Preparing tile glue: secrets and not only. Tile glue - Composition, views and classification of a mixture for floor tiles Preparation of glue for tiles with their own hands

One of the types of finishing materials is tiled glue, but, despite its name, it is applied not only for fastening the tile. Such a glue composition perfectly glues many materials.

This glue is known since Soviet times, then he had only one composition, and now there are many different types of it, which go for fastening any facing materials.

Types and composition of the foundation

Previously, cement-sand composition was used in its capacity, which could add oil paint, PVA glue or adhesive paste. Then, solutions with adhesive additives appeared on sale, which were characterized by good adhesion and were able to perfectly fasten concrete walls with the necessary facing.

Now in construction stores you can find such a variety of tiled adhesive compositions, which can be confused before their choice. Each species has its own composition, which is intended for a specific application.

His characteristics affect the additives from mixed chemical compounds, it can be:

  • antiorious additives;
  • polymer modifiers;
  • water-retaining inclusions.

The article describes how to use

And the basis of the adhesive contains cement and sand in certain proportions. That is, in principle, the tile makeup is a mineral polymer composite from complex compounds. In percentage ratio, the tile solution consists of 95% of the dry mixture, and everything else is occupied by different additives.

Tile glue varieties

Two groups are distinguished:

The latter are sold in plastic buckets that have different volumes. This is completely ready for use glue. After purchasing it, you can immediately begin to stick the facing material, it is enough to mix the contents of the plastic container before this time.

Before applying glue, it should be made properly. To do this, you need to explore the instructions and find out the rules for obtaining the desired consistency. The result of the work will depend on the correctness of the breeding of the composition.

What features is possessed

Its purchase depends on the properties and purpose, so you need to know what technical characteristics has the desired composition. If the tile adhesive solution is based on cement, then the following requirements must be followed for working with it:

  • the temperature of the work must be between +5 to 30 0 s;
  • adhere to the specified amount of water for breeding the composition. On average, 25 kg of dry component should account for 5 liters of fluid;
  • you should withstand the thickness of the recommended application layer. It is usually from 3 to 15 mm;
  • the viability of tile glue is 3 hours. After the adhesive solution was diluted, it must be used for 20 minutes. After the tile is glued to them, its adjustment can be produced for another ten min. ? The composition fully solidifies in a day;
  • some types of adhesives have frost resistance, which is 35 cycles.

Scope and its cost

Its price is affected by the properties and quality of additives. Building materials manufacturers try to diversify the range of their products, and every year release new types of tiled glue for various surfaces. We present some varieties of trademarks and their products indicating prices and areas of their application.

Manufacturer and Product

What is the glue

Packing, kg. Price, in rubles.
Ceresit cm 9. applies only for indoor surfaces. They greatly fix ceramic tiles with dimensions up to 30 cm 25 255
Ceresite cm 11 plus it can be used both outside and inside buildings. Well glue the stone and ceramic tiles, the size of which can be up to 40 cm. It has a high moisture resistance, so often used for bathrooms and toilet rooms -//- 280
Ceresit cm 17. basins all types of mineral tiles, except marble. Used for interior and exterior walls and floors -//- 250
Baumacol Basic. for works with ceramic tiles, located indoors -//- 200
Knauf-Shnenelclerber used for tile and stone tiles, as well as mosaic. Well serves both exterior and inland housing surfaces -//- 490
Knauf Marmorkleber. for cladding marble and stone, glass beam and tiles and tiles -//- 425
Litokol K17. it is used for fasteners of stone, marble, mosaic and ceramics. It can participate for outdoor and interior decoration from 2.5 to 25 300
StalerTandard used for works with mosaic and indoor tiles

As it has already become clear from the table data, the tile glue is designed for use both inside housing and outside it. It helps solve many design problems and is used in any premises.

What is the price and technical characteristics of the glue of a tiled unice, you can see reading this

Depending on its properties, it can be used:

  • in the bathrooms and inside the pools (waterproof);
  • for sex as a heater;
  • for decor of furnaces and fireplaces (heat-resistant);
  • in any room for fastening the floor tile (equalizer).

The video describes the composition of the tiled glue:

It describes how tiled glue is better suitable for porcelain stoneware.

How to make tiled glue with your own hands

Preparation proportions

How to make your own hands? There are cases when it is necessary to urgently get a new portion of the adhesive basis, and the construction stores are already closed, then you should use step-by-step instructions for the preparation of tile glue at home. Initially, it is necessary to prepare its components: cement (M-400), sand and bulk glue (PVA can also be suitable). In the process you will need clean tools and containers. So let's proceed, it is necessary:

  1. Dilute wallpaper glue with water. The proportions are taken from the instructions indicated on the packaging of the adhesive ingredient.
  2. Take the sandHis fractions should be about 2 mm. Before use, this component is better to sift it to be clean.
  3. After that, it is mixed with cement. Proportions: one liter of the latter should account for 3 liters of sand filler. If you wish, you can add a plasticizer for concrete.
  4. Adding the wallpaper glue must be carried out. At first, pour 200 ml if the mixture has not yet reached the state of fatty sour cream, you can bring it to it another portion of glue.
  5. After that, the resulting mixture must be tried to stick to the tile. If it is well applied to its surface, and the material fixed on the wall can be moved, then, it means that the glue is properly manufactured. When deviating from the desired state, the composition can be adjusted by adding water or dry components.

Some wizards, without having a wallpaper glue, make home without it. In principle, in this solution, it is necessary only for the possibility of correcting the tile in the fastener process.

On video - Application of tile glue:

Using the compositions of the tile glue presented on sale can be glued completely different materials on almost any plane of their home. Naturally, it can be performed at home, but the purchase option eliminates the receipt of inappropriate glue consistency, as it has an accurate formulation and dosage of its components.

When laying a tile, it is very important to make glue properly, otherwise there will be problems. First, with a liquid or too thick mass, it is much more difficult to work, secondly, the quality of the masonry suffers. In addition, it is important to choose the appropriate composition for specific conditions.

From the correctness of the preparation of the adhesive solution directly depends on the reliability of the tile fixation

Types of glue and their features

  • Universal cement. The most popular composition. It is made of portland cement with modifying additives, contains latex particles and other materials. Dilute such adhesive simply, it suffices to follow the instructions on the back, observing the correct ratio of dry matter and liquid.
  • Reinforced. Used To glue heavy elements, and also allows the coating to withstand more intensive loads. Such an effect is achieved by adding strengthening ingredients.
  • Moisture-resistant. It is mainly used for surfaces constantly in contact with water. In contrast to conventional mixtures that destroyed by moisture, this glue has repulsive ability, and therefore is immune to its influence. This is the perfect choice when finishing pools, saunas and bathrooms.
  • Polymeric. It is used indoors, since it does not tolerate temperature fluctuations and exposure to the external environment.
  • Special types. Modified mixtures samples that are designed for specific work. For example, for drywall and wood (the composition compensates for the movement of the material), as well as under the warm floor and facing of furnaces (heat-resistant and refractory), external works (not afraid of frost), etc.

Prepare a solution and independently. It is easy to make it easy, as the available components are used: sand, cement, water and sometimes extinguished lime.

The principle of preparation of mixtures is the same.

A good replacement of tiled glue will be homemade solution

How to choose a quality product

Since at home is not always possible to properly make tile glue, it is much easier to purchase a ready-made mixture. Let's give a few recommendations to help not make a mistake with the choice:

  • Trust only verified manufacturers. Firms with good reputation follow the quality of products. Little-known mixtures brands do not guarantee that the raw materials used and the production conditions meet the standards.
  • Pay attention to the composition. Each type of glue has its own specific recipe. In addition, the brand of components must comply with the standards.
  • Date of manufacture. From the moment of manufacture before the deadline for use takes place only six months. The overdue mixture loses part of the properties and glue the tile is already impossible.
  • Storage conditions. Dry powders must be in indoor rooms with low humidity levels. This is important to preserve their qualities.
  • Duration of frozen. Normal glue is quickly grasped, but the wizard remains the ability to correct the position of the tile during the first 20 minutes after laying.
  • Fixing ability. The solution must securely hold the ceramic tile, not sliding and not deformed.
  • The level of adhesion. The clutch with the surface ideally is 1 n / mm2. This indicator also makes it clear how much power will have to be applied to remove the facing after drying the solution.

When choosing a high-quality glue, its fixing ability plays an important role

Rules for mixing

Dilsert a mixture with small portions, so you have the opportunity to work without a rush and high quality putting the tile. The proportions of the preparation of tile glue are shown on the package, but do not rush to blindly follow them. At first, take only 2/3 of the liquid and mix with the full portion of the dry powder, gradually add the remaining water until the solution acquires a suitable consistency. If necessary, add more fluid.

Since thoroughly stir it with your own hands, tile glue is quite difficult, use a building mixer. Check the thickness of the masses with a spatula, it must be enough elastic, not falling off with lumps, but also not spread. Leave the glue for 15-20 minutes so that all the components are completely swolled and combined into a homogeneous mass.

For thorough glue stirring, it is best to use a building mixer

How to make a solution yourself

So how to cook the tiled glue is easy, you can save money on materials. To properly make the solution, you will need sand, cement and water. The proportions of dry components are approximately 5: 1. Glue plasticizers are replaced by haired lime. Instead, it is possible to use PVA, washing powder or liquid soap. At the same time, follow the amount of water.

Previously ask for materials to remove lumps and impurities.

This is a standard tile glue recipe. For laying a tile in the house - a worthy option. In general, it is not so difficult to make a solution, even a beginner will cope. And if you use finished glue, you will save your time.

Dry building mixes are the material that is necessary to perform any repairs. Each type of coatings presented in our market has its own chemical and technical properties, which manifests itself in the methods of laying, the scope of application and features of operation. So, the ceramic tile has a different purpose and laying methods. Therefore, it is logical that a certain type of glue is used for each tile type.

  • Porcelain stoneware - he has a low degree of water absorption, and it is not subject to temperature drops, so the adhesive mixture should be elastic for it;
  • Clinker - has similar properties similar to porcelainearite. If this type of tile is used to clamp furnaces and fireplaces, the glue should include kaolin and chammed clay. The same mixture can be used for warm floors;
  • Tile of white or red clay - for it you can use an ordinary mixture on a cement basis;
  • A large and heavy tile - such a coating is placed in glue with the content of reinforced crumb, which will save it from sliding from surfaces;
  • Outdoor tiles - needs elastic composition due to large loads.

These are the main types of tiles and features of the composition of the adhesive for them. Knowing what type of coating you will be used on what surface can be solved on what glue glue tiles. I treat it with all responsibility, because the wrong choice will make all your efforts in vain: the coating will begin to flap, break and will not serve the time that should.

Important! To determine the type of composition, in the absence of experience in its choice, the most correct decision will be consulted with a specialist in this field.

Preparation for work

Work should not be started while there will not be all the necessary materials. Also collect all the tools that will be needed in the process of work. At hand there should always be a sponge and a bucket of water in which you can quickly wash the tool and collect spilled liquid. All places that require protection (furniture, finishing elements) Cover with newspapers, tarpaulin or protective film. For its attachment, you can use tape. But do not overdo it, because then together with him you can tear out pieces of wallpaper, paint and finishes.

Treat the progress of the work in advance so that at the end you were at the door, and not in the corner of the room. However, there are cases when it is necessary to move along freshly placed tiles. For these cases, pre-prepare plywood pieces with a thickness of at least 20 millimeters to use them like a track. After you go through this path, lift each sheet of plywood and check whether the tile has shifted.

Glue for laying tiles for each type of coating has its own calculations. So, the porous surface of the cement absorbs more glue than a concrete slab, and a porous unbalanced plate is greater than the glazed. In hot weather there is a strong evaporation of fluid from the composition of the adhesive, so it is necessary to apply it more than it would be necessary at normal temperature. Due to the influence of a large number of factors, it is not possible to make any table for calculating the amount of glue.

Mix for styling with your own hands

Many people believe that the best glue for the tile is the one that is made independently. This mixture is made of sand and cement. Cement acts as an astringent, and the sand is filler. They must have a homogeneous composition and do not contain any impurities. Note! The sand should be small, the maximum size of the grain - no more than two millimeters.

Cement and sand are taken in a ratio of one to three. The measure performs volume, not weight. The mixture is mixed on the water, but it is thoroughly mixed before that. The finished mixture of density should be like sour cream. The solution is not used immediately, and when it starts to harden.

This mixture is the best tile glue for use both indoors and on the street. It is placed on concrete, brick, plaster, plaster and other surfaces. If the cement mixture is not suitable for any reason, then in the store you can buy a finished elastic pasta.

Sasha asked a question:

I decided to independently put the tile in the kitchen, but at the same time I do not want to spend extra money. There is a bag of cement, which remained from the pouring of the pit in the garage. Please tell how to make tiled glue with your own hands so that it is not worse than the glue mixture from the store.

Tiler answer:

Anyone who planned the repair in the house is trying to save on building materials and prepare an adhesive mixture for tiles with their own hands. I will tell you the recipe that has repeatedly used to lay a tile.

In order to prepare the glue for the tile you will need: the container for kneading, a building mixer, cement M-400 or M-500 grades, sand, and plasticizers. In the role of plasticizers, I use PVA glue, but you can also use the luggage glue of the brand CMC, washing powder, liquid soap or detergent.

What is this article

Recipe with adding PVA or CMC

Turning out all the necessary components and tools, moving to direct cooking. To do this, mix cement and sand in proportions 1: 3 or 1: 4 depending on the brand. To dry cement-sand mixtures, we begin to add water with constant stirring, achieving a homogeneous mass. At this stage, the most important thing is that there are no lumps in the solution. After the cement-sandy solution is ready to give it to it, pre-diluted with water (in a 2: 1 ratio). Usually, the amount of adhesive added (diluted in water) is 5-10% of the volume of cement-sandy solution. Adhesion is better added with equal portions, not forgetting to mix. The preparation of the adhesive mixture ends after the necessary working viscosity is reached.

And now I will tell you how to make an adhesive mixture using glue CMC. Since the bulk glue is sold in the form of a dry powder, before adding to the cement-sandy solution, it must be prepared by using recommendations, addressed on the product packaging. Dissolved and swollen wallpaper glue is added to a cement solution with small portions of 200 ml. After adding CMC, the mixture is thoroughly mixed until the working viscosity is obtained.

Recipe with the addition of detergent, liquid soap or washing powder

You can also prepare glue for tile adding liquid soap, washing powder or detergent for dishes to cement solution. These additives allow to increase the fluidity of the tile glue and that the most important does not change the quantitative water content.

As an example, I will give your recipe for the preparation of tile glue with the addition of detergent. To begin with, we prepare cement-sandy solution. It should be done in the same proportions that I pointed above. Add detergent to the finished solution from the calculation of 50-100g (or 1-2 tablespoons) to one cement bucket. Mix the solution to obtain a homogeneous mass and glue is ready. Increase the amount of detergent is not recommended, as this will lead to the formation of heights after frozen.


In the manufacture of an adhesive solution for tiles in its composition, except (either instead of) PVA, CMC and detergents, you can add special additives such as: Mastertherm, superplasticizer - C3, liquid glass, dibutyl phthalate, resin additive DEG1, superplasticizer D5, etc.

They will give adhesive such unique properties as: frost resistance, heat resistance, moisture resistance, resistance to chemicals, plasticity, increased adhesion, etc. The method of applying these additives will be described in the instructions of the attached manufacturer.

And finally. To understand whether the adhesive makeup prepared by its hands should be applied to the tile, and if the tile is freely moving along the floor in any direction, then the glue can be finished.

Tile glue is one of the types of finishing materials.But its use is more widely than comes from his name. The composition of such adhesive allows you to glue the most different materials, so everything is not limited to work with ceramic tiles.

The glue for the tile was widely produced in Soviet times, but then its consistency determined GOST, i.e. Third-party ingredients could not be added to it, otherwise he could not be called tiled glue.

Now the situation is somewhat different, therefore you can find many different glue brands, Designed for connection to the surface of a plot of facing materials.

Tying glue types, its base - what is part of the mixture

The composition of the tile glue in the old days included a fairly standard set. Comprises:

  • Mixture of cement and sand.
  • Oil paint.
  • PVA glue or adhesive paste.

Then other glue compositions appeared on the market. adhesive additives entered significantly improve adhesion of glue, also the composition of acrylic and resin. You can safely glue the facing material to the concrete wall so that the same tile keeps it very good.

The modern market offers many types of glue, which may differ in a wide variety of composition.

An ordinary buyer is sometimes very difficult to choose the appropriate option, because the composition of the tile glue directly depends on the scope of its application.

In order for the glue corresponded to its characteristics, it needs to be in the right way, so you need to carefully study information about it on the package.

How to make glue for tiles do it yourself - recipe

It is very important to know the approximate composition of the tiled glue, If you want to make it with your own hands. Of course, the easiest way to buy it in a specialized store, but what if the work is in full swing, and all the construction stores do not work?

That is exactly the case and it is useful to understand how to make tiled adhesive on your own prescription. To begin with, make sure that you have the main ingredients of glue:

  • Cement - the M-400 Mark is suitable.
  • Sand.
  • Glue for wallpaper or ordinary PVA glue.

Naturally, we also We will need tanks for mixing components, as well as a different toolkit. The manufacturing process will look like this:

  • first need divide glue for wallpaper The amount of water that is indicated on the packaging. Remember that compliance with the proportions is very important for proper consistency of glue;
  • next we need sand. You can buy it in a construction store, saying the seller that you need sand, whose fractions should be about 2 mm. If required, then ask for sand;
  • then mix the sand and cement. Here it is also necessary to observe the proportions: one part of the cement will require three parts of the sand;
  • our task in cooking glue is achieve a consistency of thick sour cream. That is why, the divorced glue for wallpaper should be added to the cement-sandy mixture by portions. You can first pour one glass, then stir the solution and, if necessary, pour another wallpaper glue;
  • then you can move to tests. We apply the composition on the tile, after which we apply it to the surface. If the adhesive holds well on it, as well as it is sufficient consistency, allowing you to move the tile on the wall, then we all did it right.

If something has not happened, then The required consistency can be achieved by adding a dry mixture or water..

For more information about homemade glue cooking, see the video:

The glue for the tile enjoys a fairly great demand, which is explained by its decent characteristics of solidification, as well as a fairly affordable cost.

The composition of the tile glue of the Unice includes a standard set in the form of cement, special filler and chemical elements. Also important components are the usual water that the dry mixture is divorced.

Thus, the 25-kilogram bag will require about five liters of fluid.

Glue on the tile of the layer of approximately 1.5 cm is applied, which allows it quite economically. On average, one square meter leaves 4 kg of mixture.

The scope of the use of unice glue is quite wide. It can be used on surfaces such as asphalt, plaster, brick, concrete, etc.

Remember that after cooking glue it is necessary to spend it within 4-5 hours, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

Basic rules in work

  • in room must be acceptable for work temperature. To glue the tile, it must be in the range from 5 to 30 degrees Celsius;
  • it is necessary to comply with the correct amount of water in the dilution of glue. On average, it will take about five liters of water for a 25-kilogram bag to obtain a normal consistency;
  • it is necessary to apply the correct amount of the composition on the tile. As a rule, 3-15 mm glue is applied;
  • the average life expectancy of adhesive, if you can put it, is 3-4 hours. At the same time, after gluing tiles to the surface, we still have about 10 minutes to adjust the position of the tile;
  • what concerns solidification time, then it is about 24 hoursAfter which you can safely walk on the tile or perform any other manipulations.

Which to choose?

We have already talked about what glue to choose, entirely depends on the scope of its use. To choose the appropriate option, you only need to know where you will use it.


To lay tiles on the floor, you will need adhesive capable of aligning the surface. This capacity can use epoxy glue.

Also the final selection of adhesive composition will depend on the following factors.:

  • specificity of the work themselves. whether they will be carried out indoors, or external work will be carried out;
  • the type of surface on which the tile is accomplished - brick, etc.
  • indoor humidity, as well as temperature indicators;
  • type of tile itself.

No need to acquire that glue that is more expensive than others. Remember that not always the product that is characterized by the highest cost will be better than others in terms of quality.

Often, a high price is an elementary consequence of brand promotion, so in fact you are overpaying only for the name of the popular brand.

But very cheap glue formulations acquire, because the resulting tile and other negative points can become the result of this. The optimal option is glue from the average price category, but from a fairly well-known company.

The fact is that popular manufacturers comply with the basic rules in the manufacture, which allows their products to comply with the basic standards of quality. We also recommend you to get acquainted with our article which will tell what better and.