How to grow celosia from seeds: sowing seedlings, planting and caring for plants in open ground. Diseases and pests of celosia

Exotic representatives of plants make the garden unusual, they surprise with their extraordinary appearance, bright color. One of these representatives is comb celosia from the amaranth family. Its inflorescence is similar to a red scallop of a rooster or a piece of coral reef.

Description of Celosia

The flower got its name from the Greek word Kelos (fiery, flaming), which describes its appearance - a burning torch. Tropical forests of Asia, Africa, South America, where it coexists along with other exotics, are considered the birthplace of celosia. The elegant “dress” of the plant is noticeable in the flowerbed from afar due to its bright color and unusual shape.

Celosia is a herbaceous, annual plant, seedling breeding method. In nature, it grows as a perennial, thanks to self-seeding it fills the whole space. He loves warm summers, without frost, the southern origin made the flower whimsical to weather conditions. The variety of the genus celosium totals about 60, comb, spikelet, and cirrus are very popular.

Decorative species barely reach 25 cm, although in nature there are plants half a meter high. A relatively thick stem ends with a comb-shaped bud with a velvet ornate edge. The color scheme is only bright natural or neon shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, burgundy.

The shape of the bud can be of different sizes: elongated, oval, moon-shaped, round. It blooms from July to October (until the first frost), for its size it is often grown as a balcony or border plant.

The stalk is green with needle-shaped thin leaves all over the stem in one species and wide lobed with veins in the other. The fleshy green mass requires a large amount of water, the juice of the plant is harmless.

Cultivation of celosium comb in the open ground

Growing such a beauty in your garden is easier than it might seem at first glance. The plant propagates by seeds or cuttings, the method depends on the type and conditions of cultivation. The climate of the room or greenhouse allows you to grow celosia like. For breeding on a flower bed, a seed method with preparing seedlings is better.

Breeders recommend sowing proven branded seeds, so the decorative qualities of the flower are preserved, weather resistance is maintained. Seed collected independently from hybrid varieties does not retain the characteristics of parent plants.

Growing celosia from seeds When to plant

Celosia comb cultivation from seeds Celosia seeds photo

To prepare seedlings celosia seeds begin to be sown in March, sometimes in late February, the timing depends on the local climate and comes down to what needs to be sown 1.5 months before planting in the ground. For balconies or covered terraces, where frost is not terrible, early seeding is suitable. Planting seedlings in the ground is carried out after the departure of spring colds with night frosts.

  • Soil should be chosen universal seedlings for flowering plants or for amaranth;
  • The soil before sowing is abundantly moistened, and the seeds are dispersed as little as possible, it is better that there is at least 2-3 cm between the plants. The seeds are of course small, later you still have to thin out.
  • You can scatter the seeds on the surface, squeeze with your palm and just sprinkle sand or earth on top, moisten from the atomizer.
  • An individual landing is preferable, so an intermediate pick is not required. If you show patience, it is quite possible to separate 1-2 seeds and carefully plant.
  • For germination, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of no higher than 20 ° C, the place is well-lit, otherwise the stems will stretch, they will not be strong;
  • It is better to water from a finely dispersed sprayer with standing water at room temperature, so there is less risk of erosion of the roots and injury to the stems.
  • If sown in a common container, then when 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into individual cups, using a fork or the back of a spoon to less injure delicate roots.

  • When the plants take over, in about a week, it will be possible to feed them nitrogen-containing or complex fertilizers to activate growth and reduce stress.
  • Before planting in the soil, celosia seedlings must be taken out onto the street or balcony to harden the plants. A week or two is enough for the seedlings to get used to the open air and the sun.
  • With the established warm weather without night frosts, celosia can be safely planted.

The scheme for a permanent place provides 10-15 cm of distance between bushes for dwarf varieties or 30-40 cm for plants of normal growth. It is better to choose a sunny place from the south or west side, so that the rays illuminate the flowerbed for 12 hours. Be sure to protect the celosia from the wind, its stems are not strong, they can break with sudden gusts.

The soil at a constant place of growth should be well-drained, slightly acidic, not dense. It is ensured by the timely application of mineral-organic fertilizers, weeding from weeds, watering and loosening.

Important! In the hot summer, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the green mass of the flower by sprinkling, water abundantly under the root.

Sowing celosia seeds into the ground

How to sow celosia seeds into the soil Winter shoots of celosia photo

Celosia can be sown simply in the ground. Seeds are not afraid of frost, so you can sow before winter in late October - early November or early spring, in late March. The main thing is that the earth is ripe and allows you to make rows well and evenly fill them up later.

How to sow celosia seeds into the ground:

  1. It is better to prepare the garden bed in advance so that the earth settles (in 7-10 days), since the seeds are very small.
  2. Rows make shallow, up to 5 cm. Mix the seeds in half with sand and very rarely sow.
  3. The distance between the rows is 25-30 cm.
  4. Close the rows with the back of the rake.
  5. Watered sparingly to moisten the earth, but do not fill it until the lumps are completely dissolved. If this happens, an earth crust is formed, very detrimental to the delicate sprouts of celosia. It is good to sprinkle a thin layer of humus on top after watering. So the moisture will linger, and there will be no crust.
  6. When shoots appear, they are thinned out without regret, otherwise you will get thin plants that are lagging behind in development.

Of course, you can plant extra ones, or you can immediately leave at least 15-20 cm between sprouts of celosia so that powerful, well-formed bushes grow.

Comb celosia in landscape design and other uses

Growers begin to grow for several reasons: to surprise their neighbors, paint the garden with new flowers, give tropical color or emphasize. Scallops perfectly retain their pristine appearance in cut, so florists did not leave it unattended. Bouquet compositions with the addition of delicate tops become elegant, plot, carry a fabulous motive.

A plant with a delightful velvet scallop has become a favorite component of floral art and landscape design. For ordinary people, healing qualities are not so important as bewitching beauty.

  • Landscape design. Dwarf varieties are used to decorate balconies, borders, low flowerpots. Higher plants can be made with an emphasis on a flowerbed or a background for undersized varieties.
  • Registration of beds and mixborders. The plant grows well not only in a partially enclosed space, but also in open areas. Often a flower is adjacent to other exotics in an urban flower bed or near architectural structures.
  • Floristry. The ability to preserve the initial appearance for a long time made the flower popular for decorating bouquets. Celosia fits perfectly into the thematic composition, creating an exotic vibrant mood.
  • Creation of decorative panels. A correctly executed flower drying technique (dry, dark place without a press) preserves aesthetic properties: color and texture remain unchanged. Such instances include when creating decoratively applied products: panels, design of finished compositions.

A flower needs care like any other plant. To achieve the desired result will help a properly organized system of care for celosity. Before planting, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the region in order to avoid an adverse outcome.

Other uses of the plant:

  • aromatic addition of culinary dishes (leaves are added to the first dishes, used as an independent dish in the form of salads or side dishes, make decoctions);
  • traditional medicine in tropical countries has brought many recipes for the use of celosia leaves and flowers for the complex treatment and prevention of diseases such as invasions, inflammatory processes of the skin, and visual impairment.

Celosia in traditional medicine and recipes

To treat a gastrointestinal upset, you will need:

  • 2 tbsp fresh or dried leaves
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Pour the crushed leaves with boiling water, let it brew for 12 hours, strain, mix with honey three times a day one hour before meals. The broth normalizes the digestive tract, flavonoids help restore intestinal motility, heal microcracks and ulcers.

Important! Honey is added before taking, otherwise its healing properties are lost. If you are allergic to bee products, you can replace it with syrup or jam. However, it is better to drink without sweeteners at all.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and throat:

Fresh juice from the leaves and stems of the plant is suitable. It is squeezed (pass through a meat grinder or food processor), mixed with warm boiled water, used to rinse or compresses. One glass of water will require 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed juice. Store the rinse in the refrigerator.

Anti-inflammatory skin prophylaxis

You will need plant seeds, which are crushed in a coffee grinder and poured with vegetable oil. So it turns out coelosium oil, which is used for inflammation, redness of the skin. It heals microcracks well, moisturizes and gives velvety skin.

Pests and diseases of celosia

Blackleg  - a fungal disease affecting the stems and root sections of the bush. The legs of the plants really blacken, bend and dry out, as if mowing seedlings. The infection is quickly transmitted to healthy plants, so the affected sprout urgently needs to be removed, the earth shed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Timely disinfection will save other plants from infection.

Signs: the fungus penetrates the structure of the plant, clogs the outflow of juice masses, which stops the flower’s nutrition, the plant dries quickly from the root and up to the leaves.

Prevention: moderate watering without stagnation of moisture (mandatory drainage), treatment of seeds and soil with a weak solution of manganese, loosening of the soil, cleaning of weeds.

Treatment: after removing a diseased plant, the earth is loosened, sprinkled with ash, poured with soda solution (1 tsp per glass of boiling water). Helps tincture onion peel, which also has an antifungal effect.

Aphid  - a pest often associated with ant attacks. The sweet and alluring aroma of celosia attracts many insects, including pests.

Signs: aphid larvae are located on the inside of the leaf; paths can be detected by sticky traces.

Prevention: remove anthills in nearby places, cultivate the land near the bushes with special solutions.

Treatment: if larvae are found on the plant, wash off with soapy water and treat with insecticides (Fitoverm, Akarin, Bitoxibacillin).

Spider mite  - takes the nutrient medium of the plant, makes it impossible to grow and develop normally.

Signs: a white dense web in the leaf sinuses or at the base of the flower, often invisible due to bright inflorescences, yellow spots on the leaf plate.

Prevention: timely irrigation, humidify the air next to the flower bed, you can spray the bush from the spray gun.

Treatment: wash off the affected areas with soap and water, it is better to use a richly moistened sponge, then treat with an insecticide against a tick.

With improper watering, it can be affected by snails, slugs, caterpillars. Ant passages near the root system disrupt air microcirculation, affect root processes. Depleted soils become a favorite place for bears and nematodes, which is excreted only by a complete change of soil, sanitation.

Celosia is one of the most unusual flowers that can be found in our flower beds. Bright, spectacular, unusual in shape. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word Celosia,  which literally means “burning,” “burning,” and these words accurately characterize the incredible beauty of the flowers of celosia, so much like the dancing lights of a flame.

Due to its bright color and memorable shape, these flowers will become the main decoration of any home garden flower arrangement. They will add sophistication and originality.  your flower bed, painting it with bright multi-colored lights of inflorescences of these insanely beautiful plants. Amazing flowers will become a real decoration not only in the flowerbed of your garden, but also in pots on a sunny balcony or loggia.

Celosia belongs to the amaranth family and has more than 60 different species. This southern plant loves a warm environment, therefore it is common in regions with a mild climate - in Asia, South and North America, Africa.

Depending on the species, celosia are annual and perennial plants with flowers on straight branched stems or shrubs. Also, different types of plants differ in the shape of the leaves, which can be narrow and long with a sharp end (i.e. linear-lanceolate), or rounded with a wide base and a narrow tip (i.e. ovate).

Celosia has small bisexual flowers, which are collected in abundant paniculate or elongated spike-shaped inflorescences, which can be located on the top of the stem or in the axils of the leaves, depending on the type of plant.

Types of Celosium

It is popularly called the cockscomb. This is an annual plant that has an inflorescence that resembles a scallop in shape. And in the red-colored varieties, the bright color gives the flower an even greater resemblance to the cockscomb. Separate small elegant branches of inflorescences grow together into one fluffy, bright, massive, spectacular flower, on the upper edge of which graceful, plastic convolutions pass. These plants may be like gigantic sizes with massive fleshy inflorescences, and very low graceful  plants with a height of not more than 20 cm, the inflorescences of which seem to lie on the ground.

This flower is remembered not only for its unusual shape, but also it has a bright, incredibly catchy color. Silver celosia is bright red, yellow, scarlet, purple, pink or orange. All its shades are as if burning, fluorescent. Juicy colors and an original form attract the viewer's eyes and make this flower the main decoration of the flowerbed.

In addition to an exotic outfit, silver celosia has another undoubted advantage - long flowering, which lasts from early July to early October. But even after it fades, it continues to delight the eyes of passers-by, because its leaves are painted in bright green, purple, burgundy, red, golden or bronze.

Celosia originated in Africa and Southeast Asia, different historians interpret the history of this flower in Europe in different ways. Some believe that it was brought from Africa, others say that the flower was brought from India, it is difficult to say who is right. It is only known that he appeared in the second half of the 16th century and immediately became a favorite among gardeners.

Silver combed celosia has a rich variety of varieties.

  1. Impression. Of all the species richness, gardeners love the Impress variety most of all - for bright burgundy fluffy flowers that rise above the leaves of an unusual, memorable crimson color.
  2. Imperialis. No less popular among gardeners is the Imperialis variety, which has a height of only 25 cm and has burgundy inflorescences. A distinctive feature of this variety are bright crimson leaves, cut by thin bright red, as if bloody veins, dividing the leaf into parts.
  3. Atropurpurea. Also a very popular and beloved variety of celosia, which is especially remembered for its spectacular color combination: large red inflorescences frame the juicy bright green colors of beautiful leaves and all this grows on a stalk of a pale pink hue. Such a natural color block remains in the observer's memory for a long time.

Depending on the variety, it can be dwarf, not higher than 30 cm, or it can be a very tall plant, reaching a length of up to 1 meter. Spectacular, fluffy, “burning” panicle inflorescences occupy a third of the height of the plant itself. These decorative flowers have a variety of colors and delight the eye with their elegant flowering to frost.

This celosia also has its various varieties, these are the most popular of them.

  1. Golden flitz. This is the most common cultivar of celosia among cirrus species with juicy golden-orange flowers on long stems. Plant height reaches 80 cm.
  2. Feuerfeder. This variety is characterized by low plants with red flowers framed by rounded green leaves with pink streaks.

This type of celosia got its name due to spike-shaped inflorescences resembling wheat. Tall plants (height reaches 1.3 meters) are crowned with slender bright inflorescences, the color scheme of which covers shades from bright yellow to purple.

Celosia flowers are so much loved by flower growers not only for their bright bouquet, but also for their ease of care. These plants are completely unpretentious and their reproduction is carried out in simple and affordable ways, most often - seedlings. A method of propagating flowers by cuttings is also possible, but in this case great risk of losing decorativenessfor which these plants are so appreciated.

If among the variety of species you can not stop your choice on a particular variety, we recommend that you purchase seeds with a mixture of varieties. In this case, your flowerbed will light up with a whole bunch of bright, juicy, diverse and not transmitted in its beauty of flowers.


Seeds are sown seedlings in March-April. Sowing is carried out in separate jars with moist soil, after which they are covered with a film and placed in a well-lit, but fenced off place in direct sunlight. Within a few days, the seeds will begin to germinate and the first sprouts of celosia will appear.

Caring for them is easy only requirementpresented to him - a neat soft watering. Do not overfill the sprouts with water. But do not allow excessive dryness of the soil. Young sprouts are transplanted into the open ground no earlier than in early June, when the probability of the onset of frost can be completely eliminated. Do not forget that celosia is a thermophilic flower, therefore slightest drop in temperature  can kill him.

When choosing a place to plant, give preference to loose and non-acidic soil. Also this there should be enough sunny place without strong cold wind. Plant sprouts at a distance from each other, which directly depends on the size of the celosia itself. Growing dwarf flowers with a size of not more than 35 cm does not require a large distance between them, so the sprouts are planted at a distance of 15 cm. And long plants, the height of which can reach one or more meters, should be seated at least  than 30-35 cm apart.

In the first weeks of growth on open soil, flowers need a lot of water, therefore provide them with good watering, especially on hot and dry days. It is advisable to fertilize the flower bed with organic not more often than once every 15 days. Remember that with an excess of nitrogen, your plants will grow tall, but inflorescences will be rare and small.

There are no heavy requirements for the cultivation of celosium, these flowers are not picky and do not take much effort from the owners of the site. Therefore, if you decide to plant your garden with these wonderful plants, you will get a beautifully designed, bright, unforgettable flower bed that does not require careful and hard care, which will delight you with its flower garden until autumn frosts.

Cirrus celosia (Celosia argentea) belongs to the Amaranth family. It is found in nature in southern China, in eastern India, on the African and American continents. The homeland is the Indian Peninsula. In Europe, it appeared only in the 16th century, but already in the Renaissance it became an ordinary garden plant.

Cirrus cirrus Biological features

Cirrus cirrus is a herbaceous plant up to one meter high. The stem is straight with a reddish tinge. Cirrus leaves with pointed tips.

The color of the leaves is diverse, from light green to purplish red. The flowers are small, brightly colored. Inflorescence is a panicle. The fruit is a rounded capsule. Seeds are small, round, painted in shiny black.

Currently, many varieties of various colors and different heights have been bred. Celosia varieties are divided into

Dwarf, twenty to thirty centimeters high;

Mid-sized, from thirty to fifty centimeters;

Tall varieties that reach almost one meter.

The dwarf variety includes the variety "Goldfeder", characterized by bright yellow inflorescences resembling sunlight. The medium-sized variety is the “Feuerfeder” variety. The celosia flower of this variety is bright red, and the leaves are light green with pink veins. The flower of celosia of the medium-sized variety "New Onion" is bright scarlet, and the leaves are purple-violet. Tall varieties include those with the speaking name Golden Flitz and Thomsony Magnifica with burgundy flowers and greenish-pink shoots.

Both individual varieties and mixtures of varieties are commercially available. When sowing a mixture of varieties such as Baby or Geisha, the celosia flower gives you a whole flowerbed with luxurious colors. The cultivation of celosia.

Agrotechnology cultivation of cirrus cirrus

Cirrus cirrus prefers a sunny place, sheltered from the wind. As a southern plant loves heat very much, dies even with small frosts. It tolerates a lack of moisture. He does not like heavy, acidic soils. The soil must be prepared carefully. It should be loose, clean of weeds. Before planting in the soil you need to make rotted compost or humus, as well as complex fertilizer for flower crops.

The flower of celosia is sown by seedlings in early spring. Seeds are very shallow, sealed to a very shallow depth, sprayed from a spray bottle and covered with glass or film. Shoots appear in a week. Seedlings dive first in boxes, and then in separate pots. It is convenient to use peat-humus pots. When growing seedlings, regular ventilation and moderate watering of plants is important.

With high humidity, the roots of seedlings rot. As soon as the spring frosts pass, the celosia flower is planted in a permanent place. The distance between plants should not be less than 20 cm, as the bushes grow. The higher the height of the plant, the greater the distance left between the plants.

Care consists of weed control, cultivation and moderate watering. In the summer, you can feed the plants with mullein infusion or full mineral fertilizer once every two weeks, avoiding overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, a powerful bush is formed, and panicles will be medium-sized and not bright.

Cirrus cirrus. Diseases and Pests

With proper agricultural techniques for the cultivation of celosia, cirrus is not exposed to diseases and pests. Nevertheless, in case of violation of the irrigation regime, some diseases arise. The most common disease is the "black leg" caused by fungi of the genus Botrytis. The flower of celosia turns yellow and sags. Dark spots appear at the base of the stem, and the stem with the root gradually decays, which leads to the death of the plant. If a "black leg" appears, not only the plant is destroyed, but also the soil in which it grew is carefully treated with pesticides.

This disease is contagious and easily passes from plant to plant and through the soil. To prevent fungal diseases, it is recommended to process the seeds before sowing in a solution of potassium permanganate and to disinfect the soil under seedlings. Of noncommunicable diseases, chlorosis can occur - discoloration of the leaves. Most often, this problem occurs with a slightly alkaline soil reaction, in which plants poorly absorb iron from the soil. In the case of chlorosis, the treatment of plants with iron preparations, for example, iron chelate, is effective.

Of the pests, aphids are affected, for the control of which insecticides are used. The flower of celosia is not only beautiful, but also useful. Cirrus cirrus is, first of all, an ornamental plant. Brightly colored panicles of celosia do not leave anyone indifferent. They resemble flames and infect others with frantic optimism. Look great in rabatki and on the curbs.

Also used for cutting and decoration of bouquets. Low varieties of celosia are used in pot culture, belong to dried flowers, and florists make excellent compositions in which dried celosia is pinnate or comb. In addition, cirrus cirrus has nutritional and medicinal value.

Celosia is a wonderful decoration for any flowerbed. She is beautiful and graceful; she is the queen of the flower garden due to her spectacular appearance. The flower is considered a representative of the amaranth family. About 60 varieties of different annuals, as well as perennial representatives of the culture, growing in Africa, Asia and South America are known. Consider how to grow celosia from seeds, when to plant and how to propagate.

5 best varieties of celosia

Only in the form of inflorescences the plant is divided into 3 main groups: comb, spikelet and cirrus, however, out of 60 species of this culture, only two flower growers today - comb celosia and cirrus celosia.

Flowers can be used fresh and dried to create bouquet compositions with subsequent storage in vases

Here is a description of the best varieties in the table.

View name Short description
Silver Celosia The flowers are small rather bright, neatly collected in massive inflorescences.
"Impress" Flowers stand out with bright burgundy inflorescences, as well as dark purple leaves
Atropurpurea Very large, purple-red inflorescences, pale pink stem with unusually beautiful light green leaves
Cirrus silvery feathery Tall - up to 1 m in height, dwarf - do not exceed 30 cm, and medium-sized - 0.5 m
Cirrus cirrus "Golden Flitz" Golden-orange flowers reaching 80 cm in height

When choosing a place for planting a crop, you need to consider that it should be well-lit and without drafts

Methods of propagation of a flower on the site

The best method is to sow the seeds of the culture, since when grafting, it is possible to lose the decorative appearance of the flower, the quality for which it is grown.

Growing seedlings from seeds

The beginning of sowing seeds must be planned for late March or early April. After a week, the first green shoots are noticeable. Sowing process:

  • seed material is sown at a distance of 3 cm from each other, for this it is enough to pour it on moist soil at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bºC;
  • then the container is covered with a film on top, it can be removed only after a week, when sprouts appear;
  • seedlings must be protected from bright sunlight, as well as periodically ventilate, moisten and remove accumulated condensate.

Tip # 1.Since the flower seeds are in a dense shell, you need to soak them immediately for sowing for 3-4 hours in a solution containing zircon and epin in a 1: 1 ratio. It is necessary to use one drop of the mixture in 1 glass of water.

Do not forget that the seedlings of this culture does not tolerate waterlogged, as well as too dense soil mixtures

As soon as the young growth recovers after a dive, it can be fertilized. For this purpose, nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizing for flowers is used.

Conditions for growing seedlings:

  • adequate lighting;
  • optimal room temperature;
  • the presence of ventilation;
  • moderate watering.

Tip # 2. If at first the seedlings were grown indoors, and there is a greenhouse on the infield, then it is recommended to transfer celosia to it somewhere in the 15th of May. Thus, the plant will develop much better.

Landing and maintenance

Prepare the soil in this way:

  • so that the heavy soil on the site becomes more suitable for celosia, a little sand should be added to it, so the soil will gain the necessary friability;
  • it will also be useful for the culture to introduce a little humus into the soil before planting, regardless of its quality.

The optimal place for planting a flower would be a sunny and fairly closed from the wind territory along with loose and slightly acidic soil.

Exclusively in the early days of June, the matured and adapted young stocks are planted directly in open soil.

The main care for this flower comes down to watering, top dressing, as well as weeding. It should be watered with a small amount of water, since waterlogging entails diseases and the subsequent death of the culture.

Dressing the flower is carried out no more than once every 3 weeks, and complex mineral fertilizers are used at the rate of 15 g of fertilizer per 5 l of water.

Planting seedlings in an open area should be planned for the warm period, when there will no longer be night frosts

Consider in the table the fertilizers used to feed the crop.

Title Description When apply
Kalimagnesia The composition includes potassium, magnesium, does not contain chlorine Perform periodic top dressing with this tool.


Universal water-soluble growth-accelerating top dressing After planting, plants are introduced into a pot or into open soil after two weeks.
Superphosphate Mineral complex They are brought into the ground before planting the crop. During watering, they slowly dissolve

This culture, given its need for special care during the growing process, grows much more active if, from spring to autumn, fertilizing with fertilizers is performed every month.

This culture is susceptible to infection by brown rot, pale spotting and white rot. It can also be attacked by spindle tree aphids and the root gall nematode.

Varieties Impress, Atropurpurea, Celosia silvery cirrus are resistant to major diseases, but still fall under the influence of the black leg.

Thanks to pruning of the first inflorescences, the flower will become more branched and, as a result, forms a larger number of beautiful inflorescences

Methods for growing celosia in a garden plot

The plant is universal. There are several ways to breed it:

  • direct cultivation in open ground is carried out in a bright area, the flower remarkably tolerates direct sunlight, but does not particularly prefer midday sunshine. The stagnant heat is practically not perceptible to him;
  • it is possible to cultivate celosia all year round in room conditions, while it is carried out to fresh air exclusively in summer. It should be noted that in this case, far from all varieties can be used;
  • in greenhouse conditions, the culture is usually bred in large quantities for subsequent cutting.

Celosia flowers are used in the landscape design. Read also the article: → ““. The flower goes well with other plants in mixed plantings in garden compositions, as well as in flower beds. Low-growing varieties of culture are popular and are used to decorate balconies and loggias.

Celosia does not really accept top dressing with fresh organic fertilizers, which is why it is more rational to make them under the previous plant

Growing celosia in winter

For wintering, it is better to relocate the flower to the shelter. Comfortable conditions will be a warm winter garden or a sunny windowsill. The best option is a room with high humidity. Otherwise, culture is recommended to be systematically sprayed. If celosia grows in a heated room with dry air, there is a danger of death. In winter, you do not need to fertilize the plant, but you should remember about watering.

As for the choice of the region for celosia, this plant is perennial, but in the conditions of central Russia it often grows as an annual on balconies and terraces. However, it is possible to cultivate it as well as perennial directly in room conditions.

Celosia Breeding Day Work Plan

Sow a flower indoors should be in March or in the month of April. The following manipulations must be done:

Day 1

Directly sowing in a container is carried out on the surface of the soil mixture. Seeds are pressed tightly to the ground. Next, spray the soil with water, and cover the container with a transparent film.

Days 2-10

To seedlings better germinated, it is recommended to place them in a warm place with a temperature of 20 ° C, as well as high humidity. We put containers with seedlings on a well-lit and warm windowsill. The soil should be kept moist. Periodically spray the ground with soft water. Overmoistening and stagnation of the liquid should not be allowed. Also, every day we carry out the airing of seedlings and remove condensate, thereby preventing the seeds from decaying.

Days 11-14

In less than 2 weeks, the first shoots of the plant will begin to appear. Immediately after germination, the soil in the container is kept moist, however, it should not be wet. As soon as the seedlings grow to a height of 5 cm, they are planted in separate pots with the same soil.

If the flower will be cultivated as a perennial, it is necessary to feed it with nutrients. The best in this case are liquid mineral dressings for flowering plants, they must be used from June to September with an interval of 4-8 weeks. Landing in an open area is carried out directly when the risk of possible frosts passes.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question number 1.What fertilizers are more rational to use in the process of growing a flower?

In this case, water-soluble complex dressings for flowers are most suitable.

Question number 2.When can I plant a crop in the garden?

Exclusively with the onset of stable heat. This plant comes from southern countries, and it is not able to tolerate the slightest frost.

Question number 3.  Can I sow flower seeds in peat tablets?

Sure, even necessary. This is a very convenient way to plant any plant. It is quite economical and less traumatic for them.

Modern varieties of this culture are very resistant to various diseases and pests. From preventive measures, proper care is suitable. If, however, the plant becomes infected, it is necessary to use special means to combat diseases according to the instructions.

Question number 5.Why does a flower bloom poorly?

Most likely, the elementary norms of cultivation are violated or the plant is sick. Check for pests and review crop care activities.

The main mistakes of gardeners when breeding plants

The most common mistake gardeners make is overfeeding the flower with fertilizers. This celosia does not like. Other reasons:

  1. Many crop breeders plant a plant in a too shady place or, conversely, sunny. A flower loves a lot of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  2. Violation of the rules of watering. You can not fill the plant too much - this is fraught with decay of the root system and, as a result, its death.

This culture is quite drought tolerant, it is characterized by a long flowering period, amazing and unusual beauty. The flower wins the hearts of gardeners. Spectacular velvety inflorescences perfectly complement the most sophisticated garden compositions, decorating flowerbeds and gardens, loggias, as well as window sills. In addition, to grow this beautiful culture is not so difficult.

Celosia is an elegant decoration of any flowerbed. Incredibly bright and spectacular, it becomes the prima of any flower garden, captivating with its unusual appearance. Let's try to grow together the beauty of celosia, and how to do it right, I will describe in detail in this article.

Exotic velvety inflorescences of celosia look great even in exquisite floral arrangements, making them brighter and more expressive. The beauty of celosia was admired by more than one poet, calling this flower a fashionable chic dude. Indeed, she is a fashionista of what to look for, and her luxurious haute couture outfit is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent!

Celosia belongs to the amaranth family, its genus includes about 60 species of perennial and annual herbaceous plants, mainly growing in Africa, Asia and South America. Celosia got its name from the Greek word kelos  - "Burning", "fiery" and it is associated with the bright color of the flowers of this amazing plant.

Sowing and planting of celosia

When choosing a place for planting celosia, it is better to give preference to a sunny, as much as possible protected from the winds place with loose slightly acid soil. Heavy soil needs to be loosened (at least add a little when planting). Celosia also responds well to the introduction of a small amount before planting, regardless of.

Propagation of celosia

The easiest and best celosia is propagated by seeds, since when propagated by cuttings, decorativeness is often lost, for which, in fact, it is grown.

You can sow celosia in late March or early April. Sowing is not dense - we try to maintain a distance of about 3 cm between the seeds. Given that they are small (about 1 pc contains about 800 pcs), you don’t need to close them during sowing, just sprinkle them on the surface of moist soil, and then cover with a film. The first seedlings usually appear a week after sowing. The film can be removed in 6-8 days.

As soon as the young plantlets of celosia grow a little, they are necessary in small (with a diameter of about 8 cm) pots. It will be even better if you immediately sow celosia seeds in separate pots, so that later, when planting seedlings in open ground, not to damage the root system of the plant.

Growing celosia seedlings will give excellent results only if the seedlings are properly taken care of. One of the prerequisites is the protection of immature plants from direct sunlight: I cover them with an ordinary newspaper for a while.

Celose Care

Seedlings of celosia cannot tolerate drying out of the soil, therefore it is necessary to water it often enough, and only in the morning. But be careful - excessive soil moisture will not have a beneficial effect on seedlings whose roots rot very easily.

After landing in the ground, celosia also needs intensive care - top dressing and watering:

  • top dressing - once every 3 weeks with a solution of complex fertilizers (15 g of fertilizer in 5 l of water);
  • watering - plentiful in the absence of rain and on hot days; with a lack of moisture, celosia does not form new peduncles.

Disease of celosia

Young immature celosia plants are susceptible to disease. To prevent its occurrence, water them very carefully - only early in the morning (up to 9 hours), exclusively on sunny days. In cloudy weather, you do not need to water the plants. If the defeat of the black leg has already occurred, immediately loosen the ground, then sprinkle it with a thin layer of wood and minimize watering.

Types and varieties of celosia

Most often, gardeners prefer to cultivate only two species - c. comb and c. feathery.

In general, in the form of inflorescences, celosia is divided into three main groups:

  • comb;
  • spikelet;
  • cirrus.

Silver Celosia

Silver combed Celosia (Celosia argentea f. Cristata) is a beautiful perennial plant reaching a height of up to 65 cm. Mostly grown as an annual.

Small bright florets of celosius comb are gracefully collected in massive inflorescences with a number of convolutions along the upper edge. Due to the fact that the shape of the inflorescence is similar to the crest of a rooster, the plant is called a cockscomb.

The flowers of celosia with a comb are surprising not so much in an unusual shape as in an incredibly varied color: they can be yellow, scarlet, purple-red, orange, and bright pink. None of the plants can boast such an unusual bright outfit, so a flower bed with combed celosity always attracts the admiring glances of passers-by.

Florists appreciate comb celosia for both an exotic bright appearance and long flowering, which lasts from early July until October. And even after its completion, it does not lose its decorative effect: the leaves shine (depending on the variety) with bright green, red, burgundy, purple, bronze and even golden color.

Celosia grade "Impress"

In the middle lane, celosia of the Impressa variety is most often grown.

Celosia grade "Impress". Photo from

The flowers of the variety are distinguished by bright burgundy inflorescences and dark purple leaves.

Celosia grade "Imperialis"

Short, reaching only 25 cm in height.

Celosia grade "Imperialis". Photo from

  The plants of this variety have bright purple leaves, which seem to be divided into parts by thin red veins, and beautiful burgundy shoots with purple inflorescences.

Celosia grade "Atropurpurea"

Another popular cultivar of celosia comb is Atropurpurea.

Celosia grade "Atropurpurea"

The plants are distinguished by very large purple-red inflorescences, a delicate pink stem and unusually beautiful light green leaves with dark pink veins.

Cirrus silvery feathery (Celosia argentea f. Plumosa) is the second popular species. Annual Lush flowering lasts several months - until the first frost. Various varieties of cirrus celosia form a small bush with many bright paniculate inflorescences, the length of which, as a rule, is one third of the total height of the plant.

Among the many varieties of celosius cirrus are:

  • tall - reaching up to 1 m in height;
  • srednerosly - the height of which ranges from 0.5 m;
  • dwarf - their height does not exceed 30 cm.
Cirrus cirrus cultivar "Feuerfeder"

Inflorescences are bright red; leaves are light green, with pink veins.

The least popular among gardeners for some reason is spike-like celosia, whose inflorescences resemble wheat (hence, by the way, the name of this plant comes from). And I like spiky celosia.

Bright slender inflorescences can reach a height of 1.3 m and be different in color: from pale yellow to bright red.

Amazingly spectacular, right?

I have no doubt that you have not once seen celosia in flower beds and flower beds!

Or maybe she has long and firmly settled in your garden, taking her place of honor? Tell us about your impression of celosia, share the secrets of its cultivation!