Rhododendron when starting watering after winter. Fertilizing Rhododendrons in August: Types of Fertilizers, Plant Care

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Valery Prokhorov 25.02.2014 | 11920.

With a lack of nutrients in rhododendrons, the color of the leaves becomes light green, their shine decreases, shoots becoming yellowish-green. In addition, the annual growth of plants is significantly reduced, flower buds are not laid, and in August and early September, the leaves are intensively falling. How to deal with this ailment?

Mineral nutrition of rhododendrons is largely determined by the peculiarity of their root system - the presence of mycorrhiza. It contributes not only to the normal growth of plants on very acidic, poor elements of mineral nutrition soils, but also to germinate their seeds. At the same time, it requires acidic soil for its normal functioning.

Due to the presence of mycorrhiza, it is impossible to use and chlorine-containing fertilizersbecause chlorine kills her. For the same reason, it is impossible to feed plants and fertilizers of a high concentration of nutrient solution.
Therefore, when such signs appear, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the acidity of the soil, and if it is 4.5-5.5 pH limits (ideally 4.7), optimize the power mode.

Soil acidity can be increased by the addition of sour sphagnum peat or peers. Accordingly, during the cultivation of rhododendrons, it is impossible to make lime, dolomite flour and any fertilizers that are alkalizing the soil. With a strong change in the pH in the alkaline side on the leaves, yellow spots appear (chlorosis).

Feeding. An important feature of rhododendrons is very compact root system. Therefore, plants need good drainage, loose, rich in humus, with good soil aeration. If in the first years with a well-fledged landing room Rhododendron develops normally, then in subsequent (with the complete absence of feeding or their lack, the reserves of nutrition elements are depleted and the soil acidity decreases) its decorativeness is reduced, and the plant may even die.

It is necessary to feed the early spring and after blowing During the intensive growth of young shoots. At the end of July, the feeders stop, since the heat and humidity of the soil and air can provoke the secondary growth of shoots that do not have time to finish growth.

And in the fall, even at the first light freeze, they frozen. It is possible to suspend it, spraying the crown with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate K2SO4 or single-handed phosphate-acid potassium Knro4. Before any feeding plants, it is necessary to hide abundantly. Organic fertilizers. The organic needs to be made in a liquid, diluted form. The manure is diluted (1: 15-20), insist for several days. In spring or autumn, near the bush can be decomposed by a humid layer to 5 cm. Together with thawed or rainwater, nutrients will fall into the soil layer where the root system is located. In this case, they come for a long time and therefore are most fully absorbed by rhododendons.

Mineral fertilizers. There are mineral fertilizers for rhododendrons. In their absence, it is possible to make an ammonia nitrate (10-15 g / l) in early spring; before the bootonization - complex fertilizer; At the end of August, to enhance the winter resistance - fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen. The ratio of mineral fertilizers used for feeding and water 1-2: 1000 (the solution of potash fertilizers should be even weaker).

Sometimes (more often on clay soils) leaves can turn yellow and as a result of preferential admission to the plants of aluminum ions instead of iron. 2-3-fold summer watering iron chelats usually restores green color.

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Rhododendron is a handicraft plant with a spiral spot and collected in inflorescence with pink flowers. For normal development, the formation of beautiful and lush colors, pest protection is recommended proper nutrition with organic or mineral fertilizers produced in early spring and in the middle of summer.

For a long time, one of the opinion was adhered to that mineral tuchs are not suitable for this kind of plants. Sometimes, gardeners were solved to make the organic in the form of a decomposed manure. Over time, experiments were carried out on the mineral nutrition of rhododendrons, during which the conclusions were made that it is impossible to obtain high-quality planting material without their use.

Signs of lack of nutritional elements

The first sign of lack of nutrients in the plant is the change in the color of the leaves and shoots. Saturated green color becomes light or yellow-green, disappears shine. If the plant still does not receive vitamins, minerals and water, then such conditions affect the growth, the laying of flower buds, early and intensive foaming of old leaves (August - September).

The only way out in the fight against this ailment is to feed plants. It can be organic or mineral. At the discretion of the gardener, an annual feeding is made by one of the types of tows, resulting in changes in the development and growth of rhododendrons for the better.

Features of the root system. What tuki can not be used?

The peculiarity of the root system is the presence of mycorrhiza - mushroom, helps grow and develop a plant on acidic soils, limited in the amount of mineral nutrients (it is in such a soil a bush likes to grow). Without mycorrosis, it is also impossible to germinate seeds, but it is it that determines the main conditions of fertilizer and feeding. Tukov solutions should not consist of chlorine-containing elements, since mushrooms will die from such fertilizer.
When growing a shrub, it follows in the spring to check the soil acidity. If the hydrogen indicator (pH) is in the range of 4.5-5.5 units, the power mode should be changed using more acidic fertilizers.

Important! Lime, Dolomitic flour - fertilizers capable of ledge the soil. It is not recommended for feeding with these nutritional solutions due to the reduction of the acidity of the soil. The result may be the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves.

Another feature is a compact root system, so during planting plants it is recommended to lay a good layer of drainage with loose soil and nutrient-rich fertilizers.

If, at the first time of life, Rhododendron is actively growing and develops due to the right landing, then the subsequent years needed a mandatory feedback, since the reserves of nutrient elements are gradually depleted in the soil and the acidity level is reduced. Due to the lack of fertilizer, the plant may not throw out the buds of colors or die.

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Types of fertilizers

Gardeners are widely used in the practice of fake rhododendron organic fertilizers. They are also called manure. But here you should also be careful, because fresh manure will not benefit, at best, the plant will fight, at worst - kill him. You should use only the departed manure, at least one year. Only after that, the organizing order will improve the mechanical properties and will contribute to the increase in the nutrition of the soil.

Manure before leading to the ground should be pre-prepared - dilute in water in proportions 1:15 and let it brew for several days.

Mineral fertilizers are another kind of feeding, promoting beautiful flowering and rapid rhododendron growth. In particular, apply:

  • Phosphoric Tuki, which also need to form a solution according to the proportions specified on the package.
  • Sulfate ammonium, magnesium, potassium. This type of feeding is great for rhododendrons, because it changes the hydrogen indicator in a smaller side.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers. The most suitable period of their input is spring.
  • Chelate iron. It is used on clay soils to avoid yellowing leaves.

All about mineral fertilizers for Rhododendron

Usually, mineral fertilizers are concentrated suspensions, the advantage of which is the minimum input to the soil and the maximum saturation of nutrients. Since the favorite habitat of rhododendron is an acidic soil, then, accordingly, physiological tuki should also be acidic in order not to disrupt the habitat.

Frequently used gardened fertilizers include:

  • Sulfate ammonium, magnesium, potassium, calcium.
  • Phosphorous potassium.
  • Nitric acid potassium.
  • Superphosphate.
  • Potash-phosphoric buffer solution. This is the most effective feeding, since the main macroelements and substances that support the optimal level of the hydrogen indicator (from 2 to 7 pH) are present in the composition. Preparation: 10 liters of water + 8 g of nitric acid and single potassium phosphate.
  • Solutions of mineral salts. Their entry is possible with single cultivation of bushes. But with mass it is recommended to replace the salts solution on the mineral tukah in dry form. Their preparation is to mix the superphosphate and sulfate potassium in 20 g of each, as well as ammonium sulfate in the mass of 40 g. 80g mineral fertilizers will come to 1 plant with a height of 1 meter. The resulting dry mixture is scattered on the ground in the early spring, immediately after the snow. Tuk enters the soil layer during rains, there is completely dissolved and naughty rhododendron. Repeated processing is recommended after the fps phase, only the dose should be doubled.

During the preparation of the solution, a ratio defined for feeding is necessary: \u200b\u200bMineral fertilizers 1 part and water 2 parts. In the case of the use of a solution of potash tanks, the concentration should be less - 1 part of the feeding and 1 thousand parts of water.

Given the peculiarities of our climate, where summer and autumn are quite wet and warm periods of the year, Rhododendron is able to throw out young shoots that do not have time to finish growth and even at the slightest frost. To resist this process, specialists recommend spraying a plant with sulfuric acid or single-handed phosphorous potassium. It must be 1% solution. Processing is carried out after the flowering phase is completed.

All about organic fertilizers for Rhododendron

Organic fertilizers are the most affordable and cheap way to feed the shrub, but provided if the place of the gardener is not in a large metropolis where it is more difficult to get it.

Horsepad, pork, cow, bird manure, horny chips and blood flour - natural feeders that improve soil nutrition for shrubs, improve its physical properties.

The most valuable, with respect to organic fertilizers, are horn waste (flour, chips). They contain a huge amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, and the period of decomposition of them longer, which affects the smaller frequency of the organics.

As already noted, natural fertilizers should be administered in liquid form. Depending on the type of organic tuk, the following solutions are prepared:

  • Manure. Diluted in the ratio: 1 part of the water + 15 parts of the manure. After thorough mixing, they leave for several days to start microbiological processes (active "bullbags" will appear on the surface).
  • Survival. There is no accurate ratio, so during the preparation of the solution, you should navigate the color of the organic, diluting it with water. The suspension must take a light brown color.
  • Dung alberta + superphosphate. This tandem of mineral and organic fertilizer will increase in the soil of phosphorus content, which is necessary for active growth of plants and healthy development. An exemplary ratio is 100 liters of dung alive + 3-4 kg of superphosphate.
  • Semi-proverse manure. Such fertilizer should not be breeding in the liquid, and simply distribute in spring or autumn on the surface of the soil under the shrub. The thickness of humus should be at least 5 cm.

Another method of correct feeding

The first stage, early in spring, nitrogenous tuki contributes in the ratio of 50 g of sulfur acid ammonium + 50 g of sulfuric acid magnesium per 1 m2 of land. The second is phosphoric and potash, after a bunch of shrubs, in the ratio of 20 g of potassium sulfate + 20 g of superphosphate + 40 g of ammonium sulfate per 1 m2 of land.

This method is used to grow rhododendrons, both in the open ground and in the closed.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the choice of fertilizers and the methods used to feed rhododendrons remain at the discretion of the gardener. Depending on the availability of fertilizers, both organic and minerals can be used. In any case, for attentive and correct care, the handicraft plant will respond with beautiful colors with lush caps and transparent green leaves.

How to care for rhododendron

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ATTENTION, only today!

Very popular decorative garden plant in the West - Rhododendron - began to conquer hearts and Russian dacities. This is actually an unusually spectacular shrub (less than a small tree), whose flowers are completely capable of competing even with roses. Rhododendron varieties There is simply a huge amount. Most of them are preferably planting in the garden in April. About how this operation is produced, as well as what is the care for rhododendrons in the spring, read further.

Varieties Rhododendronov

This decorative plant belongs to the genus of heather. Climate It prefers wet, moderate. The main varieties of rhododendrons there are three: leaf fall, native and evergreens. Methods of care for them are practically no different. For the Russian climate, all these three types are well suited. The only one when choosing seedlings should be paid attention to the degree of their frost resistance. For gardens and gardens it is worth purchasing only those varieties that can withstand a decrease in temperature to -30 ... -34 o C.

Planting material

Before you begin to find out how to plant Rhododendron in the spring, let's figure it out how to choose the right grade. Most often, Russian gardeners grow on their sites Rhododendrons of the Northern Lights, Rustica and Knaphill-EXBURY series. Very good for our climate is also suitable for the Japanese view of this shrub. An excellent solution will also have the choice of almost any grade of Finnish selection. The Dutch Rhododendrons for the Russian Climate is practically not suitable.

Pretty often in the gardens of domestic owners of country sites, plants can be seen from the group of Catabinsky hybrids. Flowers in such rhododendrons are not too big and not particularly bright. However, there are a lot of them on the branches. The bushes at the same time can reach in diameter of 1.4 m and in a height of 4 m. The main advantage of such rhododendrons is unpretentious and resistance to reduced temperatures.

Plot for landing

The question of how to put the rhododendron in the spring is reduced, including the choice of the most suitable site for it. Solving, where it will be that this one needs to be taken into account that these plants:

  • Do not tolerate direct sunlight. In particular, it concerns evergreen varieties.
  • Love sour soils. At neutral rhododendrons will be root and will not give abundant flowering. Alkaline soils These plants are not transferred categorically. No, even the most careful care for rhododendons in spring, summer and autumn results in this case will not give.
  • It grows well on wet soils, but no water stagnation is not tolevented.
  • Can get out if in the winter the surface of the Earth over the roots will not be covered with a thick layer of snow.

So that the plant on the site felt comfortable, planting Rhododendron in the spring or at any other time of the year should be carried out under the spreader crowns of high trees, in a unforgetable place with a high snow cover in the winter period. Very often, these decorative bushes are also placed next to the fence. Do not choose to land a rhododendron open place or angle at home. Strong wind This decorative shrub also does not tolerate.

Correctly choosing a plot, you can grow lush beautiful shrubs with bright spectacular colors that do not deliver any extra hassle. If the place was originally chosen unsuccessfully, it is not worth upset. You can always perform such a procedure as a rhododendron transplant. In the spring it is best to do. But you can move the bush and autumn, and even in the summer. The transplant Rhododendron is kept very well.

Preparatory work

Under the acquired seedlings on the selected area, a hole is digging with a depth of 40 cm and a width of 70 cm. At its bottom, the drainage is laid. On very dry areas, sometimes a pit for Rhododendron, on the contrary, prose the thin layer of clay, which allows moisture from the roots.

The usual garden soil for these plants is completely uncommon. The soil removed from the pit is cleaned. Instead, it uses a mixture and fully decomposed cowhide (3: 1). In this case, the question of how and than to fertilize Rhododendrons in the spring, in the first 2-3 years before the hosts of the site will not stand. Make feeding does not need.

You can also use a mixture of the blueberry for backfilling the roots, half the riveted pine underground, coarse sand and leaf land (1: 3: 1: 1). To increase the nutrition of the soil in the latter case, it is desirable to add a bucket of the decomposed compost to the pit.

How to plant rhododendron in spring

If the seedlock was bought in a container, he was lowered for a day in warm water. This is necessary in order for the root com. Some sellers plant rhododendrons in too close containers. In this case, on the surface of the coma from all sides, a dense crust of dead roots is formed. It must be removed or at least cut into several places. Otherwise, young roots through it do not break, and the plant will receive little nutrients.

Actually planting rhododendron in the spring is as follows:

  • The plant is lowered into the prepared pit.
  • The backfill is made in such a way that its root neck is slightly above the surface of the soil.
  • The rhododendron closed in this way is murdered with peat or cheese and pour themselves.

Second way landing

So, we figured out how to put the rhododendron in the spring correctly. The technique described above is used by Russian gardens rather often. However, she has one significant disadvantage. Soil under rhododendons when contacting the adjacent ground as a result of various kinds of natural processes, it starts leached over time. And this for plants is very harmful. It is necessary or taken by any measures to acidify soil, or even perform such an operation as a rhododendron transplant (spring or autumn). Therefore, the owners of country sites often arrange special high beds under Rhododendrons. At the selected area, the ground is removed to a depth of 30 cm. Next, wooden sidewalls are installed around the perimeter. At the bottom of the resulting "box" puffed fine pebbles for the drainage device. The highest garden is filled with cooked acidic soil mixture. Actually landing is made in the usual way.

When fertilize

Now let's figure it out with the way to feed rhododendrons in the spring. Fertilize this decorative shrub is very neat. For the first time, feeding the plants for 2-3 years. Early spring in the rolling circle is added - a mixture of sulfate ammonium and potassium with super phosphate at the rate of 2: 1: 1. An approximately 80 g of this feeding should be left per square meter. Old landings can be additionally focused by organic. It is best to use overwhelmed manure or compost in the number of one bucket on the bush. Kovyatak Most experienced gardeners fertilize Rhododendrons do not advise.

Additional subcord

At the end of May - early June, the second feeding of rhododendrons is produced. In the spring, thus, bushes fertilize twice. The second time is used the same mineral mixture, but in smaller quantities (approximately halfway).

The next time the fertilizer is introduced into the soil in the summer - in July. In this case, phosphorous-potash feeding is also used in summer and in the fall do not apply. Such fertilizers cause increased growth of shoots through the development of flower kidney.

Rhododendron Care Spring

Remove the shelter from Rhododendrons after overcoming immediately after the street will establish a plus temperature. You need to perform this operation on a cloudy day. Immediately substitute the shoots of this decorative plant under the sun rays. It is advisable for some time to even leave the shelter from the south side.

To remove the Earth, and the roots began to intensively absorb nutrients, mulch from the priority circle should be burned. It is impossible to allow the trunk for a long time. It also needs to be burned. Further, according to the method described above, the rhododendrons are made. In the spring, after the molten waters come off, the plants begin to periodically water. It should be used only warm, heated water heated in the sun.

Pruning rhododendrons in the spring is usually not produced, because they are not transferred to this operation too well. If it is required to give a cush a round or oval shape, the branches in the right places are shortened in two seasons - in the first year on the one hand, in the second one - on the other.

For evergreen varieties after wintering, some sheets can purchase brown color. They need to be removed because they will not be restored. Cuts also frozen shoots.

Rhododendrons - plants are quite enduring, and even if it seems to you that the bush is extorted completely, it is not necessary to hurry to delete it. The plant needs to be abundantly watered for some time. And then, it is quite possible, new shoots will appear on it. The most unpretentious grades after unsuccessful wintering are completely restored by autumn. What to feed Rhododendrons in the spring, you already know. Make a little mineral fertilizer under the bush. It will help him gain strength and cope with damage.

Features of watering

Thus, the care of rhododendrones in the spring is abundant feeding and irrigation. The last operation should be carried out correctly. If the soil under rhododendons will be constantly moistened with ordinary water, in a few years it will begin to leach. To prevent this, it is used (half a glass on a bucket) or citric acid (4 g). In the hot spring days, plants need not only to water, but also spray.


Sometimes it happens that the plant for any reason cares and blooms badly. In this case, you can try to transfer it to a more suitable place. The question of how to transplant rhododendron in the spring is completely not complicated. This procedure is performed like this:

  • The plant is drunk from all sides, trying not to damage the roots.
  • Take out a bush and transfer it to a pre-prepared pit.
  • Pop with acidic soil roots in such a way that the neck remains on the surface.
  • Mulch the plant, watered it and shape from the south.

If everything is done neatly, transplant rhododendrons may not even notice.

So, we figured out how it is carried out at such a plant as Rhododendron, care in the spring. Support, pruning and irrigation - procedures at this time of year are mandatory. The plant is not particularly whimsical, but it is still necessary to comply with certain rules in its cultivation. If not to violate the laid technologies (properly prepare the soil, in time to make fertilizers and produce watering with acidified water), the bushes will delight the eye of the site of the site with lush flowering for many years.

Following several important recommendations, you will achieve the fact that Rhododendrons will surely come down in the garden. Due to the huge variety of species, landing and care can be different. But they still combine general cultivation techniques.

The best time for landing Rhododendrons is spring. For the summer months, the plants will be rooted, fixed. Choosing seedlings, do not chase age plants. It is better to break the kid who will take root faster in a new place. Most often, leaf fall and evergreen plants are available.

Choose a landing place

The optimal place for Rhododendron will be the half. Plants should receive solar rays, at least half a day. Rhododendrons feel good when trees are growing or built buildings. This will additionally protect seedlings from strong winds. On the outdoor sun rhododendrons will not be comfortable.

The soil

An important term success is the preparation of soil. Rhododendrons do not tolerate clay, heavy, raw places. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare the landing fossa. Poam size depends on the size of the root system. Specialists advise at a depth of about 50 cm. But it will be more correct to navigate on the root com. A hole is digging at 20 - 35 cm deeper than the height of the root coma and 10 to 25 cm more than its width. Rhododendrons have a surface root system, and it is very important to put drainage on the bottom of the pit (clamzite, large sand, broken brick, small gravel), a layer of which is at least 20 cm.

The soil for filling the pit is prepared separately. Such a mixture is suitable: sheet land (3 parts), bedding of coniferous rocks from the forest (1 part) and peat (2 parts), you can also use a fine coniferous bark. About 60 - 70 g of mineral fertilizer on the pit is added to the mixture. The fertilizers should not be as part of chlorine and calcium. You can use the fertilizer "Kemira Universal" (now he has a different name, "fertility"). When landing, you need to follow, so as not to burst the root neck Rhododendron. It is necessary to plant a plant as it was sitting in a pot. It is allowed to land on 2 - 3 cm deeper, taking into account the sediment of the plant.


With good refueling pit, Rhododendrons can do without additional feeding for two years. In the future, two major nutritional feeders contribute annually. The first is early spring in a dry form. It includes urea (nitrogen, 2 parts), superphosphate (part 1) and potassium sulfate (1.5 parts). Large doses of superphosphate are dangerous for rhododendrons. Phosphorus suppresses the absorption of iron, an important element in the development of plants, which becomes noticeable on the leaves (chlorosis).

The second time in liquid form makes a comprehensive fertilizer. It is desirable that the nitrogen content is small. It is better to perform feeding in low concentrations. Extra salt Rhododendrons do not accept.

In dry weather, plants need watering, spraying. Rhododendrons love wet air. After rain or abundant irrigation, you can undermine the earth around the roots. It should be done carefully, not deep enough to not break the roots. The best output is mulching peat, forest cheese, sawdust.


Rhododendron (rhododendron) is the largest genus in the family of the heather (Ericaceae), called the name from the Greek words "Rhodon" ("Rosa") and "Dendron" ("Tree") This genus includes about 1300 species and approximately 30 thousand varieties of evergreen, natives and leafy shrubs and trees.

The interest of gardeners to rhododendons and azalem is due to the decorativeness of their foliage and the diversity of the forms of bushes, and most of all -. Plant lovers fascinates the magnificence and abundance of white, pink, purple, purple, red flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences, resembling a refined bouquet.

Depending on the type and variety, rhododendron flowers and azales differ in the value (from 1-1.5 cm to 6-10 cm in diameter) and the shape (wheel-shaped, funnel-shaped, bell and tubular). There are rhododendrons with fragrant flowers.

The autumn outfit of the leaves in some deciduous species of rhododendrons is not inferior to the beauty of bright decoration.

Among the gardeners there is an erroneous opinion on the complexity of cultivation of these plants. However, in the middle lane of Russia is not more difficult than breeding or. The main thing in the cultivation of rhododendrons is the observance of several simple, common to this culture. When choosing these plants for its garden, we note that for the climatic conditions of the middle strip of Russia only is suitable.

Choosing a place in the garden for landing Rhododendron

To land a rhododendron, choose the most suitable place in the garden, taking into account the biological features of this species. Therefore, before purchasing the plant you like and planting a seedling.

The illumination conditions of the selected plant should be approximately the same as in its natural habitat.
The most suitable for Rhododendron under the lighting conditions can be considered such a place where the open sky will be the open sky (which will provide the best access to plants of precipitation and light), and during the midday clock they will cover the scattered shadow from other plants. The ideal option for Rhododendron is a rare pine forest or a glade located between high pines.

Rhododendrons can be planted near other trees, whose roots go to a big depth. For example, near oak or larch.
Do not suit the neighborhood with the rhododendron of the tree of trees with close to the root system close to the surface (linden, maple, chestnut, poplar, Iva, Elkha), depriving the rhododendron moisture and nutrition, which is why it is poorly developing and can perish. Therefore, in the case of a forced landing of Rhododendron in the immediate vicinity of unwanted trees, insulation from their roots should be provided. Rhododendron power zone is isolated using rubberoid, polyethylene or other materials.

For the cultivation of Rhododendrons, a place will fit on the northern side of the building, where the sun illuminates the plants early in the morning and in the afternoon.

By determining the place for landing Rhododendrons, it is necessary to take care of the protection of bushes from the dominant winds throughout the year, which is very important for this culture. At open places, Rhododendron Garden (especially evergreen species) suffer in winter not so much from frosts, how much from the drier action of the wind.

Especially undesirable to place rhododendrons near the corners of buildings where strong drafts are hosted, as well as on free spaces between buildings.
Rododenndron reliable windproofs can provide walls of buildings, solid fences, live swelling and planting coniferous trees.

Plant Rhododendrons is better on the elevated garden place, where there is no spring stagnation of water.

Planting Rhododendron

Choosing a suitable place in the garden for Rhododendron, you can proceed to the preparation of a seedling towards landing.
The distance between the bushes of tall species Rhododendron is 1.5-2.0 m, the average - not less than 1.2 m, low-speed - 0.5-0.7 m.

Rhododendrons for good growth and lush flowering are needed loose, acidic soil with high content. In the root power zone, lime should not fall, dolomite, ash and other materials or fertilizers, shifting the pH of the soil in the alkaline side.

The root system of rhododendrons is quite compact, so it is enough to dig a hole with a depth of 40-50 cm (excluding the thickness of the drainage layer of the drainage materials). The width of the pocket depends on the size of the adult plant. For example, for large bushes (Rhododendron Kathevbinsky, Rhododendron Yellow) pit should be a width of at least 80 cm.

If the garden soil is clay, then for a rhododendron seedlings, it is necessary to arrange drainage - for this, the drank layer (gravel or broken brick) is poured onto the bottom of the pits (gravel or broken bricks) about 10 cm.
Then the landing jam is filled with a suitable substrate.

The preparation of the substrate is the most important component of the successful cultivation of rhododendrons. It should be remembered that in nature rhododendrons grow on sour rich in humus, loose, air and water-permeable soils. Such requirements most satisfy a mixture of sheet lands, a rigorous peat, a decline of coniferous trees (3: 2: 1).
You can use a substrate consisting of only equal parts of the rigoric peat and coniferous pine (pine or spruce).
Specialists are recommended for planting Rhododendron the following substrate composition:
- sphagnum or heather earth (from under coniferous plants);
- humus or caused;
- part of the garden soil;
- Cow manure (rewinding better);
- coniferous opead;
- Fertilizer "Kemira-Universal" (100 g).

The root rhododendron revealed from the pot before landing should be well soaked with water. If he fested, it is immersed in water and wait for the release of air bubbles.

Rhododendron bush is planted in a substrate filled pit on the same depth as before.
When landing, the root neck of rhododendrons can not fall asleep! Because of this, the plants cease to bloom and, in the end, die.

Rhododendron seedling with a closed root system is removed from the container, carefully straighten the roots (cut it very long).
Substrate in the landing pit compact. After completion of the landing, we water Rhododendron, even in the rain. After planting Rhododendron, it is desirable to climb the soil.

Mulching of the rhododendron of the rhododendron necessarily, it is a mandatory reception for this culture. The mulch is suitable peat, coniferous opead, or a dry sheet (best oak). It is undesirable to use the leaves of maple and horse chestnut, they quickly decompose and have an alkaline reaction. You can peat mix with sawdust.
The mulch contributes to the maintenance of moisture in the soil, in the heat protects the roots from overheating, and in winter - from the freezing. Mulch gives rise to weeds; Overtaking, it increases the content of humus and the acidity of the soil. The mulch layer should be at least 5 cm. When mulching the rhododendron of the rhododendron, do not fall asleep the root neck.

First time after planting a rhododendron sagenic for better rooting, you must often pour into small portions (3 liters of water on a young plant). Then watering spend on the weather. In a dry time, it is better to water Rhododendron daily. Also in a dry period, you can pour the rhododendron's bush "with your head" - on the leaves, but do not do it in the sun.

A young Rhododendron seedling (age 2-3 years) has a small root com, so when landing immediately to an open place, it will suffer from a lack of moisture due to the rapid dryness of the upper layer of the soil. Such a young plant is better to first plant in some protected shaded place, in a hole with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of 20-25 cm. And after 2-3 years, it is necessary to transfer, as it should be, grown rhododendron already at a permanent place.
Rhododendrons and Azalsa perfectly transfer the transplant to the age of 5-6 years.

The greatest advantage of rhododendrons is the possibility of landing or transplanting in the garden at any time of spring, summer and autumn thanks to a compact urine root system.
When landing small rhododendrons in the fall, it is desirable to a light shelter with a spruce vegetable (not fall asleep).

Care for rhododendron and azaleas

Trimming Rhododendron is not needed. If you wish, you can form a bush: plunge the growth point on the branches, to the leaves, so that Rhododendron is better busy.

In the photo: frost-resistant azaleas varieties "Northern Hi-Lights", "Klondyke", "Feuerwerk"

Undercotting Rhododendronov

Properly planted rhododendrons do not need additional feeders over several years. However, if you want to speed up the onset of the first flowering (or achieve more abundant flowering), then fertilizers are made.
Not suitable for feeding rhododendrons Fertilizers containing chlorine and lime.

Feed Rhododendrons 2-3 times per season, starting in early spring and ending in mid-July.

There are various liquid and granular fertilizers for sale, designed specifically for rhododendrons. It should be made in accordance with the instructions on the package.
You can use conventional mineral fertilizers having an acidic reaction: azotic acid ammonium, urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate. The concentrations should not exceed 1: 1000 (and potash - even lower).

From organic fertilizers for rhododendrons, you can recommend an old semi-proverse cow manure, which makes over the soil in spring or autumn. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the pH of the soil. It is undesirable to use horse and pork manure, as well as a bird litter, as they increase the pH of the soil.

Azaleas and Rhododendrons are very appreciated. Monthly watering with water, infused on ordinary. To obtain such an infusion, five lemons will need 5 liters of water: to squeeze the fruits (squeezed lemons also throw into water) and let it stand 5-6 hours. Further, 2.5 l of this acidic drift of the water under one bush of large rhododendron or 1.5 liters under a small bush (up to 1 m height).

Approximate diagram of fake rhododendron:
- 1 feeding - early spring;
- 2 feeding - before flowing;
- 3 feeding - 2-3 weeks after flowering (but no later than mid-August).
In the spring - feeding the rhododendrons with a diluted cow.
In the summer - the introduction of a cowboy with the addition of potassium and phosphorus. Note that since the beginning of August, Rhododendrons need to begin to prepare for winter, reducing the amount of nitrogen in fertilizers.
Late in the fall - the introduction of phosphorus and potassium.

Proper landing and competent care for rhododendron and azaleas - the key to their endurance, prosperous wintering and excellent flowering.