Rules and step-by-step instructions for setting up a pressure switch for a hydraulic accumulator. Diagram of connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump: advantages of the connection and the procedure for carrying out the procedure Diagram of connecting a water pump to a hydraulic accumulator

A hydraulic accumulator is a special metal sealed container containing an elastic membrane inside and a certain volume of water under a certain pressure.

A hydraulic accumulator (in other words, a membrane tank, a hydraulic tank) is used to maintain a stable pressure in the water supply system, protects the water pump from premature wear due to frequent switching on, and protects the water supply system from possible water hammer. When the power is turned off, thanks to the accumulator, you will always be with a small supply of water.

Here are the main functions that a hydraulic accumulator performs in a water supply system:

  1. Protection of the pump from premature wear. Due to the water supply in the membrane tank, when the water tap is opened, the pump will only turn on if the water supply in the tank runs out. Any pump has a certain rate of inclusions per hour, therefore, thanks to the accumulator, the pump will have a supply of unused inclusions, which will increase its service life.
  2. Maintaining constant pressure in the water supply system, protection against water pressure drops. Due to pressure drops, when several taps are turned on at the same time, sharp fluctuations in water temperature occur, for example, in the shower and in the kitchen. The hydroaccumulator successfully copes with such unpleasant situations.
  3. Protection against water hammer, which can occur when the pump is turned on, and can spoil the pipeline in order.
  4. Maintaining a supply of water in the system, which allows you to use water even during a power outage, which happens quite often nowadays. This function is especially valuable in country houses.

Hydraulic accumulator device

The sealed body of this device is divided by a special membrane into two chambers, one of which is designed for water and the other for air.

The water does not come into contact with the metal surfaces of the case, as it is in a water chamber-membrane made of a strong rubber material butyl, resistant to bacteria and complying with all hygienic and sanitary standards for drinking water.

The air chamber contains a pneumatic valve, the purpose of which is to regulate pressure. Water enters the accumulator through a special threaded connection pipe.

The accumulator device must be mounted in such a way that it can be easily disassembled in case of repair or maintenance, without draining all the water from the system.

The diameters of the connecting pipeline and the discharge branch pipe should, if possible, coincide with each other, then this will avoid unwanted hydraulic losses in the system pipeline.

In the membranes of accumulators with a volume of more than 100 liters, there is a special valve for bleeding the air released from the water. For small-capacity accumulators in which there is no such valve, a device for bleeding air, for example, a tee or a tap, that blocks the main line of the water supply system, must be provided in the water supply system.

In the air valve of the accumulator, the pressure should be 1.5-2 atm.

The principle of operation of the accumulator

The accumulator works like this. The pump supplies water under pressure to the accumulator diaphragm. When the pressure threshold is reached, the relay turns off the pump and water stops flowing. After the pressure starts to drop during water intake, the pump automatically turns on again and supplies water to the accumulator membrane. The larger the volume of the hydraulic tank, the more efficient the result of its work. The actuation of the pressure switch can be adjusted.

During the operation of the accumulator, air dissolved in water gradually accumulates in the membrane, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the device. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance of the accumulator, bleeding off the accumulated air. The frequency of prophylaxis depends on the volume of the hydraulic tank and the frequency of its operation, which is approximately once every 1-3 months.

These devices can be vertical or horizontal.

The principle of operation of the devices does not differ, except that vertical accumulators with a volume of more than 50 liters in the upper part have a special valve for bleeding air, which gradually accumulates in the water supply system during operation. Air accumulates in the upper part of the device, so the location of the bleed valve is chosen precisely in the upper part.

In horizontal devices for bleeding air, a special tap or drain is mounted, which is installed behind the hydraulic accumulator.

From devices of small sizes, regardless of whether they are vertical or horizontal, air is vented by completely draining the water.

Choosing the shape of the hydraulic tank, proceed from the dimensions of the technical room where they will be installed. It all depends on the dimensions of the device: which one fits better into the space allotted for it, this will be installed, regardless of whether it is horizontal or vertical.

Accumulator connection diagram

Depending on the assigned functions, the connection diagram of the accumulator to the water supply system may be different. The most popular schemes for connecting hydraulic accumulators are shown below.

Such pumping stations are installed where there is a large water consumption. As a rule, one of the pumps at such stations runs constantly.
At the booster pumping station, the accumulator serves to reduce pressure surges during the activation of additional pumps and to compensate for small water intakes.

Such a scheme is also widely used when there is a frequent interruption in the supply of electricity to the booster pumps in the water supply system, and the presence of water is vital. Then the water supply in the accumulator saves the situation, playing the role of a reserve source for this period.

The larger and more powerful the pumping station, and the more pressure it must maintain, the larger the volume of the accumulator, which acts as a damper, must be.
The buffer capacity of the hydraulic tank also depends on the volume of the required supply of water, and on the difference in pressure when the pump is turned on and off.

For long-term and trouble-free operation, the submersible pump must perform from 5 to 20 starts per hour, which is indicated in its technical characteristics.

When the pressure in the water supply system drops to the minimum value, the pressure switch automatically turns on, and at the maximum value it turns off. Even the smallest water consumption, especially in small water supply systems, can reduce the pressure to a minimum, which will instantly give a command to turn on the pump, because the water leak is compensated by the pump instantly, and after a few seconds, when the water supply is replenished, the relay will turn off the pump. Thus, with minimal water consumption, the pump will run almost idle. This mode of operation adversely affects the operation of the pump and can quickly destroy it. The situation can be corrected by a hydraulic accumulator, which always has the necessary supply of water and successfully compensates for its insignificant consumption, and also protects the pump from frequent switching on.

In addition, a hydraulic accumulator connected to the circuit smooths out a sharp increase in pressure in the system when the submersible pump is turned on.

The volume of the hydraulic tank is selected depending on the frequency of starts and pump power, water consumption per hour and its installation height.

For a storage water heater in the connection diagram, the hydraulic accumulator plays the role of an expansion tank. As water heats up, it expands, increasing the volume in the water supply system, and since it does not have the property of contracting, the very minimum increase in volume in a confined space increases pressure and can lead to the destruction of the elements of the water heater. Here, too, a hydraulic tank will come to the rescue. Its volume will directly depend on and increase from an increase in the volume of water in the water heater, an increase in the temperature of the heated water and an increase in the maximum allowable pressure in the water supply system.

The hydraulic accumulator is connected in front of the booster pump along the water flow. It is needed to protect against a sharp drop in pressure in the water supply network at the moment the pump is turned on.

The capacity of the accumulator for the pumping station will be the greater, the more water is used in the water supply system and the smaller the difference between the upper and lower pressure scales in the water supply in front of the pump.

How to install a hydraulic accumulator?

From the foregoing, it can be understood that the device of the hydroaccumulator is absolutely not like an ordinary water tank. This device is constantly in operation, the membrane is in dynamics all the time. Therefore, the installation of a hydraulic accumulator is not so easy. The tank must be strengthened during installation reliably, with a margin of safety, noise and vibration. Therefore, the tank is fixed to the floor through rubber gaskets, and to the pipeline through flexible rubber adapters. You need to know that at the inlet of the hydraulic system, the cross-section of the supply line should not narrow. And one more important detail: the first time the tank must be filled very carefully and slowly, using a weak water pressure, in case the rubber bulb has stuck together from a long inactivity, and with a sharp water pressure it can be damaged. It is best to remove all air from the pear before commissioning.

Installation of the accumulator should be carried out so that during operation it was possible to freely approach it. It is better to entrust this task to experienced specialists, since very often the tank breaks down due to some unaccounted, but important trifle, for example, due to a discrepancy in the diameter of the pipes, unregulated pressure, etc. Experiments cannot be carried out here, because the normal operation of the water supply system is at stake.

Here you brought the purchased hydraulic tank into the house. What to do with it next? It is immediately necessary to find out the level of pressure inside the tank. Usually the manufacturer pumps it to 1.5 atm, but there are cases when, due to a leak, by the time of sale, the indicators decrease. To make sure that the indicator is correct, you need to unscrew the decorative cap on an ordinary automobile spool and check the pressure.

How can you check it? Usually a pressure gauge is used for this. It can be electronic, mechanical automotive (with metal housing) and plastic, which is supplied with some pump models. It is important that the pressure gauge has greater accuracy, since even 0.5 atm changes the quality of the hydraulic tank, so it is better not to use plastic pressure gauges, since they give a very large error in the readings. These are usually Chinese models in a weak plastic case. Electronic pressure gauges are affected by battery charge and temperature, and they are very expensive. Therefore, the best option is an ordinary car pressure gauge that has been tested. The scale should be in a small number of divisions, for more accurate pressure measurement. If the scale is designed for 20 atm, and you need to measure only 1-2 atm, then you should not expect high accuracy.

If there is less air in the tank, then there is a greater supply of water, but the difference in pressure between an empty and almost full tank will be very significant. It's all about preference. If it is necessary that a high water pressure is constantly in the water supply system, then the pressure in the tank must be at least 1.5 atm. And for domestic needs 1 atm may well be enough.

At a pressure of 1.5 atm, the hydraulic tank has a smaller water supply, because of which the pumping pump will turn on more often, and in the absence of light, the water supply in the tank may simply not be enough. In the second case, you will have to sacrifice pressure, because you can take a shower with a massage with a full tank, and as it becomes empty, only a bath.

When you decide what is more important to you, you can set the desired operating mode, that is, either pump air into the tank or bleed off the excess.

It is undesirable to reduce the pressure less than 1 atm, as well as excessively exceed. A pear filled with water with insufficient pressure will touch the walls of the tank, and can quickly become unusable. And excessive pressure will not allow pumping a sufficient volume of water, since most of the tank will be occupied by air.

Pressure switch setting

You also need to adjust the pressure switch. Opening the lid, you will see two nuts and two springs: a large (P) and a small (delta P). With their help, you can set the maximum and minimum pressure levels at which the pump turns on and off. A large spring is responsible for turning on the pump and pressure. By design, you can see that it kind of helps the water to close the contacts.

With the help of a small spring, the pressure difference is set, which is specified in all instructions. But the instructions do not indicate a starting point. It turns out that the reference point is the spring nut P, \u200b\u200bthat is, the lower limit. The lower spring, which is responsible for the pressure difference, resists the water pressure and pushes the movable plate away from the contacts.

When the correct air pressure has already been set, you can connect the accumulator to the system. Having connected it, you need to carefully observe the pressure gauge. On all accumulators, the values \u200b\u200bof normal and maximum pressures are indicated, the excess of which is unacceptable. Manual disconnection of the pump from the network occurs when the normal pressure of the accumulator is reached, when the limit value of the pump head is reached. This occurs when the pressure rise stops.

The power of the pump is usually not enough to pump the tank to the limit, but there is even no special need for this, because when pumping, the service life of both the pump and the pear decreases. Most often, the pressure limit for shutdown is set 1-2 atm higher than the inclusion.

For example, when the pressure gauge reads 3 atm, which is enough for the needs of the owner of the pumping station, you need to turn off the pump and slowly rotate the nut of the small spring (delta P) to decrease, until the mechanism is triggered. After that, you need to open the tap and drain the water from the system. Observing the pressure gauge, you should note the value at which the relay turns on - this is the lower pressure limit when the pump is turned on. This indicator should be slightly more than the pressure indicator in the empty accumulator (by 0.1-0.3 atm). This will allow the pear to last for a longer period of time.

When the nut of the large spring P rotates, the lower limit is set. To do this, you need to turn on the pump to the network and wait until the pressure reaches the desired level. After that it is necessary to adjust the nut of the small spring "delta P" and complete the adjustment of the accumulator.

In the air chamber of the accumulator, the pressure should be 10% lower than the pressure when the pump is turned on.

The exact indicator of air pressure can be measured only when the tank is disconnected from the water supply system, in the absence of water pressure. The air pressure must be constantly monitored, adjusted as necessary, which will add a lifetime to the membrane. Also, to continue the normal functioning of the diaphragm, a large pressure drop must not be allowed when the pump is turned on and off. A drop of 1.0-1.5 atm is normal. Stronger pressure drops reduce the life of the membrane, stretching it strongly, moreover, such pressure drops do not allow comfortable water use.

Hydraulic accumulators can be installed in places with low humidity, not subject to flooding, so that the flange of the device will serve successfully for many years.

When choosing the brand of the accumulator, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the material from which the membrane is made, to check the certificates and sanitary and hygienic conclusions, making sure that the hydraulic tank is designed for systems with drinking water. You also need to make sure you have spare flanges and diaphragms, which should be included so that in the event of a problem you do not have to buy a new hydraulic tank.

The maximum pressure of the accumulator for which it is designed should be no less than the maximum pressure in the water supply system. Therefore, most devices can withstand a pressure of 10 atm.

To determine how much water can be used from the accumulator when the electricity is turned off, when the pump stops pumping water from the water supply system, you can use the diaphragm tank filling table. The water supply will depend on the setting of the pressure switch. The higher the pressure difference when the pump is turned on and off, the more water will be in the accumulator. But this difference is limited for the reasons stated above. Consider a table.

Here we see that in a 200-liter membrane tank with the pressure switch settings, when the pump is turned on is 1.5 bar, the pump is turned off - 3.0 bar, the air pressure is 1.3 bar, the water supply will be only 69 liters, which is about a third of the total tank volume ...

Calculation of the required volume of the accumulator

To calculate the accumulator, use the following formula:

Vt \u003d K * A max * ((Pmax + 1) * (Pmin +1)) / (Pmax- Pmin) * (Pair + 1),

  • Amax - maximum flow rate of liters of water per minute;
  • K is a coefficient that depends on the power of the pump motor;
  • Pmax - pressure when the pump is turned off, bar;
  • Pmin - pressure when the pump is turned on, bar;
  • Air - air pressure in the accumulator, bar.

As an example, we will select the required minimum volume of a hydroaccumulator for the water supply system, taking, for example, a pump Aquarius BTsPE 0.5-40 U with the following parameters:

Pmax (bar)Pmin (bar)Air (bar)A max (cubic meters / hour)K (coefficient)
3.0 1.8 1.6 2.1 0.25

Using the formula, we calculate the minimum volume of GA, which is 31.41 liters.

Therefore, we choose the next closest GA size, which is 35 liters.

The volume of the tank in the range of 25-50 liters is ideally consistent with all methods for calculating the volume of HA for domestic water supply systems, as well as with the empirical purposes of different manufacturers of pumping equipment.

With frequent power outages, it is advisable to choose a larger tank, but at the same time it should be remembered that water can only fill the tank by 1/3 of the total volume. The more powerful the pump is installed in the system, the larger the volume of the accumulator should be. This dimensional alignment will reduce the number of pump strokes and extend the life of the pump motor.

If you bought a large-volume hydraulic accumulator, you need to know that if water is not used regularly, it stagnates in the GA tank and its quality deteriorates. Therefore, when choosing a hydraulic tank in a store, you need to take into account the maximum volume of water used in the water supply system at home. Indeed, with a low water consumption, it is much more expedient to use a tank with a volume of 25-50 liters than 100-200 liters, in which water will be wasted.

Repair and maintenance of a hydraulic accumulator

Even the simplest hydraulic tanks require attention and care, like any working and useful device.

Reasons for repairing a hydraulic accumulator are different. These are corrosion, dents in the body, violation of the integrity of the membrane or violation of the tightness of the tank. There are also many other reasons that oblige the owner to repair the hydraulic tank. In order to prevent serious damage, it is necessary to regularly inspect the surface of the accumulator, monitor its operation in order to prevent possible problems. It is not enough to examine the GA twice a year, as stipulated in the instructions. After all, you can eliminate one malfunction today, and tomorrow you will not pay attention to another problem that has arisen, which within six months will turn into irreparable and can lead to the failure of the hydraulic tank. Therefore, the accumulator must be inspected at every opportunity, so as not to miss the slightest malfunctions, and to carry out their repairs in time.

Causes of breakdowns and their elimination

The reason for the breakdown of the expansion tank may be too frequent switching on and off of the pump, water exit through the valve, weak water pressure, weak air pressure (below the calculated one), weak water pressure after the pump.

How to troubleshoot a hydraulic accumulator with your own hands? The reason for the repair of the accumulator may be a weak air pressure or its absence in the membrane tank, damage to the membrane, damage to the casing, a large difference in pressure when turning the pump on and off, or the wrong volume of the hydraulic tank.

You can troubleshoot as follows:

  • to increase the air pressure, you need to pump it through the tank nipple with a garage pump or compressor;
  • a damaged membrane can be repaired at a service center;
  • the damaged case and its tightness is also eliminated in the service center;
  • the difference in pressure can be corrected by setting too large a differential in accordance with the frequency of pump starts;
  • the adequacy of the tank volume must be determined before installing it in the system.

Before installing a hydraulic accumulator, you need to read the recommendations of specialistsA hydraulic accumulator is needed to create pressure, store water, which will be useful to guests in the house in case of a water supply cutoff, and to reduce water hammer in the networks at their summer cottage. The device looks like a regular tank with a pressure generating mechanism.

    • The process of connecting the accumulator
    • Is it easy to install the accumulator
    • Is it possible to make a hydroaccumulator with your own hands
    • We analyze how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump
    • What is the hydroaccumulator connection diagram
    • How to connect a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems (video)

If the accumulator is correctly connected, then all further maintenance can be done independently. Therefore, correctly connect this device so that you do not suffer later during its operation.

A check valve must be used to connect the accumulator. The accumulator tank is connected to a submersible pump, so the valve will not allow water to flow. You can also choose a submersible pump of the Jileks brand, which can be lowered to the bottom of a well or well. There are, of course, other types of pumps. After all, the pumping device is also capable of pumping air for the pumping station. Let's analyze the usual case of installing a hydraulic accumulator.

When connecting, the accumulator must be disconnected from the outlet

Accumulator connection mechanism:

  1. We measure the dimensions of the accumulator;
  2. We get a diagram of water supply and heating pipes;
  3. We are looking for free space for installation according to the dimensions;
  4. Of the options found for installation, leave the place that is closest to the pump;
  5. We connect a submersible pump with a hydraulic accumulator.

Thus, you will calculate the place to install the accumulator.

Remember that the water pump must be lowered no more than 30 centimeters below the level of the water mirror.

The device should be as close as possible to the water pump. As a rule, in this case, the batteries are located at the entrance to the country house. In order to subsequently service the accumulator, it is necessary to calculate its integration into the cold and hot water system. Such a need is associated with dumping water from the tank. Therefore, be careful about the installation site.

Is it easy to install the accumulator

Summer residents immediately panic when they hear that the accumulator must be connected to the water supply system. They think that pipes may suddenly burst and then the entire summer cottage along with the house will be filled with water. This is not true.

The accumulator is installed according to the standard and proven scheme. Many summer residents have integrated their tanks along it. And they did an excellent job with the task. To do this, they purchased all the necessary components in the form of nipples, pumps and fittings.

In Denmark, Germany and Italy, hydroaccumulators are installed in basements of 50-100 liters.

One person is enough to install the accumulator

To put it in the right place, you need to determine the water flow rate for the whole house. Determine the pump power and the volume of the accumulator. It is also worth knowing the location of the main water supply nodes.

  • Hoses;
  • Pipes;
  • Fitting;
  • Nipples;
  • Cranes and so on.

Then look at the installation diagram and just do everything as indicated there.

At first glance, it seems that installing the tank is a daunting task. This is not true. Decide on a place, look at the diagrams that the water supply has. Buy the connecting parts and simply connect the tank to the general water supply system.

Is it possible to make a hydroaccumulator with your own hands

Many craftsmen make a hydraulic accumulator with their own hands. To make it yourself, you need to understand its structure and design.

A hydraulic accumulator is a container with a certain volume. Its structure is quite simple and does not represent anything complicated. The tank consists of only two main parts.

The structure of the tank is:

  • Membrane;
  • Rubber bulb.

You can make a hydroaccumulator yourself only with experience.

For the tank, you can use a container made of plastic or aluminum. The inside of the tank material should be smooth and even. If there are roughness in it, then the inner membrane or pear will simply stretch, which will lead to its destruction. There is also a membraneless storage tank, in which there is no membrane. But such a tank is less efficient. Having one diaphragm expansion tank can solve many problems in the water supply.

The tank should be chosen with a volume of more than 30 liters.

The tank will require a pressure switch and a pressure gauge, which can be found at a modest price in the market. To connect, take also fittings, quarters, tees and a faucet. In the store selling them, ask to select only high-quality models, because there are different types. As a pear or membrane, you can take a bicycle camera - a nipple. You should also have a rubber sheet and sealant.

In order not to buy a tank and save your money, you can make it yourself. To do this, it is enough to find a tank with a volume of more than 30 liters and components in the form of rubber sheets, fittings and tees with taps. This will help you design a good tank for your water system.

We analyze how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump

In order to properly connect the accumulator to a submersible pump, you first need to theoretically understand the connection mechanism. This will help you complete the work of connecting the pump to the tank faster.

Connecting a hydraulic accumulator to the water supply system is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to have all the necessary elements, valves, hoses and connect them in series according to the algorithm.

In order to connect the tank, you will need to check the availability of:

  • Borehole pump;
  • Relay;
  • Pipelines for the flow of water from the pump to the future tank and from the tank to the water intake points;
  • Check valve;
  • Shut-off valves;
  • Filters for water purification;
  • Drainage for sewerage.

Pipes for connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump are sold in any hardware store

Before installing the tank, check that you have all the necessary tools and items.

If you have all of the above, then you can start connecting. An adapter nipple is connected to the submersible pump. This is followed by the connection of the check valve and pipe. Then a fitting and a filter are placed, and a tap between them. After them, install a five-piece and a pressure switch. A pressure gauge is needed for control. It helps to adjust the pressure. Connect a drain valve and a hose that can withstand vibrations during operation to the accumulator. This completes the installation. In this case, the well fades into the background, because all the main work is transferred to the domestic water supply system.

Summer residents sometimes install containers on the wall. To do this, place the tank on the mount.

It is not difficult to connect the battery to the pump. The main thing is to check the presence of all the components for connecting to a submersible or for a borehole pump. Otherwise, you will have to curtail the work. The connection process can take as little as a couple of hours if you do it in the correct sequence.

What is the hydroaccumulator connection diagram

For the connection to be successful, it must be done according to the scheme. Study what you need to connect, what elements and parts, and also, instructions and a connection diagram will help you.

To know what and where to connect, you first need to familiarize yourself with the main components of the connection diagram. The whole process is built around them. The purpose of the diagram is to show how a hydraulic accumulator is connected in a common circuit.

The hydroaccumulator connection diagram has three main elements:

  1. The accumulator itself;
  2. Submersible pump;
  3. Pressure switch;
  4. Five-way fitting.

The hydroaccumulator connection diagram can be easily found on the Internet and printed on a printer

These are the main components of the connection diagram. When assembling the hydrobox, take into account the automaticity of the hydraulic tank, put a connection to the hoses and an additional fitting, if necessary, will help in reliability and piping. It is better to connect the hydraulic pump to the pressure switch in the last stages, so the voltage is connected to it. The relay is connected to a five-way union. A check valve is also connected to it.

Remember that the relay is powered by a 220 VAC mains supply. Be careful!

A hydraulic accumulator is attached to the other end of the fitting. From him there is a pipeline to the house in the taps. A pressure gauge is used to analyze the condition. It can be mounted on a 5-way nipple. Usually it already has holes for installation.

Using this scheme, you quickly and easily connect all the main elements. Do not be stingy to buy a good submersible pump and select a high-quality accumulator. These are the ingredients worth spending your money on. In this case, they will serve you for decades.

How to connect a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems (video)

A hydraulic accumulator for a water supply system is necessary if you want to have constant access to water in your home. It will regulate the pressures in the water supply network and give you the opportunity to enjoy clean tap water. A small container is easy to install, and there are many benefits from it for a private house. Buy a hydraulic accumulator and you will always have a constant supply of water in your house.

Quite often, submersible pumps are used in private houses and dachas in the absence of centralized water supply.

Due to their advantages, their use has become widespread, and they are quite popular.

But in order to achieve high-quality and trouble-free operation, you should correctly connect to them. After all, these devices are an important unit for water supply and they contain compressed air and water, which are separated by a membrane.

Hydraulic tank device

The presence of a hydraulic accumulator is required in cases where the water pressure decreases.

If this happens, the pump turns on, which pumps the required volume of water into the accumulator, and then turns off.

Also, this device is able to provide the system with water in cases where the pump has been damaged or there are problems with electricity.

The accumulator consists of the following components:

  • membrane;
  • body with legs;
  • nipple with protective cap.


Like any other device, a hydraulic accumulator has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The former include its large capacity, which, depending on the model, is from 5 to 100 liters. So it is quite possible to store water in it.

Also, its cost is quite objective and available to all segments of the population. For example, if the price of a hydraulic accumulator is about 15 thousand rubles, then its plastic analogue for 3 liters costs no more than 4 thousand rubles.

The presence of this device makes it possible to always maintain the required pressure at which household water supply devices can operate. In addition, the use of a hydraulic accumulator allows you to increase the durability of the pump, since the frequency of its shutdowns and starts is reduced.

How to connect

Relay setting

Pressure switch device Correct setting is one of the most important connection steps.

While this procedure seems simple at first glance, some knowledge is required to set it up properly.

You should also follow all the rules. Opening the pressure switch, you will see that under the cover there are only two nuts and the same number of springs, which, according to the instructions, are required to set the value at which the well pump is turned on.

Specialist's note: to adjust the pressure difference, a smaller pair of screws should be used, a larger one is required to activate this mechanism. In addition, it is also used to set up a smaller pair.

For the smooth functioning of the entire system, the difference between switching on and off must be equal to 2 atmospheres. When making settings, you need to remember that this should be done in the right sequence.

If the pressure is working, then the pump turns off. In this case, the nut, installed on the lower spring, rotates in the direction of decreasing to the point of its operation.

In addition, open the tap to drain the existing water from the system. Doing this, it is necessary to control the pressure at which the pump is turned on using a manometer. The value of the nut of the large pair should be set to the lower limit, and the small pair should be adjusted to the previously set value.

As we can see from the above, connecting the accumulator to the pump is a fairly simple procedure, provided that everything is done according to the instructions. It can be produced independently in a fairly short time.

Watch a video in which a specialist explains in detail how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump:

When arranging an autonomous water supply system, it is necessary to achieve a stable pressure in the network. Pressure surges, hydraulic shocks affect the comfort of using communications and, more importantly, can cause breakdowns in household appliances. To normalize the operation of the water supply system, hydraulic accumulators are installed. In stand-alone systems, they perform the same functions as water towers in centralized networks. The hydraulic accumulator is the main unit that connects the pumping group with the internal water supply. How to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump? How to choose and install it correctly?

Hydraulic tanks come in many shapes, sizes and configurations. For each system, you can choose the best option

How different types of accumulators work

The main structural elements are body, diaphragm and nipple. The storage tank body is a sealed cylinder designed to operate under a pressure of 1.5-6 atmospheres. The maximum load is 10 atmospheres. A membrane is fixed at the neck of the body, access to which is open only through a special flange with a valve. On the opposite side, a nipple is cut through which air is pumped into the tank. The whole structure is installed on legs.

Depending on the configuration, a distinction is made between vertical and horizontal storage tanks. They work according to the same principle, with the difference that vertical models of large volume (over 50 liters) have a special valve through which air is released. This is necessary because during the operation of the plumbing system, excess air gradually accumulates. Therefore, a valve is installed on top of vertical accumulators, and a drain or a tap in horizontal ones. In small tanks, air is vented, completely draining the water.

Video: the principle of operation and functions of hydraulic tanks

Wiring diagram of a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump

In order for the pump to serve its intended life normally, it must be operated in the mode provided by the technical characteristics. Submersible equipment should be turned on no more than 5-20 times per minute (exact indicators are indicated in the documentation for a particular model).

The pressure switch gives a command to turn on the pump when the pressure in the system drops to the set parameters. If a hydraulic accumulator is not installed, the pressure drops even with a minimum water flow, and the equipment will constantly turn on and off. This will lead to its rapid wear and tear.

A storage tank is connected to the water supply circuit, which makes it possible to reduce the frequency of switching on and off the pump and extend its service life. The volume of the device is also selected taking into account the intensity of water consumption, power and installation height of the pump.

Diagram: installation location of the hydraulic tank in an autonomous water supply network

Tank connection procedure

  • A pressure hose is removed from the mounted pump and connected to a pressure switch through a manifold with five connectors ("five").
  • The flow is diverted from the "five" to the hydraulic tank.
  • One pipe of the collector is connected to the water supply network, another one is connected to the control unit.
  • A check valve is inserted between the "five" and the pump. It is needed so that when the pump stops working, the water does not drain back into the well or well.

Video instruction for assembling a pump group with a drive

Features of installing a hydraulic accumulator

The accumulator is attached to the floor through rubber pads. Flexible adapters are used to connect to pipes. If the device is new or has not been used for a long time, the first time it should be filled very carefully so as not to damage the membrane, which can stick together from long inactivity. It is advisable to remove all air before filling.

The place for mounting the accumulator is chosen so that there is free access to it for maintenance. If you do not have the skills, it is better not to take risks and not install the device yourself, but turn to more competent people, especially if you have to connect two submersible pumps to one accumulator.

How to set up the device correctly

New accumulators are adjusted at the factory. Typically the pressure is 1.5 atmospheres. However, it can take a long time before the sale, and the indicators fall. Therefore, the first thing to check is the pressure. An electronic or mechanical pressure gauge is suitable for monitoring. You can use an automobile.

Some models of hydraulic tanks are specially equipped with pressure gauges. But you can choose any device. The main thing is that it is accurate. Even 0.5 atmospheres affects the operation of the drive. For the same reason, it is better not to use plastic Chinese pressure gauges. They rarely show accurate data.

If you need to achieve high pressure in the network, leave the "factory" 1.5 atmospheres. If the water will be used only for domestic household needs, the indicator can be reduced to 1 atmosphere. The higher the pressure, the more air in the tank and less water. Therefore, many homeowners bleed off excess air in order to increase the tank capacity and reduce the frequency of pump starts.

The upper and lower limits are set on the pressure switch, according to which the pump will turn on and off. For this, two nuts and springs are provided under the cover of the device. They can be used to adjust the settings. The optimum difference between on and off pressure is 1-2 atmospheres. Too large a drop is also undesirable, because this will lead to rapid wear of the hydraulic tank membrane.

When choosing a hydraulic tank model, you need not only to determine the required volume, technical characteristics, but also to find out what material the membrane is made of. The seller must have certificates of conformity, a sanitary and hygienic conclusion, which indicate the scope of the drive. It is necessary to choose a model designed for systems with cold drinking water.

As for the manufacturers, the brands Aguasistem, Varem, Wester Line, Zilmet, Reflex have proven themselves well. Hydraulic tanks are equipped with spare flanges and diaphragms. When purchasing, make sure they are in stock. If the accumulator is selected and installed correctly, in a dry place, and the owner carries out maintenance on time, the device will serve for many years.