How to glue acrylic wallpapers on a paper basis. Instructions for sticking paper wallpapers with acrylic spraying wallpaper acrylic on paper based feedback

Acrylic wallpapers on a paper basis appeared on the domestic construction market relatively recently. But during this time they have already managed to conquer considerable popularity among consumers. In this article, we will try to disassemble more, how to glue acrylic wallpaper with a paper base.

Features of acrylic wallpaper

Acrylic is a universal polymer, widely used in the production of modern building and finishing materials. It is an ingredient for the production of adhesive, colorful and plaque compositions, various sealants and organic glass. For the first time acrylic was synthesized in Germany in 1930. Over time, on its basis, a whole family of polymers were created with various physical properties, which received the general name "Acryl".

In terms of its characteristics, acrylic is largely analogue of vinyl. In its type, acrylic wallpaper on paper basis are two-layer. Foamed acrylic is applied on the paper basis and is the front side. Among the main advantages of Wallpaper from acrylic, the following can be noted:

  • Little weight than vinyl counterparts. The layer of foamed polymer, applied to the paper basis, in this case twice as thinter: two millimeters against four. This greatly facilitates the sticker process.
  • Significant service life. Greater resistance to abrasion, effects of ultraviolet, mechanical damage than single-layer paper options.
  • An affordable price is less than that of vinyl analogs produced on a paper basis.
  • Ecology. This polymer coating does not allocate harmful substances during the operation. Also, the special technology of applying the polymer on the paper basis allows the walls to "breathe". The point method of applying the polymer does not create a solid, impenetrable for air, the acrylic layer.
  • Suitable for wet cleaning with soft sponges.

Attention ! Due to the special technology for applying a polymer on a paper basis that does not form a solid waterproof layer, it is not recommended to use acrylic wallpapers in rooms with high humidity.

For the same reason, wet cleaning should be made as delicately, without the use of aggressive cleaning agents.

Thanks to the large spectrum of coloring options and a unique embossed pattern on the modern market, wallpaper with coating from acrylic are able to successfully fit into any interior.

Sticking acrylic wallpaper

The technique of sticking wallpapers from acrylic is at its base no different from sticking other wallpaper. Paper base makes them unpretentious to choose glue, they will also be perfectly held on any wall. Before starting to stick, you need to prepare a wall to work. From this, it will largely depend on how high-quality wallpaper will be pasted.

Preparation of the wall to sticking

Preparation of the wall to labeling wallpaper is one of the key moments of all work. If it is not sufficient to approach this process, then soon it will be possible to observe the sad implications of poor-quality repairs.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the walls from the remnants of old finishing materials - wallpapers, paints, weakly holding plasters and putty.

Significant difficulty can represent the removal of old wallpaper. Sometimes they keep so firmly that they cannot be separated even with a spatula or knife. To facilitate the process of separation, they should be softened by water. Single-layer paper based wallpapers should be thoroughly moistened with a special solution for removing wallpaper. Similar funds in the assortment can be found in building supermarkets. In addition, such a tool may be prepared at home: a little wall-mounted glue must be added to the soap solution. The glue will be needed so that the solution is better penetrated to the paper base and longer delayed on it does not stack, and not tremendous.

To remove moisture-resistant options - with vinyl or the same acrylic spraying, it is necessary to apply a special technology. Before applying a solution to the surface, you will need to make cuts or scratches using a stationery knife or needle roller. Places where the paper base keeps especially firmly, you can try to sip the iron through the wet gauze.

If the walls are painted, it is also required to carefully remove it. Oil paint or enamel should be cleaned with a metal scraper. If the paint is kept on the wall very firmly, it can be treated with a grinding machine. The water-level paint is easily separated from the base (plaster, concrete) with a metal spatula, which periodically need to be made in the soap solution.

After that, it should be estimated to be the basis of the wall - the plaster or the shp can hold on to hold enough, not peeling, and without forming "bubbles". In order to ensure the strength of the base, the walls are tapping the hardware: a ringing sound when hit means that in this place the plaster peeled and needs to be removed.

Attention ! All the plaster plaster, suspiced from the brick or concrete basis, must be carefully removed and then attached to launch.

If there are any cracks on the walls, they also need to carefully sharpen in order to avoid their further increase.

After the walls are fully prepared, it is desirable to progress the surface of the wall of the wall with a special composition. Today, there are many species of various primers in the market - alkyd, acrylic, mineral, etc. Choose a variety that best comes to your case, you can familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics or consulted by a specialist in the store. The primer will significantly simplify the entire process of sticking - it does not only strengthen the basis of the wall, preventing its swing, but also improves adhesion ("clutch") of the wallpaper glue with the wall. After all the necessary preparatory work, proceed directly to the lacking of wallpaper.

Choosing a wallpaper glue

Today, consumers are given a huge number of all kinds of adhesive compositions. To choose glue, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility, since the strength of the adhesion of the paper canvas with the basis depends on its quality. It should be immediately said that the paper base is quite unpretentious to the technical characteristics of the glue. The paper has the ability to interact well with any adhesive composition, perfectly absorbing it.

Not so long ago, a homemade composition prepared from starch and flour was used for sticking. However, it has much worse adhesion than the compositions produced in the factory. And, as a result, has low moisture resistance, prone to detachment from the wall over time. In addition, the homemade holter is a beneficial medium for the reproduction of fungi and microorganisms, moving on the paper layer of the canvas.

Another, not so long ago, the popular glue is a building PVA, or bustilat. On the one hand, it is distinguished by excellent adhesion, which causes a strong coupling of the paper base with a wall, but it creates an airtight layer on the wall surface. Another minus Bustilat is a very strong hitch with the wall of the wall. Therefore, upon subsequent repair, it will be possible to separate the layer of bustilat and the paper basis only with the top layer of plaster.

The best option for sticking acrylic wallpaper with a paper base is adhesive compositions specially designed for these purposes. Such compositions are mostly manufactured from a modified starch with the addition of various ingredients that prevent the development of fungi and mold on the paper canvas. In order for glue to fit the declared specifications, when it is prepared, it is necessary to carefully follow the instructions specified on the package.

Wall markup

Before starting work, you should apply vertical marking on the wall, which will give the opportunity to stick the paper canvas as soon as possible. Start marking, like sticking, follows from one of the corners of the room. Using a level or plumb, we spend a vertical line from the ceiling to the floor. From her and begin to stick wallpaper. Next, we measure the height of the ceilings and cut the wallpaper on the bands of the required length, leaving the bottom of 5 to 10 cm. Especially the canvas on the floor and proceed to lubricating it with glue.

Application of glue

When sticking acrylic wallpapers on paper, the glue must be observed the following technologies. The glue is initially applied to the wall, and then on the paper basis of the wallpaper. It is necessary to apply the glue with a thin layer, since the paper canvas is poorly tolerated excessive moisture - possible paper deformation is possible, which, after sticking and drying, will lead to the blasting of the web and displacement of the pattern. Then the paper canvas should be folded in half, lubricated with glue side inside and leave in this position for 5 to 10 minutes. This will allow the paper surface to be even impregnated with glue. Thanks to this, the paper canvas evenly and firmly stick to the wall.

Wallpaper sticking

It is best to produce work on plating wallpaper best - so work will be produced much faster and better. Lubricated with glue canvas apply to the wall, combining its edge with a vertical markup line. We should not forget about the bottom of the bottom and on top of the web - they are removed after the end of the work by the stationery knife, when wallpaper alignment.

Important ! When sticking wallpaper with a paper basis, you need to trace the lack of drafts.

When dried, they poorly carry the temperature differences caused by draft. It is also possible an uneven drying of glue, which will lead to the discontinuation of the base from the wall. Therefore, when sticking with paper-based wallpapers, all doors and windows should be tightly closed.

The basis of the next web is also lubricated with glue, the band is folded in half and is left for several minutes. The second cloth is pasted with an online strip. Similarly, stagnation and other bands are made. When the opposite angle is reached, the wallpaper band should be cut down with a milestone to such a calculation so that its edge to 3 to 4 cm enter the adjacent wall.

For recalling irregularities when gluing, it is best to use a special plastic spatula. Outflowable excess glues are removed from the leaf with a dry cloth. The air bubbles formed under the base are pierced with a needle, and then smoke.

Among the new types of wallpapers, the so-called "foamed" wallpapers are also attracted.

It is a canvas with acrylic foam, which is applied to the bottom paper or phlizelin layer, and form a sufficiently strong coating with an interesting texture.

Acrylic wallpapers: The main advantages and cons

Wall-mounted cloths have plenties and few minuses. But before buying them for your own apartment, it will not be superfluous to learn more details.

It is believed that the materials with the addition of acrylic are related to both paper and vinyl. This means that they combine the properties of these two species.

Acrylic wallpaper based on cellulose raw materials is very lungs, well holding on the walls, rarely form bloat.

For repair, special glue is needed, an ordinary universal fit fit. Acrylic wallpaper resemble sheets from vinyl unusual textures, resistance to moisture and washing qualities.

Despite the seeming similarity, "foamed" wallpaper differ significantly from vinyl and paper. Pros and cons lies precisely unlike other species.

Finishing sheets of acrylic are beautiful and diverse in design. Sometimes they are difficult to distinguish from more expensive types of finishes on a vinyl basis.

There are unfair manufacturers, selling acrylic wallpapers at a high price, issuing them for expensive materials from Vinyl.

You always need to require quality certificates and read the inscriptions on the packages. Acquire products in proven places where a small chance will be met with fake.

For example, you can buy products at once from the manufacturer, or in large hypermarkets and respected online stores.

By purchasing acrylic wallpapers, you get the environmental friendliness of paper and strength vinyl at a democratic price.

Pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper: pay attention

It should be started with pluses that have enough wall covering.

1. Pluses of acrylic wallpaper

  1. Acceptable price. The canvas from acrylic can afford almost everyone. Their cost is much lower than fliesline and vinyl canvases, but not much higher than paper.
  1. Good moisture tolerance. Acrylic sheets are easy to wash a damp cloth, which you can not say about paper. Although they should be wiped carefully, since the substance is unevenly distributed over the surface of the canvas, and therefore areas that are sensitive to water remain. Basically, the acrylic foam is applied to the places with a pattern.

  1. Ease. Wallpaper with the addition of acrylic is very lungs, almost like paper. You do not have to make the super loyal glue in order to attach them to the wall. With acrylic problems there will be no problems in repair.
  1. High durability of the wallpaper sheet. Having an idea how the paper wallpaper simply robs during their cutting and sticking, you will be a pleasure to work with acrylic wallpaper, because they are distinguished by increased strength and density.
  1. Ecology. Organic polymers to which include acrylic are neutrally affected by the world around the world, without producing toxic compounds and has a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the apartment.

Under the wallpaper can not get mushroom and other mold. By the way, we have already written on this topic - and.

2. Cons acrylic wallpaper

For equilibrium, it should be said about the minuses of this type of wall covering.

1. The probability of fakes. If you want to buy exactly acrylic wallpaper, you have nothing to fear. If you want to buy finishing materials from vinyl, then be careful - you can sell acrylic wallpapers under the type of vinyl.

Naturally, you pay a big price, and get cheaper options. Read labels.

2. Contained moisture resistance. The acrylic substance is well tolerating the wet environment, but in places of the canvas can be deformed from excessive humidity. The acrylic layer is applied mainly to the place of drawing.

But only as they are in rolls or wait for sticking. The applied glue scores micropores, and the canvas cease to pass the air. If this parameter is important for you, pay attention.

4. Durability in question. Acrylic materials will serve longer than paper, but not as long as expensive analogs.

The pros and cons of acrylic wallpapers speak for themselves. As can be seen, there are more advantages than minuses, and this is a sign that this wall covering deserves to become part of any beautiful and modern interior.

The acrylic has long been used in construction as sea sealant for flooring, paints, glue, putty, decorative plaster. The scope of acrylic is regularly expanding.

One of the latest innovations is acrylic wallpaper. According to manufacturers, they are able to replace wallpaper from foamed vinyl. Compared to vinyl, they have many advantages that are expressed in high performance.

Acrylic wallpaper consists of a canvas with a paper base and a layer of foamed acrylic, which forms a pronounced embossed pattern on the surface.

Acrylic paper wallpaper

Wallpaper paper acrylic is the most eco-friendly subspecies of acrylic coating for walls. The disadvantage of this species is manifested when sticking wallpaper: they can not be unwound for a long time, otherwise due to moisture, which is contained in the glue, will replete the paper and will suffer acrylic. Therefore, as soon as one cloth was smeared, it should be immediately glued to the wall.

Acrylic paper wallpapers are available in ordinary rolls. Their outer surface has a relief structure. It can be monophonic or color. Manufacturers offer wide, so they can be easily chosen for any interior.

Wallpaper on a fliesline basis - subspecies of acrylic, but they have several nuances:

  • Flizelin base is considered a good reinforcing layer. Wallpapers will not break even when the crack is formation in the wall of plasterboard.
  • Simplicity of sticking. It is necessary to apply glue to the pre-prepared surface and glue the wallpaper.

Environmentally friendly wallpaper

In addition to standard wallpapers with a two-layer structure, manufacturers offer improved variety, which is called eco-acryl. In these samples, instead of ordinary acrylic, a divorced emulsion is used, similar to medical acrylic.

Such a coating consists of four layers. The first layer is the basis for mostly the paper is used. The second is acrylic. The third and fourth - ecological acrylic, which is applied in two layers. Therefore, this type of wallpaper is stronger and most secure.

Liquid acrylic wallpaper

Acrylic liquid wallpapers for their qualities belong to a greater extent to the types of decorative plaster than to the wallpaper. This material consists of a mixture of silk, cellulose fibers and decorative fillers, such as structural particles and dyes.

In order to make a liquid (from here and the name) mixture, it is necessary to use the usual glue for wallpaper. The resulting composition is required to be confused over the entire surface of the wall.

Before applying liquid wallpapers, experts advise to treat the surface of the walls to the primer mixture. This will improve the clutch of the base with further coating. And the primer has protective properties: prevents the penetration of moisture, prevents the formation of fungus and mold.

Primer for liquid wallpapers

Basic primer materials for liquid wallpaper:

  1. Acrylic primer under the wallpaper is the optimal option. First, it is easy to apply. Secondly, quickly dries. Thirdly, evenly falls around.
  2. Deep-perky. Perfectly absorbed into the surface, after drying, a strong moisture-proof film is formed. This primer can be smoothed surface shortcomings: irregularities, pores.
  3. Quartz is manufactured using quartz dust. This type of primer attaches a small roughness of the treated surface, making a liquid coating perfectly.

The value of liquid wallpaper is that they can be used on any planes. Buyers prefer this species, as it is no worse than ordinary wallpaper. The only disadvantage of this type of finish is the costs of materials.

Stowing wallpaper

Vinyl acrylic wallpapers are glued as well as ordinary paper. First you need to prepare the walls: remove the old coating (wallpaper, plaster). Clear them from fat and dirt. Align the surface and apply primer.

The main thing is to choose the right glue composition. It is best to use glue, intended for acrylic wallpaper.

The next moment is smoothing. Almost all experts prefer to use a spatula. But it will have to be used very carefully, because the deeper the structure, the more likely to get clinging for it and spoil the wallpaper. In the event that there is no work experience with a spatula, it is better to use a roller.

During sticking wallpapers, the room is better not to ventilate, since the wallpaper vinyl acrylic does not tolerate temperature drops.

Glue wallpaper on acrylic paint

Punning wallpaper on paint - a difficult task that requires certain knowledge. If you glue the wallpaper to the painted surface, then there may be problems with the lag of wallpaper from the walls, the formation of air bubbles and irregularities. In this case, you will have to cross the walls in the near future.

Full surface cleaning from the old coating will require a lot of time, but it can guarantee a great end result. Before glue wallpaper on the paint, it is recommended to first apply primer. Acrylic paint does not smell, is perfectly applied and fixed on the surface, in addition, it is characterized by excellent water repellent properties.

Paints for paper wallpapers

From ordinary paper wallpapers, the presence of a water-repellent layer is distinguished. Paint for this type of wallpaper is made water based. Up to fifteen times you can update the wallpaper for painting.

Paint for paper wallpapers is made of PVA and is considered environmentally friendly. It is consisting in the fact that it absorbs water, burns out in the sun, it can not be used in rooms with high humidity. Wallpaper has good moisture resistance and is used only on smooth surfaces. She does not let the air.

Not so long ago, a new method of wall decoration was the painting of wallpaper with acrylic paints. Acrylic paints are most resistant to the effects of sunlight and dampness.

Manufacturers offer a varied color palette. If the wallpaper is painted with such paint, you can make a wet cleaning of the walls, which improves the quality of the air in the room. In addition, it does not have a negative impact on people's health and for this reason can be used for interior design.

Paint for paper wallpapers is sold in white. With the help of special fillers, it can be given any shade. This process is referred to as a tinting. The desired color can be done manually or using special machines that quickly mix the paint to get the required color by order of the buyer.

High-quality painting materials allow you to independently update paper wallpapers. It is much faster and more economical than shooting old wallpaper and re-glue new ones. The paint increases the strength of the wallpaper, improves the soundproofing of the premises.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic wallpaper

The main benefits include the following factors:

  • Resistance to erasure, to mechanical damage.
  • Wear resistance - wallpaper can be washed with detergents, but only without abrasive substances.
  • The cost of producing acrylic wallpaper is much lower than the production of vinyl.
  • Ecology. Acrylic is one of the cleanest polymers, it does not allocate toxins and allows the walls to "breathe".
  • Hygienicity. Acrylic wallpapers are not allowed to multiply fungi and mold, so they can be used in a children's or bedroom.
  • Universality. With the help of modern staining technologies, the wallpaper can be painted in the most suitable color for the interior.
  • Long service life.

Basic disadvantages:

  • wallpapers are attracted dust due to the deep structure;
  • instability to moisture, high humidity reduces wallpaper service life.

Acrylic wallpaper

Wash acrylic wallpaper is recommended from the bottom up, it makes it possible to avoid the inclination and appearance of spots. It is not recommended to use potent chemicals. This leads to a partial or complete loss of color. Cleaning must be carried out with a soft damp cloth.

Correct and timely care for acrylic wallpaper gives an excellent result. After cleaning, they acquire an initial appearance. It is recommended to regularly carry out wet cleaning in the house, including walls.

Acrylic wallpaper is an excellent replacement for traditional finish types. They help to make the interior brighter and expressive. If the internal design of the room is made in a classic style, then most often choose the wallpaper in such a color scheme, which is made in which the entire room is made. Modern style uses bright contrasting wallpapers without a picture.

Acrylic wallpapers on a popular paper basis on the market of building materials of Russia not so long ago. They are freely sold in bulk, you can buy them in retail. Consumers have already noted their positive qualities, they have walked at home, apartments, rooms and are happy to recommend relatives, employees, friends and acquaintances, like a beautiful, practical coverage for the walls. Although this material has other advantages.

Displays the texture of Penoboev

common data

In 1939, all well-known organic glass was invented. This invention is associated with the occurrence of a new material - acrylic, polymer obtained by chemical. Now the indicators acrylic are better than in those distant times.

In the construction market, manufacturers sell a lot of materials for isolation, finishes, construction from acrylic. Acrylic wallpapers are carried out as follows: to the basis, in our case paper, acrylic is applied with a spraying, not a film, as it was before. Such a point method provides this material free air penetration than the manufacturers of paper walls are so proud. The surface of the wallpaper canvase is obtained volumetric, textured, which looks very beautiful. In addition, this material is convenient to glue on the walls, which attracts more and more consumers across the country.

Wallpaper from acrylic fascinate with their beauty. In the afternoon they are superbly played by sun bunnies, the drawing looks volumetric, which is very beautiful and modern. If you need simple, inexpensive, but cute wallpapers, pay attention to acrylic.

Acrylic paper canvases are sold in rolls. The basis as we said are paper. It is applied by a layer of emulsion from acrylic. These canvas of manufacturing technology are similar to vinyl. But here several times a smaller layer of polymers. The emulsion based on polymers is applied point, thanks to which the material breathes freely, and it means that I will breathe and the walls covered with them. The acrylic layer is only 1 and a maximum of 2 mm.

Acrylic Paper Wallpaper on Showcase

Externally, acrylic paper wallpaper looks usually and sold in rolls of a certain (standard) size - 0.53m. It is convenient to glue on the wall, the docking of the picture also does not cause problems. By the way, glue them is best together, one will be unorded. On the front of the material, small droplets or smears are noticeable, as if the artist knewful hand was with a tassel.

Regarding the design, specialists have developed a web with different drawings, it is on these sketches and produce real wallpapers. The production process involves spraying acrylic on a paper basis. Among the diversity of the design of Penoboev, you will meet and familiar vegetable motives, and original abstractions. Those who prefer monophonic wallpapers are also not disappointed, they are presented in a good assortment and imputed in a living room or bedroom, a nursery for a baby or a teenager.

Advantages and disadvantages

In vinyl wallpaper, the foamed layer is 4 mm, and in acrylic on paper, it is thinner in 2 mm. This means that they are easier and more convenient to glue one person, and in a pair to work with any material easily.

Green bedroom interior

As dignity, such quality quality can be noted:

  • Excellent wear resistance.
  • Vinyl canvas are more expensive than acrylic, and, it means that acrylic are available to a wider range of potential consumers.
  • Ecology. Paper-based polymers coating safe. Material does not stand out into the environment of harmful toxins. This material is "breathable." In many ways, thanks to these qualities, many people boldly finish their bedrooms or children's acrylic wallpaper. Microorganisms with bacteria do not feed on acrylic, therefore do not develop on it.
  • It does not matter what style the design of your interior is made, acrylic wallpapers are presented in a large, diverse assortment of colors and drawings. You will definitely choose something to any of your rooms, for example. It is only possible to go to the goal and search over the Internet, in construction supermarkets or the building materials near you.
  • Acrylic wallpaper has water-repellent properties, they are not so different, like vinyl, the thickness of the polymer layer of which is 4 mm, but good. You should not glue acrylic web into the kitchen, give preference to vinyl or other waterproof materials, in the rest of the premises such a choice is appropriate.
  • Material strong. If you have a small child, you can safely glue his bedroom acrylic canvases with a cheerful pattern.

This material has some minuses. For example, vinyl wallpapers serve longer acrylic on a paper basis. They are more durable and wear-resistant, since thicker.

If you have conceived a general cleaning, then wipe the acrylic material with a soapy sponge carefully, it is thin and can get wet. It is not necessary to rub him hard, press, roll.

Clean the acrylic canvases are very and very neat. However, for an experienced hostess there is nothing complicated. You will definitely cope and you will be satisfied that they purchased acrylic wallpaper.


The main thing, when caring for acrylic canvases, do not overdo it. Spraying acrylic is thin, because the wallpaper should not be very terret to soap sponge and the more brushing. If the material is clean, it is enough to moisten the sponge in water, and if there is dirt, you need a soap solution. In large supermarkets you will find a special means for washing acrylic wallpaper. If you get for vinyl, buy. Materials on their qualities are similar.

Look at how the wallpaper canvas of the Penoboe looks like, when cleaning it, it is necessary to deal with it

When buying a special detergent, at home, apply a little sponge and spend the contaminated area. Now, turn on the top with a clean, painted with a sponge or rag. Please note that it cannot be used to clean this materials that contain abrasive particles. After all, they can scratch a gentle polymer surface. which also includes acrylic, very laborious process, but if you want to keep clean, it will have to do.

Is there harm from the wallpaper from acrylic

Many in the world where a large amount of artificial materials invented, is worried about the question, and whether those or other beautiful wallpapers are safe, furniture, things? The answer is unequivocal that this type of wallpaper fully meets the requirements of GOST and such wallpapers can be used in any room apartment or at home.

They are safe, "breathable", which is confirmed by a large number of certificates. We may ask the seller of the consultant and he must present you these very quality certificates for the goods. They should be checked in any case, so as not to buy under the guise of the goods from one manufacturer, the Chinese fake.

Paper wallpaper with acrylic foam from Ukraine

Based on the studied properties of acrylic wallpaper, we can draw conclusions that this material is comfortable, strong, wear-resistant and beautiful. They can be glued both all the walls in the apartment or house and the ceiling. Acrylic is deposited on the paper basis, so it keeps on the substrate very well ..

Of course, the material with such a spraying from acrylic is not perfect, there are some drawbacks, but the wallpaper of acrylic themselves, you can safely purchase in a construction supermarket or on the market, even by the catalog in the online store and start the long-awaited repair of your dwelling.