Easy assembly of the Rubik's cube. Simple rules for solving the Rubik's cube

So you've selected and bought your first one. It's time to learn how to collect it.

You can either learn to collect it right from this page. So how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube? Let's start!

3x3 cube construction

Rubik's cube 3x3 has six multi-colored sides, consists of 26 elements, fastened and freely moving among themselves.

Cube elements are divided into three types

What is the Rubik's Cube 3x3

fig. 1 basic elements of the Rubik's cube

Fig. 2 Cross - internal mechanism for attaching the Rubik's cube.

To solve a Rubik's cube, you need to know the formulas for solving it. Therefore, first of all you need to learn the language of rotations.

The language of rotations. What do the letters in the Rubik's cube formulas mean?

the main thing

  1. The cube has top, bottom, right, left. When rotating, keep the cube in one position relative to you, and simply rotate the desired side. REMEMBER THIS!
  2. The centers of the cube do not move anywhere, they always remain in their places relative to each other, because they are fastened together with a cross (Fig. 2).

Rubik's cube formulas are written in letters that indicate the rotation of a certain side of the cube by 90 ° clockwise. If there is an apostrophe (') next to the letter, the side is rotated counterclockwise. The number in front of the letter indicates the number of turns.

We remind you: when you rotate the sides, the cube itself remains stationary, you just rotate the desired side.

Practice rotating the desired sides of the cube clockwise and counterclockwise. Let the fingers remember the movement, and the mind - what and where to rotate, if there is a certain letter in the formula. This will greatly facilitate your learning of assembly algorithms.

As a respite, we recommend that you talk about how professional speed cubes differ from those for beginners. And should a beginner immediately invest in the purchase of an expensive sports cube? In short, our opinion: on the one hand, it's damn nice to turn the cosmically mobile MoYu Hualong in your hands, for example. An elite cube can be a great motivator for speed building. On the other hand: beginners may not notice the difference between a budget cube and a sports cube, if the budget cube is good and fast, and we do not keep others

Stage one - assembling the first (bottom) Rubik's Cube layer.

Assembling the cross

Assembling the cross is the first step in assembling the first (bottom) layer. Take the cube as you like, study the position of the centers. Remember the color of the bottom and top. In our case, it is blue. Until the end of the first assembly step, keep the blue center at the bottom and the green at the top.

Your task when assembling the cross: in turn find on the cube four ribs from blue color, and move them down to blue center so that their second edge colors coincided with lateral center colors... The picture shows the edges with blue color that have become at the bottom, and their second colors yellow and red coincided with the colors of the lateral centers - that's right.

In order to assemble a cross, you do not need special algorithms, but for example, consider situations that may occur and test your understanding of simple algorithms.

Attention! As soon as you start performing the algorithm, not the algorithm for solving the cube, do not rotate the cube itself in your hands until you complete the combination. The centers of different colors must maintain their position. For example, yellow is in front of you, blue is below, red is on the right.

Assembling corners

So, the cross is assembled. We proceed to the assembly of the corners - the final stage of the assembly of the first layer. Take the cube with the cross down. pay attention to the colors of the three centers, between which should be corner, find it on the cube. In our case, we are looking for blue-yellow-red corner. There is only one in the cube.

We put the corner in the top layer above the place where it should go and make the URU'R 'algorithm. If the corner has fallen into place and coincided with the colors from the centers, then move on to the next corner. If not, then we repeat the algorithm until it becomes as we need.

Interesting fact: if the cube is solved and we repeat this algorithm (URU'R ') six times, then the cube will get tangled and then it will be assembled.Let's see what happens to our corner after each algorithm. All of the following options may be at your assembly.

Stage two - assembling the second (middle) layer of the Rubik's cube

Hold the cube with the blue side facing down and the green center facing up.

In order to assemble the second layer, we need only one algorithm, but before executing it we need to prepare a cube - bring it to one of the two possible situations shown below. Find in the top layer any edge which one no green... Rotate the top layer (movements U or U ’) so that the lateral color of the edge matches any of the lateral centers. Now take the cube so that the coinciding center is facing on you, and the blue, as before, remained below. In our example, we found yellow - red edge. Side rib color - yellow... Rotate the top layer and match the edge to the yellow center. You may also get an option when you combine red an edge with a red center, and yellow the color of the rib remains on the top side.

We take the cube with the yellow or red center towards us and we get one of three possible cases.


The rib is already in place, but twisted. We need to “replace” it with any edge with green color from the top layer, then again reduce it to the two cases indicated above and solve it.

The third stage of the assembly is the assembly of the top layer of the cube

We come to the last stage - assembling the 3rd (top) Rubik's layer. First, we need to arrange the edges on the top layer so that they form a green cross. After assembling the first two layers, one of the four cases shown in the figures will turn out on the top layer. Find the one you have and follow the algorithm FRUR'U'F ' to make a cross. You can start from the “dot” and come to the “cross”.

Important! Before each start of the algorithm, hold the cube in your hands exactly as shown in the figures!

So, at the top we have a cross.

Match the side edge colors with the side centers.

By turning the top edge (U or U ') trying to combine side rib colors from lateral centers... All four colors must match (yellow, orange, white, red). If four do not match, then set the layer so that it matches at least two ribs.

If you don't find two matching edges, then follow the algorithm R U R 'U R 2U R' U and look for ribs again.

So, on the top layer we have a cross and ribs set correctly.

We put the corners in place.

Check if the corners of the top layer are in place, the corners may be twisted. But the main thing is that they have the same colors as the centers between which they stand. If so, skip this step and move on to the next.

If the corners need to be placed correctly, then take the cube in your hands so that there is a corner to your right that stands in its place and follow the algorithm without changing the position of the cube: U R U ’L’ U R ’U’ L

If there is not a single corner that stands in its placethen do the above algorithm from any position and the corner will appear.

The cube is almost complete, it remains to twist the corners.

You can have two, three or four twisted corners. The corners are twisted by a simple algorithm R ’D’ R D R ’D’ R D,

Important!!! This algorithm works only for one corner that is on your right. The secret is that when the corner becomes correct, you need to turn the upper edge (U or U ') and substitute the next corner in its place that needs to be twisted. We can repeat the algorithm from 2 to 5 times and it will seem to you that the cube is confused, do not worry, it will come together. The main thing is not to release the cube, not to twist it in your hands until you have completed the entire sequence of algorithms.

Let's consider the most difficult case with four twisted corners:


Now you know exactly how to solve the Rubik's Cube! Disassemble and assemble your cube following this instruction until you memorize all the algorithms!

And then a huge world of mechanical puzzles will open before you, the formulas of which are based on the formulas of a 3x3 cube!

Date: 2012-11-20 Editor: Zagumenny Vladislav

Stage 1. Getting acquainted with the Rubik's cube.
Rubik's Cube Part Names:
Rib parts or ribs - parts with two colors. In total, the cube has 12 edge parts located in the middle of the edges.

Corner parts or cornersAre pieces with three colors. In total, the cube has 8 corner pieces located in the corners.

Central parts or simply centers - parts with one color. In total, the cube has 6 central parts located in the center of each face. The center pieces do not move and represent the colors of their edges.
Centers always opposite to each other:

White is the opposite of yellow.
- Orange is the opposite of red.
- Green is the opposite of blue.

Each side of the cube is indicated by a Latin letter

R - right side - the right side of the die
L - left side - left side of the cube
U - top side - the top side of the cube
D - bottom side - the bottom side of the cube
F - front face - front side of the cube
B - back side - the back side of the cube.
Comment:the letter “i” after the letter of the face means backward movement or counterclockwise movement when looking directly at the face.

Very important
When performing the movements below, keep the cube fully turned with one side towards you, as shown in the picture. Dark gray in the pictures means that the real color of these parts does not matter. Every move is one fourth of a full turn 360 degrees.

Stage 2. Putting together the white cross.

A task:Keeping your cube so that the white center is on the top (U), you must assemble the white cross as shown in the picture below. Much of this stage is achieved by trial and error, but there are still a few clues.

Be sure to remember that you need to collect the parts of the white cross in the following order - blue, orange, green, red.
Notice how the edges in the picture above match the top white center and the side red or blue center. This way you can simply determine that the edges are in the correct places.
Keeping the white center on the top face, move the blue-white edge to the bottom face (D). Next, rotate the bottom edge until the blue-white edge is just below the blue center. Now take the cube so that the blue center and white-blue edges are on the right side (R).
Rotate the right side (R) until the blue-white edge is on the top (U) face above the blue center.
If your cube looks like the picture below, then take the cube so that the orange center is on the right edge, and assemble the side with the orange center in the same way.
If your cube looks like the image below, then follow the sequence below, making sure the blue center is on the right (R) face.

The remaining parts of the white cross are collected in the same way.

If your cube has a white cross the same as in the picture, then you can go to stage 3!

Stage 3. Collecting the white corners.

A task:take the cube so that the white cross is on the top (U). Now you have to collect the white corners and get a cube like in the picture below.

The corners will have one white edge and 2 other colors.
If the corner is already on the bottom edge, rotate the bottom edge until the corner is directly below where it should be. After that, your cube may look like one of the 3 three pictures below.

Repeat the entire process for all four corners.
If the corner is located on the top face, then move it to the bottom face by following the sequence:

Now rotate the bottom face until the corner is just below its place on the top face.

If your white layer looks like the picture below, then you have completed one third of the cube and you can go to stage 4.

Stage 4. Assembling the middle layer.
A task: Take the cube so that the completely assembled white layer is on the bottom edge. Now you need to collect the middle layer by placing the side edges in their places.

Pay attention to the vertical blue stripe (it can also be red, orange, green) - this is critical.
Collect such a vertical strip by rotating the top face until the color of the edge on the top face without yellow matches the color of the center of the face. The color of the upper part of the edge on the upper face determines the direction of movement of the edge, that is, in which direction this part should move.
1) If you move the edge in the same direction as in the picture, then follow the sequence of pictures below.

2) If you move the edge in the same direction as in the picture, then follow the sequence of pictures below.

Repeat these steps until all the side ribs are in place.
Comment: if one of the edges is already in place, but not oriented correctly, do one of the above sequences and it will appear on the top layer. After that, follow the appropriate sequence of actions to place the edge back in its place in the middle layer.

If the bottom two layers on your cube look the same as in the picture below, you can proceed to stage 5... You have passed two thirds of the way!

Stage 5. We collect the top layer. We get a yellow cross.
A task: compare the state of the yellow edge of your cube with the templates below. Then follow the appropriate sequence.
Hint:the yellow parts on the top face should not yet match the color of the side faces.
Step one: Collect the yellow cross.

Switch to step two and start collecting the corners of the yellow edge.

Follow these steps:

Option 3.

Option 4.

Step two: Make all the corners of the top face yellow.

Take a look at the top face and match the state of the cube with the options below.
If there is not a single yellow corner on the top yellow facet, then you must take the cube so that the yellow facet of one of the corners is on the left side of the cube. See drawing.

If the yellow face has one corner, follow the sequence below.

Option 3.If there is not a single yellow corner on the top yellow face, and also there is not a single corner that could be used in option 1(that is, all corners have faces on the right). Then take the cube as shown in the picture below. The yellow part of the corner should be on the front edge of the cube.

Follow the sequence below 1, 2 or 3 times to get a fully assembled yellow face. After each execution of the sequence, re-compare the state of your die with the options described above.


If your cube looks like the picture, you can go to stage 6!

Stage 6. Putting the yellow corners in place.

Rubik's Cube - an interesting puzzle of childhood. Although many adults are not averse to having fun with this curiosity. At first glance, you can say that this is an ordinary cube with six faces of different colors. But this is only at first glance. The puzzle is quite difficult and not every brave man can do it. Therefore, today we will try to explain in as much detail as possible how to assemble a toy from our childhood.

The main thing in the article

How to learn how to solve a rubik's cube?

  • The original idea of \u200b\u200bthe magic cube was to educate students in mathematical group theory. So in 1970s Over the years, the Hungarian architect Ernö Rubik created a mechanical tool that was a learning cube for understanding 3D models and moving independent parts.
  • After a short time, great fame came to the magical patented cube. People of different professions and from different countries became interested in him. So, in 1980s For years the whole world knew about him, he won many competitions and was awarded all kinds of prizes.
  • The mechanism includes an internal and external part. The inner one is a figure consisting of three connected cylinders. External - faces attached to the internal mechanism, which in turn consist of squares.
  • Rotating the edges of the faces in different directions, you can solve the Rubik's cube. Many years later, many worked on the magic cube, as a result of which many techniques were created. Now there are even some algorithms that can be used to quickly assemble a cube.
  • The cube consists of three elements: centers - 4 , angles - 8 and ribs - 12 .

How to quickly and easily solve a rubik's cube: the main rules

  • It is necessary to rotate not only the color sectors, but also the cube itself.
  • You need to focus on the central figures.
  • In the original version, yellow is always opposite white, orange is opposite red, and green is opposite blue.
  • It is necessary to move the middle and corner sectors, in accordance with the colors of the central figures.
  • Each new move creates a new corner and center segment.
  • The centers do not change, no matter what confusing position you bring the cube, there will always be white at the top, yellow at the bottom, green in front, blue at the back, red on the right, and orange on the left.
  • The rib elements have two stickers, and the corner ones have three.
  • Since the color fragments do not change their position, the cube will always be assembled in the same way.
  • There are ribs comfortable - looking left and right, and uncomfortable - located below or above. There are also ribs that stay in place or under the cross.

How to solve one, two sides of a Rubik's cube?

  • In order to collect one of the sides, you need to create a cross from one color on any of the faces. The starting point will be the central fragment of one of the flowers.
  • Having selected the desired color located in the center, direct fragments of the same color to it, creating a cross.
  • Next, you need to collect the corners of the same color. To do this, you need to move the found color to the face of the side to be assembled.

The cross will be assembled correctly if the centers on the other faces coincide with the edges in color.

  1. Find the white center.
  2. Then, place comfortable ribs that face you.
  3. Then get down to uncomfortable ones. Scroll the face to the left or right and make it convenient for placing the cross.
  4. After - scroll the top to make room for the rib.
  5. Next, set the corners. They are either above or below. The upper corners move initially.
  6. Select a corner and bring to the center of those colors whose color labels are along with the white corner.
  7. Then twist the formula "bang Bang"until the corner snaps into place.

To ensure that all centers coincide with the ribs, always twist one movement clockwise and check.

When the moment comes that the center and edges do not coincide on two faces, then you need to use the formula "bang Bang".

  • Formula "bang Bang" - repetitive motion algorithm. The white cross looks up, clockwise move the right side one movement, then move up clockwise. After that, move the right part counterclockwise, that is, return it back, and return the top back counterclockwise.

The second side is assembled in a similar way. To do this, you first need to collect the correct cross, the first side and move the edges so that they match the centers in color. Then move the corners according to the formula.

How to solve a Rubik's Cube completely?

In order to fully assemble the mechanism, you must use the lesson on collecting one side. After the second, and the remaining sides are going.

How to solve the corners of a Rubik's cube?

  • The corners of the cube are divided into upper and lower corners. The upper ones move first, since they are the easiest to move.
  • The secret is that once you find the top corner, you need to move the white sticker so that the other corner stickers are located with their centers.
  • And then the angle moves according to the formula "bang Bang".

How to solve a Rubik's cube layer by layer?

  1. Collect the correct white cross.
  2. Create one white layer.
  3. Find ribs without yellow stickers.
  4. Remember the color of the rib and match it with the corresponding color.
  5. Now do everything with your right hand.
  6. Place two centers in front of you at an angle 45 °.
  7. Hide the colored element in that direction so that it cannot be seen by twisting the edge in one motion.
  8. Lift up the right corner.
  9. Bring back the hidden rib.
  10. And return the corner. You should get a pair of two colors.
  11. Then follow the same algorithm to move all the fragments to their places.

How to solve a Rubik's cube with pictures for beginners: step by step instructions

How to solve a Rubik's cube: a clear diagram and formulas

How to solve Rubik's cube 3x3, 5x5 very quickly?

  1. Cross - assembly of a cross, four edge cubes on the bottom;
    1. In order to very quickly assemble the mechanism, you can use the method - CFOP, which stands for:
    2. F2L (First two layers) - assembly of two layers - lower and middle;
    3. OLL (Orient the last layer) - the correct orientation of the cubes of the top layer;
    4. PLL (Permute the last layer) - placement of the cubes of the top layer.
  2. Also, with high-speed assembly, the mechanism itself is of no small importance, how well it is lubricated. After all, the speed of movement of the edges depends on this.
  3. Another secret is to skillfully use both hands and all fingers, directing the edges with them in the right direction.
  4. There should be no pauses, at the end of one move, you must move on with lightning speed.
  5. Having studied all the algorithms, you need to know in advance what your next step will be.
  6. Practice, and only she helps in the quick collection of the magic cube.

How to solve a Rubik's cube in 20 moves?

God number20 steps for collecting the positions of the magic mechanism. It is an algorithm of actions, the number of which is 20 ... The video below shows a slow circuit consisting of exactly 20 steps.

This video presents a diagram of 18 steps for advanced speedcubers.

How to solve a rubik's cube: the easiest way

To make it clearer, watch the video, which clearly explains the easiest method for collecting the magic cube.

How to solve a Rubik's cube in a minute?

The ability to assemble a mechanism for 1 minute is that you know all the simple algorithms. With the help of them and the speed of your fingers, you can easily solve Rubik's intricate mechanism.

How to solve Rubik's cube with closed eyes?

To be able to fold a cube with your eyes closed, you need to know by heart all the algorithms and the location of all colors on the cube. This takes practice.

How easy is it to solve a rubik's cube for kids?

  • Before teaching children the mechanism of the Rubik's cube, you need to familiarize them with the terminology that the child can understand.
  • Then you need to turn on your imagination and ask questions that will help the child understand how to move the figure.
  • Maxim Chechnev's technique helps children of different ages to master the quick collection scheme.

How to solve the Rubik's cube: Maxim Chechnev

Methodology Maxim Chechneva helps to assemble the magic mechanism even for children. In his training, he tells in detail how to correctly and quickly comprehend the basics of mastery. His video tutorials are aimed at understanding the mechanism of the cube itself. He motivates children with leading questions and helps them master the correct technique in a fairly quick time.

How to solve the Rubik's cube: tips from Jessica Friedrich

Jessica Friedrich - speedcube, which in 1980s years at the competition for the collection of the mechanism took first place. In addition, she created her own collection method - CFOP, it is divided into 4 stages:

Tips from Jessica:

  • High quality mechanism;
  • Silicone Grease;
  • Patience, endurance and practice.

How to assemble a disassembled, broken Rubik's cube?

If your cube broke or you wanted to look at the mechanism from the inside, then we suggest you watch a video, which tells in detail about the assembly of the magic cube.

How to solve a rubik's cube: video is slow

Collecting a magic mechanism allows you to develop not only memory, but also logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands, diction and the ability to make quick and correct decisions. With the help of a magic toy, you can develop intelligence, introduce children to a boring game and spend time not in vain.

One of the most famous childhood puzzles is the Rubik's Cube. Every child has always wondered howyou can solve the Rubik's cube completely ... Very often, the majority did not manage to collect it, and such fun was put into a drawer. Few managed to assemble the puzzle quickly and easily.

The most common version of the cube is considered to be a cube made up of fifty-four small cubes. Each face consists of nine cubes, which are painted in colors such as yellow, white, blue, green, red, orange. The main essence of the puzzle is the ability to assemble a toy so that a certain color corresponds to each face.

In one of the modern cartoons called "Fixies" it is described in detail that a hero named Nolik recklessly said that he would easily assemble it. But he did not succeed, and Nolik, together with his friend Fire, disassembled and assembled the cube, fixing it in such a way that it was impossible to disassemble it again. This method deprived them of the most important thing - the interest in the assembly process.

The history of the Rubik's cube

The inventor of this puzzle is Erno Rubik, a lecturer at the University of Architecture. He came up with his masterpiece at the age of 30 with the aim of preparing a textbook for students. With the help of the invention, the author wanted to introduce students to group theory in mathematics. The puzzle in 1980 received awards and prizes for the originality of the invention.

The project itself was created over several years. Even the author himself understood that putting together his invention was not so easy. In 1975, the inventor managed to obtain a patent. And the first batch arrived in the USSR in 1981. Such a toy was very popular and scarce among the inhabitants of the USSR.

Nowadays, jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts participate in various competitions to assemble it. Only a man named Mats Valk managed to solve the Rubik's cube in 5.55 seconds, which is an absolute record at the moment.

How to quickly solve a rubik's cube

In this part of the article, readers will learn how to learn how to assemble a puzzle. The stages of solving a Rubik's cube include:

1. Assembling a cross on one of the cube faces. Usually the top edge is chosen. To build a cross, you need to choose any color, a fragment of which is in the center of the face. Then try to build a cross around it. In order for the assembly of the cross to proceed faster, it is necessary that its "branches" continue on the next faces, which consist of two similar fragments of the figure.

2. Directly layered cube assembly. It is necessary to collect a side of the same color. Fragments of the puzzle should form a special "belt", which is located near the assembled edge. Then you need to collect the second "belt".

3. You need to collect the cross on the side that is opposite the side containing the cross. And then completely assemble the side containing the second cross.

4. Arrange the corner pieces of the cube so that all three sides match the edges in color.

5. Arrange the sides of the cube by color.

It is believed that the smallest number of steps that can complete this puzzle is twenty.

Having mastered the simple method, you can move on to the Jessica Friedrich method, which is more complicated. According to this method, the assembly of the Rubik's cube is as follows:

  • A cross is assembled on the starting side.
  • The assembly of the first and second layers takes place.
  • Assembling the remaining layers.

Thus, the process of collecting the Rubik's cube is quite fun and educational. Having learned how to assemble such a puzzle, you can amaze both friends and ill-wishers with your intellect.

The implementation of these methods in practice is presented in the video selection below.

How to entertain yourself when you have a free minute, but nothing to do? Solving all kinds of puzzles is a great option!

The most popular puzzle in the history of mankind is considered to be the famous Rubik's cube, invented back in 1975, and named after its inventor. After his birth, he immediately "captured the whole world." At a minimum, everyone tried to solve the Rubik's cube, but not everyone was able to do it.

How to solve a Rubik's cube? It is quite difficult to do it without outside help, absolutely independently, this is far from a child's task. You need to know the algorithm for solving the Rubik's cube.

By the way, it has been proven that for any initial situation, a 3x3x3 cube can be completely assembled in no more than 20 moves (turns). The number 20, therefore, is also called the number of God, and the algorithm that collects the cube in the minimum number of moves is called the God algorithm.

If you have long wanted to know how to solve the Rubik's cube, then this post is for you. Let's end this task once and for all and have ourselves a little party. Having done this, you can safely put a plus sign in the list of your achievements and then trump your acquaintances who do not know how to do this. So, we present to your attention the algorithm for solving the Rubik's cube.

The pictures show the schemes of actions, following which, in the end, we will be able to arrange the colors on the sides of the cube.

First, let's figure out the designations that are used in the diagrams, and with which we will operate in the process of studying the algorithm for solving the Rubik's cube of the classic size 3x3x3.

Party designations:

  • F - frontal (front)
  • Z - back
  • L - left
  • P - right
  • IN - upper
  • H - bottom

Now let's deal with turn nameswhich we will apply to the sides described above.

The letter without any prefixes denotes the rotation of the indicated side by a quarter of a full turn (90 degrees) clockwise (eg, " F"Means that we turn the front side by a quarter of a turn clockwise, i.e. one shift).

Letter c " "Means the rotation of the indicated side by a quarter of a full turn (90 degrees) counterclock-wise... Thus, the inscription “ F '"Means that we must turn the front side by a quarter of a full turn counterclock-wise.

Letter c " "Means that we turn the indicated side in any direction half turn (180 degrees)

Let's fix: the inscription L PF ' means that first we rotate the left edge half a turn, then we do a quarter turn of the right edge clockwise and end the combination with a quarter turn of the front edge counterclockwise.

Arrangement of flowers.

Select the bottom color, it will remain at the bottom throughout the entire cube assembly process. Instead of the gray color, which is shown in the diagrams of the Rubik's cube solving algorithm, there can be any color, it does not matter. The place where we moved the part we need will be shown in black. See the first drawing.

We pass directly to the assembly and the answer to the question "How to solve the Rubik's cube?"

Step # 1.

You need to collect a cross on the bottom side of the cube, so that all the middle side squares correspond to the midpoints of the side faces (look at the diagram). Unfortunately, there is no ready-made algorithm here. We'll have to tinker a little and use our brains.

Step # 2.

The second step will be to assemble the bottom layer. We need to put the bottom corner cubes into place. Everything is much simpler here than in step 1 - there are ready-made turn templates.

If the corner is in the bottom layer, but is not oriented correctly, then it must first be lifted up, rotated as we need it and put in its rightful place. We look at the picture and apply the techniques given there. Each turn corresponds to a formula that we dealt with a little higher.

Step # 3.

The bottom layer is assembled. Let's move on to the second, middle layer. We place 4 side cubes of the second layer in their rightful places. If the side cube is in its place, but not turned correctly, then you can turn it over by performing the following actions - see the diagram.

Two layers are assembled. There is a final spurt left, but you shouldn't relax ahead of time.

Step # 4.

The task is to turn the middle cubes of the upper layer with the color we need upwards. At the same time, it does not matter whether they are in their place or not, at this step it is not so important. Using one of the proposed schemes of actions, we turn the sides of the upper side with the desired color upwards.

Step # 5.

On the top edge, a cross of the desired color turned out, however, as you could understand from the previous paragraph, the side cubes of the upper edge may not be in their places. The task of the 5th step is to put them in their place.

There are 4 options, each of which has its own effective algorithm of actions. We apply them and put the sides in place. The upper edge cross can be considered fully assembled.

Step 6.

Continuing to figure out how to solve the Rubik's cube? And we almost reached the home stretch.

We set the corners of the upper face in place, but at the same time they can be turned over.

In this case " in place”Means that the corner contains the colors of all the central squares of those faces at the junction of which it is located.

Here are three rotation formulas that correspond to the three ways to move the corner cubes. We remind you that the corners may be incorrectly oriented, but they must fall into place.

Step 7.

Friends, we got to the finish line! The last step in solving the Rubik's cube remains.

Corner cubes are in place, but some may not be oriented correctly. They need to be turned over. To do this, perform the operations described in the diagram of step 7 in pairs (see the figure above).

Happened? Of course it worked! In just 7 steps, we have coped with the puzzle that has kept and does not allow millions of people to sleep.

Naturally, you didn’t memorize all the steps and formulas of turns and movement at once. Here you just need to practice and fill your hand.

The main thing is that now you know exactly the answer to the question " How to solve a Rubik's cube»?