Processing onion sets before planting with potassium permanganate and salt. Planting onions before winter - optimal timing and suitable varieties How to process the garden before planting onions

Not all summer residents know how to properly plant onions before winter and why it is needed. In this seemingly simple matter, there are several subtleties that should be observed in order to get a bountiful and early harvest.

Not all onion varieties are suitable for winter planting, however, choosing the right variety does not guarantee you a result. Only a combination of competent agricultural technology, high-quality planting material and adherence to the onion planting time will allow you to enjoy fresh greens next spring.

How to plant onions before winter

For the autumn planting of onions, a garden bed is suitable, on which tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, beans, any cereals, beets, mustard, rapeseed, and salads were previously grown. It is not recommended to plant onions after beans, potatoes, alfalfa, red clover, because this can lead to its defeat by nematodes. But you can plant onions after onions only once - in the third year you will not get a good harvest.

The soil for the winter planting of onions must be prepared in advance. The best harvest will be on loose, fertile soils. Therefore, when digging, add 5-6 kg of humus, 10 g of potassium salt and 20 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. M. Before planting, sprinkle the soil with wood ash at the rate of 10 g / m2.

Then weed the bed, level and compact the surface. Cut grooves at a distance of 20 m from each other and spread dry seedlings in them, leaving 5-7 cm intervals between the bulbs. Gently fill the bulbs, but do not water them - there is enough moisture in the soil in the fall. With the onset of frost, mulch the plantings with dry leaves, spruce branches, coniferous litter and cover the mulch with branches so that it is not blown away by the wind. If the winters in your area are snowy, additional shelter can be dispensed with.

It is also important to know how deep to plant onions before winter. Bulbs that are too deep in spring will germinate longer, waiting for the soil to warm up, and those that are located at the very surface may freeze or get wet. Therefore, the optimal depth of the sevka during planting is 5 cm.

Processing onion sets before planting

Regardless of whether you purchased the planting material or grew it yourself, the onions will have to be sorted out and sorted before the autumn planting. First of all, remove all diseased, rotten, dried out bulbs and bulbs with mechanical damage.

Then arrange the remaining onions to size:

  • up to 1 cm in diameter (wild oat);
  • 1 to 3 cm in diameter (set);
  • more than 3 cm in diameter (sample).

The first and second options are great for planting on a bulb, while the third produces early and abundant greens.

If you are not sure about the health of the seed, it is advisable to decontaminate it before planting.

What onions can be planted before winter

Before winter, you can sow almost any onion, and the soil for it is prepared in the same way, regardless of the variety and variety. But there are some differences in agricultural technology.

Black onion before winter

Growing onions from seeds allows you to adapt the variety to your soil and climate, since this growth is as close to natural conditions as possible. In addition, sowing nigella saves on planting material and is confident in the quality of the onion.

Nigella is sown in the frozen ground at the rate of 100 seeds per 1 running meter of the groove. The garden bed is covered with a layer of humus or peat, but not watered. In winter, it is advisable to ensure that there is always a layer of snow on the ridge with crops. If your winters have little snow, mulch the nigella with leaves or sawdust, and in the spring remove the mulch before sprouting.

Onions on a turnip before winter

The autumn planting of onions on a turnip is good not only because it frees time from these troubles in the spring, but also because the onion fly is less damaging to plants. Indeed, by the time it begins to attack your ridges, a dense bottom and a developed root lobe are already forming in the bulbs. In addition to the timing of planting, this onion will be no different from the rest, and you will need to care for it in the same way as for the onion that you always planted in the spring.

Spring onion before winter

The onion, popular for its luscious greenery, is sown only before winter, and already in the frozen ground. It does not have full-fledged bulbs, so the seeds are poured thickly, laying holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other. After sowing, the ridge is mulched with humus or peat, and covered with foil in the spring.

Shallots before winter

Before winter, shallots are planted a month and a half before the onset of frost, however, in this case, almost half of the bulbs cannot stand the winter. His planting technique is the same as that of a regular onion, but you need to choose the smallest bulbs - they are better adapted to the cold. It is necessary to deepen the shallots by 10 cm when planting, but this should be exactly laying in ready-made holes or pits. It is impossible to press a delicate onion into the soil - this will injure its root system.

When can you plant onions before winter

Planting onions in the fall is carried out without reference to the calendar - it is worth focusing only on the weather and climatic conditions. It is important to remember that from the moment of planting until the soil freezes, the onion should have time to take root, but not start growing. It takes 2-3 weeks for a regular onion to do this.

How to understand when it's time to plant onion sets before winter? Watch the thermometer - as soon as the temperature outside has dropped to 5-7 ° C and stays at this mark for several days in a row, you can start planting. If the fall is unstable in your area, try dividing the onion in two. Plant one in mid-October and the other in early November. But there is no point in planting onions after the onset of stable frosts - it will simply freeze and will not rise in spring.

Where to plant onions before winter

The choice of a place for planting podzimny onion sets is not fundamental - this culture will take root well and will grow on classic ridges, and on high, and in greenhouses. However, if you plant onions in a greenhouse before winter, they will turn green much earlier than their street counterparts. If you do not have a greenhouse, and you want to add onions to the salad in April, just cover the garden with spunbond or foil as soon as the snow melts.

Since the onion easily tolerates small frosts, it does not make sense to plant it in a warm bed, leave it for more delicate crops. In addition, if your region has a mild and prolonged autumn, with such heating the onions will have time not only to take root, but also to grow, and then inevitably freeze, which will have a bad effect on the yield of the next year.

The best varieties of onions for planting before winter

When buying onion sets, always clarify which variety is in front of you. After all, the first, even beautiful, large and healthy seed that comes across may turn out to be one of the southern varieties and, in conditions of a short daylight hours, simply will not take root, and will not rise in spring.

Pay attention to the bulbs themselves - their diameter should not exceed 1 cm, and with the most careful examination there should not be any signs of rot or damage. There are special varieties of onions in each region, but most often proven options are in demand, for example, Radar, Danilovsky, Senshui, Sturon, Shakespeare etc.

Treating onions before planting helps protect the plant from gray rot and pests. The processed planting material does not suffer from temperature extremes, sprouts faster and forms even bulbs.

Processing onions before planting before winter

Purchase seeds from specialized stores. Don't buy deformed and sprouted planting onions; they will grow weak and sore. Sort the seeds before planting, discarding dried and cracked bulbs.

Source: Depositphotos

Processing of onions before planting is carried out with chemical and folk remedies.

2–3 days before planting, warm the onions by spreading them on a newspaper near the stove or radiator. This will save the plant from the formation of arrows and inflorescences. Instead of heating, you can pour the onions for 2-3 minutes. hot water.

Soak the seed for 1.5–2 hours in a nutrient mixture of ammophoska or nitroammofoska in a proportion of 10 liters of water per 1 tbsp. l. composition. The drug will increase the germination of onions, protect the heads from damage by onion flies.

Process the onions at the end of September just before planting in the ground. After contact with chemicals, it must not be eaten.

Copper sulfate treatment prevents fungal diseases in young plantings. The drug kills spores of the rot pathogen and disinfects the soil. Dilute 1.5 tsp. copper sulfate in a bucket of warm water. Soak the bulbs in the resulting solution for 3-4 hours before planting in the ground.

To protect onion sets from powdery mildew, treat the seed with TMTD solution or fentiuram. The preparations will destroy fungal nematodes, revitalizing and strengthening the plant rhizome.

Onion processing with folk remedies

You can save seeds from diseases and ensure a rich harvest with the help of folk remedies. They are safe for humans, do not change the structure of the soil and are effective plant nutrition.

Folk remedies for onion processing:

  • Dilute 1 tbsp in 1.5 liters of water. l. soda and soak the seed in the resulting solution for 1-2 hours. This will help to avoid arrowheading and head rotting.
  • Treat seeds affected by an onion fly with an infusion of wood ash. It kills insect larvae and eggs, strengthens the rhizome and regenerates onion scales.
  • Dip the seeds in charcoal crumbs to protect the onions from gray rot and worms. It eats away harmful microorganisms, preventing seedling disease.
  • A weak saline solution will disinfect the bulbs from nematodes. 3 tbsp. l. Dissolve salt in 2 liters of water. Dip the onion in the solution for 4-6 hours.
  • Dissolve 40 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water, immerse the seeds in the solution for 1-2 hours. Potassium manganese disinfects the heads, kills onion mite larvae, eliminates bacteriosis and gray rot.

To protect the onions from frost, cover the planting with a layer of dry peat or humus. Mulch the beds with dry hay, sawdust, chopped straw, or fallen leaves.

Processing onions before planting is a preventive measure that protects the bulbs from diseases and pests. It is carried out with the help of chemical and folk remedies.

Onions are the main vegetable, without which it is impossible to cook delicious and healthy dishes. But in order to grow a crop, it is not always enough to follow the rules of agricultural technology, since, like any other crop, onions have their own pests and diseases that can nullify all the gardener's efforts. Therefore, experts recommend protecting the sevok even before planting, which will save you from many problems in the future.

The need for pre-sowing treatment of onions lies in the fact that there is a specific medicine against each pest and disease, which is better to use in advance as a prophylaxis than to subsequently treat an already affected plant.

This procedure is especially important if the planting material was purchased on the market, and there is no 100% confidence in its quality. Then processing the sevka before planting is a must, and not a recommended procedure.

Presowing processing of onions allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • the percentage of germination increases;
  • feather and bulb growth takes root;
  • the development of powdery mildew and decay is prevented;
  • protects from the effects of pests;
  • the percentage of shooting is reduced to a minimum;
  • yield increases.

Qualitatively and timely processing in the spring will allow not only an experienced gardener to achieve a good harvest of onions, but also help a beginner to avoid many problems, as well as strengthen the immunity and resistance of the culture to negative factors.

Diseases and pests of onions

To achieve a good harvest of onions, you need to know that the plant is susceptible to various diseases and pests. Moreover, some lie in wait for him during the entire storage period, while others - during the growing season, which reduces not only the quantity and quality of the crop, but can also completely destroy it.

To understand who you have to deal with and what poses a danger to the crop, you should study the common diseases and pests of onion sets. This will help in the future to realize how important spring processing of onions before planting is.

  1. Peronosporosis or downy mildew. The gardener will be able to recognize this disease by its characteristic light spots, which, in the process of further development, acquire a dark purple hue. As a result, the affected onion feathers begin to dry out prematurely. The causative agent of the disease hibernates in the bulb, and does not reveal its vital activity in any way. When planting, the seedlings develop normally within 3-4 months, after which the plant is suppressed.
  2. Neck rot. This disease is the most common, which is associated with improper storage of seedlings in winter. In this case, the pathogen enters the thick neck of the bulb.
  3. Cercosporosis. The disease can be recognized by the characteristic spots of an irregular shape of brown color with a light edging, located on the feathers of the onion. The disease progresses during the growing season, thereby causing premature drying of the leaves. The infection persists in the set for a long period of time.
  4. Rust. It appears with light, slightly convex pads. Then they enlarge and take on a dark shade. The disease leads to premature drying of feathers, which negatively affects the future harvest.
  5. Onion moth. The larvae of the caterpillar of this pest cause harm to the plantings. They settle in the middle of onion feathers and develop and feed there. As a result, the leaves dry out, starting from the apical part.
  6. The peak of mass destruction of the bow falls on the end of May - beginning of June. Damage to plantings is caused by onion fly larvae, which gnaw through the holes in the seed bulbs. This leads to their decay, which becomes the cause of the death of the entire plant.
  7. Stem nematode. It is a cylindrical worm of light color. The pest affects all parts of the plant, which leads to deformation of feathers and bulbs. As a result, the plant takes on a dwarf form.
  8. Scoop. The revival of caterpillars after winter occurs at the end of May. Eventually, they penetrate the onion leaves or eat out large cavities directly in the bulb.
  9. Lurker beetle. The appearance of the pest can be recognized by the characteristic small cavities on the feathers, which is a sign of its vital activity. Its larvae feed on the inner pulp, eating away at it in longitudinal stripes, without violating the integrity of the upper shell. This leads to drying out of the leaves and to a decrease in the vitality of the plant.

Important! One of the biggest problems when growing onions is shooting, but it should be understood that this is not a disease, but a natural phase of plant development.

How to treat onions before planting against diseases and pests

There are many ways to process seedlings before planting, but there is no single method that can simultaneously provide protection against diseases, pests and shooting. From viral diseases and white rot, in general, there is no way of protection. The only thing that can be done in this case is to prepare the onion sets in advance and disinfect the soil, which will increase the plant's resistance to pathogens.

Before carrying out the pre-sowing preparation of the onion, it is necessary to sort out the sets and sort them by size. Planting large and small bulbs separately will make it much easier to care for them in the future.

Important! Without regret, it is necessary to throw out deformed, dry, rotten specimens, as well as those that do not inspire confidence.

Another procedure that should be carried out is cut dry apex to living tissue... But it should be borne in mind that when growing onions on a feather, it is necessary to cut more radically, as this will accelerate the germination of greens, and when planting on a turnip, it is recommended to remove only the upper dry tip without damaging the bulb itself. In case of unwillingness or lack of time, this stage can be skipped.

Important! You cannot cut off the bottom, from which the roots are formed, otherwise you can forget about the future harvest.

Video: preparing onion sets for planting

How to process a bow before planting from shooting

To prevent the earlier appearance of arrows at the bow, you must apply warming up bulbs. This can be done on a battery by sprinkling the set on corrugated cardboard or on a window in the sun.

The first 2 weeks, warming up should be carried out at a temperature of 20 degrees, and then 10 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees, but at the same time clearly observe the time so as not to overexpose the planting material.

Then you should spend hardening, which will help the seed to develop resistance to temperature extremes in the open field. To do this, it is recommended to heat the water to a temperature of 45 degrees and dip the onion into it for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to soak the seedlings in cold water for 10 minutes. Then dry the seed and then plant it in open ground.

Video: why the bow is shot from the set and what to do

Important! This method cannot completely eliminate the bow from shooting, but its percentage will be minimal.

Video: how to prevent bow shooting

How to process onions before sowing for fungal diseases

There are different ways to treat seedlings from rot and other diseases. Their choice depends on the capabilities and preferences of the gardener.

The easiest is to process the onions before planting. food soda... This will require 1 tsp. Dissolve soda in 1 liter of warm water, then lower the set in the solution for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, the seed must be spread out to dry.

Video: the use of soda when planting onions

Another method is processing copper sulfate... This method is especially relevant if there are doubts about the quality of the seed. To prepare a working solution, you need 1.5 tbsp. l. Dissolve the drug in 1 bucket of warm water. Stir the mixture until the characteristic copper shade appears. Dip the set in the solution for 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the bulbs. At the end of the procedure, dry the seed and plant it.

Important! Processing onions with copper sulfate cannot be combined with soaking in potassium permanganate or.

Another common way to treat onions from diseases is to soak the seedlings in solution. potassium permanganate... To do this, it is necessary to prepare the product in a ratio of 3 g per 10 liters of water, that is, the solution should be a saturated purple color. Soak the seed for 2 hours, then rinse it with clean water and dry it before planting.

Effectively, the processing is carried out with a biological product that is sold in a store. In order for the product to give a result, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its preparation. To do this, you need to dilute the drug in a ratio of 10 g per 6 liters of water 2 hours before treatment in order to activate the active substance of the biological product. Then soak the set for 2 hours.

How to process onions before planting from pests

To keep the seed safe from pests, you can use a simple method of protection. It is necessary to process the onion before planting. salt... To do this, you will need to prepare a saline solution in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Soaking is carried out for 6 hours. Then the sevok should be dried. This method is especially effective against stem nematodes, thrips and ticks.

Onion processing for onion fly

Onion fly can be used Birch tar which is sold at the pharmacy. For processing, you should dilute 1 tbsp. l. means in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Duration of soaking is 2-3 hours. Then dry and plant the sevok.

Video: processing onion sets from an onion fly with birch tar

By the way, when the feather grows 10-15 centimeters, you can also water the onion from the onion fly salt... You will need 1 glass of salt for 10 liters of water. Watering rate is 1 glass of salt water for each onion. The next day, it is recommended to water the plantings with water and feed with ash.

Video: processing onions from an onion fly with saline

Processing of onion sets before planting in spring against pests and diseases, according to experts, is a mandatory procedure. But the gardener must decide for himself whether to process the seed before planting or not. However, in its absence, one should not be surprised at the lack of a proper harvest.

Video: processing onion sets before planting

In contact with

To obtain a good harvest of onions, many gardeners use sets grown from seeds as planting material. Simple preparation and processing before planting will help to get friendly shoots and create protection for the crop from pests or diseases. The measures taken will also affect the growing season and head formation.

Before planting and sowing in open ground, onion seeds must be prepared in a special way - disinfect or pickle, trim the top, treat with phytosporin from fungus or to reduce shooting.

Experienced gardeners remember the times when there was no talk about preparing onions for planting. It was believed that onions are a plant enough unpretentious, not requiring special attention... They managed only with a bulkhead to remove damaged bulbs.

With the current ecology and the vagaries of the climate in different regions, it is not worth dreaming that culture will grow by itself.

In addition, each stage of the preparatory process endows the planting material with advantageous qualities:

  • stimulating growth;
  • destruction of harmful bacteria by disinfection;
  • strengthening immunity (resistance to a number of diseases and pests);
  • prevention of turnip rotting;
  • increased resistance to weather disasters.

Harvesting a bountiful onion crop depends on more than just proper grooming. The lion's share of success depends on the quality of the preparation of the seed for planting.

How to pre-sowing seedlings in the spring

You can strengthen the immunity of the sevka to resist pests and diseases by soaking... There are quite a lot of recipes for solutions for the pre-sowing procedure; you can easily make and choose a convenient option.

Popular components include:

  • salt;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • copper sulfate;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • Birch tar.

The main enemy of the bow is onion fly... Treatment of the seedlings with saline will help prevent its invasion of the beds. The same way will save the culture. from thrips and ticks.

And in the fight against fungal spores, it has proven itself well potassium permanganate... Soaking in a weak solution will help destroy microorganisms on the planting material, the main thing is to drain the solution in time.

To obtain fast shoots, various growth stimulants are used. Pre-planting treatment accelerates the germination of shoots by 3-6 days. Among the effective means - solutions of zircon and humate, "Energen".

Correct processing

Planting material begins to prepare for the planting season in the fall.

During its storage, the temperature regime should be observed and the humidity in the room should not be increased. Good ventilation or regular ventilation prevent spoilage of the set. In the spring, immediately before planting, the onion undergoes a comprehensive processing.

From pests and diseases

Sevok for planting is purchased or used its own, grown from nigella seeds. It is impossible to visually determine the presence or absence of fungal spores and other harmful bacteria in it, therefore it is recommended to carry out disinfection procedure.

There are a lot of drugs and different means that can cope with this task. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account before using.

Many gardeners use the old proven method of processing planting material - they soak it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-25 minutes... Another method involves the use of saltpeter (2-3 grams), which is diluted in a bucket of warm water.

To increase immunity and get rid of harmful bacteria, the usual salt... 5-6 tablespoons of salt are diluted in a bucket of water, after which the set is immersed for 4-5 hours. A little less concentrated salt water is poured over the soil under the beds in order to disinfect.

Do not overuse the amount of salt or frequent use. This will help protect plants from diseases, but it will spoil the soil for a long time. It is recommended to carry out one-time procedures.

Onion will protect against fungal infections by treatment with the drug Fitosporin... Dilute 35 grams in a bucket of water. Fitosporin and the prepared heads are immersed in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.

To stimulate growth

In order for the seed to grow quickly and give a good harvest, it is recommended to treat it with growth stimulants before planting. The most accessible and popular way is to use wood ash rich in potassium and natural antiseptics.

Procedure in addition to accelerating growth prevents decay material in the ground. You will need to dilute 250 gr in 5 liters of water. ash, then immerse the onions in the solution for 10 minutes. Next, dry them for 2-3 hours.

The drug effectively copes with the task Epin-Extra... Add 1 capsule to heated water up to 50 degrees. The soaking time for the heads is 10-15 minutes. You can also use other means: Biostim, Silk... The solution is prepared in the proportions indicated in the instructions.

Epin Extra - to stimulate growth

When planting onions before winter with growth stimulants, the material is not processed.

To reduce arrowing

Warming up necessary to prevent early formation of arrows. Some gardeners carry out the procedure in the sun (at a temperature of at least 20 degrees).

Others send the seed (in a cardboard box) to a battery, where, under the influence of heat of no more than 40 degrees, the planting material is kept for about 10 hours. It is important not to overexpose or overheat the onion.

If there is no time to warm up, and the planting time has already come, you can pour the senchik onions with hot water (about 50 degrees) for 15 minutes, after which it is imperative to water it with cold water. Such express processing will not completely eliminate the issue of arrows, but will significantly postpone the time of their formation.

When soaking, it is recommended to immerse the onion in the solution. in the grid... On top of it, you need to lay out a small weighting agent so that the sevok does not float up. It is impossible to use too heavy objects, as they will damage the integrity of the heads, which will ruin the planting material.

Preparation before processing

The preparatory process consists of the following stages:

  • sorting of planting material;
  • drying;
  • warming up;
  • soaking and disinfection;
  • drying.

When sorting, it is important not only to remove damaged bulbs, but also to sort out the material suitable for planting. by size.

Large turnips are planted first in the beds, after them the medium ones are sent into the soil, and the smallest ones germinate faster than others, so their turn is the last.

By planting seedlings of approximately the same diameter on the beds, it is ensured uniform seedling development and feather distillation... In turn, the root crops will be formed of approximately the same size, which is convenient for subsequent storage.

After soaking procedures, it is important to rinse the seedlings in clean water, changing it 2-3 times. Few people mention this fact, and inexperienced gardeners miss this stage.

Do I need to trim the top of the onion set before planting

If the planting is planned in a small area, then it is rational to supplement the process with cutting the bulbs.

For large plantations, this is difficult to cut due to the large volumes. Removing the top of the head accelerates the germination of the shoot and creates favorable conditions for good vegetation.

In addition, correct pruning makes the soaking procedure more effective; it is much easier for the solution to penetrate between the head flakes. Careful preparation practically eliminates unpleasant surprises when growing a bulbous crop.

When trimming, do not remove too large a portion of the top. This will provoke decay of the planting material or prevent the onion from releasing greens.

Methods for preplanting onion pruning

When growing onions on a feather from large heads 1/3 of the top is cut off... This makes it possible to easily extract the greens when they reach the desired height. If the goal of agricultural technology is to obtain a root crop, then only the tail should be cut off without affecting the white skin.

Some varieties (like Msergey) are pruned on both sides: both top and bottom... This is done to accelerate growth and rapid formation of the root system. Such manipulation gives the result literally the next day, when the process of shoot growth has already begun. On the dry bottom, the roots are formed much later.

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, in any case, there is a reason to remove the woven part of the top. It is quite difficult for feathers to break through a dense barrier, this is a factor inhibiting vegetation.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of preparing the seed for planting, we can confidently state the fact of the need for these procedures... Costs in time and money will be required minimal, and the quality of the bulbs and the entire crop increases significantly.