Tasty quickly useful to cook eggplant. Eggplant in the oven

Baked eggplant in the oven- one of the most delicious, in my opinion, side dishes that can be cooked, as they say, in a hurry. Moreover, it is so easy to do that even a person who is far from cooking can cope.

Ingredients for cooking baked eggplant in the oven:

  1. Eggplant 5 pieces
  2. Salt is large 1.5 tablespoons (optional)
  3. Garlic 3 teeth (optional)
  4. Vegetable oil  1/3 cup

Not suitable products? Choose a similar recipe from the others!


Heat-resistant baking tray, silicone brush, garlic press, glass, small bowl, kitchen knife, chopping board, metal spatula, hot pot holders.

Cooking Baked Eggplants in the Oven:

Step 1: Prepare the spices.

Choosing garlic for this dish, pay attention to the most fragrant and burning samples. Choose carefully, because it is from this ingredient will depend on the taste of baked eggplant.
Peel the garlic and chop with a special press (if you do not have one, then use a fine grater). Mix the mush of garlic with salt in a separate bowl.

Step 2: Bake the eggplants.

Choose eggplants just as well, they must be fresh, not stale, otherwise you risk getting a very tough and tasteless side dish.
Wash the vegetables and divide each into three - four strips, approximately one centimeter. Slices of eggplants on all sides with a mixture of garlic and salt, and place them on a greased baking sheet with vegetable oil. Preheat oven to 180 degrees  and place the eggplants in it, after they have been freezed with oil on top.

Bake 15-17 minutesor until they are browned. Then open the oven and use the metal spatula to turn the eggplant slices over. Spread oil on this side and return to the oven. Cook more 10-15 minutes.
That's all, just like that, quickly and easily cook oven-baked eggplants!

Step 3: Serve Baked Eggplants.

Baked in the oven pieces of eggplant are perfect as a side dish, you can add to them baked potatoes and slices of fresh tomato. You can also make a salad from eggplants by adding fried chicken and mayonnaise to them.
Enjoy your meal!

You can bake eggplants without garlic, but then it may be worth adding black ground pepper.

You can also add fresh or dried herbs to the finished eggplant.

You can also sprinkle vegetables with grated cheese for 5 minutes until cooked, or add a teaspoon of mayonnaise to each slice.

Dinner usually try to cook less "heavy" than lunch, therefore, the menu includes more dishes from vegetables. In season, housewives often wonder what to make of eggplants for dinner. We give several options.

Caviar "overseas" with variations

A great option - eggplant caviar, for dinner, it can be served with tortillas or toast, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, baked fish and other products.


  • medium ripe eggplants - 3-5 pcs .;
  • salt, purified from impurities - 1 tsp without a slide;
  • freshly ground pepper (mixture) - to taste;
  • unrefined first pressed sunflower oil - 30 ml;

Related ingredients:

  •   - 150 g;
  • brown onion - 70 g;
  • 3-4 ripe ripe pink tomatoes;
  • greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, mint) - to taste.


Immediately make a reservation: from the accompanying ingredients will need either mayonnaise or other components. Prepare the base for caviar: wash the blue ones, put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven. Eggplants are baked for 20 minutes on each side, after which we immediately send them under cold water, clean them from the skin and put them in a bowl, tightly covering them with a plate of smaller diameter, set the pressure. While the blue juice is running, it will take a couple of hours. Merge it and skip the eggplants through a meat grinder, cut with a knife with a weighted blade, or mash with a blender. We salt, we pepper. If we are preparing “white” caviar, add mayonnaise and vegetable oil and beat well. If we want the caviar "red", then we warm up the oil and on it we pass the finely chopped onion and mashed tomatoes. When the onions are soft, stir fry with eggplants and beat. Optionally add finely chopped greens.

  Just fry

The recipe for a delicious eggplant for dinner can be very simple and include only 3 ingredients (not counting the seasonings).


  • blue-skinned garlic - 1 medium sized head;
  • sunflower oil, unrefined, odorless - 1/3 cup;
  • eggplants are small, better white - 0.7 kg;
  • iodized salt or sea without additives - 1 pinch;
  • a set of spices to your taste - 1 pinch.


To cook delicious eggplants for dinner, do not forget to soak them. We cut eggplants into strips and leave in cold water for about half an hour. Take out slices and dry them with a towel. Next, warm the butter and fry the eggplants to a nice golden shade over medium heat. Fill with crushed garlic with salt and spices and mix. It is better to prepare this dish in advance, so that fried eggplants for dinner can absorb the aroma of garlic and spices.

  About options

Using the previous recipe, you can prepare an eggplant salad for dinner (if there are not so many to feed the family). Add any ingredients to your taste: sliced ​​ham or boiled sausage, grated cheese, baked or raw Bulgarian pepper, chopped it into strips. Also, eggplant perfectly combines canned corn, pickled onions, fresh tomatoes, boiled or fried chicken, baked potatoes and, of course, greens. Well, if you do not want to reinvent the salad, just serving eggplant with barley for dinner, preparing porridge for your favorite recipe.

Eggplants have recently become wildly popular, this is due to the fact that the number of people losing weight is increasing daily in the world. This vegetable is indispensable for people who monitor the condition of their figure.

You can use it in different forms, except raw. But, the most tasty are the eggplants baked in. After reading our article to the end, you will find amazing recipes that you will begin to use with pleasure in everyday life all the time.

The fact that eggplant is useful for the human body has long been known. This vegetable is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and organic acids. They need to eat regularly, if not in order to lose weight, so to improve well-being and a variety of menus.

How can I cook?

With this purple vegetable you can cook a large number of dishes. Real culinary professionals manage to cook sweet dishes from eggplants. It is extremely difficult to make a dessert out of blue vegetable, so it’s better to start with simple options.

Due to the universality of eggplant, it is good for different ways of cooking. To say that baked blue is tastier than marinated - it is impossible, because each dish turns out a special taste.

Blue (popular name for eggplants) can be fried both in the pan and on the grill. From them the magnificent vegetable shish kebab turns out. And how many tons of this vegetable goes annually for winter pickles in general it is difficult to count. Eggplant is difficult to exclude from stews and other dishes.

Baked in the oven, they are appetizing and at the same time with a delicate taste, and at the same time creating your culinary masterpiece will not take a lot of precious time.


Stuffed dishes can not always boast of their low calorie. On the other hand, not all people are constantly worried about the amount of food eaten. Some just love delicious food.

With tuna


  • Eggplant Medium Size - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh tuna fillet - 250 g
  • A little or another tomato sauce
  • Olive or sunflower oil - a couple of spoons
  • Hard cheese (grated) - a pair of Art.
  • Red sweet pepper (Bulgarian) - 1 pc.

How to cook:

  1. Take the whole, without rot eggplant. Along we cut them into two parts.
  2. Spoon or small knife remove the middle of the vegetable. Cut it into cubes and fry on your favorite kind of butter.
  3. To the crushed eggplant in the pan, put the pepper (before this, cut it into cubes) and tuna (it should be very shredded).
  4. Fry for a couple of minutes, then add two spoons of your favorite tomato sauce to vegetables. After this, we weed under the lid for about ten minutes.
  5. After that, lay out the stuffing on a little salted eggplant halves.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 8-12 minutes. Depends on the thickness of the vegetables. The dish is ready.


This recipe can easily master even the most "armless hostess."


  • Blue - 5 pcs.
  • Favorite vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage)

How to cook:

  1. It is better to take small fruits, wash and remove the tail with a knife.
  2. Fork the vegetables evenly in many places.
  3. Root vegetables (carrots, beets), peel and cut into large pieces.
  4. Put the eggplants and the rest of the vegetables in a special bag that is designed for baking. Keep in the oven for ten minutes.

Other recipes

There are many other recipe options. Most often they use products that are always at hand. It is also important not to overdo the spices, so as not to kill the flavor of eggplant.

With tomatoes (tomatoes)


  • Eggplant - 3 pcs.
  • Basil
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 50 g
  • Crackers
  • Oil, spices
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.

How to cook:

  1. We wash out, we do not remove the skin, we cut off the tails.
  2. Cut the vegetable into circles (thickness - 5 mm). Add a pinch of salt to the croutons, wrap eggplants in them.
  3. Heat butter in a pan and fry our eggplant circles on each side.
  4. After that, we shift the vegetables in the form that will be used for baking.
  5. In butter, in which the eggplants were fried, we ferment chopped onion and garlic.
  6. On top of the eggplant lay these vegetables.
  7. Tomatoes cut into cubes and also spread on eggplant.
  8. Sprinkle with basil and cheese. Bake this dish should be 25 minutes.

With wine

This dish madly love to order in restaurants. So, having prepared it at home, you will delight your loved ones with a savory and interesting dish.


  • Eggplant - 5 pcs.
  • Olive oil - about 20 ml.
  • Ripe tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Basil
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Bulbs - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic is a tooth.
  • White wine - 200 ml.

How to cook:

  1. We take the blue ones, if the vegetables are young, then it is not necessary to remove the skin. Cut them into cubes.
  2. In order to eliminate the bitterness inherent in eggplants, it is necessary to lightly salt them and leave in this state for 50 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  3. Fresh pepper cut into small straws. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes.
  4. We take a baking sheet, grease it with oil and form our dish on it. The first layer will be cubes of eggplant, then tomatoes, peppers, onions (sliced ​​into half rings) and garlic.
  5. To taste, add pepper and salt, herbs, pour the dish with olive oil and send to bake for 25 minutes.
  6. We take out, pour eggplant with wine and keep in the oven for another 15 minutes. Enjoy your meal.

As you noticed, other vegetables are often used in cooking blue ones. And this has a very positive effect on maintaining human health. So try using eggplants regularly in your kitchen.