Austrian interior. Austrian Curtains: Unstasive Classics for Modern Interior

The Austrian curtains in the interior are considered a window decor, which first appeared in elite Austrian houses in the 18th century and until today, not lost popularity not only in Austria, but also in other corners of the globe. But if once this luxury allowed to have exclusively secured titled people, then the Austrian curtains can be found in almost every home. Moreover, the tailoring of this type of curtain is not a difficult thing, so to cope with it for each who wants.

Distinctive features

Austrian curtains are a rectangular mold, which is sewn rings to the invalid. Their mounting to the material is performed vertically, the distance is determined according to the size of the window turnout.

In the rings, thin, but at the same time the most durable cords, the purpose of which will be in the rise of the curtains. During the lifting, these cords tightened the tissue as much as possible, forcing the canvas to collected in certain folds. Separated curtains turn into a smooth material.

If you touch the question of fastening, then the eaves for the Austrian type curtain can be the usual rod cornice, or with a chain-rotary mechanism. In the second embodiment, the curtains can be shifted extremely vertically, in the first one in the horizontal position.

How to enter an interior

Before you make the curtains Austrian curtains, ask if they will be a relevant addition to your accommodation directly in your housing, since, despite their attractive appearance, they are not suitable for any stylistry.

So, better than this type of Gardina look in the frame of the classic style: Ampire, Rocco, as well as baroque. In addition, the curtain data in the house decorated in the vintage style look originally.

If we use natural fabrics of the flax type, then the print of such a window decor will become an excellent addition to the interiors of the country.

Gardina Austrian in concrete rooms

An indisputable plus of such a decoration for windows is a good fitting in almost any living space, including in the bathroom. To make sure that, open the photo below, where the Austrian curtains are presented in the variety of an assortment series.

This type of curtain in the kitchen space is especially in demand. Since this room is subjected to pollution more than the rest of the living rooms, accordingly, not every master is solved, accordingly, not every owner is solved by a pompous window decoration. For this reason, short, beautiful and original Austrian curtains are one of the appropriate options for the kitchen.

As for the living room, or the desktop, the same decoration for the window will also be quite relevant. In the first version, they can be created from both simple fabrics and from more expensive materials.

If we talk about a room for recreation, then Gardina Austrian attach it to the maximum originality. Thanks to the absence of direct corners, as well as smooth lines, the presence of rounded edges, the curtains will look great, both in the bedroom for spouses and in the girl's room, children's.

Austrian and in toilet rooms look good, especially spacious, where the window runners require exclusive decorative design.

Selection of material

Sewing the curtains of the Austrian is possible from any fabric. We offer to use simple recommendations for choosing a suitable material.

  • Tulle and organza will make the curtain air, light. These materials are simple in drapery, and if desired, the curtain is complemented by a dense curtain.
  • Successfully looks like a window decor from synthetic shiny materials. The option from the brocade, Silka looks fairly smart and elegant.
  • Cite, as well as flax, too, will serve as an excellent cloth for the Austrian type curtain.
  • If necessary, apply heavy canvases, it is recommended to stop the choice on the tissues of a soft monophonic view to provide an even attractive externally drapery. Mostly for such purposes, wool is suitable, or velvet.

What will be required for owning a porter

Once you have decided on a suitable material, you need to calculate the Curtains of the Austrian and purchase the necessary items, namely:

  • typewriter for sewing;
  • threads with needle, special scissors;
  • braid, cords;
  • clamps.


To create the Curtains Austrian, use the step-by-step instructions shown below. With its help, it will not be difficult to sew the original modern type of curtains for the arrangement of any room of your housing.

  • Sing the cooked fabric.
  • Cut the Austrian curtains on the pre-trained pattern and spend the chalk line on the markup.
  • On the markup, notice the test for the assembly, retreating several centimeters from the edge. In the absence of a special braid, enter the usual tape, top with plastic rings.
  • Decide with lines parallel, then trim the tape using the sewing machine.
  • The bottom of the porter is squeezed.

The tape for curtains is sewn at the very end. The upper part of the canvases is seduced several times, and then the braid is taken to it. The fabric is well smoothed so that the braid does not compress the cloth, and lay as much as possible. Then it should be sewed using the machine.

Cardin is fixed on the cornice. At the same time, the cords should be returned to the rings available on the tape and the cornices. Good buy decor in the form of clamps, as well as brushes.

To eliminate the weighting of the gardine assembly, there is a lifting type mechanism, the fastening of which is made to the top of the cords, and then removed from the side of the material. In this case, the curtain rises with a slight movement.

To give the porters attractiveness, the original ruffles, fringe, or braid, are sewn to their bottom. If you used a master class to sew the curtains Austrian personnel, applying a lightweight material, then small weights are well in the lower part of the fabric.

The Austrians combines practicality with external attractiveness. They are able to give a housing gorgeous mood, leaving the maximum light in the room, especially if they are sewn with love with their own hands.

Photo of the Austrian curtains

The birthplace of these cute and romantic curtains is one of the most beautiful and prosperous European countries - Austria, or rather her capital of Vienna. Maybe therefore Austrian curtains are often called Viennese. Initially, judging by the description, they were static, sewed from dense satin and velvet, were abundantly decorated with fringe and brushes and served as peculiar lambrequins, performing only decorative function. Over time, the assortment of tissues for their sewing has become more democratic, and the design has enriched in the lifting mechanism that made them a full and independent window decor.

What is the Austrian curtains

Austrian lifting curtains are the symbiosis of the French and Roman curtains. From the first they took Festos - semicircular lush, but passing only on the bottom of the folds, and from the second - the lifting mechanism in the form of a cord extended through the rings and loops. In the assembled state, the Venetian curtains resemble lambrequins with a wave-like edge. When lowering their upper part is free, and the lower edge remains collected in the buffers.

Eaves for Austrian curtains use the same lifting as for Roman and French curtains. They can be with manual and automatic control. The Vienna Curtains can be attached to the rail cornice itself with a lindicuity tape. One part of the tape is sewn to its upper edge, and the second is attached to the profile. There are also eaves intended for erker, arched and beveled windows.

The number of festers (buffers) varies from two or more. Austrian lifting curtains and length differ. Basically, when the canvases are expanded, it does not fall below the windowsill, but there are models in length in the floor. The Viennese models in the form of the arch appear originally and expressively, the length of which gradually increases from the center to the sides.
The design of the side edges is also different. They can be:

  • with fixed edges for which the curtain-raising curtains passes;
  • with the edges, freely hanging in the form of "ears".

If desired, the Austrian curtains are separated by lace, ruffles, brushes, fringe or cords. Models decorated with silk roses, made of contrast or similar fabric, or bows look very smartly and romantic.

Austrian curtains are self-sufficient in any interiors and do not need partners, but exceptions are also possible. For example, when the curtain is made of transparent curtain textiles, it can perform the function of the Tulle, and is complemented by dense porters.

The most organically, the Viennese curtains look at large windows and in rooms with high ceilings, since the magnificent freesons visually reduces space.

The advantages of Austrian curtains

The main advantage of these models are their high decorative properties. It is noteworthy that their somewhat old-fashioned beauty fits perfectly into most modern styles. The undoubted advantages of such designs are also:

  • Easy to use: For their open-closing, it is enough just to pull over one of the cords. There are automatic lifting mechanisms - in this case, it is enough to press the button to lift the cloth.
  • Saving space: in the raised state, they allow you to use the windowsill and do not interfere with the free passage to the window.
  • The ability to make them with your own hands: For this, it is only necessary to choose the appropriate material and assemble it into festo with the braid. Moreover, if you start it on a bow, when washing the curtains can be dissolved.

What fabrics are suitable for Austrian curtains

Another valuable advantage of Austrian curtains in the interior is that they can be sewed from the most different in the texture and density of materials. The main condition - textiles should be good to dramatically:

  • Dense Curtains from Smooth and Brilliant Materials: Taffeta, Atlas, Silk, Polyester, Moir will look very impressive and festive and suitable for the living room
  • Cartins from thin and transparent fabrics: curtains from Tulle, Batista, chiffon, veils, organza - introduce lightness and freshness in the situation and will be appropriate in any room.
  • For the kitchen, the perfect option will be practical and elegant fester curtains made of cotton, flax or sither.
  • For the bedroom you can sew curtains made of soft velvet with a short pile or jacquard: they will greatly shade the room for sleep time.

The softer fabric, the more voluminous and ordered (free and smoothly falling) will look like festers. A light translucent material will form a light air "cloud" over the window. Fabrics Rightening, such as sitheria and cotton easily assemble into textured broad folds, most often used to sewing the Austrian curtains into the kitchen.

To fully emphasize the game of light and shadows, it is better to choose monophonic pastel shades. The small drawing is also able to overlapping the beauty of the festoons, however, too large prints are not worth using - after drapery they will break up with folds and lose their integrity.

In which interior styles use Austrian curtains

Fastonic curtains are designed to emphasize the beauty, grace and softness of the situation. Therefore, when creating minimalistic design (High-tech, techno, loft), Austrian curtains in the interior will look inappropriate. But they will become an ideal option for premises decorated in the classic, Victorian, Grigorian style, as well as styles of Baroque and Rococo, Renaissance or Ampir. And due to the fact that these curtains, in contrast to their French fellow, not such pompous, they are ideal for such democratic designs as country, Provence and Mediterranean.

In rooms with large windows it is better to use "Austrians" in classical design, with a maximum amount collected in the bottom of the canvases, festers. Translucent Austrian curtains in the interior will emphasize ease and elegance, heavier will make it more luxurious.

For the decor in the Mediterranean style, as well as the style of country and Provence it is better to take light cotton, sitheria, satin or their blended options with floral prints. Magnificent lambrequins and other fusion elements in this case are not used - only light and gentle lace are allowed.

For the kitchen it is worth choosing light textiles, only partially shading light. Yes, and care for such curtains will be easier. For reasons of convenience, their length is better to adjust to the middle of the window or window sill.

The cozy and intimate setting of the bedroom will give curtains from dense tissues - silk, velvet or jacquard, non-sunny light. Excessive solemnity and pompousness here will be superfluous, therefore, the number of festers and their depth can be reduced. Festonic medium density curtains decorated with bows and frills are pretty well in the girls' rooms.

Decorated with Viennese Curtains and office space. They are selected quiet colors, harmoniously combined with the upholstery of furniture and wall decoration. Such curtains are used with a minimum of decor - the main focus is on the wealth and beauty of the material.

Caring for Austrian Curtains

To remove the cloth from the cornice from the rings, the lifting cords are first removed, and then the velcro is already unfastened. Washing is done manually or in delicate mode. Before washing the curtains are placed in special bags.

Heavy textiles from time to time it is convenient to clean, removing dust from the folds, a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. Fabrics requiring special "dry" processing, for example, velvet, better attribute to dry cleaning. Poor tolerate moisture, and products from wool and natural silk. The fringe, glassware, sort and other types of finishes, which may be damaged when washing, is pre-sip.

Veil and organza is erased in a slight warm water with a temperature of up to 30 ° C without pressed. Recommended mode - manual washing. It is not necessary to iron high-quality organza.

[Hardware: 7 Average rating: 4.7]

Austrian curtains, being a combination of elements of French and Roman curtains, will become an ideal solution for designing any room, whether it is an urban mansion or a country house. Their underlined luxury combined with the laconicity of the functional mechanism makes Austrian curtains one of the prestigious ways to decorate the window opening. According to many design textbooks, Austrian curtains are a universal decor element that will be appropriate in all stylistic directions. Despite this, many designers adhere to another point of view, arguing that the Austrian curtains will harmoniously look only in classical interiors, or in the interiors. In this article we will try to figure out whose point of view is the most faithful, and also tell me how to create Austrian curtains with your own hands.

The history of the emergence of the Austrian curtains

Looking in the past, it can be seen that the fashion for the Austrian curtains originated in the middle of the 18th century, which is due to the dominant aristocratic culture, which determined the addiction of consumers.

Combining the magnificity of classics and pragmatism of the new time, they became the most successful synthesis of two opposite styles, which contributed to their popularization in the most prestigious houses of Europe.

Construction of the Austrian curtains

The design of the Austrian curtains absorbs the structural elements of Roman and french curtains

The classic composition of the folds and the resulting bends make it possible to create a feminine harmonious equilibrium, and the functional system of their regulation, represented by the lifting mechanism, dilutes the soft line of drapery with respectability and solidity.

A balanced combination of French pomp and Roman severity allows the use of Austrian curtains for decorating both luxurious mansions and small rooms, giving them an old-fashioned charm of classics.

Austrian curtains - universal decor element

As mentioned above, most designers consider Austrian curtains in the interior of a universal decor element. This view has been widespread in the world of design due to the constructive solution of the curtains.

Austrian curtains are attached to the eaves, in which devices for cords are provided, while the upper edge of the canvas is assembled by curtain ribbon, and the fabric freely flows, forming soft horizontal folds. These folds are similar to the harmonica, which is due to the rails attached to the invalid side of the curtains. In the lowered state, Austrian curtains are several canvases forming folds at the bottom. It should also be remembered that wechlers who give them the form in the lower part of the curtains. Thus, the Austrian curtains are essentially curtains with a double compression coefficient, the raising of which is carried out using cords.

Eaves for Austrian Curtains

The fastening of the Austrian curtains is carried out using a profile cornice for lifting curtains, on which one half of the velcro is provided. The second half is sewn to the upper edge of the canvas. Eaves for Austrian curtains are classified in accordance with long, weighing, as well as the number of lifting blocks. Depending on the mounting system, the eaves are installed directly in the window opening, on the ceiling or wall.

All of the above design features allow the Austrian curtains to transform from decorative to functional, which makes them a universal decor.

Fabric selection

The fabric used to sewing the Austrian curtains also has its own characteristics.

Fabrics should be preferred elastic and incumbent. Such materials can be dense silk, satin fabrics, moire or batter, which have shiny surfaces and are capable of forming clear folds. Quite often, the choice may fall onto the veil, the transparency of which gives the interior with an exquisite ease. Uniqueness decor is given using braid or cords decorated with brushes that allow you to focus on well-defined folds.

Austrian curtains of the thread

Austrian curtains of the thread are increasingly popular. They are the same Austrian curtains consisting of threads that will surprise you with a cascade of falling waves, in which the game of light is traced. The airiness and weightlessness of these rope curtains are capable of impressing any, even the most demanding designer, and if your task is to search for new forms and textures, then the Austrian curtains of the thread will become an ideal choice for you.

Austrian curtains for kitchen

If you decide to use Austrian curtains for the kitchen, then you should stop your choice on soft and transparent fabrics, in order to make the kitchen interior more elegant and will not create obstacles to the penetration of light into the room.

Also, they can be supplemented with curtains or labrechs suitable color.

How to sew an Austrian chart?

Having understood with all the features of the curtains, it's time to answer the question: "How to sew an Austrian chart?" As practice shows, it does not represent special difficulties. If you stored material for the manufacture of curtains (main fabric and lining), then you can safely begin to sewing them.

Poland and tailoring

The length of the cord should be equal to the sum of two lengths and widths. Having two canvas from lining and tissue fabrics, they must be sewn to the front side to each other along the longitudinal and lower cuts. Do not forget about the fringe, which must be sewed at the bottom edge.

Preparation of braid

The next step must be prepared by the braid on which the rings are common at a distance of at least 50 cm and no more than 80 cm.

The distance between the ribbons is chosen arbitrarily. If the braid is ready, or you preferred a ready-made tape, then it must be used to the upper edge of the canvas, pre-fastened it by 2 cm. By completing these recommendations, tighten the finished cloth in the size of the cornice.

Final stages

Then I do the cord into the rings, tolding the node at both of its ends. The final stage of the creation of the Austrian curtain will be its fixing on a wooden plank just below the curtain braid. Behind the brain it is necessary to hammer the cutter on the cornice. Curtain ready! Now you can regulate the curtains in height, and the cords are used as a decorative addition. If you want your curtain to have more correct forms, enter into the lower part of the canvas, which lines it according to your requirements.

Since the Austrian curtains For the first time appeared in the mansions and the palaces of the elite of Austria in the XVIII century, and right up to our time the interest in them does not fade. And if you earlier to afford to have at home, only the dukes and graphs could have a luxury, then over time the situation has changed, and today it is possible to meet them in almost any premises. Moreover, the tailoring of the Austrian curtains is not as folded, and you can even cope with this task on your own.

A bit of history

This type of window decoration appeared as a result of a fusion of two popular curtains at the time. french and roman. From the first "Austrians" inherited lush folds at the bottom of the canvas, from the second - the label mechanism. Thus, the Austrian curtains looked not as pompous, as fashionable in the XVIII marquise, but at the same time noticeably noticeably and it is that they can decorate windows in the houses of Viennese aristocrats. Initially, such a type of curtains was called the festonny due to the formation of folds.

Specific traits

The Austrian curtain is a rectangular fabric fabric, to the involve side of which special rings are sewn. They are attached to the tissue along the vertical lines, the distance between which is selected according to the size of the window. Then in the rings are skipped with special strong and thin cords, which will be lifted by the curtains.

When climbing the cords, the cloth is tightened, forcing the fabric to gather into the folds. Typically, the curtain becomes completely smooth.

Before ordering sewing Austrian curtains, you need to think about how they will fit into the interior. Festonian curtains fit into almost any interior, but do not forget that they initially thought as a decoration for the rest of the representatives of the Austrian yard. Most likely, they will not be fully appropriate in the premises made in new styles - High-tech, constructivism and so on. The best fester curtains look in the classic setting.

Austrian curtains from almost any materials chic will complement the Victorian style, Baroque and Rococo. In the rooms of the spirit of Provence and Vintage, these curtains will look exquisitely and gently. And, immediately running forward and speaking of materials, Austrian curtains made of natural materials - for example, household cotton, - having a "rural" print, fit well in country interiors.

Festonian curtains can hang in any corner of the house - from the bathroom to the bedroom. They, though lush, but compact and fit windows with limited space around. Such curtains look good in the kitchen - in a place where the big risk is blurred, it is convenient to be able to adjust the height of the curtain lifting without any problems.

Magnificent festones will look fairly smart, and there will be no problems with frequent washing. In the cabinets and living rooms, these curtains will not be superfluous - they emphasize the solemnity of the halls, give exclusivity and chic interior. Austrian curtains in the bedroom give her warm notes with their smooth lines and unaware edges. You can hang such a decoration on the windows and in the nursery, adding edges with bows and ribbons. Festonny curtains besides both are an interesting and new solution for arranging a large bathroom.

It is very responsible to approach the choice of fabric for sewing Austrian curtains. Their form directly depends on the rigidity of the cloth selected for sewing.

Curtains from lungs and in the measure of transparent textures of warm pastel shades create elegant, air folds, and with it a romantic setting.

If your goal is the effect of curtains, use tissues, the surface of which glitters - artificial silk, veil, organza, polyester, batter and others. Such curtains look unexpectedly and mysteriously, knocking on unusual folds, thereby beating the texture of the fabrics.

For deeper and distinct folds, fabrics from satin, moire or dense silk are used. Smoky wide folds are created in the curtains from the hard sense.

Festonic curtains from natural fabrics should be used only in the halls performed in a certain style. So, for example, the Scandinavian interior only benefits from the presence of curtains from flax, sither, wool and cotton, while in a luxurious old-fashioned interior they can only lunch the impression of the room.

In our salon "Rosie Blues" you can order design and tailoring of the Austrian curtains from various materials that are suitable for any interiors - from the house at the cottage to a luxurious mansion. You can order Austrian Curtains directly on the site. Our designers will gladly consult you about the choice of fabrics and a style of the Austrian curtains.

Festonny curtains will be a charming addition to your interior and emphasize the great taste of the owner!