What is self-education? Problems of self-education and self-improvement: development apology

Self-education - self-education, work on your personality. To avoid confusion, self-education should be distinguished from. Self-improvement is aimed at the heights and perfection, self-education poses simpler and more mundane tasks.

An impulsive person with an explosive character accustoms himself not to yell, fosters self-restraint - this is self-education. A calm and adequate person teaches himself wisdom - this is self-improvement. The child teaches himself not to lie and not to fight - this is self-education. The young graduate of the conservatory enthusiastically fulfills virtuoso passages day after day - this is self-improvement.

Self-education is the first step towards self-improvement.

Unfortunately, few take this first step. As a conscious, focused and independent work on oneself, self-education is a rarity today. Self-education is not the most popular social value, self-education is more often carried away for some time and works on itself in fits and starts, more often when it’s baked, or under the influence of someone inspiring example. Self-education usually begins with a good teacher, with whom you are interested and who knows how to talk with you.

Bottom line: it’s not so important what is more important for you today - self-education or self-improvement, the main thing is to start working on yourself or continue it, doing it more efficiently. What can help you along the way?

You can, of course, work on yourself and on your own. Only people like it together, and with the leader, and it is especially good if it can be done from any city and from any country in the world - online, via the Internet. Today it is already possible. We invite you to the Distance Online! Distance is the most popular self-development system in Russia developed by N.I. Kozlov. This is the development of communication skills, leadership, self-organization, building relationships in the family, the ability to improve health, accustom yourself to go to bed on time, wean yourself from complaints, excuses and self-eating, teach yourself to hear, understand and feel people professionally. All of this can be yours. Today you can work on the Distance, including online, on the Internet, and in different formats: both simpler (cheaper) and more expensive, but guaranteeing the highest quality result. Choose what suits you and go ahead,


Parenting and self-education




The subject of pedagogy as a field of scientific knowledge is a special function of society - education. And therefore, pedagogy can be called the science of education.

Education - in its most general form - consists in preparing the younger generation for life in society. In the process of upbringing, younger generations must learn what has already been accumulated by society, i.e., acquire knowledge at the level of their development, master certain labor skills, master norms and experience of behavior in society and develop a certain system of outlook on life. In the process of upbringing, such qualities should also be formed that are necessary for solving new problems that did not confront the older generation. And for this, skills must be developed to acquire the necessary knowledge, adapt to the changing conditions of life and work, and engage in creative activity.

Thus, it can be said that upbringing is the process of transferring the socio-historical experience by older generations to new generations with the aim of preparing them for life and work necessary to ensure the further development of society.

In the process of moral education, such methods as persuasion and personal example, advice, wishes and approving feedback, a positive assessment of actions and deeds, public recognition of human achievements and dignities are widely used. It is also advisable to conduct ethical conversations and disputes on the examples of works of art and practical situations. At the same time, the spectrum of moral education presupposes both public censure and the possibility of disciplinary and delayed punishments.

The main tasks of labor education are: development and preparation, a conscientious, responsible and creative attitude to different types of labor activity, the accumulation of professional experience as a condition for fulfilling the most important human duties.

For many centuries in the world the idea of \u200b\u200beducating a person throughout his life has been developing and in different ways.

A person’s upbringing can be judged by numerous indicators: by appearance, speech, behavior in general and characteristic individual actions, by value orientations, in relation to activity and style of communication.

But education cannot be effective if it does not rely on self-education.

One of the most important socio-political lines of education is to ensure the high competitiveness of man in the labor market. To survive in market conditions, today one cannot do without deep professional knowledge, a broad outlook, high culture, civic activism, and enterprise. The market can and should become a powerful incentive for the development of a sense of ownership, independence and initiative of each person. Therefore, today it is very important to highlight the task of encouraging each person to self-education and increase individual responsibility for its results.

Parenting and self-education

Education and self-education are two sides of a single process of personality formation

Education is a focused and organized process of personality formation. Education is the engine of social development.

Self-education is a conscious activity aimed at the fullest possible realization by a person of himself as a person.

The theory and methods of upbringing are sections of general pedagogy that clarify the essence, principles and methods, goals and content of the upbringing process. "No one becomes a good person by accident" (Plato)

Throughout the historical development of pedagogical thought, the above process has been in the focus of attention of scientists and practitioners. Therefore, in our time, education remains the main category of pedagogy. The content of this phenomenon is updated with the development of practical experience, pedagogical science and its leading doctrine. The social practice of transferring social experience from the older generation to the younger developed much earlier than the term designating it. Therefore, the essence of education is interpreted from various points of view. In any case, a person experiencing the appropriate impact is considered as an object of education.


· Labor





· Sexual and sexual role

Sex education is a system of medical and pedagogical measures to educate parents, children, adolescents and young people of the correct attitude to gender issues. As part of an individual's upbringing, sexual upbringing is one of the types of its content.

· Economic

· Environmental

On the institutional basis, the following types of education are distinguished:

· Family


· Social (the definition does not coincide with the following)

Dissocial (asocial)


According to the dominant principles and style of relations, the following types of education are distinguished:

· Free

· Democratic

However, such a separation is not generally accepted, and its definitions are very vague.

Characterizing the scope of the concept, many researchers single out upbringing in a broad, social sense, including in it the impact on the personality of society as a whole (that is, identifying upbringing with socialization), and upbringing in a narrow sense - as a purposeful activity designed to form a system of personality qualities in children, views and observations. "

The essence of upbringing lies in such an interaction that the educator intentionally seeks to influence the reared: “what a person as a person can and should be” (K. D. Ushinsky). That is, education is one of the types of activities to transform a person or group of people. This is a practice-transforming activity aimed at changing the mental state, worldview and consciousness, knowledge and method of activity, personality and value orientations of the educated. Education reveals its specificity in determining the goal and position of the teacher in relation to the pupil. In this case, the teacher takes into account the unity of the natural, genetic, psychological and social essence of the educated, as well as his age and living conditions.

As practice shows, the function of educational impact can be implemented in different ways, at different levels, with multiple goals. For example, a person himself can purposefully exert an educational influence on himself, controlling his psychological state, behavior and activity. In this case, we can talk about self-education. Moreover, the choice of the educational goal and the ways to achieve it depend on the person’s position in relation to himself (who he would like to be in the present and become in the future).

The child himself is active from birth, he is born with the ability to develop. He is not a vessel where the experience of mankind “merges”; he himself is capable of acquiring and creating something new. Therefore, the main mental factors of human development are self-education, self-education, self-education, self-improvement.

Self-education begins with self-esteem. A person must know exactly what qualities should be cultivated at home. Self-esteem is formed by comparing oneself with other people and by comparing the level of one’s claims with the results of one’s activities. Adequate self-esteem allows you to correctly formulate the goals of self-education. It is formulated in those cases when the subject reveals an opinion about himself and his actions in people with whom he contacts in the family, in an educational institution, on vacation; critically compares himself with others. If the result of these contacts is low self-esteem, a person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every business. He is losing confidence. It becomes more difficult for him to work, more difficult to contact with colleagues, to establish contacts with people.

When developing objective self-esteem, it is necessary to take into account the environment in which this work is carried out. In the experiment, students rated themselves for each of the qualities set by the experimenter. An elegant, spotlessly dressed, clean-shaven man with an expensive briefcase in his hands entered the room. The subjects' assessment of their appearance decreased. But when a citizen entered the room carelessly, inaccurately dressed, in unclean shoes and ironed trousers, the self-esteem of these indicators became much higher.

Basic methods of self-education:


This is a short, jerky order made to himself: "Talk calmly!", "Do not give in to provocation!", "Keep quiet, keep quiet!" helps to restrain emotions, behave with dignity, comply with ethical requirements.

Self-order is applied when a person has already convinced himself that he must behave in a certain way. He clearly sees his shortcomings, but he can’t force himself to carry out the planned plan of action. At this moment, and there is a need for an order form to resolutely demand from himself the necessary action. The next time it will be easier to perform such an action, and in the future it will become a habit. If self-order does not help, you must repeat it several times. If possible, repeat it out loud.

So, the German king Henry IV, a coward from childhood, going into battle, ordered: "Go on, cowardly body! Go on, cowardly bastard!" With these words, he went ahead of his troops and inspired them with his example.


It helps to behave without going beyond the rules of cultural behavior accepted in this society, to control oneself in the most difficult situations. It can be applied in the process of self-education of any personality traits. For several weeks, and sometimes months, in order to change the behavior in the required direction, a pre-prepared phrase is often pronounced many times a day: “I will under no circumstances raise my voice!”, “I will listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, as it would be difficult I was not! "," I will not be amazed at any comments of others! " This is a repeat of the learned formulas until the confidence becomes unshakable, leaving no shadow of doubt about the ability to cope with oneself, to behave in accordance with self-hypnosis.

So, for example, repeating many times: "I do not feel pain", you can get rid of pain. Conversely, you can inspire yourself with a sensation of pain, without even saying any formulas.

Unpleasant emotions, accompanying pains disappear when you switch attention. Mr. Heine ceased to feel the excruciating pain that was haunting him when he composed poetry. The research work helped to get rid of the pain sensations of the philosopher I. Kant, the physicist B. Pascal, and the writer N. Ostrovsky. People noticed a long time ago that thoughts about pain multiply it. Even L. Seneca wrote: “The pain is easy to bear, if you do not increase it with thoughts about it; if, on the contrary, you encourage yourself by saying: it’s nothing, or at least it’s not a problem, you need to be able to endure, it will pass soon, "then the pain becomes easy insofar as a person assures himself of it." Self-hypnosis or infatuation with some business creates a focus of excitement in the brain, which, having become dominant, inhibits other areas of the brain, including those that cause a sensation of pain.

Academician Kassirsky told students: - When you give aspirin - this is a medicine. And when I give medicine, it is a powerful healing remedy, because it is medicine, plus my authority. The use of placebo, which a reputable physician calls a new potent medicine, is based on this principle.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective in cases where it is carried out before bedtime and immediately after morning awakening, lying in bed. No efforts, volitional actions are needed here. All formulas are pronounced calmly, without tension. Mentally spoken words cause the effect of auto-suggestion, which leads to corresponding changes in the body. Thought suggestions should be simple and concise. Words are pronounced at a slow pace, in time with the breath.

Self-hypnosis is especially effective in a somewhat inhibited state of the cerebral cortex. That is why it is easier to carry out in a drowsy state or with artificial relaxation (relaxation). It is good to carry out before bedtime or immediately after waking up, not yet getting out of bed. It is especially effective in the process of autogenic training. The effectiveness of self-hypnosis increases when a beginner of self-education learns about cases of its successful application. Here, for example, about this.

Preparing to cross the Atlantic Ocean in an inflatable boat, the German physician Hannes Lindeman several weeks many times a day inspired himself: "I can do it! I will stay alive!". As he told later, he developed feelings of "boundless confidence", "space security", which left no room for doubt in success, the possibility of unhappiness. And when during the voyage the boat overturned, Hannes, getting out of the cold water, continued to suggest to himself: "I can handle it!" - and in the end he achieved success.

Back in the 20s. A kind of school of suggestion was created by the French healer Emile Cue. The main cause of any disease, he considered the human imagination. Therefore, for recovery, I recommended repeating daily formulas aimed at improving health. Que affirmed that everyone who instills in himself: “I will achieve!” Will certainly reach. This and other formulas offered to them promoted the active participation of the patient in the psychotherapeutic process, although, of course, they could not completely replace the medications.

Self adjustment

It is difficult to overestimate the ability to control one’s actions and actions, to carry out self-governing behavior. Self-correction makes it possible to correct the intensity of passions, accustoms one to control oneself, quickly calm down in difficult situations. History is unusually rich in examples of self-adjustment, helping an outstanding person to clearly carry out his life program.

Throughout his life, L. N. Tolstoy persistently and persistently corrected his behavior. In the diary, he notes his shortcomings: "Inconsistency (by which I mean: indecision, inconstancy and inconsistency); unpleasant heavy character, irritability, excessive pride, vanity; habit of idleness" and outlines ways to correct his shortcomings: Throughout his life he persistently corrected his needs and state of mind M. Gandhi. “A man,” he wrote, “is a man because he is capable of self-restraint, and remains a man only insofar as he exercises it in practice.”

The most difficult thing, in his opinion, is to subordinate the movement of one’s own thought to control.

Self-adjustment allows you to transform the chaos of negative thoughts and feelings that destroy life potential into a harmonious structure. If such a transformation occurs consciously, it leads to a more efficient use of the life energy of the individual.


This technique involves training in the ability to monitor external manifestations of emotional states. The fact is that by changing the external expression, emotions, you can regulate your internal mental state. For example, chaotic, not supporting speech, hand movements in a conversation, trembling fingers cause indecision, self-doubt; ingratiating intonations deepen anxiety. And vice versa, accustoming yourself not to wave your arms in a conversation, not to stoop, not to frown, but to stand in front of your interlocutors, turning your shoulders, pulling up your stomach, showing a beautiful posture, smiling at times of confusion, bewilderment; look confidently and strictly in a conflict situation, the leader gains self-confidence, is not lost at the moment of severe anxiety, in the event of an emergency.

It’s very difficult to control and curb feelings, but you can also learn this. Self-regulation serves the ability to restrain others, tolerate their shortcomings, weaknesses, mistakes. Constant self-control develops the ability not to be annoyed in the most critical situations.

If, nevertheless, control over the feelings failed, a breakdown occurred, the situation was extraordinary and it was necessary to calm down, to pull ourselves together.

In self-regulation, reflection plays a large role. First you need to intensify self-awareness. This allows you to detect the incompatibility of their principles, thoughts, actions and it is relatively easy to outline ways to consolidate new elements of behavior. It should be borne in mind that the higher the human intellect, the more accurate self-awareness, the more self-regulation functions.


Great help in self-education can be provided by methods of self-promotion and self-punishment. In the case of even minor successes, it is advisable to praise yourself, mentally saying: “Good girl!”, “Well done!”, “It turned out great!”, “And so it goes!”. And in case of failure, mentally say to yourself: “Bad!”, “Very bad!”, “Shameful!”. Obviously, in the case of major successes and significant failures, the impact is enhanced.

It is desirable that self-promotion and self-punishment reactions regulate our behavior constantly. Although resorting to them is obviously necessary depending on the situation. Unfortunately, very often a person does not receive a positive assessment of his behavior from the outside. And deprivation of elementary attention without self-reinforcement of intensive work is one of the reasons for increasing nervousness and depression.

Obviously, you can not only encourage and punish yourself verbally. Naturally, depriving oneself of pleasure will be an effective means of self-punishment.

It is very important to convince yourself of your own abilities to influence your body, change your views, strengthen your nervous energy, make yourself healthy and strong. But such work gives results only if the requirements for oneself increase gradually.

Self-education is directly dependent on the content of a person’s life, his interests, relationships, characteristic of a particular age. Studies have established that the need for self-education arises among schoolchildren at a young age and can be successfully used in pedagogical work. It has been experimentally proved that the forms of self-improvement, taking into account the age and individual development of schoolchildren, are very diverse and are expressed in the form of adaptation, imitation, orientation to adults, friends and a peer team.

The need for self-education is the highest form of personality development. This need does not arise simultaneously for all students of the same age, especially if the person is not prepared for the perception of the requirements. Intensive manifestation of the need for self-education occurs in adolescence.

Self-education is a process of assimilation by a person of the experience of previous generations through the internal mental factors that ensure development.

Self-education is a person’s activity aimed at changing his personality in accordance with consciously set goals, established ideals and beliefs. Self-education presupposes a certain level of personality development, its self-awareness, and the ability to analyze it, while consciously comparing one’s actions with those of other people. A person’s attitude to his potential capabilities, the correctness of self-esteem, the ability to see one’s own shortcomings characterize a person’s maturity and are prerequisites for organizing self-education.

Purposefulness, meaningfulness and sustainability of self-education depend primarily on ideals, the social orientation of the student’s activity, on the volitional characteristics of the individual, on the importance that the student attaches to his peers. An important prerequisite for the emergence and development of the process of self-education is the formation of self-awareness of students. The emergence of high school students' ability to analyze and really evaluate their qualities and actions is one of the essential points of self-education. Every student, especially at an older age, is able to achieve a high level of moral self-improvement, but for this it is necessary to build the pedagogical process so that the entire system of educational measures contributes to the accumulation of positive experience of relationships and the corresponding modes of behavior. The very upbringing of schoolchildren, especially in early adolescence, is comprehensive.

The leading component of the content of self-education is the formation of strong-willed and moral qualities. There is a close relationship between the organization of self-education and self-esteem of the corresponding qualities. The indicators of this dependence are: the power of public opinion, the effectiveness of criticism and self-criticism, a favorable microclimate in the team, and the teacher’s help in choosing methods and means of self-education.

In relation to the self-education of schoolchildren, the team performs two main functions: it creates the general prerequisites and conditions for an independent and sustainable process of self-education and organizes this process.

The first function is expressed in the fact that the collective forms a positive attitude among students in socially valuable activities, develops a desire and desire to actively participate in collective activities, stimulates independence, social duty, initiative, etc.

The second function is expressed in the direct organization of self-education: in the formation of self-awareness of students, in stimulating positive motivation for working on themselves, in assisting in planning and evaluating the results of their efforts.

The individual development of students under the influence of self-education has a beneficial effect on the team. The diversity of interests of schoolchildren, the breadth of their horizons, a high level of general culture create the conditions for revealing the versatile inclinations and opportunities of team members, which in turn enriches collective relations and affects the development and improvement of the team as a whole.

Carrying out self-education, a person can self-educate.

Self-education is a system of internal self-organization that does not assimilate the experience of generations aimed at their own development. Self-learning is the process of a person directly gaining the experience of generations through his own aspirations and the means chosen by himself.

In the concepts of "self-education", "self-education", "self-education", pedagogy describes the inner spiritual world of a person, his ability to develop independently. External factors - upbringing, education, training - only conditions, means of their awakening, bringing into action. That is why philosophers, teachers, psychologists say that it is in the human soul that the driving forces of his development are laid.

A.K. Markova identifies high and low levels of self-education, self-development and self-learning.

High level: initiative without shocks and incentives from the outside, independent setting of goals for self-development, building a program and the variability of its strategies, self-forecasting, long-term goal-setting, internal stability and integrity. The construction of new meanings (meaning formation) in difficult conditions. Everyday reflection. Mastery of mobilization and relaxation techniques.

Low level: lack of need and ability to do something for your own development (which can be combined with high discipline as a performer). Lack of inner meaning and core of the personality being. Lack of interest in introspection. Tension and complexes in academic work.

Self-education involves the use of such techniques as:

· Self-commitment (voluntary assignment to oneself of conscious goals and tasks of self-improvement, a decision to form certain qualities in oneself);

· Self-report (retrospective look at the path traveled for a certain time);

· Understanding of their own activities and behavior (identifying the causes of success and failure);

· Self-control (systematic fixing of one’s state and behavior in order to prevent undesirable consequences).

In the process of self-knowledge and self-determination, the ideal, goal and tasks of self-education are formed, as well as the methods, means and techniques of working on oneself are determined. In accordance with the purpose and specific tasks, a person who decides to engage in self-education, accepts self-obligations, determines the rules of personal behavior, which become the basis for self-organization of personal life and career. Following the developed rules of behavior reflects the internally accepted decisions to develop (form) or change (reconstruct) one or another quality in oneself.


Progressive educators understood education as “a public institution called upon to prepare people from a tender age by means of instruction and example, by persuasion and coercion to practical activities and to the steady application of the learned rules in life” (G. St. John).

The history of the development and formation of educational traditions is associated with certain educational systems that have developed in the process of development of society.

Each educational system bears the imprint of time and the socio-political system, the nature of social relations. For the purposes and tasks that she puts forward, one can see the ideals of a person of this era. In this regard, one should be guided by an understanding of the origins of traditions that have come down to us. In relation to the educational tradition, there is no evaluation criterion such as “bad” or “good”. Examples of specific education systems show that they all developed according to the logic of evolution of concrete historical, cultural, moral, ideological and life values.

But the main thing for each of the educational systems is the orientation towards the education of a person who is ready and able to live in a modern society for him. To do this, you must have the ability to think, engage in self-education, self-education in order to live, adapt to changing circumstances and understand the world around us. Today, one can’t do without focusing on world standards of youth education and upbringing, including mastering the foundations of science, culture, law, and a healthy lifestyle. Everyone should understand and accept the responsibility and obligations of a citizen.


1. Zyubin L.M. "Psychology of education." M., 1991.

2. Kapterev P.F. "Children's and educational psychology." M .; Voronezh, 1999.

3. "Pedagogy". Ed. Babansky J.K. "Enlightenment" .: Moscow, 1983.

4.http: //www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Pedagog/

5. http://www.kcn.ru/school/vestnik/

6.http: //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education

7.http: //www.elitarium.ru/index.php

Everyone dreams of becoming better. And for what?

- to achieve any goal;

-   to look more respectable in the eyes of other people;

- to be sure in any situation;

-    to cope more easily with the difficulties, negatives that are encountered on our path of life.

Self-education helps to control your emotions, causing the necessary ones, thereby exerting an impact on a particular trait of our character.

To do this, you need to clearly understand the positive and negative traits of your character, set a clear, concrete goal - what do you want to achieve. And analyzing all this in detail, you need to understand what is bothering you, which character traits need to be adjusted, and which should be developed.

Work on yourself is the most difficult. As a rule, we see a speck in the eyes of others, but in our own eyes we do not want to notice the logs either. And until we find that very “log” in our character, actions, habits, we will not be able to achieve our goal.

Engaged in self-education, constantly learning, training, you will be able to develop in yourself such character traits as self-control, endurance, you will be able to control your psychological state, causing the necessary in a given situation.

Also, do not forget that under the "lying stone" water does not flow. We must actively act in this direction. You need to constantly be aware of what is stopping you from achieving your goal. Analyze and learn to manage, correct those qualities that we possess.

You need to learn how to calm down in time, or vice versa, try to find those moments that will help you enter an excited state, and this will help you achieve this goal.

You were convinced of this more than once when you came to the exam, and you could not remember anything from excitement. Since your memory trained when you were calm. You can’t concentrate, calm down. And accordingly, you cannot extract the necessary material from memory.

By cultivating self-control, a person will be able to calm down, as they say, "pull himself together", and accordingly recall the information that he needs, use his memory.

Or we can give another example, when the state of excitation helped a lot. This is mainly needed by athletes. An interesting and instructive example on this subject is given by A.V. Alekseev in his book, "Overcome Yourself."

“The USSR championship among shotgun juniors was going on. One of the girls before the last series was in second place, losing to the leader of 5 targets. And she went out to shoot this last series, which is called, dropping her hands.

I went to her and counted the pulse. As expected, it was 88 beats per minute, while in the best fighting condition this athlete's heart should beat (this could be seen more than once before) about 120 times per minute.

Give me a gun! - as if with difficulty restraining my anger, I ordered the girl.

What for? she asked in bewilderment, even with dismay.

Give! I repeated sharply.

She hesitantly handed me a weapon.

And now you see that birch? - He pointed to a birch tree, standing about twenty meters away from the line of fire.

I see ... - still not understanding anything, the girl said.

So, quickly back and forth!

Quickly!!! - in a tone that does not stand objection, I ordered.

And the girl ran. When she returned, her pulse was about 130 beats per minute. She was excited and even angry.

So hold on! - I ordered, returning her gun. Only then did she understand what was happening. And having managed to keep this excitement optimal for her throughout the series, she won back the lost targets and won the gold medal. ”

Causing often this or that mental state, it turns into a character trait in us, becoming fixed in our consciousness. A conscious direction of our development, a clear awareness of our weak and strong features, specific tasks - this is a very important basis for achieving our goals.


Self-education and self-improvement are conscious actions of a person aimed at the benefit of oneself in order to develop moral qualities, expand intellect and absorb new skills, and experience. Man always strives to develop innate and acquired talents. But what to do if a person does not want to move forward, or for some other reason the problem of self-education and self-improvement has arisen?

Self-education breeds self-improvement, which develops into self-development. Personality - a term developed to explain the human worldview - the mood of the masses, habits, manners and knowledge acquired through life, fill the inner world of a person. This forms a personal view of the world, which allows the person to reveal himself in a social society. We strive not to stop, regularly moving forward. But, what if during development a person gains false ideals and values \u200b\u200bthat can lead to collapse? Let's see what problems can arise in self-development and self-improvement of a person, and how to fix them.

What is self-education and self-improvement of a person?

Self-improvement of personality is a process resulting from self-education aimed at continuous development. For the most part, humanity is striving for the development of creative qualities, according to ideas about a personal ideal. There are six main stages of human self-improvement, where it all starts with motivation.

  1. Set yourself a worthwhile goal that will make you better.
  2. Create an ideal that you can strive for and improve.
  3. Define a time frame to achieve your plan.
  4. Clearly think through a plan of action, taking advantage of self-awareness and self-understanding.
  5. Soberly assess your capabilities - self-regulation should be objective.
  6. Move from theory to practice and act.

The problem of self-education and self-improvement can be the failure to fulfill the basic rule of self-development "here and now", based on the end of the soaring in the clouds. Many people like to stay in dreams, forgetting about real life.

A systematic approach to self-education and self-improvement is very important, which implies conquering the goal in small stages. Break the work plan into a daily schedule, distributing the load evenly. Thus, physical self-education and self-improvement can be developed. Do you have excess weight, or vice versa - you got a thinness? You go to the gym and complete a program of specific exercises.

Try to distribute time not by days, but by its segments (morning, lunch and evening) - this technique will tell you how much time you need to perform various tasks.

Also, the problem of self-education and self-improvement can be misanthropy. For full self-education, an individual needs to communicate daily with the outside world.

Well, if these are people who inspire you and are able to teach new things. At the same time, limit yourself from people who do not strive for anything and have achieved much less than you, and this is another problem of self-education and self-improvement. Healthy food, visits to the gym and self-regulation of the psyche sometimes work wonders. Carefully choose your environment - cross out from life critical, narrow-minded and not ambitious individuals. Sometimes you need to overcome yourself and go to another level of self-improvement, leaving unnecessary problems behind.

Lack of awareness as a problem of self-education and self-improvement of a person

“All diseases are caused by lack of culture”, said the hero Aleksey Buldakova in the film “Features of National Fishing”. Similarly, the problems of self-education and self-improvement of a person arise - unwillingness to move on even when there is every opportunity to stop the process of self-development. Unacceptable taboos, such as: “Nothing will work out for me, I don’t know how to do it, and generally it’s impossible”, you need to forget it once and for all. Nobody is obliged to love and help you in everything, especially when you do not show the proper desire for the goal. Of course, it is much easier to fail, suffer a little and stay in the same place, than to change yourself and move forward again.

The personal problems of self-awareness and self-improvement are often conscious. But, if a person understands his shortcomings, he must be able to look into their eyes in order to one day defeat the accumulated fears, bad habits and descend from heaven to earth. Awareness is a feeling that develops a person’s unity with the natural world and everything that surrounds us. Each person perceives awareness differently, contrasting it with unconsciousness. How to understand the formation of personality and the stages of cognition of awareness?

  1. I do not run away from problems and fears that create discomfort, trying to understand the source of discomfort. Any consciously made decision levels the problem.
  2. I am aware of the reasons for all my actions, which makes me free in terms of behavior. Thus, I see the possible consequences of each step, responsible for the behavior.
  3. I am subject to the depth of beauty of the world, which can convey the pleasure of beauty. Every day I find new sources of inspiration, applying various forms of cultivation. Many events color stereotypes the same way, but I get rid of them as an unnecessary problem of self-education and self-improvement.

The main problems of self-education and self-improvement of a person

There are six main problems of self-improvement of the personality that prevent us from developing:

  1. Diversion of intermediate and final goals. Short-term plans do not always follow the intended road, which often interferes with the fulfillment of the most desired. There can be many reasons for this - education, choice of activity, tearing away of what is desired and contentment with today ... Stable, but small pay, proximity to the place of residence, lack of competition in the selection and other similar things dull self-development, forcing to be content with a tit in the hands, than the crane in the sky. However, in such a situation it is rarely possible to achieve anything more than minimal stability - you forget about the future, choose a simpler profession and one day a person can forever let go of his desired goals, which will remain a dream. Such an attitude towards oneself is nothing but a waste of life time and the destruction of potential.
  2. Excessive number of targets. Unfortunately, human resources are limited, and one day you have to make a choice to achieve the maximum result, but in one or several areas of life. If you want to become a rock star, it is unlikely that you can combine concerts with a sports career. Or, if you intend to serve in the army, having achieved a high rank, it is unlikely that you can simultaneously be a public person, and so on. That is - if you can’t achieve all the goals, choose the most desirable and profitable.
  3. Set only real goals - you must be aware of your own capabilities, analyzing the financial, physical and intellectual state of affairs. Often a person does not get what he wants because of the banal ignorance of the nature of his own activity. If you are an artist, then it will not be so easy to become an economist, but you also need to feed your family. But how do you know what is best for you? In school years, a young man cannot realize himself because of the daily acquisition of knowledge. But, already then there are scientific areas that help to develop more forms of self-improvement. If you like geography and don't like chemistry, in the future you will more like the work of a trucker or manager of tourism services than a laboratory scientist.

Low self-esteem, commercialism and infantilism

The problems of self-education and self-improvement can sometimes be in the person himself, rather than his actions, which the individual sometimes does not even suspect.

  1. The low self-esteem, which affects most residents of the countries of the former USSR, is a very serious obstacle. We often forget who we are, once we lose faith in our own strengths. It is for this reason that we often hesitate to take an important step that will allow us to live better. Today there are many examples: “I don’t know how, because I’m afraid to start, to go far there, but what if it doesn’t work out, and what will I tell people?” And so on. A person is capable of anything, only sometimes forgets about it.
  2. Mercantility in the designation of the main plans, excessive materiality. Capitalism with its “buy-sell” system does not always give a positive result - doing everything just for the sake of profit, one day you can lose the whole world. Material things will never bring complete satisfaction from life, although the younger generation is increasingly looking for personal gain in any business. Only when we reach adulthood, we understand that there is nothing more important than the Fatherland and the family.
  3. Infantilism, or inertia. Today, the young generation, graduating from an educational institution, does not always bother itself with the search for constant earnings. Individual people are not even interested in their own capabilities and prospects, which sufficiently narrows their capabilities. Most young people under the age of 25 today consider youth a time of entertainment and reckless relaxation, but over time, recent girls young men realize their mistakes. This process can be called physical self-education and self-improvement.

In the USSR, the state was engaged in the development of man - moral, physical self-education and self-improvement occupied one of the leading roles. Each person possessed an ideology, albeit imposed by power, but not bearing a negative character. The Union had the best education in the world, and physical education made the population healthy.

At a young age, a person fell into pioneers, where he received all the necessary cultural values \u200b\u200band skills, which many use to this day. The individual was aware of his significance in the great mechanism of society, which is the engine of progress.

The union fell, and ideology with it. All that remains for a person is the possibility of self-education and the actualization of a personal moment in the field of education. That is, each person should develop independently, using the institutional method of cognition as one of the aspects of self-improvement and self-development. In the days of capitalism, it is necessary to quickly adapt to new trends in life, observing the intellectual level of the world around.

A person is able to satisfy his needs only through self-education and self-improvement. Once in society, we strive to assert ourselves and show ourselves on the positive side, which over time determines the personality in one of the social groups of the population. Today we ourselves choose development paths, life values \u200b\u200band behavioral norms that adjust the direction and level of self-development.

Self-education, as well as self-development, is voluntary. If you choose the socio-philosophical path of self-improvement, you will receive excellent conditions for the development of any psychological skills.

On the other hand, the problems of self-education and self-improvement can excommunicate a person from society, creating a certain level of opposition to the outside world and social norms of decency. it is important to be able to defeat your own vices by not allowing false values \u200b\u200bto the spiritual and outer worlds. A person acquires an independent character only when a high level of self-development is achieved. To be able to control needs is not an easy and long learning process that can show the true essence of an individual.

In custody

All problems of self-education and self-improvement of a person come only from the person himself. Only we ourselves establish a certain framework that we do not pass. The modern world is rich in sources of comprehension of science and technology, understanding of both the physical and moral systems of the universe. The main problem of mankind is the unwillingness to develop, surrendering to the simpler benefits of civilization, without thinking about the future. Every day, on TV, they inspire us to completely alien values, and commerce reaches incredible heights. Of course, being a slave to a system is much easier than swimming against the current to create this system itself. Perhaps today it is the main problem of self-education and self-improvement for the vast majority of people. 200 years ago, people had no idea what electricity is; 100 years ago, no one could even think about airplanes and submarines; 60 years ago, a person could not even think about comprehending space. After all, someone makes these technologies real without limiting themselves, being a creator. Huge crowds of consumers buy goods, firmly believing that this success cannot be repeated. Your task is to prove the opposite.

Very often, many people complain that they lack the strength of mind, willpower, motivation or something else like that for development, moving forward, or simply for taking some kind of action. They often blame their upbringing for all this. They believe that they were raised in this way, and they cannot do anything on their own.

In this case, all these people, and you, if you relate to them, need to learn two things: firstly, now it’s unlikely that anyone will undertake to educate you, and secondly, you can always re-educate yourself, engage in self-education.

What is self-education?

If you do not know what self-education means, we hasten to tell you that you can educate yourself in the same way as any other person. And it is even easier given.

In order for the process to be the most productive, you need to imagine yourself in the role of your parent. Thus, it turns out that you are both a parent and a child. You are both an object of education and its subject.

If we consider the educational process itself as a kind of violence against a child, in the good sense of the word, because such violence, coercion, if you like, is aimed at a good goal, it turns out that you will direct your own violence towards yourself. In self-education, as well as in regular education, you will tell yourself what you can’t do and what you can and even need to do. Those. you will operate primarily in two categories, namely - it is impossible and necessary.

Many supporters of a different, more positive approach may object, and say that the process of education does not always have to be accompanied by coercion. This is partly true, but as a result of this, most often, these are the people who subsequently complain about their upbringing. These are the people with whom we started, who cannot do anything without a proper push from the outside. And so that the need for these shocks does not arise in the future, you need to "bother" the person from the very beginning, that is what you will be doing.

A certain moment of coercion should be present, if only because, without proper control, a person / child can simply refuse to perceive or assimilate the information directed at him. If a person is not forced to, he will not necessarily begin to listen to your warnings or recommendations. Making a person listen is quite another matter. Willy-nilly, yes, he will hear something, it is another matter whether he will put into practice theoretical knowledge, but this is a different question, but also related to education.

It is in the same way that one must constantly tell oneself what needs to be done, explain what cannot be done and be sure to indicate why and what will follow.

Many may doubt the effectiveness of self-education, but we hasten to assure you that this technique is really effective. The thing is that sometimes people really need a good “kick” to do something or to abstain from something else. Too often, people are not able to independently change something without exerted pressure from the outside. You can be yourself in the role of such a kick-push. It really helps. The main thing is to take this with all seriousness and not give yourself a descent. All this can be expressed in the following formula: I am a parent + I am a child \u003d I am an adult.

Do not be afraid of self-abuse. Point yourself, order yourself, force yourself, and so on. We do not promise pleasures, although it is not excluded, but a positive result will not keep you waiting, that's for sure.

If it’s hard for you to decide on specific techniques or techniques, try to remember how your parents raised you and do the same, you can’t remember - look at how other people raise their children and do the same. Learn and learn different methods and techniques of education and apply them to yourself.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that a person can well educate himself, moreover, he must engage in self-education and self-development. Since, only a person who can educate himself can properly educate others, in particular his children. Educate yourself and change your life for the better.