Rules for awarding titles at specialty shows. Regulations on specialty shows



December 7, 2005




NKP dog shows are held in accordance with this Regulation.

Specialty shows are divided:

Rank ChK - International Club

Rank PC – Winner of the National Club

Rank KChK- Candidate for the Champion of the National Club of the Breed

Dog breeds recognized for participation in specialty shows of the rank of Cheka, PK and CCC are allowedFCI and RKF.

The organizers of the exhibition must be sure that the dogs declared in the catalog are registered in the Pedigree book of the member countryFCI   or AKS (American Kennel Club) - USA, KS - (English Kennel Club) United Kingdom, SCS - (Canadian Kennel Club) Canada.

At all certificate exhibitions can be organized a ring for dogs, which

a description of the judge of the RKF is required (without assignment of titles and certificates)


Exhibitions of any rank can be held only by public cynological organizations with the right of a legal entity.

An exhibition of the rank of Cheka can be held only 1 time per year.


Applications for specialty shows of the rank of ChK, PK, CCC   submitted to the secretariat of the RKF and the secretariat of the relevant NKP RKF until February 1 of the current year for the next year.

NKP submits a consolidated application for the next year to the RKF secretariat by March 1 of this year.

The application from the NKP is printed on a form with a seal and must contain:

NKP name

Exhibition Date

Exhibition rank

Full name of the cynological organization conducting the exhibition

Cynological organization address contact phone, fax,e - mail

FULL NAME. NKP President

Finally, the calendar of exhibitions for the next year is approved by the Exhibition Commission of the RKF no later than March 15 and is published in the Bulletin of the RKF until April 15.

Transfer of exhibitions is allowed only in case of force majeure. The organizer of the exhibition is obliged to notify the Exhibition Commission of the RKF about this and obtain written permission to change the date of the exhibition.


All official exhibitions of the RKF are held only with the preliminary registration of participants and the obligatory release of a catalog of all participants. Dogs not included in the catalog are not allowed to participate in the exhibition.

When registering for the exhibition, the owner must provide:

A copy of the certificate of origin (pedigree), for a class of puppies, recording on a copy of a puppy card is possible. Pedigrees of member countries are recognizedFCI , American Kennel Club (ACS) USA, English Kennel Club (COP) United Kingdom, Canadian Kennel Club (SCS) Canada.

The completed application form signed by the owner indicating the exhibition class must contain the breed, nickname, abbreviation andN pedigree, N   hallmarks or microchip, date of birth, color, gender, father’s name, dog’s mother’s name, breeder’s name, surname, name and patronymic of the owner, full postal address with postal code, contact phone number.

To register dogs in the working class, you must provide:

A copy of the certificate of a single sample on the working qualities of a recognized RKF

To register dogs in the winners class, it is necessary to provide a certificate in CCC, PC or CAC

To register dogs in the champion class, you must provide - confirmation (certificate, diploma) of the champion of any country - memberFCI   or AKC, COP, SCS or International Beauty ChampionFCI , or NKP Champion.

To register dogs in the NKP champion class, you must provide - confirmation (certificate, diploma) of the NKP champion.

Registration for exhibitors ends 15 days before the start of the exhibition.

Each exhibitor must be notified in advance by the organizing committee in writing about the venue of the exhibition, its schedule, catalog numbers of the dogs being exhibited, and veterinary rules.

The organizing committee of the exhibition is obliged after registration and before the exhibition to pay the target exhibition fee in the RKF.

In the event of a dog’s death, about which the organizing committee of the exhibition officially informs the RKF, as well as in the case of an injury confirmed by a certificate issued by official veterinary authorities, the exhibition fee is returned to the owner in full if the certificate is submitted to the organizing committee of the exhibition before the registration ends. If a certificate is submitted to the organizing committee of the exhibition after the registration is completed and a day before the start of the exhibition, the exhibition fee is returned in the amount of 50%.

Owners who have registered their dogs for the exhibition and have not paid the exhibition fee must pay it for a maximum of one month after the exhibition (regardless of whether the dog participated in the exhibition). Otherwise, at the request of the organizing committee of the exhibition, owners and their dogs can be disqualified for 3 years at all events of the RKF andFCI . Such applications from the organizing committee of the exhibition are accepted if there is an application form signed by the owner for participation in this exhibition.


For a German shepherd breed division into classes and awarding titles is possible according to the rulesWusv

For a German boxer breed division into classes and award of titles is possible according to the rulesATIBOX

For the Doberman breed, dividing into classes and awarding titles is possible according to the rulesIDC

For the Rottweiler breed division into classes and awarding titles is possible according to the rulesFri

Baby class (baby) from 3 to 6 months

Puppy Class (puppy) from 6 to 9 months.

Junior class (junior) from 9 to 18 months.

Intermediate class ( intermediate) from 15 to 24 months.

Class open (open) c   15 months.

Class working (working) from 15 months. (the presence of the working class and types of tests for admission to the working class is determined by the Rules of the NKP and approved by the RKF)

Winner Class ( winner) c   15 months

Champion class ( champion) from 15 months.

Champion class NKPS 15 months.

Veteran Class ( veteran) from 8 years.

The date of determining the age of the dog is the day preceding the start of the show.


According to the decision of the National Club at the specialty shows, refereeing and awarding of titles separately in colors is possible after the approval of the exhibition commission and the RKF.

In the junior class, intermediate, open, working, winners, champions and veterans, the following grades are awarded:

Fine (excellent) - Red ribbon,   can be awarded to a dog that is very close to the ideal of the breed standard, which is presented in excellent condition, shows a harmonious balanced temperament, to a dog of high class and excellent preparation, Its excellent characteristics corresponding to the breed allow small flaws that can be ignored, but it should Imetyarko expressed sexual type.

Very good (verygood) - blue ribbon,can be awarded to a dog with typical breed characteristics, well-balanced proportions and presented in the correct condition. Several small flaws that do not violate morphology are acceptable.

Good (good) - green ribbon, awarded to a dog that has the basic characteristics of its breed, which has pronounced flaws.

Satisfactory ( Satisfactory) - yellow ribbon,must be awarded to a dog corresponding to its breed, having defects .

Disqualification ( disqualification) - white tape,should be given to the dog if it is built in a type that does not meet the standard, exhibits unusual breed or aggressive behavior, is a cryptorchid, has defects in the dental system or defects in the structure of the jaw, has an unusual coat or color, including signs of albinism, and is not free from defects that threaten health has disqualifying defects.

Unable to sue / No rating ( cannotbejudged/ withoutevaluation) this qualification is given to any dog. Which continuously jumps or breaks out of the ring, making it impossible to evaluate its movements and gait, or if the dog does not allow the judge to feel, does not allow to examine the teeth and bite, anatomy and structure, tail or testes, or if signs of surgery or treatment are visible. The same applies to the case when surgical and medical intervention aimed at masking errors punishable by the standard.

In accordance with the requirements of the NPK, dogs that have not passed testing or performance tests can be left without an assessment. The rules for testing behavior and testing a specific breed are developed by the National Design Committee and are approved by the RKF.

The following grades are awarded in the puppy class:

Very promising ( verypromising) - Red ribbon.

Perspective (promising) - a blue ribbon.

Unpromising ( notpromising) - green ribbon

In the ring at the discretion of the judge, the following titles may be awarded and certificates issued:

Cw   - class winner, assigned to the first dog in the class to receive the highest rating. The class winner automatically receives the title of Candidate in ChClub or UKCC in the ChK, PK rank shows, and at the show of rank KChK participates in the comparison in KChK.

SS-certificate of conformity

Uss-certificate of conformity in junior class

Y. KChK   - candidate for young NKP champions

CCC   - candidate for the NKP champions

Yu.PK- young winner of the National Club

PCNKP Winner

Y. CHK-nKP young champion

CHK- champion of the National Club

LK   - the best male of the breed, selected by comparing the winners of the classes of intermediate, open, working, winners, champions, champions of the National Club.

Drugs   - the best female of the breed is selected, similar to the choice of BOS.

BOB   - the best representative of the breed is selected by comparing the best male of the breed, the best female of the breed, the best junior of the breed and the best veteran of the breed.

BEST BABY   - the best baby of the breed is selected when comparing the male and female of the baby class winners.

BEST PUPPY   - The best puppy of the breed is selected when comparing the male and female of the puppy class winners.

BEST JUNIOR - the best junior of the breed is selected when comparing the male and female of the winners of the junior class of the UKCHK.

BEST VETERAN   - the best breed veteran is selected when comparing the male and female of the veteran class winners.


Based on the application sheets, an exhibition catalog is compiled, which should contain:

The title page with the emblem of the RKF and NKP and with the inscription



With the name of the cynological organization conducting the exhibition, indicating the rank of the exhibition, the date and city of the exhibition, the address of the organizers;

Exhibition catalog of any rank should contain:

List of members of the organizing committee

List of judges indicating the country of residence in 2 languages: in Russian and one of the official languagesFCI . (official languagesFCI , English, German, French, Spanish)

Rules for holding an exhibition of this rank

Schedule of all exhibition events

Actually the list of exhibitors is opened by the name of the breed, then a list of participants by gender and class is given, where judging by color is provided in the breed, it is also divided by color; cross-cutting numbers at all exhibitors

The complete catalog of each dog should include:N   according to the catalog, nickname of the dog,N pedigree, N   brand or microchip, date of birth, color, father's name, mother's name, full name breeder, full name owner and full address with zip code.

The number of catalogs of the exhibition cannot be less than the number of participants.

The catalog of the exhibition does not allow the availability of additional lists and empty numbers. Certificate for dogs included in additional lists in the RKF andFCI   will not be confirmed.

During the recording of the exhibition, dogs are allowed to be transferred from class to class upon presentation of a Champion’s diploma or work certificate. After recording and at the exhibition, the transfer of dogs from class to class is prohibited.


Only dogs entered in the exhibition catalog, pre-recorded for the competition, exhibited at this exhibition and rated as “very good” (puppy class dogs do not participate in competitions) can participate in all competitions.

Nursery Competition ( kennelcompetition)   - 3 to 5 dogs of the same breed are involved, born in the same kennel, having one factory prefix.

Manufacturers Competition ( progenycompetition)   - involved: producer or producer and from 3 to 5 descendants.

Competition couples ( couplecompetition)   - 2 dogs of the same breed participate: a male and a female, belonging to one owner.

The judge determines the 3 best pairs, 3 best nurseries, 3 best producers and places them from 3rd to 1st place. The winners in each competition are awarded the title of the best couple -best couple   exhibitions, the best nursery -kennel   exhibitions, the best producer -progeny   Exhibitions. If the exhibition is held over several days, the best couple, nursery, producer of each day is determined.


At all exhibitions of the RKF and FCI, the award of titles and certificates is the prerogative of the judge.

When judging, at the discretion of the judge, the following certificates and titles may be awarded:

Uss-can get dogs rated excellent and participating in the placement of 1-4 place in the junior class

SS-dogs with excellent marks and participating in the placement of 1-4 places in each class (intermediate, open, working, winners and champions) can receive

UKCHK- awarded to dogs (male and female) receivedCw   (class winner) in junior class

CCC   - awarded to dogs and bitches who receivedCw   (class winner) in the intermediate, open, working, winners and champion classes (at exhibitions of the rank of Cheka and PC)

At CWC rank shows, CWC certificates are awarded to the best male and best female.

Yu.PK-awarded to the best male and female in junior class at the PC rank show.

PC-awarded to the best male and best female at the PC rank show.

Y. CHK-awarded to the best male and female in junior class in ChK show .

CHK-awarded to the best male and best female at the Cheka rank.

(note for breeds with mandatory performance testing or testing of the rules adopted in the NKP, the rules for awarding titles are developed by the NKP and approved by the RKF)


At the exhibition RKF andFCI the judge examines each dog, makes a description of it and awards an assessment.

The four best dogs in each class are ranked with a rating of at least “very good”, and in the puppy class are ranked with a rating of at least “promising”.

Rings for the exhibition should be of sufficient size (at least 10x10 meters) with a non-slippery coating, allowing to evaluate the movement of the dog. For breeds for which growth limits are provided by the standard, the rings should be provided with a height meter, and for breeds for which the standard stipulates weight, weights. For inspection of small breeds in the ring there should be an additional table (preferably, a grooming table with a rubber coating).

All necessary documentation for the work must be prepared in advance and must be with the secretary of the ring team.

The composition of the ring team, which must be presented to the judge by the organizing committee of the exhibition, should include: the ring manager, secretary and, if necessary, a translator.

The presence of no more than two trainees (previously announced and entered in the exhibition catalog) is allowed.

Members of the organizing committee, ring teams, trainees and translators are not allowed to personally exhibit dogs belonging to them and their family members and work in rings where they belong, as well as members of their families, or dogs owned by them.

The ring team working on the instructions of the judge should provide:

Calling participants, checking the stigma or microchip, checking absent in each class, information about the dog that was incorrectly recorded in the catalog or changing the handler, description of the dog under the dictation of the judge, organization and implementation of all necessary clerical work. In diplomas, certificates, ring sheets, it is necessary to indicate the catalog number, full name judges and his signature, assessment, titles. In

The judge must personally sign and put all certificatesN by catalog.

It is forbidden to exhibit dogs in strict collars, muzzles and harnesses at exhibitions of any rank. Leaving the exhibitor with the dog during the refereeing without the permission of the judge may result in disqualification.

Participants who are late to the ring are not allowed to referee.

Refereeing in rings and competitions must begin strictly at the time indicated in the exhibition schedule. Refereeing of the breed ahead of time specified in the exhibition schedule is prohibited.

At the exhibitions of the RKF -FCI   It is forbidden to use any preparations with which you can change the natural color and structure of the coat.

At shows of any rank, all dogs must be on short leashes.

At exhibitions, dogs are exhibited in the ring only on leashes.

For cruelty to dogs, unethical behavior on the territory of the exhibition, provoked dogfights, bites, according to a judge, members of the ring team or organizing committee, the Exhibition Commission of the RKF may disqualify the owner and dog for a period of 1 to 3 years from all exhibitions of the RKF andFCI   with the cancellation of ratings and titles.

At exhibitions of any rank, protests for refereeing are not accepted, the judge’s opinion is final and not subject to appeal.


Judges invited to exhibitions in the rank of CCC in ChC PK must be recognized by the country's national cynological organization for the respective breeds, groups or for all breeds at the levelCACIB   for member countriesFCI.

Judges from the UK, Canada, USA, must be recognizedKC, SCS, AKC , and the right to assign SS (similar to САС,CACIB FCI)

Judges are invited by the organizing committee of the exhibition, the RKF confirms that this exhibition is held under the auspices of the RKF.

The organizing committee of the exhibition tentatively agrees with foreign judges, after a positive response from the judge, the RKF secretariat, on the basis of a letter of guarantee from the organizing committee of the exhibition, sends the judges an official invitation and confirmation to the appropriate national cynological organization.

The organizing committee of the exhibition is obliged at the time of recording, but no later than 12 months to send to the secretariat of the RKF the list of judges (agreed with the NKP) and obtain permission from the secretary of the CC of the College of Judges of the RKF.


The organizing committee of the exhibition sends a written invitation to the judge, which stipulates all the conditions. The judge must inform the organizing committee in writing of the acceptance or rejection of the invitation. If a judge cannot fulfill his obligation due to very important reasons, he must immediately inform the organizing committee of the exhibition in writing. The exhibition organizer is also responsible for its obligations. Cancellation of an invitation is allowed only in case of force majeure. In case of cancellation of the exhibition, the organizing committee must reimburse the judge for the expenses incurred.

At least 2 weeks in advance, the organizing committee of the exhibition is obliged to inform the judge about the breeds and number of dogs proposed for refereeing.

Judges are entitled to conclude personal contracts with the organizing committee of the exhibition, which may differ from those indicated below. However, when such contracts have not been concluded, they should take advantage of this provision.

The organizing committee of the exhibition, in accordance with the preliminary agreement, must take care of the judge from the moment he arrives until his departure, usually this period includes the day before the exhibition, the actual days of the exhibition and the day after the exhibition. The judge must be provided with first-class accommodation (hotels less than 3 stars), regular meals and pocket money (in the absence of a contract, at least 50 euros for each day of refereeing in ruble terms).

All expenses incurred by the judge must be reimbursed to him immediately upon arrival in a predetermined currency, and reimbursement of expenses for air travel is made only at the economy class fare if the distance is less than 300 km. the judge can arrive by train, in this case the organizing committee pays the fare of the SV car.

A judge must not judge more than 80 dogs per day, provided that the organizing committee requires an individual description for each dog. He must not judge more than 200 dogs per day if descriptions are not required.

The main person in the ring is the Judge. On organizational matters, the principal is the ring manager, but all activities in the ring can only occur with the consent of the judge. Any decision made by a judge regarding a dog’s assessment, placement, and award of titles and certificates is final and not in dispute.

A judge cannot record dogs registered in his name or members of his family at shows where he acts as a judge.

Dogs that a judge exhibits at an exhibition where he does not act as a judge must be owned, owned or leased by that judge or members of his family, as well as a dog with a prefix of the judge.

The judge cannot judge the dog, the owner or co-owner of which he is, kept it or sold it less than 6 months before the show where he judges. The same applies to dogs owned by a member of his family.

The judge is forbidden to look at the catalog of the exhibition before or during the refereeing.

It is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol in the ring during the judging. The judge is forbidden to get to the exhibition where he judges with the exhibitors of this exhibition (car or special bus)

It is forbidden to communicate with any participant, to be in his house or on his contents until the end of the exhibition.


At the exhibition, the exhibition commission of the RKF, if necessary, appoints an observer. The observer candidacy is approved by the RKF Exhibition Commission. After approval, the observer receives the observer’s mandate and report form. All (transportation, accommodation, meals) expenses are paid by the organizing committee of the exhibition. The observer interacts with the organizing committee of the exhibition and the judges.

The observer monitors the correctness of the exhibition of this rank:

Control over the work of registration

Control over the presence of the state veterinary service at the exhibition

Control over the work of ring teams

Control over the work of the award commission

At all stages, the observer monitors compliance with the procedure for obtaining titles and certificates, monitors the availability of all necessary exhibition documentation, the correctness and timeliness of its completion and issuance to owners.

The observer has the right to receive any information at the inspected exhibition upon presentation of the mandate of the observer of the RKF, and the organizing committee is obliged to provide it upon his first request. The observer has the right to make recommendations in contentious issues regarding the rules for organizing and holding this exhibition. The observer accepts for submission to the RKF written statements regarding violations of the Regulations of the RKF on exhibitions. The observer does not have the right to control the financial activities of the exhibition organizers and is not entitled to check the financial and reporting documentation of the exhibition.

The observer in his activity is obliged to be guided by the RKF Regulations on exhibitions. The observer is obliged to report to the RKF exhibition commission in no more than 15 days, hand over the mandate and report.

The report on the inspected exhibition should contain:

Name of the exhibition, date of conduct, last name, first name and patronymic of the observer, report on the work (registration, veterinary supervision, ring teams, award commission, organizing committee), location of the exhibition (as appropriate), individual opinion of the observer, date and signature.

Observers cannot exhibit owned dogs.


The organizing committee of the exhibition sends it to the secretariat of the RKF within two weeks:

The organizing committee of the exhibition in a two-week period sends to the NKP secretariat:

1 marked up catalog with all titles and ratings

Filled ring sheet (sample attached)

Confirmation of the Secretary of the CC of the College of Judges of the RKF Judges and a letter with the agreement of the NKP

The NKP submits monthly to the secretariat of the RKF the lists of holders of certificates YU.CHK, Y. KCHK, KCHK, PK and the Champions of the NKP-RKF. nicknameN   pedigree, owner)


For violation of any clause of this Regulation, the Exhibition Commission of the NKP and RKF may take sanctions against the organizers of exhibitions:

A warning.

Refusal to hold an exhibition for a period of 1 year.

Refusal to hold an exhibition for a period of 3 years.

Refusal to hold exhibitions for an indefinite period.

For the delay in the report and payment for the exhibition, the amount of the contribution is doubled automatically without the decision of the exhibition commission of the RKF.

Ring sheet / judgingreport _______________________________

Name and rank of the exhibition / dogshowdetails ________________________

Breed /breed   ________________________ judge / judge_____________

Date /date"__" __________ 20 ___































YU- SS   / J-CC __________________ _______________________________________________________________

YUCCC _____________________________

YUPC ____________________________

Yu ChK ___________________________

SS __________________________________________________________________________________________

CCC ____________________________

PC ________________________________

CHK ________________________________

BestPUPPY / BOB ________________

BEST JUNIOR / BJ _______________

BestVETERAN / LV ______________ judge's signature _______________________

BOB / BOB__________________________secretary's signature ____________________

We put off this material for a very long time, because with the seeming simplicity it is really complex. Is it a joke to embrace in one article decades of the theory and practice of hundreds of Russian clubs and thousands of exhibitions ... Nevertheless, the need to send newcomers somewhere to familiarize themselves with the basics of exhibition technologies has matured, as a result of this small allowance.

Those involved in dog breeding try to maintain their reputation in the world of cynology and the image of the breed, therefore, buying a puppy from them, the future owner can count on help, advice and recommendations, including how to properly prepare the dog for the show. After all, any breeder is important to evaluate the offspring, which ultimately will talk about the breeding qualities of parents.

Without high-profile victories at the shows, your dog will be of little interest as a producer, and if you have a bitch, it will be much easier to sell puppies from titled parents. Participation in exhibitions will help puppies to relate to large concentrations of dogs and people.

Documents for participation

Your dog must be of purebred origin, as evidenced by the pedigree, which is issued by the breeder, or by the club in which the puppy's mother is registered.

Most often, the breeder gives you a puppy card in your hands, which you later need to exchange for a pedigree document. Exchange is possible only after receiving a puppy description at the exhibition, so at least one exhibition should be passed to everyone.

In addition to the pedigree or puppy card, you will need a veterinary passport with a mandatory mark about. You will also need to get a veterinary certificate (sometimes this can be done right on the spot, but it’s wiser to take care of it in advance)

Grooming cosmetics

An exhibition is always a show, a beauty contest where dogs demonstrate their exterior data. The zoo industry offers a wide variety of hair, claws, teeth care products, various haircuts, combs, trimmers and other accessories. In a word, everything is like people’s.

Well-known brands like Iv San Bernard, Biogance, Mr. Bruno   produce whole lines of hair care products based on natural plant extracts and extracts. Designed special exhibition cosmetics Plush Puppy, Crown Rovale or Laser Lites   able to transform your pet before a demonstration in the ring.

Well, in order to surely defeat everyone with a fashionable hairstyle or appropriate styling, professional hairdressers - groomers are at your service. Moreover, each breed has its own specific methods: it is recommended to bathe someone before the show, but someone else cannot; for some dogs, it is enough to comb and lay the hair thoroughly with the help of mousse, and for some, it is necessary to pluck the hair in certain areas and trim the muzzle.

Ring behavior

But beauty is not all that is required of you and your pet. In the ring, the dog must present itself, demonstrating the skills of good behavior. Anyone who has ever watched how the exhibitions are held, saw how profitably the contestants who are worthy walking in the ring differ from their brothers, rushing in different directions, whom the owner is trying to make him walk next to him with all his might.

In order not to look like this, the dog needs to be prepared for display in the ring, and for this the owner will not be superfluous to take the course of handling himself. Such classes can be obtained from a professional handler, a trainer, to teach you and your future star the basics of show behavior: walk the ring correctly, not respond to the judge’s actions (who is obliged to examine the dental system and check the presence of both testicles in the males, feel the coat, check the correct angles joints).

In addition, your ward will need to demonstrate the stand, for which it is necessary to stand still for 2-3 minutes, which for some decorative doggies will be problematic. And, of course, we must not forget about running in a circle and in a straight line.

As for behavior, any manifestation of aggression for which they may disqualify you by removing you from the ring is not allowed. The judge may also downgrade due to the cowardly or hysterical behavior of the dog.

If you do not have enough time to learn the basics of exhibition training, or you are not interested, you can instruct the handler to put your pet in the ring for a fee.

Many breeders themselves will show your dog for free - if only to support the kennel’s reputation and earn a little “tsatsek” for it (the meaning of this phrase will become clear to you a little later).

Video from Eurasia from the york ring

Who needs it and why?

Participation in the exhibition is a holiday where amateurs and professionals meet, where you can get advice on various issues, communicate and exchange experiences. But the main purpose of the exhibitions (at least in theory) is to select the best representatives for further breeding work. Indeed, even if the puppy was purchased in a super-elite nursery or from titled parents, this does not mean that he will become a champion. The makings inherited from the parents are significant, but in addition to this, the puppy from the first days needs proper feeding, education and care, so that he can subsequently claim high titles. and, and other brachycephals, there must be a snack - i.e. the teeth of the lower jaw protrude above the upper, a gap remains between them. Quite the opposite, dogs have an overshot eye when the upper jaw does not fit tightly with the lower jaw, and there is significant space between them.

Cryptorchidism and dental problems are inherited, so judges are very strict about them.

Participants with non-standard color, hanging ears instead of erect and vice versa risk being removed from the ring.

Exterior Rating System

The score is reduced for such inconsistencies as the body is stretched in a square format, deviations from growth indicators, improper positioning of limbs, atypical movements, mismatch of the coat, etc.

Deficiencies that are more pronounced are already considered a vice.The dog is not always disqualified, but the rating will be reduced very much.

Each breed has its own specific standard, and an expert can determine compliance or deviation from it. It is useless and unethical to argue with a judge. Owning an objectively assessing their dog is quite difficult, but an objective examination is necessary for breeding.

Often owners with a "star" pedigree on their hands are outraged that their pet fell into the category marked "tribal marriage." Cynology is a serious science in terms of breeding and selection of pairs for breeding use. Hereditary genes can affect descendants in the most unpredictable way. Most often this happens with the color, when the titled parents may have a puppy with a completely unusual color for this breed.

The pedigree itself is a document that only confirms the origin of the dog, it does not guarantee anything.

Titles and Titles

The official organizers of the exhibition can be any legally registered community of dog breeders. Depending on who the organizer is, the rank and highest rank that the dog can receive are determined.

The Russian Cynological Federation (RKF), which consists of various Dog Kennel Clubs across the country, is part of the FCI International Cynological Organization. In accordance with breed standards recognized and approved by FCI, the Russian Cynological Federation holds its exhibitions, the largest and most prestigious of which is Eurasia.

The international exhibition of all breeds has the rank of CACIB. Only breeds recognized by FCI are allowed to participate in an exhibition of this rank. Participation in it gives the right to receive a title CACIB   (“Applicant for the title of International Champion”, or Satsib) or RCACIB   (“Candidate for the title of International Champion).

Regional or All-Russian dog shows of all breeds have the rank of CAC. Breeds recognized by FCI and the Russian Cynological Federation are allowed to the exhibition. The best dogs get the title САС   (“Applicant for the title of National Champion”, popularly - “Tsatsk”, “Tsatsk”) or RCAC   (“National Champion Candidate”).

National breed clubs (NKP) hold specialty shows where representatives of one or a group of related breeds compete (for example, all poodles of different colors from toy poodle to royal). At a specialty show, the best female and best male are awarded the title of Champion of the National Club of the breed and Candidate for Champions of the National Club.

Age groups of competing:

  • Baby class - 3-6 months;
  • Puppy class - 6-9 months;
  • Junior class - 9-18 months;
  • Open class - from 15 months;
  • Class "Winners" - dogs that have received the title of at least two shows;
  • Class "Champions" - already having this title;
  • Veteran class - after 8 years.

All contestants, with the exception of those removed from the ring, receive ratings depending on the exterior data that meets the standard: “excellent”, “very good”, “good”, “satisfactory”. Puppies are rated "very promising", "promising", "unpromising".

At the shows, regardless of their rank, the best representatives in the classes of baby, puppy, junior, male, female, female, veteran are selected by breed. To do this, Best in Show is held - a comparative ring where the best one is selected among dogs of various breeds.

Issue price

Considering the preparation, expenses for the handler and hairdresser, obtaining a veterinary examination, payment for participation, the cost of participation in the exhibition is obtained from $ 200 (or 12 thousand rubles).

Add to this the cost of traveling to other cities and countries (for example, foreign shows are required to close the title of interchampion), and you can plan your budget and decide whether it is interesting for you to get involved in this game.

But even if your pet cannot claim a high title or rating, it will still be the most beautiful, beloved and dear to you.


All-breed international, held in accordance with the calendar plan FCI (International Cynological Federation). At such exhibitions, they are awarded the CACIB certificate - a candidate for international beauty champions.


All-breed. In Russia, they are held in accordance with the calendar plan of the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation). At such exhibitions, they are awarded the CAC certificate - a candidate for national beauty champions.

CAC rank shows are divided into the following ranks:
  . CAC CHRKF, All-Russian (you can additionally receive a certificate of the Champion of the RKF and a certificate of the champion of any federation);
  . CAC BSF, All-Russian (you can additionally receive a certificate of the champion of a federation or a candidate for champion of the federation);
  . CAC KChF, regional (they can additionally receive a certificate of a candidate for champion of any federation).

Mono (specialty shows)

Exhibitions held under the auspices of the national pedigree club (for example, the Pincher National Club). Special exhibitions are awarded at such exhibitions (SS, CCC, CC, CC).

Specialty shows are divided into the following ranks:
  . Cheka (Club Champion) - a national exhibition held once a year (you can get certificates of ChNKP, ChRShPS, KChK, SS) on it;
  . PC (club winner) - an inter-regional exhibition (you can get certificates of PC, Candidate in ChClub, CC);
. Candidate in ChClub (candidate for the club’s champions) - regional exhibition (certificates of the CCC, CC can be obtained at it).

Exhibition classes and certificates
  Dogs are recorded, exhibited and evaluated at shows by class, separately by gender (females and males). The winner of the class, and sometimes the dogs included in the arrangement, are able to get some kind of certificate.

Awarding certificates at rank shows
Baby (baby)   from 3 to 6 months - - -
Puppies   from 6 to 9 months - - -
Juniors   from 9 to 18 months   Jcac   Jcac   UCC, UPC, UCCC, USS
Intermediate   from 15 to 24 months   CACIB, R.CACIB,
ChRKF, Black Sea Fleet, KChF
  ChK, PC, CCC, SS
Open   from 15 months
Winners   X   X
NKP Champions   X   X -
Veterans (veteran)   from 8 years old - - -

Certificate Award Procedure
  At exhibitions, at the request of the judge, dogs that receive a rating of at least “excellent” may be given one of the following certificates   (except baby classes, puppies, veterans):
JСАС   - who took first places in the junior class (separately in males and bitches);
САС   - who took first places in each class (separately from males and females) - at international shows and shows of the rank of ChRKF, and to the best male (bitch) - at other shows;
R.JСАС   and R.CAC   - who took 2nd places after dogs that received JCAC and CAC, respectively (separately for males and bitches);
CACIB   - to the best male (female) at international exhibitions;
R.CACIB   - to the best male (female) at international shows, selected by comparing the winners of all classes (except the one in which CACIB was awarded), and the second dog from the class where he was awarded CACIB, who received R.CAC;
Black Sea Fleet   - to the best dog (bitch) at the shows of the rank Champion of the Federation (All-Russian), as well as to the winners of adult classes at the shows of the rank Champion of the RKF;
KChF   - to the best dog (bitch) at exhibitions of the rank Candidate for Champions of the Federation (regional), as well as to winners of adult classes at exhibitions of the rank Champion of the Federation (All-Russian);
ChRKF   - to the best dog (bitch), at international exhibitions held in Russia, and at exhibitions of the Champion RKF rank.
Only at specialty shows:
CHK   - who took 1st place when comparing the winners of adult classes (separately from males and bitches) at exhibitions of the rank of Cheka (national);
SK PC   - the same thing at the PC rank exhibition;
SKP   - the same in the junior class; CCC   - the same thing, at an exhibition of the rank of Candidate in ChClub, as well as to winners of adult classes at exhibitions of the rank of PC and ChC;
UKCHK   - the same in the junior class; Uss   and SS - to dogs who got into the ranks from 2 to 4 place in each class, at exhibitions of the rank of PC and CHK, and from 1 to 4 place (and more often only class winners) at exhibitions of the rank of CCC.

At all exhibitions (regardless of rank), the best baby is selected separately by breed ( LB), best puppy ( BP), best junior ( Bj), best male ( LK), best bitch ( Drugs), the best veteran ( Lv), the best representative of the breed ( BOB).
  BOS and BOS are determined by comparing the winners of the adult classes: intermediate, open, winners, champions. BJ is selected when comparing the best junior male and best junior female. BOB is determined by comparing BF, BF, BF and BF.
  BF, BF, BF, BF and BOB are displayed in BEST IN SHOW   exhibitions for comparison with representatives of other breeds.

In preparing the material used information from the site

Edited due to changes,

made by the Exhibition Commission of the RKF,

approved by the Presidium of the NKP 04/27/11

Specialty shows   dogs in the RKF system are carried out in accordance with the RKF Regulation "On Specialty Shows" and these NKP Regulations - according to the NKP - RKF calendar schedule.

ChK rank   (Champion of the National Club) - The National Breed Show - is held by the NKP Presidium together with any territorial club that has the status of a legal entity once a year.
PC Rank   (Club Winner) - The All-Russian Breed Show - is held once a year by clubs - members of the National Club of Nationality, having the status of a legal entity, that without violations held at least 2 regional exhibitions of the CWC rank in previous years and recorded at least 20 dogs on them.
CCC rank   (Candidate for Champions of the National Club) - Regional exhibitions - are held by clubs - members of the National Club, having the status of a legal entity. Newly created clubs may announce an exhibition no earlier than two years after the registration date.

Each club can hold no more than one specialty show per year. In the event of an unauthorized holding of an additional exhibition or changing the dates without agreement with the National Club, the titles assigned to it are not confirmed.

The nursery does not have the right to organize a specialty show.

Dogs with pedigrees of RKF or member countries of FCI, AKC - USA, KC - England, CKC - Canada are allowed to participate in specialty shows.
Applications for specialty shows must be submitted to the Presidium of the NKP at the beginning of this year - next year (a specific date is established annually by the RKF), as well as to the exhibition commission of the RKF (see RKF regulations on monobreed shows) The following should be indicated in the application for the NKP:
   - date and rank of the exhibition
   - name and address of the cynological organization conducting the exhibition
   - FULL NAME. responsible person
   - contact phones, fax, E-mail
   - certificate of legal registration
   The application must be printed on the form of the RKF and certified by the seal.
   Entry to the exhibition is permitted only preliminary and must end no later than 15 days before the start of the exhibition.
   In case of death of the dog, its owner shall notify the organizer of the exhibition in writing, with the original certificate issued by the official state veterinary authorities. The exhibition fee is returned to the owner of the deceased dog in full only if the original certificate is provided to the organizer of the exhibition before the registration ends.
   Owners who have registered their dogs for the exhibition under a guarantee letter but have not exhibited them are required to pay the exhibition fee a maximum of one month after the exhibition. Otherwise, the owner and the dog may be disqualified for 3 years in all activities of the RKF - NKP. The basis for disqualification is the application form for the dog or a letter of guarantee signed by the owner.

   Baby class from 3 to 6 months.
   Class puppies from 6 to 9 months.
   Junior class from 9 to 18 months
   Intermediate class from 15 to 24 months
   Class open since 15 months.
   Winner class from 15 months (dogs with CAC, PC or CCC titles)
   Champion class from 15 months (dogs with the title Champion of the country or NKP)
   NKP Champion class from 15 months (dogs with an NKP champion title)

The date determining the age of the dog is the day preceding the start of the show.

   Grades and titles are awarded according to the rules adopted at certificate exhibitions of the RKF.

   All titles are awarded to dogs that become Class Winners and have pedigrees recognized by the RKF.

CHK   - (Champion of the National Club) can be assigned at the national exhibition to the best male and female in each color or in exchange for titles received from different experts:

Option 1 - 4 CCC
   Option 2 - 2 PCs
   Option 3 - 1 PC and 2 CCC.
   Option 4 - 1 SCC and 2 CCC
   5 option - 1 SCHK + 1 PC
   Certificate of CCC can be obtained with a single exchange for 3 SS.
The title of ChK can be reassigned, therefore, dogs exhibiting in the class of Champions of the National Club Champion will receive certificates of CCC or PC on a common basis.
CCC   - (Candidate for the National Club Champion). At the National and All-Russian shows, it is assigned to a male and a female - winners of the intermediate, open, winners and champions classes. At regional exhibitions - to the best male and female after comparison.

PC   - (Club Winner) - to the best dog and bitch at the All-Russian show) after comparing the class winners

SKM -   (Young Champion of the National Club) can be assigned at the national exhibition to the male and female dogs - winners of the junior class or in exchange for titles received from different experts:

Option 1 - 3 SKChK,
   Option 2 - YuKCHK and YuPK.
   SKCC can be obtained by a single exchange of 2 certificates of the UKSS.

UPK -(Young Club Winner) - assigned to the winner of the junior class male and female dogs at the All-Russian Dog Show.

UKCHK- (candidate for young NKP Champions)   assigned to the winner of the junior class - male and female - at the regional exhibition.

Certificates of Conformity:
   JSS (in the junior class) and SS in the classes: intermediate, open, winners and champions are assigned at the discretion of the judge to dogs that received a rating of "excellent" and entered the lineup, i.e. having in terms of breed qualities the grounds for obtaining the title.

At all exhibitions of the RKF, the assignment of the title is the prerogative of the judge.

The dog must be given all the titles assigned to it in this exhibition. Thus, a dog that received the title PC in the comparative ring also receives the Candidate in ChC, assigned to it for first place in the class. The same applies to SS for dogs that received CCC in the comparative ring.
Refereeing is done apart   by color -   solid (brindle and fawn) and spotted. In each color, titles are awarded that correspond to the rank of the exhibition: ChK, PK, KChK, UChK, UKChK. Dogs of colors not recognized by the FCI (cream and blue) are to be disqualified if submitted to the exhibition.

In every color   the best baby (LB), the best puppy (BP), the best junior (BJ), the best veteran (LV) are selected, with a diploma mark "Best in color."
   Best Baby, Puppy, Junior, and Veteran exhibitions   selected when comparing the best in the color of baby, puppies, juniors and veterans.
The best representative of the breed (BOB) is selected from the Best junior of the exhibition, Best males and Best females of the colors and Best veteran of the exhibition - a maximum of 6 dogs.

It is compiled according to the rules adopted in the RKF. On the title page should be indicated "Under the auspices of the NKP French Bulldog" and the surname, name, patronymic of the expert. Indication of members of the organizing committee of the exhibition is mandatory.
   Before the end of the recording, the dog can be transferred to another, higher class upon presentation of the Champion's diploma or CCC (CAC). After the end of the recording and directly at the exhibition, the transfer of dogs from class to class is prohibited. Dogs are cataloged separately for each color.
   The catalog of the exhibition does not allow the availability of additional lists and empty numbers. Certificates for dogs included in additional lists in the NKP and RKF will not be confirmed.

   Only dogs entered in the exhibition catalog, pre-recorded for the competition, exhibited at this exhibition and rated as “very good” (baby and puppy dogs do not participate in competitions) can participate in all competitions.
Nursery Competition- 3 to 5 dogs born in the same kennel with one factory prefix participate.
Manufacturers Competition- involved: producer or producer and from 3 to 5 descendants.
Pair competition- 2 dogs participate: a male and a female, belonging to one owner.
   The judge determines the 3 best pairs, 3 best nurseries, 3 best producers and places them from 3 to 1 place

   It is carried out according to the rules adopted for certificate exhibitions of the RKF.

Obligations of the organizers of the exhibition (according to the regulations of the RKF)

The judge is forbidden to get to the exhibition where he judges with the exhibitors of this exhibition (car or special bus)
It is forbidden to communicate with any participant, to be in his house or on his contents until the end of the exhibition.
  Members of the organizing committee of the exhibition, ring brigades, interns and translators are not allowed to exhibit dogs belonging to them on the basis of ownership (co-ownership) or lease at the exhibition of which they are members of the organizing committee.
  Club Leader and NKP Head do not have the right to exhibit dogs,   owned by them on the right of ownership (co-ownership) or lease at the exhibition, the organizers of which they are.
   The head of the clubs and the head of the club are not allowed to judge at the exhibition, the organizers of which they are, with the exception of cases when the judge did not come to the exhibition and if it became known during the exhibition that the judge cannot judge a particular breed.

   The organizing committee of the exhibition no later than 2 weeks after its holding sends a report to the RKF (according to the regulation of the RKF). To the Bureau NKP (within a month) must be submitted   a painted and certified catalog and a copy of the certificate issuing certificate received in RKF.
   The contribution to the NPC for the processing of the report is sent along with the report itself.
   At the club’s request, information on the result of the exhibition can be posted on the NCP website. To do this, in a week's time, an electronic version of the marked-up catalog and photographs (if any) are sent to the President for verification, and then posted on the website. The electronic version does not replace the report (printed version of the catalog) ..

   For violation of any clause of this Regulation, the NKP Presidium may apply the following sanctions to the organizers of the exhibition:
   - A warning
   - Refusal to hold an exhibition for 1 year
   - Refusal to hold an exhibition for 3 years.
   - For the delay in the report and other violations of this provision, the rank of the next exhibition may be reduced.
   The report must be sent by mail to the President or Chairman of the NKP exhibition or submitted personally. Reports left in the secretariat of the RKF without a guarantee of their transfer to the NKP, are considered not surrendered.


Statement on the issuance of certificates of PC, Candidate in ChClub and SS at the specialty breed show of the FRENCH BULDOG

_______________________ "_____" _________ 200 g ._______________

(name of organization) an expert

Statement on the issuance of certificates of CCC (PC, U-CCC, SS)