What can be used for the scene of the packle. Dismantling of old cacopa

Everyday life quite often causes a person to carry out small repairs, during which the winding is required. It may be a radiator, as well as plumbing. Each domestic master must learn how to apply the passage, as it will come in handy him sooner or later. It can be made of metal, plastics, metalplastic or capron, each variety of material has adapters to attach other pipes. About such docks and will be discussed below.

For reference

Quite often, homemade masters have to solve the question of how to wind up the crane thread. If you want to tightly connect the elements of the water supply and pipes, then work, which is called Packaging. If it is necessary to spoke two pipes at a right angle with the help of a clutch, it is best to cut carvings at their ends. The coupling will have in the composition of the internal thread and external turns. It is not enough to twist them, for the correct compound, the thread sealing should be carried out.

Description of linen packley

Before flax, you should get closer to familiarize yourself with the fact that it is a linen fibrous material that is used to compact the thread. The product is natural, it is made from the primary processing of fine, homogeneous and long-fiber flax. The area of \u200b\u200bthe use of linen package is very wide. Depending on the manufacturing technology, the material is tape, plumbing, jute or construction. In the latter case, we are talking about isolation, which is able to provide reliable tightness of almost any compounds. For its manufacture, fully spacing fibers are applied, which are supplied by bales. Such material is used for construction work on the sealing of seams, heat insulation and laying wooden elements. It is natural, it is especially appreciated among those who build wooden houses. If the construction package is supplied in rolls, it is called tape. This material is still used for the cavities of the seams in the cuts and laying the crowns. As the plus of the use of flax for the cost of its cost. The material is much cheaper compared to any other. It is consumed economically, fibers, though thin, but have high strength. If you get them correctly, they can be used for any type of work, where any compounds are used. It can be ceramic and cast iron pipes.

Additional advantages

Before nothing flax on the thread, you should know that he swells, absorbing moisture. This allows you to increase tightness, because the leakage does not have ways. The mechanical stability of the material is sufficiently high, it is this characteristic that allows you to adjust the plumbing, while the hermetic properties are not lost, the compounds can be rotated to a whole turnover or half turn.

Disadvantages of use of flax

If you think about how to get out of flax on the thread, you should initially familiarize yourself with all the mines of this material. The substance is based on organic, so it may be rotated under the influence of air and moisture. They can get inside with preventive inspections. For this, the package is accompanied by an additional material that is capable of preventing the processes of rotting. It may be oil paint, sealing paste, lithol or solidol.

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare thread before winding, and if the material is too thick, it may cause damage to the compounds, which is especially relevant for brass and bronze. If you are faced with the question of how to windfit on the threads, you must remember that the described seal requires from the Master of Knowledge Rules. Related materials in combination with flax can make it difficult to disassemble significantly, it concerns silicone or oil paint. Sometimes such supplements make the installation process impossible. It is not suitable for use of flax, where the temperature can reach the mark at 90 ° C. In such places, the material is welded and loses its sealing qualities. If you work with steel, then you must comply with the technology of winding. Otherwise, the thread can be corrosion.

Lying flax on a new thread

Before winding flax on the thread, if it is new, turns should be prepared. Many manufacturers today produce fittings for which the thread is already cut, but the latter have notches that are intended to wind up flax. The fact is that on a smooth carving, the material can slip, it is knocked in a beam, which leads to a disruption of sealing. So that the fibers have the opportunity to cling to, the turns should be jar on the turns. If necessary, you can apply to them with napfil, with a metal or a file. Some wizards use plumbing key or pasaty: threads should be clamped, and after a slight pressure to apply serials.

The main thing in this work is to achieve roughness on the turns. Before flax, it is necessary to separate one strand from the whole pigtail. It is important to capture such a number of fibers so that the winding is not very thin, however, it should not be thick. Specialists advise using such a thickness of flax, which corresponds to two or one match. If there are lumps in the strands, they need to be removed, like small vehicles.

Methods of work

You can apply to the pass on your own technology, some experts twist it into the harness, someone turns into a weak pigtail, while others are placed in the form of a loose thread. The procedure for applying additional material can also be different. In some cases, you can lubricate the thread by wrapped with its fibers, and after apply another layer. Sometimes the fibers are so impregnated in advance, and after being prepared. Both options are considered correct. If you think about how to windfit on the threads - clockwise or counterclockwise, you can listen to the recommendations of specialists, some of them wake up strands along the thread, others act from nasty. At the same time, the end of the strands should be pushed with a finger outside the turns, the first turn should form a cross, this will allow fixing the material. The lumens should not be left, you need to lay one turn to another. If you compound, then the excess of the material will be squeezed out of fitting, this is true if you work with an iron pipe and a steel coupling. Brass compounds, which is relevant for those manufactured by modern technologies, burst from strong pressure.

Around the wound flax, it is necessary to apply a plumbing paste or any other sealing material, the movements should be rotational. The work should be as accurate as possible. The second end should be glued closer to the edge of the thread, and before twisting it is necessary to check whether the hole of the pipe was filled with a sealing material. Now you know, photo data you can consider in the article. However, you will not be able to understand that it is necessary to twist the items with a moderate force. If the nut goes easily, then little flax was laid. Wreathing will be correct if the material does not get out, and around the surface connection will remain clean. For gas connections, it is not recommended to use organic passages, this is due to the fact that under the influence of gas, it is silicone, which is used additionally, are destroyed. Here the most appropriate use of Fium-ribbon.

Flax winding on products from ecoplasty

If you think about how to wind up a thread on carving, then you can use the technology that is used in the case of work on the products from ecoplasty. This material, like brass, can burst. The main thing at the same time is not overdoing. Before starting work, both fittings should be connected, calculate the number of revolutions. Flax is wound uniformly, its surface is labeled with an additional material, only after you can connect fittings. If you have freaked out 5 revolutions, then after winding the ribbon, it is best to make approximately 4.5 turns, while not needed to reach the end. In this case, it is more expedient to apply the packaging paste instead of the sealant.


Quite often, homemade masters are asked about how to wind up the pipe threads. In this case, it should be dismantled by the connection by examining the thread. In turns, you need to walk with a knife or seer, this method will allow you to get rid of the accumulated garbage. A metal brush before winding the tape must be cleaned by turns until you see shine.

Dear master! Is it possible to build a house from a bar instead of packle, flax, jute to use foam phol? At first glance, the advantages are obvious. Fenofol Elastic, waterproof, not thought out, good insulation, easy to use. And why not use it as a gasket between bars? And what are there any contraindications? Thank you in advance.

Evgeny Vladimirovich, Pereslavsky district, D. Krasnogor.

Hi, Evgeny Vladimirovich from Kraschenar!

Penofol is the insulation of two main components, namely, polyethylene and aluminum foil. What kind of type, type or brand is neither.

Polyeneetylene is not natural and, despite almost unanimous assertions of manufacturers and sellers of its complete environmental safety, such, in my opinion, is not.

As an example, the full name of dicis always citing a wide name ofe, which at one time was advertised as completely harmless. I remember how they generously shook clothes in the cabinets so that the mole did not start, as they diluted with water and then the greens were watered on the beds with the aim of the destruction of any bad agricultural pests. In short, it was a panacea from all, or almost all, troubles and misfortunes.

There was a little more than fifty years and something I do not remember that this substance is somewhere so widely used. It is so harmful for the human body and can accumulate in it, which is used only in the most extreme cases to combat mass epidemics. When "not to fat, I would live."

Neither you nor I, and no one else, with one hundred percent confidence, to declare about so much ... to make it, which is politically not decomposing, during the whole time, as it was produced, does not have the bad properties, which are not known now.

I am not a supporter to reject technical progress when using more and more new materials in construction, but still give preference to the old, tested by many dozens, and even hundreds of years.

With the right technology of construction package (linen, jut, hemp), the most durable and environmentally friendly laying material-insulation between the wooden crowns in residential construction. At the same time, they must be completely dry (as well as wood logs, timber, etc.), and on the outside, from the side of the street, ideally should be covered with oil or other types of coatings of protected insulation from absorption of atmospheric moisture.

Yes, sometimes used as insulation and when there are no normal pacles at hand at hand. But the use of foams to fill the interventory space is unknown to me.

In my opinion it is connected with another factor. You noticed that in stone houses and in wooden, the waterproofing layer is placed only on the basement basement. That is, further from this waterproofing layer are solid walls that create an array. Why is it done? Then even with local, concentrated hips of an excessive amount of moisture on any part of the wall, this moisture is not delayed in one place, and redistributed in all parties. And over time, this moisture evaporates not with a small one, but with a larger area. As a result, it does not rotten the tree and the destruction of the masonry.

If you put a foam, then the layers of aluminum foil through each crown will not allow the possibility of penetrating moisture, which fell on one log (or wooden bar), to others and redistributed with a faster further drying with a large surface area. With all the ensuing consequences.

But it is more than the area of \u200b\u200bthe theory.


Mastered all 12 pages! Many of all restored ... Actually everything that could be said for and against, already said.
My 5 kopecks: proven panel time is definitely better than sealant. Let it be at least super-duper of imported technology. Already wrote, but still - the tree is a "alive" material that constantly picks up and gives moisture. There are a bunch of examples of this confirmation, somehow swollen wooden doors, windows, drying floors. Fully drying the tree is impossible. It will still take moisture from the atmosphere.
As for the sealant as a substitute for the paneling between the crowns in Siruba - IMHO nonsense and a waste of money. No matter how super flexible, in some places, he will still go away from the logs, in the resulting microscopes, in somehow moisture falls, but it will come from there for a very long time the sealant is not "breathing" in contrast to the pane.
Why test fate, I do not understand?
How many old houses did not look at the disassembly - the state of the logs is very good, there is generally perfect. All on moss with packles. Houses folded in the traditional way are 100 years old and more. I propose to look at the state of logs with a sealant instead of a paneous years after 30-40 at least. Those who actively promote sealants here are ready to guarantee the same saving of logs, as with a pantry?
By the way, about 2-3 cacopa and more than once, and in general, it is powerfully said \u003d)
If the log house is well cut, it is enough to proceed once (provided that the one who caresses can do it).

  • Participant

    And what are you in the lapties do not go? Time-tested environmentally friendly technology! And why do not ride horses? Verified time Environmentally friendly technology! And you all do not do it because in terms of comfort, technological, efficiency and intelligence characteristics, good modern shoes and the car are superior to Napti and horses!

    I did not understand what your context is said in what context? What to give up the tree in the finish? Well then, the log house is not for you at all.

    "Whatever super flexible it is, in some places he will still go away from the logs"
    And you know how much more expensive you will be heated at home in winter conditions on your pantop? Some more expensive.

    I'm not a seller of sealants, and I can not tell you the workshop of their service, and what tests they passed if the information was Nadybu it. But the fact that energy efficiency in coincident homes is lower and the heat loss is the fact of this. And for the 100 years of which you speak these slats will block the cost of the new home. The middle house of a 150-square fabric house per month in the heating season will eat about 7-8 thousand rubles. In the case of sealing a good material, the costs dropped twice again (the experience of my comrade from Yekaterinburg in one boiler Gas Termex heating his old house which is 70 - 80 years old area of \u200b\u200babout 80 square meters I paid in season 3000, now for two pays 6000 here and delivered!) 3500 * 7 months from October to April (although in the same Yekaterinburg people are heated from September to May.) 24 500 rubles per year of economy. Now multiply by 100 years
    "If the log house is well conceded, it is enough to proceed once (provided that the one who caresses can do it)."

  • Registration: 04/04/12 Messages: 1.404 Gratitude: 2.602

    ... Do you have a foam assembly from the window of a wooden departure? Do not make a foam assembly to remove and replace it in the windows with a pantry, how was it in the conscience time? And the glass which is glued to the windshield, also move away? ...

    Uv. Mikhalych, your point of view has the right to life. Who would argue (although this is what happens)? If the specialists do not come to one opinion, about the pane / moss / jute, etc., then, in this row, worse than sealant? Do you use / recommend? For God's sake . Not at all silent the dignity of sealant, he, like everything else, has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, I agree with those who talk about the incompleteness of this technology (it was smooth on paper, but forgot about ravines). How will a tree be behaved under the sealant, one God knows (maybe known to manufacturers, but if there is a negative effect, but it will only manifest in the long run - hell you will tell you about it).
    Dealetant in construction, I will not argue. But you are overly relying on technology, this is your right, but do not consider pzhl, others backwardly, if they do not want to go at the head of progress. Regarding your examples, they are not entirely correct. You will rest on the strength / elasticity of the connection, but the ambush in the other. If we take your analogies, then the glass on the car is of course keeps, but iron under the sealant very quickly comes in disrepair, a rather small possibility of moisture / condensate accumulation. I understand that iron and wood, as they say "two big differences", but then do not give such examples, or be more objective, names not only the advantages but also side effects. On a completely prosperous body of the car, in places of treatment with sealant can be intervigatory holes or simply tube (although all the body is processed by special compositions for slowing the corrosion).
    It turned out in length, I apologize ... just, an example with auto-sealants and glasses, I have already been tied with the car repair for 20 years, like that "cut a hearing."
    I repeat: Uv. Mikhalych, your point of view has the right to life.

  • Registration: 01/22/11 Messages: 992 Gratitude: 1.000

    samodelkin if possible

    Registration: 01/22/11 Messages: 992 Gratitude: 1.000 Address: Zhytomyr

    - Do you have a foam assembly from the window of a wooden departure? Do not make a foam assembly to remove and replace it in the windows with a pantry, how was it in the conscience time? And the glass that is glued with the frontal windshield too?

    You put the window on the foam into the log house and see if it will endure. With any movement, the foam River (it is not elastic) -tho closed already the topic you themselves are incompetent on these issues and are jinging people.

    But the fact that energy efficiency in coincident homes is lower and the heat loss is the fact of this. And for the 100 years of which you speak these slats will block the cost of the new home.

    You yourself, even believe that they write-rubber warmer pacles (nonsense). Take a special way to do not blow and forget.

    So you are responsible for crucial buildings? The sealant also helps to level the oversight to builders.

    It means to legitture hands not from Tudo võliuri, and the sealant to go through so all the specialists. (You can and foam insulate the house that the wind will walk in the house)

  • Registration: 15.04.10 Messages: 134 Gratitude: 36


    Registration: 15.04.10 Messages: 134 Gratitude: 36 Address: MO / Vladimir

    Registration: 15.04.10 Messages: 134 Gratitude: 36


    Registration: 15.04.10 Messages: 134 Gratitude: 36 Address: MO / Vladimir

    And what are you in the lapties do not go? Time-tested environmentally friendly technology! And why do not ride horses? Verified time Environmentally friendly technology! And you all do not do this because in terms of comfort, technological, efficiency and exploiting characteristics, good modern shoes and the car is superior to Napti and horses.

    And what are you all in one pile of pile? We are here not the advantage of the car compared to horses, and not shoes compared to the lapties discuss, but quite a specific thing - a proven panel or modern sealants. So it is not necessary to breed the flood here - and already 13 pages are written, of which a constructive argument with arguments / counter-arguments on 2 pages can be fitted. If you are such a thorough supporter of new technologies, then the log house is not exactly for you. For such as you are invented at home from Sedvich-panels and other know-how.

    I did not understand what your : "There is a bunch of examples in confirmation, somehow swollen wooden doors, windows, drying floors. Fully drying the tree is impossible. It will still take moisture from the atmosphere." This is what is said in what context? What to give up the tree in the finish? Well then, the log house is not for you at all!

    What is incomprehensible here? It is written in the context of the discussion "VS Pakle sealant". Further there is an explanation - the sealant will go away from the tree sooner or later, the slots will be. As for the trim tree, the doors from the massif, the kitchen facades from the massif and in general the whole wooden - I do not write that you need to refuse the tree. On the contrary, it is a noble material that becomes less and less every year. It is easy to understand that the tree has a property to expand and shrink, therefore, when finishing with wood and construction from a tree, it must be taken into account and be ready for this. No sealant can seal the log house completely - it is utopia.
    No, the log house is just for me. I have a chopped house in the village, planted on moss, processed pacles. Himself with his father chopped and rolled the kid else. I know what I am writing about.

    - Do you have a foam assembly from the window of a wooden departure? Do not make a foam assembly to remove and replace it in the windows with a pantry, how was it in the conscience time? And the glass that is glued with the frontal windshield too? You argue about what you do not know! Showing your incompetence.
    And you know how much more expensive you will be heated at home in winter conditions on your pantop? Some more expensive.!.

    I will not even comment on this nonsense. You answered me below. And softer on turns with insults! Negompeentien one who does not want to learn from other people's mistakes, substituting his forehead, and ignores many years of experience and proven construction technologies. Want guys to put experiments on their homes - for God's sake! This is their right.
    Mounting foam with certain loads, not only from the tree, is destroyed from ultraviolet (even indirect sunlight), is short-lived, etc., any material has its pros and cons - miracles. But the conversation here is not about it.

    "How old at home was looking at the disassembly - the state of the logs are very good, there is generally perfect. Everything is on moss with packles. Houses folded in the traditional way are 100 years old and more. I suggest looking at the state of logs with sealant instead of a package of years after 30-40 At least. Those who actively promote sealants here, are ready to guarantee the same saving logs, as with a pantry? "

    "I'm not a seller of sealants, and I can not tell you the workshop of their service, and what tests they passed if the information was Nadybu. But the fact that energy efficiency in coincident homes is lower and the heat loss is the fact of this. And for the 100 years of which you speak these slats will block the cost of the new home. The middle house of a 150-square fabric house per month in the heating season will eat about 7-8 thousand rubles. In the case of sealing a good material, the costs dropped twice again (the experience of my comrade from Yekaterinburg in one boiler Gas Termex heating his old house which is 70 - 80 years old area of \u200b\u200babout 80 square meters I paid in season 3000, now for two pays 6000 here and delivered!) 3500 * 7 months from October to April (although in the same Yekaterinburg people are heated from September to May.) 24 500 rubles per year of economy. And now multiply by 100 years.

    In the same way, that there is no sufficient number of information on the operation of these super-duppeople. They did not exercise at home with sealants in the seams and 20 years, and many here with foam at the mouth prove that this is a panacea that the Khan is simply without them. It should be understood that in our age, when everything is delivered to capitalist rails and is focused on receiving profits in all possible ways, you need to be able to distinguish really useful inventions from the husk.
    Nobody is going to live 100 years old.

    - Here are you responsible for crucial buildings? The sealant also helps to level the oversight to builders.

    Well, you yourself wrote - a sealant for those who cut into crucial cut bored. I did not pull you for the tongue.

  • Registration: 01/24/12 Messages: 61 Gratitude: 11

    In! I just have these and demolled! So for me the sealant is the most!
  • Registration: 04/02/12 Messages: 3 Gratitude: 1


    Registration: 04/02/12 Messages: 3 Gratitude: 1

  • Registration: 12/04/11 Messages: 229 Gratitude: 84

    The dispute is about. The sealant is easier and better. Lust, if he meets the characteristics that are declared. He warmly does not create, he is not warmer than the pakley - it does not allow to blow to the cross-shot seams. Heat keeps not a packle, but the air, or rather small air bubbles in a pacule, the more of them and they are less - the better. It does not slow down from the tree - and sticks tightly, if it is acrylic or polyurethane, silicone can slow down, has not tried. The whole sealant was originally created to elastically work in the cracks. The sealant for wood is created to work with a tree. We just do not have polyurethane, there are acrylic, they work well, but polyurethane eco-friendly and reliable, and the choice of colors allows you to move beautifully. It was tried on the seams of the Bruce Bath in the pre-tribades - liked it. I will do in the washing, then time will show.
  • Registration: 04/05/12 Messages: 36 Gratitude: 13


    Registration: 04/05/12 Messages: 36 Gratitude: 13 Address: Tolyatti

    The dispute is about. The sealant is easier and better. Lust, if he meets the characteristics that are declared. He warmly does not create, he is not warmer than the pakley - it does not allow to blow to the cross-shot seams. Heat keeps not a packle, but the air, or rather small air bubbles in a pacule, the more of them and they are less - the better. It does not slow down from the tree - and sticks tightly, if it is acrylic or polyurethane, silicone can slow down, has not tried. The whole sealant was originally created to elastically work in the cracks. The sealant for wood is created to work with a tree. We just do not have polyurethane, there are acrylic, they work well, but polyurethane eco-friendly and reliable, and the choice of colors allows you to move beautifully. It was tried on the seams of the Bruce Bath in the pre-tribades - liked it. I will do in the washing, then time will show.

    Polyurethane is there! You just need to search! I have already sent a request to my package of polyurethane adhesives for parquet, promised to send information. If I wonder then I can then share info

  • Registration: 03/15/09 Messages: 524 Gratitude: 142

  • Registration: 04/05/12 Messages: 36 Gratitude: 13


    Registration: 04/05/12 Messages: 36 Gratitude: 13 Address: Tolyatti

    "Besides, I agree with those who talk about the incompleteness of this technology (it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about ravines). How will the tree be behaved under the sealant, one God knows (maybe known to manufacturers, but if there is a negative effect But it manifests only in the long run - hell you will tell you about it).
    That is, you do not trust serious and solid companies, including Western, who declare any properties of the material? Introducing new products to the market Manufacturer conducts a lot of refinery. For example, on my topic. The manufacturer claims that wooden floors glued to elastic practically do not form cracks and does not succumb to many years. And how did they know it? And very simple: testing in a special chamber imitating aging cycles. Also in other industries. I do not believe alone with all allegations, but still listen. And I base my opinion on many factors. And unscrewing statements: the sealant is not elastic, and if elastic, it will not hold on, and if it is to stick, it will be freeze, and if it is not to freeze, it will be mold, and if there is no mold, then warmer will not be exactly It will be warmer then you yourself fool and moss (package) is better.
    You will rest on the strength / elasticity of the connection, but the ambush in the other. If we take your analogies, then the glass on the car is of course keeps, but iron under the sealant very quickly comes in disrepair, a rather small possibility of moisture / condensate accumulation. I understand that iron and wood, as they say "two big differences", but then do not give such examples, or be more objective, names not only the advantages but also side effects. On a completely prosperous body of the car, in places of treatment with sealant can be intervigatory holes or simply tube (although all the body is processed by special compositions for slowing the corrosion).
    My native brother has a firm for replacing the auto glass, I have already heard Myilon once and saw how the glasses change. So my desirable under the sealant is not there any holes! The traces of the corrosion there are where there is no sealant namely under the rubber bands with seals adjacent to the body.
    Just the dispute is obtained about anything. You call me advantages! I have not yet heard the benefits of package compared to polyurethane sealant! I called advantage. Name the advantages of the packle in relation to sealant!

    You put the window on the foam into the log house and see if it will endure. With any movement, the foam River (it is not elastic) -tho closed already the topic you themselves are incompetent on these issues and are jinging people.
    And I did not speak about the window on the foam into the log house. I spoke about the usual window and about the usual foam and ordinary house!
    why is there not applicable to the pass? Why did they refuse her?
    the mounting foam is not elastic, and the sealant is elastic. And what package became elastic? i.e., you subjected to doubt the elasticity of the sealant and about the complete lack of it in pacles there is not a word. How does the packle behave in the timing of wood? Yes, as well as other non-elastic materials. squeezed out, knocked down in heaps and so on ...

    You yourself, even believe that they write-rubber warmer pacles (nonsense). Take a special way to do not blow and forget.
    Firstly, not rubber and polyurethane! The packle itself is not a drip no warmer. About the heat fell below you wrote correctly! Heat gives no palable and not sealant, but air!

    It means to legitture hands not from Tudo võliuri, and the sealant to go through so all the specialists. (You can and foam insulate the house that the wind will walk in the house)
    I personally passed on the seams sealant! everything is very simple. We take the reptile diameter to the reservation of the appropriate diameter in SRV and on top of the sealant. After this, spend on the seam of your finger, pre-moistened in a thick soap solution (for the fact that the aesthetic and smooth look, soap, so that the sealant does not stick to the fingers, and then it is very stuck) and voila! Speed \u200b\u200bat times faster than cautious! What is done all this once!

    So far, no one has led me any benefits of pacles towards polyurethane sealant! Please write the benefits! I like the argument so much also accepted but only at the very end! I still see only attacks on my point of view. And I answer you all argotable. And what do I hear from you? Some kind of detented bastard, about rubber, environmental friendliness, blah blah blah
    I brought an example of a comparison of the methods and new technologies by the proven centuries and the new technologies, as an argument, it is checked for centuries in relation to the latest technologies as it is at least strange!
    Well, of course, the log house is not for me. You probably have a cut without a single nail, and the roof of straw is yes? This is the same technology proven.
    What is incomprehensible here? It is written in the context of the discussion "VS Pakle sealant". Further there is an explanation - the sealant will go away from the tree sooner or later, the slots will be. As for the trim tree, the doors from the massif, the kitchen facades from the massif and in general the whole wooden - I do not write that you need to refuse the tree. On the contrary, it is a noble material that becomes less and less every year. It is easy to understand that the tree has a property to expand and shrink, therefore, when finishing with wood and construction from a tree, it must be taken into account and be ready for this. No sealant can seal the log house completely - it is utopia.
    No, the log house is just for me. I have a chopped house in the village, planted on moss, processed pacles. Himself with his father chopped and rolled the kid else. I know what I am writing about.
    The sealant will stick and how! And you do not know the topics subject it in doubt, I have already described all the arguments above: the sealant is not elastic (and the panel?) The sealant will not stick (and the panel?). Such a feeling that you are not reading about what I am writing. Sealant need to be used in the system! Together in the sealing Vilaterm! This is a system. Which allows you to seal and increase heat transfer through distressed places!
    Do you live in your chopped house in the village all year round? Or only go for the summer?

    I will not even comment on this nonsense. You answered me below. And softer on turns with insults! Negompeentien one who does not want to learn from other people's mistakes, substituting his forehead, and ignores many years of experience and proven construction technologies. Want guys to put experiments on their homes - for God's sake! This is their right.
    Mounting foam with certain loads, not only from the tree, is destroyed from ultraviolet (even indirect sunlight), is short-lived, etc., any material has its pros and cons - miracles. But the conversation here is not about it.
    How I insulted not tell me? And the sealant has a load on the gap 500-600%, besides, it is uv resistant unlike foam. The foam was given an example of applying new technologies instead of the old paneling in the windows. And here you are a reference about polyurethane sealants:
    Well, who after that say that he will not stand the living tree?

    In the same way, that there is no sufficient number of information on the operation of these super-duppeople. They did not exercise at home with sealants in the seams and 20 years, and many here with foam at the mouth prove that this is a panacea that the Khan is simply without them. It should be understood that in our age, when everything is delivered to capitalist rails and is focused on receiving profits in all possible ways, you need to be able to distinguish really useful inventions from the husk. 992

  • The tightness of the threaded compounds is entirely depends on the attack. And although only at first glance, the winding of flax on the thread does not constitute anything difficult, as in any other business here are also present their subtleties and secrets.

    For example, it often happens that the panel is cut off with a thread or vice versa climbs out. In this case, it is necessary to sick thread by making small notches on it.

    So, how correctly hurred flax on the thread, the better lubricate the pass in the process of compaction of the thread and will be talked below.

    To compact the threads for today, there are two most popular material, it is a fum-tape and flax - he is a pacle. And in the other material for the attack of threaded compounds, there are both their positive and negative sides.

    The advantages of flax for winding threads is an inexpensive cost, durability to use and some other advantages. For example, flax when contact with liquid swells and often happens so that a small leak is delayed the next day.

    With packles, it is more convenient to work and do not do without it when winding iron threads and other threaded connections having large diameters.

    To know how to wind out correctly on the thread, you need to remember the following:

    1. The winding of flax on the thread is made clockwise or in other words on the thread, in the direction of its twisting.
    2. After sealing the threads of the palauls, its surface to prevent rotting during operation is lubricated with special paste.
    3. To flax do not coal with the thread in the process of its winding, on threads from non-ferrous metals (bronze, brass, copper) are made small notches with pliers or plumbing crabs. Black metal can not crack.

    If you do not know how to lubricate the passage for the thread, it should be understood that for these purposes, both special purchased pastes are suitable, such as "Unipacle" or sanitary sealants and other lubricants, in particular, lithol and solidol.

    With the latest greases for the packle, it is not very convenient to work, because the hands of them are then not laundering, and the effect rendered on LEN in the process of its operation, it may not be so positive as when using special lubricants and sealants.

    To correctly attack the threads of flax, you need from the whole "braid", take a small amount, and from the beginning of the thread start laying flashes into each round clockwise. At the same time, it is important to monitor the uniformity of the flux winding so that each turn of the thread contains an approximately the same amount.

    It is not worthwhile to wink Lyon on the thread, because in this case it will then be very difficult to twist, and the risk of the fact that the thread will burst, increases at times. In particular, it concerns the threaded compounds of non-ferrous metal, which have very thin walls and a small strength.

    It is necessary normally that after winding a pacle on the thread, its upper edges are barely visible. In this case, the installation of the threaded connection can be performed quite easily and without excessive effort.

    As a rule, it is not necessary to save with the number of packles, winding the thread from the black metal - cast iron or steel. In particular, it concerns cast-iron threads, from which after winding the packle simply smelted.

    After Len is wound on the thread, his surface is lubricated with a sealant, while the paste must be pressed into the pass, and that in turn into the thread. Just do it need it again clockwise, or in the other side, which is wounded.

    Len - separately, impregnation - separately ...

    Even the modern editions of the SNIPs developed in the 80s of the last century are not excluded from the appeal of such a threaded sealant, as a flax strand, it is often referred to as "Pakle Plothenic". However, the GUTs prescribe to soak Len Leken Surikom on the Olife. Modern paints do not contain the former number of lead, which defended the threaded compounds from corrosion, and the lead Surik on the olife is a composite product whose components still have to search. In addition, the winding of flax or Pakli plumbing requires a certain one. Incorrectly wound linen plumbing strand or palable badly impregnated (especially, an unsuitable means) will not create the necessary level of protection of the plumbing compound. The assembly on flax without impregnation is prohibited, the passage is necessary to impregnate! The impregnation of sanitary silicone threaded sealant is also prohibited. What are fraught with the consequences?

    - Early aging of the thread: due to the fact that the package is impregnated with plumbing threaded sealant takes place or corrosion of metal parts.
    - leaks.
    - Gap pressure under pressure.

    But there is this type of sealing and pros:

    - When impregnating packle or flax plumbing special paste and experienced handling of flax, the connection will serve quite a long time.
    - - cheap and publicly available material for tighting thread. Padclock can be found in any specialized plumbing store or on the market.

    Flax is an environmentally friendly vegetable product, which does not require certification, so connections on linen strands can be used to seal the pipeline water supply pipelines. Provided that the impregnation of the packle is also safe when used in plunical conditions ...

    FUM-IDO - Plumbing Code

    Instead of flax or Pakli plumbing often, more modern threaded sealant is often used. Many wonder: What is better than Fuma Ribbon or Pakle? The quality of the compound on the fum-tape largely depends on the quality of the tape itself, so many masters who have already had no success than successful to find a worthy fum-tape, prefer to use exclusively flax or pass. Cheap base winding is poorly stretched and easy to break. Even an experienced master such a threaded sealant will deliver a lot of trouble. Of course, in this case, he will not have a question that it is better for him to use: FUM tape or pass, most likely it will prefer a more traditional and proven seal. Calm, only calm ....

    When handling the tape FMU, experience with such a sealant is necessary, however, as well as with flax or Pacles of Plumbing. The correctness of the winding of the FMU ribbon or the thickness of the layer is selected by the experimental way, which is also similar to the technology of the application of the packle. Therefore, the newcomer will have to spend a lot of time for a fum-ribbon seal. In addition, when assembling nodes that require the positioning of parts relative to each other, there may be a problem of nonconformity, and to promote the FUM connection - it means starting all the work again.

    - Fuma tape is not used in heating systems due to the properties of the fluoroplastic. Here Fuma Ribbon is inferior to flares or a pacule.
    - It does not withstand vibratory loads, so this thread sealant is not used as a seal of pipelines subjected to vibrations during operation. As a tape and the packle here occupy the same position.

    The advantage of this type of sealing material is high chemical resistance. This allows the use of FMU in conditions of aggressive media and in the medium of pure oxygen.

    Pipe does not "make you nerves"

    Len and Fuma tape are used in plumbing work for several decades, so they can already be called "Dedovsky". It is worth saying that each master decides that it is better for him a fum-tape or all the same old proven package. Alternatively, such "Dedovsky" methods using flax and fum-tape make up a modern method of sealing - a plumbing thread, impregnated with a special sealing composition. As you know, wimming the plumbing thread is much more pleasant and easier than using flax or fum-tape for these purposes.

    In addition, the plumbing thread has a number of advantages:

    - Synthetic fibers of this sealant (subtechnic thread) do not dry from high temperatures and do not swell under the action of moisture in the process of sanitary work.
    - Plumbing thread in the production is impregnated with the optimal amount of sealing composition, so you can be sure that it performs a protective function fully.
    - No cleaning of carving from sealant (from threads) during contamination in plumbing works is required.
    - The material does not require special skills in circulation. The plumbing thread "Record" is easily and quickly wound with 10-15 turns, crossing the threaded protrusions.
    - The thread withstands the pressure is 2-3 times higher than plumbing threaded connections on flax.
    - forms fast-being connected.

    By the way, collect the node on the plumbing threads is also several times faster than on flax, which is very important in the emergency conditions, and just more convenient.

    How to wear a sanitary thread?

    Probably, everyone who first takes a winding asking as a question: how to wind the plumbing thread? Everything is very simple! To wind the plumbing thread do not need to apply a lot of effort, as it is inherent in the winding of the thread of flax with pasta. For this you do not need special skills and labor. Even an inexperienced master after the first time adapts and will notice the plumbing thread without any problems the next time on the next threaded connection.

    Here is a small instruction that will help you deal with the question: how to wind the plumbing thread.

    The first turn of the threads is closer to the edge of the thread, and the rest is applied crosswise. Upon completion of the winding, the connection is twisted. Thus, the wound plumbing thread reliably compact the threaded connection.

    We reviewed the three most popular winding methods with: linen strand, fum-tape and synthetic thread. All of them are eligible for use, as in each case, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of sealing systems.

    Linen strand FUM-RENTA. Thread "Record"
    Price 80-100 rub. / 100 gr. Plus impregnation 200 rubles / 50 p. M. 245 rub. / 50 pound M.
    Easy application Experience is required Experience is required Experience is not required
    terms of application Does not withstand high pressure, requires impregnation, bio-decomposed Not to be applied in conditions of increased T °, \u200b\u200bnot decomposing Universal material under the conditions of application is not decomposed
    Resistance to aggressive environments + +
    Vibration resistance Average Very low High
    Clean and quality thread With restrictions Required Unpretentious
    Preparation of material Requires treatment with impregnating composition Ready for use Ready for use
    Working temperature Up to +150 From ° С -50 to +120 ° С From ° C -60 to +150 ° С
    Connection service life From several months to 5 years Up to 13 years old Over 15 years

    Favorite for the price is, of course, Lena or Pacle Santechnic. His motto could be slogan: "cheap and angry." Being a rather demanding and not universal material, it may, all the same, claim the role of temporary threaded sealant, which is desirable to replace soon to more modern. However, the price of such a seal method may vary depending on the impregnation material (paint, paste, sealant, etc.). FUM tape at an average price of 3.5 rubles / pog. m is a less reliable method of seal than synthetic thread (plumbing). It will be quite well in the sealing of cold "calm" pipelines (without fluctuations in temperatures and vibrations).

    Winding "Record", which represents the thread of Plumbing, perhaps the best sealing option from all represented. This is the most universal sealant, unpretentious and durable with plumbing work, which fully justifies its price.

    However, if you need a really durable and reliable connection, universal to all aggressive environments, what to choose? When choosing a sealant, it is also important to remember that in some cases it is better to apply for help to anaerobic sealant. For example, all windows - flax, fume and plumbing thread are well suited for carving with notches or roughly sliced, but are not suitable for smooth and for conical threads - scoop. European threads are often found "smooth." Here the winding or thread will not save, you need a sanitary sealant.

    A reliable compound provide modern anaerobic sealants that are easy to use and much more economical than other seal methods in terms of one fitting. You can purchase such sealants from us in directly from the manufacturer or in the nearest store, the address of which can be clarified in the section "".