How to inflate a long balloon without a pump using improvised means. How to inflate long balloons How to fix a manual balloon pump

The three parts of a tire inflation pump most often fail: its hose fitting, cuff, and cap. The proposed methods for restoring their performance are simple. That's what they are.

With prolonged use of the pump hose fitting, slots 3 (Fig. 116-1, a) of nipple 1 wear out. As a result, it does not open the spool valve well, which makes it difficult for air to pass into the chamber.

A new nipple can be made from an M4 * 0.8 screw, guided by fig. 116-1.6. A hole with a diameter of 2 mm is drilled with a hand drill. Gasket 2 is best made of two-layer leather up to 1 mm thick. To remove the failed and install a new nipple, use a screwdriver with a groove at the end.

If the cuff has become unusable, a pump is used to form a new one (Fig. 116-2, a). The edges of the cylinder 6 and the small washer 2 should be processed as shown in fig. 116-2, b.

A workpiece with a diameter of 70-75 mm is cut out of leather 2-3 mm thick with an 8-mm hole in the center. For 1-2 hours it is placed in a jar of water. After softening, the workpiece is mounted on rod 3, setting a large

Rice. 116-1. Hose fitting repair: a - tip: b - nipple

Rice. 116-2. Forming (a) and processing (b) cuffs

Rice. 116-3. Cover repair

washer 1 as shown. By pressing and shaking the rod, a cuff is formed. Radial folds may appear inside it. They need to be carefully smoothed out. Upon reaching a depth of 10 mm, the excess skin 4 is cut off with a knife 5. After smoothing out the folds a second time, the cuff is left pressed for 2 hours. After that, it is placed in a bath with fish oil. The cuff taken out of there after a few days is ready for use.

The wear of the walls of the opening of the pump cover is compensated as follows. Sheet brass is rolled up in the form of a sleeve A (Fig. 116-3). It is installed in the hole and flared,

The matter is fixable

It's a shame that the tire inflation pump often fails due to a trifle. The "antennae" breaks, opening the spool valve. Then you have to unscrew and screw the spool itself every time or buy a new pump. But you can find a better way.

Rice. 117. a - tip: 1 - head; 2 - pressure bar; 3 - fitting, b - new pressure plate

Enlarge the hole in fitting 3 (fig. 117) with a 3.2 mm drill and cut the M4 thread. Make pressure plate 2 from an M4 screw, in which you first need to cut two chamfers on the sides for air to pass. The plank will be better centered if the chamfers are not made along the entire length. Then in the round head you need to cut out two recesses.

To fix the bar more firmly, lubricate it with BF-2 glue before wrapping.

A wide range and modern art of creating original figures from balloons allow you to embody any fairy tale for a child. Knowing how to inflate long balloons (namely, they make interesting compositions) and fill them with helium, you can create the magic of a fairy tale with your own hands.

Help pump

If you can inflate ordinary balloons by inhaling more air and exhaling it into the strip of the future balloon, then with elongated models this trick will not be the most successful. In this case, a faithful assistant is a small pump.

When buying a set of long balloons in large supermarkets, such equipment is usually included in the kit. If you bought them without the supplied pump, you can find one at any sporting goods store of the kind used to inflate sports balls or flat bicycle wheels.

First you need to gently stretch the strip of the future long ball a little, and then put its neck on the pump and slowly pump it with air. Be sure to leave 10-15 cm free at the end of the inflated "sausage" - this will avoid bursting the ball at maximum filling with air.

Without pump

If there is no suitable equipment for pumping, then you can try to inflate long balloons with your own efforts. This trick will make this task easier. It is necessary to initially fill the strip of the ball with water from the tap and swing it slightly like a pendulum. When you pour out the water, the balloon will become softer and easier to inflate. First you need to inflate the balloon a little, then blow the air out of it and crumple it. After a couple of such approaches, it will be relatively easy to inflate a long balloon without using a pump.

It will further facilitate the task of inflating a long balloon in stages, in short segments. If the lungs do not allow you to do such tricks with ease, then you can use improvised means instead of a pump. For example, take an empty plastic bottle, using it in the same way as a pump. When you press it, the air will go into the ball. The main thing at the same time is not to miss the ball and gradually fill it with air. The task is not easy, and you need to be patient.

flying balls

A balloon inflated with ordinary air will never fly high. To achieve this, you need to know how to inflate balloons with helium at home and do not forget that due to the volatility of the substance, balloons are inflated only before the event itself. The primary task in this case is to remember school chemistry and create helium at home.

The easiest way is to use baking soda and vinegar. For this purpose, you need to pour a tablespoon of soda directly into the ball itself, and pour 50 grams of vinegar into a glass bottle, on the neck of which the ball will be stretched. First, the ball is carefully put on the neck, and then turned over so that the soda gets inside the bottle and reacts with the vinegar. This is the safest way to create helium for filling balloons at home. The downside is the need for containers for each ball.

The purchased helium canister will absolutely simplify the task. With it, you can inflate balloons in a couple of seconds. Minus - strict observance of all requirements for its storage in order to avoid an explosion. It is necessary to store a helium balloon only in the open air, but certainly under a canopy, only at positive temperatures, avoiding both direct sunlight and dampness.

No children's party is complete without colorful balloons. The easiest way to inflate them is with a pump. But it is not always available. How to inflate a long balloon without a pump?

How to inflate with your mouth?

Previously, balloons were inflated by mouth, using the power of their lungs. But a long narrow balloon is more difficult to inflate than it might seem. Before proceeding directly to inflation, it must be carefully washed from the outside, water should not get inside. Then the ball needs to be pulled well in different directions, so the material will stretch and it will become easier to inflate it.

The inflation process is simple. It is necessary to fix its neck with lips. Then you need to take a deep breath and exhale the air into the ball. Repeat successive inhalation and exhalation until it is fully inflated. At the same time, the degree of its inflation should be controlled, it is better to leave a small margin. Otherwise, the balloon may burst directly during the inflation process. Which can cause injury to the eyes and hearing aid.

There are several rules on how to inflate a long balloon without a pump.

  1. You need to watch your cheeks - they should not swell. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury.
  2. The greatest difficulties arise at the very beginning. As soon as you manage to inflate the balloon a little, it becomes easier. When inflating a ball-sausage, you should step back a few centimeters from the neck and pinch it with your fingers. Having inflated a small balloon, you can remove your hand and continue to fill it with air. That will be much easier.
  3. You need to stretch the balloon when you blow air into it.

improvised pump

How to inflate a long balloon without a pump at home if physical skills are not so well developed? You can use a regular syringe, it will serve as a pump. To inflate the balloon in this way, you need to put it on the spout of the syringe and pinch the neck. With sharp pressure, the product should be pumped with air. It is worth being prepared for a large time investment.

With gas

Many are concerned not only with how to inflate a long balloon without a pump at home. I would like to, regardless of their form.

The easiest way is to use a purchased helium balloon. But often there is no time left for such an acquisition, and it is quite expensive. Therefore, you can use a gas stove. First you need to remove the burner and find a rubber hose of a suitable diameter. It must be connected to the gas pipe located inside the burner. Insert the other end of the hose into the ball and turn on the gas. Before inflating a long balloon without a pump in this way, it will need to be stretched and inflated with ordinary air. After a quarter of an hour, the ball must be blown off and then connected to a gas stove. If this is not done, it will most likely not inflate, since the gas power is quite low. Due to impurities in household gas, the balloons will not be able to lift any load, but they can fly on their own.

The most affordable and easiest option is to inflate the balloon with your mouth. Before inflating a long balloon without a pump, it is recommended that you first practice on the round ones.

How to inflate long balloons? Recently, long modeling balls can be found in almost every major supermarket. Usually, a special balloon pump is included with the balloon kit, but if it is not available, you can look in the store or use a bicycle pump with a nipple nozzle to inflate balls. Both of these simple devices can also be used to inflate round balloons. To inflate a long balloon, you need to grab it by the top and stretch it several times in length. Then gently knead in your hands. It is important to do this carefully so as not to damage the surface of the ball, otherwise you will have to throw it away. Inflate long balloons carefully and as slowly as possible. If you hurry, the ball will burst. As the saying goes: if you hurry, you will make people laugh. Pull the neck over the inlet of the pump and start inflating. Hold the ball firmly with one hand, pull the pump piston back with the other. Moving the piston back and forth, you need to pump up a long ball. It is important not to make sudden and quick movements, otherwise the product may simply burst. It is worth remembering that at the end of the ball you need to leave a small "tail". This is necessary so that when twisting the ball does not burst, so that the air can move freely inside. You should not overdo it and strongly inflate the balloon, otherwise it will be too tight and may burst when twisted.

If you don't have a special or bicycle pump handy, you can try to inflate a long balloon with your mouth, but this will take a lot of effort. First you need to properly stretch the ball. To do this, fill it with water and hold the canopy for several minutes or swing it like a pendulum. Then drain the water and dry the ball. Latex will become soft and elastic. It will immediately be noticeable how it stretches a little. This will make it easier to inflate. You can also simply inflate the balloon several times and blow it off, then wrinkle it in your hand and stretch it. So, all preparation procedures are done. Let's start blowing up the balloon. You need to take the neck of the ball into your mouth, holding it with your fingers at the very lips, inflate a small segment about three centimeters long. Continuing to inflate a long balloon, you need to gradually intercept and pinch its small segments. As you inflate, you need to gently stretch the balloon, pulling it away from you, helping it to fill with air. Then release some air from the inflated balloon and tie the neck into a knot. It should not be forgotten that after inflating the balloon, you need to release excess air from it. Due to this, excessive pressure on the walls of the ball is removed, which avoids rupture. It is also necessary to remember that when inflating the cheeks, the balloon cannot be inflated. This will hurt your cheeks, and the ball will remain a piece of colored latex. Do not try to inflate the entire balloon in one fell swoop. Nothing good will come of this anyway. The product will simply burst, and this is money and effort thrown to the wind. The article talked about how to inflate a long balloon, how you can build all kinds of funny and entertaining toys from long modeling balloons that will decorate any holiday, both for adults and children, and will be a pleasant surprise for loved ones and work colleagues. It is a very difficult process, but it is worth it!

Recently, I discovered Fix Price stores in our city, where all goods are sold at the same price - 38 rubles. Moreover, food and non-food products, household chemicals, and stationery are sold there. Very reminiscent of the Chinese market of the 90s :))).

Understanding intellectually that you can’t buy anything good for 38 rubles, I was nevertheless tempted by a set of balloons with a pump. “For such money, it’s not a pity to throw it away!”, I decided and bought two sets of Magic vapor ball. In the hope that at least one of the two will be of acceptable quality.

The first pump immediately showed its temper - he did not want to blow out the air. Looking into his nose, we saw that the hole in it was not pierced properly. Okay, they scratched the keys (it was on the street, the children and I went out for a walk). We felt with our hands that air was coming out of the pump, but for some reason the balloon did not inflate. Then I realized that it was necessary to pump the pump as quickly as possible, because when the piston moves back, the air from the ball comes out after it. And if you do about two strokes per second, then the ball is quite inflated. Although not completely.

Everything was clear with the pump: children will not be able to pump the ball with it. While our children and their friends were playing catch-up, I sat on the bench and tried to pump balls to them, resting the pump on my knee. Here one more nuance was found out: the balls are inflated unevenly. I was aware that such long balls, from which different figures are composed, should be left with an empty spout. But here it was still very, very far from the spout, and the beginning of the ball swelled to such an extent that it threatened to burst. When trying to tie them, some of the balls burst. The rest burst when we tried to put some figures out of them.

At home, dad tested the second set. It was no different from the first - the same bad pump and bad balls. He says that during operation, a certain "check valve" fell out of the pump. Before inflating, the husband "trained" the balloons - he stretched them with his hands so that they were more evenly filled with air. This magical action brought some effect, but not quite the one we expected.

But the children were already in the mood to make figures out of balloons, so the next day Katya's friend went to the Pochemuchka store and bought a similar set for 290 rubles. According to our children, it was called "Nuduvaika", and the picture showed a black and white puppy. And the pump in it did not lower, and the balls did not burst. For comparison, here are different balls - from Fix Price and from Pochemuchki:

"Why" balloons are also made in China, but by order of the Vostok RC. We tried to inflate our balloons with Polina's pump - it turns out pretty well. So we advise you to buy pumps RC "Vostok" and do not recommend buying Fix Price pumps.