The meaning and mystery of the name Archie - What does the name Archie mean, its history of origin, characteristic, compatibility, talismans, horoscope of the zodiac, name day and fate. Archie's name for a boy: meaning, origin, character, fate, name day, compatibility

Choosing a good one dog names  - This is a difficult and responsible matter. Actually, choosing a nickname and then accustoming a puppy to this nickname is the first and most important step in dog training. Many dog \u200b\u200bhandlers and just amateur dog breeders claim that the nickname not only carries a hidden meaning, it is also endowed with some mystical properties. It turns out that your pet needs to choose nickname with meaning, but you need to know the meaning of this nickname.

There is a belief that a nickname can impose a certain imprint on the character of a dog. Maybe it is so, for example, not so long ago, a group of scientists conducted an interesting study, and it turned out that in almost 80% of cases, the nickname does impose some imprints on the character of the dog and its behavior.

The value of dog nicknames

For research, scientists invited several dozens of owners and their pets to their laboratory and began to study nicknames. The essence of the experiment was that, not seeing which dog was in front of them, the owner called the scientist a nickname, and they tried to imagine which dog it might belong to.

It turned out that among the subjects there are several "Pirates". Immediately imagine a sea robber leading a reckless and reckless lifestyle. It turned out that in the world of dogs "pirates" are most often called dachshunds. And indeed, after all, there is something in common between the cunning, sneaky and spoiled dachshund with the sea robber of past years. Look, these days, dachshunds are most often house dwellers, they like to eat well, play a lot in the house, and then lie on the couch. It turns out no good, a lot of harm - a typical pirate.

Further, for fighting dog breeds, nicknames such as Tyson are very common, this nickname is found among representatives of the Staffordshire Terriers and American Bulldogs, then the nickname Kostya was met several times, apparently the owners of these fighters wanted to emphasize the similarity of their pet with the famous Russian.

Further, for German shepherds, breeders most often choose nicknames associated with the Second World War or with Scandinavian mythology. For example, nicknames such as “Adolf”, “Fritz”, “Thor”, “Troll”, “Gerda” and so on were met. Agree that even without seeing the dog, you can immediately guess which breed it belongs to.

In short, scientists came to the conclusion that the nickname is indeed, in most cases, meaning attached to either the character or the breed of the dog. Although, if you look, then   nickname value  often attached to the imagination and erudition of the owner of the dog. If the owner is poorly read and besides computer games is not interested in anything, then the dog will be called "Tuzik" or "Polkan" regardless of breed.

So we decided, for people with imagination problems to offer a few nicknames for dogs with meaning. And for starters, let's pick a few name tag for dogs girls. After all, ladies decided to skip ahead. The first nickname we will have is "Nick." The meaning of the nickname for the dog "Nick" comes from the character of the dog itself.

Usually nicknames are funny moving dogs that easily come in contact with new people. Dogs with this nickname are well trained and like to learn new tricks and learn new teams. Call your dog “Nika” and you will never have problems with its upbringing and training. This nickname is suitable both for and for representatives of small breeds. Another good nickname with meaningis an "Bertha", it is ideal for a large German shepherd girl. Usually, “Berta” are very wayward, proud and love, so that they get all the attention.

But, for that, dogs with such a nickname are absolutely not in conflict and you will not have problems walking with other representatives of four-legged friends. Another good one nickname with meaning for dogs girls  is the alpha. This is a dog that is accustomed to always be the first, it will be the first favorite in the family, will always be the first in training and at exhibitions. Alphes are usually very smart and friendly dogs.

Now let's break down a few name tag for dogs for boys. And let's start with the Archie. The name "Archie"  in calm and measured dog. Dogs wearing such a nickname are very calm and even phlegmatic. Archie is an abbreviation for "Archer" or archer, an archer is always calm and patient, which is why dogs with such a nickname are perfect nannies and guide dogs.

Another good one nickname for males - “Thor”, perfect for a German shepherd dog. Or for just a large dog of any breed. Thor is an ancient god famous for his power. Dogs with such a nickname grow large and strong, becoming a reliable protection for the owner and his family.

A very good nickname that is suitable for the male Frodo dachshund, remember this character from the Tolkien trilogy? You have to admit that the hobbits have something in common, both of these sneakers, and lovers of good food. Both of them like to climb holes, only some live in them, others hunt in them.

And here is another interesting observation, you know the meaning of the letter "B" in the name of the dog? So until recently we did not know, let's try to figure this out together. It turns out that there are a lot of letters in the nicknames of dogs, they mean something, for example, the letter “A” means that the dog is well trained and well trained.

The letter "B" indicates that the dog loves long walks in nature. But the letter "B" means that your dog is very smart, this letter indicates a high level of intelligence of the dog. Other letters of the alphabet also matter, and if you wish, you can easily find information about what they mean.

As you understand from the foregoing, dog name  - a thing very, very important. It reflects the character, habits and even the appearance of the dog. But if you understand, then, the main thing is that you and your pet like the nickname, because there is nothing more important than love and mutual understanding between a dog and its owner. And also, we want to advise you not to take all of the above seriously.

  Consciousness of your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well-dressed”, fit, handsome. Sometimes, your appearance can serve as a shield for you, allowing you to fence yourself off from people whose communication with you is currently undesirable for some reason. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, is disposed towards you, causes sympathy.

Archie name compatibility, a manifestation of love

Love for you is an urgent, daily necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards a partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on persuasive obedience, predominate. However, you remain in an unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Archie, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. In the absence of a partner “within reach” for a long time, you will feel a sense of abandonment, insecurity that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


  You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the fundamental principle of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not “fight” with those who are trying to create such an imbalance. The “thin world” for you is always “better than a good quarrel”, which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, and there are practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “wake up the best feelings” in a person who is negative about you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion needs to be reinforced by action. And here you are often let down by your indecision. This is not shyness or fear of consequences. Just fluctuations in the process of finding the best option. Life experience will help get rid of them.

What does the name Archibald mean: true courage, brave leader (name Archibald of American descent).

  Archibald Angel Day:  It is not marked, since the name Archibald is not listed in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

  Archibald Zodiac:  Aries, Scorpio

Character named Archibald: The meaning of the name Archibald can be easily analyzed by the letters that make it up. However, of course, one cannot say that such an analysis will be completely true, since the personality of a person, in any case, is also formed taking into account his date of birth, time of year of birth, and other important factors. Although, of course, the analysis of the name Archibald by the letters included in its composition¸ allows you to form an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a particular person is, to determine the main features of his nature. This will allow in the future to build relations with him correctly.

Archibald Health and Talent: So, with regard to Archibald, one can easily distinguish sincerity, optimism, kindness, practicality, poise, emotionality from the positive qualities of his character. A high level of intelligence along with creativity allows Archibald to find himself in creativity or, performing everyday work, be sure to bring something bright to it. Archibald is independent, in making decisions he prefers to be guided only by his own arguments. And this is no coincidence, given that the name Archibald is well developed intuition. He is very active, constantly sets himself new goals and successfully achieves them. Archibald is practical and prefers to do things in his life, guided by the voice of reason. Kindness is characteristic of him, and it is safe to say that Archibald will always help a person with word and deed if he is asked for help. With loved ones, a man named Archibald is sincere and open, but few people are able to get so close.

Now let's talk about the shortcomings of Archibald, which are also available. First of all, this is insecurity in their own abilities and capabilities. This is somewhat discordant with Archibald's openness and optimism, but it is worth noting that, indeed, most often he can stop halfway and begin to doubt whether he is doing the right thing. At the same time, he is self-confident, selfish, ambitious, flaunts his independence, can perform impulsive, unpredictable actions only under the influence of mood and emotions. If the name Archibald manages to eradicate all these shortcomings in his character, he will certainly be happier.

In addition, the meaning of the name Archibald helps to understand a science such as numerology. In this case, the number 6 patronizes Archibald. As a rule, it promises its owner success in events of any type if he manages to gain the trust of others. It is worth saying that Archibald is not at all difficult to do. It is known that such people have energy and charisma, and therefore, are quite capable of leading people and achieving their goals. In society, Archibald often becomes famous for his philosophical views. It can turn out quite a good statesman or politician. The main thing is that the actions and promises of the name Archibald coincide, otherwise it could well undermine the level of trust in his person, since society will always expect from Archibald the realization of what has been said.

Archibald is always cheerful, optimistic about the future, which helps him deal with difficulties.

Fate named Archibald in history:

  1. Archibald, Adams George is a Canadian politician.
  2. Archibald, Steve is a Scottish footballer.
  3. Archibald, Edward - track and field athlete from Canada.

The story that happened with ARCHI is sad, but not unique. A young male Central Asian Shepherd dog, beautiful, pedigree and active, his own owners brought to the veterinary clinic for euthanasia. The reason is "naughty and running away." And the dog is only two years old ... According to the Alabai pace of growing up, it’s just a puberty (adolescence) age, about which zoopsychology can tell a lot of interesting things to anyone who cares to ask their own friend, whom he made for many years. But no ..., the owners wanted an urgent and radical solution to the resulting behavioral problems. It would be interesting to ask them: didn’t they know what kind of puppy they got? .. Although the temptation to have a fur bear is really great ... Let their "master" decision remain on their conscience. It is gratifying that there are veterinarians who do not accidentally fall into their profession, and they don’t raise a hand for mercantile barbarism: euthanize a young and healthy dog \u200b\u200bjust by order of the client. The clinic doctor called the Asian Co. team and kept the dog in his own car until they came to pick him up. So Archie came to overexposure Asian Co., where there is the possibility of socialization and periodic communication with the dog handler. His life began to improve, his behavior became more and more controlled and predictable every day. Now a true brutal Asian is being formed from Archie: a strong, confident, capable of both guard duty and gentle communication with people pleasant to him. Walks well on a leash, reaches for human attention. Mindful of the bitter experience of Archie’s “home life,” we are looking for him an authoritative host who will not say that he has lost control of the Alabai. Suggested in experienced, knowledgeable breed hands under a contract of responsible maintenance by a single dog in a family with children (age 14+). Strictly not on the chain.