How to equip a balcony: ideas from the heroes of the Quarterbog. Original lighting of the balcony with your own hands as a landscaping the old balcony of a high-rise building

You still use your balcony for storing old sled, skis and any rubble, which, perhaps, no one will never use? Given the permanent increase in real estate prices, such a use of square meters belonging to you can hardly be called rational. What about getting rid of everything unnecessary and turn a balcony, used as a smoking room or a place for drying linen in potentially new room to accommodate a cabinet, a domestic workshop, a place for short-grazing or even summer bedrooms? What kind of area did not have our dwellings, and the places are always lacking. We bring to your attention a selection of interesting design projects for the arrangement of balconies and loggias with a variety of functional purposes.

Where to begin?

Before turning the precious 2-5 square meters to a cozy corner, which will be your pride, it is necessary to develop a detailed action plan. First of all, it is necessary to decide whether your work will be able to improve the balcony or loggia of decorative (the design remains open and only the facade is trimmed with a finishing material) or a constructive (the balcony must be glazed and insulated). The choice will depend on your personal preferences and expectations. Someone lives in the south of our country and has a luxurious view of the sea, opening directly from the balcony. This design is enough to improve and equip the place for the trapez with a gorgeous view of the sea landscape. And someone does not have a glazed balcony, it will mostly be littered with snow and its improvement will require a considerable number of actions taken. But first things first.

We decorate the open balcony

Being able to be in the fresh air, without leaving your own dwelling - a great idea for those who live in the southern part of our country. From the point of view of the design of the outdoor balcony facade, the host options are not so much. In addition to the traditional obstruction of the barrier, you can decorate the design with the original forging and livestock. It all depends on how the facade of your apartment building is decorated and you wish to join the existing options for designing your own parapet or stand out on a general background.

In modern apartment buildings, you can most often meet as a fence. Durable metal frame with inserts from transparent, translucent or cast plastic color solutions (as a rule, the tone is selected for a harmonious combination with the color of the facade of the building). To create an original open balcony image, you can use a forged frame created by individual order. In any case, before planning the reconstruction of the appearance of the open balcony, learn whether the building does not have a historical value and whether the residents have permanent parapets at their discretion.

An excellent way to decorate the balcony in the case of an open design can be the use of living plantations. In order to maximally save all available internal balcony space for furniture placement, use the following plants to be placed:

  • flowers are located along the side of the railil;
  • live decor is at the base of the fence;
  • in the end of the balcony, you can use a cascade or step location;
  • for curly plants, the perfect variant will be lattices that are attached to the walls on Ofi side from the door.

Obviously, a decorative approach in the design of the balcony is a seasonal event, designed for warm, dry weather. Therefore, all the elements of the situation must be mobile, light and preferably folding. Choose compact garden furniture, which are not terrible different options for influences - from moisture to burnout in the sun. And be prepared for the fact that with a strong wind with the rain you will need to be inside the housing textile elements (pillows, removable seats, plaid and so on.). In the design of a balcony of a closed type, much more design variations and functional filling - we will dwell on them in more detail.

General list of works for closed balcony

So, if you decide to translate the outside of your dwelling into an additional living area and have already been determined with its functional purpose, then you are expected to be the following types of work:

  • mandatory assessment of the state of the balcony - plates and fences;
  • glazing design;
  • insulation, waterproofing with a preliminary elimination of all gaps;
  • in some cases, it is necessary to dismantle the balcony block (depends on the reconstruction option);
  • paving electrical systems;
  • alignment (fill) of walls and floor (may be absent - it all depends on the types of finishing works);
  • finishing;
  • layout of furniture and accessories;
  • decorating a new room.

Glazing balcony

There are two types of glazing: "Cold and warm". The so-called "cold" glazing is used if the balcony or loggia must simply protect against moisture and dust, but to organize there an additional room for performing any functions is not provided. With this type of glazing, one of those facilities for the constructs of transparent structures are usually used:

  • "Frameless" way - obstacle looks like a solid glass fabric. In fact, parts of a transparent wall can move along horizontal guides to open and closing windows;
  • wooden swing sash;
  • sliding or swivel-folding structures with a metal-plastic profile.

If you need to carry out a "warm" glazing, the option using plastic glass windows is the best way to create high-quality heat and sound insulation. Very often in such cases, the reception of the framework of 15-25 cm is used for the facade plane for some expansion of the balcony area. Sensation of space and quite wide windowsill, which can be used as a working surface - a great bonus for the owners.

From the point of view of the decor and bring the originality in the design of the balcony due to the glazing stage, you can use tinted glasses, stained glass windows, products with laser engraving or photo printing. Depending on the design solutions, it is possible to use such a decor both fragmentary and for the entire surface of a protective glass barrier. Modern double-glazed windows can be executed with any color decision frame, imitate any wood breed. The original appearance of glazing is the key to creating a non-trivial image of a balcony or loggia.

Installation of insulation and waterproofing

To this stage of work, it is necessary to take full responsibility - not to save on materials and fees of specialists. The poor-quality installation of heat and waterproofing may subsequently reduce all finishing works, lead to the package of furniture and eventually return you to the original position with the need to rewrite the repair. Minor savings at this stage of work can turn into significant costs for reconstruction and loss of time.

The insulation for floors is most often foam, for walls and ceiling - polystyrene foam or technoplex. Any insulation is mounted only after all the slots are fixed and processed. To create vaporizolation recently, foamed polyethylene is most often used, which is stacked with a brilliant side inside. Next, on the surface it will be possible to mount the crate to create finishing surfaces.

The most effective way to insulate the loggia is the installation of the so-called "warm floor". One of the most democratic in the cost of installing the system is infrared film floor. This room will be really warm and comfortable at any time of the year. Temperature adjustment modes will allow you to independently install an additional room microclimate.

Electric installation work

The volume of wiring works will depend on the intended number of light sources and used household appliances in the balcony, the presence of "warm floors" and whether the repair of the loggia is maintained in the complex with the main alteration of the apartment or not. If the reconstruction touched only the balcony, then you can not complicate the process and restrict ourselves to the usual extension, after having previously calculated the desired section taking into account the maximum load.

The number of light sources will directly depend on what you expect from the room balcony or loggia. If it is a place for breakfast and rare evening romantic dinners overlooking the city landscape, it will be enough and one lamp or the built-in backlight. If the extra room will be used as an office, workshop or children's play area, then one source of light can not do. The number of luminaires also affects the size of the balcony and its location relative to the parties of the world.

Finishing work

The choice of finishing materials directly depends on the overall idea of \u200b\u200busing the auxiliary room. But, regardless of how you will use a balcony or loggia (create a winter garden or install the simulators) there is a list of the most popular finish options suitable for a special microclimate of additional space:

  • mDF panels;
  • pVC finishing panels;
  • to eliminate the irregularities and creating trim, niches and other designs are perfectly suitable for moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • cork coating (creates excellent heat and sound insulation);
  • decorative plaster;
  • fake diamond;
  • painting;
  • combining various materials to create an original and stable coating.

The choice of material for the creation of an outdoor coating has the impact of the presence of a "warm floors" system, but in general, any modern raw materials can be used:

  • ceramic or stone tile;
  • outdoor board (parquet);
  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • carpet.

If we talk about the choice of color palette, it is obvious that in a modest area of \u200b\u200bthe room, bright shades will look much more organic, allowing you to visually expand the space. But, on the other hand, if all your furniture and balcony decor (loggia) will be performed in bright colors, then for the background you can pick up more colorful color solutions.

Examples of using a balcony for rooms of various purposes

Only at first glance it may seem that limited balcony space significantly reduces the list of possible options for using this additional room. The modern owner does not use this utilitarian premises as a storeroom, but arranges the office there, workshop, a greenhouse, a children's zone, adult game with billiards, gyms, hookah, place for meals and even a bedroom.

In order to place a full-fledged and functional setting on several square meters with a specific geometry, you must resort to different designs of designer techniques. It is not only a visual expansion of space through the use of light finishes, mirror, glossy and glass surfaces, but also the installation of compact furniture (more often customized by individual sizes), the maximum release of the floor is folding furnishings, racks and consoles that are attached to Walls.

Place for trapes is one of the most popular options for using a balcony or loggia. If your balcony offers a great view of the city landscape or is better - from the windows you can see the dawn or sunset the sun, it will not be unable to use such a wonderful opportunity. The width of some loggia makes it possible to install a compact dining table, in others you have to be content with a bar with a bar or non-searched console (most often a continuation of the windowsill). Also, an effective reception can be the installation of a compact round (oval) table or folding panel.

Another popular solution is to organize a corner for reading and relaxing on the balcony or loggia. It is logical to install racks for the home library and organize a comfortable place to read books in a light room filled. Even if the glazing of the balcony with frames, natural light will still be enough for comfortable accommodation. In this case, in addition to racks with books, you will need to install a pair of comfortable chairs or a compact sofa, ottoman.

In order to organize a modern cabinet, it is necessary for quite a few useful space. It is so modest sizes and a balcony or a loggia has. A small console can be used as a working surface (modern laptops or computer screens occupy a little space), a comfortable adjustable chair and a pair of suspended shelves for storing documents and office.

One of the most popular options for organizing storage systems on balcony spaces is the installation of racks. Even a shallow rack, mounted on the floor to the ceiling, allows you to place a huge number of things of household goods. In this case, the design does not look massive due to the absence of facades.

Integrated wardrobes are not less popular. But considering that in a small area it is necessary to mount the storage system from the floor to the ceiling, it is better to give preference to light wood rocks. It will not be superfluous to use glass and mirror surfaces - they will help facilitate the image of the cabinet.

Even a small space under the balcony window sill can be used rationally. Shallow shelves hidden behind the coupe, can accommodate a large number of things you need.

As a seat for seating, the corner sofas effectively use, under the seats of which are accommodated storage systems. For small width balconies, you can use similar, but only linear models.

The balcony is the perfect place to use itemed items made by your own hands. For example, from building pallets can be constructed shops and sofides, tables and stands, racks and other storage systems, even beds. Thus, it is possible not only to save significantly, but also create a truly unique image of an additional room.

But it is found in modern design projects and completely unusual use options for the existing square meters. Gym, or rather a mini-room, laundry room, Finnish bath or a Russian steam room - not a complete list of creative ideas. But it is important to understand that for the organization of many such original projects, not only large resources will be required, but also the corresponding permissions.

https: //www..jpg 1084 800 DIX. https: //www..png.DIX.2016-11-30 10:25:16 2018-11-30 11:16:15 Design and repair of balcony or loggia - 100 actual ideas

Not all apartments please their tenants with convenient layouts and spacious rooms. But the loggia, albeit in the most ordinary one-bedroom apartment, is often characterized by suitable size for arrangement on it.

By doing repair, it is worth showing a fantasy, because this room is a continuation of the apartment, and maybe. Below will be discussed, as from an ordinary loggia, often used as a storage room, make a cozy and beautiful room.

Loggia arrangement

Loggia is the place in the apartment where you can implement the most bold ideas when designing. Of course, it has very limited sizes and its own characteristics. It is these factors that need to be considered before equipping the loggia, the photo below.

In the photo - the arrangement of the loggia using various materials

Important: When choosing materials for decoration, focus not only on the overall design of the loggia, but also on whether it is or not, whether. For cold or open loggias, materials that are resistant to temperature drops are not afraid of moisture and sun rays.

Improvement of balconies and loggia begins with insulation work, if necessary, and.

Natural wood (floor board or lining) will give extra comfort.

Arrangement should be thought out

For the design of the walls, not only ordinary painting, but also decorative decorative plaster is suitable. She can cover all the walls or only part. A variety of textures will help implement any project to arrange. Decorative plaster does not require special skills, and the cost is quite comparable to wallpaper or paint. Decorative plaster - durable and durable material, which without much effort will give the loggia an original look.

Options for registration of loggia decorative stone

Another option of simple and low-cost and loggia is an artificial stone finish, the photo above. This material is presented in a large assortment: it mimics the brick, slate, cobblestone, etc. in color can be both natural tones and painted in any shade. The decorative stone can be seen all the walls inside the loggia or only a part, emphasizing the significant zones. This design is quite possible to make with your own hands, after preparing the walls: aligning them and apply penetrating primer.

Wallpaper It is better to select moisture-resistant (detergent, vinyl or phlizelinovy), resistant to burnout. On a small loggia should be avoided bright and large drawings, as well as too dark tones visually reducing space.

How to equip a loggia with an area of \u200b\u200b6 meters

Registration in details

It is not necessary to develop a design project at all to decorate the loggia. The simplest examples of the decoration were always decor items.

Solution at the arrangement of a small area

Coloring flowers

Plant type depends on the orientation of the loggia and the taste preferences of the owner of the apartment. But that the flowers really decorated and pleased the eyes, it is important to accommodate them correctly. The arrangement will help all sorts of racks and shelves located along the walls, as well as angular shelf. Women's wristful flowers, all sorts of suspended porridge for ampel plant, look beautiful and elegantly. On a small loggia should not grow plants in large outdoor pots that occupy a lot of space and visually reduce space, they are suitable for a large area. In the photo - the design of the loggia and with the help of plants.

The arrangement of the loggia will add a new place of rest to the apartment

Decor items

When designing the loggia, the main thing is not to rearrange with decorations, since it is very easy to overload the space not only on an area of \u200b\u200b3 meters, but also more.

Loggian arrangement under the office

Make a stylish loggia and modern will help:

  • Pictures - selected depending on the style of the interior. It can be bright posters, family photos, landscapes - what will emphasize a unique design. When arranging the picture does not occupy a lot of space, but the frames should not be heavy and bulky.
  • Mirrors - visually increase the space and add light. The frame must be harmonized in color and style with the design of the loggia.
  • Vases - outdoor suitable for the arrangement of spacious loggias, and on small, you can put miniature vases on a table, a window sill or a shelf.
  • Figurines - perfectly arrange them on shelves or racks. When decorated, it will help to emphasize the style of the room.
  • Original wall clock.
  • Books - useful decoration. Bright covers will revive the monotonous interior.
Important: The arrangement of the loggia implies the presence of a properly selected textile:, pillows, plaid, rug. Luminaires also have to choose from general design, as they have both functional and decorative meaning.

How to originally arrange the loggia

Registration of the loggia in the apartment, the photo below should be made in a single style to be on it really comfortable.

Beautiful balconies and loggia - the result of competent arrangement

Country - wicker furniture, simple textiles, walls and floor trimmed with wood. This style is suitable for the arrangement of any loggia. When designing, flowers should be present in clay or wicker pots. or with a "under the tree" profile. Provence style arrangement is very similar to country, only the walls are covered with textured plaster and artificial stone.

Ideas for balconies and loggia - registration in several styles

Oriental style - monophonic walls, tiled or mosaic floor, openwork elements on furniture lamps. With the arrangement, bright textiles with characteristic oriental ornaments are required: curtains from organza, pillows.

How to furnish a small area

Minimalism - monophonic walls, furniture and textiles. The lamps of transparent glass and chrome metal are welcome. With arrangement - minimum decorative elements. From natural materials: wood, metal. Vivid elements are allowed in the design: flowers in simple pots, pillows, vases.

Registration of the recreation area

Classicism is suitable for the arrangement of a loggia of 6 meters or more, because it requires the installation of massive wooden furniture: chairs, cabinets, sofa. Request paintings in bronze frames, heavy textiles, forging, saturated shades in the design. Instead, the curtains can use Roman or wooden blinds.

Loggia arrangement in classic style

Romanticism - light colors and simple forms. Floral patterns are relevant on curtains and furniture. During the design, the flowers should be placed on the forged shears, and the decor items on the corner wooden cabinets. The mirror in the elegant frame will complement the interior.

Loggia or balcony is the part of the apartment, which many Russians are used to perceive only as a warehouse of boxes and pickles. Few people represent that these couple meters can be turned. The loggia can become an excellent independent room, summer kitchen or resting place, most importantly try to try a little.


Loggia and balcony: What is the difference?

Of course, it is impossible to talk about the arrangement of any room without knowing that it represents. For example, many call the loggia just a balcony. Of course, at first glance, these two designs are very similar - but if you deepen, it will become clear that the differences are essential. The ability to distinguish the loggia from the balcony will help not only to equip the surplus, but also avoid mistakes when buying an apartment.

Loggia - from the Italian "Loggia", the room. And the balcony is from the German "Balko", the protrusion. Even the translation of definitions gives some reason about differences.

The balcony is a hinged design with a fence protruding from the wall. It protrudes the so-called beam from the wall, hanging over the earth, held by special fasteners.

Loggia is indoors. It is essentially the same room, only on the fourth wall, it is most often located a number of windows. Thus, it can be understood that the first difference is the adjoining of the wall.

The second - the balcony has three open sides looking into the street. They are delayed with metal fences. One wall borders with a room at the balcony.

The loggia is all exactly the opposite - one side to the street, three others - to the house. Corner loggias have two parts located outside.

Since the balcony is a mounted construction, it has some restrictions on the supporting abilities. Roughly speaking, repair work is extremely uncomfortable on the balcony. Unlike loggia. Loggia can be inspired, decorated or installed there any furniture - this room will endure everything. To equip the loggia with your own hands is not so hard, as it seems at first glance.

Of course, it is impossible to bypass the sizes. Balcony - Compact room, clearly limited in size. The area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia can be changed at its discretion, supplement - like any room.

We can safely say that the main feature of the loggia is its differences from the balcony. It can also be as glazed and not.


When arranging the loggia, it should be cleaned by all things and garbage. After cleaning, the glazing procedure is traditionally. In order to competently spend it, you need to understand how and at what time of year the room will be used.


The first thing to pay attention to the arrangement of the loggia is closed or open it type. The first type includes glazed loggias, and they, in turn, are divided into several more:

Under the warm glazing, they mean full protection against all natural misstain - winds, cold, as well as noise and street mud. It is performed, most often, with plastic windows. The huge pluses of warm glazing, of course, include thermal insulation and tightness. Plastic windows - the running goods on the market, so it is quite possible to find the right shape and shade. However, without flaws and here it did not cost. PVC and glass frames are heavy, so it is possible to use them only on proven plates. The frame has a greater width, which prevents the penetration of light - slightly, but nevertheless. And the swivel-folding mechanism of the sash can visually reduce and clog the room.

Cold glazing is the insulation of all parts of the loggia so that it can be used only in the warm season. Such glazing will not save from winter cold and, in principle, strong winds, as it has insufficient heat and sound insulation. As a rule, it is performed with aluminum frames. Aluminum structures are easy to highlight on their own, they are light and do not add "weight" by windows. Aluminum gives in painting, and the frames from it are sold in various colors.

Aluminum frames are environmentally friendly, as well as durable - 3 times more than a tree, in 7 - plastic.

Separately, it is worth considering such a question as a change in cold glazing to warm. Many worries the question whether it is possible to carry out this procedure without harm to the plates. Yes, it is quite possible. The main difficulty here is the removal of old double-glazed windows. Experienced users can try to do it on their own, however, strongly recommends calling the masters or at least consult with it.

We must not forget about this moment as a semi-sleeve glazing. This is, in fact, a slightly simplified version of warm glazing - only the sash here have a sliding mechanism, that is, tightness and thermal insulation is slightly lower. It is performed from the same PVC frames, only with sliding flaps. It is much easier than warm, and the load on the plates in its case is minimal. Due to the semi-glazing glazing, you can solve the problem of the massiveness of the windows and load on the brackets. This is the perfect option for home or apartments with weak balcony plates.



The next stage is waterproofing. In other words - protection of carrying structures and building materials from the destructive effects of water. After all, during the rain, moisture can safely get into the most remote corner of the balcony. This problem is especially relevant for owners of loggias on the upper floors.

  • Independently performing the waterproofing of the loggia really only from the inside, for external processing, you should contact a specialist at least for the sake of its own safety. The waterproofing process itself is that the mastic creates a protective layer, and due to sealant, the damaged parts of the concrete occurs.
  • The coating compositions require screed over, and penetrating is considered the most reliable and restore strength up to 20%. But they use them only for concrete. But the inland materials from polymers and non-polymer are unpopular, although they are also reliable - just getting much more with them than with other compositions.
  • Poland waterproofing is a separate question. First of all, you need to perform a concrete tie. This can be done in three ways - depending on the seams.
  • Compensation method, or temperature. It takes place when laying the clamping layer.
  • Forced seams divide the screed on the smooth parts.
  • The post-eyed layer is located at the site of the adjuncing of the balcony wall to the facade.
  • After the seams, you need to fill with a sealing mastic with an elastic cord. Top lay foam sheets.

A primer is applied to the screed for cleaning from dust. You can pay attention to the WB primer.

Waterproofing should concern the walls - but literally up to 200 mm. To do this, fit foil polystyrene foam, which is glued to the wall. In the case of walls, you should apply two layers of mastic, and the joints between sheets are sealing. Next is a decorative coating, for example, a large-scale plaster or flavored.


The staging of the arrangement of the loggia is its insulation. Most often, all parts of the room are insulated - walls, ceiling and floor. As well as the previous two stages, make it quite possible with their own hands. You only need to decide on the material.

  1. Styrofoam. Produced in the form of plates with a thickness of 2 to 10 cm. It has a low price and high popularity.
  2. Penophol. It is used in the complex with the penplex. The material of the newest generation consists of polyethylene foam and aluminum foil.
  3. Penoplex. Much more expensive than its counterparts above - but also different quality. Produced by sheets of 2, 3, 5 and 6 cm. Easy and noncainting in work, has good thermal insulation properties. When working with it, a smooth clean surface is required - it is screwed to it with special screws.
  4. Mineral wool. Reminds the usual medical wool. It has thermal insulation and water-repellent properties. Unlike the fastener, the caprival in work, barbed, but can penetrate the farthest corner. Released rolls and sheets.
  5. Ceramzit. This is the easiest way. It is lightweight and durable, cheap, not capricious in laying - just falling asleep on the floor surface.

As for the insulation of the ceiling, the same materials are suitable here as for the floor - with the exception of clay. As in the case of walls and floors, the ceiling before insulation should be checked on the gaps and holes - if they need to be embedded by mounting foam. Otherwise, fungal may form or mold.

But the walls of the loggia are recommended to insulate the penplex. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the walls bordering the street. With the help of dowels, the heat insulator is attached. On top - film as waterproofing, after - plaster grid. Now you can take on the plaster. If we are talking about work at the height, then the specialists will be safer.

Many owners of urban apartments with balconies dream of turning them into useful, comfortable and beautiful zones, which are organically fit into the overall design of the room. Unfortunately, few people know how to do it independently, and there is no money on expensive specialists. Simple and helpful tips on the arrangement of the balcony will help to arrange it with their own hands.

Balcony arrangement - choose the idea

Before you start working on the balcony in the perfect look, you need to decide on what exactly there will be placed there. From this, largely depends on the choice of materials for finishing and the location of additional supporting structures. Options are an incredible set, and they are limited only by the fantasy of the owners. The most popular ideas for glazed balconies look like this:
  • Cabinet for work or study - In one of the ends, a small computer table is installed, shelves with books and necessary workers / educational materials hang on the walls. In the opposite end, it is possible to install a rack, and with a sufficient width of the balcony there is a reson to accommodate and a small sofa for recreation.
  • The workshop for creativity or economic work - on the balcony there is a desktop with equipment (sewing or knitting machine, a potted circle, mini-goat, joinery), auxiliary bedside tables and cabinets are installed or hang. Even if the hobby is associated with the emergence of unpleasant odors (burning, soldering, etc.) you can always quickly ventilate the room.
  • Children's game - warm carpet, drawers with toys, shelves for books and designers, houses for Barbie and multi-tiered parking - it will be conveniently located on the reserved guys territory.
  • Recreation area is a small table for coffee, a bed for reading or taking sunbathing, a cozy plaid - a secluded place for relaxation is ready. The interior will well complement several colors on the walls or sex, and a romantic lamp.
  • The sports zone is a compact simulator, a horizontal bar, a couple of sports mats - will allow charging on the balcony and adults and children. For sports inventory you can install small lockers.
  • Cafe bar or the continuation of the kitchen-living room is suitable as a balcony adjacent to the kitchen area. On this balcony, you can install a refrigerator or a coffee machine, an electric kettle or a multicooker. Attached or widespread lockers are suitable for storing products or dishes. For tea or coffee evenings, you can install a small table or arrange wide window sills, as a replacement for a bar counter.
  • Winter garden or garden - space for fantasy amateur flower products. Wall porridges and hubs with large plants, mini-greenhouses and lattices with liaans, drawers with flowers, from the outer and inside of the balcony - experiment and look for the ideal solution for yourself.
Sometimes, the balconies have a bedroom or dressing room, facilities for drying and storage of large household appliances.

Only after a clear understanding, for which the balcony will be used, it is worth starting its equipment.

Framing of the balcony - Preparation of the room

Glazing balcony

If the apartment with a balcony is not located in the zone of a steady warm climate, or goes to the lively urban route - the balcony is preferably glazed. Most options for arranging balconies are calculated precisely on closed rooms.

Glazing, of course, do not fulfill independently, but you need to choose the optimal option. The main types of glazing are two: cold - with the installation of single glasses in aluminum or wooden frames, or warm - with the installation of modern double-glazed windows that retain heat.

Cold glazing will suit residents of warm regions, and those who plan to use the balcony only during the summer period. In all other cases, it is desirable to "glazed" thoroughly, a warm way.

Waterproofing balcony and exterior finish

The main waterproofing is performed by masters when: they thoroughly close all the slots between the windows and the base of the balcony. However, if the balcony is lattice, some of the waterproofing work will have to do it yourself during the internal and external finishes.

From the outside, balconies, as a rule, are separated by vinyl siding or sheets of professional flooring, which are treated with waterproof mixtures and are glued with foil polystyrene. Protective mixtures are also processed by all balcony seams that are additionally reinforced by the reinforcing grid. Do not forget about the balcony roof, especially if the floor is last, or the neighbors are not engaged in the top of your balcony.

Insulation balcony and interior decoration

The internal finish of the balcony is usually combined with insulation, as it is convenient to make the bookmark during the finishing work.

The finishing of the walls and the ceiling can be produced by different materials, depending on the selected idea, financial capabilities and existing construction skills: histookarton, wooden or plastic clapboard, plastic panels or decorative tiles.

In all cases (except tile), the installation of the coating is made on a wooden or metal crate, between which the insulation is laid. As insulation, foam or mineral wool plates are used. The electrical wiring also places under the decorative coating, and its ends are displayed out in the place of the planned location of sockets or lamps.

The floor on the balcony can be simply painted and putting out the carpet or linoleum, and you can make a wooden coating on the lags, for greater heat and comfort. Between the concrete base of the floor and wooden coating, a waterproofing and insulation material is also paved. Laying on a tile balcony or installing a "warm floor" system - on an amateur.

Balcony Heating, Lighting and Sun Protection

Since the removal of central heating to the balconies is prohibited, the problem of heat in this part of the apartment has to be resolved in other ways. In addition to the warm floor, oil and infrared heaters can use for heating balconies. Modern models can be attached to walls or ceiling and effectively warming the room. Alternatively, it makes sense to consider and install an electric mini-fireplace.

Lighting is mounted on walls or ceiling, and if there is a desire and skill - you can make on the balcony and suspended ceiling with built-in luminaires.

As a protection against the Sun, on the balcony, most often, the blinds or rolled curtains are used - they are easily attached, easy to care and have a variety of varied colors and shapes.

After the finishing work is completed, it is possible to decorate: installation of furniture, accommodation of shelves and cabinets, plating wallpaper (if the finish was made of plasterboard), etc.

Arrangement of an open balcony

Options for arranging open balconies are not so much, but they are. Basically, all ideas for the arrangement of open balconies are seasonal:
  • Summer flower garden or mini-garden.
  • Open terrace for tea drinking and recreation.
  • Cabinet to work outdoors.
The principles of finishing and decorating such balconies, as well as the selection of furniture for them, similar to the rules for designing open country terraces.

For decoration, moisture resistant and temperature-resistant materials are used. Weatherproof paints, decorative plaster for outdoor work, porcelain tile or siding - for wall decoration and ceiling. Frost-resistant floor tiles, garden parquet (Decing) or wood coating treated with special compositions - for floors.

Furniture and decorating elements are also selected on the principle of moisture and frost resistance. It has been well established for balcony use of a folding furniture model. Lightweight and reliable plastic products or elegant wrought-iron furniture - the choice depends on the overall design design and financial capabilities.

To illuminate open balconies, decorative street lights, closed lamps or lighting devices with high-climatic protection features are used. Additional protection needs the entire wiring system and output points (sockets, switches). Wiring is recommended to be placed in a protective corrugated box, and the sockets and switches are selected with covers and rubber gaskets that protect the inside of moisture.

The arrangement of the balcony is a troublesome and time consuming business, but interesting, forcing it to exercise fantasy and creativity. A variety of difficulty and property should not scare newcomers - they all do not require special knowledge and specific skills (except for connecting the electricity). Try, and the balcony created by your own hands, will be the subject of your pride.

Not everyone can afford to leave for the whole summer, so a beautiful balcony is the only place where we can stay alone every day. How it is better to issue a balcony to be for us and a resting place and could serve as a place to store part of things. We present for you 25 photos of beautiful balconies, where a practical and aesthetic task with the help of various approaches.

The only thing that is located on this beautiful narrow balcony is a windowsill table top at the level of railing and high bar chairs. The only decorative element - drawers with grass between the tabletop and the railing look very unusual. More practical nature can use them for growing spicy herbs, more romantic balcony owners - for flowers.

It looks beautiful, a balcony is decorated in a single style. Simple storage boxes are supplemented with marine pillows, an improvised curtain for the bottom of the balcony is made from the same fabric.

A similar solution is not only aesthetically, but also quite economical, fabric on pillows and curtains Any hostess can always change to your taste and mood.

Beautiful balcony with their own hands.

Luxurious fit on the balcony is the basis of its aesthetic species. Well, if you are friends with flowers, and they will respond to your care with healthy growth and abundant blossom. Then, instead of numerous pots on the balcony, you can make a small box under the railing, where to collect all your indoor plants into a single composition. Fill the place between the pots of gravel and minimally decorating the surface of the box, you will get a storm effect.

If your scale suggests a smaller number of plants, the same idea can be implemented with small wooden boxes.

A special mood of the balcony gives elements from natural materials.

If you like to make something, you will not make such a pot of wooden sleep.

For this idea, both the horizontal surface of the sleeve is suitable, and its side part - in this case a piece of wood should be more in height, but less in diameter.

The same approach can be applied to create miniature flower pots from wood trimming. This option is perfect for the collection of succulents or cacti.

Beautiful balcony implies that you will be pleased and interesting to watch all the small details of its design as well as the development of plants. A simple wooden stand for flowers suddenly can become a highlight of your balcony.

Flower pots of the original form can be done using cement.

Cement will allow you not only to show fantasy in the form of pots, but also create a spacious floral container with your own hands - inexpensive, stylish and, almost, of any size.

If you do not like the concrete surface, just decorate the surface of the pot of branches. They can be placed on glue and glue a pot, but better to bandage them with a thin wire, because The service life is small, and next year, glued to the flow of the branch, turn into a duch.

A beautiful balcony for each one's own - for someone it is simplicity and convenience, for someone a small kindergarten, but it is no doubt that his original inhabitants will like everyone.

Beautiful balcony. Choose your style.

Experiment, try different plants, different styles, Miscellaneous mood. It is important that your beautiful balcony pleased you.

On a small balcony storage boxes can serve as a support for racks, which in this case should be attached to the concrete wall of the balcony.

If you have a storage box on a small balcony, not along the wall with a window, but under the wall of the balcony itself, you will get a longer stay shop on which you can even rest lying.

Maybe someone is not lucky with an apartment in the attic, but the balcony was successful here to the glory.

Successfully and beautifully decorated balcony is not only convenient and practical inside, but also admires its appearance outside.

Bright balcony paints are able to raise us a mood after a busy working day. Even if there are no blooming plants on the balcony with a bright color, you can always add flavor using textile elements.

It looks great on the balcony coating under the artificial lawn - the green "lawn", filled with sunlight, causes a peace and relax.

Wooden boot pallets will help you make cheap and reliable balcony shops.

Even more ideas for pallet furniture in our application for Android "100 Ideas of furniture from pallets."

In this embodiment, the professional solutions for the design of the balcony used flowers in containers that are lowered below the floor level, and an artificial lawn is used for the floor itself. So the plants look more natural and harmoniously, and our view is not distracted by many small differences, like flower pots. This reception visually expands the space.

The same techniques can be, if desired, use and during the design of a very tiny balcony.

In order to create an atmosphere of a country house on the balcony, use woven furniture, garden lights, and, of course, fragrant flowering plants.

Even if we are talking about the design of the balcony in a country house, adding an artificial lawn as an outdoor coating, we will make our wonderful balcony even more beautiful.

Chairs and pillows will help us hide from prying views on the balcony.

For natur delicate and aesthetic, you can make a Japanese-style balcony design with a waterfall, pebbles and natural wood.

For those who are passionate about yoga and meditations. This garden of stones on the balcony will serve as a real retreat.

For energetic natur, a bright juicy focus in design is more attractive. It is enough to paint in the most unthinkable colors of flower pots - and you have a more active and positive attitude.

Each lover of houseplants wants to improve their flowers under the summer sun. In order for the flower pots to create a small chaos on the balcony, you can visually combine them with such a decorative fence.

Your beautiful balcony is your creativity: someone needs a relaxing swing, someone flowers or original design techniques.

For example, you can use small garden lights on the balcony on solar panels. Or make such a simple but original colors shelf. In my opinion, it would be more reliable if the pots entered the hole of the board. Although, if these are plastic containers, you can safely glue to the superclosure board.

A person naturally relaxes in nature - make your balcony with a cozy little garden.

Use even the view outside the window to design your balcony.

Turn your beautiful balcony to the real recreation area!

Using the minimum of natural materials and maximum fantasy, turn a small open space in your home into a real oasis among the workdays. And your beautiful balcony will be a favorite holiday destination for the whole family.
