Fireplace from a gas block. How to put a fireplace with your own hands

The moment the moment is still explained, what is the aerated concrete superior technologies, why is it still a fireplace from a firefoot?

To date, there are three main ways to build a fireplace in Russia: plasterboard, brick and potted stone. What are they inferior to a fireplace from aerated concrete?

Fireplace from plasterboard

In the fireplace from plasterboard inside there is an RTK from metal-frame. When working such a fireplace, RTK is deformed. What, in turn, leads to the appearance of cracks on the facade of the fireplace and on RTK. And the cracks on the facade of the fireplace, do not depend on the amount of drywall, which the fireplace is lined. The RTK itself does not gain heat, as the mineral wool does not accumulate heat, and reflects it. Adding this problem to the installation of the decor and facing the fireplace, due to the fact that RTK is not a supporting structure, the fireplace fireplace becomes more than an unattractive option.

Brick fireplace

So maybe a brick fireplace? If we consider that due to the features of the design of the fireplace, even the outer walls are not warmed, and a very large amount of time and resources will be required to heat the room, it is unlikely that the fireplace from the brick will be able to satisfy all your claims for the fireplace. Very time-consuming fireplace masonry, the high value of the material is also not the advantages for this type of fireplaces. Since the variety of appearance brick is quite limited, it becomes impossible to create an absolutely unique fireplace for your home. Such a fireplace will be quite standard and similar to others. For a fireplace from bricks will have to make a separate foundation, which leads to additional difficulties and cash investments.

Potted stone

The potstone remains. Let's see how he can compete with aerated concrete.

From the natural stone of hydrotalic chloride is made by RTK or only cladding. Production and manufacture of a fireplace occurs in Finland. In Russia, only the installation of the fireplace takes place. More potted stone does not require any finish. Not bad? Of course, but since the potted stone has a gray small color, the gamma of the colors of your fireplace is very limited. The manufacture of the fireplace abroad limits the appearance of the fireplace model. The individual design of the fireplace in this case is completely excluded. The weight of the fireplace will also require an additional installation of the foundation under the fireplace.

As seen, fireplace from aerated concrete has undeniable advantages Before the rest of the fireplaces. Individual design, simplicity, ease of the design of the fireplace, the low cost of materials make this technology better today. And only studios ARTRUN will help you create fireplace of your dream!

Soon winter, time to create present warmth in your home. If you have a house outside the city - I suggest thinking about building a fireplace there. I agree that professionals will ask for such a work a lot of money. Therefore, let's try to fold it yourself, spending only the consumables. Their cost will be from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. And in the end, the new fireplace will burn brightly in your house.

I suggest to immediately realize that you cannot use your fireplace as a heating system. For beauty, for recreation and partial heating - please. Why? Because only the fifth of all heat from the fireplace will fall into your home, the rest will naturally fly into the pipe. I have already told about the insulation of the house here:

So, you first need to prepare building materials. You will need:

Glass magnesium sheet

What else should you have at hand? Of course, the tools:

Here, perhaps, almost everything can be proceeding.

Determine place for the fireplace. Measure the room in which you plan to fold it, and draw an exemplary scheme. The size of the fireplate should be no less than 1/50 from the volume of the room, and the ratio of depth and height can be either 1 to 2, or 2 to 3. Otherwise, instead of pleasure, you will spend evenings in smoke or fireplace will fulfill the role of inoperative decoration of your home .

It is best to place a fireplace opposite the front door so that the maximum heat falls into the room. The side walls of such a furnace do not warm, so I advise you to make a fireplace sewing and shallow. In addition, it will be much easier to clean it.

Now prepare the room. To do this, you need to either cover the film, or make out of the room where you are going to build a fireplace, all objects that can be stained.

At the first stage Construction should be made foundation. Build a fireplace on the same foundation on which the house stands is impossible. The width of the foundation for the fireplace should be wider than the base row at least 5 cm. Under the base of the fireplace, a hole of a depth of 50 cm and a width of more than a foundation - at least 10 cm.

In the pit, fall asleep the rubble, sink and align the surface. Then prepare the formwork. From the inside the boards must be treated with a resin and rubberoid decorated. Formwork you install on crushed stone and pour with concrete solution.

The level of concrete should be absolutely even and it needs to be allowed to completely dry. On an uneven foundation, a smooth fireplace cannot be built, so check your actions by the level. After the foundation you need to put a layer of polyethylene film.

When the foundation is readyput on it metal corners. The bricks of the fireplace series will have to lie down parallel to the interior partition. Also, metal corners can be posed under the ceaming fireplace, if you are afraid of the spring of the soil.

The corners you posted at the base of the fireplace should not shift. You can even weld them to each other. Then you need to lay out bricks in them and leave the distance between them: it will be covered with a cement screed. All the gaps between bricks should be closed, so make sure that your solution does not contain lumps and the consistency has been looked like a thick sour cream.

Start K. laying the first row of the fireplace. It must have a clear rectangular shape, since the same form repeated the other rows. Between bricks it is better to leave a distance of 5 mm wide. Before masonry, it is better to clean the bricks. You can still be omitted to the water to come out. Thus, bricks will not take moisture from the masonry and will lie stronger. When laying, try not to stain the front side of the bricks with a solution. Between the fireplace of the fireplace and the outer walls, leave the air clearance: it will prevent overheating of the wall of the fireplace.

During masonry second row You need to leave a place under the door. All joints between bricks make in the middle, do not leave them on the edge. When installing the fireplace door, get the glass from it to accidentally not break. Reincate the door with a furnace tape.

Fire and brickwork should not come into contact. Shake brick put on the end, closer to the top of the fireplace - it comes with a ceramic nearby. Glass-magnesium sheet put on top of the masonry. It is withstanding a high temperature (up to 1000 degrees). The fireplace pockets are better filled with small fragments of bricks (battle) so that they help keep heat. After installing the door on the front put the metal corner. Focusing on him, make a screed over the door. Upper furnace tapes can be hidden there.

The fireplace of the fireplace and the smoke collector wipe away from the solution that could get there in the masonry process. The fireplace cannot be plastering from the inside. The chimney of the fireplace is laid out a little with the bottom - up to 5 cm from a row to a row. The chimney pipe should be vertically. A smoke chamber should be made above the furnace, and there is a small cornice under it. It will interfere with the departure of Sparks inside the room.

When you finish all construction work - you can think about appearance fireplace. For example, to separate it with tiles, tiles, or imitation of natural stone. The finish must begin from below using tile glue for this.

In conclusion, I will say that it is quite difficult to do this work. Therefore, if you firmly decided to build a fireplace at home - think twice. Maybe it is worth buying a ready-made option, or choose ecocamine. Although to become a real master - no need to be afraid of difficulties.

In any case, good luck to you in all your endeavors!

The closed fireplace firebox is more secured in operation than open. Therefore, the fireplace fireplace device is the most correct solution if there are children in the house. On the advantages and minuses of such fireplaces, as well as how to make the montage of fireplaces with their own hands, tell me in this article.

A closed firebox is a glass-made chamber for combustion of wood, in which one of the walls is replaced with a glazed door. Very convenient door, equipped with a lifting mechanism, moving up, under lining, and allows you to instantly turn the closed firebox into the open. Under the combustion chamber is a cozolnik, through which air flows into it. And the smoke is discharged through the pipe installed in the top of the furnace. In principle, the installation of the canopy of the fireplace is in the device with its own hands for her and decorative cladding, allowing to hide from the view of metal parts, leaving only the furnace and giving the fireplace the usual appearance.

It is impossible to unequivocally assert that the closed firebox is better open, or vice versa. The choice depends on the set of factors and conditions, and it is worth introducing with them before starting the installation with your own hands.


  • In the closed firebox above the efficiency, especially if it is equipped with heat drives.
  • A huge selection of models that differ in size, appearance, shape of glass, etc.
  • Manufacturer's warranty for high-quality fireworks and smoke output.
  • Closed cast iron furnaces serve longer than those open from chamotte brick, and the burned parts can be replaced.
  • Lack of open fire provides better fire safety.
  • The lower total cost of the fireplace, compared to similar models with an open furnace brick furnace.
  • Fast and simpler installation, which can be done with your own hands and without "wet" works.


  • A small overview of fire, especially in economical models.
  • Watching the fire is accounted for through the glass that needs to be regularly cleaned (see).
  • High-quality cast iron furnaces, especially combined with the portal in one design, are quite expensive.
  • Color standard firebox - black. If you wish, add it a brass, gilded or silver frame will have to pay well.

How to arrange a fireplace with cast iron furnace?

One of the indisputable benefits of such fireplaces, which was not mentioned above is the ability to install the base for them directly on the floor of the room. Exception is only floors floating structures. In addition, you do not have to think how to equip the fireplace of a good way or to arrange a ash bar. All this is already provided for by the design. In short, a fireplace with a cast-iron furnace makes it easier to make it easier than to lay out the simplest open fireplace of the brick.

Founding device for cast iron firebox

  • You need to choose the right place to install the fireplace. First, the room should have enough area. Specialists do not recommend installing this heating equipment in rooms, the area is less than 20 squares. Also, choosing a place, do not place a fireplace on the same line with windows and doors.
  • In the event that the room is carried out through the ventilation system or with an air conditioner, you need to provide an additional air flow into the room. For example, install a ventilation pipe with an automatic ventilation system. The fireplace with a closed firebox takes an average of 500 cubes of air

  • After choosing a place to install the fireplace, Make a base under it.To perform work with your own hands, you need to put a layer of waterproofing, and on top to arrange a reinforced cement screed. If the floors are wooden, then the layer of heat insulation is also needed. The thickness of the screed is at least 10-15 mm, a metal grid can be used as fittings.
  • After the base reaches the desired strength, you can proceed to the device with your own posts under the cast iron fire. It can be made of bricks, aerated concrete blocks or other material, and you can also purchase and install a ready-made base of natural stone.
  • If the overlaps do not differ in strength, then preference is better to pay aerated concrete As a sufficiently strong and lightweight material, which can be done without effort to give any desired shape and size. Subsequently, it can be plastered or bonded by ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stone.
  • Block laying is carried out on special glue or ordinary cement-sandy solution. The surface of the pedestal is aligned with a layer of plaster with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm.

Please note: the pedestal for installing the fireplace must be perfectly smooth. Installation of the focus on the uneven surface is prohibited, since at a significant overcast, the risk of damage to the internal elements of the fireplace increases. In addition, the heating unit will work unevenly.

Installation of cast iron furnaces

Regardless of which the base for the furnace is made, the heat insulation layer is placed on it, for example asbockarton and roofing sheet.

Attention! Choosing a place for cast iron furnaces, it is necessary to calculate so that between the walls of the furnace and facing the fireplace can be left a gap for the convection heating system. And the length of the incoming chimney should be enough to output it.

To properly install the furnace with your own hands, put the bars to the place of installation, align the furnace on the place, and then remove the lining. The chimney of the furnace, made in the form of a metal sleeve or pipe, is installed in the hole intended for it and remove through overlappings and the roof outwards in compliance with all the rules of fire safety.

Important! There are limit norms of deviations of the chimney pipe from the vertical that you need to consider performing work with your own hands. If its height is less than 5 m, the deviation angle must be no more than 45 degrees, and if more than 5 m, then not more than 20 degrees.

Foreign finish fireplace

If the bottom of the fireplace is already ready and needs only in decorative trim, then it is only necessary to close it on the sides and on top (see).

Answering the question how to build a fireplace with a cast-iron furnace with your own hands, you need to know what installation will be made. If completely out of the brick, then it is necessary to continue the masonry by retreating from the walls of the furnace for a while and leaving several holes in it to exit hot air.

But you can proceed easier and cheaper, at the same time significantly alleviated the design, - to arrange a frame under the trim.

  1. The frame is easy to assemble with its own hands from thin-walled metal profiles or duralumin corners, interconnected by metal screws. Its design should provide for the fastening of the skin from the outside and thermal insulation - with the inner.
  2. The heat-insulating mats from non-combustible material are attached to the frame in such a way that the foil side is facing the furnace and chimney.
  3. You can enjoy the frame with your own hands using any materials: drywall, wood, asbetic plates, etc.
  4. In thermal insulation and cladding, holes are arranged for the output of preheated air into the room

Aerated concrete is a suitable masonry material for the fireplace, but with some limitations: for example, it is impossible to lay out from it. Aerated concrete is used as carrier and finishing material and as thermal insulation of the side walls of the furnace. The advantage of aerated concrete before brick is low price and high speed of work. However, in the case of work, you need to know the features that will save, but not to lose in quality.

What is this article

Is it possible to use a fire package for the construction of the fireplace

The main requirements for the fireplace comes from its purpose: heating and interior decoration. Since the fuel burning occurs in the furnace, and it is placed in visually open space, then the material for the fireplace must have:

  • refractory;
  • aesthetics.

Aerated concrete refers to non-combustible materials, but it is not refractory!

Consequently, the choice of aerated concrete as a heat-resistant base for the fireplace - fireboxes is impossible. But it is perfectly suitable in order to form a place for the fireplace. Aerated concrete blocks are not used to masonry an open fireplace, since with such a structure, heat goes far behind the furnace and gas blocks will be heated.

A decorative fireplace or a closed finished fireplace firebox can be chosen by aerated concrete blocks.

Since aerated concrete is easy to handle, the block is easy to cut, grind, make complex rounded shapes. Therefore, it is most suitable for the expression of complex design decorative solutions.


The laying of aerated concrete will be attractive if, at least its surface will be smooth, and the seams are smooth. Further finishing or facing of the surface will provide aesthetic appeal.

Since the aerated concrete is used as a material for plating a metal furnace, that is, not exposed to high temperatures, then the surface finish does not necessarily have from refractory materials. Quite high-quality plastering or cladding.

To give the surface of an attractive view, the following materials are used:

  • Plaster with subsequent painting. Watching the surface is a budget option, the advantage of which is low price.
  • Facing with tile or brick. Costs for facing material are compensated by a representative appearance of a beautiful fireplace.

Thus, on the decoration of the masonry, you can save and turn the fireplace into the central object of the chic interior.

Protection against external influences

Since aerated concrete has high water absorption, then protective measures are required for its use in the outdoors. A canopy or gazebo will save the street fireplace from the direct impact of snow or rain. However, high humidity on the street still exists. Three ways are distributed to protect the surface of aerated concrete:

  • Cladding;
  • Hydrophobization;
  • Waterproofing.

Facing can serve both tile and brick. In the first case, additional protection is not required, a hydrophobic impregnation can also be applied to the brick.

Hydropobica involves the use of a special water repellent composition (impregnation), which does not form a surface film, and penetrates the surface of the protected surface to several millimeters.

Waterproofing is not suitable for decorative design elements, which is a fireplace.

An important rule of using aerated concrete blocks in the construction of street fireplaces is the construction of a high foundation 10-20 cm above the ground level. This so that the land and puddles in no case contact with blocks.

So, when complying with the construction and finishing technology, the use of aerated concrete blocks allows you to save money on a brick and speeds up the masonry process.