Device for pulling dents. Reliable tools for easy repair dents without painting

The inductor is not a panacea or a magic wand in the removal of dents without painting. This auxiliary tool, partly replacing routine manual methods (hooks, adhesive systems, etc.).

Many buyers want to buy this device without even basic PDR technology skills. What is not good! Therefore, if you see the comments of the type: "The device does not pull," "burns the paint", "easier to pull out the vanatuz" or "cheaper manual ways", then you can safely consider their grief amateurs, and not listen to their stupidity.

The essence of the device is simple - the heating of the metal, if this happens in one press of the nozzle, means the inductor worker. Further - the case of the technique!

It is impossible to conduct PDR work if

  1. damaged paint and varnish car coating (LCP);
  2. the deformation has a complex shape with deep, sharp funas or on the riffness edge;
  3. the deformed area was already painted and painted were produced poorly;
  4. the car is operated for more than 15 years, microcracks and traces of corrosion are visible on LCP.

Dents that can be repaired by inducer

  • Removes small, gentle dents. Used to repair domestic parking dents.
  • It is convenient to use for body items that are difficult to shoot, as well as, where it is difficult to work with hooks, suction cups and other manual instruments.
  • Best copes with local dents on sheet metal: hood, roof, trunk lid, doors.
  • Celers on the iron body.

Dents that do not remove inducer

  • Sharp, deep (depth is more of its diameter) dents, as well as a dent in a dent tool not to pull out.
  • On the edge of rigidity, in Kanta, because There is practically no voltage of metal.
  • Plots that were damaged and reconstructed.
  • Aluminum bodies are not repaired by the device.
  • It is impossible to put pressure on a dent. You heat the metal, adding it to the nozzle, thereby dent make even more.

Features of removal dents

It is better to heat the sides of a short pulse heating. As soon as the metal begins to align, you can start exposure to fast pulses and produce heating to the center of dents.

Celers located closer to the center of the metal surface are straightened faster.

On a white surface, you need to work carefully, because Paint can get yellow.

If there are a lot of small dents, for example, from hail, then each next dent must be heated as far away from the previous one. Since the metal near does not have time to cool.

Do not work at maximum power, if you are not a professional and always train on an unnecessary body element.

The room temperature where the repair is produced must be more than 5 - 10 degrees.

What to do to the inductor not cutting? In the instruments of the T-HotBox model, before turning on, set the mode of operation for 4 seconds.

And most importantly, if you have not trained PDR technologies and you have no appropriate tool and understanding how to work with the body, then you should not take the inductor, and you should:

  1. To study on straightening dents.
  2. Buy discs and tools.
  3. Come on a free demonstration where you all show and offer optimal options.


The inductor is needed in cases where you do not have enough time and strength to work with a hand tool. Grad - seasonal phenomenon. Lots of a lot and battered cars too. A competent specialist will pay off the price of the device for repairing one - two cars. This is a huge plus!

This device is not for everyone and buy one inductor is not enough. Cars with aluminum body do not repass. It is very easy to damage the paint with one careless touch. In addition, not all dents can be removed by electromagnetic induction. This is minus!

Inductor video

Each specialist in the field of car repair knows that dents on the car body are a frequent problem of their customers. However, not every wizard has the necessary tools to correct the dents without painting.

What tool we sell

Looking into the catalog of our online store "PDR Center Moscow", you will find everything you need to perform a deletion task without painting: hooks, lamps, adhesive tools and much more.

In chapter "Tool kits" You will find ready-made kits that will help you quickly and efficiently cope with dents and surface irregularities. The main difference in these sets is the amount of hooks, the size of the lamp and the availability of the mini-fusion.

Lighting equipment - No less important purchase, rather than the hooks themselves, because only having a good lamp, the diffuser and dimmer can quickly fix dents on the body in such a way that no one will ever notice.

Visiting the section " Accessories"You can buy the necessary tools for placing, various suspension, linking. All this will become indispensable assistants in straightening complex dents.

Of course, the main assistants in difficult to pull out irregularities are hooks and nozzles. Hooks of different diameters you can buy individually or immediately take a set that is suitable for all cases. Replaceable handles and nozzles will also serve a good service for an advanced wizard.

Concerning adhesive SystemIn the catalog you can find all sorts of mini-lifters, glue guns, reverse hammers, as well as fungi from different manufacturers.

Don't forget about additional equipmentwhich can significantly facilitate the work of the master. These are various thickness gauges, pneumatic devices, polishing circles of different stiffness (children) and other rapid lifting systems.

In this video you will learn how our store and training center work:

Prices for PDR Tool

In total, we work more than 30 suppliers, which allows us to keep a high range and low prices.

In skillful hands

By purchasing the necessary professional tool, you need to learn how to use it well. And in this difficult case, our masters will help you. In the school curriculum you will tell you how to use this or that or other equipment to return the car to the former form, you will teach each of the devices in practice, will raise your professional level. "PDR CENTER MOSCOW" is your reliable partner and friend.

Often, as a result of small accidents, minor shocks or even atmospheric precipitation in the form of a hail, a certain amount of dents remain in the form of a car, while the paintwork coating of the body remains completely unharmed. In this case, the trip to the car service for conducting body works is not always justified, because it is possible to eliminate shallow damage yourself, using simple devices for this. The result of the use of innovation in the auto repair area was the appearance of a device for removing dents. The market for special equipment appeared devices for pulling dents without subsequent painting. Such equipment makes it easy to eliminate similar flaws of small sizes on the car. A novelty from Switzerland, the T-Hot Box device is a professional device for pulling a dentin without the need to subsequent painting.

The device for removing dents can be used to adjust the body after small shocks or damage from falling icicles, hail. With the help of it, you can repair the field damage obtained during parking or transporting the machine, as well as eliminate "clams" (stretched metal).

The principle of action of the device is based on induction radiation, the impact of which is directed to warming up exclusively metal. Paint and other polymer materials on a metal base are not heated. When heated, the metal base is tightened, and due to the fact that the metal voltage at the injury site is directed up, the previous profile configuration is restored.

If this did not happen the first time, the procedure should be repeated after a complete cooling of the surface. The use of such a device will undoubtedly facilitate body repair work due to many moments:

  1. lightness and ease of operation;
  2. no need to disassemble the car;
  3. lack of painting works;
  4. do not need consumables during the operation of the device.

Repair of the vehicle with the help of the device becomes possible without paint damage, which saves time and consumables for stripping, putty, painting. The drying is also excluded from the repair process, which saves time and electricity.

This device is specifically designed to get rid of the car's surface from a different type of irregularities (from domestic to large shallow dents), while maintaining its paint coating. Be sure that this device will delete small damage on the body.

How does the device for removing dents on cars

Due to the rapid heating of the metal, it expands. And since the heating area is very small and fast when expanding the paint and varnish does not burn. The reasonful condition to make the next cycle after a complete cooling. There is one cycle heating up to 80 gr. Metal voltage for positive and direct surfaces. Directed upwards with minor damage it rises, and acquires the initial form. This process is explained by the fact that the speed of atoms is in increasingly increases and that is why the degree of attraction also increases, which entails the above mentioned changes.

Using this device, the rectifier dents can be delivered from different types of damage. This device will be useful to you in the following cases:

  1. when relieving the stretching of metal surfaces;
  2. when eliminating small surface damage;
  3. when removing deep dents (for example, with unsuccessful parking) with PDR hook.

Equipment of the device

  • t-HOT BOX PDR device;
  • tract (induction) head with cable;
  • case for carrying and storing inductor;
  • user Guide - Download.

How to work properly with T-Hot Box HTR-02

Go directly to the deletion process of the T-HotBox HTR-02 inducer deletion. Please note that to obtain the best result, it is desirable to remove the insulating material before work (if any).

Before turning on, you need to place the induction head at the very edge of damage, and only then activate the induction stream, using one easy pressing of the button. After that you can observe its penetration in the middle of the metal. The frequency of repetition of such procedures depends on the number of damage on your car.

The exposure time on average lasts from 1 to 4 seconds (it directly depends on the metal with which you work, as well as from its thickness). If you need to re-procedure, it is necessary to wait for the complete cooling of the surface. The neglect of this rule may entail such additional damage as the burning of LCP. In order not to encounter similar difficulties, it is best to practice in other similar materials that you are not afraid to spoil. Such training will teach you to "catch" that dangerous moment of burning and secure from his repetition already with the main procedure with the car.

Scope of the device to eliminate dents by car:

  • Parking dents
  • Device for removing, eliminating and repairing dents for cars without painting.
  • Dents from hail
  • Celers obtained during car transportation
  • Dents from external damage, such as vandalism or other influences
  • Elimination of "Flap" (stretched metal)

Advantages of the device

  1. Lightning work
  2. Easy to use, without any effort
  3. Diverse scope on all metal structures
  4. No time spent on time-consuming details
  5. Ability to repair a car without paint damage
  6. Exception of not necessary paintwork
  7. Ricking and putty work becomes superfluous
  8. Lack of consumables when working with the device
  9. Saving time and consumables for stripping, putty, painting, as well as electricity saving required for drying

Effect when using inductor

The result after using the T-HotBox PDR inductor can be strengthened by combining with the adhesive alignment method. This method will help stretch deeper dents .Thowing equipment allows you to work on the edges of the parts, as well as in the hard zones of complex access.

There are several ways to align dents. The traditional version involves the straightening, putty and repaint or replace the damaged part. However, if the paintwork is not damaged, you can significantly simplify the repair using the equipment to remove dents without painting, considered further.


This alignment technology can be used for any metal car body parts. The main condition for the alignment of the dentitin in question is the integrity of the metal and paintwork. That is, on a damaged area, it is unacceptable for the presence of gaps of metal, cracks, chips and other paint defects. However, it is permissible for the presence of small damage to the type of scratches to be eliminated by polishing.


Levers and bumps

This tool for repairing dents without painting is used for mechanical alignment from the inside. As a lever, you can use the oblong pin or a flat bar. The technology under consideration is based on pressure drop. The principle of work is to extrude the industrial plot from the back side placed in the technological hole by the lever. When the material is returned to the initial place clicks. It is necessary to pressed carefully and smoothly, controlling the appearance of faces and peaks. For their refinement, a bunch of fluoroplast is used.

However, since this method is associated with the penetration of the car, the scope of its application is limited, since not to all parts of the body can be searched by a lever through the technological holes.


This is a specialized set of tools for straightening dents without painting, including an applicator, glue and mini-lifter. Such a specialized kit is used to external reference dents. Its base is a device in the form of a bracket with two rubber tips. In addition, the set includes glue, gun, set of nozzles.

Pre-damaged section of the car degrease. Then the heated glue using guns is applied to one of the nozzles (also degreased) and install it with circular motions clockwise in the center of dents. In this case, the extra glue protrudes through the holes in the nozzle. The time of frozen is 2 - 3 minutes. After its drying, the dent is pulled out with a mini-lifter - they are installed on the nozzle with a bracket and the lamb coolas it until the defect is completely straightening. Upon completion of the work, the device is left on the working surface for 5 minutes. At the end of the work, the surface is purified from glue.

There is other equipment to eliminate dents without painting by this method. For example, a piston is used in a similar way. It is also glued to the damaged portion and straight dents by pulling. It is possible to use both a non-professional tool, such as a set of suckers. The technology of their use is the same.
The adhesive method has a significantly more extensive scope of use, since almost all dents can be right away from the outside. At the same time, the work is very simple for the exercise with your own hands.

Vacuum suckers

The technology of using vacuum suckers differs from the aforementioned suckers fixed by glue, since this equipment is installed on the working surface by a vacuum method.

Pre-damaged section of the car is purified. Then they install the sucker and create a vacuum in it. Finally, the pump hose is disconnected and pulled out dents. Upon completion of the work from vacuum, you get rid of the valve, and remove the sucker. From adhesive method, this technology is beneficially distinguished by the absence of the need to clean the body after repair.

Set of levers

Such equipment is used when directing the PDR technology. The set includes many hooks, characterized by form, long and bend working part. In addition to them, a construction hairdryer will be required, a plastic gasket, called the paint, and a cynicha. Perhaps before starting work, you will have to dismantle the internal trim and the adjacent parts of the car. At a pre-purified working surface, the metal voltage is removed in bending places. Then the damaged area is heated to 40 - 50 ° C. The edges of the bend are slightly closed using a paintwork to avoid damage to the paint coating. Alignment is carried out by pressing on the damaged surface from the back side. To do this, choose a lever depending on the conditions of the defect laying, it is introduced into the technological hole and, scrolling the handle, affect the surface. Professional sets are equipped with polymer wedges that are put under the hooks to avoid damage to parts. The technology under consideration is most difficult to repair with their own hands, as it includes various repair methods. It is usually used to resolve complex and extensive defects.


This tool is used to straighten the dentity by pulling out. Supplies under it so as not to damage the paintwork. The magnet moves from the edges to the center of dents, slightly pulling.

Hairdryer and concise air can

The use of such a set involves a thermal way to reflect dents. It is based on the pursuit of the metal to return the initial form under the temperature effects. At first, the damaged section of the car is heated by a construction hairdryer, and then the air from the cannon is directed to it. In this case, metal leveling occurs. When straining large dents, this operation will have to be performed at several points. Moreover, their location is not chosen by chance, but depending on the form of defect. So, for round dents, the points are located on the radius, and for oval - by narrow side. If there is a defect in the zone of hard elements, the alignment starts with them. This method does not always allow to completely straighten the damage, so it is used to fully reflections with a rubberized substrate material to protect the paint coating.

Also, among other things, a set of protective equipment in the form of gloves and masks will be required, since these works are associated with high temperatures (300 - 650 ° C).

There is also an embodiment of the repair by this method using household materials. So, a gas burner is suitable as a heating tool, and water can be used for cooling.

Set of rubber cues and anvil

This equipment is used to perform dents from the back side, and the anvil is put on the outside to avoid disinfecting the metal in the opposite direction. Scripture starts from the center of dents, moving to the edges of circular motions. It should be controlled by the force of strikes, since its excess can lead to the thinning of the metal. In the absence of access to the damaged area, a set of hooks is used.

All three ways are quite simple, they can be produced with their own hands, as they do not require expensive equipment and special skills. Removal of dents without painting is carried out by vacuum, adhesive method and PDR technology.

To begin with, it is necessary to inspect damage to the repair of dents without painting cannot be carried out if:

  • damaged paintwork coating;
  • the deformation has a complex shape with deep, sharp funkers;
  • the deformed area was already painted, and painting was produced poorly;
  • the car is operated for more than 15 years and microcracks and traces of corrosion are visible on the LCP.

In all other cases, it is possible to improve dents with your own hands.

Pulling dents is made using a special POPS-A-DENT set.

It includes a special plastic rocker. It has wide legs with a soft polymer sponge at the ends, to prevent surface damage. Several nozzles of various areas, it is their soles that are glued to the defect and stretch the dents. Thermopystoletole and several rods with silicone thermoclaim.

  • With the help of this device, remove the dent with your own hands is quite simple: defects are degreased and wipe dry. On the surface there should be no dust.
  • The melted glue is quickly applied to a clean nozzle and press to a deformed surface, as if screwing it down to the right and left to a quarter of turnover.

ATTENTION! The glue must definitely perform through the technological holes in the nozzle sole, it will give the attachment additional strength.

  • Cooling time 2-3 minutes.
  • Take the cutting of the nozzle in the hole.
  • We screw on the threads of the lambs and begin the slow straightening of dents to the level of metal body.
  • We leave for 5-7 minutes in this position.
  • We unscrew the lambs and remove the arc.
  • Plastic heating the construction hairdryer at the smallest temperature.
  • Separate the nozzle, slightly scrolling it to the right, left.

However, if you drive carefully and dents are atypical damage for your car, buying the whole set is completely unnecessary. It is enough to buy a glue gun that can be useful in the farm. The arc can be easily made with their own hands from a tree, and as an attachment to use a regular screw with a wide hat. Pulling dents will occur somewhat differently:

  • glue is applied directly to the defect;
  • a bolt hat is applied to the molten mass;
  • a minute will be survived, one and a half so that the plastic slightly grabbed;
  • the new layer is applied over the hats and the old glue so that the layers glued together.

The further removal process of dents on the machine will occur the same as described earlier.


Removal of dents without painting by a vacuum method according to the process similarly to adhesive technology. However, it has one undeniable advantage over it. After the repair is completed, you do not need to remove the glue, risking damaging the paintwork or re-deform the surface.

Removal of medium size dents by car is made using a vacuum sucker. Various models have a different area of \u200b\u200bthe sole. The ideal option is the case when the sole suction cup is slightly lacking up to the defect border.

The preparatory process is limited only to the cleaning of the working surface. A vacuum is created in the installed suction cup using an electric or manual pump. After reaching a dense and reliable adjustment, the hose is disconnected and can begin straightening the dent.

After the surface accepted the original look, the special valve and the suction cup are easily removed from the car body.

PDR technology

This process is most complicated to perform with your own hands. For him, a set of pretty expensive, special tools - levers will be required.

This repair of dents without painting is used in extensive and complex damage. The process consists in exposure to a dent by car on the inside of the body surface. If necessary, the internal lining is removed and the parts that interfere with access are dismantled.

Hooks used to remove dents on the machine have a different shape and length. Their work parts, which directly affect the metal, bent at different angles.

  • Before you straighten the dent, the work surface is cleaned.
  • In places of bending damage, the metal voltage is removed.
  • The part is heated by a construction hairdryer to 40-50 ° C.
  • The edges of the bend are tightly tapped through a plastic gasket (paint).
  • Alignment of dents produce, pressing on the surface of the metal from the inside.

The most suitable lever in shape is introduced into the technological hole, scrolling the handle, the resulting movement affects the surface. Definition of dents with hooks requires certain skills and accuracy. In professional sets there are special wedges of polymers that are led by metal hooks so as not to deform the elements of the car.

See also video