How long does mating last for dogs. Mating dogs

Since the male organ of the dog has a rather specific structure, so-called mating occurs during mating. The condition when dogs stick together is called kleshivanie. Is there another reason why dogs stick together? So, today we will examine in more detail the following question - why do dogs stick together?

Some mistakenly assume that if you frighten the dogs during mating, they will “stick together”. The state of adhesion during knitting is called adhesion. Dogs stuck together: what happens in their body at this moment? Firstly, overeating occurs in order for fertilization to occur. After clumping, dogs feel satisfied and tired. Do not disturb dogs during bonding. This is a stressful moment for animals: it can bite. Moreover, why disturb the natural process?

This was taken care of by nature itself. A dog in this position can only wag its tail. At the moment of mating, the penis of the male is pushed out of the prepuce, increasing in size and becoming very hard. At its base there is a bulb - a thickening, which at the time of ejaculation increases in size and changes its shape to spherical.

Mating dogs

Anyway, with dogs, as a rule, there is much more trouble. This term is sometimes called a castle. Nevertheless, not everyone can answer questions about why dogs stick together, and what are the consequences of this. Let's consider them in more detail.

Why do dogs stick together?

Surely many of you have seen how ill-mannered boys (and yard children are not well-mannered) boo and chase glued dogs. Poor animals in stress rush from side to side, trying to unhook.

Although there is something to sin on children, some adults also laugh at the current situation and do not even think about protecting the unfortunate street dogs. Perhaps if they knew why dogs stick together, it would not have occurred to them to mock animals. They stick together ”only if a certain moment comes due to physiological characteristics. In cynological terminology, the word "castle" is also found.

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What if the castle doesn’t happen?

The perovaginal muscles of the knots instinctively contract after copulation. This spasm provokes a rush of blood to the tip of the male penis. Thus, the process of gumming does not allow animals to scatter in different directions ahead of time.

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So nature is hedging: mating should end in the birth of offspring. The castle remains for about fifteen minutes. Their interest in each other disappears. Because animals can calmly disperse in different directions. So Mother Nature took care of the natural process. These are hyenas, wolves, foxes and other wild animals.

Articles How does mother nature take care of procreation?

Trying to disconnect them is also impossible. Secondly, the castle protects the female from repeated insemination. Imagine a dog’s wedding: a dozen dogs pester one female. Who will be able to produce offspring is unknown. The right to carry out fertilization is granted only to the strongest male (he will be the first to approach the bitch).

But home content often dampens natural instincts. In this situation, distortion of behavior is a necessary measure. Therefore, do not try to force pets to mate naturally. Imagine bringing a bitch to an unfamiliar dog in an unfamiliar place and freely letting her go. Even if she has estrus, she may react inappropriately: to get scared, try to attack the owner, etc.

There will be a fight, knitting will not happen. In addition, an inexperienced male is quickly overexcited, which also interferes with fertilization. Therefore, dog breeders recommend holding the bitch in a position convenient for the male. She is kept forcibly, not allowing to turn around.

In some cases, even a muzzle is used. Bonding with such an act can give the female an unpleasant sensation. Therefore, another time the castle may not happen. To worry about this is not worth it. Experts recommend not letting the dog go for five minutes. Then there are more chances of having offspring. If the dogs are mating normally, the castle lasts from 5-10 minutes, and then the partners disconnect themselves. But sometimes gumming can last up to 1 hour. When the castle does not work, then you need to keep the dog in the bitch until he moves away.

Why? Because these creatures, firstly, are insanely cute, and secondly, they do not require any special personal care. And in fact, I bought special food, but change the water periodically. You don’t have to think about the toilet either - a tray with a filler solves this problem in a few seconds.

And they can present a surprise - when glued when intercourse. In order to answer the question posed, we need to turn to terminology. In fact, this is the normal state of animals during mating, due to the characteristics of their body. Since insemination in dogs occurs within the first five minutes, clumping makes sense. However, there are not so few cases when, after mating, there was no castle and offspring were born. However, the castle gives some certainty that in the future the female is likely to give birth to puppies.

Some pet owners must have wondered what to do in such cases. Experts say that in no case do you need to do anything, because this is a natural process and after only 10-20 minutes the dogs will calmly “part” with each other (though in some cases the combing can last up to several hours). The only thing you, as the owner, can help your pet is to hold it so that it does not twitch.

Of course, many owners of dogs are familiar with the phenomenon of an intimate nature, which often happens in four-legged pets, such as clinging. Well, which of us has not seen when pets, stuck together with their "loin" parts of the body, represent a "single whole"? They can spend hours in this position. And, of course, seeing such a “picture” immediately there is a desire to help animals and separate them, which, in fact, the majority does.

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It must be emphasized that this is a completely natural process, a kind of insurance, which is a guarantee that puppies will appear as a result of mating. In terms of veterinary medicine, it is a spasmodic contraction of the peri-vaginal muscles. The above physiological phenomenon, by the way, is also characteristic of people. Bonding occurs, usually during mating. In another way, this feature of the body of a pet is called a "castle." However, there were often cases when, as they say, and “without a lock” the bitch was quite normal puppy.

Many inexperienced dog breeders wonder why dogs mate when mated. The process of mating pets is a very important period. Experienced dog owners know that you should prepare for it in advance. After all, only if all the conditions are met can purebred offspring appear. Pure-bred is the puppy who has not been identified any defect.

Under natural conditions, the mating process takes place naturally. For pets, the participation of the owners plays an important role. It is they who choose partners and the time of mating animals.

Preparing the animal for the mating process

The dog is ready to reproduce after reaching the age of puberty.

A person who breeds dogs should take mandatory preventive measures. These include tests for anaerobic infections. They are quite common among pets. In this case, there will be no external signs of the disease. The danger is that if they exist, there is a high probability that puppies can die. For laboratory tests, blood is drawn from the vein of the animal and a smear is taken.

Mandatory is deworming. The procedure is carried out using drugs with a wide spectrum of action. It is important that the dose of the medicine is not exceeded.


A case of animals is carried out during the period of estrus knots. The estrus is a process during which fertilization of an animal occurs. The first time it occurs at the age of 8 to 12 months, and then it is repeated with a frequency of 2 times a year. Shortly before the start of this period, the behavior of the animal changes:

  • character becomes more aggressive;
  • decreased appetite;
  • excessive activity appears.

Having noticed this behavior, it is necessary to examine the genitals of the animal every day. With an increase in the loop and the presence of blood secretions, we can assume that the estrus period has begun.

Dog breeding

There is an opinion that mating should be carried out on 9-11 days after the estrus period has begun.

Often the mating process takes place without the help of animal owners. But in any case, they need to be constantly around. There are times when it is necessary that someone direct the male or raise the back of the bitch.

It’s best to schedule an event in the morning. Preferably until the moment the dogs are fed. A full stomach and bladder worsen the chances of a successful mating of dogs. The castle - the final stage of the process - may not occur due to the complete intestines of the bitch. Before animals teach each other, they need to be walked separately.

Why do dogs stick together when mating?

In the process of mating dogs, the so-called animal mating occurs. Many, watching the course of the event, do not understand why the dogs stick together when mating. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the genitals of animals. In the nature of the process, there is a kind of “safety net” in order for fertilization to be successful. This is due to a sharp contraction of the muscles of the vagina of the bitch.

Usually, the gumming period lasts 5-15 minutes. In some cases, the process may take a longer period of time.

Having information about why dogs mate when mating, their owners want to know if they need help during this period. In fact, this is a natural process and help for pets is not needed.

After mating, dogs need to give time to relax, drink water and take them for a walk.

Reproduction is a process as natural as death. Mother Nature took care of this, providing living beings with a complete set of necessary organs for conceiving, bearing and giving birth to offspring. As for the dogs, they cope perfectly with the physiological aspects and without human control. But this, when it comes to unsystematic reproduction, so to speak, “according to flight”.

In purebred dogs this is out of the question. The decision to breed puppies is a deliberate, well-planned act. They prepare for it, comprehend all available information regarding mating, and learn to help pets if necessary. High-breed dogs are bred for a specific purpose - to sell weak and sick puppies to no one. That is why the appearance of canine offspring is treated as their own, with no less trepidation and seriousness.

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Just one “I want puppies” is clearly not enough. Selling babies must be absolutely healthy, which means their parents must be healthy. If you plan to mate in inexperienced dogs, then the owner needs to have thorough knowledge of how to help pets in the sensitive issue of mating. In addition, you need to know how long this process takes, what difficulties and solutions can be.

So, the viscous issue has become an obsession. It's time to be determined. To begin with, a small test, the answers of which we answer as truthfully as possible:

  • Very first and most important, without which everything else will no longer make sense: are you ready to financially and morally support a pregnant dog, and then newborn puppies? Spending on enhanced nutrition, professional medical care, endure the vagaries and inconvenience of unintelligible crumbs?
  • Does your pet's physical condition allow puppies to be born?
  • Are there any “dark spots” in the pedigree of your pet?
  • Does the area you own allow the dog and its litter to be kept?
  • Is there a guarantee that you will find bred puppies of reliable owners?

Now attention!  If at least one question you have raised doubt or turned out to be negative, then this is an occasion to seriously think, is it really necessary to untie the bitch? Tribal standards are sometimes very strict. Their non-observance leads to the appearance of offspring with defects hidden for the time being. And then, with the manifestation of shortcomings, “loving” owners without regret change the ward to another, more “suitable” one, and the army of homeless, destitute animals is replenished with another unfortunate one.

It is better not to untie dogs that are not purebred that do not qualify for the tribe or do not meet any other criteria. And to avoid health problems, perform a pet sterilization operation.

Optimum age for mating

Female begins to test for the first time in the period from 6 to 10 months. It depends on the breed, conditions, health status. In the first heat it is impossible to knit a dog - this is the law. The young organism has not yet reached full puberty. Up to a year, dogs are considered children, regardless of size. And children cannot bear children - this is unnatural. Early mating leads to genetic malfunction, disease, or death of offspring.

According to experts, the optimal time for the first mating is the third estrus of the femalewhen she is about 1.5-2 years old. Males are untied at the same age. Late first knitting is also undesirable. If you happen to be a dog at the age of five or more, this is already a serious threat to the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the health of the offspring.

How often to mate a dog for bearing offspring, and to what age the pet is, each owner decides to do this on his own. Similar topics exist in large numbers at various dog forums and online interest clubs. But the opinion of experts is invariable:

  • The mating of females is optimal through estrus for 5 years. Further, problems with the health of mothers and offspring may already begin. The body's possibilities are not unlimited, it wears out, the dog is not an artificial incubator.
  • Dogs are able to fertilize a bitch with healthy heirs for about 10 years.

But here we figured out this question. Your ward meets all conditions, has reached a suitable age, and it remains only to wait for the estrus period and forward, for future offspring.

How to understand that a dog is in heat

Inexperienced dog breeders may be puzzled, but how do you understand that their bitch started to flow? Believe me, this process will not go unnoticed. There are enough symptoms, and all of them are quite characteristic:

  • On walking your pet is actively interested in all the males in the area. Everyone is trying to come up, sniff.
  • The dog’s behavior undergoes dramatic changes. It is unreasonably aggressive or too affectionate.
  • Nipples turn pink, soften to the touch.
  • The loop (external sexual part) swells.
  • An oozing substance oozes from it.
  • If you press the back, the dog instinctively raises its tail, bends (in a position convenient for intercourse).

For a bitch to become pregnant, it is not enough just to bring her to the male. It should be X day, the time when ovulation occurs. To obtain reliable data, it is better to have a special calendar, from the very first estrus marking the days of beginning and end in it, this will help to calculate the optimal day for conception in the future.

  Place for knitting (mating)

A place for mating should be taken care of in advance. In practice, breeders and dog handlers have established that knitting must be pass in a place familiar to the male. This is done so that the dog does not feel insecurity and fear and can fulfill what is required of him.

If the dog is experienced, then it is better to hold meetings in the same place. But if this is impossible and you have to arrange a meeting with the female, then this is quite acceptable. The main thing is that the “gentleman” should have the opportunity to stay in a new place, to sniff and look around. Usually, after this, the dog calms down and begins to feel, if not at home, then quite peacefully.

Different breeds of dogs have their own requirements for the place of mating. For small to medium sized pets, a separateroom in a house or apartment. Large dogs are best done on a fenced street. In both cases, the place must meet certain standards:

  • no strangers and other animals should be on the territory, their sudden appearance should be excluded;
  • the place should be spacious and have a non-slip coating in order to avoid injury to animals and slipping during cage.

If the day and place is chosen, it remains only to introduce the two pets. The male is the first to launch into new territory. 10-15 minutes will be enough to get comfortable. Then you can release a bitch. In most cases, the male does not immediately make a cage, but shows some signs of attention and courtship.

Preparing the dog for mating

Preparation for mating begins long before the mating process itself. The first thing to worry about is choosing a male. So that your efforts and expectations do not go to dust, the father of future offspring should be healthy, strong, without breed defects. If your bitch has a first mating, then a partner is desirable with at least one mating experience. Finally a parent is found, an agreement with the owners is reached. By the way, it’s good if the dog is from experienced breeders, even better - from a specialized nursery. What's next?

On the eve of the mating day and immediately before it:

  • Do not bore pets with active games, long walks, plenty of food.
  • Longhaired animals are best trimmed in the genital area.
  • Give the dog and the dog time to recover, urinate and empty the intestines.
  • The genitals of the bitch must be prepared and clean before mating.

The mating process: control and assistance

The case of a dog and a dog is a standard physiological act and it usually takes place without difficulty. However, this does not exempt owners from owning information about the conduct and rules of binding.


  • For dogs of all sizes, the best time for information is the period from 10 to 15 days of estrus. During this period, ovulation occurs, and mating ends in pregnancy. For maximum reliability, it is better to repeat the mating again, the next day, if suddenly in the first, for some reason, fertilization did not occur.
  • One of the partners must have experience in “love joys”. If both animals have not been reduced before, then there is no guarantee of successful mating, which means there are no offspring.
  • Animals for mating are prepared not only physically, but also psychologically. To do this, they are first given the opportunity to get to know each other, get used to, sniff. Acquaintance takes place on neutral sites, but the mating is only on the territory of the male.
  • An inexperienced bitch can be aggressive towards a male. If the gentle words and persuasion of the owner does not help her find peace of mind, then it is better to wear a muzzle. Otherwise, the dog bites the potential groom.
  • If in the process of mating a bitch tries to sit down or move away from a male, then she can be held by a leash. If the male is too large relative to the female, you can substitute a leg bent at the knee under the last stomach. This will ease the load on her body by the weight of the dog.
  • Recognizing when a bitch is ready for mating is simple: she takes her tail to one side, and she freezes in a characteristic pose.


  • The male at the back should grab the dog’s body with the front legs, and the rear against the floor. So the cage begins.
  • With the introduction of the penis of the dog into the dog's vagina, it compresses its muscles on the vulva and the penis trunk is tightly closed. This action, called the "castle", allows the sperm of the dog to quickly get to the goal - the uterus of the bitch.
  • If ejaculation occurs approximately 5 minutes after the onset of sexual intercourse, then the “lock” can last 10-60 minutes, and sometimes more.
  • During the “castle” the behavior of the pet should be strictly controlled. If she wants to free herself and jerk sharply, she can cause serious injury to the genitals of the dog. It is unacceptable to try to disengage the animals yourself.
  • It is necessary to help the dogs to stand in the pose of “pop-to-pop”. So it will be easier for them to postpone the waiting period until uncoupling.

End of mating:

  • Do not let the dog sit or lie on its stomach. Well, if she will not go to the toilet the first hours after mating.
  • Give animals water immediately after mating and provide rest. You can feed in a couple of hours with light and low-fat food.
  • Do not give physical exertion, do not play active, outdoor games, do not arrange long walks until recovery.


After mating, all symptoms of estrus can disappear in the dog. This is not always the case. Do not worry if they last another couple of days. This is normal and depends solely on the personality of the ward.

Will you become a happy owner of small touching lumps no earlier than 4-4.5 weeks after mating. Signs of pregnancy:

  • The dog’s loop will swell and become loose in appearance.
  • At 35-45 days, her stomach will increase.
  • Nipples begin to swell.

After 4-5 weeks after mating, an ultrasound examination can be done that will show or disprove the pregnancy.

If it seems to you that you are not able to cope with the mating task yourself, then specialists in this field will be happy to help you. A specially trained instructor will take on all the hassle of conducting a delicate process without compromising the physical and mental condition of the pet.

Everything turned out and your favorite, waiting for the first litter? Congratulations! Soon new chores and new challenges await you.

Mating dogs - this procedure must be carried out under the supervision of the owners, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences. What are the most common unpleasant consequences? This is a dog's fertilization.

If you don’t see whether the combing took place or not, there will be no guarantee that the animal, namely the bitch, will give the long-awaited offspring.

Consider the pairing procedure from and to. How to prepare dogs for sexual intercourse. In what period it is better to mate dogs and other nuances you will learn from the article.

  Mating dogs - Which season is best for

Mating dogs, what is the best time of the year for an important procedure? You must remember one rule and never forget it. Mating dogs must be carried out no earlier than 2 years of age.

An animal becomes sexually mature at 9 months, but this does not mean that mating can be started during this period. If you do not listen to the advice of competent doctors, you can harm the bitch, as the development of the animal will begin to occur incorrectly.

In the future, there may be problems with conception and so on. It turns out that mating dogs is best done in December, January.

It is at this time of year that hardy animals turn out, grow rapidly. It is not always possible to achieve such a result. The dog makes puppies 60 or 66 days.

She may not come in December, January, then, accordingly, February puppies will not be born. It is in December, January that you need to mate, if you are lucky, and the bitch began to estrus precisely in this season.

  What preparations

For mating, it is necessary to carry out preparatory actions. In particular, it is necessary to give the animals an anthelmintic in two weeks.

Better fit. Mandatory body cleansing procedure from. Otherwise, fruits, that is, future puppies, will be poisoned by helminth toxins.

  Knitting process

The first thing I want to note is the way of knitting. It is manual and free. The free way is simple. Animals are lowered from the leash; they are interested in each other.

Mating begins with the game, smoothly goes into the mating process. Dogs do not have collars, it is easier for them to adapt to each other.

But at the same time the owners must observe the process so that nothing interferes with the correct mating. Eliminate stressful situations, do not scare animals.

The process of gluing in a relaxed atmosphere. A manual knitting - with the help of the owners. They help to settle down to each other.

Hand-knitted photo

  Do I need to prepare a dog, a dog for sexual intercourse

Interestingly, males are ready to mate all year round. But bitches are only capable of twice a year, and some even once a year. So with males easier, special training is not required.

But it is necessary to conduct training with each dog separately. For example, they brought animals to a certain place, it’s not a fact that they will treat each other favorably.

Needs familiarity. Sometimes the bitch behaves aggressively, does not allow the dog. He in turn begins to keep clear feels clogged. What to do in this case?

They put a muzzle on the bitch, begin hand-knitting. If it doesn’t work out this way, in this case the dogs are pulled off the leash and given the opportunity to meet and make friends.

They will get used to each other, they will become easier. Young male cook for the first mating is also not specifically necessary.

But it is imperative to choose a balanced bitch, not aggressive. On such dogs is the first contact. If for the first time a male gets everything without stress, then the further career of a dog will be successful. If the contact is unsuccessful, the dog may be afraid to perform the procedure correctly next time.

In different cases, the pairing of dogs is different. The character of the males is also not always pleasant. For example, animals were brought to a certain place.

Male do not rush to start pestering. The dog sometimes has to catch, because it is too playful, is not set to the desired contact.

Sometimes it is difficult to calm the playful individuals. There are males persistent, aggressive, they will not lead flirting, and zarychat, immediately begin to do a few cages. Still gallant. They will take care, lick their ears, face, try to please.

  How to understand, ready bitch to mating

Each dog is individual. Some are ready for mating on the 11th or 13th day of estrus. Others are on the 15th or 17th day of estrus. Well, even on the 8th day. Discharges become colorless - this is a sign of cooking for mating.

Also, if you hold up the rump with your hand, the animal bends, raises the back part to the top, pulls up the tail. This is the second sign of readiness.

If you are planning to breed dogs, then an experienced instructor is needed at the first round. He will explain the whole situation, how and what to do, what steps to take.

It is very difficult for the first time to inexperienced owners to carry out the procedure themselves. The structure of the male sexual organ is specific.

During sexual intercourse, the male member increases in size and becomes hard. At the base there is a special thickening, when it enters the vagina of a bitch, then there is a pinching.

But it will not happen if the muscles of the vagina do not properly close the onion (thickening). If the mating of the dogs is done properly, then biting will occur.

When dogs close, they cannot be disturbed, otherwise dislocation of the genitals may occur. The normal gluing period is 10 minutes, but sometimes it lasts 60 minutes.

A mating instructor is required during the procedure, as during mating may not occur sticking. The professional knows at what point it usually happens. If he sees that the result is not yet binding, manual knitting begins.

This means, stala keep on bitch, until not achieve the desired outcome. Bonding is important, it is proof that the result of mating will be 100% fertilization.

How the mating of dogs and the procreation occurs, you now know. Now we will find out how dogs behave during sticking.

The male is not on the female for the entire period, he begins to look for the optimally comfortable posture. The most optimal - is to turn back to the bitch. To do this, he throws his hind paw over the bitch’s torso and turns out to be his backside.

So they are a few minutes. If a dog fails to throw a paw, it is necessary to carefully help him do it.

The photo shows the correct binding.

The important point is that the dogs do not have to sit on top while mating, to press them with their feet, everything should be natural. There are also such moments when sexual intercourse is completed, but the member of the male remains firm, does not decrease in size.

In this case, the owners need to take a glass with cold water, lower the organ into the container. Gradually, relief will come, and the member will go into prepuce (foreskin).

What not to do when mating? In no case when mating, do not touch the member of the male, he will refuse contact.

  No sticking occurs.

Yes, this is possible. Stress can affect this. Not desire. And also the age of the dogs. Well, an important factor, the disease, recently postponed. The disease undermines immunity, the possibility of fertilization.


When the mating of the dogs successfully happened. It is necessary to carry out the procedure after 5 days. Fertilization of the female does not occur immediately during intercourse, it takes several days.

If animals are brought together again, then there is an opportunity to get more offspring. And also be 100% sure that the bitch is fertilized.

It is impossible after mating with one dog to divert it to another in this case there may appear hybrids, in the human language mestizo. And what do you know about mating dogs?

Sincerely, Svetlana Baturina.

Dogs are the most loyal of domestic animals, and, apparently, therefore one of the most popular. The dog is or was almost everyone. There are unusual cases and situations in the life of these four-legged ones that every dog ​​breeder should know about. Quite often, dog owners are faced with a curious and somewhat disturbing outcome of dog mating - by gluing. "Boy" and "girl", fascinated by intimacy, tightly stick together priests. What should the owners do in such a situation? Is it dangerous for dogs? Does it hurt them?

Physiology of intimate life of four-legged

Before starting to mate, the dogs get acquainted, sniffing each other. If this process is successful, the female adopts a pose that is convenient for crossing, and the male climbs on it, holding the partner with its paws. The next 4–5 minutes is the “fitting”, during which the male searches for the way to the vagina of the “bride”, and the female takes the most comfortable position.

The member of the dog in the excited state increases about four times, the head becomes larger than the rest of the body. The female, straining the muscles of the vagina, tightly clings to her partner. So begins the intercourse itself.

Actually “sticking” of dogs occurs due to the increase in the size of the head of the male penis and the strain of the female's vaginal muscles. Canine scientists call this phenomenon "gluing." It does not allow a member of the male to slip out of the vagina of the partner, so the pairing passes without problems.

The next stage of intercourse is ejaculation. It can last up to sixty seconds. The dog at this time moves abruptly, roughly. This is followed by a period of relaxation, when the male rests for about five minutes, leaning on the female with all his weight. Most females do not like it very much - and they try to take a more comfortable posture, and also show signs of displeasure and anxiety: whining, whining, breaking out.

Dog during mating allocates not only sperm. Nature provides for the separation of the process of canine intima into three stages, and at each of them the male secretes a certain secretion:

  1. At the preparatory stage, the male emits lubricant, a colorless liquid without sperm. It is necessary for the successful penetration of the penis of the dog into the vagina of the partner.
  2. In the second stage occurs sperm release. This is the main part of dog copulation, on which the future offspring depends. The selection of sperm begins when the head of a member of a dog is increased to the maximum size. Usually, the male produces a little eaculata (2 - 3 ml), but in this modest number there are almost 2000 million spermatozoa.
  3. Sticking  - part of the final stage of successful intercourse. When ejaculation is complete, the male begins to secrete a secret characteristic of the final stage of mating. These secretions, with a total volume of approximately 80 ml, are designed to accelerate the advancement of spermatozoa to the uterus of the future mother of the offspring, and to ensure their effectiveness.

The final stage, gluing, is not always present in the process of dog intima. This is neither bad nor good. Why? Because bonding is a natural process, and nature never creates anything for nothing.

Why is the "lock" important for the female?

Beginner dog breeders and animal lovers need to remember that a pair of dogs stuck together in a love castle, you should not interfere. Let their “ensemble” look ridiculous and ridiculous. Even in cases where the female shows signs of discontent. The only thing you need to do is to hold the bitch to her sharp movements to break the lock.

Obligation of dogs by priests after copulation is a completely natural phenomenon. This is a guarantee of success of fertilization and the early appearance of offspring. In addition, this is a kind of male insurance, which guarantees that his sperm will reach the female's uterus, and the rival will not fertilize the “girl”.

Binding does not complete all cases of dog sex. It may not happen for the following reasons:

  • Health problems in four-legged pets.
  • Overly young partners.
  • Too young for mating female.
  • Incorrectly selected time for pairing.

The most favorable time for conception with a standard cycle of a female is 21–23 days — from 10 to 14 days of estrus. With a cycle duration of 26 to 28 days, this time comes on the 14th - 18th day of estrus. Another key to successful mating is that the process should take place in the “boy’s” territory.

In the familiar atmosphere, the dog will feel confident, which will certainly have a positive effect on the quality and effectiveness of his courtship for the woman. The female, in turn, will feel some discomfort bordering on a slight fright - and will not begin to strongly resist.

Total. Why are dogs stuck together?

The main function of dog pairing is guarantee the birth of puppies. Physically, this is due to the unusual structure of the penis of the dog: its trunk ends in a cylindrical head, at the base of which there is a bone. Bone ends consisting of the cavernous body cartilage.

In the process of copulation of the veins of a canine member squeeze blood flow, stopping him. So the dog's body gets stuck inside the female. Thus, the male provides himself with offspring, not allowing other males to the future mother.