How to grow kiwi in the open field. How to grow kiwi at home: from seeds, a description with photo and video materials What country is famous kiwi

The country of origin and domestication, where historically growing kiwi is considered to be China, where initially this plant was called Yan Tao, which can be translated as - strawberry peach. In the future, the name was changed by Europeans and kiwi, gradually gaining popularity in the world, was referred to as "Chinese gooseberry". The habitual and most common name of this fruit appeared in 1962, it was invented by New Zealand producers in order to give the fruit of market attractiveness. The prototype served as a flightless bird Kiwi, vaguely reminiscent of the shape and color of the fruits of Chinese gooseberry.

The scientific name of kiwi - Actinidia deliciosa. At its core, kiwi is a variety of grapes, its branches are the vine. The plant is very sensitive to temperature and climate conditions. Even small deviations from the conditions required for the growth of kiwi, can reduce flowering, destroy fruit or destroy the entire plant.

The kiwi vine is so picky about the growing conditions that the majority of attempts to harvest these fruits in various parts of the world ended in failure, or rather with significant losses for producers.

Kiwi is a plant native to northern China and the coast of eastern China. In the historic homeland, they were cultivated for about 300 years in small quantities. In the recent past, the kiwi vine could be found growing in the wild, winding in trees, at the moment it is almost impossible. In their home country, the kiwi did not become widespread due to the limited areas suitable for growing kiwi and the high population density of these lands.

Currently, Kiwi is grown mainly in New Zealand. This state produces more than half of all kiwi fruit grown for export in the world. Plantations are found mainly in the Bay of Plenty on the North Island, where the climate is perfect for this capricious grape to flourish. Kiwi grows in New Zealand and employs about 2,700 farms whose products are supplied to more than 60 countries around the world.

Other countries produce kiwi mainly for the domestic market. The largest of them are China, Italy, Iran, Chile, Greece, France, Japan, South Korea. In South Korea, about 30,000 tons of kiwi are grown for domestic consumption. This is despite the relatively small territory of the country, formerly agrarian, and now one of the most industrially developed, which has become popular with tourists.

Not uniquely related to kiwi in the United States. Many households went bankrupt in an attempt to grow kiwi. The vine of the Chinese gooseberry caught on only in California and Hawaii.

Many people still do not know what kiwi is and how it grows. We are sure that this is a healthy fruit, and maybe not a fruit. Maybe kiwi is a berry? So let's try to figure out what a kiwi is, where and how does it grow?

What is kiwi?

Kiwi is fruit tree vine Actinidia . For the first time learned about it in China. Fruits of wild-growing vines weighed no more than 30 g. After cultivation, their weight changed and increased three times, and the taste became more acceptable for human consumption.

Breeders from New Zealand, where the kiwi got from China, gave it its usual name in honor of the bird, so similar in shape and color to this fruit. Most people think that kiwi is a fruit. In fact kiwi is considered a berryand its second name is “Chinese Gooseberry”.

It is unique in taste and resembles either strawberries and melons, or gooseberries or bananas.

It seems that all the fruits are the same, but it is not. Known several varieties of kiwi:

  • Highward.
  • Abbott
  • Monty.
  • Bruno.

They differ in color, size of the fruit, yield, and even taste and composition. For example, fruit varieties Highward  most common due to the impressive size and juicy taste. And fruit varieties Monty  extremely small, but on the content of potassium and vitamin WITH  they have no equal.

Where does kiwi grow?

The fields on which they grow kiwi, can be found in many countries, despite the capricious nature of the latter. The largest producer of kiwi is New Zealand. About 3,000 farms produce so much kiwi fruit, which is enough to supply more than 60 countries.

In other countries, they also grow Chinese gooseberries, but mainly for the domestic market. These are countries such as:

  • China.
  • Italy.
  • Iran.
  • Chile.
  • Greece.

Relations between the Qiwi and the United States did not develop, since it took root there only in California and Hawaii.

For our country withdrawn special cold-resistant varieties . Plantations with kiwi can be found mainly in the Kuban. The local climate makes it possible to grow exotic berry, which is in no way inferior in its taste characteristics to overseas fruits. Such a product is both cheaper and more useful.

The beneficial properties of kiwi

Kiwi has a high medicinal value due to high content of vitamin C. Argued that one kiwi can replace a whole bucket of apples. Also in kiwi contains:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Cinnamic acid, due to which, the berry has such an expressive taste.
  • Actinide enzyme.
  • Kiwi fruit is useful for people seeking to lose weight. They contain a lot of nutrients on 1 calorie.


  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.

Kiwi fruit is extremely helpful for pregnant womencan be used as a source calcium and magnesiumso necessary for the developing organism.

How to choose a good kiwi?

To make Kiwi really useful, you need to choose it correctly. Only really ripe fruit that properly stored, will contain beneficial substances. What should I look for?

  1. The smell of kiwi should be fragrant fruity.
  2. The skin of ripe kiwi is firm and smooth to the touch.
  3. When pressed, the ripe fruit will be soft, and the unripe hard.
  4. If the peel looks wrinkled, it means that the fetus has lost a significant amount of fluid, and with it the nutrients.
  5. The overturned fruit has dark spots and cracks, as if it had burst.

Having bought kiwi fruit, they need to be properly stored at home.

  • In the refrigerator, kiwi, if necessary, can be stored for 3-4 weeks.
  • If you have already bought the fruit and realized that it has not ripened, put it in a place where sunlight does not fall for several days. There he will reach the desired state. Our grandmothers and mothers used this method.

How does kiwi grow in nature?

For those who are interested to see how to grow " fluffy berryIn nature, it is better to go to China. There, the kiwi was preserved in its original thirty-gram fruit.

Externally, the plant looks like a tree that is about to fall. The fruits are similar to bunches of grapes. From the trunk branches - vines, the length of which can often reach 5 meters and more. They twist around.

During flowering, from May to June, appear on the tree white flowersrather large size. Although kiwi prefers shade, it still can not do without sunlight, like any other plant. And of course, needs plenty of moisture. However, if the water stagnates in the soil, the plant may die.

On the plantations, kiwi looks completely different. When grown commercially, the vine needs a support that will replace the natural growing conditions. They are arranged in the form of a grid fixed on the pillars. Yes kiwi extremely naughty shrub.

How does kiwi grow at home?

If you suddenly wanted to experiment and grow kiwi fruit at home, so that its creepers would envelop your room, and for breakfast you could eat fresh berry, you must follow these rules:

  1. Remove the seeds from the ripe fruit and wash them gently under running water.
  2. Dip the seeds in a vessel filled with water. In a week they will germinate.
  3. Spread the seeds on a damp cloth and cover, for example, with a trimmed plastic bottle.
  4. As soon as the roots were covered, it was time to transplant the seedlings into the soil.
  5. As soon as the leaves appear, and they grow a little, transplant the plant again, into a larger container.
  6. The plant needs frequent watering, especially during the flowering period.
  7. It is better to arrange a pot with kiwi on the southwest side, here there is more light and heat.
  8. Weaker plants must be removed.

If you are in a hurry, it is better to take the cuttings, they will bloom much faster than a seedling.

Also kiwi can be grafted. To do this, take the male plants and plant them female kidney. But it will take a lot of space to plant some trees. With proper care, “fluffy berry” can bloom in 3 or 4 years.

After reading this article, you learned how kiwi grows, where and what it generally is, a fruit or a berry. Now, if you want to eat a ripe fruit, you can grow it at home by yourself.

Growing plant video

In this video, biologist Anton Kamzolov tells and shows how kiwi grows in the yard at home in Ukraine, in the city of Uzhgorod:

This rough pubescent berry is just a storehouse of vitamin C. It is hard to believe that in this form it has existed for less than 100 years. Thanks to the New Zealand breeders, it has become larger and much tastier. To understand whether it is possible to grow a healthy berry at home, let's imagine how the kiwi grows in its homeland.

Homeland Yang Tao, which in Chinese means strawberry peach, China. Culture belongs to the genus Actinidia, the Chinese actinidia species. It was brought to New Zealand at the beginning of the 20th century. The Chinese berry weighed no more than 30 g. Thanks to the selection, it became larger, its taste enriched not at the expense of the beneficial properties that allow the fruit to be used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Like its ancestor, the kiwi is a liana. But in the wild, it does not occur. This is an artificially improved plant. Even the name for it is invented new.

Where is growing kiwi? Cultural plantations of an exotic fruit can be found wherever the climate allows it to grow: in Italy, South Korea, Chile, and Greece. But the recognized leaders in the production of this useful berries are New Zealand and China. So kiwi returned to his homeland with triumph. Despite the considerable difficulties associated with growing this exotic fruit, not so long ago the first plantations appeared in Abkhazia, in the south of Dagestan, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. In a word, now, in order to find out how kiwi grows, it is not necessary to go abroad. You can see this exotic on the territory of our country.

Kiwi can withstand temperatures as low as -15 degrees, so it hibernates well under cover even in regions with cool winters.

A biologist from Uzhgorod, G.V. Straton, by means of a long selection, created a new sort of Kiwi-Valentine, which can withstand frost down to -28 degrees without freezing! This plant can winter even in the middle lane.

For creepers need support, in the wild forest, its role is performed by trees. On plantations, supports are created artificially by tying up plants to specially stretched nets and fixed poles.

What is growing kiwi? Like his ancestors, he loves a fertile, loose soil with a high content of humus, moist but without stagnation of water. Actinidia in the forest often grows in partial shade. Cultural kiwi prefers the sun. And he needs regular watering, feeding, mulching, trimming and shaping. There is a lot of hassle in growing this berry. But real gardeners do not stop. Many are trying to grow valuable fruit at home.

Growing kiwi from seed is an exciting activity that requires patience and compliance with all agricultural practices. The first fruits will have to wait a long time - the kiwi blooms only for 3-4 years from sowing, sometimes flowering occurs only after 6 years of cultivation. But even flowering is no guarantee that the fruit will be tied up. This plant requires pollinator.  It is necessary that a kiwi-man and a kiwi-woman live nearby. In order to maximize the likelihood of such a neighborhood, it will be necessary to plant several copies of this exotic fruit in the pots, since it is possible to find out which plant has grown, male or female, only with the onset of flowering. On female specimens, the pestle of flowers is much larger. There are monoecious plants, which are both male and female flowers. They do not need pollinator.

At seed reproduction of kiwi not less than 70% of plants will be male.

Seed preparation and germination

Seeds get easy. It's enough to buy kiwi in the store. The fruit must be completely ripe. The most germinating seeds are in early spring. It is at this time that they begin to germinate.

The algorithm for preparing seeds for sowing is as follows.

  • Remove the seeds from the half of the fruit and carefully wash them off from the pulp.
  • Seeds are dried.
  • Place on a cotton pad moistened with hot water, which is placed on a saucer.
  • Put on a plastic bag and put in a warm place. The package must be removed regularly to ensure that the seeds are ventilated. A cotton pad should always be wet, but not too wet.
  • As soon as small roots appeared, it is time to plant the seeds.

Transplant to soil

For the initial cultivation most suitable plastic containers with a transparent lid of a small volume. This is a ready-made mini-plant for plants. Drainage is made at the bottom of each container and filled with a planting mixture of peat, sand, humus and sod land in equal parts. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the moist planting mixture and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Its thickness should not be more than 3 mm. Sprouting seeds sprout in 2 weeks. It is necessary to spray the surface of the soil with water, as young seedlings are very sensitive to the lack of moisture. Gentle shoots pritenyayut from direct sunlight. As soon as plants have 2 pairs of true leaves, they dive in a larger tank.

How to make a pick?

In order for plants to grow and develop well in the future, the soil for them is prepared in the same way as for seedlings, but they reduce the amount of peat by increasing the proportion of sod land and humus. The root system of kiwi grows more in width than in depth, so the capacity for planting is not too deep, but wide.

The sequence of actions when picking.

  • At the bottom of the tank for planting do drainage.
  • Cover it with soil at 1/3 the height of the pot.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the tank in which it grew before picking. Earth lump can not be broken, so 2 hours before picking the plants watered.
  • Place the plant in a new pot, sprinkling the roots with earth.
  • The first few days after picking small kiwi especially need protection from direct sunlight.

Breeding kiwi

About the seed method of reproduction described in detail above. It is inconvenient because it is necessary not only to grow many plants, but also to wait a long time for fruiting. Much easier to propagate kiwi vegetatively. Both lignified cuttings of the first year of life, which are harvested in winter, and green ones are suitable for this, and they are cut in summer. Rooted, they completely repeat the signs of the plant from which they were cut.

The cut branch should not be thinner than 5 mm and have 3 buds. They need to be cut with a well-ground knife so that the cuts do not wrinkle. The lower cut should be right under the kidney and have a slope of 45 degrees. The upper cut is made straight, departing from the kidney about 1 cm. The cuttings of the summer harvesting pruned all the leaves, except the top. It is shortened by a third. Harvested cuttings are placed in the lower section in a container filled with water at room temperature to a height of 4 cm. After a day they are transferred to a root-stimulator solution, which is kept for 24 hours. In both cases, a plastic bag is put on the container with the cuttings. After that, the cuttings are ready for planting in the cutting with peat ground. The mini-pad should have a double cover - a film and a non-woven backing. When using artificial fog rooting cuttings - up to 95%. Rooted cuttings are seated in separate containers and grown in a hothouse. In warm climates, plants are ready for planting in the ground in a year, in other cases they are planted in 2 years.

Kiwi can be propagated with pieces of roots with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 cm and a length of up to 30 cm. They are planted in a substrate with a temperature of about 24 degrees. It must be constant, so you need a lower heating. As soon as shoots grown from dormant buds reach a height of 15 cm, they are transplanted into separate containers, shortening the parent root. Later grown the same way as rooted cuttings.

To obtain a large number of saplings on plantations, the grafting method is used: in cleft, simple and improved copulation, summer budding with a shield in a T-shaped incision. Budding can be done in spring and summer, all other types of vaccinations are carried out before bud break.

Peculiarities of care

For the successful cultivation of kiwi enough 3 components: a lot of light, timely watering and annual fertilizing with biohumus or humus.

This plant can be grown only on the southern windowsill, but the light must be diffused. In winter, it may be necessary to light the phytolamps. Do not forget that it is a vine and will be grateful for good care with rapid growth - an adult plant can reach up to 7 m. In the process of growth it needs support. Any artificial growth restriction will necessarily affect flowering and fruiting. Cut kiwi can only be at rest in the winter, which requires a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius, and after full blooming of the leaves in the summer. In the phase of sap flow, the plant is very vulnerable and may simply expire juice. Pinching the tops of the shoots will give the plant the opportunity to grow in width. To develop it evenly, the pot of kiwi should be rotated 15 degrees every 2 weeks.

Kiwi loves water, so you need to water it regularly, but without fanaticism, so as not to cause the roots to rot.

You can feed the exotic one once a year with organic matter. Biohumus or ripened compost is buried in a groove around the trunk. You can't dig deep the roots of the plant surface and loosening it does not like.  It is better to grind the soil in the pot, for example, chopped wood chips or bark. In summer, during rapid growth, complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants will not be superfluous. The frequency of dressings - once a decade. As the kiwi grows, more spacious dishes will be needed, where it is transplanted in the spring before bud break.

The main reason for the death of the plant - the wrong mode of watering. It is harmed by both deficiency and excess water.

Among the other reasons are the following:

  • the emergence of fungal diseases and late struggle with them;
  • undetected pests that are not fought;
  • lack of lighting and power;
  • freezing of the plant, if it grows on a balcony or loggia;
  • cutting and pinching shoots during active sap flow;
  • damage to young shoots by cats who like the smell of kiwi.

In home culture kiwi rarely get sick and damaged by pests. At observance of all the rules of agrotechnology, the plant will be healthy, will give tasty and very useful fruits.

The plant kiwi (Chinese Actidine) is of great value due to its fruits. Depending on the variety, their weight can be from 50 to 150 g. Kiwi fruit is very and has excellent taste.

Where does Kiwi grow - in which country?

Historically, the country of origin of kiwi is China, namely the northern region and the east coast. From here comes the second name of kiwi - “Chinese gooseberry”. Cultivation of the plant took place over 300 years. But, since the territories for cultivation are limited in China, the kiwi has not gained distribution in large volumes.

At present, kiwi cultivation is very common in New Zealand. Exports from this country account for more than half of all kiwi grown in the world. The largest plantations are located on the North Island in the Bay of Plenty.

In addition, the plantations that produce kiwi for domestic consumption are in such countries: South Korea, Italy, Greece, Chile, France, Iran, and Japan. In the US, Chinese gooseberries caught on only in Hawaii and in California.

In all these countries and their individual regions, there is a major condition for the full maturation of kiwi - a subtropical climate, which is characterized by the right amount of precipitation.

Many are interested in the question: where is the kiwi growing in Russia? Its cultivation is carried out in the Krasnodar region on the Black Sea coast.

How does kiwi grow in nature?

At first glance, the answer to the question of how kiwi grows in nature is obvious. Many believe that kiwi grows on a tree. But it is not so. The plant is a tree-vine, which grow kiwi. If it is planted in open ground, its height can reach up to 9-10 m.

Liana grows well in greenhouse conditions. During summer growth, the color of the leaves of the plant is constantly changing: from green to white, pink and crimson. The fruits on it are clusters. Growing fruit does not present any particular difficulties, as the vine is unpretentious in its care. In addition, it is almost not subject to diseases.

Kiwi's benefit

Kiwi fruit has many beneficial properties, namely:

Thus, regularly eating this healthy fruit, you will bring significant benefits to your body.

This rough pubescent berry is just a storehouse of vitamin C. It is hard to believe that in this form it has existed for less than 100 years. Thanks to the New Zealand breeders, it has become larger and much tastier. To understand whether it is possible to grow a healthy berry at home, let's imagine how the kiwi grows in its homeland.

Homeland Yang Tao, which in Chinese means strawberry peach, China. Culture belongs to the genus Actinidia, the Chinese actinidia species. It was brought to New Zealand at the beginning of the 20th century. The Chinese berry weighed no more than 30 g. Thanks to the selection, it became larger, its taste enriched not at the expense of the beneficial properties that allow the fruit to be used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Like its ancestor, the kiwi is a liana. But in the wild, it does not occur. This is an artificially improved plant. Even the name for it is invented new.

Where is growing kiwi? Cultural plantations of an exotic fruit can be found wherever the climate allows it to grow: in Italy, South Korea, Chile, and Greece. But the recognized leaders in the production of this useful berries are New Zealand and China. So kiwi returned to his homeland with triumph. Despite the considerable difficulties associated with growing this exotic fruit, not so long ago the first plantations appeared in Abkhazia, in the south of Dagestan, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. In a word, now, in order to find out how kiwi grows, it is not necessary to go abroad. You can see this exotic on the territory of our country.

Kiwi can withstand temperatures as low as -15 degrees, so it hibernates well under cover even in regions with cool winters.

A biologist from Uzhgorod, G.V. Straton, by means of a long selection, created a new sort of Kiwi-Valentine, which can withstand frost down to -28 degrees without freezing! This plant can winter even in the middle lane.

For creepers need support, in the wild forest, its role is performed by trees. On plantations, supports are created artificially by tying up plants to specially stretched nets and fixed poles.

What is growing kiwi? Like his ancestors, he loves a fertile, loose soil with a high content of humus, moist but without stagnation of water. Actinidia in the forest often grows in partial shade. Cultural kiwi prefers the sun. And he needs regular watering, feeding, mulching, trimming and shaping. There is a lot of hassle in growing this berry. But real gardeners do not stop. Many are trying to grow valuable fruit at home.

Growing at home

Growing kiwi from seed is an exciting activity that requires patience and compliance with all agricultural practices. The first fruits will have to wait a long time - the kiwi blooms only for 3-4 years from sowing, sometimes flowering occurs only after 6 years of cultivation. But even flowering is no guarantee that the fruit will be tied up. This plant requires pollinator.  It is necessary that a kiwi-man and a kiwi-woman live nearby. In order to maximize the likelihood of such a neighborhood, it will be necessary to plant several copies of this exotic fruit in the pots, since it is possible to find out which plant has grown, male or female, only with the onset of flowering. On female specimens, the pestle of flowers is much larger. There are monoecious plants, which are both male and female flowers. They do not need pollinator.

At seed reproduction of kiwi not less than 70% of plants will be male.

Seed preparation and germination

Seeds get easy. It's enough to buy kiwi in the store. The fruit must be completely ripe. The most germinating seeds are in early spring. It is at this time that they begin to germinate.

The algorithm for preparing seeds for sowing is as follows.

  • Remove the seeds from the half of the fruit and carefully wash them off from the pulp.
  • Seeds are dried.
  • Place on a cotton pad moistened with hot water, which is placed on a saucer.
  • Put on a plastic bag and put in a warm place. The package must be removed regularly to ensure that the seeds are ventilated. A cotton pad should always be wet, but not too wet.
  • As soon as small roots appeared, it is time to plant the seeds.

Transplant to soil

For the initial cultivation most suitable plastic containers with a transparent lid of a small volume. This is a ready-made mini-plant for plants. Drainage is made at the bottom of each container and filled with a planting mixture of peat, sand, humus and sod land in equal parts. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the moist planting mixture and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Its thickness should not be more than 3 mm. Sprouting seeds sprout in 2 weeks. It is necessary to spray the surface of the soil with water, as young seedlings are very sensitive to the lack of moisture. Gentle shoots pritenyayut from direct sunlight. As soon as plants have 2 pairs of true leaves, they dive in a larger tank.

How to make a pick?

In order for plants to grow and develop well in the future, the soil for them is prepared in the same way as for seedlings, but they reduce the amount of peat by increasing the proportion of sod land and humus. The root system of kiwi grows more in width than in depth, so the capacity for planting is not too deep, but wide.

The sequence of actions when picking.

  • At the bottom of the tank for planting do drainage.
  • Cover it with soil at 1/3 the height of the pot.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the tank in which it grew before picking. Earth lump can not be broken, so 2 hours before picking the plants watered.
  • Place the plant in a new pot, sprinkling the roots with earth.
  • The first few days after picking small kiwi especially need protection from direct sunlight.

Breeding kiwi

About the seed method of reproduction described in detail above. It is inconvenient because it is necessary not only to grow many plants, but also to wait a long time for fruiting. Much easier to propagate kiwi vegetatively. Both lignified cuttings of the first year of life, which are harvested in winter, and green ones are suitable for this, and they are cut in summer. Rooted, they completely repeat the signs of the plant from which they were cut.

The cut branch should not be thinner than 5 mm and have 3 buds. They need to be cut with a well-ground knife so that the cuts do not wrinkle. The lower cut should be right under the kidney and have a slope of 45 degrees. The upper cut is made straight, departing from the kidney about 1 cm. The cuttings of the summer harvesting pruned all the leaves, except the top. It is shortened by a third. Harvested cuttings are placed in the lower section in a container filled with water at room temperature to a height of 4 cm. After a day they are transferred to a root-stimulator solution, which is kept for 24 hours. In both cases, a plastic bag is put on the container with the cuttings. After that, the cuttings are ready for planting in the cutting with peat ground. The mini-pad should have a double cover - a film and a non-woven backing. When using artificial fog rooting cuttings - up to 95%. Rooted cuttings are seated in separate containers and grown in a hothouse. In warm climates, plants are ready for planting in the ground in a year, in other cases they are planted in 2 years.

Kiwi can be propagated with pieces of roots with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 cm and a length of up to 30 cm. They are planted in a substrate with a temperature of about 24 degrees. It must be constant, so you need a lower heating. As soon as shoots grown from dormant buds reach a height of 15 cm, they are transplanted into separate containers, shortening the parent root. Later grown the same way as rooted cuttings.

To obtain a large number of saplings on plantations, the grafting method is used: in cleft, simple and improved copulation, summer budding with a shield in a T-shaped incision. Budding can be done in spring and summer, all other types of vaccinations are carried out before bud break.

Peculiarities of care

For the successful cultivation of kiwi enough 3 components: a lot of light, timely watering and annual fertilizing with biohumus or humus.

This plant can be grown only on the southern windowsill, but the light must be diffused. In winter, it may be necessary to light the phytolamps. Do not forget that it is a vine and will be grateful for good care with rapid growth - an adult plant can reach up to 7 m. In the process of growth it needs support. Any artificial growth restriction will necessarily affect flowering and fruiting. Cut kiwi can only be at rest in the winter, which requires a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius, and after full blooming of the leaves in the summer. In the phase of sap flow, the plant is very vulnerable and may simply expire juice. Pinching the tops of the shoots will give the plant the opportunity to grow in width. To develop it evenly, the pot of kiwi should be rotated 15 degrees every 2 weeks.

Why die kiwi?

The main reason for the death of the plant - the wrong mode of watering. It is harmed by both deficiency and excess water.

Among the other reasons are the following:

  • the emergence of fungal diseases and late struggle with them;
  • undetected pests that are not fought;
  • lack of lighting and power;
  • freezing of the plant, if it grows on a balcony or loggia;
  • cutting and pinching shoots during active sap flow;
  • damage to young shoots by cats who like the smell of kiwi.

In home culture kiwi rarely get sick and damaged by pests. At observance of all the rules of agrotechnology, the plant will be healthy, will give tasty and very useful fruits.