necessary to put the supporting beam (run). It is needed in order to sign rafters. The above will be the lip of the roof. In the process of construction, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the gap between runs and Mauerlat should not be more than 4.5 meters. To confront the wind loads from the front of the front, diagonal connections, discolutions and soils are made. To insulate the roof, it is recommended to lay a layer of vapor and waterproofing material. After completing all these works, you can start the roofing installation.

With a square type, the scath consists of four triangles. But, the tent roof also has its drawback. Its frame is quite complicated and requires accuracy and considerable effort during installation.

The greatest difficulty in creating a similar roof is the correct calculation of the design scheme. By making inaccurate measurements and calculations, the builder risks exposing itself to additional costs for the purchase of additional materials and the restructuring of the structure. Such a casus will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the cost of work and materials.

Nevertheless, make sure the calculations and mount the roof may not be resorted to the services of professionals.

After the implementation of preliminary calculations, you can proceed to the installation of a roofing frame.

There are basic principles of arrangement of the tent roof:

· For the skate and the rafter system, it is necessary to use the same wood;

· Intermediate boards require a sharper tilt, and their size can not be less than 5 centimeters by 15 centimeters;

· Short elements are attached to angular rafters;

· Central rafters are fixed on the skating board;

· Emphasis of the rafter is in the skateboard and to the upper ending end;

· Konk takes the role of the carrier axis;

· The covered rafters are mounted in one end at the skate, and the other stands for the limit of the house;

· The central rafters are derived to all the walls;

· Branching rafters of intermediates produce from the skate.

More details about the schemes and order of actions are easy to find out by contacting us: a tent roof - a four-page design or the other - will be made to the highest level. Specialists explain all incomprehensible questions, recommend the necessary materials and tools.

From the tools when building a frame, you will need:

1. Bulgarian, electric and manual saw.

2. Nails, hammer and dowels.

3. Tops and plans.

4. Electric drill.

5. Boards and bars of the same wood.

6. The material for the roof.

7. Steel brackets.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room or the attic floor is significantly less than in the case of using a duplex roof. This problem can be partially solved using the attic type of a special hipsted roof. Consider the sequence of steps to be performed to build a tent roof. Calculation of calculations When building a tent roof to perform a difficult task of manufacturing a tent roof with their own hands, you need to have certain knowledge and skills. First you need to perform calculations for the hands of which.

The technology of making roofing pie and other elements of the roof should also be described. Based on the detailed project, it is easy to calculate the required amount of materials. The development of such a project is a rather difficult task and if you have difficulty in independent development, it is better to attract specialists who will produce the necessary calculations, taking into account your requirements. Features of the arms of the rafter system in the manufacture of a four-tie roof, an emergency rafters are used, directed to the corners of the house (sometimes they are called diagonal)

It is more difficult to build it than a double or single-sided roof, but, contrary to this, it is preferred most often. The reason for this is the best water removal, which is provided by the device with a slope with a slope, as a result - a long service life of roofing materials, hydro and thermal insulation used for roof mounting. In addition, the tent roof looks presentable and original in comparison with other types of structures. Tent roof is characterized as one of the most reliable and practical main details of the original structure The design of the tent roof should be strictly symmetrical. It can be mounted on any structure, but much easier if it has a square or rectangle shape. The basis of the roof under consideration is the rafting system, complex and intricate. To raise it correctly, you must pre-make a thorough calculation. Any error in its course can lead to irreversible consequences. If it is planned to build a tent roof on a square base, then the design will have four absolutely identical skate.

To calculate in this case the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is recommended to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe skates and multiply the resulting indicator on 4. The result obtained during the calculations must be increased on the area of \u200b\u200bthe cornese soles. Important! To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe cornese swell, you must use the following form: SCARN \u003d (BC + EF) / 2 * DG. The roof area is determined as follows: Schedule \u003d (SSCTA + SCARN) * 4. Before proceeding with the construction of the tent roof, it is necessary to take into account the important details of the calculation of the roof of the tent-type tent roof with their own hands will be arranged perfect if the calculation of the rafter system is made correctly. If the design is based on the square, then first of all it is necessary to determine the angle of slope, width and the length of the base, then using the data obtained, determine the area of \u200b\u200ball four slopes. If the roof is based on a rectangle, then to start the calculation follows from the determination of the height of the trapezoid and the triangle, of which the design consists. This indicator is equal to the length of the valves rafters. After the height is determined, you can proceed to calculate the data of the figures. Their total indicator will allow the area of \u200b\u200bthe roofing area. It is important extremely accurately calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe cornice sink. To do this, it is necessary to increase the height of the figure to increase by ½ the sum of the length of the base. It's important to know! The calculations of the latter indicator can be carried out using the roof length and the height of the skate or taking into account the length of the rafter legs and the roof length.

After the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof and the rods are calculated, the main elements of the rafter system can be calculated. The calculation of the tent roof should be as accurate as possible. Preferably this period of work is to trust the specialists. They will make up the most competent and accurate drawing, which will be elementary to simply determine the number of materials required for the device of the tent roof with their own hands, the length of the rafter and the sequence of work. Types of rafter systems Slingening system of tent roof - supporting structure consisting of bars, racks, supports and other structural elements. It is considered not only the basis for fastening the roofing material and other elements of the roof, but also a strengthening element of the whole building. There are hanging and sleeve systems. With a weighty span, when the ability to restore the rafter by internal supports is missing, a hanging system is applied. It involves the installation of the roof structural elements on the outer walls and provides for the installation of metal fumes or tightening from the tree.

Hanging rafters from below rest on the outer walls, and on top - are connected to each other. There are two types of rafter systems of the tent roof. The removal system involves the installation of rafters both on the outer walls and on the inner bearing wall or additional supports. The maximum allowable span between supports is 4.5 meters. If it reaches six meters, then it is necessary to install under the rafyled soot. The advantages of this type of rafter system include efficiency, ease and practicality. The components of the design elements of the solving system The soling system of the tent roof includes the following elements: Sound rafters - structural elements, mounting which is made directly on the roof frame at the corners; Netigarps are structural elements that are fixed to the covered rafters; Mauerlands - massive beams serving support for the lower ends of the rafted; runs, beds and riglels and a number of other additional supports necessary for the reliability and rigidity of the design of the roof under consideration; Trucks that acting the role of holders of the legs.

The tent roof includes several important items. It is important to know! All specified elements of the rafter system create a reliable and stable design capable of withstanding heavy loads. The absence of one of them can cause sustainable roof destruction. Mounting technology roofing construction The installation of a tent roof is a task not from the lungs. It begins with the collection of basic nodes and rafters on Earth, focusing on a pre-prepared pattern. Important! Bar, logs and boards required to organize a rafting roof system are selected depending on the step of the rafter, the intended loads and the angle of the roof of the roof. They are mounted on the walls of the building and Mauerlates are mounted, the stage, from two angles, located opposite, are mounted, rafters are built. They are connected at the upper points. The rest of the rafters are raised, the wrist is knocked down and fasten in a skate with special tales. Installation of the tent roof is performed in a clear sequence. It is important to know! Tent roofing, in contrast to other roofs, does not imply adjusts. For its strengthening, an additional rack is used, which is mounted as a backup in the structure of the structure. When the rafters were erected and fixed, the installation of narchs with a pink was performed. Springlers minimize them, a few times strengthening rafting legs. An important requirement to install a tental roof: rafters are mounted at an angle of ninety degrees. The buildings will be protected from water the walls of the building, they are satisfied with the distance of fifty centimeters from the outer walls.

Non-prevailing rafters are lengthened by the lumps. On top of them, the lamp is satisfied, steam and waterproofing layers, on top of which the roofing coating is mounted. A small country house with a tent roof is undoubtedly the installation of a tent roof can be independently possible, but in view of the complex structural features and a rigid framework of its device better entrust work to professionals. They will perform a competent drawing, the most important parameters of the roof will calculate with extreme accuracy and the installation of all elements of the rafter system is correct and quickly. If it is nevertheless it is decided to build a roof of such a plan on their own, then proper attention should be paid to the calculation of the most important indicators and the preparation of the project plan. Any errors can lead to the fact that the roof design will not be able to withstand even small loads and collapse from the slightest serious impact. Tent roof on a country estate in the selection of brigade of masters who will build roof, you should pay attention to their experience in construction. It is advisable to trust the device of the tent roof only by professionals to avoid unnecessary nerves and material costs associated with solving emerging controversial issues

Of course, it is better to choose a simpler version for independent construction, and that the result of the work is as beautiful as possible and high-quality, it is necessary to follow the detailed instructions that are proposed by the professionals of this sphere.

Initially, it is necessary to calculate the area for the future four-tie roof (consider the tent or pyramidal). This is necessary in order to determine as accurately as possible the amount of material required.

In this case, the school course of geometry is very useful. After all, it will take knowledge of how to find the area of \u200b\u200bthe pyramid and calculate the area of \u200b\u200bone slope. If you for some reason, for some reason forgotten this crucial information, then here is a reminder:

Important! The area of \u200b\u200bthe side surface of the pyramid is the sum of the area of \u200b\u200bthe side faces. Pyramid Square - the area of \u200b\u200bone skate to multiply by 4.

On the Internet, you can easily find online calculators in which, putting your parameters, you quickly learn the calculation of the necessary materials. Usually measure:

· The length of the roof base;

· The width of the base;

· The angle of inclination in degrees;

· Material for roofing.

Important! Be sure to check all calculations several times. After all, one thing, when the materials will be bought too much - it's a shame, but not deadly and is already much worse when they are missing because the situation can happen when you will come back, Identical in the warehouse will not be.

And remember such important points:

· Almost all roofing materials are laid by braziness, so you need to buy them with some reserve;

· Squata area needs to be treated with soles;

· From 7 to 10 percent of the material goes to waste, it is also impossible to forget.

To avoid mistakes to avoid mistakes, while not referring to the construction company, you can get a special program for conducting such calculations.

In addition, be sure to create a clear action plan:

· It is necessary to take into account all the additional elements such as mansard windows, chimneys, air ducts, etc.;

· It is very important to accurately measure the length of the skate as accurately as possible, when it is necessary to do it from the skate to the cornice;

· In the calculations, it is necessary to add the length of some elements, for example, sows, firewall walls, parapets, etc.;

· To take into account the features of the material that is planned to be used for the roof. After all, each of them has its own characteristics;

· An important point - the length of the skates is reduced by about 70 centimeters, if the tile is used, or roll material.

Do not forget to take into account all the following parameters:

· Roofing weight;

· Paro weight and waterproofing;

· Mass of the insulation;

· Snow, wind, rain load;

· Weight of people who will serve the roof;

· The severity of the equipment that is going to hoist to the roof (windows, antennas, lights, aerators, stairs and so on).

· Taking into account the angle of inclination, calculate the length and width of the cross section of the rafted.

Calculation of the area for different materials:

By and large, the tent roof (see photo) is the same hip roof, in which the length of the skate is zero, i.e. There is no skate, and all angular rafters converge at one point. Most often it is erected at home, the box of which is the square.

Let's look at one example of such a roof. The rafters will rely on the beams of overlapping. Suppose we have a box of a house of 10x10 meters with a partition carrier in the middle.

Step 1: Install Mauerlas, overlap and removal beams (see Fig. 1). Overlapping and removal beams, ranging from the middle, i.e. First central, and then from them left-left the rest with a calculated step.

Picture 1

We see that the extreme beams of overlapping and extreme removal are from the corner of the house at the same distance. As we have already spoken the article "The design of a holm roof with a supporting raftered on the beams of overlapping," the distance is desirable to take no less than 0.8-1 meters.

Step 2: In the middle of the future roof, we set the central rack from the bar of 150x150 mm. It is determined from the preliminary sketch of the roof made on paper. The rack is fixed strictly vertically using two temporary shapes (see Fig. 2). After we set the central rafters in the next step, the drives can be removed. In subsequent figures, they are not shown.

Figure 2.

Step 3: We make and install four central rafters of the skates.

How rafters are placed, shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3.

Thus, we make all four central rafters of the skates and install them (see Fig.4):

At the top of each other, they can be sewed either by nails or with metal corners, as shown in the figure.

Step 4: Send wind boards and install angular deposits (see Fig. 5). How to make angular deposits is also described in detail in the article on the Walm Roof (link above):

Step 5: We make and install angular rafters.

For this, first of all stretch the lace (see Fig. 6):

Now I want to show the way we always use when installing corner rafters with a length of more than 6 meters (when they are already increasing). First of all, we take two boards of 6 meters. One we do only the bottom washed, the other is only the top. Then we put these two boards, stitching them with each other nails right at the place. We also immediately put the rack (see Fig. 7):

Now the roulette measure the length of two pieces, which we lack - one with the top dress, the other with the bottom. We make them and coat on already standing boards.

Thus, we make all four corner rafters (see Fig.8):

Step 6: We add to the corners of the removal, which is not enough, and, if necessary, put under the rack rafters (see Fig. 9):

Figure 9.

The need to install racks is determined by the calculation, depending on the size of the roof and snow loads. Racks are desirable to lean on the carrying partitions, or to put the soot. The ability to install racks on the beams of overlapping is also checked by the calculation. We talked about this in the article "Stropile System. Calculation of rafters and beams of overlapping. " At the same time, always try to displace the rack closer to the bearing walls to reduce the load on the beams.

Step 7: We make and install all these nurses (see Fig. 10).

For these narons, based on the removal, above Mauerlat put small backups.
After that, we still have to be used the eaves from the bottom and make a doom.

During the construction of the arbor or house, the question of choosing roofing structures is inevitably arise. If the buildings have a quadrangular or, even better, the square shape, architects and designers often give their preference to a four-piece tent roof. Such a difficult arranged structure completely pays off due to its original appearance, aerodynamic qualities and wonderful thermal insulating properties

This kind of roof is considered to be the most difficult for an independent device, but, at least, many choose it precisely because of originality and attractive species. Next, the technique of manufacturing a tent roof will be considered independently.

The tent roof is a special four-piece design with a square base, while the rods of the roofs look like an equally traded triangles that converge to this base. Such a roof can have a lot of rods, or it can be round. The main thing is to comply with the symmetry. In appearance, such a roof looks like a tent, from where its name occurs.

It should be noted that the lack of filons at the tantropic design makes it possible to save on materials during its construction.

The roof with tent construction, if desired, can be erected almost on any building, but it will be much more convenient if the house will have a square shape base. The basis of the design of the tent roof consists of a rather complex in the execution of a rafter system, which can be arranged independently if there are certain skills in the construction of the roof.

Types of rafter systems of the tent roof

The rapid roof system of the tent view is a supporting structure of supports, racks, bars and other structural elements. It serves as the basis for fastening the roofing material and other elements of the roof, so strengthening the detail of the whole building.

Two types of rafting systems for tent roofs differ:

1. Curvas systems;

2. Hanging systems.

If the span is weighty and there is no possibility of the backup of rafted inner supports, then a hanging system is used, which implies the installation of elements of the roof design on the outer walls and implies the installation of wooden or metal tensions. The hanging rafters are based on the outer walls and are connected on top.

Under the utilization system, it is assumed to install rafters and on the outer walls, and an additional support for the carrying inside wall. Between the supports, the maximum allowable span is 4.5 meters. If the span reaches six meters, it is required to install a sozer. The advantages of this type of rafter system are practicality, lightness and efficiency.
Basic elements of the structure of the tent roof

The roof of the tent type should have a strictly symmetrical design that can be mounted on any structure, but it will be much easier if it will have a rectangular or square form. The basis for the species under consideration of the roof is the rafting system, intricate and complex.

For its proper construction, a thorough preliminary calculation should be made. The slightest any error can lead to negative consequences. In the event that it is planned to build a tent roof based on a square shape, then the design will have four fully identical skate. To calculate the roof area, in this case, the area of \u200b\u200bthe rod should be determined, and the resulting indicator is multiplied by 4. The value obtained as a result of the calculations should be increased on the area of \u200b\u200bthe coils of the cornice.

It should be noted that to determine the sump area of \u200b\u200bthe eaves, it is necessary to apply the formula s Correspondence \u003d (BC + EF) / 2 * DG. To determine the roof area, the formula s is the roof formula \u003d (s skate + s cornice) * 4.
Calculation of the roof parameters of the tent

Alone, the erected tent roof will be impeccable if you make the correct calculation of the rafter system. In the event that the designs are based on the square, first of all, determine the length and width of the base, the angle of slope, and after, using the obtained indicators, determine the area for all four slopes.

If the roof has the basis of a rectangular shape, then the calculation should begin with the fact that the height of the triangle and trapezium constituting the structure is determined. This indicator is equal to the length of the valves rafters. Having determined the height, proceed to the definition of the areas of these figures. Due to their total indicator, it is possible to obtain the size of the roof rod square.

It is very important to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe cornese swell as accurately as possible, for which the height of the figure increases by ½ sums from the base length. It is important to note that the calculation of this indicator can be produced by applying the height of the skate and the length of the roof or taking into account the length of the roof and the length of the lines.

After calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate and roof, it is possible to calculate the main elements of the rafting systems. It is recommended to entrust the settlement step by professional professionals who will make up the most accurate and competent drawing, thanks to which it can be easily determined by the length of the rafted, the volume of materials that are required to build the tent roof with their own hands and further sequence of work.
Construction of a tent roof

The tent roof is considered to be considered in the construction of a type of a hip roof, which has a connection of the skate transformed into the ski node, and more specifically from the line was changed to the point. The tent roof is a pyramid, in which the parties are formed by four slots having the shape of an equally chained triangles. In this case, the square shape of the roof base will give the opportunity to get the perfect symmetry, which will give the best result.

The roof design of the tent type includes the following main elements of the design:
The ski knot, that is, the peak of the roof, its highest point, which is formed as a result of the compounds of the rafter.

Skates are the four inclined planes of the rods having a triangular shape that make up the tent roof. They have an angle of inclination, the range of which lies within 20-50 degrees. Experienced wizards on the roofing device prefer the optimal angle of 40 degrees.
The rafter system, that is, a frame that serves to support roofing design. The system rafters bears on itself the weight of roofing pie and distributes it by setting the geometry of the rods. It is built on the basis of triangles - the most stable and rigid figures that guarantee the reliability and stability of the tent roof.
The roof covering is the material in the form of sheets, rolls, individual elements or modules, which has a high degree of wear resistance and good waterproofing qualities. For these purposes, slate, rubberoid, ondulin, professional flooring or metal tile applies.
Svet roof, which protrudes over the perimeter of the roof and protects the walls from wind and water during the rain. Sights of the roof, having a length of 40-50 centimeters, is considered sufficient to effectively perform its functions.
Stages of construction of a tent roof

Project creation

To build a tent roof with your own hands is allowed to be strictly based on a competent project that will guarantee its reliability. Before performing the drawings, you need to know at least the minimum school course on geometry in order to calculate the angle of slope, the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate and the height of the skate. In order to produce these calculations, there is a simple instruction that is as follows:

First you need to know the angle of inclination of the skate with the help of recommendations from the manufacturer of the roof material, as well as indicators of construction climatology, separating the territory of the Russian Federation by 8 zones in accordance with the wind and snow load. The optimally accepted slope is equal to 30-40 degrees. Such angle is suitable for almost any kind of roof.

The next stage is the calculation of the height on which the skunk node is located. For such a calculation, you need to know the size of the roof, as well as the angle of inclination of roofing rods. If you depict the roof of the tent type in the form of a pyramid, then its height will be straight, connecting the horse and its base. Its length can be calculated using the Pythagores theorem.

Having learned the height, the angle of inclination and the size of the base can be calculated the area of \u200b\u200bthe skates and the length of the rafter feet. These calculations are necessary in order to calculate the amount of consumable building material, and more specifically for the roof and wood coating for the solo system.

We must not forget that the tent roof having a rectangular base, in contrast to a similar design that has a square base, will have slopes with different slopes and different long-standing legs. It is important to take into account when calculating and installing the tent roof.

The project is created using a computer program or manually. The program not only performs all the necessary calculation of the length of the details of the rafter system, but also picks up the thickness for them. As a result, a diagram is obtained with the presence of sizes and a mutual location of the parts of the roof, which will serve as a support for the installation work.
The design of the rafting system of the tent roof

The rapid roof system of the tent species is made of wood of various conifers. The following main and additional elements are compiled:
Liezer and Mauerlat - supports from a bar that are needed to distribute the load throughout the perimeter of bearing walls. Maurylalat is placed on the external partitions, and the Liezhalan is placed on the inner. The role of a support bar in a wooden house playing the upper crown made of a log or bar. For structures from blocks and bricks, a device of a concrete reinforced belt is required, in which the studs of metal are fitted. At them, Maurylalat is stacked through the waterproofing layer.
Racks that are installed vertically supports supporting the rafting legs or the ski knot.
Slinged silent legs that proceed to the corners of the structure from the skate assembly, forming the ribs of the roof of the roof of the toll type. The length of the sliced \u200b\u200blegs is more ordinary and they are exposed to high load. For this reason, they must have thickness respectively twice as much.

Nonocents - rafters having different lengths that are attached to Mauerlat and the cable legs. They form the surface of the skates.
Slopes - an element of a rafter system located to rafters at an angle of 45 degrees.
Rigel, tightening - jumper, horizontally located between two rafyles. Its function lies in the opening of the operating actions, which rafters have on the walls.
The roof is a base that the roof coating is laid. Depending on the type of roofing, a solid or lattice species of the crate is used.

During the construction of the tent roof, a changeable or hanging rafter system is used depending on what features the planning of the structure. Although the roofing masters, having experiences, do not recommend using the utilization type of the rafter system if the rods have a slope of more than 40 degrees.
The process of mounting work of the rafter system

By approving the project and purchasing the necessary materials, you can proceed with the independent installation of the tent roof. This produces the following sequence of actions:

1. The first thing is made by Mauerlat, the beams of overlapping and laying. If the project is provided for the takeaway beams, they are also mounted at this stage. Stying begins with a central beam, and the step distance in both directions retreats from it, moving towards the edges.

2. The central stand is set exactly in the middle of the rated roof. It uses a timber having a thickness of 15 × 15 centimeters or more. In order for it to keep her vertical position, it is temporarily fixed using two shusin.

3. Then the central rafters are installed, which in the upper part are fixed to the rack using metal linings, and at the bottom - to Mauerlat. Having stretched from the corners of Mauerlat to the skate node of the cord for the guideline, the rafter accidental legs are mounted. To install them, double-cutting on the top is made. Swees rafters are binding through a wind board. If necessary, the riglels and soils are installed.

4. Then all these nurses are written and proper. Those narons that rely on the takeaway beam are additionally strengthened with racks for their unloading. Eaves are fed by moisture-resistant plywood or board.

5. The waterproofing film is laid on the strips, the waterproofing film is settled in the joints of the joint by 15-20 centimeters. The film is fastened using a construction stapler, and along the rafter feet is fixed by means of the counterbalax. Mounted doom. If a solid crate device is scheduled, then plywood sheets will be required, and if a lattice, the unedged board, having a dimension of 15 × 4 centimeters.

6. After the roofing coating is laid. For this purpose, it is first made by cutting, given that the bands and sheets are not attached to the junction, but with some adolescence. It is necessary to use special galvanized screws as fasteners, which are supplied with roofing material or nails with a rubber hat, which deformed after screwing, thereby closing the hole.

7. The final stage is the installation of a waterproof system, which consists of a pipe of the drain, gutter, waterfront, as well as snowcases.

Some details of the rafting roof system of the tent view have a value that exceeds 6 meters, that is, the standard lumber length. Therefore, it is necessary to make a set of rafters, which consist of several elements or glued.

Of course, it is quite possible to build a tent roof with your own hands, but given the complex structural features and strict restrictions on its device, you can trust this work with relevant professionals. They will fulfill a competent drawing, extremely accurately calculating the most important roof parameters and will produce the installation works of all parts of the solo system correctly and in the minimum time.

In the event that it is still decided to build a roof of the tantle species on their own, then it is required to pay due attention to the calculations of the most important indicators and the preparation of the planned project. Because of any small errors, it may be the fact that the roofing design is not able to withstand even weak loads, and as a result collapses from a small serious impact. When selecting a working brigade of masters, an entry roof, attention should be paid to their experience in the construction of construction. It is recommended to entrust the tenting roof device only by experienced professionals to avoid excess material costs that are associated with the solution of the arisory tasks, and to save nerves.

The process of independent construction of the tent roof is a difficult and labor-intensive work, however, the resulting result will cost all the efforts and spent forces, highlighting the gazebo or house among other neighboring structures.

Tent roofs have all the advantages of roofing structures with four pitched planes. They are well opposed to all attacks of the environment, and very economical. However, the rafter systems of tent roofs are equipped with the use of special requirements and construction techniques. They need to know beginner builders who want to build such a roof independently.

Features of the rafter systems of tent roofs

The tent roofs also call the "roofing envelope", which displays their configuration in the drawings. For the construction of the tent frame, the technologies of arrangement of roofs with four pitched surfaces are used, but in compliance with certain its own specifics. Such roofs completely absent the upper beams and the frontaths. Functionally the skiing timber is replaced by a central post (support), in the upper part of which all major supporting parts of the lifting system converge.

Geometrically, the tent roof consists of 4 or more of the equal triangular planes. The lower parts of these planes are based on the walls through the bars / logs of Mauerlat. Verses either rest in the central pillar (support) or each other.

Types of constructions of rafter systems of tent roofs - circuits

As with ordinary roofs with one / two pitched planes, 2 types of stringe applied to the construction of the tent frame:

  • current - which use 2 reliable supports in the upper and lower parts. The use of such rafalines is possible if there is an inner wall in the built house-building on which the central support timber is installed. Instead of a wall, in any buildings, a support pillar can be installed, which relies on the bottom of the attic / basement plates from reinforced concrete;
  • hanging - using only support in the lower part of them. Such rapidations are established when the structure does not have an inner supporting wall, and the placement of the reference pillar is impossible in the center.

IMPORTANT: The choice of the type of rafter - weeds or hanging, determines the subsequent technology of installation of other elements of the lifting system.

Covering technology for mounting Stropilin in the rafting systems of tent roofs is used more often. Hanging design - more complex for arrangement and it is inconvenient to repair, since part of its parts is interdependent, and when replacing damaged parts you need to dismantle intact items.

Stropils of the tent roof: shortened and diagonal

The angular parts of the housekeeping and the upper part of the roof of the tent type are connected by the contact / diagonal rafalines - a mandatory part of the roofs with four-pitched planes. They are the most extended and loaded parts of such a rafter design. Then the shortened rafylics are based on, called nurses. These elements form the triangular surfaces of the skates in such a roof - hips. When the length of the diagonal rafylic is exceeded with 4.5 m, it is made of 2 boards, stitched with 1 m segment of the same as the rafted, wooden building materials. The board, which will be built a rafter carcass of the insulated roof, should have a sufficient width, taking into account the future of the ventilation 3 cm. It is formed by the upper scope of the rafter and heat insulating elements. When the existing building materials do not provide the desired ventzor, then the terminal structure is attached to the outer parts of the stringin.

Additional reference parts of the covers

To increase the strength of the carcass of the tent roof and prevents the sagging of very extended rafting rafylines, additional support parts are placed under them. The view and number of such additional supports directly depends on the length of the span, overlapped with diagonal rafylic:

  • for a length of 7.5 m and less, the stiffness of the diagonal type rafter will provide a troop placed at the top of the span;
  • with a length of 7.5-9 m, a troops is placed, and at the bottom of the rafter placed support-supplement;
  • for a length of more than 9 m in the central part of the rafylic, the third support is located. It, according to standards, can only be lit into the reinforced concrete slabs.

The pump is placed at an angle with an arbitrary value in the range of 45-53 degrees.

Important: Shpregel (and farm) racks are placed only in a vertical position.

Fastening the upper part of the rafaline

Stropile systems of tent roofs do not use skates or skate runs. More often, central rafyled or diagonal with writhing on the support central pillar. This only reference element of such a tent, located at the top of the construction, has 3 installation methods:

With this type of fastener, the load on the brushes is transmitted to the Mauerlat bars. Therefore, all the hips are equipped with a riglem tie.


The lower place of attachment of the shortened rafters (called these narigines) is formed similarly to the places of fasteners of central valves rafaline. The upper mounting to the diagonal elements is carried out in several ways:

  • with the help of a wrist in the bar, which is used to create an emergency rafylic.
  • by supporting the additional barged for the lowest edge.
  • by navigating 8.2 cm with nails, when there are no additional requirements for shortened rafter.
Methods for fastening these aurities to the hosted rafters of the tent roof

And the most successful is the fastening through the support bar, which is attached flush with the bottom side of the wind. With such a mount, the indicators of the strength of the diagonal rafylic are not affected, and the installation of narigines will be performed faster. In addition, during this embodiment, there is no need to abide by the breakdown for shortened rafylic when marking and secured. And when fastening with the help of wrist, the tops of these fourths can not come together at one point.

Step for mounting in standard and shortened rafters for the heat-insulated roof must coincide with the value of the width of the heat insulator. When the tops of the rafter are attached by wrinkles / nails, it is possible to change the step between the rafylines to remove the tops of the adjacent shelter planes relative to each other.

Stages of the construction of the tent roof

At the initial stage of construction of the construction of the rafting system of the Tent Roof, the foundation of Mauerlat is prepared. For these purposes, Mauerlat details are mounted, overlapping beams are located.

Step-by-step construction of a chate roof rafter system

The latest elements are then forming roofing sinks to beams. Beams that function as a removal and overlap are placed from the center - start with the central installation, and then the remaining beams are placed from it.

For concrete walls, armpocois is formed, to which Mauerlat is attached. At the next stage, the suspension support of the rafter design, central rafylics and angular:

In the center of the overlap, a rack is installed, made from a bruse cross section of at least 15 cm, with a mandatory verification of its correct installation using a plumb;

Central rafters are placed, at the top to the rack and below - to Brusa Mauerlat - they are attached with metal corners;

The cords are stretched from the stand of the rack to the corners of the base, and then the windows are installed on them. After completing the installation of diagonal rafalines, the installation of support racks starts.

Upon completion of the installation and fixing the supporting racks, these are manufactured and installed.

These elements fill the space located between the central rafalines and diagonal, which ensures the rigid base of the strut plates of the tent roof. Nonocents are placed in parallel to the central rafalines.

The top of these focus is attached to the covered rafyrs, and the lower part is fixed on the removal / beams. As it moves to the corners of the rafter design, the length of these people is reduced.

Supports are placed under these people.

When the rafting systems of tent roofs are mounted in their place, they are placed in the furnace structure, thermal insulation works are carried out and the roofing coating is placed.

Stropile Systems Tent Roofs - Video

Sometimes the double roof looks boring and destroys the harmony of architectural style, so designers have to invent something more original. One of these options with the "highlight" is the roof of the tole type. An elegant symmetrical design on one side seems simple, but at the same time strikes with its exotic, referring to the aesthetics of the East or Northern Yurts.

Roofing masters advise to abandon the self-erection of the tent roof in the event that you are not in a high level of construction skills and experience.

The easiest option is to entrust the design work and installation of professionals. However, nothing will prevent you from understanding how the tent roof is arranged and its rafter system to appreciate the ability to build on their own.

Design features

The tent roof, the design of which can consist of four or more rods, is considered in the classic version as a type of four-page. The number of rods depends on the geometric shape of the roof base.

If the construction is overlapped in the form of a square, there will be four of them, and if it is round, they can be five to six and even more, the main condition so that they are the same in shape and size.

The design of the tent roof consists of the following parts:

The tent roof is constructed, based on the symmetrical principle. Therefore, the maximum harmony can be achieved when a circular or square structure is used as a base. For a rectangular house, you can also build a tent roof, but it is much more complicated than to erect the Valm.


The tent roof is quite complex in the design and time consuming in the installation, but looking at the surrounding houses, you can see that it is very popular. Using in design projects of the tent roof Designers explain its advantages:

  1. Excellent aerodynamic properties that allow the tent roof to withstand the flipper and even hurricane wind gusts, without concerning the breaking of roofing material and collapse the attic.
  2. The design of the tent roof with its cool skates allows you to forget about such an unpleasant, routine event, like cleaning the roof from snow.
  3. Tent roof leaves the possibility of arranging a spacious, residential attic room. However, due to the absence of frontones, you will have to install expensive attic windows that are mounted directly on the scat.
  4. The original design highlights houses with a tent four-sheet roof from a series of single-type projects with a double-screw triangular roof.

Device of the rafter system

The rafter system of the tent roof is the frame on which it holds, its base. Depending on the hanging and urban variety.

Hanging rafters are relying on two points - Mauerlat and the ski knot, and the weeds have an additional support for a vertical rack, which is installed on the inner bearing wall. The choice of the form of the rafter system of the tent roof depends on the layout and area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

It consists of the following elements:

The rapid system can be made of metal or wood. The tree is cheaper, easy to process the material, however, it needs to be pre-treated with antiseptic, antipyarem to protect against rotting and fire.

Design nuances

The device of the tent roof is starting with the calculation and creating a working project. Not only architects can help with this, but also special computer programs. They calculate the angle of inclination of the skates, the height of the skate unit, the cross section of the framework.

The roof of the tent type contributes to the rational distribution of heat in the house, protects against the rain, prevents the formation of a snowy cap, and is also suitable for openwork arbor, monumental respectable cottage!

Video instruction

The hip roof is a type of a four-tie roof, in which two skates have a trapezoidal shape, and the two other (end) - triangular (having the same name "Walm"). If the end rods occupy the entire area from the skate to the eaves - this is a hollow roof, if not getting to the eaves - half-haired.

The roof of the house performs a two-way function - on the one hand, it is imposed on it to protect the building from external influence, and on the other - it is designed to decorate the structure and give it an individuality.

Historically, it has been preferred in Russia, the Europeans also prefer a four-tie or a hollow roof, which has advantages and disadvantages under certain conditions.

Walm roof - advantages and disadvantages


  • large stiffness design. Achieved due to angular ribs connecting near the supporting beam of the skate;
  • the possibility of arranging more speakers, which ensures additional protection of the walls of the house;
  • aesthetic appeal.


  • complexity of calculation and installation;
  • higher project implementation cost;
  • reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room (in particular at the place of installation of diagonal supports);
  • the impossibility of the dispute device;
  • natural lighting is possible only by installing windows in roofing pie.

Since the disadvantages are not critical - the fourth roof of the Valm type is actively practiced in the modern construction of private houses.

Varieties (types and types) of a holm roof

Studying the device of the rafter system of the holm roof, should be taken into account that within this species, there are several varieties of structures. In turn, it makes adjustments to the overall process of the construction of the chapel system.

Classic hip roof

It is distinguished by supporting the diagonal ribs on the supporting beam of the skate and the location of the soles at the same height. Separate elements of the holm roof correspond to a triangle (frontoths) and trapezoids (skates).

Tent hip roof

It is distinguished by the lack of supporting beam skate. This leads to the fact that all diagonal ribs converge at a single point, and ordinary short rafters are already adjacent to them. Such a roof preference is preferred if there is a square box of the house. But the formation of a reliable skate knot is quite complex.

Semi-Walled Roof

It is distinguished by the presence of vertical frontones in which the windows can be installed. The picture shows the difference between two varieties of semi-raid roofs (Dutch and Danish).

Balm roof or squirt fette

The most complicated construction of the construction system of the holm roof is the design of the rafting roof system, as in this case, all the roofing rates have different areas and diverge at different angles. The lone (mansard) roof allow you to more rationally organize an internal subcoase space and besides an additional living area to give the house spectacular appearance.

Construction of a holm roof

Regardless of the type of roof, all species have the same elements of the rafter system of the hip roof:

the ski support beam or the ski bar - used for the classic holm roof, performs the function of the carrier element to which diagonal rafters are attached;

diagonal raftered (side, edge, cable or angular raftered) - a longer rafter foot, which is joined to the end of the skate bar under an acute angle, forming one of the sides of the triangle;

the central raftered - the boards, the same length, which are adjacent to the ski beam and form the edges of the trapezoidal rope of the roof. Between them are intermediate rafters;

intermediate or ordinary raftered - forms a plane of a trapezoidal skate, the distance between them defines the run of the rafter system;

narrigar or short raftered - a structural element that is attached to the diagonal raftered, form triangular swells and angular parts of the trapezium.

Calculation of a holm roof

The calculation of the rafter system of the holm roof is carried out with regard to such prerequisites:

  • wind load in the region. The higher it is, the more gentleh must be a slope, and the stronger the whole design. To level the strong wind, central and diagonal rafters are made thicker;
  • the amount of precipitation. There is an inverse dependence. The higher the number of precipitation - the coolest should be the slope, so that snow and rain do not create pressure on the rapid system;
  • view of the roofing material. Each type of roofing material puts forward its requirements for the crate, and also has a certain weight. These factors must be taken into account at the design stage;
  • the need for roof insulation. In this case, the installation step of the rafter is calculated taking into account the width of the heat-insulating material. In addition, the distance between the rafters depends on the variety and the cross section of the wood.

The calculation of the roofing material is performed according to the formulas, taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof. The optimal bias of the roof for roofing materials of different types is shown in the table:

The slope of the angle of the skate determines the mint of the rafted. In turn, the injection of intermediate rafters is calculated as follows:

  1. first, an axial line is applied to the upper strapping of the end wall;
  2. then half the thickness of the skunk beam is calculated, and the line of placement of the first of the central intermediate rafters is applied;
  3. next combines the end of the measurement rail and the line of placement of the central intermediate rafter marked above;
  4. the inner contour line of the side wall is applied to the opposite end of the measurement rail;
  5. the resulting point is the attachment of the intermediate rafter.

The ratio between the length of the rafters and their mint is calculated using the correction coefficient, the value of which depends on the angle of inclination of the roof. The length of the rafter foot is determined by multiplying the attachment on the coefficient.

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Formulas for calculating a hip roof

Height Skid.
Length of the skate bar

The length of the house is minus its width
Central length
Slinge (trapezium)
Pythagorean theorem
Length of ordinary rafal Calculated similarly to the length of the central rafters
Leveling rafyla
For formation
Frame Sveza
Tilt angle
ordinary timber
Diagonal length
Walm Stropil
(short rafters)

First short rafalle

Second short rafalle
Walm roof

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe hip roof?

To know how much buying roofing material, you need to know the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof.

To do this, it is necessary to smash the whole roof to the components of simple geometric shapes and make the calculation for each of them.

The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe holmic roof allows you to predetermine not only the cost of purchasing roofing materials and installation, but also determine the requirements for materials, as well as the need for arrangement and accurate configuration of the crate.

Drawing of the rapid system of the hip roof

The result of the development of the project and calculations will be the scheme-drawing of the rafter system of the hip roof. There are no similar drawings ready for use without taking into account the characteristics of a particular structure and place of its construction.

The development of the preliminary scheme can be performed independently (a simple sketch will determine the direction of the project). But, the drawing is better to entrust specialists or take advantage of special programs for calculating. It should be remembered that the harder the roof design, the more accurate the calculation of the rafter system: configurations and materials. It will also affect the cost and duration of installation work.

The drawing of the hip roof should include an indication of the purpose of the material, the place of its installation and the fastening method. Key assemblies of the rafter system of the hip roof, for example, the adjoining of the diagonal supports to the skate bruse or the installation of the rafter legs on the Maurylalat is appropriate to take into a separate drawing and describe them in more detail.

Drawing of a holmic roof (sprinkled rafters with focus on two runs)

Drawing of the rapid system of the hip roof with the erker

The presence of a schematic drawing will be a good help in the manufacture of blanks and subsequent roof mounting.

Tools for the construction of a holm roof

The design of the roof and methods of arrangement of nodes define a set of tools that should be prepared before the start of work.

To work with the tree it will be useful: level, hacksaw, hammer, roulette, markup lace, stapler.

To work with metal structures, you will need an electric door, riveter, scissors.

Tools and consumables must be prepared in advance, because Complex installation of the rafter system of the holm roof involves a large number of marbles and installation of nails.

To simplify measurements and be able to do all the details of the same size, the masters advise to replace the roulette with a measurement rack. The measuring rail is made from plywood with a width of 50 mm, on which the main dimensions are applied.

Walm roof material

The breed and variety of wood have a direct impact on the duration and reliability of the roofing design. Masters advise to give preference to lumber from larch or pine. All billets require pre-treatment with antipirens and antiseptics.

In addition to wood, metal fasteners, nails, self-tapping screws, anchor bolts will be needed.

Note. Forming a hollow solo system on a wooden house, which can give shrinkage, the masters advise the use of floating mounting for connecting rafters with Mauerlat. This method compensates for the movement of the crowns with the natural shrinkage of the house from the bar or logs.

Slinged Walm Roof System - Mounting Technology

Devices of the rafter system with their own hands step by step:

1. Preparation of blanks (rafters)

This is the most difficult and time-consuming part of construction, because associated with:

  • the need to ensure a given angle of inclination of the rafter feet;
  • different length of naschard (short rafters);
  • the presence of diagonal rafters (covers), which is paid to special attention. Due to the length of the total rafters carry a larger load than the main rafters, and therefore require the use of better lumber with a large cross section. In addition, often the length of the diagonal rafters exceeds the standard length of the boards.

In order not to buy different lumber, the method of splicing (mating) of the edged board is applied to obtain a given length.

The advantages of splicing technology rafters:

  • obtaining continuous beams of a given length;
  • an increase in the strength of the diagonal rafying of the holmic roof due to double cross section;
  • simplifying the calculation and purchase of material (unification of sizes: length and section);
  • the possibility of using boards intended for the formation of ordinary rafters.

2. Mount Maurolat

Maurylalat for a holm roof is a wooden large sections (100x100 or 100x150 mm) mounted around the perimeter of the walls. For Mauerlala, wood is used first grade.

The feature of the laying of Mauerlat is that the timber is connected along the length of the entire flasure, but not butt, using a plurality of connection points with the base of the wall. The connecting nodes are additionally amplified by metal brackets.

Since the appointment of Maurolalat is to serve as a support for rafting legs, it needs to be protected from moisture. To this end, the hydrobarrier is labeled between the wall and the bar (for example, runner).

Note. Under Mauerlat in brick houses (or from aerated concrete, foam concrete, arbolita) pour a belt from reinforced concrete with pre-installed studs for mounting timber. The stud has a diameter of 10 mm and more and should be per plane of the Maurolalat by 20-30 mm. Step Installation Step - 1000-1200 mm.

3. Installation of the run

The run is a beam installed in parallel to the sides of Maurolat. The run serves as the basis for the installation of additional supports under the rapid legs. The running device is not a mandatory step of work and is performed only for holmic roofs of a large area or having a configuration of elevated complexity. Place placement of the run, shown in the diagram.

At the same time, it should be noted that the maximum load point will vary depending on the location location - on the ridge of the hip or on the edge of the endand.

Note. The tent hip roof is mounted without support, and a complex node is formed in the adjustment site of the diagonal rafters.

4. Installing support racks

The racks perform the function of the support when installing the skate bar (orange color in the picture).

5. Installation of the ski beam

Installation of the skate of the holm roof is accompanied by accurate measurements. Since the entire design of the roof will be relying on the horse, the correctness of its installation is checked in height and in terms of level.

6. Fastening of the rafter

Regarding the sequence of work at this stage, the opinions of the masters are diverged. This makes it possible to allocate two directions to perform work:

  1. mounted central rafters, and then diagonal. This work order is easier;
  2. mounted diagonal rafters, and then the rest.

When mounting, the lower part of the rafter legs be rest in Mauerlat.

Opportuning rafters on a holm roof is shown in the diagram. The first option (with a clipping) is simpler, but the second (with a supporting timber) is preferable, because In this case, the mount does not weaken the raftered.

The formation of the node at the skate beam is possible in different ways.

Variants of the top attachment of diagonal rafters are shown in the diagram.

Council. For stiffness, all nodes are advisable to enhance metal elements (brackets, plates, corners).

Since the diagonal rafters have to have a significant load that can be strengthened using such tools as:

  • installing a rack. Mounted on the overlap vertically;
  • toward installation. Mounted at an angle. The angle of inclination does not have a determining value. The ability of the pitch is important to strengthen the diagonal rafter;
  • shprengel. In fact, it is a T-shaped short beam deployed to 180 °. It is used on long spans and is installed in such a way that its base is oriented perpendicular to the diagonal rafter.

7. Installation of ordinary rafters

Private ordinary are installed similarly to the installation of central rafters, which form the edges of the trapezium. The lower part of them is based on and attached to Mauerlat, and the top rests in the skate beam. It is important to observe the same distance between ordinary rafters.

8. Installation of Netigarps (short rafters)

Nonocents are made only from solid lumber. In the place of the adjoining of a nooch to a long rafter, there are no words or setpoint beams. The installation site is additionally enhanced by metal elements.

Note. Installation of Netheric Rock Roofs is possible in the disintegration of installation.

Nonocents are installed in any case after the formation of the power frame of the roof. Their installation runs out work on the device of the rafting system of the holmic roof.

Walm roof with your own hands step by step - video

The program shows the process of mounting the rafter system of a two-tie hip roof with a central aircraft over a short wall.

After the rafting system is ready to start the roofing coating, the specificity of which determines the need to mount the crate on the rafting legs.

Installation of the rafter system of the holm roof is a long process that requires attention to each step of work performance - on the calculation and selection of the material before installing parts and enhance the mounting nodes. But, with the right execution of all stages, the result will be a beautiful and reliable roof for a private house.

The tent roof can be single and two-level, have four or more row. To select the correct sections of its elements, it is necessary to perform a sketch and a correct calculation that comes down to several formulas. In the article, we will tell about the design of the tent roof and the method of calculating its solo system.

The tent roof is one of the most common options in the construction of a house or arbor, having a circle form, a square or rectangle with a small difference in the lengths of the sides. This design is a good solution for homes relative to a small area or two-storey cottages with a slight base. The roof obtained its name due to the pyramidal form of the traditional oriental tent formed by one vertex and triangular rods.

Options for performing a tent roof

Under the title "Tent Roof" combined several options for the roof, having structural differences.

A single-level four-tight roof is geometrically a four-headed pyramid. A two-tier roof is a more complex design: the upper part is the pyramid, the middle-cube or parallelogram, the lower - truncated pyramid. As if the top of the roof was cut off and lifted. The middle part is sometimes performed in the form of a glass lantern or separated into the color of the walls.

The tent roof may have not only four slides, but be also six- and eight-screen. This form is more like a cone than a pyramid, and the most common in the construction of arbors with a round base. The most difficult thing in the implementation of such a design is the connection of the rafted in the center.

Not so much aesthetically as structurally different solutions:

  • hanging;
  • cover.

The hanging rafter system relies exclusively on the walls of the house, the clock has a support located in the center of the building and resting on the carrier wall or on the pillar specifically elevated inside the house.

a - the design of hanging rafters; b - the design of the spelling rafters; 1 - raftered; 2 - Rigel; 3 - tightening; 4 - rack; 5 - Troop; 6 - run; 7 - Lena

The choice of design depends on the size of the span (8 m - the hanging system is suitable, 12 m is required by the utility) and the maximum length of the bar for construction (when connecting a rafter foot, a vertical support is required).

In practice, we use a changeable system as more reliable and maintainable. If the house does not have a suitable carrier wall or a pillar for support, the base can be created from the dressing bar at the Maurolalat level.

The main schemes and elements of the rafter system

As we wrote, the tent roof is geometrically a pyramid, so all calculations are conducted on the basis of the rules that apply to pyramids and triangles, its components.

Main elements

In order not to be confused with the terms, we call the main elements of the rafter system of the tent roof, schematically shown in the figure below, and tie them to the geometric depiction of the tent roof in the form of a pyramid.

Construction with hanging rafters

  1. Maurylalat. The basis and support of the roof, especially in the design with hanging rafters. It is located on the perimeter of the building (ABCD), relies on the wall or attached from their outdoor side. For the device, Mauerlata use a large secting bar.
  2. Sound rafters. Roof angles converging in the centerpoint and forming the pyramid. On the pyramid scheme (excluding soles): ak \u003d dk \u003d ck \u003d bk \u003d LN. The longest rafting legs in the design.
  3. Skown knot (k). The most complex knot in the design for a carpenter. If the base of the house is not square, and the horse forms a rib, the tent roof is transformed into its "sister" - a wald roof. In the design with spots, the segment Kf (H) is a central support.
  4. Central rafters. Conduct in the skate node with savory rafters. Are the height of each slope, which is an equifiable triangle. On the pyramid scheme (excluding soles) - the length of the KE, length of LC.
  5. Netigaries. These are shortened rafters, walking in parallel to the central in both directions.

Now look at the design with spots rafters.

Unityless design with spots rafters

Along with the already designated elements: the hosted (1) and central (2) rafters, as well as the skate (3), new items appear. Central support (rack) or grandmother (4), which relies on tightening (5), connecting Maurylalat diagonally. This is an embodiment of a rack that is not based on the masonry, but on the element of the rafter system.

In the absence of central rafters and to enhance the skate assembly with a grandmother (2), it is complemented by the rheglels (3), connecting the oppositely placed sump rafters (1) in pairwise (see Fig. Above).

Binding elements

For greater strength and rigidity of the design, especially in a climate, predisposed to strong winds, or with a large area of \u200b\u200bconstruction, which means, the high length of the rafter legs, the main elements of the design are complemented by the gain elements.

Elimination of the rafter design

On the axis of the building in opposite brushes of Maurolat (1), an additional bar is embedded - Liezhalan (2). The basis of the structure, as before, is central (4), shortened (naturines) (5) and the covered (3) rafters. Sound rafters enhance the cranial bars (6), fixed with pione. It is a strengthening and for the silent feet and for these narons, on them resting. Screeds (7) are bonded oppositely located rafters and serve as a base for installing racks (8). They are fixed on top of Maurolat and over the ice and rest on them.

With particularly large lengths of the rafter feet, the soot is used - supports, disposable not vertically, and at an angle of 45-60 °. In practice, the pumps are set with a wall length of more than 9 m (for a duct or four-tight).

The enhancement system of the main elements contributes to the savings of lumber. The cross section of the main elements in such a design can be taken reduced. Another way of saving is the formation of overhangs to grow rafters, ending on Mauerlat, lumps - bars or smaller boards.

Calculation of the rafting system of the tent roof

The basis of the calculation takes such source data:

  • the length of the house;
  • width of the house
  • height of the skate.

Consider the order and formulas calculations on the conditional example, using the geometric image of the tent roof (see above):

  • length of the house: AB \u003d DC \u003d 9 m;
  • width of the house: ad \u003d bc \u003d 8 m;
  • the height of the skate located in the geometric center of the roof: kf \u003d 2 m.

Calculation of lengths of the rafter elements

1. Length beam mauerlat.

  • AB + DC + AD + BC \u003d 9 + 8 + 9 + 8 \u003d 34 m

2. Central rafylas (excluding soles). These are a hypothenoise of a rectangular triangle, in which one cathe is the height of the skate, and the second is half the width (8/2 \u003d 4 m) or length (9/2 \u003d 4.5 m) at home.

Remember the Pythagores theormam:

3. Sound rafal (excluding soles). They are a hypothenoise of a rectangular triangle, in which one cathe is half the width or length of the house, and the second is the corresponding central rafter. For a roof with a skate in the geometric center of the roof of the length of the total rafters are the same.

4. Netigaries. Cropped rafters are located in parallel with central, with a step depending on the length of the rafter. Consider the table compiled with the taking into account the weather loads for the Moscow region.

Table 1. The data corresponds to the atmospheric loads of the Moscow region

Step rafters, see Length rafted, m
3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
215 100x150. 100x175 100x200 100x200 100x250 100x250
175 75x150 75x200 75x200 100x200 100x200 100x200 100x250
140 75x125 75x125 75x200 75x200 75x200 100x200 100x200
110 75x150 75x150 75x175 75x175 75x200 75x200 100x200
90 50x150 50x175 50x200 75x175 75x175 75x200 75x200
60 40x150 40x175 50x150 50x150 50x175 50x200 50x200

Our central rafters have a length of 4.472 m and 4.924 m. Narinsites will be shorter, so you can look at the column - 3.5 m.

To calculate the lengths of these people, let us remember the school and use the properties of similar triangles.

If in Figure AB is a central rafter, then Mn is a narison, AC is half the length of the wall (4.0 and 4.5 m, respectively), AM is a step depending on the number of acuse. MC для каждого нарожника вычисляется отдельно.

  • Mn \u003d (AV · MC) / AC

Perform calculation of options to select the most economical location of the shortened rafters, the results of which will be in a table.

Table 2. Calculation of sawn timber for narunions

A pitch of nurses, see Cross section of timber, mm Nonigan long side: ac \u003d 4.5 m, AB \u003d 4,472 m Net Follows: AC \u003d 4.0 m, AB \u003d 4,9242 m
number in half AM, M. length in half, m number in half AM, M. length in half, m volume of sawn timber for two skate, m 3
215 100x175 1 2,25 2,356 0,165 1 2,0 2,461 0,172
175 75x200 2 1,5 2,981 + 1,491 0,268 1 2,0 2,461 0,148
140 75x175 2 1,5 2,981 + 1,491 0,235 2 1,333 3,282 + 1,641 0,258
110 75x150 3 1,125 3,354 + 2,236 + 1,118 0,302 3 1,0 3,693 + 2,462 + 1,231 0,332
90 50x175 4 0,9 3,578 + 2,683 + 1,789 + 0,894 0,313 3 1,0 3,693 + 2,462 + 1,231 0,259
60 40x175 6 0,643 3,834 + 3,195 + 2,556 + 1,917 + 1,278 + 0,639 0,376 6 0,571 4,218 + 3,515 + 2,812 + 2,109 + 1,406 + 0,703 0,413

Obviously, less costs for our example are options with long steps. However, it is also necessary to take into account the requirements for fastening the roofing material and the costs of the doom. From this point of view, the answer will not be so obvious.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof taking into account the soles

Since the previous calculation was completed without the carnisy sweep, which in our example is performed using the kills, consider this part of the roof again as a simple geometric shape.

We accept the length of the sweep (DC) equal to 0.5 m. To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, we will again take advantage of the properties of similar triangles:

  • EF / BC \u003d AG / AD

BC - 8 and 9 m for short and long walls, respectively.

AD - 4.924 and 4,472 m for short and long walls, respectively.

AG - 4,924 + 0.5 \u003d 5,424 m and 4,472 + 0.5 \u003d 4.972 m for short and long walls, respectively.

  • EF \u003d (AG ∙ BC) / AD
  • EF \u003d (5,424 ∙ 8) / 4,924 \u003d 8,812 m - for short side
  • EF \u003d (4,972 ∙ 9) / 4,472 \u003d 10.006 m - for a long side

Squata area is calculated by the formula:

  • S \u003d (EF ∙ AG) / 2
  • S \u003d (8,812 ∙ 5,424) / 2 \u003d 23.9 m 2 - for short side
  • S \u003d (10.006 ∙ 4,972) / 2 \u003d 24.88 m 2 - for a long side

Overall area of \u200b\u200broofing material:

  • 2 (23.9 + 24.88) \u003d 97.56 m 2.

Tip! When calculating the material, take into account the cut, especially if it is a sheet material, like slate or professional flooring.

Attention! The article considers the calculation of only the main elements of the rafter system, which can help in drafting the pre-budget of the construction.