How to make a gas stove with your own hands. DIY toy stove

You can make an effective mini-stove for camping conditions from a regular thermos. In order for the flame to ignite more efficiently, and the contents smolder much better, it is worth sending a homemade fan to the burner structure itself.

Materials (edit)

To make a mini burner you will need:

  • thermos;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • aluminum plates;
  • aluminium case;
  • thermoelectric cooler;
  • small fan;
  • Schottky diode;
  • nipple.

Step 1... To make a mini-burner, you will need to slightly modify the thermos itself. Drill holes in the lower part from the outside. A similar operation must be repeated at the top of the thermos. In this case, the holes should not protrude from the side of the outer walls.

The principle of the burner is simple. Air will enter the container through the lower openings, fanning the fire, and flame and heat will come out through the upper ones.

To drill the bottom holes, step back ¾ from the bottom and take out a 9mm drill. The size of the latter will depend on the size of your thermos. Please note that all holes must be at the same distance from each other. To do this, you can drill one hole and mark the rest with a marker and tape measure.

In the upper part of the thermos, the holes should be made two times smaller. In this case, a 4.5 mm drill was suitable.

Step 2... Test your mini tile. If everything is in order and during the combustion of pieces of paper, wood and other things, heat and flame are released as needed, you can continue to work.

Step 3... Now for the tile you need to make a stand for the containers. To do this, take two aluminum plates. Cross them in an upright position and with a marker make marks for the slots with which they will be connected to each other and installed on the thermos itself.

Step 4... To make the mini-tile more efficient, you need to attach a small fan to it, which will blow air into the lower part, thereby maintaining the fire. To do this, drill two holes in the aluminum box to guide the fan wiring. You will need one more hole to install the copper nipple, with which the whole device will be inserted into the mini-tile. Do not forget to connect the cooling module to the fan. Fix all parts inside the aluminum case with Surgu paste. For it to grab properly, you need to wait a day.

After that, you can close the body of the aluminum container and insert it with a nipple into one of the holes on the outside of the can at the bottom. The product is ready!

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DIY tourist gas stove in 10 steps

I am an avid hiker and I know from experience that sometimes a small gas stove is needed on a hike. And now I will tell you how to make tiles from improvised means.

Step 1: tools and materials

I will need:

  • can of soda or beer;
  • utility knife or razor;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • a can opener with which you can cut off the lid of a can;
  • ruler;
  • thick book;
  • flat screwdriver or file (the jar will have to be bent);
  • something with which you will punch the can from the inside (a nail will do);
  • indelible marker;
  • sandpaper;
  • drawing pin.

Step 2: marking the top

Using a book, I fix the blade at any height.

  1. Gently place the razor or knife blade into the book (5 cm from the bottom of the book).
  2. I fix the blade: I press on it in the direction of the spine.
  3. I hold the can and turn it so that there is a deep scratch (but I do not cut it all the way).
  4. I press down on the blade and cut the can in two.

Step 3: trimming the top of the can

I have finished working on the bottom of the can and can now move on to the top (it will be on the inside).

  1. I cut off the lid with a bottle opener. I also grab the walls of the can up to 3 cm.

Attention! I don’t throw out the lid, it will still come in handy!

  1. Using a marker, I draw 16 lines or dots on the top of the can, at equal distances from each other, from edge to edge.
  2. I take a screwdriver or similar tool and fold the jar along the lines so that it folds like in the photo.
  3. Then I make cuts along the folds (1 cm deep)

Step 4: create the ring

After that I take the lid and remove the burrs with sandpaper. I measure 3-5 millimeters from the outer edge and cut off the insides so that I get a ring.

Step 5: assembling the tiles

I insert the ring into the bottom of the can as shown in the photo. I insert the upper part inside. I press on the ring from the sides so that there are no gaps. A protrusion remains on top, about 2 mm - so far I am not doing anything with it.

Step 6: shaping the ledge

In the previous step, I left a 2mm overhang. Now I fold it inward. First with my hands, then I iron everything with a marker.

Step 7: punching the hole

Now I take a nail and punch holes in the can near the very top, but below the ring. I punch 24 holes in total.

To do them at the same distance, I use the following technique

  • wrap the jar with a strip of paper and cut the paper so that the edges of the strip barely converge;
  • I remove the strip, take a ruler and mark points on the strip at an equal distance from each other (first I divide in half, then again in half, and so on until 12-24 points are obtained);
  • I put it on the jar and mark it. I punch holes and move on to the next step.

Important! To make neat holes after the nail, without punching the can to the end, I use a pushpin.

Step 8: shaping the look

I get rid of the paint using sandpaper no. 400. On top I make several V-shaped cutouts for air. Otherwise, when there are dishes on the oven, they can block the air flow.

Step 9: launch

What to make from an old washing machine and a gas stove

Gas stove

It turned out to be a practical outdoor stove! Removed all unnecessary. I cut out two holes with a grinder: one - for a saucepan (pan), the second - for a pipe for traction (photo 2). Firewood is burned on a grate inside the cabinet. The thrust is great! The soup is cooked for 20-25 minutes. If necessary, the stove can be easily turned into a brazier by placing a metal box on top for burning firewood.

Victor TOLKACHEV, Sumy

Do-it-yourself miracle pitchfork

I propose a tool that I made 20 years ago and called it "combined pitchfork".

With the advent of such a pitchfork (see photo), you will no longer need a shovel or a conventional pitchfork. They are easy to work on both dry land and wet. The earth does not stick to them, the roots in the earth are cut freely, which cannot be done with a pitchfork, and it is hard to work with a shovel, especially for the elderly.

DIY homemade mole repeller

To fight moles, I took a metal tube with a diameter of 20 mm (you can use a ski pole or a piece of reinforcement 70-100 cm long), two metal beer cans and a wire 20-25 cm. I make a hole in the bottom of the can so that during the rain they did not accumulate water, the jars were lighter.

I thread the ends of the wire into the upper part of the cans and fix it (like a hook), and insert the middle of the wire into the hole in the metal tube (or you can wrap it over the reinforcement). In any wind, the cans hit the metal tube (armature) and make a ringing sound. On the site there is a "bell chime", scaring away moles. I have a plot of 6 acres. I arrange these structures in 3-4 pieces. along the perimeter of the site. For two years now, there are no moles in sight.

Irina Borisovna KORSHUNOVA Moscow

ID 3D Premium healthy skin orthopedic insole for flat feet high ...

After acquiring new equipment, the question is always raised, what to do with the old one, for example, with a gas stove. It often happens that they change a morally outdated model that is still in working order. You can take it to a country house or dacha and attach it to a cylinder or simply give it to people who need it through advertising. And if you show a little imagination and think about what can be done to give a summer residence from an old gas stove, several interesting solutions come to mind at once.

Do not rush to throw away old things - you can give them a second life

The second life of an old gas stove

Home craftsmen have always been famous for their ideas, they have learned to benefit even from a gas stove. If it is inoperative and there is no way to dispose of it, but it is impossible to simply throw it into the trash can according to the law, we offer several options for DIY homemade products.

Only special services should dispose of the stove.

Gas stove cabinet

To do this, you need to refine the facade and side walls. First of all, remove the old paint, clean it and apply a new coat. Any colored spray intended for painting metal surfaces will work. And you can use the decoupage technique, you get a rare thing that will immediately draw attention to itself.

Previously, before starting work, you need to dismantle the burners and close all openings. The thermal insulation in the stove is not bad, so it is quite possible to store various cereals, flour and sugar in it on the balcony or in the country.

With a spray can of paint, you can give the surface any shade

Waste incineration tank

Ash in summer cottages is worth its weight in gold; it is an excellent mineral fertilizer for feeding many crops. Burning garbage on an ordinary fire, it is rather difficult to collect the ash afterwards, and there is not always a place for this. Therefore, a special incinerator will come in handy.

For this, preparatory work is carried out.

  1. Dismantle the burners, all elements of the pipeline, thermal insulation and plastic parts.
  2. The glass is removed from the oven door and replaced with an ordinary sheet of tin.
  3. A hole is cut out on the back panel, an elbow with a pipe is inserted into it.
  4. Under the oven, you need to assemble a grate of bricks and grates.

Thus, a simple and completely safe incinerator for summer cottages is obtained, on the upper surface of which water can be heated during the incineration of garbage.

Ash is an excellent plant food

Barbecue from a gas stove

In order to make a brazier out of a stove, it will take a little more effort. You first need to carry out all the manipulations, as for the incinerator, additionally cut off the hob.

  1. In place of the panel, install a grate, which can be taken, for example, from the gas stove itself or from an old refrigerator. Subsequently, skewers with meat, fish or vegetables will be placed on it.
  2. On the back wall at the top of the oven, cut a hole with a diameter of about 100 mm, into which a metal pipe should then be inserted.
  3. Make some ventilation holes in a utility drawer under the oven.
  4. Leave 1 baking sheet in the oven, place a grate above it, on which the wood will burn.
  5. After the firewood burns out, coal will fall onto a baking sheet, which is then easily cleaned.

If the grid is larger than necessary, you can trim it yourself.

The simplest barbecue design

Do-it-yourself smokehouse from an old gas stove

The dishes cooked in the smokehouse have a peculiar taste so beloved by many.

For a future smokehouse from an old gas stove, many of its elements will be needed:

  • you will need a grate to bookmark products;
  • a baking sheet is needed to collect fat;
  • all grooves in the block walls or guides will be used for their intended purpose: to extend the racks and trays;
  • the thermal insulation of the oven will maintain the required thermal regime inside the smokehouse;
  • sealing gum is needed to ensure the tightness of the chamber.

It is important to thoroughly clean the interior surfaces after each smoking.

In order for the smokehouse to serve for a long time, you need to observe the required processing mode of products and the correct approach to supplying smoke.

From old equipment, you can make two different smokehouses, which differ from each other only in the principle of fuel filling, we will consider both options.

The principle of the smokehouse

Fuel filling at the bottom of the chamber

This conversion option is simpler, the whole sequence of work is very easy and does not take much time.

  1. It is necessary to dismantle the oven door and insert a metal panel in its place.
  2. Remove the gas burner, a fire pit will be built instead.
  3. Drill 2-5 holes with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm on the side surfaces from below, they will serve as a chimney.
  4. Similar holes should be made in the upper part of the panels. Thus, the smoke will be removed from the bottom as well as from the top.
  5. Place a baking sheet filled with sawdust over an open fire, and a baking sheet above it, on which fat will collect. The grill with food should be placed in the middle of the smoker.

The result is a simple, ready-to-use design. Several disadvantages of this equipment should be noted:

  • it is difficult to regulate smoke distribution;
  • you cannot cook cold smoked dishes;
  • you cannot quickly reduce the heating temperature. This can lead to accelerated smoldering of the chips and the ignition of the accumulated fat, respectively, the food bookmark will be spoiled.

Chips impart a special flavor to foods during smoking

Equipment with a smoke generator

The step-by-step process of equipping a smokehouse with a smoke generator is somewhat more complicated than the previous one.

Smokehouse equipment

  1. To begin with, you need to drill a hole from the bottom of only one side wall with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm, which is designed to supply smoke.
  2. Then insert the water squeegee into it and fix with 2 nuts.
  3. Repeat all manipulations on the opposite side, only on its upper part. It is necessary to remove excess smoke and regulate the pressure inside the smoker.
  4. Screw the tap onto the outlet pipe section. You can choose a ball or cork structure. With its help, the processes inside the chamber are regulated.

It is imperative to install a thermometer inside the chamber with a scale from 170 ° to 200 °.

Necessary elements and equipment

For the manufacture of an ejector-type smoke generator you will need:

  • 3/4 inch pipe;
  • a pipe with a cross section of 9-13 cm, the length of the segment should be 50-70 cm;
  • pipe, the inner section of which is 0.6-0.7 cm;
  • neck with 3/4 nut;
  • Union;
  • steel sheet up to 5 mm thick;
  • screws M 6 - M 10;
  • wing washers;
  • connecting hose;
  • air compressor, you can use an aerator from an aquarium instead

with a capacity of about 60 liters per hour.

Smoke generator compressor

Smoke generator manufacturing

The assembly sequence is as follows.

  1. Cut a circle out of steel sheet, its diameter should be equal to the inner section of the large pipe.
  2. Drill up to 25 holes in the circle.
  3. Weld a circle inside the pipe, the indent from the edge should be at least 2 cm. This element will work like a grate.
  4. Weld a screw from the inside of the pipe, put a round cap on it. This detail will act as an ash pan in the future.
  5. Above, at some distance from the grate, drill a hole with a cross section of 1-1.2 cm, it will subsequently be used to ignite wood chips.
  6. At a distance of 5 cm from the upper border of the smoke generator, drill 2 holes opposite each other.
  7. Solder the outlet pipe 3/4 to the 1st resulting hole, to the 2nd - a thin-diameter pipe with a fitting. At the same time, inside the structure, the 1st pipe should go to the 2nd at a distance of up to 2 centimeters.
  8. Connect the compressor or air generator through a hose to the fitting.
  9. The neck should be welded to the outlet pipe, then the entire structure should be connected with a patch nut.

The principle of a smokehouse with a smoke generator is as follows: after the chips have been fired up and the compressor is turned on, the air flow captures the smoke and directs it inside the oven-smokehouse. The main advantage of such a chamber is that you can carry out both hot and cold smoking of products.

Smoke generator design


There is no need to rush to throw away old things, even if they no longer work. You can always use folk advice and do something useful in the household or at a summer cottage. Giving a second life to things is a simple and rather exciting process, and later you can be proud of your skills.

In a homemade smokehouse, you can cook any food with a fragrant smoke