The most dangerous breeds of dogs. The most dangerous dogs - a list of aggressive breeds.

Humanity has brought a huge number of different breeds of dogs, and each of them has its own specific features. While there is a list of the most benevolent breeds, there are also the most dangerous dogs that aggressively relate to the whole surrounding world, including people. Aggression was cultivated in some breeds specifically, in accordance with the purposes for which it was derived - after all, a soft and flexible dog will not become a good hunter or guard. Consider the most aggressive breeds in order to know about the features of such dogs in advance!

Analyzing the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world, let's start with the honorable last place where the boxer is located. This is not very common today, but still an affordable breed, a puppy with a pedigree can be bought for tens of thousands of rubles, referring to the breeders who are in large cities. On the one hand, it is a very active and playful animal until the last days of life, which is dangerous primarily for other small creatures. A boxer may suddenly attack a stranger to him.

German dog

Further, on the 9th place is the Great Dane. These are large dogs up to 80 cm tall at the withers, they are very expensive, they are actively bred in kennels. The dogs look very noble and graceful, they move beautifully and outwardly do not look like aggressors at all. But due to the height and weight of the game with them, they often end up with injuries - the dog can easily knock down a person, drop a person, and even not understand what happened. Adult dogs of this breed are poorly trained, and therefore attention should be paid to training in puppyhood - this will help avoid further injury.

Chow chow

8 place belongs to chow-chow. It is a guard dog or companion that has Chinese origins and a long breeding history. It is worth noting such behaviors of this dog:

  • Intolerance to small animals.
  • Willingness to respond to game aggression.
  • Danger for small children due to the animal's incontinence.

The chow-chow in the family chooses his master himself and remains faithful only to him, tolerates other people insofar as. This should be considered if you decide to have such a dog. At the moment, they are bred actively, and you can buy it easily - both in the nursery and from individuals, at very different prices depending on a number of factors.


Considering further the dangerous breeds of dogs, it is worth moving to the Doberman - another dangerous animal, the object of aggression for which it is mainly man. This is a smart and strong dog, it is tied to its owner, easily trained. Too aggressive dog may be from birth. Normally, with proper training, it is possible to direct all activity and aggression in the right direction. Dogs are actively sold and in demand, you can buy a puppy without a pedigree for several thousand rubles, and an elite dog for several tens of thousands.


Also to the list of the most dangerous dog breeds is the Alaskan Malamute, who took sixth place. This is a strong dog for sledding, has a wolf origin, has an increased activity. At the moment, quite fashionable and expensive dog, a puppy will cost several tens of thousands of rubles, bought mainly in the nurseries of large cities. Excessive activity and the ability to aggression can lead to damage to property, as well as attacks on small creatures, problems with unfamiliar people.


And dangerous dogs are wolf-dogs, which are also now at the height of fashion and are bought for big money in kennels. Definitely worth thinking about before you start such a dog, and for the house, where there are small children, it is definitely not suitable. This service hybrid of a wolf and a dog can give unpredictable behavior, sudden outbursts of aggression, attacks on people, including owners. Volkosob takes 5 place ranking.

Huskies, with all their visible friendliness, occupy the 4th place. These are fashionable and very expensive dogs, which are bought in nurseries and from breeders, they are charming and loving. But then again, they can attack a person with all the aggression, especially if he invaded their territory, aggressively behaved towards the owner, or else brought them out of the usual state of love and balance.

German Shepherd

The third place in the ranking is occupied by the German shepherd. This is a common dog whose puppy can be bought for a couple of thousand rubles - or for several tens of thousands if taken from the pedigree. This is a very clever dog, it is easily trained, it is touchy and cunning. Can seriously take revenge on the offender of the owner, is easily trained to attack people, which allows you to use the dog as a guard.


In second place is the Rottweiler, which is also popular, and is located in about the same price category as the German Shepherd. This dog was used not only as a guard or shepherd, but also for fighting. A sly, strong and enduring dog can show aggression towards other four-legged people, towards people, even towards the owner.

Pit bull

But the most dangerous dog in the world is a pit bull, you don’t have to argue with that. The dog was originally bred for fighting, its aggression is not at all accidental, and it manifests itself not only to other dogs, but also to people, including the family and the owner. Buy it is not easy, and is it worth doing?

Instead of conclusion

This is the rating of the most dangerous dogs, but do not rely only on him. Improper upbringing can make an extreme aggressor, dangerous for everyone, even a simple pooch, and a loving owner and training make loyal even an evil pit bull terrier. It is worth remembering about the individuality of dogs and the conditions of their lives.

The broken psyche of the dog makes it dangerous to everyone around him. Even a purebred dog of sufficiently large size can become deadly if it is systematically beaten, starved, and embittered against people. If you take an adult dog into the house, remember this.

Dogs have lived side by side with humans for several thousand years, since they emerged from the first domesticated wolves. There is little doubt that these relationships have become extremely beneficial for both, the dog is often called the "best friend of man." But in recent years, the constant flow of stories in the media makes us think again about this relationship, the media constantly report an upward trend in horrific attacks. Based on one survey conducted in the UK (Hospital Episode Statistics), the number of dog attacks that lead to hospitalization has increased by more than 300% over the past 20 years.

Although the cause of a dog’s attack is almost always known, these cases show that some breeds of dogs are truly lethal to humans. This is a recognized fact since many of these breeds are banned in some countries around the world.

The breeds listed below are the ones that participated in numerous incidents. These are not just statistics that a particular breed was responsible for the majority of hospitalizations, this list is based on the potential and temperament of various dog breeds. Three indicators of the dog’s lethal attack are taken into account: the dog’s size, strength and aggression, and one more reason should not be overlooked - lack of training and poor dog handling ...

10. Cane Corso

A photo. Cane Corso

It is a large breed of Italian mastiff, a descendant of the dogs of Roman soldiers used in wars. She has a smooth muscular body weighing up to 50 kg (110 pounds). Cane-Corso has a large and rather frightening head shape with powerful jaws. One look can tell most people that this dog can do a lot of damage. Cane Corso usually has a good temperament, but she is a defender and suspicious of strangers. Therefore, training and early socialization are important in raising a dog.
  This dog is banned in several states of the United States and several European countries.

9. Wolfcat (wolf hybrid)

A photo. Wolfcat (wolf hybrid)

Apparently, the name of the dog speaks for itself, which may be sufficient to begin to sound the alarm! Often they are called wolfhounds, because they are half wolves and hardly distinguishable from a real wolf.

The behavior varies depending on the presence of the dog and wolf genes. Wolf traits make the animal less aggressive, but it retains strong instincts for prey, which is why it presents a real risk to those around small domestic animals, as well as potentially small children.

Crossing also affects how aggressive the hybrid will be. Crossing a dog with a defensive character, such as a German Shepherd, can give the shy nature of a wolf, making the dog more predictable and dangerous.

Weighing up to 55kg (120 pounds), with the strength and intelligence of a wolf, in the wrong setting, these dogs have the potential to be dangerous.

8. Neapolitan Mastiff

A photo. Neapolitan Mastiff

Only by its massive appearance this mastiff can frighten a person. He can carry up to 90kg (200 pounds), which is more than an adult. This Neapolitan Mastiff played a role in the movie “Fang”, the dog can also be seen as a half giant in the Harry Potter films. The large head of the mastiff is complemented by an equally large body, whose muscles are barely hidden by a thick layer of wrinkled skin.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is considered a direct descendant of the ancient Roman Moloss used in wars and in the bloody arena. In fact, this dog was bred to be a killer, which makes it a popular guard dog and protector. However, they are usually calm and faithful dogs, but proper training and socialization is essential. But, nevertheless, these dogs can easily kill a man.

7. Brazilian Fila

A photo. Brazilian Fila

Also known as the Brazilian Mastiff, this is another very big strong dog. Weighing up to 75kg (170lb), the Brazilian fila was bred as a hunting dog, trained to hold, but not kill its prey. In the days of slavery, Phil was allegedly used to return runaway slaves unharmed to their masters. More recently, she became a popular watchdog.

What distinguishes fila from other large dogs of the mastiff type is its temperament and potential for aggression. The dog is banned in the UK, Norway, Israel and Denmark, there is also information that it is also banned in several other countries. It is often said that a Brazilian file can be very aggressive towards strangers, if it is not properly trained. Given the nickname Vile, this behavior may be desirable for some owners, but which also makes it a particularly dangerous breed.

6. Dogo Argentino

A photo. Dogo Argentino

Although this dog is slightly smaller than the mastiffs, the Great Dane is still strong. This flexible and muscular dog was bred as a hunter's companion for hunting big game, it is able to knock down a boar and puma. Great Dane appeared as a fighting dog of Cordoba, which was crossed with Great Dane and other breeds. The resulting dog weighs 60kg (130 pounds), it is characterized by small muscles and is well recognizable for its short white coat.

It is said that aggressive features were mainly derived from Argentine dogs and that she can even be a good family dog. However, this dog has the potential to attack with lethal consequences, and as a result it is banned in many countries, including the UK and Australia. The fact that this breed of dog is considered to be fighting is in addition to its reputation as a dog to be feared.

5. Rottweiler

A photo. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a medium to large dog with a thick, powerful body. She is usually known as a butcher dog, but this was due to his work with livestock and the fact that she was used to bring the cart to the market, and not because of something more sinister. I remember several years ago, when she was certainly everywhere considered the most terrible dog. Along with some of the more exotic breeds, the big rottweilers seem to have lost some of their past. However, the fact remains that rottweilers are capable of killing and statistics show it. What is terrible, the number of attacks really say that it is one of the most dangerous breeds of dogs. In the US, it is in second place in terms of fatal attacks and serious injuries.

4. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A photo. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This huge dog goes under several names, but more often it is called Caucasian Shepherd Dog. He was raised to protect flocks of sheep in the former Soviet Union from thieves and something like that! A large dog can weigh about 90kg (200 pounds), it has huge paws and an equally frightening set of jaws. Her thick fur hides a powerful muscular frame. She is almost fearless and can show ferocious behavior towards a long-time favorite object for hunting, towards bears. This dog breed was also used to patrol the borders between East and West Germany during the Cold War.

Its size and strength are also complemented by strong will and loyalty, the dog is able to attack almost everything if it feels threatened by its owner. However, this dog acts as a wrestling dog in Russia and is banned in some countries and limited in others.

3. Tosa Inu

A photo. Tosa Inu

This huge Japanese dog was bred as a fighting dog. It comes in different sizes, but the biggest sports weigh 100kg (220 pounds), justifying the nickname "dog sumo". For many years, the breed interbred with mastiffs, mastiffs, bulldogs, serbernar and bull terriers. As a rule, in Japan it is smaller, but the larger one was bred in the West.

The danger from this dog comes primarily from its size, strength and fighting qualities. Usually this is a very calm breed, good training and an experienced owner is essential for tosa. The potential of this dog to harm is not limited and deaths have already occurred. For this reason, Tosa Inu is banned in many countries.

2. Great dane

A photo. Canary Great Dane

A canary dog ​​or a canarian dog is one of the worst dogs you can see. Its huge square head is almost as wide as it is long. Her body corresponds to all proportions, she has a large bone and a muscular canary dog ​​can weigh about 60kg (130 pounds). Bred as a fighting dog, it has a high degree of aggression, which makes it suitable only for experienced dog owners. If she does not demonstrate absolute authority, the Canary dog ​​can be an extremely dangerous dog. It is also reported that they become aggressive because they are gregarious dogs. This is undoubtedly confirmed by a number of fatal attacks in particular, the largest one being with a woman in San Francisco who was torn by a pair of these dogs belonging to her neighbor.

Canary is forbidden in many countries.

1. Pitbull

A photo. Pit bull

And the week does not pass without a terrifying attack of the pit bull, which can be heard somewhere in the news. Whether a pit bull is actually the most dangerous breed in the world, perhaps not. However, in the conditions of an overwhelming amount of statistical data, it is difficult to say that this dog most likely will not attack you. Studies have consistently reported that pit bulls are guilty of nearly half of all reported attacks, including many deaths.

It is worth noting that the pit bull is the common name of a dog, referring to dogs with special physical characteristics. Even experts can disperse in many ways, which is a pit bull, but overall the dog is very stocky with a muscular head and square powerful jaws. Despite the fact that this smallest dog on our list, weighing less than 40 kg (95 pounds), the pit bull is not inferior to other dogs in strength, dexterity and ferocity. These dogs were bred to fight and more recently began to look so frightening.

Of course, much of the dog’s reputation is the result of irresponsible owners. The worse the reputation, the worse the owner and therefore it continues. Perhaps there is another point in the defense of the pit bull, many animals that participated in the attacks were crossed with another breed, such as boxers.

After all, it is currently the most famous dog on the planet and is banned in very many countries. Because of this, we put it in the first place.

This video reports a slightly different classification for dangerous dog breeds, but nonetheless.

For centuries, people have trained dogs to attack, hunt, and, in some cases, even kill. While many of the dog owners prefer to keep and train small-sized and extremely loyal pets to other people, there are people who give birth to most dangerous dogs in the world.

We present you a list of the top 10 which includes the most dangerous dogs, selected on the basis of statistics of dog attacks on humans in the United States and Canada from September 1982 to December 31, 2014, according to Petolog and Dogsbite.

In Russia, there is no such data in open sources.

Statistics of dog attacks 1982-2015

A placeBreedAttacksOf damagesDeaths
1 3397 2110 295
2 535 296 85
3 113 73 15
4 111 63 18
5 83 27 26
6 Akita70 52 8
7 German boxer64 31 7
8 Chow chow61 40 8
9 Labrador (USA)56 45 3
10 German dog37 19 3
11 Mastiff English28 17 5
12 Doberman23 12 8
13 Cane Corso21 12 2
14 English Bulldog20 14 1
15 Australian Cattle Dog20 5 0
16 Alaskan malamute15 5 6
17 Healer australian13 5 1
18 St. Bernard12 7 1
19 Golden retriever11 7 3
20 Australian Shepherd11 5 0
21 Plotthound10 1 0
22 Belgian Shepherd Dog - Malinois7 4 0
23 Shar pei6 6 0
24 Dachshund6 6 1
25 Shih Tzu5 5 0
26 Jack Russell Terrier5 2 2
27 Brazilian Fila5 1 1
28 Dogo Argentino5 3 1
29 Pyrenean Mastiff4 2 1
30 Poodle4 1 0
31 Collie4 3 1
32 Bulldog Catahula4 1 1
33 Breton epanol4 1 0
34 Hound with a black mask4 4 0
35 Beagle4 3 1
36 Springer spaniel3 4 0
37 Shiba Inu3 1 1
38 Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier3 2 0
39 Dalmatian3 3 0
40 Cunhound3 1 1
41 Chesapeake Bay Retriever3 2 0
42 Bull Terrier (English)3 1 0
43 West Highland White Terrier2 1 1
44 Weimaraner2 1 1
45 Rhodesian rtjbek2 2 0
46 Rat Terrier2 1 0
47 Bobtail2 0 2
48 Dogue de Bordeaux2 1 0
49 Cocker Spaniel2 2 0
50 Briard2 0 1

The number of deaths of people in the reporting period - 3.

The number of injuries resulting from an attack is 45.

Our ranking of the most dangerous breeds of dogs, Labradors, which few people associate with the threat, opens. This is a companion, guide, best friend of children, but it’s very difficult to imagine a Labrador attacking a person. However, according to a study conducted by Animal Friends, Labradors often attacked postmen and postal couriers. Apparently, they considered a stranger entering the house a threat to the “pack”. In this case, male postmen Labradors bite more often than women. In the summer, when children and dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, attacks increased by 10%. There is only one way out for the postmen: to bribe the four-legged guards with refreshments and make friends with them.

Breed lovers will be pleased to know that with proper training, the retriever will become.

Deaths - 8.

There were 40 deaths.

The breed appeared in Mongolia thousands of years ago, and then was instituted in China. In the photo, these fluffy "dogs" with a blue tongue, because of which they received the nickname "dogs that licked the sky," look extremely attractive. Unfortunately, Chows are very aggressive towards strangers.

In addition, the chow-chow sometimes attack strangers and even the owners when they do not have enough exercise or just get bored.

Deaths - 7.

Damage - 31.

The German boxer can be described as very intelligent, loyal and harmless to his owner and family members, but these dogs are extremely distrustful and suspiciously disposed towards strangers.

Deaths - 8.

Damage - 52.

Hachiko, of course - the most loyal friend, but Akita-Inu may not be as friendly to strangers as the owner. These cute-looking Japanese dogs were originally bred for hunting. Also at one time they were used for dogfights. Akita Inu are very territorial animals and should not live with another Akita Inu of the same sex so that there are no fights. The dog can also attack a stranger who enters the protected area, and given the size (up to 70 cm at the withers) and the weight (up to 45 kg) of the animal, the attack can be fatal.

Deaths - 26.

There were 27 injuries.

It is believed that the husky is one of the oldest breeds of dogs that exists in the world. Like their fellow Malamutes, they are mainly used as sled dogs, and must be constantly active. These photogenic, intelligent and beautiful dogs are usually loyal and friendly to humans. But with poor training or lack of such, they show signs of aggressive behavior and can attack children and small animals. Thus, according to a study from 1982–2014, out of 83 attacks of a husky on a man, 51 attacks were made on children.

Deaths - 19.

Damage - 49.

In fifth place on our list was a breed that appeared as a result of crossing a dog and a wolf. Wolves are the ancestors of modern domestic dogs, and are known as one of the most dangerous predators in the wild. Even with proper crossing, taming and training, wolf hybrids retain most of the wolf instincts, which makes them very dangerous when kept as pets. Wolfhounds - the most evil dogs, if you let their socialization to chance. Due to their cunning and strength, they are dangerous not only for other people, but also for their own owners.

Deaths - 18.

Damage - 63.

These massive dogs with powerful limbs were first used in Spain to protect livestock and as home watchmen. They are very independent, stubborn and angry with strangers, which makes them not only an ideal security guard for family property, but also an obvious threat in the hands of a weak or mentally unbalanced person.

Deaths - 15.

Damage - 73.

German Shepherd Dogs are a fairly new breed of dog, whose history begins in the 19th century, when the German Shepherd Dog Club in Germany worked on creating the perfect breed to protect herds in rural communities. An adult German shepherd can weigh 40 kg and at the withers reach 62 cm, which is roughly comparable to the size of a Malamute.

High intelligence and aggressiveness makes German Shepherds one of the best guard and police dogs. And 15 cases of fatal attacks bring them to third place in the top 10 most dangerous dogs in the world.

Deaths - 85.

Damage - 296.

The Rottweiler is one of the most powerful dogs in the world, having a developed protective instinct. Adult males are about the same size as the German Shepherd, but they are much heavier, and some of them weigh about 50 kg. Bitches a little smaller - weigh up to 42 kg.

Most rottweilers tend to show dangerous behavior due to the irresponsible behavior of the host, lack of socialization and learning. The Rottweiler is known for its extremely powerful bite.

Deaths - 295.

Damage - 2110.

Remember, the pit bull terrier is the most dangerous dog with a strong jaw. If you are looking for a dog that will protect your property from thieves without sparing the stomach, then it is better not to find an American pit bull terrier. He is powerful, resilient, brave and aggressive. But without proper training, the pit bull is the most evil dog in the world. These dogs need extensive and regular training to curb their aggression. Pit bull terriers can attack children, even if they are not provoked. This is absolutely not the kind of dog that an inexperienced dogman should start.

The fact that a dog of any breed attacked a person does not mean that it is necessary to condemn the breed as a whole. Each dog has a unique character and is shaped by the environment in which it grows. Even a small, but ill-bred chihuahua becomes a real monster and can attack other people and animals, thinking that it protects its territory or its owner. Therefore, objectively the most evil breed of dog or the kindest breed of dog does not exist. There are only breeds that require increased attention and need experienced and knowledgeable owners how to properly train their dog.

In contact with

What are the most dangerous breeds in the world?  It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, since a small character may turn out to be more cocky than a healthy Doberman. And often guilty of bad character and attacks on people and animals are not the dog's genes, but its owners. As a rule, the owners are ready to spend money on high-quality food, visits to a veterinarian, treatment, but sometimes they completely “forget” that any dog ​​that has reached 6-8 months should definitely. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon on the streets of our cities, when a fragile teenager is barely holding back, leading a Rottweiler on a leash without a muzzle. Also, the owners are amused when they are chasing the unhappy cat down the street, shouting: “Get it!”. Probably, while in a society there will be such owners, cases dog attacks on people  (or animals) will not run out.

Why can a dog's character become aggressive?

The main reasons that serve as a trigger for a dog to become a potential killer include:
  • Unscrupulous breeding - As a rule, in most breeds, aggression is a defect prescribed in the Standard. Such dogs, if they are born with an evil temper, are not allowed to breed. They are either put to sleep, or necessarily sterilized, and then raised properly. But after all, not every breeder will agree to voluntarily give up profits, so a puppy with a complex character is often put up for sale without a twinge of conscience. If you do not start his time learning the rules of life in society, then over time you can get a dog dangerous not only for strangers, but also for family members;
  • Inappropriate content in puppy age  - any puppy needs to be brought up rather strictly, but without beatings and shouting. In fact, the owners of a small dog go from one extreme to another. They either allow permissiveness (sleeping on the master's bed, biting during games, excessive caress, etc.), or vice versa, they can kick the baby, undeservedly punish, not communicate and not play with it, or allow the kids to mock the puppy. Naturally, this greatly impairs the character of the dog. Another harbinger of misfortune is when a puppy is sitting in an apartment without contact, without communicating with other dogs, not seeing other people, cars. A dog raised in captivity, which the owner did not instil in the foundations of socialization, will behave inadequately, being at liberty or seeing a stranger;
  • Lack of training  - often the dog owners do not understand the main goal of the dog training. Many people think that the dog is smart enough by nature, so you do not need to train it. In fact, with any dog ​​you must pass the general course of training (OKD). And if it is acquired to protect the owner and his property, then it is also a good idea to go through the Protective Dog Training Course (ZKS). A trained animal will obey the will of the owner, his psyche will not allow a failure in the form of an unreasonable attack on people. It is especially important to properly raise a large dog, whose blood has historically laid down aggression towards a person or other animals. That's right, when the host word is law. It is wrong when a dog is subject to its own instincts and desires;
  • Mismatch of dog and owner characters - Many “serious” by nature are accustomed to dominate. From an early age they will understand how the owner treats them, how they react to their antics. If the character of the owner is too soft, a real tyrant can grow out of a puppy, who will dictate his conditions to his family. Naturally, in case of danger, such a dog will not listen to the owner, and if he wants to make an attack, no one will stop her.

The most dangerous breeds of dogs

So, an improperly bred dog of any breed can become potentially dangerous. But still, there are certain representatives of the dog world, the most threatening to humans. These breeds include:

It is worth recalling that any dog ​​can grow vicious and dangerous. And often the owners themselves are to blame for this, who do not give themselves an account of the fact that training is the indispensable conditions for keeping an animal in society. As long as there are irresponsible owners, there will be news about dogs that have torn a child or an adult. By the way, often any representative of the above breeds can be found on the street not only without a muzzle, but also without a leash. And next to the owner, who blithely says: "Do not be afraid, the dog is kind!".

At first glance it may seem that a dangerous and aggressive breed of dogs is one and the same. However, practice shows that a large non-aggressive dog can cause serious, even fatal, harm to a person due to improper handling. Therefore, this article is divided into 2 parts. The first will discuss the most aggressive breeds of dogs, the second - the most dangerous.

The most aggressive dog breeds

In 2006, a draft federal law “On the breeding and maintenance of dogs of aggressive breeds in the Russian Federation” appeared in Russia. It presented a list of dogs of aggressive breeds, which it was proposed to prohibit ordinary citizens from having. The right to breed and maintain dogs of aggressive breeds in the Russian Federation were to receive state militarized organizations; legal entities with special statutory tasks; organizations leading hunting; organizations engaged in reindeer herding and horse breeding, and distant cattle breeding; divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, conducting field work related to the protection of nature and natural resources in the regions of the Far North and equated localities, in remote and mountainous areas; specialized enterprises leading hunting hunting; cynological nurseries.
After the promulgation of the law, he caused a stormy public reaction, and the law was never passed. However, an extensive list of dogs of aggressive breeds presented in the document is of interest. Here is the list:

aidi (Atlas Shepherd Dog), Ainu (Ainu Dog, Hokkaido), Akbash, Akita Zap, Inish American Akita (Great Japanese Dog), Bergamsko (Bergamo Sheepdog), German Boxer, Briard (French Longhair Sheepdog), Broholmer, Danish, Bouvier Aryand (French Longhair Sheepdog), Danish Brovmer, Bouvier Arena Bouvier flanarian, bulldog alapakhsky thoroughbred (otto), american bulldog, bulldog malorian (ka de bou, feather de presso malborkin), bullmastiff, english bull terrier, english staffordshire bull terrier, south african boerboel, welshterrier, bulldog ame Icanese-Canadian white, Belgian Shepherd Caucasian), German Shepherd Dog, South Russian (Tavrian) Sheepdog, Picardian Sheepdog (Picard), Polish Tatra Shepherd Dog, Polish Tatra Sheepdog, Central Asian Sheepdog (Alabai, Central Asian Wolfhound), East European Sheepdog Skye, Irish wolfhound, Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane Argentinean (Argentinean Mastiff), Great Dane Bordeaux (French Mastiff, Great Dane de Bordeaux), Great Dane, Dalmatian, Drathaar, Airedale Terrier, Kangal, Corso Cano, Cao de Castro Laboreyro, Cao de Seura de Astrela (Portuguese shepherd's dog), Anatolian Karabash, Commander (Hungarian shepherd), Kyvas Hungarian, Labrador Retriever, Landseer (Newfoundland black and white), husky, Leonberger, Alaskan Malamute, Marema (Shepherd dog, Maremo-Abruzius, Alumerian, Mammouth, Alumerian, Maremma Belgian Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, Mastiff feast Yemeni, Tibetan Mastiff, Mastino (Neapolitan Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastino), Schnauzer, Moscow Watchdog, Newfoundland, Feathers de Presa Canario (Canarian dog), American Pit Bull Terrier, Purujar, Rafairu dualintege (Portuguese Watchdog man, poster, Retriever, Retriever, Christine (big schnauzer), rottweiler, St. Bernard, Italian wolf dog, Saarloska wolf dog (Wolfhound), Czech wolf dog, mountain Pyrenean dog (large Pyrenean), Russian black terrier, Toza Inu (Japanese dog fighter fighting), Brazilian fillet (Brazilian mastiff), Fox Terrier, Siberian Husky, Hovawart, Slovak Chuvach, Jagdterrier, Mixed Breeds (crossbreed) of all designated breeds.

Inclusion in the list of some non-aggressive breeds of dogs by their nature may seem strange, but not everything is so simple. It should not be forgotten that even the most innocuous-looking dog is a descendant of a wolf, which cannot be called non-aggressive due to its predatory nature. The ancient instincts can doze with the correct lifestyle of the dog, but if, for example, a sled dog, designed for constant activity, is almost always kept in the apartment, it can spill over into serious outbursts of aggression. There are particular dangers that are difficult for even an adult to cope with, let alone a child.

The most dangerous breeds of dogs. Top 10

Fast forward from Russia to another part of the world - to the USA. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) conducted a study to find out the most dangerous breeds of dogs for humans. The basis was taken the number of deaths as a result of attacks of dogs of different breeds  over a 20-year period from 1979 to 1998. After processing the statistics in the journal published by AVMA, the top 10 most dangerous dog breeds were published. Getting some breeds to the list looks at first glance surprising, but quite logical, if we take into account the considerations expressed in our article above.

10th place. St. Bernard  - a giant-sized breed of dog, derived from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. One of . The St. Bernard named Reittes Brandy Bear transported 2,905 kg in a carriage during the competition. It is the strength and size of the St. Bernard that makes this breed with one of the most dangerous inept handling.

9th place. German dog  - the tallest breed of dog in the world, bred for hunting. The champion of this breed is the giant German Great Dane from Michigan nicknamed Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on his hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. Giant weight is 70.3 kg. Another Great Dane became the strongest dog in history, moving a load of 3428.5 kg. All that has been said about the strength and size of the St. Bernards also applies to the Great Dane, and the fact that the dog is a hunting dog only adds to its hidden danger.

8th place. Chow chow - one of the most ancient breeds of dogs in the world. According to the research, it belongs to the first primitive canine breeds that evolved from wolves. It is genetic affinity for wolves that explains why this cute-looking dog can be very dangerous. With a lack of exercise (which chow chow are vital, as this breed is bred for protection, hunting, deer breeding and as sled dogs) and simply from boredom chow chow can attack a person. Therefore, those who have children should think about, before buying a dog of this breed, by the way, one of.

7th place. Doberman. The presence of this service breed of dogs, often used by the police, should not be surprising. She got into the list of aggressive breeds of dogs given above. Moderate evilness is an indispensable quality of Dobermans.

6th place. Alaskan malamute  - bred in Alaska by crossing large breeds of wild wolves and sled dogs, designed to work in a harness, one of the oldest dog breeds. Genetic proximity to wolves, great physical strength, the need for constant physical activity make this breed unsafe for people with improper handling and lifestyle.

On the photo is the Alaskan Malamut named Reider, who is the champion of the burden of cargo. His personal best is 2072.5 kg.

5th place. Hybrid wolf and dog, called in the US wolfdog, and in Russia -   wolftail. The danger of this unrecognized at the international level of the breed for a man is due primarily to their wolf-minded and strong hunting instinct. At the same time, wolfish are nevertheless closer to dogs than to wild wolves. They are controlled by man, and their virtues are much more developed sense, intelligence and endurance, than in ordinary dogs.

4th place. Siberian Husky . Having researched the DNA of Siberian Huskies, scientists ranked them among the 14 oldest breeds of dogs, whose genotype is the least different from the wild wolf. The breed was bred in ancient times by the Chukchi. This semi-nomadic people needed a dog capable of moving quickly over long distances in order to transport cargo from commercial hunting places to permanent settlements and back. Siberian Huskies with the right content, which implies constant physical activity, are very friendly to people, because initially they were kept directly in the dwellings. But if you lock the husky in 4 walls, then its need for activity will spill over into aggression.

3rd place. German Shepherd . This guard dog breed, often used by police and border guards, should also not be surprising to be included in this list.

2nd place. Rottweiler  - Service breed of dogs prone to outbreaks of aggression. Like the German Shepherd, it is used by the police and guarding the border. In this case, the Rottweiler is heavier and more dangerous than the German Shepherd. According to statistics, in the US from the attacks of the Rottweiler killed 2 people every year.

1 place. American Pit Bull Terrier. This fighting breed is a symbol of canine aggression. The attacks of the pit bull terriers in 20 years killed 66 people in the United States. After the ban of dog fights in America, the breeding of pit bulls, too, was once banned. Their aggressiveness is successfully used by the police, both American and Russian.