The destruction of red ants in the apartment. How can you get rid of red ants in the apartment? Chemical weapons against insects

Red-haired ants again and again encroach on the habitats of people, bringing to the frenzy. It is necessary to start a military campaign against the annoying insects at once, as soon as the traces of their stay in the apartment, a house or on the homeland began are noticeable.

Get acquainted with the enemy

Redhead call forest and home-made fiery color. The latter is much smaller - the body length is about 3 mm. They have three crossbars on their back body.

Three transverse strips on the back - a distinctive feature of the home variety of red ants

These ants and origins are distinguished: forest forests inhabit forests of Russia, while homemade were brought from India in the XVI century. Now the red-haired home ants inhabit almost the entire globe (there are no wonder there are about 10 thousand species!), Except Antarctica, Greenland and Iceland. From what we can conclude that for a comfortable stay insect you need warmth.

Farming Muravyov called Pharaohs. This name gave the Swedish scientist-naturalist Karl Linney, mistakenly believing that the birthplace of insects is Egypt. It was misled by the fact that they were discovered during the excavations of the tomb.

Features of lifestyle

Redhead ants are social insects. They live in large colonies, the number of which can be up to a tent of thousands of individuals.All residents are clearly subordinated to the hierarchies of three castes: females, males and workers. Representatives of the latter are the most numerous, they get food elite.

Female red ants larger than working individuals and has a more massive rear body

From such a public division, we can conclude: by destroying a couple of dozen ants, bitten on the crumbs in the kitchen, we do not get rid of insects. Only five days you need a female to restore the population number.

Finding and destroying a couple of dozen individuals, it is not worth counting on the successful deliverance from pests

What feed red ants

They love to eat tasty and frequentness in the choice of feed are no different. They are attracted:

  • food (so insects are also called meat or sugar);
  • remains of food from the on time not made of the trash can;
  • the pests, the extermination of which favorably affects the life of a person - the wave, fleas, mole and other insects.

Man provides a full diet of ants

Causes of human habitat

The invasion of red-choveed man owes its uncleanness - the remains of food, accumulating in the garbage bucket, crumbs on the floor and on the table, dust. But they are not divided only in the kitchen. Cabinets with clothing, children's toys, bookshelves - with favorable conditions pests will be everywhere. And in multi-storey houses, ants can be located a nest in overlaps between concrete structures, under the floor tile, in the ventilation channels and other secluded and hard-to-reach corners.

If you have noticed a couple of ants in the kitchen, this does not mean that the colony settled in the house. First, the scouts enter it, which find out whether the dwelling is suitable for habitat. Therefore, the fight against insects start immediately.

Ants live not only in the kitchen, but in other rooms

How insects fall into the house

The paths into the human dwelling in the Red Muravyov several:

If you in the house randomly brought Forest Red Muravyov, there is nothing to fear: they do not live with a man, so it will quickly leave the room or perished.

How pests appear on the nursery

For gardeners-gardeners, the invasion of red ants is also unpleasant. The land and plantings on it suffer from not so much due to the fact that the insects feed on the grown fruits as due to the creation of the nest in the root systems of plants, trees. A strong colony of ants is capable of tugging a mature tree in just 2-3 years. If the nest appeared in the ground, it will not grow anything around this place.

Than dangerous red ants

In addition to the described examples of harm caused by Pharaohs, there are other consequences of a person's neighborhood with insects:

Unlike its forest fellow, home ants because of their modest sizes do not possess strong rhives (jaws), able to reveal to such sizes to capture a piece of skin. But there are cases when they bite newborn children, causing itching, pain and allergic reactions.

Ants can bite young children, causing allergic reactions and itching

How to get rid of ants in a house or apartment

The fastest and most effective way to get rid of insects - call the brigade of disinsectors, which will find out the location of the nest and will not leave the chance to survive females and males, and not just work features. At the same time, the owners of the house will give a guarantee for a certain period that there will be no re-invasion. If for some reason you prefer to fight ants on your own, that is, two approaches:

  • with the help of chemicals;
  • people's ways.

Professional disinsectors give a guarantee that ants for a long time will not return to the house

Chemical weapons against insects

This type of funds can be divided into four categories: aerosols, gels, traps and powders. Before being taken for the destruction of insects, it is necessary:

  • from the premises to remove people and animals;
  • mustocate food and dishes from chemical drugs, for example, cover with cellophane;
  • wash the mask or respirator, gloves.

Usually manufacturers of insect destruction funds offer products in different form of release: traps, aerosols, gels

From insects, you can try to get rid of a special ultrasound instrument. However, its effectiveness against ants is not proven, since the zone of coverage of the apparatus is not too large.

Table: Effective chemicals against red ants

Type of funds and features of applicationNameOperating principle
  • sprayed in places where ant traces are visible (it is important to find sockets);
  • after processing the room thoroughly ventilate.
  • It is convenient in spraying if the colony is not too numerous;
  • safe for people and animals;
  • it has a pleasant mint fragrance.
  • Instantly acts, but quickly dishes, so that you need to close all the windows tightly before use;
  • it has a pleasant fruit aroma.
Hels: Convenient for the kitchen, since it is easy to apply in hard-to-reach places.StormIt is applied on the paths of ants and in the places of their cluster.
FAS.Thanks to the intestinal contact activity of the substance insects infect the whole colon.
  • The most powerful drug among gels;
  • has a long effect;
  • it has a pleasant chocolate smell.
  • having reached the bait, ants return to the nest and infect relatives;
  • sold by sets.
  • 4 (6) pieces in the set;
  • functional on a plot of up to 20 square meters;
  • mixed on a vertical and horizontal surface.
Powders (dryers) and pencils:
  • the most economical option;
  • you do not need to wipe the tool.
  • It is displaced for children and animals, as made of chamomile flower heads;
  • insect addiction almost does not cause.
MashaTwo chalk in the set is enough for the processing of the entire apartment.

Video: How to get rid of red ants by professional means (advice Elena Malysheva)

Folk remedies

If the location of the nest is detected, spending them or pour boiling water. This is the most productive option to get rid of the spread of homeming. If the individuals only appeared in the dwelling, use one of the three ways to escape:

If the ants firmly settled in an apartment or house, act more decisively.

  1. The most affordable and proven way to get rid of unwanted neighbors is to use: Mix it with sugar in arbitrary proportions, add water to get a lot of which it turns out to form balls. Spread them on paper trappers. Sugar can be replaced with minced meat or jam.
  2. Mix the boor with sugar sand and sprinkle the mixture of the deposit of pests. Methods based on boric acid and the boos are dangerous for children and pets.

    For cooking poison, use a dry boar

  3. Use yeast. They swell in the stomach of ants and insects perish. Mix them with sugar and water, roll the balls and decompose on paper substrates in places that have chosen the ants.

    For the preparation of poison, it is convenient to use extruded yeast lumps

  4. Strengthen the action of the described methods of children's powder based on talca, as well as corn or oatmeal: scatter it according to the ant trap. Disoriented workers of the individual will not submit the supplies to the nest, males and females will remain without intake.
  5. Explore the coffee grip on the paths of the Muravyov. The method will reduce the population number, but will not save from insects.

    Coffee thickness will help reduce the number of ants

Video: 3 ways to get rid of ants in the house


In order not to face the problem of red ants in the house or prevent their re-appearance, observe the simple rules:

  • do not leave food in an open container;
  • after each meal, wash the dishes;
  • throw garbage every day;
  • keep your home clean;
  • close up slots in the walls and floor;
  • do not hold in the house rotting wood.

The main principle of anti-ants - cleanliness in the house, especially in the kitchen

We run ants from the garden and the garden

Open space gives more features for processing the site. The main goal is to destroy the female. To do this, you need to find a nest of red ants, then step up this place and pour a strong lime solution. It will remain to get rid of working individuals.

Mrack ants need simultaneously with the soot, otherwise the deliverance from some insects will lead to the growing population of others.

The main task is to find and destroy the anthill

Use of insecticides

Effective drugs to combat insects on household plots are based on diazine (for example, Muratoks). The insection of the substance in the insect body provokes paralysis and damage to the nervous system. And the intestinal contact formula allows you to ensure that in 2-3 days after processing, the whole colony will die and the territory for 21 days will be completely absolutely not attractive for new red visitors. You can use insecticide in pure form: 10 ml is enough for processing 50 square meters.

Video: How to defeat garden ants on the plot

Folk ways

As for the fight against ants in houses, on the gardens and in the gardens, sharp unpleasant odors are used for insects - parsley, pyzhma, laurel, mustard, tomatoes. Spread the stalks or leaves of plants near the ant trail around the trees. And I will land mint and Valerian along the beds to scare up annoying pests. The following means are also effective:

  1. Boric acid and sugar mix in proportions 1: 4, pour the trails and piles of this composition.

    Boric acid eliminates many insects, including ants

  2. The safest option to get rid of red invaders to get rid of redheads - use sulfur and sulfur powder in a 1: 2 ratio. Mix the ingredients, float the piles of the mixture. To reinforce the effect, redo the entire area with this composition. It is also a good prevention of insects.
  3. The smell of kerosene also scares insects. However, 100% guarantee the result This method cannot. Divide 10 tbsp. l. Substances in 10 liters of water and fill the places where insects are found.

    The smell of kerosene will scare ants from the Earth, but for a short term

  4. Most often, raspberries suffer from insects. Especially for this bush is invented a method with sheepskin and carbolic acid (sold in pharmacies), the smell of which will scare not only the ants, but also to the malinic. Cut from the sheepskin strips of 4-5 cm wide, soak the means. Wool out the outward raspberries at a height of 15 cm above the ground.
  5. If the anthill is discovered, set fire to it, bay with sulfur carbon (sold in pharmacies or household chemical stores). Applying the way, remember that with pests will die and useful insects will die.
  6. Use sharp smells. Pulling a bunch of folly onions or garlic.

    The garlic smell scares the ants, only here is not one dozen of the poles

  7. Prepare solutions from the tops of tomatoes or yeast (1 tbsp. Per glass of cold water) and spread around the anthill.
  8. Make a trap: in small jars pour the mixture of honey and water or sugar syrup, add the boor and leave the bait. Periodically change it. The efficiency method is located on the lowest stages of the rating, since it allows you to get rid of only dozens of individuals.

    Bura will turn the syrup in the poison

Video: how to get rid of ants in the greenhouse

Preventive measures

To make ants settled on the site, do the following:

If red-haired ants appeared in the house, do not hesitate. You need to act immediately, because they multiply with a huge speed, and in a week they will walk along the apartment with hundreds. How to get rid of red ants in the apartment that they represent these pests and where they come from - consider in the article.

Red and ants - what insects?

From black ants that live on the street, small red-haired ants differ than different. They love to settle close next to the person to eat it with products and waste. More such pests can fly, so their offspring can move to huge distances without much difficulty.

Domestic yellow, or red ants are often called "Pharaohs", because previous scientists believed that their homeland was Egypt. But modern researchers found that the place of origin of pests is India, from where they were delivered by commercial vessels. First, the ants began to attack the housing of the Europeans, but by the middle of the 20th century they were spread around the world, except for the regions of permafrost.

ATTENTION: Red-haired ants are similar to ordinary, but smaller and yellowish brown in shades. They love to live in the floors of the floor and under plinths, in clothes, hide on the staircases.

Where do pests come from?

Insects, like other types of ants, are conducting social life - form large colonies with a clear division of duties. Such colonies can withdraw thousands and even millions of individuals. In the colony there is a uterus that is responsible for the laying of eggs, workers ants, guards. But where does this "family" come from in an apartment or a person's house?

The redheads are constantly looking for food for the uterus and for themselves, therefore, they are able to move on very long distances. They can live near human housing, consuming residues of food from garbage disposal and garbage containers, as well as by catching other insects. It is easy for them to penetrate the apartment of a person if something attracted them there.

If bread crumbs are present on the floor, the tables are not cleaned, in the sink - a lot of dishes, the products are stored as it fell - you can wait for uninvited guests. Seeing that food is enough, they will certainly settle in the house, quickly breeding and forming a new colony.

Interesting: A small part of intelligence ants can regularly visit people's apartments, especially if they are on the lower floors. Feeding signals to relatives, insects are capable of calling them to where "well and tasty feed."

Are there any other reasons why red-born ants appear in the apartment? Yes, they can be as follows:

  1. The person himself brings pests in bags and packages from the clinic, hotels, any other place where they live.
  2. The ants penetrate the apartment through ventilation or entrance doors from neighbors.
  3. Insects enter the house guests in the pockets of clothes, where they are hiding.

Why are ants dangerous for a person?

Measures to get rid of all red ants in the apartment and no longer allow them to appear are very important. Hurt from insects such:

  • Discomfort - physical and psychological
  • Spicy products
  • Transferring microbes and viruses causing different diseases
  • Pagter household appliances, wiring
  • Sometimes - man bites and provoking allergic reactions

It is not easy to fight ants, they are incredible. Only the workers of the individuals are crawling around the apartment, which feed the whole colony. If you kill them, the "heart" of the nest will remain in preservation, in a couple of days the colony will be replenished with new individuals. Mutter ants is usually resistant to many types of insecticides and gives a lot of eggs regularly. If the ants feel the danger, they are hiding elsewhere, which makes them even more protected. All these reasons mean the following: to prepare for war with pests it is necessary.

You can get rid of home ants only with a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. It is necessary to act in such directions:

  • Preventing pests in housing
  • The destruction of the colony, which has already settled in the house

You need to start with the closure of all the holes in the floor and the gaps in which they can organize a home anthill. In parallel, it should be fully deprived of their nutrition - preventing the standings of dirty dishes, the presence of crumbs and residues of food on the floor. The garbage must be taken regularly, while not throwing food waste into the bucket. In general, the apartment should maintain order, and all products, even loose, store in the refrigerator, on the balcony or tightly closed.

Important: Maintaining the perfect cleanliness in the apartment at least during the week - a sure way to get rid of ants in the kitchen. In the absence of nutrition, they with a large share of probability will leave the room.

Methods Passing homemings

Often to wait for pests to leave the room voluntarily, there is no strength and time. In addition, when there is a pet in the house, the pests are enough of the use of its food, and it is not possible to remove them completely with the maintenance of purity. In this case, one of the following types of pest control will have to be applied:

  1. Insecticides-aerosols.
  2. Gels.
  3. Powders.
  4. The pencils.
  5. Sticky traps.
  6. Ultrasonic dischargers.
  7. Folk remedies.

It is usually recommended to raise insects with two or three types of funds at the same time, because each of them has its pros and cons. So, aerosols rarely cover their own action, but quickly destroying workers. Pencils and chalks scare off and kill those who are sent for feeding, therefore harm the whole colony. The uterus can destroy contact insecticides that employees will bring to her on their paws. Folk methods will scare all individuals unpleasant to them odor and taste.

Chemical preparations from ants

The best way to get rid of forever from the whole colony is to find the uterus and destroy it. The queen of ants does not leave the nest, and to look for food is not capable. But it is not easy to destroy the female, because the place of its location is always hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, the workers should infect workers so that they poison the female and larvae poison.

The use of keriformicates is the best remedy for red ants. They are sold in any supermarket, a shopping store, the department for disinsectors. The most popular drugs are:

  1. Aerosols - "Raid", "Raptor".
  2. Traps - "Combat", "Thunder", "Raptor".
  3. Gels "Global", "Dohlox".
  4. Small and pencils - "Masha", "Clean Home".

Before applying sprays and aerosols, it is necessary to bring people and pets from the room, because insecticides are harmful for humans. During spraying, the respiratory tract should be protected by a gauze mask or a respirator, on their hands - gloves are put. Usually, ants die immediately after entering them poison, because in this respect they are much weaker than larger pests. Nevertheless, some insecticides surviving insects produce tolerance, and then the drug does not work on them.

Application of the gels on the surface is considered a more efficient method, how to bring red ants. Insecticide gels acts a few hours after contact with it, by that time workers ants will have time to bring poison to the urave. The remaining workers can be raised by spray, especially since the new larvae will no longer be in the apartment.

Small and pencils act as well as gels. They lubricate areas where insects run most often. After contact with the poison, they will infect the rest of the relatives in the colony. It is often applied from pests and boric acid that corps the chitin cover of the pest after contacting after a couple of hours. So that insects are glad to fit the boric acid powder, it is connected to sugar.

ATTENTION: If the struggle against ants does not end with success, you can invite SES specialists or a disinsector firm. They will destroy the pest at once - quickly and reliably.

Ultrasonic flares from ants are portable devices that publish a sound unlockable. Such sounds are unpleasant for ants, but to use the devices to achieve the desired effect should be regularly and for a long time.

Tips that will help quickly get rid of red ants:

Folk Measures to combat red ants

The people are considered to be very effective creation of barriers from harmful insects. This is a continuous line of 1-1.5 cm wide, which will not give them to penetrate the food, as a result, ants will leave the spaced place. To organize such barriers can be applied:

  • Pucked activated carbon
  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric
  • Children's reproduction
  • Petrolatum
  • Ground black or red pepper
  • Powder garlic
  • Crushed mint or bay leaf
  • Carnation
  • Corks Orange

All specified products can be decomposed in the boxes where the cereals, sugar, flour are stored. Missing the red ants also essential oils of citrus, lavender, carnations. Effective is to wash the floors with the addition of vinegar. Other recipes from the people from red pests:

  1. Grind daisy flowers to powder, sprinkle insect habitats.
  2. Plip the plinths and crevices of food soda.
  3. Treat all your favorite zones of anti-water ants with ammonia alcohol.
  4. Add yeast into a glass of water until a viscous mass is turned out, pour a tablespoon of sugar. Put bait for ants. They die of yeast.
  5. Pouring for insects of manna cereals - after eating it will swell in the stomach and kill them.
  6. Connect minced meat with boric acid powder, decompose the balls near the walls in the kitchen. Instead of minced meat, you can use dough, boiled potatoes, raw yolk.

Prevention of the appearance of ants is easy. It is important to keep cleanliness in the kitchen and not neglect the food storage rules. The garbage can have a dense cover, and the dishes are simply obliged to be on time. This will prevent the reproduction of pests, because the room will be inappropriate for them.

Pharaoh's ants arrived at us on shopping ships from warm countries. They cannot live in the cold, but in apartments the conditions for the residence of these insects are ideal. The pests eat the remnants of food and build nests between the walls, and their small dimensions allow you to freely move around the entire apartment building. Many do not know how to get rid of red ants in the apartment and use inefficient methods.

Fundamental rules

Man on his eyes comes across only 10 percent of the entire colony. These are workers of individuals who conduct intelligence and seek food for other family members. The formic family will not suffer if you kill them only. The queen will quickly produce new offspring with foragers and scouts.

On a note!

To get rid of pests, you need to find a nest of ants in the apartment and kill (as it looks like you can understand the photo). Or it is necessary to use poison bait, which fuzhairs themselves will attribute the queen.

The struggle against ants is complicated for the following reasons:

  1. They, and their nests are hiding in the walls and under the plinth.
  2. Insects adapt to some poisons and cease to react to them.
  3. If you choose a strong poisoning substance, the worker does not have time to convey it to an anthill.
  4. Not all chemicals can be applied in a closed room.

Fight against red ants follows the whole house. If we process only in one apartment, then pests will continue to multiply and run from some neighbors to others. You can use insecticides and.

Chemistry from ants in the apartment

  1. Full-hand of jam mixed with a tablespoon with a boric acid. Poisonous food is smeared by cardboard or flat sauces.
  2. In equal proportions, boric acid and a boor are mixed. Sugar syrup or honey is added to the mixture. The bait is decomposed on the ant paths.

Good is a bait with yeast. Fresh product is mixed with syrup or honey and leave on the paths of the red ants. Wake up in the stomach insect and cause his death. A portion of the bait pests eat in place, and the part belongs to the nest.

On a note!

The people against small red ants in the apartment use fragrant herbs and spices. The smell of cinnamon, red pepper, garlic, wormwood and daisies.

Homemade mixes do not give quick effect. The first results are waiting for several days. Fully ants disappear only in 2-3 weeks.

Fight against red ants in the apartment is worth starting right as they started. If you do not take action, it will not be able to cope with them quickly and it will not work with them.

The ants are social creatures living in large colonies. Some of them have several million individuals. In each colony there is a queen, the duties of which include the laying of eggs, and ant workers who are given the task of care for the mining of food for the female and its larvae. Often, these insects have to overcome huge distances in the search for water and food for the queen. When they reach the goals and find the source of food, then leave behind the mark in the form of a certain smell so that other individuals can also get to this place. That is why it is often possible to observe the whole "caravan" of ants. At the same time, insects do not always build their nests on the street. Some colonies are justified in the human dwelling. And this is quite difficult to fight. This article will talk about how to bring ants from the apartment.

Fighting ants

Get rid of small redheads are quite difficult, but perhaps. It is important when dealing with ants take into account their some vital features. So, the heart of the colony of these insects is the nest, in which the female, producing new individuals inhabited. She never leaves his refuge and is not able to extract food independently. Feed the female workers individuals are unable to produce offspring. If the red-haired ants settled in the apartment, then find their nest is quite difficult. Most often it is hidden in any cavity of the floor or a wall of small size. You can find ant Lases if you're lucky. But you should not immediately remove the parquet or chop up the tile. A corridor of ants, which leads to the nest can be very long. Then you have to spoil not one parquet board or tile of the tile. But we know that the workers are equipped with food all the colon. Consequently, through them you can try to transfer the poisoned treating the female and its offspring.

Poisonous "hotel" for ants

The animal potion should have a poison concentration of no more than 2%. Effective use boric acid. It has the ability to destroy chitin, from which the bodies of ants are formed. But insects die in this case not immediately, they manage to convey the poison to the nest of the colony.

Funds from ants in an apartment with boric acid

There are some simple and efficient recipes to create food destroying ants. With their help, you can drive insects from the apartment. Methods for the preparation of some means are shown below.

Method number 1.

Method number 3.

You can prepare a bait consisting of two spoons (canteens) of meat minced meat and 20 grams of boric acid. Components need to mix thoroughly. Then, small balls should be rolled out of the resulting mass and decompose them in the places of ants.

Detection of intelligence ants and preventing mass attack insects

At the first signs that the first small ants began in the apartment, you need to prevent the massive invasion of their mass. At first, this may be "scouts" that detect the presence of grocery reserves, and after they inform them the rest of the colony. Therefore, you should not waste time. You need to immediately take for cleaning. Products should be packaged in hermetic containers or packages. The remnants of meat, sweet, greasy food must be wiped from the tables. It is impossible to leave dirty dishes after the preparation and eating food. Countertops, drawers and shelves are recommended to regularly wipe away with acetic solution. Thanks to the surface, the surface will not only become purified and disinfected, but also acquire a smell that is unbearable for ants. The garbage needs to be taken as often as possible, and the bucket with it is in tightly closed.

How to leave ants with cleanliness and order in the apartment

When small ants are found in the apartment, all banks, bottles and food containers should be sustained, on the surface of which there is at least a trace of sticky or fatty products. Special attention should be paid to the tare from under the jam and jam. There should be no leaks outside the refrigerator bottles with sauces, cans with salts, bottles with medicinal syrups. The most attractive products for ants, such as containers with honey, can be placed in a bowl with water. Cocking into it, insects will sink.

You can also scare the ants using sunflower oil, mint, bezin leaves, wormwood, garlic, whose smell is unbearable for them.

All the aforementioned actions should be carried out daily daily. Without finding food sources in your home, ants will be sent to their search to another place. They will not leave the trace by which other individuals colony can follow.

Yeast against ants

Do not know how to bring ants from the apartment? Dry bakery yeast can help in this. They will need one spoon (tea). Yeast is mixed with 100-150 ml of sugar syrup. The resulting means is pointing point to the paths of ants. They will have to taste such a treat. But after 10 minutes after the use of the mixture, the fermentation process will begin, as a result of which the insect abdomen starts swell, and it will escape. Such a procedure should be carried out regularly. You can simply pour a mixture into a small low container.

Chemicals, anti-ant traps

If you think about how to derive ants from an apartment with a means of chemical origin, remember that they are dangerous for children and pets.

Preparation "Regent"

This is a powder that is sold in a small sized bag. Its price is about 10 rubles. The remedy must be dissolved in water and apply a mixture with a syringe (with a needle) into all slits and holes in the floor, walls. As a result, ants moving in them will begin to die, which will scare from other individuals.

Raid trap

A trap made in industrial conditions specifically designed to exterminate insects can be bought in free sale. It contains toxic, but attractive granules that they are transferred to the nest of the colony. Thus, a large number of individuals are infected. As a result, the uterus, and her offspring, and ant workers die.

Aerosols: Dichloofos RAID

A well-known means, saving not only from ants, but also from many other types of insects, settled in a person's dwelling. Dichloofos needs to be sprayed on the tracks by which insects are moving, in the slots and cracks in the floor and the tile and other potential loopholes where they can be.


We figured out how to bring ants from the apartment. Funds for this in large numbers there are folk and chemical. But how to make ants at all at all attend an apartment? For this you need to maintain ideal cleanliness in your home. There should be no crumbs and garbage in the kitchen. The kitchen tile on the walls is required to fly regularly from a variety of splashes. Regularly need to take garbage. Cereals and loose substances should be saved in a tightly clogged container or packages. Food for animals is also necessary to control - it is precisely in it that one can detect the greatest accumulation of ants. It is desirable after each feeding of pets to remove bowls with their food until the next time.

Ants (Lat. Formicidae) - Family of public insects from the Formicoidea of \u200b\u200bthe Formicoidea (Hymenoptera) detachment (Hymenoptera). Are among the most common insects, are of particular interest to a complex community organization. The science of ants is called Mimmecology.

We are interested in not all the genus ants and only three of their kind, most often found in the middle lane, Eurasia.

  • Redhead Mirmick (Myrmica Rubra) - This is a form of small red-growing ants of the genus Myrmica with a length of about 4-5 mm (uterus up to 6 mm). Body from yellow to red-brown color. Collect small arthropods, both alive and dead; Breaks like "ant cows", which is a classic example of trophobiotic symbiosis.
  • Red Forest Ant (Formica Rufa Linnaeus) - The kind of medium in size of the formica genus Formica from the Formicinae Formicidae family. Have the greatest importance for biological protection of forests from pests. Red-haired forest ants are included in the "red list of threatened species" (English IUCN Red List of Threetened Animals) of the International Red Book of the World Union of Nature Conservation.

  • - This is a view from the genus Lasius from the Formicinae subfamily, inside the Formicidae family, which includes anti-sized anti-size and, as a rule, earthlings. Workers have a length of about 3 - 5 mm, the uterus is larger (7 - 10 mm). It feeds on the waves, and as well as living on trees and living on grassy plants, on the leaves, stems and roots. It feeds insect corpses, but sometimes attacks alive.

In fact, the Ants themselves are quite harmless.

Being real public insects and leading an eouseous lifestyle of ants have three castes (females, males, workers), including absolutely endless workers. In the anthills you can always find females - both prolific diet (queen) and barren workers. True, the module is much more difficult to find. If the workers (especially large individuals - soldiers) are rushed in the event of dangerous to bother everyone, the uterus is very bugles and immediately hide much longer and deeper. The males appear only during the reproduction period. Most of the year, the Muravyev family consists of one or more prolific females, a large number of work features and broods (eggs, larvae, dolls).

Muravyev family - Association of hundreds, thousands, and sometimes millions of individualsThe efforts of which the nest is constructed, numerous offspring is fed, an anthill is guarded and its feed plot from the encroachment of aggressive neighbors. All these tasks would remain unfulfilled, and the family itself broke down if the forming the ants did not coordinate their actions, and their efforts did not obey the general task - the preservation and prosperity of the family.

The functioning of each worker is aimed at ensuring the welfare of the family. The actions of the ant are determined ultimately a public necessity, any type of activity is of a pronounced social character. This is manifested everywhere. Fuzhair workframes produce food in quantities, many times greater than their individual needs. The collection of building material for the construction of the nest in ants is generally free in the appendix to the individual and makes sense only in the community. In the families of many ants there are a special group of anti-porters carrying larvae, dolls, young workers, and sometimes females from one part of the nest to another or in a relative anthill.


In favor of ants.

In the process of vital activity, ants bring considerable benefits, in places of construction of anthills there is a concentration and accelerated decomposition of plant residues, aeration and improvement of the water regime and soil structure. The soil is enriched with humus and elements important for plants (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, etc.) in plants available for plants. And also do not forget the predatory and collective activities of ants. The ants that are in wood or including old stumps in the nests are involved in the mechanical destruction of dead wood, thereby accelerating the process of its decomposition. Forest forest and thin anti-tree ants are harvested with the surrounding nest of wood and herbaceous particles, twigs, cheeky, flakes, blades, and so on, concentrating them in anthills, where the decomposition of these particles is much faster than on the soil surface.

The anthills are foci of increased soil fertility. Little nests - microphings; Large nests - macrookham, already tangible with standard metering methods.

Harmful insects prevail in the extraction of ants. During mass reproduction, pests in the extraction of ants make up 90% or more.

And yet, no matter how the ants were useful on country sites, they annoy us, bind the TRU on the favorite roses and other plants, dump the tracks.

  • pour anthill boiling water;
  • break their nest and sprinkle with lime or tobacco dust;
  • ants do not tolerate sharp odors; On an anthill, you can put the head of smoked herring, cut into several pieces of garlic slice, decompose the top of the tomato or parsley leaves;
  • brack of tomatoes tops helps well; The more concentrated the solution, the better;
  • take a corrugated cardboard with a width of about 20 cm, spray it with a solution of soot or dismissed cinnamon. Ants do not smell soot and cinnamon;
  • not a very pleasant way, but you can harden the nests of ants urine, it often helps;
  • make a solution: Take ten liters of water, two glasses of vegetable oil, some cheap shampoo and vinegar; In the center of the anthill, pierce the hole and pour this mixture there; close the film for several days;
  • bring from the forest and settle in the garden of large red ants, and after that, black ants themselves will leave your territory;

In any of these ways to combat these annoying insects, there are opponents and supporters, but one hundred percent guarantee of the relief from ants, unfortunately they do not give. Therefore, many gardeners often choose chemicals to protect against ants. More gardeners should be known that any of the methods of anti-ants are useless if the uterus remains in the anthill. The most humane way to get rid of ants is to make a nest beyond the boundaries of the site. To do this, take the old bucket and cover the anthill. The ants will quickly begin to form the nests in the new container. As soon as this process is completed, it is necessary to trim the socket with a shovel and together with the forming uterus, we carry out somewhere away from your site. And the remaining individuals will go after the uterus.

  • A.A. Zakharov, Ant, family, colony. Publishing House "Science" Moscow 1978