How to choose the best brick for house cladding: review of materials, prices. Facing brick: for the facade of the house to be perfect What brand should be facing brick

The facade of a house can tell a lot. For cladding facades, siding, protective finishing plasters, thermal insulation boards are used nowadays. But the severity and completeness of the forms is given to the facade of the building only by facing with special bricks.

Most often in construction, three types of this material are used for facing work:

  • Ceramic bricks.
  • Clinker brick.
  • Hyper-pressed brick.

Each species is good in its own way, with its own advantages and disadvantages. As part of this article, we will try to understand the question of which facing brick is better. Each of the types of building material presented above has significant differences that can affect the quality and service life of the masonry.

Ceramic brick

Facing ceramic bricks are distinguished by the shape (and cross-sectional area) of through holes that connect the bed surfaces. The size of the holes affects the consumption of masonry mortar. Experienced builders prefer to work with ceramic bricks, the holes in which have the smallest cross-sectional area.

Ceramic bricks have a high degree of water absorption. A large number of a branched system of internal pores contributes to normal ventilation of the internal wall, allows excess steam to be removed, i.e. allows the walls of the building to "breathe" normally. The disadvantage of this property of ceramic bricks is its ability to absorb atmospheric moisture. In the event of temperature changes, wet ceramic bricks, if no hydrophobization work is carried out, will collapse. Therefore, it is recommended, after the masonry work is completed, to carry out additional work to hydrophobize the masonry.

The use of clay bricks in construction work is a centuries-old tradition. For most people, it is ceramic brick that is a symbol of completeness. The brick has a relatively low cost, durability and excellent insulating characteristics.

This is the most popular type of brick for cladding work. But it also has drawbacks: each batch of bricks has its own unique shade, so for work you have to select bricks from different batches

Clinker brick

This type of brick has a lower degree of water absorption, therefore, a hard masonry mortar with a low water content is used for its masonry.

At the moment it has the highest strength characteristics. This means that this brick will last much longer than other types of facing bricks. Absolutely maintenance-free. In some European countries, houses clad with clinker bricks retain their almost original appearance for a hundred years.

Manufacturers currently offer this product in a variety of designs, including textured front designs and various shades of colors. Clinker bricks are more expensive than other types presented in the article.

This video presentation is dedicated to the advantages of clinker bricks.

Hyper-pressed brick

If we talk about the advantages of bricks of this type, then hyper-pressed brick allows you to expand the limits of imagination. Its front surface is often textured. You could observe the walls of many cottages, laid out as if from old, weathered bricks.

This type of brick has too dense and smooth bedded surfaces. Therefore, experts recommend using bricks of this type with small through holes.

Recesses in bed surfaces also increase the strength of the brickwork and increase the adhesion of the surfaces to the mortar.

Brick of this type has a tendency to form microcracks on the front side. Unfortunately, the facade made of this type of non-fired bricks needs to be hydrophobic. The vapor permeability of this brick is very low, the thermal conductivity is high.

Hyper-pressed bricks can rightfully be called one of the most affordable. There are factories or simply workshops for its production in almost every region. High competition usually stimulates a decrease in the selling price; the manufacturer offers various bonuses.

As a result, the facade made of this brick is quite affordable in terms of cost, but additional costs will be required for waterproofing the brick and arranging for a normal, balanced regime of steam and thermal insulation.

In terms of operational properties, the best facing brick is clinker. For the price, the best option is hyper-pressed brick. But a simple ceramic brick is also a reliable material, time-tested.

And the final choice is still up to you.

The outer walls of the house are protection from the weather, the walls themselves also need protection. Most often, this role is played by brick cladding, and the main thing here is to choose the right type and grade of material.

Any homeowner wants a home to last long with minimal repair and maintenance costs. Of course, if a cottage is built according to the latest building codes, insulated in accordance with climatic standards, clinker tiles or plastered, then additional protection is not needed.

When it comes to old buildings made of wood, wood-based materials or porous lightweight concrete blocks (foam concrete, aerated concrete), the protection of the outer surface is a must. Made of bricks, the exterior cladding has several functions:

  • protection from adverse climatic factors (precipitation, high and low temperatures, wind);
  • improvement of thermal performance;
  • improving the appearance.

The industry produces several types of bricks with different characteristics, designed for different operating conditions. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you should study their basic properties.

Types of material, which is better to choose

Facing bricks are produced by firing (various types of ceramic and clinker) and without firing (hyper-pressed and silicate), which gives the material completely different qualities. For the selection of material for external wall cladding, the following characteristics are important:

  • weight - affects the power and thickness of the foundation;
  • strength grade;
  • frost resistance grade - the number of freeze-thaw cycles that the material withstands for 1 season, for external cladding, according to building rules, it cannot be less than Mrz 35 for walls and Mrz 50 for a base, cornice and parapet;
  • water absorption - shows how much moisture the material absorbs within 24 hours when fully immersed in water, materials with a high level of water absorption are not suitable for cornice and parapet, since when the material saturated with moisture is frozen, the front surface of the masonry is destroyed;
  • thermal conductivity - needed to calculate the required thickness of the masonry or the thickness of the insulation.

When choosing cladding and purchasing material, you should familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's passport for the batch of goods, which indicates these indicators. A high-quality block has a uniform color throughout its thickness, without damaging the integrity of the edges and the front layer. A pink shade of ceramics is a sign of underburning; too dark or black (except for colored and clinker) indicates a burnout.


Ceramics is the oldest human invention in the field of artificial building materials. An ordinary ordinary brick is produced by the method of semi-dry or plastic pressing from clays with various additives, followed by firing at t \u003d 900-1000 ° C. Unlike ordinary, facing material must have:

  • increased frost resistance - the minimum value of Мрз 35;
  • minimum moisture absorption - 2-6%;
  • increased strength - from M 75;
  • vapor permeability - ceramics has the property of "breathing", that is, releasing excess moisture into the atmosphere.

Ceramic facing bricks are made with different finishes of front surfaces, it can be textured, glazed or engobered. By applying a decorative facing layer, the brick is given a wide range of colors - from white to black.

Ceramic bricks are made solid and hollow with a different number of voids. The voids reduce the weight of the masonry and the thermal conductivity, but make it more vulnerable: in a harsh climate with a large number of freeze-thaw cycles, a brick with a low frost resistance grade quickly collapses, and the front surface peels off in the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer row of voids.

The weight of a solid bar is 1650 kg / m3, a hollow bar is from 1350 to 1480 kg / m3.


Clinker bricks have been made for over 200 years from special fireclay clays with various mineral additives at elevated temperatures (up to 1300 ° C) and continuous firing. Available in full-bodied and hollow, single, euro-format, narrow, thin or figured. Clinker differs from conventional ceramics in its increased characteristics:

  • it is stronger (from M 150);
  • heavier (1800-2000 kg / m3);
  • has a minimum water absorption (2-3%);
  • increased frost resistance (from Mrz 75).

In the process of making clinker, special shale clays, additives of only mineral composition, hand molding or extrusion method, and a large amount of energy are used. The production method makes the cost of the material much higher than that of conventional ceramics.

The appearance of clinker depends on the method of production and additives: made by hand and fired in authentic kilns, it has uneven edges and interesting texture, spectacular color transitions.

The clinker produced on modern lines has an ideal geometric shape. The color range depends on the mineral pigments included in the pressing compound - from almost white to dark red, brown and black.

Clinker bricks are a real aristocrat in the world of facing materials.


Silicate bricks are made from a mixture of quartz sand, lime and additives by an autoclave method, which makes the cost of the material much lower than that of ceramics. By its characteristics, silicate brick is significantly inferior to clinker and ceramic:

  • frost resistance - Mrz 25 - 35;
  • water absorption - 13-15%;
  • higher weight - 1800 kg / m3.

ATTENTION: Due to its low frost resistance and high water absorption, it is forbidden to use silicate bricks for laying and facing the most loaded and exposed to atmospheric influences structures - basement, cornice, parapets, various protruding elements.

Nevertheless, silicate bricks are actively used for wall cladding due to their good geometry, a fairly wide range of colors and low cost.


The material obtained by hyper-pressing surpasses even clinker in its characteristics: strength is higher than natural stone, zero water absorption, fire resistance.

The technology of hyper pressing consists in the action on the molded mixture of high pressure at an elevated temperature, due to which the fusion of the constituents occurs at the molecular level. The production uses a large amount of electricity, which leads to a high cost of the product.

Hyper-pressed bricks are produced in a wide variety of shapes, textures and colors. It is used both in the exterior and interior of buildings. It can be used for cladding stoves, fireplaces and chimneys.

Basic dimensions

The dimensions of the facing bar of domestic production are determined by GOST 530-2007, which subdivides the dimensions of the products as follows:

  • single brick - 250x120x65 mm;
  • one and a half - 250x120x88;
  • double - 250x120x138;
  • narrow - 250x60x65;
  • thin - 250x22x65.

The document gives the manufacturer the right to produce products of other standard sizes as agreed with the buyer. In addition to rectangular bars, cladding material is produced in various curly rounded shapes for laying out arches, frames, fillets.

ATTENTION: EU countries produce products according to their own standards, the brick is reduced by 0.7 thickness.

Popular colors

The color of the front surface depends on the degree of firing, the composition of the initial mixture, the dyes used, and the finishing method. Different batches of material, even from one manufacturer, differ in color, so you need to purchase bricks from the same batch, and if this is not possible, then during facing work, the master must mix bricks from different batches.

TIP: Bulk dyed bricks are preferable, as even if the face layer is damaged, the color will remain unchanged.

In addition to colored, facing brick can have a smooth or chipped surface.


Facing red bricks are ordinary clay ceramic or clinker bricks, and the longer the firing time, the more intense the red color. A silicate or hyper-pressed bar can turn red when dye is added. Red color is obtained by applying glaze or engobing.


Red ceramic bricks with a glazed or engobered front surface are also produced in yellow. Silicate, clinker or hyper-pressed material is rendered yellow by the corresponding mineral dyes added to the mixture. Yellow bricks are produced in different shades - from light to rich ocher.


Silicate brick without the addition of dye is white with a light grayish tint - this is the most economical option for obtaining a white facade. Pure white can be hyper-pressed material, clinker with special additives, red ceramics with a painted front layer.

How to get rid of efflorescence

Efflorescence - a whitish coating on the front surface of the masonry, in no way related to the quality of the brick. The appearance of efflorescence is determined by additives introduced into the masonry mortar, most often during winter laying.

Eliminates efflorescence of masonry on hard mortars with a low moisture content. The use of hard mixtures is mandatory when finishing with a material with low moisture absorption - clinker or hyper-pressed.

The possible appearance of plaque prevents the use of water repellents - organosilicon compounds that give the masonry water-repellent properties. Penetrating into the pores of the material, the water repellent creates a film that prevents the movement of moisture, but at the same time deprives the brick of the ability to breathe.

To remove salt deposits, special building washes have been created. There are folk methods of dealing with efflorescence: washing stains with a 5% solution of vinegar, hydrochloric acid or ammonia.

How much does it cost

The cost of cladding material depends on the type, characteristics and location of the manufacturer.

The cheapest option is facing with a white silicate bar: raw materials for production are everywhere, the steaming unit does not take up much space, and the energy costs are low. The price of white sand-lime bricks starts at 9 rubles / piece.

Ceramic facing brick has a wide variation in cost: the products of the plant in Revda (Ural) from 8 rubles / piece. up to RUB 78 / pc. imported production.

The cost of clinker starts from 70 rubles / piece. produced in the Russian Federation up to $ 254 per m2 of Quebec clinker, size 230x105x71, white.

Prices for hyperpressed material start at 12.5 rubles / piece. for a narrow format (in fact, tiles with a thickness of 22 mm, up to 71 rubles / piece for a one-and-a-half format product.


The brick-faced house gives the impression of a solid, well-kept home. By choosing a combination of products of different colors and textures, you can turn a simple box into a building with a spectacular architecture. The main thing is to take into account all the characteristics when choosing a material. Answering the main question: what is cladding, we answer with confidence: necessity and decoration.

Summer cottage, cottage, internal partitions, foundation, chimney, stove - all this can be built from bricks. This material has already become traditional and, despite the availability of alternatives, continues to enjoy popularity. Accordingly, many are faced with the question - which brick is better? We will share a few simple rules to help you choose a really good brick.

1. We learn the main types of bricks

Bricks come in many varieties and they are all quite good. It's just that each type needs to be used wisely, taking into account the pros and cons.

The most popular types of bricks:

  • silicate (white);
  • ceramic (red);
  • hyper-pressed;
  • clinker;
  • fireclay.

There are also divisions within some species. For example, ceramic red brick can be solid and hollow, and porous ceramic blocks are also made from the same material. Now let's talk about each type separately.

2. White sand-lime brick - an affordable option for walls

Silicate brick is made from a mixture of quartz sand and lime, as well as additional additives. This option is mainly used for wall construction.


  • affordable price;
  • environmental Safety;
  • convenient parallelepiped shape, smooth edges, clear corners;
  • good sound insulation;
  • frost resistance.

There are also many disadvantages of a brick:

  • heavy weight;
  • fragility;
  • poor thermal insulation;
  • not resistant to high temperatures - cannot be used for stoves and chimneys;
  • degrades quickly in humid conditions.

However, if you need a good brick for walls at an affordable price, the silicate option is fine.

3. Red ceramic brick - a universal option

Red brick is made from clay, which is then fired. The classic version has a red color and a characteristic ringing sound when struck. If you don't feel like thinking about which brick to choose, the red option is suitable for most types of construction.


  • versatility;
  • durability;
  • good heat and sound insulation;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • acceptable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • a variety of options (full-bodied, hollow, facing, etc.).

If we talk about shortcomings, then possible defects are most often associated with production disruptions, which is why it is better to buy good bricks from trusted manufacturers.

4. Fireclay refractory bricks - for furnaces and chimneys

If you need to fold a stove, chimney or fireplace, the choice is simple - fireclay refractory bricks. Only it is sufficiently reliable at high temperatures. It is based on burnt chamotte clay. Classic ceramic bricks also withstand heat up to 800 degrees, but fireclay is more reliable.

5. Clinker brick - reliability and durability

Clinker bricks are another type of clay building materials. It is produced from refractory grades and fired at very high temperatures. The result is a good brick, in which there are practically no voids. It can be used anywhere, but most often it is chosen to form the foundation and plinth, where it is required to withstand heavy loads. However, it is unusually good as a cladding, as it forms a strong, beautiful masonry. Disadvantages - high cost and the need for additional thermal insulation.

6. - for decorative cladding

This type of brick is made from limestone with the addition of binding components. The result is a material that looks like an artificial stone, and its properties are comparable to other good bricks. It comes in a variety of natural colors and is mainly used for decorative purposes. It is an ideal material for facade cladding, interior decoration and even for decorating fireplaces. As for the disadvantages, it is a high price, high weight and thermal conductivity. If you think about which brick is better to choose for a beautiful finish, the hyper-pressed version is perfect.

7. Building and facing bricks

If we talk about the types of bricks for their intended purpose, then it can be divided into building and facing. The first option is characterized by the most accurate geometry, but does not always respond well to moisture and frost. Accordingly, when using it, you need to take care of an additional protective finish. For this purpose, it is quite possible to choose facing bricks.

These include:

  • hyper-pressed;
  • clinker;
  • ceramic facing.

Often, such bricks are not only highly resistant to external influences, but also have a decorative surface, for example, imitating the look of natural stone.

8. Solid and hollow bricks

Depending on the presence of holes in the brick, it can be solid and hollow. The full-bodied version has no holes or their number does not exceed 13% of the volume. It is distinguished by its high weight, high strength, but it loses heat very quickly. This is the best option for supporting structures and foundations.

Hollow bricks have holes of various shapes. Due to the presence of such air chambers, it gains the ability to retain heat well. In addition, the low weight makes laying much easier. This is a good brick for internal partitions and facade cladding for their insulation. It cannot be used for supporting structures, as well as for stoves.

9. Ceramic porous blocks - for fast wall construction

Porous ceramic blocks are not exactly bricks, although in composition they are identical to the red ceramic version. They are rather large blocks with voids inside and often ribbed side faces.

They are great for walls as they have several advantages:

  • fast masonry due to its large size;
  • saving masonry mixture due to the presence of grooves and ridges (in the side seams, the mixture is not needed);
  • no thermal insulation is required due to air chambers.

10. The main properties of bricks - what to look for?

Now that we have figured out the main types of materials, it is worth listing their properties that you need to pay attention to when choosing a good brick for a particular masonry, in order to know which brick is better.

These parameters are:

  • density (the higher it is, the more reliable and resistant the material will be, but it will also keep heat worse);
  • strength (this parameter shows the resistance of the brick to the load, it is especially important when choosing a material for supporting structures), denoted by the letter M and the number after it;
  • porosity (the more pores and voids, the better the material retains heat);
  • thermal conductivity (ability to maintain indoor temperature);
  • frost resistance (the ability to withstand freeze and thaw cycles without loss of properties), denoted by the letter F and a number indicating the minimum number of cycles;
  • refractoriness(the ability to withstand high temperatures is important when choosing a good brick for a stove, fireplace, chimney);
  • moisture resistance (the higher it is, the less moisture the material absorbs, it is important when choosing a brick that will be used outdoors).

Comparative table of brick properties

Brick type Brand Average density, kg / m 3 Thermal conductivity, W / (m * C) Water absorption,% Frost resistance cycles
Silicate M75-M300 1000-2200 0,5-1,3 12 15-50
Ceramic corpulent M200-M300 2100 0,72 8 50-75
Ceramic hollow (42-45%) M125, M150 1100-1150 0,2-0,26 6-8 35
Ceramic porous block M125, M150 890-940 0,16-0,18 6,5-9 35
Hyperpressed M50-M300 2200 0,9-1 6-7 25-200
Clinker M400-M1000 1900-2100 1,16 6 50-100
Shimotny M75-M500 1700-1900 0,6 15-30 15-50

These properties differ for each type of brick. A handy table will help you compare different species with each other. The data are given as an average. Now you know which brick is best for a particular task.

A rather difficult situation arises when it is necessary to decide which brick to choose for facing the house. The fact is that such a facade material includes several types that differ in composition and characteristics. That is why it is necessary to take into account many factors in order for the final result to match the desired.

Facade bricks are also called facing or front bricks, which explains the main purpose of the material - the external design of the walls in order to give the house a more presentable look.

Although the decorative component is considered the main parameter of the product, one must not forget that it must provide reliable protection of the structure from any impact. These factors include preventing moisture penetration (parts should have a small percentage of moisture absorption) and protecting the structure from wind and temperature extremes. The material should be strong and durable; harmful influences should not reduce visual appeal.

When choosing a suitable option, take into account that there is also a simple building brick on sale, the facade variety differs from such products in external parameters. The front material is often divided into two groups: shaped (with complex geometry) and textured (having a raised side).

The choice of facing blocks is now quite large

Varieties of facing bricks

All types of facing bricks differ in production technology and the components that make up the composition. This is what affects the final result, determining the properties of the material and its appearance.

The following types of bricks are found on the construction market:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • hyper-pressed.
Thermal conductivity for any exterior cladding material is considered one of the main parameters.

Each option has its own pros and cons.

On a note! Silicate and ceramic products are divided into two categories: for building houses and for cladding.

Silicate brick

This variety is often used for exterior decoration, since the price of the material is considered one of the most democratic. The production technology consists in the fact that a mixture of quartz sand, lime and special components is subjected to dry pressing with a gradual increase in temperature.

The standard color for this option is white, but with the addition of a color scheme, a more varied decorative component is obtained.

Recently, the variety and range of silicate blocks has grown significantly

Material advantages:

  1. Frost resistance. The product is capable of withstanding multiple freeze and thaw cycles.
  2. Safety. The composition and manufacturing method do not affect environmental friendliness, therefore, the products do not have a negative impact on health.
  3. Availability. This is the cheapest option available.
  4. Acceptable strength. The resulting surface can withstand a variety of weather conditions, provided it is properly installed.

Disadvantages cannot be excluded from attention:

  • Considerable weight. Because of this, the load on the foundation increases, therefore, in order to revet the surface with a silicate variety, the structure must be carefully strengthened.
  • Low visual content. The coating lacks texture, and even tinting does not give the desired effect.
  • Thermal conductivity. This indicator for this option is high, therefore, in difficult climatic conditions, additional insulation is necessary.

Silicate finishes can be spectacular, but the brick itself is cold and heavy.

On a note! Silicate decorative brick is suitable for front finishing only if the base is made of a more reliable material, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

Ceramic brick

This option is the main competitor of the previous one, so the question very often arises which brick is better: silicate or ceramic. Of course, the production of ceramics is a more complex process, the difficulty lies in choosing the right raw materials. Only high quality clay with minor impurities of other substances is used for work. Since the color of the material is often red, this is the color of the final product, although there are other varieties. If necessary, the starting material can be tinted.

Ceramic blocks have the widest range of shaped elements

Manufacturing technology is that the mass is molded and then sent to a well-heated oven. The final quality of the product depends on the correct preparation of the composition and its firing.

The material should have a deep red color with a brownish tint, and with a slight impact, a characteristic ringing should be heard. It should be borne in mind that even minimal violations of the process lead to marriage. Such deficiencies can be identified by their appearance. If the parts have burnt areas, then they have been kept at high temperatures for too long, they will be brittle. At a low temperature and insufficient firing time, the fragments turn out to be faded, have a high moisture absorption, and no ringing is heard upon impact.

Classical ceramics have good thermal insulation and are able to retain their original appearance for decades

This decorative brick has the advantages of:

  1. Appearance. Ceramic material includes varieties that vary in color, size and shape. This provides room for design solutions.
  2. Durability. The service life of a surface made of such products is tens of years.
  3. Heat and sound insulation. Products protect the house well from heat loss, cold penetration and extraneous noise.

The only significant drawback may be a violation of production technology. Therefore, when purchasing products, it is necessary to pay great attention to this particular factor.

If facing bricks are sold too cheaply, then there is a high probability of buying a fake, which will crack and crumble after a couple of seasons.

Hyper-pressed brick

Such a decorative brick has a surface closest to natural stone. For production, a fraction of natural materials, shell rock, cement and mineral pigments are used. The mixture is pressed and exposed to high temperatures.

Hyper-pressed blocks are similar in characteristics to good granite, but the material is heavy and quite expensive

The hyper-pressed front facing brick has a large number of advantages. Strength and durability stand out among the main ones; the coating perfectly withstands many temperature cycles. But due to the high weight and high price, the products are not widespread.

Clinker view

This finishing material is a bit like the ceramic version, but a more refractory type of clay is used for its production, and firing takes place at very high temperatures. Due to this, the parts acquire excellent protective and decorative qualities. But this also affects the final cost: it becomes too high. Therefore, outdoor decoration is often done with brick-like tiles, which are much easier and cheaper to tiled.

Clinker finishing refers to the elite types and, according to most experts, is the highest quality and durable

Which is better?

When choosing a facing brick for the facade, it should be remembered that the main competitors are silicate and ceramic types. Both options are quite popular, but the second stands out most favorably. This is due to its advantages:

  • Technical specifications. The material has high strength and low moisture absorption. It perfectly withstands more than 130 cycles of defrosting and freezing, the tiled house gains durability.
  • Thermal insulation characteristics. Ceramics not only retains heat and keeps cold out, but also contributes to the creation of a comfortable microclimate inside the building.
  • Choosing a suitable option will minimize the impact on the structure.
  • High decorativeness. Many varieties are produced that differ in color, shape and texture.

When choosing between silicate and ceramic veneers, it is better to give preference to good ceramics

Silicate brick has only one advantage over ceramic brick - a lower price. If your budget is tight, this will be the best solution. And the desired visual effect can be achieved by painting the surface.

The construction of a private house is accompanied by the desire to combine the comfort and practicality of housing with a presentable appearance. The facade of any building is its face, which the owners of the house, their guests and bystanders look at every day. Therefore, it is important to carefully approach the issue of finishing the building, because the wrongly selected material in a short time can become unusable or lose its attractive appearance.

A popular option for a finishing material is facing brick, which is also called front or front brick. It is often preferred in the construction of objects of any level - from residential buildings to large cultural complexes of regional significance. There are many types of facing bricks on the building materials market, but which one to choose? About this - in our article.

Face brick vs ordinary, silicate vs ceramic

When choosing a brick for construction, the question often arises which of the presented types is better. But such a statement of the question is not entirely correct. There are many varieties of this building material, and each of them differs in individual qualities and purpose.

On a note!
In Russia, the norms and technical rules for the manufacture of ceramic bricks are standardized by GOST 530-2012, in which separate categories of material are distinguished depending on the operational properties. The document also stipulates the minimum requirements for the strength, appearance and quality characteristics of products.

For the construction of internal walls and partitions, as well as external walls of the building, ordinary brick is used. Such a product, in accordance with interstate and national standards, provides the operational characteristics of brickwork. At the same time, in contrast to the facing brick, the question of the external attractiveness of the material fades into the background.

Ordinary brick is not used for cladding the facades of buildings or its elements, since cracks and chips are often found on its surface. For ordinary bricks, appearance is not important. And the requirements in GOST 530 2012 are much lower in appearance. Therefore, when constructing masonry from such a material, the surface needs subsequent processing with plaster or decorative mixtures. Similarly, facing brick, as a rule, is not used for the construction of structural elements: in any case, the construction of a frame is necessary, and after that, external finishing is carried out.

In the production of facing bricks, chipping with a length of more than 1.5 cm and cracks are not allowed. In addition, such products may have a color tint or undergo additional texture processing. Therefore, they have a wide range of applications: cladding of buildings, construction of fences, fireplaces, individual buildings. Therefore, the cost of facing bricks depends on color and other appearance parameters.

Brick performance

Despite the big differences in terms of aesthetic appeal, facing bricks and ordinary ones have common performance characteristics.

  • Strength ... It consists in the ability of a product to withstand external loads without subsequent destruction. The strength indicator is expressed in the numerical part of the brick grade: for example, a product of the M100 brand is capable of withstanding a load of 100 kg per 1 cm 2.
  • Moisture absorption ... It is expressed in the difference in the mass of dry and wet bricks, which is important to ensure the strength of the structure. For example, for use in an environment with aggressive weather conditions, facing clinker brick is used, the moisture absorption rate of which should not exceed 6%. For other products, moisture absorption of more than 6% is allowed: for facing - 8-10%, for privates - 12-14%, for interior work - 16%. The level of water absorption of ceramic bricks can be in the range of 6-14%. The indicator is determined when products are saturated in water with a temperature of 15–25 ° C at atmospheric pressure or under vacuum, as well as in boiling water according to GOST 7025-91. Ceramic and silicate bricks and stones. Methods for determining water absorption, density and frost resistance control. "
  • Emptiness. Taking this indicator into account, all products are divided into hollow and solid, depending on the presence of internal voids. Each type is distinguished by its operational properties and range of applications. Hollow facing brick is lighter, retains heat better, but is less durable. Therefore, it is used for cladding in order to protect the building from cold and wind. For the construction of external walls, a solid ordinary brick is used, which is highly durable, but is less heat-intensive. In the production of solid facing bricks, more raw materials are consumed, therefore its price is much higher.
  • Frost resistance. This indicator is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the brick during freezing and thawing. With a low index of frost resistance of facing bricks, its price per m2 will be lower, but after several cycles of temperature change, it will begin to collapse, peel off or lose color. The frost resistance index is directly related to the product's ability to absorb water.

On a note!
Frost resistance in technical documentation is indicated by the letter F and a numerical indicator. It indicates the number of freeze and thaw cycles that the product can withstand. For facing bricks of Russian production, the indicator should be at least F50, but by agreement with the customer it can be reduced to F35.

  • Refractoriness. This indicator affects what temperature the facing brick can withstand. This characteristic is especially important when decorating fireplaces and chimneys. Silicate facing brick (sand-lime) can withstand temperatures of 300-600 ° C, for red ceramic products (made from clay) this figure is higher - 800-1200 ° C, for refractory bricks (chamotte and quartz) - 1300 ° C, for industrial refractory (lime-magnesia and carbon graphite-coke) - 2000 ° C.

Types of facing bricks

In turn, facing bricks are subdivided into types depending on raw materials and production technology. The set of operational characteristics of each option is different, this must be taken into account when deciding which facing brick to choose for specific tasks. Usually, facing bricks are made in three sizes (formats):

  • Euro (0.7 NF) - 250 × 85 × 65 mm;
  • single facing brick (1NF) - 250 × 120 × 65 mm;
  • one and a half, or thickened, facing brick (1.4 NF) - 250 × 120 × 88 mm;

For finishing works, ceramic and silicate bricks can be used.

Facing ceramic brick

It is made from clay cleared of salts and impurities by shaping, drying and subsequent firing. The last stage in the production of ceramic facing bricks affects the quality of the product: when overburned, it acquires a black tint, and when underburned, on the contrary, it is light, in both cases the strength properties decrease.

Ceramic facing bricks are superior to others in their performance characteristics. Weighing 1.7-3.1 kg, depending on which size of facing brick is chosen, it withstands 100 freezing cycles and provides 8-9% water absorption. The disadvantage is the price of facing bricks, which is higher than that of other varieties.

Silicate brick

Such products are made from a mixture of quartz sand and lime by autoclave synthesis, so they do not undergo firing. The main advantage of silicate facing brick is its low price. At the same time, its service life, frost resistance and water absorption rates are significantly lower than that of ceramic. In addition, there is no way to give the brick a smooth shape or include decorative elements. Therefore, it cannot be recognized as the best facing brick for building a house.

Due to the technology of production without firing, silicate brick does not withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and high temperatures. Therefore, the popularity among the population is due only to the cost of silicate facing bricks.

Facade alternatives: does the stingy pay twice?

If we compare which facing brick is better, ceramic products win in terms of operational and aesthetic characteristics. Despite the fact that the cost per square meter of such facing brick is higher than that of silicate brick, in terms of price / quality / durability ratio, it is the best option (see Table 1).

Table 1. Characteristics of ceramic bricks

On the construction market, there are alternative materials for facade decoration, which are also popular among the population. To understand what to give preference to and not overpay in the future for unforeseen repairs, let's compare each material with a brick.

Hinged ventilated facade

It is a metal frame on which the facing element is fixed: panels, siding, artificial stone. To preserve heat, a layer of insulation is laid out between the wall of the house and the cladding. Such material is highly durable, can be mounted in any weather, and broken elements can be replaced.

Despite the difference in price, the service life of facing bricks for the facade is longer (over 100 years versus 30). In addition, the brick finish is not subject to deformation, does not require additional processing and application of protective equipment.

Wet plaster

Among the advantages of such a material are the ability to choose the color you like, ease of application and versatility for buildings of any complexity. In addition, the cost of facing bricks per m2 is higher than that of wet plaster and insulation for a similar volume of work. But the service life of such a finishing material is about 30 years, which is very small in comparison with a brick facade.

If the technology for applying wet plaster is violated or if it is not treated in a timely manner with protective agents against aggressive weather conditions, moisture and fungal infections, the material may deform. After that, a new layer will have to be applied to the entire facade, since with a partial renovation, a difference in color will be visible.

Clinker brick

It is made from special types of clay, which ensures high performance. The addition of silicate minerals to the mixture is responsible for the effective appearance and strength of the products. The production of such a facing brick practically does not differ from its ceramic counterpart.

Advantages of clinker bricks:

  • resistance to aggressive weather conditions;
  • long service life;
  • does not require cleaning and special care;
  • high rate of water resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Among the shortcomings, there is a difference in the color of bricks, even from the same batch, as well as high thermal conductivity, which creates the need to additionally use insulation. But the high price of clinker facing bricks in comparison with the ceramic counterpart makes it not the most attractive option for use in facade decoration.

A natural stone

The material is distinguished by its spectacular appearance, high strength and durability. There is a wide variety of natural stone for cladding on the building materials market. It is often used for finishing individual surface elements, for example, simultaneously with white facing bricks or plaster.

In terms of operational properties, natural stone is comparable to ceramic bricks, but its price is much higher, and the material itself is heavier. Therefore, the main argument in choosing between these two materials is the low price of facing bricks.

Attempts to save money on finishing a building can end up with even higher costs associated with constant renovation and restoration of the facade. In addition, not every material can boast of high performance. For many, natural stone is still an attractive option, but its high cost and high weight often stop buyers.

How to choose a facing brick for your home?

The best facing brick is one that will last a long time, provide comfortable living conditions and will be inexpensive. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the product, taking into account the weather conditions and terrain features. With high seismological activity, it is better to choose a solid brick, and for an area with sharp temperature changes - a product with high frost resistance.

To save money on finishing the facade, it makes sense to purchase facing bricks from the manufacturer through official distributors, the price of which will almost always be lower than that of dubious intermediaries. In addition, this way you will receive an additional guarantee that they will not try to sell you “fake rejection”, “substandard”, products that obviously do not correspond to GOSTs.

Non-compliance with the production technology at least at one stage becomes the reason for the non-compliance of the product with the requirements of GOST. On the scale of the whole batch, such a miss will bring great losses. Therefore, reputable manufacturers who care about their reputation maintain strict control over the production process at all stages. National and interstate standards contain rather stringent requirements, respectively, products manufactured in accordance with GOSTs are preferable to those manufactured in accordance with TU and sometimes in fact are "rough" material.

Each batch of bricks must have a passport, which contains information on the compliance of the product with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents. However, it is known that in construction markets, in "garage cooperatives", roadside warehouses, small sellers often present forged passports and sanitary and hygienic certificates written out, as they say, "on the knee", where, among other things, instead of the word "facing" may appear , for example, the word "front".

Although brick is not subject to compulsory certification, self-respecting manufacturers pass it on a voluntary basis, so ask for certificates of conformity.

Many are interested in the question of what color of facing bricks to choose for decorating a house. More recently, yellow facing bricks were popular, the cost of which is higher than products of other colors. But times are changing, and what was once fashionable is becoming a thing of the past. Therefore, in order for the facade to always have a presentable appearance, you should give preference to the classic version - red facing brick and its shades. This color will never go out of style and will look like new.

So, the external finishing of the facade is one of the most important tasks when building a house. It's not even about aesthetic beauty and the ability to stand out from the crowd. Correctly selected facing material will provide a comfortable environment in the house, as well as keep the walls from the negative effects of weather conditions. Therefore, even at the design stage, you should decide on the finishing material. And it is important not to miscalculate, so that the attempt to save money does not turn into even greater spending.

Where can you buy facing bricks from the manufacturer?

We talked to Igor Kabanov, CEO of BRAER, about where to buy good quality facing bricks:

“We are often asked which facing brick is better to buy. It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question, since many factors must be taken into account: data from construction climatology, terrain features, characteristics of the object under construction and the buyer's budget. We recommend, first of all, to take care of the quality of building materials and not strive for false savings, making a choice in favor of frankly budget finishes.

The BRAER company produces facing bricks according to an individual production technology. This approach allows you to maintain a rich and long-lasting color for a long time, as well as to ensure excellent geometry of finished products. We carry out strict control of products at every stage of production, so the release of a defective batch is excluded. In addition, the modern technology we use for applying texture to the front surface of a brick allows our customers to create an individual style of the facade.

Editorial opinion

Building a house is costly, and it is not always possible to find the necessary budget for the purchase of expensive materials. Therefore, when finishing the facade, it is recommended to determine its cost not only per square meter, but also per year of operation. This will require dividing the cost per square meter of material, taking into account logistics and construction work, by the number of years of the declared service life. In this case, comparing profitability, or cost of ownership, for different products and materials will be more correct and will allow you to make a balanced choice.