Male bedroom design. Interior design of the male room or what do men want a male style bedroom

The bedroom in each house is a special place to be equipped in accordance with the character, age and wishes of its owners. Men's bedroom in this regard special. It must be comfortable, functional, practical - and simultaneously stylish.

Room furnishings

The overall furnishing of the room depends on many factors, especially from its area and preferences of the premises. But in most cases there are necessarily the following things:

  • Bed.Many strong sex representatives prefer a spacious and free sleeping place. For this reason, it is better to choose a double bed or a sofa bed with a sliding mechanism "Book". If the bedroom has a small area (for example, 9 square meters. M), a modular sofa can be a sleeping place.
  • Wardrobe.It must be compact and roomy at the same time. It is necessary to take care that it has not only a place for hangers and a sufficient number of shelves for clothes, but also additional shoe boxes. Men also love when they reign order in their things.
  • Work zone.It can consist of both an ordinary table and chair, and from one chairs. It all depends on what kind of cases are performed in this part of the room.

  • A variety of devices and electronic equipment.Some men love to install a home theater or TV in their bedroom. In this case, it is best to install them on the walls or special shelves, directly opposite the bed. This will make it easier to make the use of the devices themselves, and also do not litter space.
  • Decor.Many men love the reasonable use of decorative elements to decorate their bedroom. It can be small statuettes, beautiful sconters or paintings. The main thing is that such decorative additions to meet the interests of the man himself.

Sometimes the interior of the bedroom can be complemented by other elements - for example, bedside tables, coffee table or chairs. It is necessary to remember the reasonable use of space and that men usually do not like when too many unnecessary things surround them.

It is also worth noting that the bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation, so one should not overload it with additional furniture or decorative elements.

Color palette and materials

Selecting the range of colors in which the general design of the male bedroom will be performed, it is worth remembering about two things. First, this is a place for relaxation, and secondly is a place for a man's sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon too bright and catchy colors. Experienced designers also do not recommend using too many different shades in the interior and try to combine them among themselves.

The men's sleeping room and recreation can be performed in two or more colors, most preferred of which are:

  • the black;
  • grey;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • dark beige;


  • white;
  • dark burgundy;
  • turquoise;
  • color of natural pearls.

The best materials that are used in the arrangement of the bedroom for a man are considered natural species of trees, metal, impact-resistant glass and semi-precious stones. If we talk about the tissues that will also be in the bedroom in the role of curtains, curtains or covered, then velor, atlas or silk will be perfect.

Not necessarily use all these colors, fabrics and materials together. Each of them has its own purpose and is suitable for use when choosing some single bedroom design.

Interior design styles

All interior items described at the beginning of the article should be selected so that they are combined with the overall design of the bedroom itself. Experts allocate several options for making a bedroom for a man.


Such a bedroom is distinguished by restraint and conciseness, there are almost always no decorative elements. Such a bedroom is ideal for a successful man who builds a career and is not distracted by outsiders.

A minimalistic bedroom usually contains a bed, bedside tables, a wardrobe. The best colors for such an interior will be beige, blue and brown.


This room is characterized by calm brown shades, convenience, luxury and minimalism at the same time. Such a bedroom is suitable for a person who has already achieved a lot and prefers to relax in comfort and with amenities. The best colors for decoring the bedroom in this style will be brown, gray, light beige, white.

The interior must include bed, bedside tables, wardrobe. On the walls there should be pictures on the windows - gorgeous lambrequins, and on the ceiling - chandelier in the classic style.

Modern style

This option is ideal for a young man who is actively developing in all spheres of his life. The best colors for designing such a room will be black, gray, white. The best materials for furniture and decor are a tree, metal and glass.

In such a modern bedroom, there must be a TV or a cinema, there must be a convenient working area. The prerequisite for the design of the bedroom in this style is that all items in the room must have clear edges, and some one of them should immediately focus on themselves.


This interior design is still new. The basis of such a design is its full personality and uniqueness. During the design of the bedroom, any materials and colors can be used. The prerequisite is that it is the bed itself becomes the main emphasis in the room.

This style is also characterized by the fact that the room itself is zoned by several parts (with the help of furniture or false walls), thereby simultaneously hiding the bed and causing attention to it.

There are other options for the interior design of the bedroom - for example, Provence or Art Deco. However, experienced designers strongly recommend refusing to use their use when arranging men's bedrooms. In the first case, the room is obtained too soft and not sufficiently male, and in the second case, on the contrary, too clean. However, if the man likes such design options, they can be safely embodied.

Choosing some particular space of bedroom design for a man, it is worth remembering that the recommendations on its design are familiarized. It is quite possible to change something or clean, create your own option of a room that will have to do with its owner.

In this video you will see even more ideas for the design of the men's bedroom.

Starting the decoration of the bedroom for a man is necessary from the selection of an interior style, as well as to carefully plan the location of all its elements. The idea is to harmoniously combine style and practicality, the second is sometimes more important than the first. The bedroom men should not be overwhelmed by superfluous accessories, furniture items and other things, everything should be convenient and not necessarily ideally, the main thing is that the man focuses in his bedroom "with closed eyes" and could find any thing.

Furnished furniture, bas-reliefs and fringe, exquisite panels with images of colors, all this is absolutely no need to be a tired man who dreams of relaxing after a hard working day. Not that it does not have taste or him is alien to contemplating the aesthetic beauty of the bas-reliefs of his bedroom, he just does not have time for it, and a special desire. From this we conclude that the bedroom of the men are likely to fit the styles of High-tech and minimalism, of course, when choosing a style, it is necessary to rely on tastes and preferences of a particular person, however, from the experience of the designers we see that in most severe sex prefers exactly such styles interior.

Create interior bedroom

The strong gender advantage chooses two styles in the design of its bedroom - it is high-tech and minimalism. They are easy to be manufacturable and comfort. Thanks to the decor, tissues, mixing textures and properly disposed flower accents, the bedroom of the men will easily turn into a relaxing place.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the central link of the future interior, it can be almost any big thing - a bright representative of this stylistic direction: bed, wardrobe, painting, panels and more.

After that, relying on the central link, we gradually form the interior, collecting it in the elements: futuristic walls and ceiling with built-in lamps, an abundance of complex equipment, embedded furniture, complex and functional, but completely deprived of a complex decor.

The windows can be made with light fabrics, without bright drawings, frills, lambrequins. Colors that prefer men are dark green, gray, dark beige, brown, blue, steel, black. The bedroom should not be overloaded with accessories they should be quite a bit, but they must reflect the character of a person, his inner world. It can be photos within, collective poster or statuette or something else. Direct clear lines, simplicity of forms, combining rationality and practicality in a rest room, this is what most representatives of strong sex will appreciate

Furniture and textiles in the men's bedroom

The practical component is the base of the bedroom of a man.

  • As already noted, the bedroom men should be comfortable and match its habits, needs, psychophysiological characteristics. The bed that occupies the "central" place in the bedroom must be selected with the growth in the growth and complex of a strong sex. As a rule, we choose wide and long beds with a powerful base and a rigid mattress. A convenient bedside table with practical point lighting is installed next to the bed, and the plasma TV is striking, as a rule.
  • As for the storage system, in the dressing room for a man, it should be as much hangers and rods as possible, in order for clothes and costumes to always be in an impeccable tailoring condition and did not swear on narrow shelves. It is best to provide for wardrobes and corner cabinets. The rhythm of the life of a modern man and the expanding wardrobe require such a storage organization that would allow you to quickly find the right thing if necessary: \u200b\u200bclothes, shoes, tie, etc. In addition to the main elements, modern wardrobe systems have a number of specific components - hooks, trouser hangers and ties, baskets, shoe stands, accessories holders, drawers and boxes. With the creation of an ergonomic storage system in the men's bedroom, there will be a permanent order, it will not want to return to chaos.
  • For the design of the workplace, any man will also come seriously. If the bedroom area allows you to combine the bedroom with the office, but in a small room you need to find a place for the table. The main attributes on it will be a designer lamp, organizer, and a photo frame and a photo frame. A good table must supplement the chair and a leather soft chair.
  • The textile elements of the men's bedroom should be practical, it is necessary to exclude "capricious" fabrics and materials, and use only those that are easily erased and cleaned. But this does not mean that men with taste cannot choose expensive and sophisticated materials, such as velvet, silk or atlas. Curtains or curtains are better to choose from heavy tight fabric that does not pass the light to create a half-making atmosphere as if in the lair of a predatory beast. On the floor, instead of carpets in the men's bedroom, you can meet an artificial skin skin. The animal themes may have a bedspread or plaid on the bed.

Thus, in the men's bedroom, everything should be under the owner - rich, stylish and ergonomic. Of course, much depends on the taste and preferences of a person, its character, position in society, income, but one remains the main thing - the male interior is the presence of equipment, the predominance of simple, functional furniture, decoration of unusual objects - from the models of machines to the statuette of Krishna.

Photo of male spalien

Whether in a minimalist, rustic or industrial style, a men's bedroom is a place where a third of life takes place at least. All that surrounds a man in his bedroom gives others the opportunity to understand his personality. We offer 30 most successful examples of organizing personal space in a room that are really impressive.


When it comes to the men's bedroom, the first thing that comes to mind is simplicity, conciseness and functionality. This bedroom has everything you need for a bachelor, including a simple bed in neutral colors, a gloss and an elegance of the interior.

Elegance, bordering under masculby

The bedroom has a pacifying neutral atmosphere, which is great for a full-fledged holiday. The style here is felt in everything, and masculinity is represented by a reasonable combination of materials and lighting. This design is based on the contrast, created by Kiev architect Ivan Yurium.

Proper combination of details

This bedroom also deserves attention. To belong to the bedroom, a man indicates a leather chair with metal parts and a combination of geometric patterns on the floor. Hexagonal mirrors and a picture on which the bike is depicted, indicate that creative nature lives here. By the way, the bedroom is equipped in the basement at home by designers from Madison Taylor Design.

Easy and functionality

We present modern design, which is based on the main passion of the owner. The combination of black and white colors is always advantageous, especially in the hands of designers from the Polish Studio Kasia Orwat, which found this apartment in Poland and turned it into a simple, but functional male refuge.

Love for mystery

Finding into this bedroom, which is located in the apartment in Istanbul, you seem to be in the museum. The author of this luxurious and stylish design, which is based on a neutral palette of colors, is Turkish designer Tanju Özelgin. All items in this bedroom make an image as a whole unique: stone walls and muffled light provide a feeling of mysteriousness.

How much time a man spends in the bedroom? Enough in order to understand that everything is like him here. In this bedroom, there is a male spirit everywhere. Neutral color gamut, natural lighting due to the presence of large windows, which offer a view of one of the four largest cities in Ukraine. The windows, decorated with porters, wooden floor, concrete walls and sunlight - all this is organically combined, creating a soothing atmosphere.

The role of lighting in dark bedrooms

This Kiev bedroom will certainly attract attention not only due to the combination of a variety of textures, but also the role of lighting. Bedroom design belongs to Igor Sirotov. With the help of light, both artificial and daytime, designer managed to transform a dark bedroom so that she looked stylish and elegant. In addition to the bed, the room on the windowsill is equipped with extra holiday facilities.

In the design of this men's bedroom in the middle of 20 century, there is one important advantage - a view of the beautiful forest in the mountainous area, which opens from large windows framed by dark frames. Everything inside the room, including a fireplace, wooden walls that transmit the spirit of the surrounding area, and a simple, but comfortable bed, impressive with its simplicity and pristine.

The men's bedroom is most often associated with neutral colors. The bedroom presented in the photo is located in one of the fashionable apartments in Israel, the design of which is made in the style of Armani. It is a work of art that has such an important advantage as a panoramic view of the city and the sea.

Passion for men by travel found their display in the design of this bedroom. Everything is filled with the spirit of wanderings. A cozy, modern and practical bedroom is great for a man whose life is filled with passion.

Easy in detail

Above the design of this bedroom, made in dark colors and filled with daylight, worked by a young Albanian architect and artist 3D installations Sairi Braho. On the wall over the bed are paintings by the artist, who simply stand on the shelf with backlight. Natural light Thanks to a large window freely penetrates the bedroom and creates an atmosphere and feeling of freedom.

Masculinity is close in nature

The man needs a feeling of fresh air, privacy and aesthetics, it was all this embodied in himself a men's bedroom, the main attributes of which became a large window on the entire wall connecting the exterior and interior and allowing to enjoy the beautiful view of the surroundings. Dark floor, daylight and beautiful landscape - key elements to which designers made from Abramson Teiger Architects.

The desire of a man live closer to nature found its reflection in color and bedroom design textures. The combination of concrete, brick, wood and mirror surfaces have become characteristic design features. Brick walls and wooden floor - an excellent choice for a man.

This stylish elegant bedroom promises unforgettable sensations and under the night lunar sky, and sunny in the morning. The design shows how to maximize the architectural features of the ceiling and walls.

In the room, male began is present everywhere, ranging from paintings on the wall to a unique headboard. The walls are painted in gray. Here, besides the bed, equipped and a place to read next to the fireplace. Bedroom borders bareround with simplicity and functionality.

What does man mean

Design development that could reflect individuality is a complex but interesting task. Masculinity is manifested in detail, including furniture and a variety of combinations of colors and materials. This bedroom is part of a luxurious penthouse located in one of the skyscrapers of New York.

Expression of masculinity by color

Male flowers are considered to be deep shades of blue, which are perfectly combined with the color of wooden furniture and create an attractive palette. Make a stylish room by adding chrome and leather parts. This men's bedroom with dark floors and an expressive palette, represented by IMI Design Studio designers, is an excellent example.

If you are a luxury supporter, then the charming bedroom with a trendy design, which is located in one and apartments in Kuala Lumpur, will become a real inspiration. The combination of glass and multicolored mirror elements, multi-level lighting created the perfect foundation for bold design.

The use of white, black and gray shades formed the basis of the design presented in the photo of a male bedroom. It is worth noting that the rest of the luxurious house, which is located in Australia, is decorated in the same color scheme. Huge windows allow the daylight to fill the room, and the dark details make the emphasis on the fact that unforgettable dreams are waiting at night.

Come up with a little bedroom design so that I wish to come here and fully relax, the task is complicated. On the example, it can be seen how a wooden finish and the presence of a black ceiling is coping with this complex task. The tree creates an amazing sensation, the atmosphere, where without a doubt you will want to sleep, and the morning to meet with the first daylight beam, which will penetrate into the window thanks to the lattice screen.

Curiosity, harmony and satisfaction

Curiousness - the lot of most male representatives. The spirit of adventure is always inherent, especially after a good rest. The dark bedroom filled with mysteriousness, which is located in the house in Brisbane, Australia, is the creation of the hands of the James Russell architect.

On the one hand, the combination of black and white is a classic that does not require rich fantasy. But the designer approached creatively to this choice and made an emphasis on a combination of not only colors, but also geometry, and textures to make an impression. This is a bold design also because with the size of the window and its decoromadizer risked, creating a solid dark bed in general.

Looking at the Dark Bedroom, you immediately understand that it belongs to a man. The muffled light creates a sense of a peculiar logow.

Bedroom - above the clouds

The abundance of books and wood creates a cozy and warm atmosphere, which is perfect for a man who adores urban life. The Bedroom from the company Greenauer Design Group is designed for creativity and the appropriate mood because of the window from the window to the city and daylight.

No place pains man

In the Brazilian bedroom, owned by a idle young lawyer, an industrial style is presented, which is ideal for a male bedroom. The elegant bedroom is connected to the bathroom, which together more similar to the recreation area in the spa, than on the bedroom in the apartment.

Impartiality in color and patterns

The basis of the design of the modern bedroom is simplicity with the elements of masculinity. The neutral range of colors and patterns are ideally suited for the decor of the men's bedroom, despite the fact that a whole family lives in this house. In addition to the perfect combination of colors, patterns, you can note with the taste of selected furniture. Over the design of this Kiev bedroom, two architects worked, Irina Maidaya and Mikhail Golub.

Natural light

Despite the ease of color gamut, furniture and lighting, the comfort is felt in this room. To give the room a male character, designers took up 10 modern elements, without any modern design. The bedroom was specifically created in order to reflect power, male determination, simplicity and elegance.

Creative solution for the use of square forms

The bedroom in the center shows the bed of square form from Funn Roberts, which was specially created for the actor of Vincent Cartar. It creates a multi-faceted and emphasizes masculinity. As a headboard of this bed, a fragment of a non-heavenly wooden board was used, which in itself is a bold and excellent designer solution.

Another inspirational example is how you can use a tree in the decor to create a cozy and stylish room with a male character, presented in the form of a modern bedroom located in one of the apartments of Stockholm. An unusual ceiling of the bedroom is obliged by what is in the attic of the house.

Traditional approach

The design of this bedroom, represented by WELL Built Co, is a rustic style using natural materials, including wood. A man must be in such an atmosphere that promotes healthy sleep, improves physical and psychological health. Therefore, the selection of design and materials is worth it to be consciously.
Another interesting option was offered a designer from San Francisco for a young man aged 20+.

Among the variety of stylistic destinations, most of the representatives of heavy sex give preference to just a few ways to design a dream room.

  1. Minimalism. Here is a concise room, in which only the most needed: bed, bedside table and wardrobe. Curtains are better to choose dense, dark colors. Color range - soft, implying brown, bluish and gray tones. This design of the men's bedroom specialists advise people who spend most of the time at work and need a full-fledged night rest.
  2. High tech. Many this style is presented in the form of something cold, "steel" and uncomfortable. But if the room is properly choosing a combination of textiles and furniture with finishing materials and correctly emphasize the decor elements, the bedroom will have to relax after a difficult day. The ceiling is better to make multi-level and with built-in lighting. Walls should be one shade, but the texture can be given different. Window opening cover with translucent curtains or leave open. Finishing materials: Steel (better chrome), brick, wood, and their high-quality imitation.
  3. Art Deco. Combines wealth and luxury concomitant. Under the last word, not only financial well-being is meant, but also a huge selection of geometric shapes, decor elements, finishing material and its textures. Furniture is chic, with many finishing parts. Bed (on it you can make a designer accent) - from natural wood, decorated with gilding. The palette of paints includes gold, silver, dairy and burgundy shades. From the materials used, including textiles, can be noted:
  • tree (black and red);
  • natural semi-precious stones;
  • crystal;
  • ivory;
  • from fabrics: silk, satin and velvet.

Classicism. The main difference between the style is constant: this direction does not go out of fashion centuries. To make a bedroom with a man's "character" and in a classic style, use an oak or maple floor covering. Walls can be separated by Venetian plaster or matte wallpaper. The ceiling must be given the foundation that can be done by fox-beams. Decor - a large selection:

  • figurines and vases on the bedside end;
  • pictures and photos with calm motifs on the walls;
  • luxurious classic multilapagu chandelier;
  • dense heavy curtains.
Sea style. Suitable for men romantics. Here is one of the main points - color. It should consist of shades of the sun, the sea and be the same. Turquoise, pearl, golden and white tones are welcome. Furniture - from natural wood, preferably aged. Paul men's bedroom must resemble a deck, that is, be a board.

The archer to the interior bedroom is a completely separate topic, as often the interior of this room is very different from others in the house or apartment. Almost all men adhere to two requirements for design - this is a high functionality and lack of excess furniture and decor items. Therefore, the men's bedrooms are often decorated in minimalism style. But this is not the only option.

The first thing to pay attention to is the choice of furniture. Since this room is primarily a bedroom, it means that the main attribute in it will be a bed. There may be two options: folding sofa for a small space or a large bed. She has an advantage - no need to fold and lay out each time, besides, it always looks beautiful in the interior.

Since many men sometimes work at home, in the room you need to highlight the corner for organizing the workplace. There should be a comfortable table of sufficient size to install the computer and chair.

The room must be present a wardrobe or wardrobe, what exactly choose - depends on the host preferences and from the overall style of decoration.

The presence of the TV is no less important than beds and a computer, so it is necessary to provide its placement. Usually it is placed on the wall opposite the bed.

Live flowers in the bedroom men are not very frequent, but nevertheless, sometimes large plants in the floor pots are installed in such rooms.

Features of the design of a men's bedroom

Dark tones are usually dominated in color design: brown, black, coffee, dark blue in combination with beige, white and other neutral shades.

But very often you can see a bright men's bedroom. It uses soft pastel colors for its design.

As for styles, you can select some of the most suitable.

This design will be restrained and concise. The space should be clearly divided into zones, convenient and functional. On the windows you can hang dense curtains. Suitable color gamut for this style: black, gray, blue, brown. Bright screaming accents must be excluded. A minimum black and white photographs can be used as a decor, original bedside lamps or figurines.

Bedroom for man in the style of high-tech

This is the most technological style of all, and it is optimally suitable for male bedroom. Thanks to the skillful use of decor, fabrics and textures, such a room will be quite attractive and cozy. In the style of High-tech it is important to choose one bright and most of the interior, around which everything else will build. Colors - black, beige, silver, gray.

Men's Ar Deco Bedroom

This style involves the creation of a luxurious, rich interior, which includes elements of art. Do not be afraid to overload the room with superfluous decorative elements. This style can afford it. Furniture and textiles must be expensive and luxurious, accessories are refined, from natural materials.

Bedroom for men in classic style

The classic never comes out of fashion. It looks expensive and respectable. When placing such a men's bedroom it is worth installing elite furniture made of natural array. Also in the interior design you can use a tree. Pictures, beautiful carpet - all this perfectly fit into the classic interior.

In general, making the men's bedroom, it is worth paying attention to three things: functionality, expensive and respectable look and restrained color gamut.

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