Decorative decoration of walls with butterflies. How to make a butterfly from paper with your own hands on the wall: templates, stencils for printing and cutting, photo

There is no doubt that many would like to convert or lightly refresh their home. Often the transformation is to repair, at least a cosmetic. Creative approach and a little creative will help to modify the room (apartment) without much difficulty and solid financial investments. It suffices to take this magnificent decor as a ceiling and / or wall panel. Far from the last in this row of decorative solutions will be a relatively simple and financial attractive way of decoration - butterflies on the wall with their own hands.

What is it - "Decoration of butterfly on the wall with their own hands"?

This type of decor is one of the types of applications or, or rather, a panel of curly butterflies, which use a wide range of sheet materials to create a wide range of leafy materials. Elegant and easy applications can be placed on all walls of the room or use only one wall for composition. Make and attach butterflies on the wall with your own hands in many ways. It is the manufacturer's method chosen by you and the final result and the impression produced by this man-made decoration will be caused.

Imagine - From the center of the wall, the whirlwind of the moths of different sizes and unprecedented colors goes just a spin! Ringerging in the dance and trembling with elegant wings, they please the eyes and, undoubtedly, attract the attention of all and everyone. Naturally, we are not talking about living butterflies or their mums.

Video: interior design butterflies do it yourself

To decorate the walls, used from the selected material of butterflies of diverse draws, sizes and colors. A lot depends on the approach to implementation, of this, truly enchanting, spectacle. Butterflies made of hard cardboard, you can give all sorts of positions and forms. They are more durable and do not lose appearance. Figures of moths made of light fibrous paper or film, fixed only in the middle, waving lace wings from any, even easier air movement. The impression of such a spectacle is much stronger.

Why start making butterflies on the wall?

To begin with, decide on the outlines of the applique. In the case when your own solutions seem less spectacular than I would like, in the network you can always find the inconspicuous number of ready-made applied decor models. Next, you should decide on the shape of butterflies and their coloring. Given the individuality of the design of each dwelling, it is important to choose the most suitable colorful range of the scheduled decoration, which should organically fit into the overall concept of the interior. At the same time, one should not forget that each element (butterfly) should be bright and released on the wall. The shape of butterflies requires a separate understanding.

Of course, you can be sought acquired in special stores and under the order with butterfly stickers of the desired color gamut. We are talking about solely independent manufacture of decorative elements for future appliqués. This principle is based on recommendations for beginner masters. Sketch of future butterflies can be created using simple and affordable computer programs for drawing or adjusting images. According to the sketch, then templates of various sizes for cutting from the selected material are manufactured. Do you draw well? Great - Make templates from hand on a tracing or simple paper. Do not try to give the grace with an increase in the number of bends and ruffles on the wings of the moths at least because you will also have to cut it all painfully cut with scissors or a scalpel with lecturers.

Take advantage of the practice advice - do not resort to the strict symmetry of each individual item. Here you do not need "Mirror Right" wings. It is better if they will be slightly different from each other. This will bring some volume and dynamism into the finished scenery in any embodiment on the surface.

It is also not necessary to diligently with asymmetry. Still, measure - first of all.

Sketch created. Leisurely follow the above. We are determined with the format of scenery, the amount and method of fixing butterflies. Now the selected butterfly pattern can be printed in different sizes for subsequent stencil manufacturers. It is not so difficult here - put the printout on the cardboard sheet and carefully cut out the internal fragments along the contour.

An excellent option for decor of walls with butterflies can serve as origami. Miscellaneous in artistic cutting does not have to. You only need to master the origami "assembly". It is easy and very busy. There will be numerous video materials about master classes on the formation of all sorts of origami, which are easily found on the Internet. So - the problem is solved! Next, you will get acquainted with the features of the distribution and attachment of our butterflies to the wall.

Butterflies on the wall - Origami technique

Complete single picture

As stated above, the form of the future decor is selected by viewing options on the Internet or is created by its own fantasy. You can depict a scatter or whirlwind in places where they harmoniously emphasize the pattern of wallpaper, decorative plaster or any other material of the walls of the room. From a small flock of butterflies, you can create the illusion of their movement from one to another corner of the room. Distributed with small groups, accumulated in the form of a flower or a heart - they will removely decorate and refresh the setting.

The "ripe" idea is initially fixed on paper, then transferred to the wall. Here you can use a pencil or chalk. We put the main directions in which the butterflies will be mounted. Do not draw lines with pressure. They are almost impossible to remove that for sure the general view of the composition and your mood will rebuild.

We select material

To cut butterflies, you can use a wide range of materials: cardboard, paper, film, vinyl self-adhesive film, fabric. The listed materials have multiple advantages.

Paper butterflies on the wall

From paper cut butterflies easier and can be painted by any available ways. The amount of consumable material is unlikely to have a value with its cheapness. You can use colored paper purchased at any store or stationery department. If you do not want to combine monophonic butterflies, colorful glossy magazines (already read) are wonderful. Cut from the printed pages of moths can be connounced in color and take advantage of this reception when composing a wall decoration. Paper decorative elements are easily attached to the walls in any available way. Butterflies, glued completely, will not create a visual relief, while fixed in distance will be able to "move" with wings from air oscillations.

Cardboard butterflies on the wall

Cardboard butterflies are many times more reliable and stronger. Cutting complexity is compensated by cardboard capacity to molding. This material easily takes the right form and retains it for a long time. Parts of cardboard wings, and even the wings can not only bend, but also form roundedness. It is worth a slightly moisten the cardboard blank and bend it by cargo to the desired configuration. It should be remembered that cardboard is heavier than other materials, and therefore requires more reliable fastening.

Butterflies on the wall of the film

Dense polymer multi-colored film and special vinyl "self-keys" - ideal materials for wall decor. The butterflies made of glossy film are pleased not only with shapes and colors, but sparkling, shine and overflow depending on the illumination of the room. Technically figures are manufactured similarly to cardboard elements. The usual polyethylene film is attached to the wall surface exactly as paper. The self-adhesive film does not deliver trouble at all - remove the safety layer and glue the figure to the place selected on the wall. You want the wings move - remove the strip of the protective film in the center of the butterfly figurines.

Butterflies on the wall of the fabric

Fabric elements of the decor are perfectly combined with monophonic liquid wallpaper, drapes, visually and tactile soft bases. Fissure butterflies have the same "warm image", perfectly inscribing in an already existing design with a bright colorful element.

Billets from the fabric is better to "plant" to glue. With the help of small tricks, you can create a relief picture. It is enough to use an aqueous solution of PVA liner or any soap. Soap solution is preferable to process particularly thin tissues. The technology is similar to the one that the cardboard blanks are processed: the fabric carved in the pattern is soaked in the solution and give dry in the desired form.

Fix decoration

You prepared the right amount of butterflies. You are in anticipation of the final. Let's decide on the finishing option for all elements of the composition in its place.


Partially or completely "planted" on the glue butterfly will be kept on the surface very firmly. Equally applicable PVA glue and glue for the choler. It is important not to go through the amount of glue - it should not be playing the edges of the elements. It is classic and the most simple way to fasten the wall decoration from butterflies.


You can use the most diverse pins. Especially good decorative pins with heads of pearl balls or small curly decorations. They will help to give a little more charm with the overall idea. Pins as fastening elements perfectly "work" on surfaces made of wooden or plastic lining, cork or bamboo chopper, drywall. For walls, placed paper or fliesline wallpapers, you can also use pins by reducing their tip at right angles. The curved part is started under the wallpaper and fixes the butterfly. Pins themselves are easiest to glue the "moment", "second" or similar.

Pieces of foam

A butterfly is glued on a small piece of this material. The dried "design" of the free side is attached to the wall. The option has a disadvantage - loose foam breaks quickly, remove the remnants from the wall is quite difficult.

Suspension on threads

This mounting option is remarkably suitable for decorative elements made in Origami technique. A thin colorless fishing line or butterfly threads are suspended to the window eternity or directly to the ceiling. With this attachment, you can form full-fledged spatial installations.

Without a doubt, such decoration of the planes will require a large amount of time and painstaking work. But the dream embodied in reality worthy of admiration. Any concept of the interior will only win from the decorative man-made panel of butterflies. Find a suitable model and begin to enlistically ...

Video: Butterflies on the wall do-it-yourself master class on the decor

To change or even update the view of the dwelling at all, it is not necessary to repair. People with a creative approach can change the perception of the room with the help of girlfriend, for example, making butterflies on the wall with their own hands. Children from school learn to make decorations in the form of a panel. Therefore, it is not difficult to change the usual view of the walls.

What is the scenery?

This decoration has the appearance of the application, or rather a panel made of paper. From the method of making decor, not only the final result depends, but the visual perception of the room. Imagine the whirlwind of flying multicolored butterflies on the wall. Such an ornament will attract visitor challenge and please the eye. A panel made of rigid cardboard is not only durable, but can also have any shape. Butterflies made of fibrous paper are attached to the middle and mashed by wings from any air movement.

Where to begin?

First you need to decide on the form of appliqué. You can search for templates and stencils on the Internet, and then go to the search for coloring. The decor of the butterflies should be bright, so as not to merge with the design of the room.

Ready-made samples are usually primitive and not intricate. The advantage of the homemade decor is to create volumetric applications. It is necessary in any program to prepare the layout of the future composition, and already develop templates of different sizes.

Tip! Standing over a large number of bends and ruffles on the wings should not be. Subsequently, all these elements will have to cut with scissors. It is also worth avoiding symmetry, that is, the mirror reflection of the wings. One of them can be a little more. This will add the dynamicity of the ultimate applique.

After selecting the format and quantity, you can print stencils of different sizes. The workpiece must be applied to the cardboard sheet and trim along the contour.

Article on the topic: 10 secrets of proper placement of the picture on the wall

Total picture

The general shape of the picture can be any. The image of the vortex, the stove of butterflies, which will be combined with the pattern on the wallpaper, plaster or other finishing material. Another option to accommodate the decor in the interior - Flight of butterflies from one edge of the room to another or distribution by their groups. The formed plan must first fix on paper, and then transfer patterns on the wall with a pencil. The lines should be done not fat, in order to be in the consequence they are not staring in the eyes.

Selection of material

Make stencils can be made of paper, cardboard, films, fabrics. Consider each of the options.


Panel from multicolored paper to make the passing total. Moreover, this is the cheapest version of the decor. This material can be replaced with glossy paper from the read magazine. The resulting butterflies can be connounced in colors in a common picture.

Important! Fully glued decoration will not perform above the wall level. Butterflies that are attached to the remote distance will break with wings when air moves.


Such a decoration is more difficult to produce, but it is more reliable. Cardboard quickly takes any shape and saves it for a long time. You can make wings bent or rounded. You only need to wet the cardboard and bend it with the help of cargo. After drying, it will take any form. In view of the greater weight, it will be harder to fix it.


From the thick or self-adhesive vinyl film, you can make excellent multicolored stencils. Glossy butterflies will not only sparkle, but also to blur in the room. The manufacturing process is the same as in the case of a thin cardboard. The self-adhesive film does not need additional fastening at all, and the custom color is fixed on the wall of glue.

Tip! To push the butterfly with wings, only the central part of the workpiece must be consolidated.

the cloth

For decoration of walls with monophonic liquid wallpaper, drapering, any soft to the touch can be used fabric. Such butterflies will fit into the interior and even improve the design. Fasten them better completely on glue. To create a bulk decor, you need to dilute with water PVA glue. Very subtle fabric you can wet, cut stencils, and then give to dry in the right form.

Article on the topic: Interesting options for performing plasterboard ceilings: levels and illumination

Fix decoration

It is not enough to make a panel. It is also necessary to securely secure it on the wall:


PVA or wallpaper glue should be used if the stencil is made of paper. You just need to not overdo it with quantities.


You can use fasteners with beautiful heads, small pearls. In wooden lining, cork coating, plasterboard pin will be quickly. With wallpaper you can do otherwise. It is necessary for pliers or passage to heat the tip of the pin to 90 degrees, and then cover the butterfly under the wallpaper. For greater reliability, you can fix the pin to the "moment" glue.


On one side mounted stencil, and the other is attached to the wall. The only minus - in the case of fault, the foam remove the remaining part of the decor will be difficult.


It is better to mount origami on the thread. On thin colorless fishing line you need to hang butterflies for the cornice or straight to the ceiling. Such a solution will create a volume design of the room.

4 master class



  • trimming wallpapers;
  • paper for making patterns;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil, scissors.

First you need to print and cut stencils of different sizes so that the result is more realistic. Then attach the silhouette to the cardboard, circle it and cut. You need to prepare as many copies as possible.

The next step is to apply glue to bends and attach them to the wall. The middle presses the nail, and then the edges are taken away. It is advisable to achieve in the interior of the effect when large butterflies fly in one direction, and more small to attach on the edges a little further from the main flock.

Master class from vinyl records


  • plates;
  • chalk;
  • patterns;
  • scissors.

To make a workpiece, you need to mark the middle of the template on the plate and cover the contour with a white shallow. Then put a foil straight and from above - a plate. In the oven, heated to 400 degrees and put a baking sheet, wait until the plate begins to deform and remove it. It takes about 45 seconds. Next you need to cut the butterfly with scissors. Gently, but quickly.

Important! Vinyl coolers quickly. Perhaps you have to warm the plate several times.

Master class from clay

You need to make a blank shape for baking and make four holes in the middle. Bend wings at different angles, then placed butterflies in the form for baking. Clay should be in the oven for 15 minutes.

Important! Under the high temperature of the wings straighten slightly.

If the obtained holes are not large enough, then you can increase them with a knife. The edges should then be overlapped by sandpaper. If you wish, you can decorate the figures. Through the holes crucifably pierce the thread, tie a nodule. Already through it to skip the stationery button and attach the butterfly to the wall.

Master class from book pages


  • old book;
  • branches, beads, decorative pearls, shells;
  • wire hangers;
  • glue, scissors;
  • the twine and pencil.

First you need to make stencil to paper page and cut two wings. Twigs of bushes should be cleaned from the leaves and soak. The rods will become softer, will not break when flexing. Wire hanger should be bent into the ring and clean it with rods. After the wreath is driving, you need to fix the rod with hot glue.

The butterfly shoulder is made of beads, beads, pearls that are riveted on the twine and with hot glue are mounted among themselves. Then the "Taurus" should be glued in paper. The effect of flitting will create a slightly bent wings. It remains only to attach a butterfly to a wreath.


To make butterflies with their own hands, you will need a lot of time, prerequisitive and different ideas. But such a decor will bring bright emotions to your life. Moreover, you can decorate with such an applique any decoration of the apartment.

Modular origami - butterfly (2 video)

Interior design options for butterflies (39 photos)

As soon as the modern interior is not decorated to achieve a unique comfortable setting in a residential building. To revive, decorate and decorate the empty wall in the room it is appropriate to place beautiful butterflies. There is a situation where the premises are fully accomplished.

The photo of butterflies on the wall shows how interesting this option is the design of the wall, which will undoubtedly attract attention, perfectly completing the image of the room space.

Independent decoration of decoration

It is no secret that waters can be decorate not only the walls, but also photo frames, paintings, chandeliers, mirror, ceiling surface. This design is currently the most popular, as embodies joy, love and tenderness.

To create this accessory of the decor, it is practically not necessary to spend a large amount of cash or time or material. Suitable paper sheets, perhaps, can be found in any house. But if this did not happen, the material can be purchased in any ordinary stationery store, and they are at all inexpensive.

There is no desire or time to draw and cut the silhouettes of the image, then you can use special finished stickers on a sticky basis.

Before making butterflies on the wall, it is important to know that for their manufacture it is not necessary to use only paper, you can apply any suitable girlfriend raw material:

  • colored paper;
  • soft sheets of cardboard;
  • plate of vinyl;
  • textiles treated with starch;
  • thin metal sheet (beer or lemonade iron can).

Absolutely different magnitude, color solution, form dependent on the desire and preferences of households are allowed. Naturally, the quality and composition of the girlfriend should be taken into account.

Please note that flying moths can be placed both with a dense flock (in the form of a vortex) and individual interior decoration elements.

Style ratio

The decoration of the wall in the form of packing butterflies is appropriately in any room style: Provence, minimalism, classic, modern, hai - tech and more. It is important to achieve a competent implementation of the accessory in a common style.

It is not at all necessary to perform the decor of the same shade that wallpaper to avoid a complete merger with a common background. As an example: perfectly harmonize moths of a scarlet shade on a light beige wall covering, white background perfectly shams black or other dark details.

If you additionally emphasize the decor with the help of artificial illumination, you can achieve a unique effect of takeoff and fluttering butterflies. This option is especially relevant in the bedroom or children's room.

The main stages of work

It is pre-how to make butterflies on the wall with your own hands, you need to prepare a special stencil. If it does not work out the form yourself, many options can be found on the Internet in a huge amount. Next, it is necessary to pick up the firming materials for the manufacture, or buy them in the shop of creativity.

Deciding with the basis, with the help of a stencil for the design of butterflies on the wall I expect the necessary shape and the size of the moth. So that every butterfly was unique, reasonably apply several different stencils.

Choosing a way to mount the product, it is necessary to take into account several non-hard nuances:

  • posing soaring insects at a relatively short period of time, it is better to fix them with pins or small buttons;
  • assuming to leave the product on the wall for a long time (to future repairs), it should be securely secured with glue.

Before fastening the composition, it is better to arrange a preliminary sketch on a sheet of paper, and on the wall to mark the pencil point of the butterfly location. This advice helps accurately post the decor from the first time, without spoiling wallpaper.

Colored items

As a rule, the easiest and most popular way of decor is a multi-colored paper, a fairly cheap, significantly saving family budget. You can create an initial sketch by using a special computer program.

Paper sheet is a pretty lightweight material, so with ease without problems is mounted in any way to the wall. Paper wings will break from the light possible breeze, reviving the moths. Yes, and remove the decor from the wall will not make much difficulty and will not cause any damage to repair.

For work, the old have long read color magazines will be satisfied. It was transferred from the Internet to glossy sheets of products, they can be covered with a glitter with acrylic varnish or fluorescent paint. It turns out a beautiful overflowing effect of glitter.

It is better if the insect is fixed only for the middle, then the wings will be freely dispersed and create volume.

Panel from Motalka

No less interesting and luxuriously looks like a wall panel of flutter butterflies. For its construction, a small set of materials and devices will be useful:

  • journal of brilliant paper;
  • conventional scissors;
  • scotch tape;
  • different stencils;
  • picture frame.

For the preparation of moths, bright log pages are needed. Their number directly depends on the size of the frame. Note that it is not worth installing too much figures at the same time to avoid the absurdity of the type of picture, and do not spoil the style.

The first stage is a background of panels from colored paper, or a pure white sheet covered with paint. The elements of the composition are mounted using PVA adhesive, or bilateral glue. The finished panel is placed in the frame and attach to the selected wall.

To fully decorate a certain room, it is recommended to combine several techniques that are harmonizing with each other:

  • one wall of the room is decorated with a composition;
  • the opposite side includes panel;
  • frames are fixed on the chandelier, hanging on a colorless thread or fishing line.

Butterfly themselves look perfectly in a set with birds, bees and ladybugs. For decorations it is appropriate to use beads, beads, and for fasteners - only decorative pins.

To secure them to wallpaper, the sharp ends wisely bend and drive under the canvas, it turns out the effect of fluttering a moth in the air.

Wall decoration ideas are a huge set, the main thing is to include fantasy and maximum patience! The result will not wait to wait - your room will become unique and unique!

Stock Foto Butterflies on the wall

The end of the repair comes in pleasant trouble to decorating the room. Sometimes the desire to refresh the situation arises spontaneously. A budget version of the original design of the room will be butterflies from paper on the wall. Make your own hands An individual decoration will help the butterflies patterns, a large number of which is presented in this publication.

Preparatory work

Tradition to use as decoration on the wall of butterflies from paper originated relatively recently. Multicolored moths are able to quickly transform the interior of the room, filling the atmosphere with romanticism and pleasant dreams of rest. To achieve the desired result will help the preparatory stage:

  • Butterfly from paper is better to remove the wall as free from foreign objects. A good review enhances aesthetic pleasure from the creation created by your own hands.
  • Determine the area and shape of the image on the wall. It can occupy a compact area or scatter on the surface.
  • Make butterfly is the easiest of all of the colored paper, but there is another mass of interesting ideas on the design of the wall with original moths. Material of manufacturing and its combination with the interior of the room is thought out in advance.
  • Speecually looks like a wall with butterflies of different sizes. Quickly cope with the task will help in advance prepared stencils for cutting.

Comment! Picking up the pattern, it is worth remembering the complexity of cutting out intricate figures.

Characteristics of individual materials for butterflies

Make elegant moths on the wall with their own hands from various materials. Only paper models have several solutions options:

  • classic colored paper or double-sided colored sheet;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • newspapers and glossy magazines.

In addition to the paper decor, other options for the original butterflies are used in the interior of the room:

  • from vinyl records;
  • the contour, painted on the wall with luminous paints, applied using a stencil;
  • from kapron tights, which are covered with a wire frame;
  • from tin cans or plastic bottles.

Tip! In the absence of experience, it is recommended to make several instances from various materials, then attached to the wall and select the appropriate option.


Most simple and cheap make it yourself moths from ordinary colored paper. There are several techniques for design. If you plan to stick onto the wall of the butterfly completely, then the paper painted on one side is suitable. When creating a bulk composition, when only the torso of the moth is fixed, it is preferable to take two-sided colored paper to work, so the appearance of decorative elements will only win.

In addition to classic colored paper, it looks original on the wall of copies from corrugated material. The butterfly turns out to be more air and light, the figure is easier to give the volume.

An extraordinary look on the wall of the moth, in the manufacture of which glossy magazines, postcards, newspapers or wallpapers are involved. In addition to the simple cutting of butterflies from paper, they can be additionally painted, combine with other shades of similar material or make multi-layered. Borders for the flight of creative fantasy practically does not exist.


For cutting on the wall of butterflies, the cardboard pick up a small density. Otherwise, the process will deliver a lot of trouble.

Comment! Cardboard is considered the most suitable material for clearance on the wall of the volumetric decoration of moths. He keeps the shape of the shape well.

Naturally, in this case it will not work to make a corrugated butterfly instance. Hard material cannot be folded into small folds.

Cardboard is optimally suitable for cutting out openwork moths. For registration it will take a sharp stationery knife and the supply of patience. The quality result of the decor on the wall is possible only in the presence of prettiness and ability to gently work with small details.

The stencil of butterflies for the subsequent cutting of numerous instances is also better prepared from the cardboard. Original templates for cutting butterflies from paper are presented below:

the cloth

To make the decor on the paper wall acquired the completed view, it is sometimes complemented by similar elements on the lampsure of the lighting device. But paper moths are not suitable here, so they turn to tissue counterparts. The butterfly made from the matter did not differ in difficulty:

  • with the help of a cardboard stencil, the figure shape is applied to the fabric;
  • detail is cut;
  • the workpiece is attached to rigidity;
  • if necessary, moth additionally decorated (muster mustache or beads on the wings);
  • the butterfly is attached to a suitable surface.

Tip! Experimental needlewomen can be tried using a thread with a needle to mimic on the wings of the residence.

A little exotic

Extravagant Persons will have to dofully create a decor on the wall, which is based on vinyl records. Key steps process:

  • Initially, the contour of the butterfly is applied to the vinyl chalk.
  • In the original state, the material is tough enough to cut out the figure, the plate is required to soften. Run the intended helps the oven with the shining foil counterfeit or microwave.
  • When the vinyl becomes plastic, it is taken out and quickly cut out the shape. If the butterfly does not acquire the desired outlines before cooling, the heating process is repeated.
  • At the final stage, the moth give the desired volume.

Fix the vinyl butterfly on the wall is more difficult than an instance of paper. It will not be possible to further remove without damage to the surface.

The material for the manufacture of a moth can serve a sheet of fuster or beer bank, which is pre-washed and straighten. The circuits of the selected stencil are transferred to the material with a marker or seed, the workpiece is cut. Decorate a figurine with nail polish or colored markers.

Attention! The edges of the butterflies are very sharp, so it is necessary to work extremely gently so as not to cut down.

Tin decor can be suspended. It will be appropriate in the interior of the Loft, for classic design, still the optimal solution will be moths from paper.

Production of contour butterflies

Let's start with the most simple option how to make contour butterflies. The main stages of the creative process:

  • The stencils of butterflies on the wall are better cut out of the cardboard of medium density. A suitable material will be package from dry breakfasts or tea.
  • The original moth can be selected and print out of the templates below.
  • The silhouette you like is applied to the cardboard and cut out. It looks more colorfully a wall on which butterflies of different shapes are fixed.

Several useful tips for paperwork from paper:

  • For cutting use the entire figure completely, if you wish to achieve perfect symmetry, the workpiece is folded in half.
  • More naturally look at the walls of copies with minor asymmetric deviations.
  • If there is a need to get moths of different sizes, the template is converted through a graphic editor.

Registration of openwork copies

Openwork paper butterflies are best obtained based on cardboard. To work, you will need a sharp knife, blade and printed pattern with lines for cutting. Obtaining on the wall of high-quality decoration is possible under the condition of painstaking work. The algorithm of action is only slightly different from cutting out contour butterflies. First choose and print the template. It cut the required number of items.

The use of the blade and sharp knife can damage the surface of the table, so it is recommended to protect the tabletop with a sheet of plastic, plywood or chipboard. Openwork butterflies from paper on the wall usually give the volume. Little trick is able to relieve the process. The product is slightly wetted and spinning, the resulting bending is fixed. After evaporation of moisture, the blank will retain the desired form.

Options for bulk decoration of paper

Speeciously looks on the wall volumetric figures of paper moths. Options for creating butterflies of complex configurations several:

  • multilayer specimens are created;
  • use corrugated paper;
  • figures are formed by adding a sheet into several layers;
  • the art of origami is enjoyed well-deserved popularity.


To settle on the wall of multi-layer moths is quite simple:

  • several blanks of the same shape cut out of the paper;
  • the color and size of parts may differ;
  • the elements are superimposed on the other, glue the body, and the wings are flexing in different directions.

Multilayer butterflies are impressive, not only from contour blanks, but also openwork parts. This requires paper of contrasting colors or similar shades. For the upper part, an openwork blank is taken, the bottom remains contour. Assessing the result will help the following photo:

There is an interesting technique when you can make a multi-layer butterfly on the wall from one sheet of paper, by adding it in a special way. The photo further demonstrates a simple manufacturing process:

Corrugated paper

It is easy to work with butterflies on the wall of corrugated paper. An action algorithm includes the following steps:

  • Separate paper colors are selected.
  • Cut rectangles with approximate size 7x10 cm.
  • The workpieces in the center are stitching with large stitches, after which they are collected by the harmonic and fixed with a thread in several turns.
  • The resulting bow of paper folds twice, future butterfly wings are spread.
  • Then, along the edges, cut the desired configuration.
  • From the narrow strips, flagellas are formed for the mustache, which are glued to the body.

The entertaining process clearly demonstrates the photo:

Ideas for beginners and professionals

Very easy to prepare for decorating the wall of butterflies from duplex colored paper:

  • First cuts rhombus or square.
  • The figure is folded by small harmonica.
  • Two blanks are connected together and fixed in the middle thread.
  • The mustache is formed from the wire.

To follow the main stages of the manufacture of butterflies on the wall will help:

Some complexity is distinguished by the origami process, which is so interesting to children. One paper moth manufacturer is presented further:

Fastening options

It is safe to fix on the wall of paper butterflies from paper in various ways:

  • If the question of the preservation of the wall surface is not relevant, fasten the figures from the paper will help the PVA aluminum or wallpaper solution.

    Comment! Regardless of the selected template, it will be a contour or openwork butterfly, the volumetric figures made of paper more effectively look at the wall. A light breeze can lead the wings in the movement, forcing you tremble as real.

  • Create in the process and small pieces of foam, which originally glued to the body of the butterfly, and then on the wall.
  • Similarly, instead of foaming use bilateral tape.
  • When the task is to maintain the integrity of the wallpaper after removing the moths from paper from the wall, they are fixed using English pins.

Options for creating decorative images on the wall using paper butterflies set. A huge heart or whirlwind, removing in the distance, separately distributed copies or cozy on the colors of the flock - the boundaries of creative fantasy does not exist.

It is often quite often the repair of residential premises is carried out with the meaning that it will have a few years, but many years of monotony can bother or start straining at all. What to do in such a situation? It is worth preferring the interior update with accessories or products such as the butterflies panel made by their own hands.

The butterfly on the wall is a wonderful decoration, and there is no limit on how it will look like, what size or color. It is these decorations that began to use modern designers, creating gentle and unusual interiors. Many people in childhood cut out butterflies from a wide variety of materials. For example, of paper and fabric, napkins and even plasticine. At the moment they can be the most different and even made of vinyl records.

Panel Butterfly is a flight of fantasy, as well as the ability to create his own unusual design, which will be delighted not only the owner of the house, but also guests.

You can apply extraordinary materials, create a butterfly with openwork wings and decorate them with rhinestones and beads. With such a décor, the room will be more comfortable and cozy, which is required to each person. The fabulous creatures are placed on the walls, magical and unusually beautiful.

Panel from butterflies is a panel, by means of which attention is focused in the room. Some designers use such products in order to disguise irregularities on the walls, or an oversight at a previously executed repair. Naturally, the effect of panel depends only on who creates it, for example, some prefer bright tones, and others want to make the house more calm and gentle.

Panel from butterflies with their own hands: do ourselves

The master class on the creation of paper butterflies is not complicated, it is only worth choosing ideas, and to determine what technique will be done by creating a panel.

There are several ways to form paper butterflies:

  • Quilling;
  • Origami;
  • Stencil.

In addition to technology, it is worth paying attention to the color of the panel. As a rule, it is a bright place in the room, but must harmoniously look at the common interior. Panno should not be merged with the walls and the ceiling.

There are differences and bending of the wings of butterflies. If the style of the room is classic, then the butterflies can be with intricate bends, but for modern the most ordinary.

As soon as the form is defined, you need to work out sketches, the development of which is carried out using computer programs or using stencils. So that the panels were fascinating beautiful, you need to create several sizes of butterflies. The easiest way to use tracing tracing to translate drawing and reproduction is considered.

If the butterflies are not symmetrical and not similar to each other, then the panel will attract even more attention, and to be more accurate, then with their creativity and unusuality.

The next step is the formation of a common picture.

Make paper butterflies from hand much easier and cheaper, but due to the fact that the paper may be the most different, for example:

  • Color;
  • White;
  • Glossy;
  • Matte;
  • Velvet.

The choice is simply huge both by type and on shades, and therefore creating a decor with your own hands is not a difficult process.

It is not rare to create a panel of butterflies with their own hands use brushes and paints, as well as the usual album sheet.

All these materials are available, and you can buy them at any store. Some use wallpapers remaining from repair or completely pieces of material from which curtains are sewn.

Cut butterflies are needed by template and with scissors. In order for butterflies to be different in size, you need to use different templates. To accelerate the process, you can prepare squares in advance, fold several pieces together, bend in half, draw half the calf and butterfly wings and cut a lot of insects for the decor. Such cutting is carried out by the same technology as the preparation of snowflakes.

Once all previous steps are made, you can go to the formation of the picture:

  1. By mind, it can be the most different, for example, as a heart, like a spiral, a circle, oval or insect stream.
  2. In order to clearly see how it will look like a panel on the wall surface, you can decompose the picture on the floor. This is how it is possible to correct the mistakes in advance and eliminate not desirable defects.

Butterflies on the wall can be arranged tight, and can be with hoppy wings. Cardboard butterflies can be mading wings so that they are rounded shape, which is also very attractive.

Panel paper butterflies: stylish decor

Creating a form of the future panel is a special point on which it depends on what effect product will produce for everyone who sees it. Naturally, it is quite real to do this.

A fairly popular panel in the form of a vortex, numbers, colors, or a chaotic layout of insects from paper.

Modern designers prefer to place butterflies on wallpaper with volumetric colors, thereby creating an unusual decor. The ideal option will be the sketch of the panel on the wall, for which you can use pencils or chalk, which will easily erase from wallpaper.

Where is the best place to place a panel of butterflies

The most acceptable option is the location of butterflies on the wall surface, with which the flaws, irregularities and defects are hidden. It is worth noting that the location of the panel from butterflies on the curtains is not excluded. Designer luxurious tulle decorated with butterflies with mirrored wings is the perfect option for decorating the kitchen or children's.

In the house you can find a huge number of places where you can put a panel.

For example:

  • Chandeliers;
  • Lamps;
  • Floor lamps;
  • Shelves.

Creature panel of butterflies (video)

The creative solution will be the embroidery of the panel on the upholstery of the furniture. Why not decorate the sofa and pillows with textile butterflies with movable wings? Why not make the chairs wings like butterflies? Ideas can be mass, but the most important thing is to preserve the harmony of the room.

Panel from butterflies (photo)