Examples of a tap root system. Perennials with a tap root system: propagate correctly

The root system is very important for plant growth and development. Support, getting water and nutrition are the functions that it performs. To understand how to properly plant and grow trees, shrubs, cultivated plants, you need to know how the roots are arranged. If you see that planted crops do not grow well on one bed, and trees or shrubs are planted next to the bed, they may be oppressing your plantings with their roots.

The roots of the plants did not appear immediately. Plants have gone through an evolutionary path, as a result of which they acquired roots. Algae do not have roots, since they live in water and do not need roots. The first plants that settled on the ground did not have roots, but had so-called resoids, which served only to fix in the soil. Now resoids have some types of mosses. The root is the main part of the entire plant system. It keeps the plant in the ground. Throughout life, the root extracts moisture and nutrition. Root development depends on climatic conditions. For example, many desert plants have a long root to extract water.

Root systems are of two types - rod and root.

In the tap root system, the main root is pronounced, thicker, and lateral roots depart from it.

The fibrous root system is characterized by the absence of the main root, growth occurs due to the lateral and adventitious roots, does not penetrate into the ground as deeply as the tap root.

All horse systems consist of

  • main root
  • lateral roots
  • adventitious roots

All these roots form the root system, which is formed throughout the life of the plant. From the embryo develops the main root, which grows vertically in the ground. It has lateral roots.

Features of plant root systems

Roots adapt to environmental conditions. The roots of corn grow in diameter of 2 meters, the roots of an apple tree - 15 meters. Knowledge of the structure of the root system is very important for the gardener, in order to determine what kind of care the plant requires. If you have an understanding of the location of the roots, you can properly care for the plant so as not to damage the roots.

Loose soils encourage roots to penetrate deep into the ground. Soils in which the percentage of oxygen is low and having a dense structure tend to develop roots close to the soil surface.

This is a common weed that penetrates the soil up to six meters.

Plants that grow in the desert have long roots. This is due to the deep location of groundwater.

The length of barnyard roots is 15 meters.

If the root system of plants is poorly developed, the leaves absorb moisture from the fog, with the help of stems and leaves.

There are plants that retain moisture in all parts - stems and leaves. Such plants have a root system that has the ability to absorb and retain rainwater. They are common where the heat is replaced by active rains. These plants include cacti and succulents. Their roots are poorly developed.

Plants capable of reducing water loss, their roots, the upper part is covered with cork. They are able to retain water, preparing for water scarcity. They have elastic leaves to avoid mechanical damage in case of loss of water. These plants include:

acacia sand


Plants in which the growing season lasts only during the favorable period of time when it rains. Their life cycle is short. These include plants that have tubers and bulbs.

Plants whose roots are strongly developed to obtain water. Their root system is very well developed, extending into the soil to absorb as much water as possible. Cutter, sage, wild watermelon - belong to this type of plant.

In nature, there are aerial roots that extract moisture from the air. One of these plants is the orchid.

There are plants with a mixed root system. These include cabbage, plantain, sunflower, tomatoes. These are the plants that spud. In addition to natural conditions, a person influences the development of roots by hilling and diving. For the development of lateral roots, the tip of the main root is pinched off. Hilling - adding soil to the plant.

Plants with fibrous root system

Heavy types of soils, with occurrence of groundwater close to the surface, slopes - these conditions are characteristic of the development of plants with a fibrous system: birch, maple, chestnut, linden, larch, alder, fir, yew, apple tree. plantain, sunflower.

Fibrous root system have cereal crops - rye, wheat, barley. The roots of cereals go deep into the soil, up to 2 meters.

The root system of the apple tree has horizontal and vertical roots. Air and batteries are supplied to the horizontal roots. Vertical - keep the tree in the soil and extract water and food from the deeper layers of the earth. In addition, the apple tree has another classification of roots - skeletal and overgrowing (fibrous) roots. Overgrown roots are located close to the surface, up to 50 cm, so fertilization is very effective.

When the bark of a tree is damaged, the root system is inhibited.

The birch root system is very powerful, but it does not go deep into the ground. At the beginning of growth, birch grows slowly until the main root dies. After that, the birch starts to grow faster, lateral roots begin to grow in it. Birch is very fond of moisture, its roots absorb all the moisture around them, so there is so little vegetation around the birch.

The onion root system also belongs to the fibrous and is considered very weak. This determines its increased requirement for soil, especially at the stage of seed germination.

Leek root system

Bulb onions

The root system is fibrous:




Plants with a tap root system

In plants with a stem system, the root consists of a stem root and lateral roots extending from it.

These plants adapt to get water from the depths of the earth. The main root of some plants can go into the ground for several tens of meters. In arid areas or in conditions where there is little rain, plants are characterized by a tap root system. For example, a carrot has a thick main root, in which it stores moisture and nutrients, preparing for the fact that there may be a summer without rain. Beets, radishes, radishes, root parsley - the root system is arranged in the same way. This adaptation of the roots increases the chances of plants to survive. Carrots can be planted in the winter, due to the thick root, it survives.

What does the root system do

As mentioned above, the root is the main part of the plant, which provides nutrition and growth. From the roots, water and nutrients move up to the stems and leaves. To properly care for a particular plant, you need to know its features and growing conditions. If you properly water and feed trees, shrubs, garden plants and flowers, success in growing is guaranteed.

The mangrove tree has roots called stilted. They absorb moisture from the atmosphere and are able to resist breaking waves.

The root system of nightshade plants

Solanaceae are plant species that grow all over the globe. About 3000 species are known. It includes herbs, shrubs, vegetables, both edible and poisonous. They are united by the structure of vegetative organs and inflorescences. Their fruits are berries or capsules. Solanaceae are used to make medicines, eat them, feed animals, and produce cigarettes.

Nightshade crops include such popular vegetables as tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, peppers. Of the flowers - petunia, fragrant tobacco, medicinal plants - belladonna belladonna.

In tomatoes, the root system goes into the ground to a depth of one and a half meters. With a not very deep occurrence of groundwater, they easily extract water for themselves. Eggplants have strongly branching roots that go into the soil to a depth of up to half a meter.

In potatoes, root crops are eaten, so it is so important how much the horse system will be developed. The roots of potatoes are within the arable layer, only some roots go deep. Edible tubers are a thickening of the apical shoots. They accumulate a supply of organic substances, mainly starch. Hilling is an important procedure in the care of potatoes.

In pepper, on well-drained soils, the roots occupy a volume in the upper layer with a diameter of up to one meter. The depth can go up to 50 cm.

The roots of the petunia are very powerful, development at the beginning of growth is slow. One plant requires at least five liters of soil. Grows well in nutritious soils.

Root system of flowering plants

All flowering plants are divided into trees, herbs and shrubs. They are also called angiosperms, as the seed germinates inside until it breaks through the shell. In total, there are 250,000 species of them on earth. The root system is both fibrous and taproot. Classes of flowering plants - monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous. More on this in the section below. Almost everyone has a class of dicots at home in the form of potted flowers - ficuses, violets, cacti. Among garden plants - all rosaceous, nightshade, papilionaceous, cruciferous, Compositae. Trees that are flowering have different heights. For example, cherry is a low tree. But the eucalyptus can reach 100 meters in height.




and even hazel and lilac.



Among the diverse representatives are annual, biennial and perennial. In biennials and perennials, roots store food and energy for overwintering. In annuals, the roots die with the flower.

The root system of leguminous plants

Legumes include well-known beans, peas, peanuts, chickpeas, beans. There are woody forms - acacia, mimosa. Herbs - clover, lupine. They are found both in the wild and in the gardens of gardeners. Cultivation is also practiced on an industrial scale. The root system of legumes is pivotal. Most of them have small tubers on the roots, which are formed as a result of the activity of bacteria that penetrate the roots from the soil. These bacteria use nitrogen and convert it into minerals that other plants feed on. Therefore, it is useful to plant legumes next to other plants. After the death of the plant, the soil is saturated with nitrogen and more fertile.

What needs to be done to strengthen the root system of the plant

Since the root system plays a large role in the life of plants, it is important to monitor its proper development. There are many ways for roots to grow and develop. They are divided into phytohormones - an extract from plants, humates - an extract from humus, improved by additives. and natural - folk remedies.

Popular with gardeners - root, root, heteroauxin, pollen, oats.

Epin - has a positive effect on all parts of the plant.

Folk remedies are also widely used to strengthen the roots of plants. This is honey, yeast, aloe.

There is a close connection between the root system and the part of the aboveground plant. Optimal root nutrition leads to the development of a successful plant.

Root system of a dicotyledonous plant

Dicotyledonous plants have a root system. In nature, this is the most numerous class, which has 180 thousand species and accounts for 75 percent of flowering plants. Nutrients are located in the endosperm and in the embryo. The venation of the leaves is pronounced, the leaf plate is dissected by veins. The germ allows the main root to develop well. Many plants have a layer of cambium, with which the plant takes on a lignified form.

Cambium is a cell layer that is parallel to the surface of stems and roots. Due to it, the stem thickens.

Dicot plants are

  • spicy herbs - parsley, dill, laurel, coriander, anise, allspice.
  • Umbelliferae, a characteristic feature of which is an inflorescence in the form of an umbrella. These are hogweed, carrots, coriander, gout, fennel, hemlock, etc.
  • Rosaceae - raspberry, apple tree, plum, cherry, shadberry, apricot, sweet cherry, almond, etc.
  • Compositae - marigolds, chamomile, daisy, dandelion, dahlia, sunflower, etc.

Root system of monocot plants

Depending on which class the plants belong to, the type of root system is determined.

Monocotyledonous plants have a fibrous root system. They have one cotyledon in the embryo.

The cotyledon is the inner part of the seed that contains the embryo.

Nutrients are found in the endosperm. The root of the embryo is very poorly developed. When the grain germinates, adventitious roots depart from it. Leaf venation is parallel or arcuate, an example is lily of the valley, leek, barley, wheat. The leaf is poorly developed and is a leaf sheath.

Monocot plants include aquatic and weed grasses, pineapple, lily of the valley, callas, monstera, tulip, lily, hyacinth, bulbous, etc.

Table types of plant root system

The root system of fruit trees

The root system of a fruit tree keeps it in the soil, absorbs moisture and nutrients, forms organic compounds - amino acids and proteins, promotes the development of microorganisms useful for the plant. The roots of a fruit tree consist of horizontal and vertical. Horizontal roots play an important role, as they absorb moisture and nutrition from the surface. Their volume in diameter corresponds to the size of the crown, or exceeds it. That is why watering and fertilizing is so important. The ratio of vertical and horizontal roots depends on many things - soil fertility, rootstock, care. If the soil is fertile and fertilization is sufficient, horizontal roots develop well. On soils that are dry and poor in nutrition, vertical roots grow, which go deep into the soil to get food and water. Stone fruit crops are distinguished by shallow roots. Root growth usually occurs during the growing season of the tree. With the help of modern methods, which are developed by agricultural technicians, root growth can be regulated.

The root system of berry bushes

Berry shrubs play a special role in orchards. Knowledge of the structure of their root system and proper care provide a good harvest. Their main difference from trees is the absence of a trunk. Dozens of branches leave the roots, which give the crop. The roots do not lie deep, their horizontal arrangement is characteristic. When digging the trunk circle, you need to carefully work with a shovel to avoid touching the roots.

Water in plant life

Water plays an important role in the life of every plant.

  • Plants are 80 percent water
  • Delivers nutrition to other parts of the plant
  • Regulates heat transfer
  • Source of hydrogen needed for photosynthesis.
  • Provides elasticity to the leaves

Given all the factors of the role of water, its absence will ensure the death of the plant. The intake of water into the body of the plant comes from the roots, the evaporation of water occurs through the leaves. The meaning of this water circulation is in the metabolism. If the absorption of water by the roots is less than its entry through the leaves, the plant wilts. At night, water is replenished, as evaporation is reduced.

Water exchange occurs in three stages:

  1. Roots absorb water.
  2. The water moves to the top.
  3. Water evaporates through the leaves.

The absorption and evaporation of water is approximately the same. Only a small percentage of it synthesizes substances.

How to properly water fruit trees and shrubs, depending on the root system

The vital activity of plants directly depends on watering. Young plants are especially in need of watering, which need to be watered once a week, except on rainy days. Water deficiency can be detrimental to the appearance and health of plants. Ultimately, they may die.

When planting, it is necessary to take into account how close the groundwater is in the ground - not a deep occurrence will destroy the roots, they can rot.

There are three types of irrigation - sprinkling, irrigation under the root and irrigation of the soil. When choosing irrigation, many factors must be taken into account - climatic conditions, weather, plant characteristics, soil.

Plants with a rod system can extract water deep underground. The fibrous one does not have such an opportunity. In addition, garden plants such as carrots and beets have a rod system and a powerful root that accumulates nutrition and moisture in case of drought.

    tap root system- a root system characterized by the most powerful development of the main root compared to lateral roots, for example. Dandelion officinalis (Taraxacum officinale) Plant anatomy and morphology

    ROOT ROOT SYSTEM- a root system consisting of the main and lateral roots of different orders, and the main root noticeably exceeds the lateral ones in its development (for example, in Onobrychis tanaitica Spreng.) ...

    ROOT SYSTEM- a set of roots of one Plant. With the predominant growth of the main root, the tap root system (in lupine, cotton), with a strong development of adventitious roots, is fibrous (in buttercup, plantain, all monocots). Plants with developed ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    root system- a set of roots of one plant. With the predominant growth of the main root, the tap root system (in lupine, cotton), with a strong development of adventitious roots, is fibrous (in buttercup, plantain, all monocots). Plants with developed ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ROOT SYSTEM- the totality of the roots of one plant, the general shape and nature of the cut are determined by the ratio of the growth of the main, lateral and adventitious roots. With the predominant growth of ch. root is formed rod To. (lupine, cotton, etc.), with weak growth or ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    root system- plants: 1 rod; 2 fibrous; 3 mixed type. root system, a set of roots of one plant, formed as a result of their branching. Distinguish the system of the main root (mostly pivotal in shape), ... ... Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

    ROOT SYSTEM- a set of roots of one rii. With the predominant growth of ch. root rod K. s. (in lupine, cotton), with a strong development of adventitious roots, fibrous (in buttercup, plantain, all monocots). R niya with developed K. page. used for... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    ROOT SYSTEM- a set of roots of one plant, formed as a result of their branching. Distinguish the system of the main root (b.ch. rod in form), to paradise it develops from the root of the embryo and consists of ch. root and lateral roots of different orders (in most ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ROOT SYSTEM- a set of underground roots in plants. In flowering plants, there are two main types of K. s .: taproot (consists of the main and lateral roots) and fibrous, or carpal (the main root is poorly developed or dies off early, adventitious roots ... ... Glossary of botanical terms

    Root- I Root (radix) is one of the main vegetative organs of leafy plants (with the exception of mosses), which serves to attach to the substrate, absorb water and nutrients from it, the primary transformation of a number of absorbed substances, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - reinforcing anchor made in the form of an end device rigidly connected to the rod reinforcement - prutová kotva - prutová kotva - Stabanker - rúdacél - horgony - tuyvan anchor - kotew prętowa - ancoraj din bare - šipkasti anker - ancla de barra - threaded...

    Construction dictionary

  • - ...
  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - ...
  • - ...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - ROD, th, th. 1. see rod. 2. trans. The main one, the main one. C. question...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - ROD, rod, rod. 1. adj. to the rod in 1 value; equipped with a rod. Rod transformer. 2. trans. Main, main, central. Core question. Core problem...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - rod adj. 1. ratio with noun. rod associated with it 2. Having a rod. 3. Axial, middle. ott. trans. Main, main...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...
  • - ...

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  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - rod "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - main, main, nodal, central, root, first, main, paramount, key, most important, fundamental, first ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Root Root" in books


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Root of Evil The thief honors property. He appropriates it to honor even more. G.K. Chesterton But, strictly speaking, not everything can be stolen, but only what does not belong to you, but belongs to someone, that is, someone else's property. The right of ownership is a whole complex (up to two

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Core Set As already mentioned, the entire core set presented here belongs entirely to the category of additional practices. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11. EXIT TO THE HEADSTAND ON THE PALM (CT-1, ST-2, ST-3, ST-4, ST-5, ST-6, ST-7, ST-8, ST-9, ST-10, ST-11). We start from the rider's stance with

root system name all the roots of a plant. It is formed by the main root, lateral roots and adventitious roots. main root The plant develops from the germinal root. adventitious roots usually grow from the lower parts of the plant stem. Lateral roots develop on the main and adventitious roots.

The root system of plants performs two main functions. First, it holds the plant in the soil. Secondly, the roots absorb the water and minerals that the plant needs from the soil.

If a plant develops a powerful main root, then a tap root system. If the main root remains undeveloped or dies, and adventitious roots develop, then the plant develops fibrous root system.

Rod type root system

The tap root system is characterized by a well-developed main root. In appearance, it looks like a rod. The main root grows from the germinal root.

The tap root system is formed not only by the main root, but also by small lateral roots extending from it.

The tap root system is characteristic of many dicotyledonous plants. A well-developed main root is found in beans, clover, sunflowers, carrots, and dandelions.

However, in many perennial plants with an original tap root system, sooner or later the main root dies off. Instead, numerous adventitious roots grow from the stem.

There is a subtype of the tap root system - branched root system. In this case, several lateral roots get strong development. While the main root remains shortened. The type of branched root system is characteristic of many trees. Such a root system allows you to firmly hold the powerful trunk and crown of the tree.

The tap root system penetrates deeper into the soil than the fibrous root system.

Fibrous type of root system

The fibrous root system is characterized by the presence of many approximately identical adventitious roots, which form a kind of bundle. Adventitious roots grow from the aboveground and underground parts of the stem, less often from the leaves.

Plants with a fibrous root system may also have a live main root. However, if it persists, it does not differ in size from the rest of the roots.

A fibrous root system is characteristic of many monocot plants. Among them are wheat, rye, onions, garlic, corn, potatoes.

Although the fibrous root system does not penetrate the soil as deeply as the tap root system, it occupies a larger area near the soil surface and braids the soil particles more densely, which improves the absorption of the aqueous solution.

The root system of a plant is formed by roots of various nature. Allocate the main root, which develops from the germinal root, as well as lateral and adventitious. The lateral ones are a branch from the main one and can form on any of its sections, while the adventitious roots most often begin their growth from the lower part of the plant stem, but can even form on the leaves.

Tap root system

The tap root system is characterized by a developed main root. It has the shape of a rod, and it is because of this similarity that this type got its name. The lateral roots of such plants are extremely weakly expressed. The root has the ability to grow indefinitely, and the main root in plants with a tap root system reaches an impressive size. This is necessary to optimize the extraction of water and nutrients from soils where groundwater occurs at a considerable depth. Many species have a tap root system - trees, shrubs, as well as herbaceous plants: birch, oak, dandelion, sunflower,.

fibrous root system

In plants with a fibrous root system, the main root is practically not developed. Instead, they are characterized by numerous branching adventitious or lateral roots of approximately the same length. Often, in plants, the main root grows first, from which the lateral ones begin to depart, but in the process of further development of the plant, it dies off. A fibrous root system is characteristic of plants that reproduce vegetatively. Usually it is found in - coconut palm, orchids, ferns, cereals.

Mixed root system

Often, a mixed or combined root system is also distinguished. Plants belonging to this type have both a well-differentiated main root and multiple lateral and adventitious roots. Such a structure of the root system can be observed, for example, in strawberries and strawberries.

Root modifications

The roots of some plants are so modified that it is difficult at first glance to attribute them to any type. These modifications include root crops - thickening of the main root and lower part of the stem, which can be seen in turnips and carrots, as well as root tubers - thickening of lateral and adventitious roots, which can be observed in sweet potato. Also, some roots may not serve to absorb water with salts dissolved in it, but for respiration (respiratory roots) or additional support (stilted roots).