Under what diseases is the green onions are contraindicated. Therapeutic properties of green onions

The product that since ancient is an integral component on the table is the green onion. The benefits and harm to health are the subject of disputes among scientists. So what is his secret? Are the hopes that are assigned to this truly universal vegetable?

The benefits of a green bow for the body

Eating onion brings a tangible benefit of the human body. Question "Green Bow - Benefits and Harm?" It loses its relevance, since there are practically no contraindications for the consumption of this product. In small quantities, it can be eaten by everyone, without exception. He not only strengthens the body itself, but also has antimicrobial effects, especially useful during the exacerbation of colds. It is shown at any age, has no analogues in the number and set of useful components. It is not an allergen and allowed to use small children with a strict hypoallergenic diet.

Green Luca properties

If the green onions, the benefits and harm of it are considered, in particular, it can be said that the benefits exceed all sorts of harmful factors. He is contraindicated only to people who cannot eat it because of their own tastes, and people whose digestive bodies are amazed by inflammatory processes. In all other cases, it is an indispensable food product.


In its composition, the following beneficial components have:

  • Vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, folic acid, magnesium microelements, manganese, copper, which is a full-fledged vitamin complex. This comes up with the daily need of the necessary vitamins during the avitamin substrates and offseason. Enhances immunity, has an invigorating effect, the forces fills.
  • The green onion increases appetite, is shown in diet to people with disorders of digestion and learning.
  • Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, gives the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, improves their biological properties.
  • It has antimicrobial action.
  • The presence of the zinc trace element improves the properties of nails, hair.
  • Calcium, which is part of the green bow, strengthens the dental enamel.
  • The low calorie content of the green bow allows it to use it with various diets as a separate product and as one of the components of the dishes.
  • The fiber in the composition of the green bow contributes to weight loss, the normalization of the digestive process in the intestine.

Luke structure

The onion is the most familiar product for us has several components, each of which has its own unique properties.

  • The leek head - has a scaly structure, is a concentrate of its useful properties, it is used as a food product and as a component of cosmetology masks.
  • Green stalk - at a distance of 10 cm from a white bow head is considered the most useful part of the vegetable, it is used as a food product. It has a less pronounced bitter taste.
  • The top of the green stem of Luke is not valuable in terms of vitamins and microelements, therefore it is particularly often used in cosmetology.

Green onions during pregnancy

The green onions during pregnancy, the benefits and the harm of which are discussed in this article, indispensable, among other things, due to the properties inherent in him as a representative of fresh greenery.

  • Folic acid - vitamin vested for the normal development of the fetus is part of the green bow. His drawback leads to congenital malformations of the fetus. Also, folic acid is included in the mandatory diet of the family couple, the members of which are just being prepared to become parents and pass the overall rate of strengthening the body. It is necessary in the first trimester of pregnancy and is just useful in any period.
  • Fitoncides are funds to combat colds. During pregnancy, any cold can lead to incorrigible consequences. Therefore, the green onions is a great way to prevent.
  • Chlorophyll liquid - stimulates the immune system, participates in the synthesis of amino acids required for blood formation. Due to the magnesium atom in the chlorophyll molecule, it is able to carry oxygen and participate in the gas exchange process.
  • The green onion is a stimulator of an increase in appetite, contributes to the normal digestion and the right assimilation of food.

An indispensable product is green onions during pregnancy. The benefits and harm it is clearly unequal. The product allows you to avoid the reception and unwanted effects of drugs that increase the level of hemoglobin and containing folic acid.

Green onions are harmful to pregnant women with individual intolerance or for women suffering from gastritis and other inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

Here is such an assistant to future mothers - green onions. The benefits and harm it, opposed to each other, will not be equal forces. Useful factors of its influence, definitely, more.

Green Bow for Cosmetic Objectives

The green onions is used in cosmetology as a means that prevents hair loss, as well as, thanks to the vitamins E, and, zinc in its composition, strengthens the hair, gives shine and power.

Mask from Luca

On clean wet hair, apply Cashitz from crumpled tops of green onions, insulation with an impenetrable rubber hat and a towel, rush in a warm water. For a better effect, supplement the mask from the green onion can be whipped chicken egg, which can also be mixed with chopped white bow.

Cashitz from chopped green leaf leaves can be applied to the nail plates two or three times a week to strengthen them.

Green bow: Benefit and harm to liver

The liver is a very important organ of a person who performs so serious functions that it is necessary to make every effort to work "like a clock."

Green onions (benefits and health harm are considered in this article) is of particular importance when eating for people who suffer from liver diseases. The green bow has an irritant property, therefore, contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis). It is recommended to reduce the level of the center consumed to a minimum (in order to avoid negative consequences) or refuse to use it. However, it has a choleretic effect and is applied with bile stuck, with bile traffic jams. It is an important component in normalizing the bile process.

As mentioned above, there are still disputes about what he is green onions. The benefits and harm to the body are visible from its properties. And if we migrate everything and consider from all sides, then the onion is like a useful product, however, in moderate quantities.

As an independent dish, it is almost not used, but is an indispensable ingredients of many "spring" salads.

The gastronomic properties of the onions were opened in ancient Mesopotamia. Nomads often met on their way straight green shoots with fruits in the form of white bulbs.

One day, someone from shepherd decided to try their tooth and was surprised by a pleasant spicy taste of green arrows. Later, the green onions took to Egypt and ancient Ellad, where they planted whole plantations.

In cooking, green onions performs a decorative function, thanks to a saturated color and external similarity with feathers, it is used to decorate various dishes.

Chemical composition

Onions would not have gained such love of mankind if it were not for his health benefit.

Its trace element includes a long list of useful compounds:

  • essential oils with phytoncides;
  • glucose;
  • organic acids;
  • kempferol.

In the runways there is a high concentration of glucinine - vegetable hormone, capable of lowering blood sugar levels.

The plant is rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), without which the normal course of redox processes is impossible.

Vitamin C in the human body:

  • stimulates the mechanisms of blood formation,
  • stabilizes the permeability of small blood vessels,
  • helps the immune system to suppress inflammatory processes.

A sufficient admission to the organism of ascorbic acid allows to strengthen the immunity.

And what do you know about the beneficial properties and contraindications of mustard oil? Read the folk recipes and recommendations for its use in the article after the link on the link.

About the efficiency of olive oil from stretch marks during pregnancy is written on this page.

From other vitamins in high concentrations in the green bows are present:

  • B1 (thiamine).
    An indispensable participant in protein, lipid and water-salt metabolism.
    We are necessary to stabilize cardiovascular and digestive functions, normalizes the work of the central nervous system.
    Taking vitamin B1 improves intestinal peristalsis, stimulates appetite (what herbs are reduced by it written in this article).
  • B2 (Riboflavin).
    The disadvantage of this vitamin affects the work of all organism systems.
    It is important for the synthesis of a number of hormones and erythrocytes, is a catalyst for metabolic processes that convert carbohydrates and lipids into energy.
    It is especially necessary riboflavin to people whose activities are related to physical exertion.
  • B6 (pyridoxine).
    Increases the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids, participates in metabolic processes.
    Like calcium, Pyridoxin strengthens the cardiovascular system.
    This vitamin for pregnant women (beneficial properties and contraindications of prunes) is particularly important. It is able to reduce the negative reactions of the organism on the overabundance of estrogen in the first trimester (the same toxicosis).
  • PP (Nicotinic Acid).
    We are necessary for the normalization of amino acid metabolism, more than 50 types of reactions of transformation of fats and carbohydrates into energy are involved.
    Nicotinic acid stimulates the production of gastric juice, stabilizes the intestinal peristaltics, inhibits inflammatory processes in the body.
    In the therapeutic doses, vitamin is able to improve the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
  • E (tocopherol).
    A vital antioxidant, neutralizing the action of most toxins (what to take with alcohol poisoning here). Improving cellular nutrition, vitamin slows the aging of the body.
    He also strengthens the walls of the vessels and improves blood circulation (about cleaning vessels by folk remedies is written on this page).

Properties of Luke

List all the useful properties of the green onion can be very long for the body, because this plant is a piggy bank of the most important micro-elements for metabolic processes.

Let us dwell on the main qualities, proven, both research and folk experience:

  • Strengthening the body during seasonal infections.
    The phytoncides contained in shoots and bulbs destroy the majority of microbes that are torn at the beginning of the cold:
    • streptococci
    • pneumococci
    • dysenteric and tuberculous sticks.
  • Blood cleansing and thinning.
    The bow is an effective and affordable tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
    A mixture of onion juice with honey in the same proportion is taken 3 times a day for 30 days.
  • Getting rid of freckles And acne traces.
    In the green shoots of the onions in high concentration there is a carotene who contributes to cleansing skin.
    The juice of onion feathers are cleaned by the pedestal (traces remaining from acne), and rubbing the face of the cut-off onion helps to clarify the freckles.
  • Increase potency.
    It has been proven that the pebbles of the green onion stimulate spermatogenesis (the formation of men's genital cells), it is also considered a natural aphrodisiac.
    The exciting properties of this plant (the benefits and harm and harm of walnuts for men) noticed the ancient Greeks.
    Philosopher Plini wrote that it pushes in the arms of Venus even the most sluggish husbands.
  • Getting rid of migraine.
    Fitoncides contained in essential oils (benefit and damage anise) plants are able to penetrate the body and through the respiratory tract.
    They are able to help with headaches, for this you need to deeply breathe deeply the smell of freshly sliced \u200b\u200bbulbs.
  • Healing Ran..
    Onion juice compresses are used to treat poorly healing wounds, injections, inflammation.
    Also onion - natural painkillers with aspen bite. If in the branched place to immediately laure out freshly squeezed juice, the pain will not even have time to express themselves.
  • Slimming.
    There is a special leek diet, providing for the daily use of onion soup.
    Strictly speaking, it is not quite onion, because It has different vegetables: cabbage, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, celery (about the benefits of juice for men are written here), but the base component is exactly onions.
    Thanks to its property, split fats for the week following the diet, you can get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight (about the benefits of slimming for weight loss in this article).
  • The organism is saturated with vitamins during avitaminosis.

Green Luke harm

It would seem, with such a number of useful properties, the plant cannot harm anyone. But still, he has side effects.

First of all, it is an increase in gastric acidity.

Due to the active production of gastric juice, the symptoms of certain aids can be aggravated by the symptoms of certain aids:

  • stomach and 12 pans;
  • gastritis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Therefore, people suffering from these diseases should be used green onions with caution.

The specific smell of green onions, unpleasant for most people, harmful to be called, but still it is associated with a certain discomfort.

Each time "chew" the bow of the bums is harmful, it also lifts acidity. Instead of chewing gum neutralize the onion smell of mouth will help toast (better even burnt) bread crust or fresh parsley.

Look in the video on the useful and harmful properties of a green bow for human health.

Green onions is the immature leaves of the onion bow, which contains much more vitamins and nutrients than in the bulb itself. It is believed that for the first time to use green onions in Afghanistan and Iran, the inhabitants of these countries appreciated the benefit of green onions and even considered his medicine from many diseases.

Chemical composition of green onions

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie: 20 kcal
  • Proteins: 1.3 gr
  • Fat: 0.1 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 3.2 gr

Show entire list »

  • Food fibers: 1.2 gr
  • Organic acids: 0.2 gr
  • WATER: 93 GR
  • Mono- and Disaccharides: 3.1 grams
  • Starch: 0.1 gr
  • Ash: 1 gr


  • Calcium: 100 mg
  • Magnesium: 18 mg
  • Sodium: 10 mg
  • Potassium: 259 mg
  • Phosphorus: 26 mg
  • Chlorine: 58 mg
  • Sere: 24 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 0.3 mg
  • Bat carotene: 2 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 333 μg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantoten): 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folic): 14 μg
  • Vitamin C: 30 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 1 mg
  • Vitamin H (Biotin): 0.9 μg
  • Vitamin K (Phillokinon): 166.9 μg
  • Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent): 0.5 mg
  • Holine: 4.6 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 1 mg
  • Zinc: 0.45 mg
  • Copper: 92 μg
  • Manganese: 0,129 mg
  • Selenium: 0.5 μg
  • Chrome: 4 μg
  • Molybdenum: 20 μg
  • Cobalt: 7 μg
  • Aluminum: 455 μg

The caloric content of the green onion is minimal - only 20 kcal per 100 g of the product, which makes it possible to use it during the observance of a diet aimed at a weight loss. In addition, there are also the most important micro / macroelectrics for the human organism - for example, zinc, iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese and selenium, phosphorus. The presented product has flavonoids, finthocides, chlorophyll and essential oils.

Green Luke Use

Due to the high content in the green onions of vitamin C (and it is more here than even in oranges and apples!), This product is considered a preventive tool of all colds, increases appetite and improves the operation of the digestive system. The same vitamin turns green onions into an excellent anti-cutting agent, which is important for residents of the northern regions.

Chlorophyll, which is contained precisely in the young leaves of the bow and is completely absent in the river, contributes to improved blood circulation, helps to cope even with deep iron deficiency anemia. And calcium and phosphorus strengthen their teeth, counteracts the development of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - periodontitis, stomatitis.

A distinctive feature of green onions - the zinc contained in it has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system and women, and men. The ladies should regularly use the presented product to improve the hormonal balance, the normalization of the menstrual cycle, and the beauty of the female young feathers of the Republic of the Republic helps to save - they strengthen their nails and hair. The use of green onions for men is to increase the amount of testosterone produced (male sex hormone), improving the mobility of spermatozoa.

Green Luke harm

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of the presented product and its unconditional benefit for the human body, there are some restrictions in its use. Do not take too much green onions when:

  • Gastritis;
  • ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum;
  • cardiovascular diseases - for example, angina, ischemic heart disease;
  • steadily increased arterial pressure;
  • diagnosed bronchial asthma;
  • during the exacerbation of chronic obstructive bronchitis.

But it does not mean at all that people with the above health problems should exclude the green bow from the diet - just limit its number in the menu.

Recommendations for the use and storage of green onions

It is necessary to know that the largest number of vitamins and beneficial substances is not contained in the green part of the repetitive onions, but in white - it is located immediately "at the exit" from repka. To strengthen the manifestation of the useful properties of green onions and improve its taste, you need to finely chop feathers and sprinkle them with vegetable oil, add a little salt. But after heat treatment in a green bow, there are practically no vitamins, and most micro / macroelements will destroy.

When choosing a green onion, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the bulb should be white, strong and without brown spots;
  • fees in food should be used dark green, without signs of drying;
  • on feathers there should be no white plaque or mucus.

Green onions are stored for no long - for example, cut feathers can be stored in the refrigerator, in a closed container not more than 5 days, if the feathers are bought with a bulb, then you can wrap the bottom of the onion with a damp and only to store in the refrigerator.

Curious fact: If you fold onion recks with feathers in a glass jar up roots, close the caproic lid and put in the refrigerator, the storage time increases to 3 weeks.

The use of green onions is preserved and when it is freezing, and when singing. In the first case, you need to rinse the feathers thoroughly, dry and cut into small fragments. After such treatment, you can freeze it, and then fold into special storage packages. For salting, you just need to fold the chopped green onions into the cans and spend the salt in arbitrary quantities.

The use of green onions is proven not only by many years of use by people, but also scientific research. And it doesn't matter, whether the onions of the onions-row, Luca-Batuna or the onions are used in food - all of them have unique useful properties.

According to some studies onions cultivate and is used in food for more than 5000 years. The healing properties of the vegetable are mainly due to the presence of volatile substances - phytoncides. The onions are well preserved, and the feathers of the green in the conditions of our climate can be successfully grown on the windowsill and saturate the body with biologically active substances. The benefits and dangers of a green bow for human health are our article.

Chemical composition of green and splashes

With a detailed analysis of the chemical composition of the green and bunk you can highlight some features:

  • feathers contain two times less calories compared with the replies;
  • in greenery bundles 3 times more vitamin C;
  • there is no carotene in the replock, whereas in the green product it is present in the shock dose;
  • in both types, such an element is contained in large quantities as cobalt (in the replock 50%, green 70% of the daily rate);
  • despite the large variety of micro and macroelements, the content of them in the same product is small (the exception is molybdenum, the pen contains 29% of the daily norm).

As a result of the analysis, it can be concluded that, with a significantly lower caloric content, green and a richer mineral vitamin composition.

Green feathers - a great supplier of vitamin C, especially in the winter, unlike the replies.

After all, it is unlikely that someone will be perfected to replenish the body with this valuable nutrition element to eat about a kilogram of bulbs per day.

The chemical composition of the green and bunk differs

As in a vegetable, the content of cobalt, Consider the influence of this substance on the human body:

  • helps the immune system to fight alien bacteria;
  • participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, thereby reducing the risk of anemia;
  • regulates optimal cholesterol content;
  • helps maintain hardness, bone strength, contributes to its recovery.

What is more useful and healthier - green or onions:

Useful properties of vegetable for the body

In addition to the prevention of colds or flu eating green feathers in food has a beneficial effect on the digestion system. One appearance is only able to provoke abundant salivation and strengthen appetite.

At the same time, use together with the main dish of green leaf feathers helps the body cause the feeling of satiety and not to move.

The product is widely used in various diets. Due to the high content of fiber and low calorie content. Even sugar diabetes is not a contraindication to use.

The nutritionists noted another beneficial property of green feathers: improving the taste of dishes. Such a seasoning is an excellent alternative salt.

Many men who love to hurt the bunch of acute greenery for lunch or dinner, do not even suspect which enormous benefits they bring the body.

Consumption of this seasoning stimulates Increased Testosterone Hormone, affects the qualitative composition of sperm, increases the amount of spermatozoa, improves their mobility and the ability to conceive.

Systematic use of green feathers reduces the risk of prostatitis And facilitates his symptoms for the disease. The product is practiced as a prophylactic agent against impotence.

The product is widely used in various diets due to high fiber and low calorie content.

In addition to the fight against colds and infectious diseases, the use of the repfate helps to reduce blood sugarIt helps to cope with intoxication, get rid of heavy metals.

The latest studies conducted by scientists prove the effectiveness of the replied onion with diseases associated with the damage to the vessels.

Therefore, the elderly people in the absence of contraindications are preferably the daily use of the product in small quantities.

Human health benefits

For pregnant woman nursing women

During pregnancy, the moderate use of the bow is useful not only for the future mother, but also the fetus.

A woman who will eat a vegetable in this responsible time lapse, protects yourself from viruses and bacteria And create prerequisites for the emergence of a powerful immunity from a child.

During pregnancy, the moderate use of the bow will protect against viruses and bacteria

For men and women

What kind of man in the right mind will refuse the fragrant kebab on the skewer along with this baked, crunchy vegetable? The onions are useful both in cheese and prepared form.

He, like a green, able to strengthen the production of testosterone in the men's body. In addition to increasing the sexual function, the spicy plant has a tonic effect.

Thanks to the ability to influence the metabolism, the onions helps representatives of the strong half of humanity to maintain body weight at the optimal level.

The ability of a vegetable to strengthen hair rootsTherefore, the product can be used as a prophylactic agent in combating baldness.

Green and onions are useful for both men and women

The use of the onion bows is positively affected by the state of the health of the female organism.

Everyone knows such a disease as osteoporosis, and, although men are also susceptible to this female, they still have a lot more often.

Therefore, in preventive purposes, the use of this vegetable will be quite by the way, the risk of bone fractures will be minimized.

Another important feature of the vegetable for women - positive effect on health and appearance. Adding to the dishes of the onion bow not only helps to keep the youth of the skin of the whole body.

Owlock-based masks With olive oil are recognized as cosmetologists as means for dealing with wrinkles.

Luke Leather Mask:

Harm and contraindications

Although the bow does not apply to allergenic products, in some people, he can cause individual intolerance. Children recommend giving a beneficial vegetable in raw form not earlier than bilateral age.

Carefully To the product you need to treat people:

  • having high acidity of the stomach;
  • suffering from diseases of the liver and kidney;
  • with the diseases of the stomach and bronchial asthma.

Not desired Use vegetable with nursing mothers, as the smell of onions can penetrate the milk.

Onions can cause allergies, contraindicated in asthma and stomach diseases

Application in folk medicine

This ancient drug is used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases, ranging from the usual prevention of colds or influenza, and ending with the treatment of trichomonods in women and cancer ailments.

Onions from time immemorial known as a means against helminths.

Recipe: The finely chopped medium-sized bulb pour two glasses of boiled water and insist about semi-sufficient.

Strain and consume 150 ml within 5 days before meals. Effective agent tested by centuries against Askarid and Ostrice.

As a remedy for hair loss. Recipe: First you need to cook the blade from the roots of the burdock.

Cool and add to the decoction onion juice, based on the proportion of 6 to 4. In a ready solution, it is advisable to add one part of brandy (or how much it is not a pity).

Long hair mask:

Green and onions not only delicious and useful food And seasoning to dishes, but also an affordable and efficient drug.

Onions - a frequent guest on our tables. In the spring, we consume green young shoots, and during the rest of the year we use the repressed heads. This product is part of numerous dishes, giving them a spicy sharpness. But cooking is not the only area of \u200b\u200bits use. This vegetable is considered healing, as it has a mass of therapeutic properties. So what is the green bow? How can he help our body?

Unique composition for our health

The properties of Luke are in its unique composition, which includes vitamins A, C and PR, trace elements, essential oils and phytoncides. The benefits of these substances are invaluable for the body of both men and women.

Phytoncides, being biologically active substances, help prevent penetration and suppress the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, antiviral and antibacterial properties are manifested - the product is able to destroy streptococci, as well as pathogens of dysentery, tuberculosis and diphtheria.

What is the green bow? Fresh feathers are rich in chlorophyll, which takes an active part in the blood formation process. They will improve the work of our digestive tract and help food is better absorbed. Fresh green parts of this product show powerful immunostimulating properties, igniting the lack of vitamins in winter and fully satisfy the need of the body in Vitamin C.

The benefits of the fate of the Republic of Luke manifests itself in the following situations:

  • avitaminosis;
  • prostration;
  • cold;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic overwork;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • dizziness.

The onion is able to exhibit therapeutic properties due to the presence of essential oils that will help reduce the intensity of the symptoms arising during influenza and colds. To facilitate the general condition and speed up the process of recovery, quite three times a day to sniff its cut underground part - so the benefits of this product will appear for the respiratory organs.

The onions are a source of iron, and this element will be rich in both fresh vegetable, and the one that has passed any heat treatment. Potassium is another important substance that is part of this product. Its benefit is reflected at the work of our heart and vascular system. The onion contains zinc, and its largest amount will be present in the underground part. Thanks to this element, the function of the reproductive system is normalized both in women and men. Phosphorus and calcium helps in the "construction" of bone tissue and teeth. Carotine allows Luka to show anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to this, it takes care of the mucosa of the bronchi, prevents cluster of sputum and contributes to its conclusion.

The properties of the onions are distributed to the stimulation of metabolic processes and blood purification. Thanks to the product, the operation of the gastrointestinal tract comes to normal, and constipation are eliminated. It is used to improve sleep quality, as it is able to play the role of natural sleeping pills.

Women Health

For women, the use of Luke is incredibly high. The use of this product is positively affected by the state of the skin - it becomes smooth and elastic. At home, it is very easy to prepare a nutritional mask, which in just a few procedures will help to rejuvenate the skin of the whole body. It is enough to combine onion juice and olive oil to create it. This tool has deserved recognition of many cosmetologists and is considered one of the best home preparations to eliminate wrinkles and pigmentation.

The mineral complex, which is part of the onion bows, helps in caring for hair and nails. This product exhibits strengthening properties that contribute to eliminating the fragility of the nail plate and hair loss.

Use for men

The stimulating properties of the onions are positively reflected on the activity of spermatozoa and potency - this product contributes to the development of testosterone. This vegetable is even considered an aphrodisiac.

The benefits of the bite for stimulation of sexual functions will appear when adding it to the diet. For the body of men, he is most valuable. It can be put in salads and sauces, bumps and okroshka, as well as sprinkle with them various ready-made dishes. Especially useful for men is considered to be a salad of green feathers of Luke, and garlic, which is seasoned with vegetable oil. Components of this dish complement and strengthen the properties of each other and carry a huge potential for sexual health.

The organism of men after 40 is subject to the development of such a disease as prostatitis. With the help of a green onion, it can be carried out both prevention and assistance in its treatment. To do this, it is necessary to eat a small bundle of fresh above-ground part of this plant before bedtime.

When is the onion harmful?

Despite the fact that the bow enriches and vitamins many dishes, in some situations, both for men and for women, it will not be useful. Properties of this product are able to harm health at:

  • kidney and liver diseases in acute form;
  • ulcerative disease of the stomach and a 12-rosewood;
  • gastritis with increased acidity.

In addition, the bow can act annoyingly on our nervous system, which will affect the work of the heart muscle. Sometimes it can provoke blood pressure jumps and lead to an asthma attack.

Listen to your body and do not make it take that product, after which he is discomfort. It is fraught with dizziness, attacks of migraine and insomnia, and the digestive tract will respond with nausea.

Gentle stems of green onions are not only appetizing, but also attract their aroma. They also have an indispensable beneficial properties that make this greens a unique product.

Chemical composition

Green onions is famous for its low calorie, which makes it use optimal for dietary nutrition and to prevent obesity. It can be safely added to any dish in large quantities. Consider buding this product:

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • proteins - 1.3 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.2 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.2 g;
  • wATER - 93

Nutrients in the percentage ratio from the daily rate of consumption:

  • proteins - 1.59%;
  • fats - 0.15%;
  • carbohydrates - 2.5%;
  • dietary fiber - 6%;
  • water - 3.63%.

The bow contains quite a bit of calories - 100 grams contain only 20 kcal. An interesting fact is that there are many sugar in such a plant - even more than in apples. Approximately 15 percent of the total mass is glucose.


Feathers are just a storehouse of vitamins, although many people do not know about it. Nature awarded this product with a very large amount of beneficial substances.

So, the vitamin composition of the green onion is represented:

  • vitamins of the group B, namely B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (Nicotinic acid), B4, B5, B6, B9 (folic acid) - these elements improve brain activity and liver operation, have a positive effect on hair growth;
  • vitamin C - increases the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses, and also cleans the body from harmful slags;
  • vitamin A or beta carotene - participates in the regulation of the hormonal system;
  • vitamin E - prevents premature aging.

These vitamins are contained in large quantities in the described product. They need a person every day, so the use of green onions is so important for health.

In addition to vitamins, as part of the plant has an indispensable macroelements, such as:

  • sodium - improves digestion and regulates fermentation of salivary and pancreas;
  • potassium - regulates the water-salt balance of the body and eliminates allergens from the body;
  • iron - the level of hemoglobin and stable work of the thyroid gland depends on it, as well as the timely assimilation of the vitamins of the group B;
  • magnesium - gives energy to the body, supports muscle tone and nerve endings;
  • phosphorus - works in almost all processes of the human body;
  • copper - reduces blood pressure, helps to form hemoglobin, collagen, participates in blood formation processes;
  • zinc - promotes rapid healing of wounds and fractures, increases intelligence;
  • selenium - helps to restore potency, anti-cancer element;
  • manganese - removes the nervous tension and participates in the work of the thyroid gland.

All this information proves once again what benefits are in absolutely simple products. Nature took care of human health and left her gifts on earth. Scientists conducted research and found out that it is necessary to consume about 10 kg of fresh green onions per year. In this case, the additional reception of vitamin complexes will not need. But it must be remembered that the content of the useful substances is the maximum in the white part of the base and decreases by the end of the green stick.

Beneficial features

Culture began before our era. On the territory of Ancient Egypt, China, India, Greece and Rome, green onions enjoyed mass demand. In those days it was believed that he had his own magic. The soldiers before the fight were recommended to use the beam - it was thought that in this case the warrior would necessarily defeat and would not get tired in war. In China, in folk medicine, the bow was used to treat such a serious illness as cholera. In Egypt's pyramids, the walls were decorated with its images.

The benefits of the use of green onions is very high.The product is so useful that there is no area of \u200b\u200bhealth in which it would not be useful.

Slimming when using a green bow occurs intensely. After all, feathers have a property to increase metabolism, remove toxins and excess water from the body. People striving for harmfulness even make a salad based on a green bow, which is hung with boiling water.

For men who are sick with prostatitis, it is important to eat this plant in food. By 50 years, many are faced with this disease, so it is worth starting to use green onions in young age and continue to advanced years. Green feathers are able to reduce the diseases of the symptoms of illness and reduce the likelihood of its appearance in healthy men.

The effect of green onions also has an increase in the male hormone - testosterone, which increases the libido and contributes to the prevention of premature aging. With regular use of this product, the activity of spermatozoa increases and their quantity, which will help increase the chance of conception of the child. There are essential oils in Luke, which are like a similarity of Aphrodisiacs.

Pregnant women often find the lack of vitamin B9, which is involved in the formation of the nervous tube of the fetus. This is a very serious problem, since the lack of this vitamin may affect the most adversely on the fruit until the fatal outcome. To prevent the deficit of vitamin B9, an increased amount of green onions is needed to be eaten both when planning pregnancy and during it. In addition, phytoncides contained in Luke, known for their ability to kill alien pathogenic bacteria, will help the girl in the position to survive seasonal flu epidemics and colds. Green onions can help with fatigue, depression and insomnia.

Please note that the described product is not recommended to use in large quantities from the middle of the second trimester. With an increased dosage, the bow is capable of proving allergic reactions in the child in the future.

With breastfeeding, the use of a sufficient amount of green onions helps the production of milk and long-term preservation of lactation. By eating this product, moms transmit to their baby all benefit of the plant.

Gentle feathers used regularly in food will help to strengthen the human bone system due to the increased content of vitamin K. It is also called Fillaxinone. Such vitamin is involved in strengthening bones and their development in children, and its deficiency, accordingly, can provoke an increase in the risk of fracture. 100 grams of Luke contains about 20% of the daily rate of vitamin K.

To obtain a pigment that helps you respond to light, vitamin A is needed, which in the useful plant in questionable plant (eat 10 stems and get almost half of the daily rate). If you allow a lack of vitamin A, a disease may appear called Nitalopia, or "chicken blindness", at which there is a loss of vision in the dark.

Green onions is also useful for an increased antioxidant content that protect DNA from damage and reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. American scientists conducted a thorough study of the acute greenery under consideration and found out that the product contains a huge amount of flavonoids. They have a positive effect on the state of immunity, as well as are able to negatively affect the growth and development of malignant tumors.

It is important to remember that the greatest concentration of vitamins is at the base of the bow. When thermal treatment, the mass of the beneficial substances is destroyed, so that it is preferable to use such greens in a fresh form.

By summing up, you can distinguish the main positive qualities of plants affecting the human body:

  • helps to treat a cold with the help of phytoncids contained in it;
  • contains essential oils that when taking inside increase sweating, which helps to get rid of toxins faster;
  • helps to those people who have nothing in order with arterial pressure;
  • awakens appetite;
  • useful in intestinal disorders;
  • with regular reception, he suppresses the growth and development of fungal diseases in the body;
  • stops the growth of cancer cells (the largest impact has on the intestinal cancer);
  • reduces fatigue and increases metabolism;
  • natural antioxidant and antihistamine - Flavonol, on which green onions rich helps to cope with asthma, heart disease and type 2 diabetes;
  • reduces blood sugar levels because it increases the natural level of insulin;
  • reduces the likelihood of blood clots due to allicin, which also favorably affects the state of the vessels and reduces blood pressure;
  • helps the development of the nervous system of the fetus with the help of the Vitamins of Group Vitamins contained in it

Despite the large amount of essential substances, some people avoid its consumption in a fresh form due to the unpleasant odor, which appears after the portion eaten. This smell appears as a result of a small sulfur content as part of feathers. To avoid such a problem, you can eat some parsley, any nuts, drink green tea or milk.


Although the greens has a beneficial effect on man, but there is also harm when applied to food:

  • You should not use too much product when problems with the gastrointestinal tract: with a stomach and duodenal ulcer, gastritis. The product can provoke exacerbation of these diseases and the associated worsening of health.
  • It is not recommended to use onions as well as cardiovascular diseases: ischemia, angina.
  • With permanent hypertension, the onions must be very gently consumed. It can dramatically reduce the pressure, resulting in a sharp deterioration of well-being.
  • In case of diseases of the bronchi, the product can provoke an aggravation of asthma and bronchitis.
  • Green onions in large quantities may harm when gouging, as it increases the level of uric acid in OrgPnism.

When using a green onion, it is important to remember that everywhere you need to know the measure. There are no categorical contraindications to the use of this plant, the main thing is not to overdo it in quantity, then health will be in perfect order.

How to choose and store?

Green onion feathers can be bought fresh. Occasionally, the product is frozen. In order not to get an unpleasant surprise on the kitchen table, it is best to acquire a green bow that is not wrapped in the food film. Often under polyethylene hide nonstable products. You can buy a frozen onion only as a last resort, since its useful qualities are much lower than that of fresh. The darkened color of the frozen product speaks of incorrect storage conditions, it is not necessary to acquire such a bow.

When buying a plant, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance and fragrance of the product. The variety gives differences in the appearance of feathers: they can be of different lengths and widths. A bow with wide feathers has a rich taste. If there is no need to give the taste of the bow, it is better to pay attention to the product with thin feathers. Too long shoots can be grown using growth stimulants, which does not most effect on the benefits of the product.

Signs of high-quality product:

  • feather saturation Color: Color must be emerald green, and how it is darker, the more burning will be taste;
  • density: Feathers should not be sluggish and wrinkled;
  • on the surface should not be observed both spots and dryness at the ends;
  • between the white part of the onion and his pen should be clearly distinguished by the band;
  • the fragrance should be appetizing and not too sharp;
  • feathers stored in containers must be without water impurities;
  • it is not worth buying onions without white heads at the bottom, it is so possible to extend the storage of the product and strengthen the taste when eating food.

What negative features should pay attention to the purchase of green onions:

  • do not buy green onions, on which there are traces of mucus;
  • spraying of any shade may indicate the use of chemicals to improve growth and to increase the timing of the storage of this product;
  • if the feathers appeared dry ends - the shelf life of the product came to an end;
  • spots of any color can talk about the presence of a bacterial infection or a lesion of a bunk with malicious organisms;
  • if there are bulukes at the base of the feathers, their appearance should not be doubtful in quality - they should be elastic and fresh;
  • the smell of Luke says about his taste - than he is richer, the more tastier will be a dish with him;
  • if there is no smell at all, then such a bow was grown in greenhouses not quite naturally;
  • if the border between the white part of the pen and the green is not clearly dotted, then his taste will not be quite pleasant;
  • on Luka should not be damaged feathers: there may be foci on the breakfather of the breakfast and it will deteriorate very quickly;
  • the unpleasant smell of the earth or bitterness indicates the beginning of the product damage.

The product can be stored relatively long. Cutting green onions in a closed container is stored for about a week, and the bow, bought with a bulb, wrapped with a cloth moistened in the water - up to ten days. If you put in a glass bulb with feathers up roots and clog the lid, it will be able to extend its storage to the month. It is possible to store green onions not only in a fresh form, but also in salty and even frozen. When freezing onions, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly and grind it into pieces that are suitable for you to prepare favorite dishes. After it, it is necessary to freeze and package in bags for freezing. In this form, it can be stored until six months. Also, the onions can be freezed in ice cubes for subsequent use in the soup.

Luca storage methods are divided by the type of Tara used:

  • Storage of green onions in glass: In the twisting sterile bank, the bow can be kept up to the month. It is necessary to use short feathers, since the bent and broken will not be stored.
  • Storage in a package pupelled in several places to ensure air access - with this method, it is important not to wash the bow before packing to prevent dismissal moisture. From condensate that appears during the storage period, you can get rid of the cooling of the onion feathers in the refrigerator before packing.
  • Storage in paper. Thoroughly washed onions dried and wrap in special paper for food purposes, wet it slightly and, wrapped with polyethylene, send a bundle with a product with a product.

Use in cooking

Green onions feathers are used primarily as auxiliary meal of dishes: decoration or seasoning for soups, snacks, meat and fish. It will be very beautiful to look at the dish of eggs, sprinkled onion: the yolk is beautifully combined with greens. Spicy sandwiches can be prepared, decorated with sharp sticks. Do not apply it except in sweets.

In such works of culinary art, like cold soups, onions are involved in the role of the main ingredient.In some salads, as well as in filling for pies green onions - the main component. This greenery is served with meat and lard, bake on the grill and make sauces from it.

Cooking recipes with green onions set. Consider some of them.

Pie with bow and eggs

For the test you need:

  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • 150 g of flour;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise;
  • pinch of soda or baking powder.

Composition of filling:

  • boiled booze eggs - 6 pieces;
  • green onions - 300 grams;
  • salt to taste.

For this, a wonderful cake must first prepare a filling. To do this, all components are grinding, and then salted and mix.

The dough for cake is prepared as follows: Eggs are whipped with mayonnaise with a mixer or a whisk, then a salt and 200 grams of sour cream are added to this mixture and beat again. After that add the rest of the ingredients and leave the dough to reach in a half hour.

Next you need to lubricate the baking sheet or lay it with bakery paper. Pour a part of the test, to dissolve the stuffing on top, and then pour the remaining. Pie should be baked about 40 minutes, putting it in a preheated oven. After the cake was covered with a crust, you need to turn off the fire and leave it to reach.

Green Fish Pie

Dough composition:

  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • kefir - 0.4 l;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • pinching soda;
  • flour - a glass;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Composition of filling:

  • big bunch of green onions;
  • canned fish for your taste - 250 g;
  • 2 cool eggs;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

All ingredients are mixed for the base of the test, then flour is added and the mixture is again. At the end oil is added, everything is mixed.

For the filling, we boil the eggs screwed and clean the green onions.I disassemble the fish from the bones, pre-getting rid of the oil fluid, and knead the fork in Cashitz. Eggs and onions cut into about the same parts and connect in a bowl. Similarly, we lay the dough with the previous recipe, covering the stuffing, then poured the remaining flour mixture. Bake this wonderful cake needs about an hour in a preheated oven. Its heat is adjustable depending on the experience of cooking. For someone optimally 180 degrees, and for someone - 200.

Some greenery lovers make filling for pies, consisting exclusively of a passioned green onion on the oil. This type of cake will be significantly less calorie, but it is suitable for an amateur.

Egg salad with green onions

  • a large amount of green onions;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pieces;
  • sour cream - 150 grams;
  • spices, salt, sugar and vinegar - to taste.

To prepare such a light vitamin salad, it is necessary to thoroughly wash onion feathers and dry them with a napkin. Cool eggs need to grind, the bow is finely cut. The chopped greens must be put in the dish, salt and sprinkle with sugar. After adding a small amount of vinegar and take a little manually all this mixture. Then you need to add the remaining ingredients and can be served to the table.

Spicy salad with green onions

  • green bow bunch;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 150-200 grams of parmesan cheese or other solid grade cheese;
  • mayonnaise - 50 grams;
  • sour cream - 100 grams;
  • garlic (about 2-3 teeth);
  • spices and salt to taste.

We clean and rinse greens and chop it finely. Cook eggs, clean and chop too. Cheese finely rubbed. All dry ingredients are mixed, add sour cream with mayonnaise and garlic crushed in the press. All mix and refuel the salad. Dish is ready.

Cod liver with green onions

  • canned cod liver - 150 g;
  • 3 boiled windscreen eggs;
  • 100 grams of Luke Feather;
  • teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Smes on the dish liver cod mix with washed and sliced \u200b\u200bgreen onions. Season with lemon juice. Boiled eggs cut into small cubes, add to the mixture. We add salt and spices, decorated with fresh parsley or dill. Can be served to the table.

Recipes dishes using green onions set. You can make a special most common food when adding greenery. So the usual mashed potatoes will become more fragrant and gains a bright color. In pancakes to dinner it is worth adding crushed bow, they will acquire a very spicy taste and an appetizing smell. Also, this wonderful greens can be mixed with hepatic patestones, which will give a slight sharpness of this dish and add vitamins to the finished product.

About how to grown onions in a packet without land, see the following video.

There is no plants on our planet that would not be created to improve the living conditions of people and animals. But not each of them hits the owners. The reason can be both a geographical location and a banal lack of funds. However, there is such a number of products that decorate the table and rich and more modest people. They can easily grow in their own windowsill, and in the summer they are ready to fill the land plot and there are excellent harvest without much care. This is exactly how the bow is a plant, without which it is impossible to submit any kitchen and the household cellar. Without this, the vegetable does not prepare the first, you definitely strive to supplement it with the taste of the side dish, podliva and salads. Examine - what is the benefit and harm of the onion for people, is it possible to eat a vegetable pregnant and in what quantities. How old are you trying to try onions to children and what is the value of a plant for male health.

Little from Luke History

We have been pucing your nose from children's years, but I am very important for our health for our health. No wonder it was presented to us Mother Nature, as the mass of health troubles may not be that eliminated, but also not to step, if they regularly use onions. Let's study the history of the useful plant.

The first references to Luke in the oldest artifacts date back to the fourth millennium BC. Historians and archaeologists are confident that the homeland product is countries located in Central Asia. To date, many varieties of culture are known and they grow throughout the planet. Scientists cannot come to a common opinion - who for the first time began to cultivate this vegetable. Some believe that they began to cultivate onions with onions began in Afghanistan. And judging by the sources, he got into Egypt, then in Greece, further in the ancient Rome. And, of course, the trade routes culture began to spread throughout the European continent. Many mistakenly believe that the bow always grew on the lands of Russia. However, we hurry to disappoint. Onions got on the tables of the ancient Rusch only in the 12th century, but what is good, his farmers began to cultivate immediately.

There are also evidence that the vegetable has become the first to cultivate in the Tien Shan Mountains. In the mountainous regions of China, the wild view of the bow is still growing - beautiful, with bright colors buds, of which small fruits are obtained. There is even such an exaltation that "Lukova" is called, and Dzunglin sounds in Chinese. From the subway culture fell into India, from there to Egypt, Greece and the European continent.

Interesting fact: The ancient Germans and the Romans took with them the military campaigns of a few long ligaments of Luke to get cheerfulness, energy, the vegetable gave courage, courage, helped fight hazardous colds, infectious diseases.

Whatever it was, whoever began to cultivate their beloved onions, we are grateful to everyone. After all, they gave us an indispensable product, both in culinary and therapeutic meaning.

What are the views of the bow and what is included in their composition

As we said, there are a number of Luke varieties, and each of them brings invaluable benefit to our health. This is the onions, sometimes, shine green. Consider the chemical composition of each of them separately.

This is perhaps the most common type of vegetable. In any case, in Russia and the former CIS countries, in Europe without it it is difficult to imagine delicious soup, salad or gravy.

  1. In our form we studied by 100 grams contain 86 grams of carbohydrates. Also in vegetable there are dietary fibers, proteins, ash and only 0.2 grams of fats.
  2. Onions are rich in amino acids, there are 12 irreplaceable substances in its composition, and most of all tryptophan and the least histidine. As for the replaceable, there are only 8 species.
  3. In a vegetable there are a series of valuable vitamins: all group B, a huge amount of tocopherol (C), ascorbins (C), niacin (PP), K.
  4. As for micro and macroelements, it is listed here: copper, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, sodium, potassium and iron.

Useful and therapeutic properties of Luca varieties

So, now consider the effects that the body acquires when consuming different grades of the bow.

Properties of the Republic Luke

Apply both in cheese and finished form for the prevention of colds, infectious diseases.

  1. In a vegetable, a huge amount of vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids that destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses, putrefactive accumulations.
  2. Ascorbic acid enhances protective mechanisms, increases the level of immunity.
  3. Luke juice has a beneficial effect on the liver condition, the urinary system. The liquid has a diuretic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal property.
  4. The components of the onions dilute blood, reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, eliminate plaques and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks.
  5. Onions in finished, cheese and in the form of casket and juice are shown in the disease of the respiratory tract, perfectly copes with tuberculosis, bronchitis, trachea, pneumonia.
  6. Luke juice is an excellent and guaranteed method to get rid of worms of any kind. To do this, you need to drink a spin on a hungry stomach in half a cup.
  7. According to the latest research, it became known that the regular inclusion in the ration of the bow and its derivatives is the prevention of cancer. Moreover, the vegetable slows down the development and growth of already available oncological pathologies.
  8. Not only the plant itself, but its smell is greatly struggling with viruses and pathogenic bacteria. It is enough to cut the bow of the bow into separate slices and put in the room for 15 minutes and there will be no microorganism in the room.

Useful properties of a green look

Bright green feathers, the tails of your beloved Vegetable already with their appearance instill joy in us, make a dish bright and festive. And we also understand that the inclusion of green culture in salads, as a supplement to fish and meat is an excellent method to deal with ailment and bad mood.

  1. The composition of green tails contains a colossal number of phytoncides. These substances are able to curb any kind of virus, they oppress the growth of rotary microorganisms in the body and purify the intestine, and the body as a whole from all microbes and viruses.
  2. In green feathers, there is chlorophyll - an element that takes an active part in blood formation. For this reason, the product is strongly recommended for anemia, blood diseases.
  3. Zinc increases protective forces, strengthens the immune system.
  4. If the zinc is lacking in the body, such problems arise as, the deterioration of the condition of the skin, acne, boils ,.
  5. The composition of elements in green feathers strengthens the muscular structure, including the heart, the walls of the vessels.
  6. Useful substances - antioxidants, vitamins, minerals normalize the operation of the endocrine system, which contributes to the regulation of the hormonal background.

    Interesting fact: To fill the daily rate of vitamin C, it is enough to use only 70 grams of green onions.

  7. Potassium and magnesium actually actually on the psyche of man, his nervous system, improves sleep, eliminates nervous, depression.

Useful properties of onions Sew

This is another popular appearance of Luke, which is a stem with a white start and a thick green tail. In this vegetable, everything is used - from beginning to end.

The grade taste is not the same sharp as the ones or green, is used in cooking and cosmetology, it looks great as decoration of salads, meat, fish dishes, etc.

  1. The bowls are often used to treat rheumatic processes, gout, since the culture exceeds the particles of heavy metals from the body, salts, does not allow soaked with uric acid.
  2. In a vegetable, a large number of valuable lipids. If you eat at least 200 grams of product per day, then you can reduce the level of harmful cholesterol and lead it to normal.
  3. Pores are used to dilute blood and eliminate plaques, thrombov. Thanks to the vegetable, thick blood does not accumulate in the pockets of our vessels, so there is no varicose veins, problems with the power supply of cells and capillary oxygen. All this indicates that the bow should be mandatory in the diet of persons with problems and vessels and the elderly.
  4. This grade of culture has a laxative property and protects against constipation, the formation of hemorrhoids and hemorrhoidal nodes.
  5. The components of the vegetable are healing the intestines, destroy the grinds, take part in the formation of connecting cells and tissues.

Useful properties of Luke "Schitt"

This variety is called a cut, sebulet, a season, refers to perennials of the family of the same onions. Early spring with warm weather from the soil makes their way pushing long leaflers. Flowers culture with an umbrella type, they can be purple, purple, white color, shape - egg-shaped. Culture can be grown without any problems on the windowsill. It is worth cut off a beam, as a couple of days, the length of the stalks will reaches the desired height.

  1. Gentle and thin ponyzzles of Luke Schnith have a lot of advantages. They are used not only in cooking as an excellent decoration and useful ingredient.
  2. The culture includes choline, beta-carotene, ascorbic, group vitamins, as well as minerals: magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.
  3. The vegetable is necessarily recommended in cold seasons when vitamins deficiency arises to protect against infectious and colds. The product has a powerful immunostimulating effect - strengthens the protective forces of the human body.

Bow benefit for pregnant

For each woman, pregnancy is a period of pleasant expectations, a feeling of happiness. But in order for the child tooling the child not overshadowed with diseases, it is necessary to carefully treat the diet. It is important to understand that not everything that eats a future mother is useful for the cat in the womb. It is interesting, and is it possible to eat ladies in the "interesting" position, and if so, how many, what varieties are suitable.

  1. Luke contains needed for pregnant women folic acid. This element is needed for the formation of the nervous system of the baby, the prevention of congenital pathologies of the fetus. Also, the deficit of this substance can provoke miscarriage. Luke components take part in the synthesis of DNA structure, so it is important to include on the onions in the menu in the first three months.
  2. In a vegetable, a large number of phytoncides, which are effectively struggling with colds, infectious diseases. Futive mommies are not desirable to take tablets, but they are also not insured against disease. Therefore, the first assistant can be the usual onion - sometimes, Schitt, green or on.
  3. Chlorophyll is part of the substances involved in blood formation. This element is simply irreplaceable and will help pregnant to avoid anemia, contributes to the normal formation of the Baby Blood System.
  4. Tiptophan is a substance that stimulates the production of serotonin - a hormone responsible for our mood. The element is able to raise the mood, eliminate depression, plasticity, irritability, insomnia.

As for the type of consumption, the doctors have nothing against if a pregnant lady is happy to eat onions in any form. The main thing is to know the measure. And yet, there are several contraindications for which the condition should not be worse:

  • heart disease in acute phase;
  • liver disease;
  • increased gas formation;
  • diseases of the gastric and intestine mucosa;
  • acute diseases of the kidneys;
  • gallbladder;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • allergic reaction.

You should not bypass another aspect. From Luke an unpleasant smell of mouth, for this reason we most often refuse to use it. To get rid of the problem, you need to eat a couple of stalks with the leaves of parsley and walnut (fried).

Can I feed the baby onion

Of course, any compassion parents will ask whether to give the baby onions. Despite the fact that this is a very useful product, there is also a sharpness, bitterness. And this, as some believe, can harm health. Let's first list the beneficial properties of a vegetable for a child:

  1. In the culture there is beta carotene, vitamins and minerals, essential oils, food fibers.
  2. Flavanides strengthen the walls of the vascular system are prevention of cancer pathologies.
  3. Raw vegetable stimulates appetite, contributes to digestion, helps the development of mucus, gastric juice.
  4. Adjusts the metabolism, adjusts the peristaltics.
  5. The baked or boiled bow eliminates constipation and chronic diarrhea, adjusts the level of blood sugar, has a beneficial effect on the activities of the cardiac system.
  6. Periodic chewing of a green or other grade of Luke destroys microbes, viruses in the oral cavity, protects from periodontosis.
  7. It should be immediately noted that in the diet of the baby you can enter white and red onions, only not yellow.

Obuki contraindications

Parents should take carefully to the moments that can cause the consumption of Luca to the baby:

  1. Vegetable can irritate the mucous membrane.
  2. Little crumbs need to grind a vegetable, as he is hard and difficult to chew.
  3. Onion, which passed thermal processing loses useful properties.
  4. Green onions should not be used in exacerbations of kidney disease, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

Important: With bronchial asthma, it is categorically impossible to give any grade onions, as well as problems with breathing and heart.

For how many years you can give a bowl onions. Doctors are firmly convinced - only after 3 years. At the same time, it is necessary to identify whether the baby does not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with bronchi, allergic reactions.

The first lucky luck should be only after the heat treatment of the bow. The vegetable can be added to the puree, grind in the soup.

What is useful on the bow for men

In addition to the fact that the bow is an arsenal of important substances for the improvement of the body as a whole and organs, systems separately, it is considered to be a colossal Aphrodisiac. In the same list you can make, dill, celery, parsley and a number of herbs.

Interesting fact: the onions in the raw form was categorically banned in monasteries - both male and female.

This product perfectly influenced potency - increased sensitivity by stimulating blood flow to genitals. Thanks to phytoncides, amino acids and substances that dilute blood, blood circulation has improved. Also, the components affected the activity of spermatozoa, the sperm was also cleaned from the clots and became more liquid. Due to this, the time of sexual intercourse and its quality increases.

Also, the bow is a vegetable that increases the ability to work and restores the forces after a difficult working day, physical exertion, is shown for athletes after grueling workouts.

Contraindications are the same for both women and men, therefore it makes no sense to repeat. We will add only one thing - excessive consumption is annoying the mucous membrane and vomiting, nausea, stomach disorder, aggravation of hemorrhoids, etc. Also, excessive consumption may affect the nerve ending and the effect will be reverse - the person becomes irritable, aggressive.

The vegetable we studied carefully researched scientists from the United States. And they, in addition to the others, described by us, revealed another unique property - you can easily lose weight. For this purpose, it is best to use the so-called "bonnie" bow. And that is nice, it is not necessary to eat in the raw form, and cook simple and delicious soup.

In this diet, you do not need to exhaust yourself with hunger, you can replenish the diet and other, dietary products.

In the menu, with this method, there is a mass of green vegetables with a dedicative type calorie. That is, their consumption takes extra calories from the body and burns fat.

How to prepare onion soup

For cooking we need:

  • - 400 grams;
  • bonnie bow - 5 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • pepper Bulgarian - 2 pieces;
  • 2 carrots;
  • celery - 4 stems;
  • greens - a beam;
  • garlic, laurel, coriander, ginger.

Finely chop cappist, carrot semirings, pepper bars, celery and onion with small cubes. All vegetables, not counting onions, you need to put in the container. Pour cool water and put on the stove. Onions fry on olive oil and put in the soup, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Remove from the stove and insist for another 15 minutes. Thanks to the diet, you can lose up to 5 kilograms per week, you can use a dish twice a day - for breakfast and dinner. Soup can not be shed!

In order for the effect to be guaranteed, it is impossible to drink alcohol during the diet period, drink pastries, flour, fried, smoked, sharp and salty food, and fast food.

To enhance the results, a week you need to take a break for 2-3 days. But this does not mean that you need to lean on everything that can lead to excess weight.

Luke use in cosmetology

This vegetable can help restore the lap, align the nails, improve the condition of the skin and hair. We offer a simple mask you need to do once every 5 days. It is necessary to prepare:

  • 1 middle bow (repatible);
  • 1 ampoule vitamin B1,
  • ampoule vitamin B6;
  • 1 ampoule vitamin B12;
  • paul teaspoon vitamin A (Retinol);
  • paul teaspoon of rapid oil;
  • teaspoon mustard;
  • cognac tablespoon.

Onions Clear and turn into Cashitz, add all vitamins, mustard, butter, cognac, thoroughly mix and add a tablespoon of the tincture of pepper pepper. Loose the composition of the hair roots and put on a plastic hat. Wear a mask half an hour and hour. Then rinse with warm water and herbal shampoo.

Almost everything is aware of therapeutic properties of Luca. The juice freshly squeezed and the lean through the gauze helps when otitis, runny, is the prevention of sinusitis, sinusitis, frontititis, etc. This product is respected by both representatives of traditional medicine and official. If there are no contraindications, an allergic reaction, gastrointestinal diseases, eat onions and benefit from it. But there is a golden rule - everything should be in moderation. Do not forget, the medicine from poison is different dose.

Indeed, in the content of many useful substances, green onions - among the first among vegetables. For example, vitamin K in 100 g onions contains as many as 167 μg. And these are more than two recommended daily standards of its consumption - 209%! It would seem that it's great. But everything is not so simple. The fact is that vitamin K increases blood consumption. There are many people prone to the formation of thromboms in vessels for which such an excess of this vitamin can be very harmful (see). Unfortunately, many of this do not even know and use green onions and other products rich in vitamin K, in large quantities. Do not do this.

But all the rest of the people are green onions, of course, will only benefit. First of all, it enriches our diet with vitamins A and C (their content in 100 g of Luca is approaching a daily need, making up 80 and 76%, respectively). And it is important that vitamin A in the green bows is represented by a variety of valuable compounds. Basically beta-carotene - in our body it is just turning into Vitamin A. But, in addition, it is necessary in itself - beta-carotene slows down the process of aging, helps us to protect them from atherosclerosis of vessels and even cancer. In the same action, the antioxidant of quercetin and sulfur compounds, which give to the bow, sharp taste and aroma, and at the same time protecting us from infections.

And in the onions there are such unique substances as Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

Scientifically proven that they are extremely important for the health of the eye and help to keep good eyesight.

Therefore, in the season, try to eat a green bow every day, but little by little. Well, by autumn you can go on the ones. It is also useful, but according to the composition is very different from the green fellow: the vitamins in it are less, but the antioxidants are greater.


Increased risk of blood clots:

  • in people who have underwent infarction, ischemic strokes, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, thrombosis;
  • in varicose veins;
  • with a combination of several different risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, elevated cholesterol, smoking, obesity, diabetes of the 2nd type, etc.);
  • in smoking women who take hormonal contraceptives;
  • in patients receiving preparations with warfarin (this is prescribed during cereal arrhythmia, with artificial heart valves and sometimes during veins thrombosis).