What is the best way to put a bed in a bedroom. Harmony in the home: how should the bed stand in the bedroom? Feng Shui decoration

How best to put the bed in the bedroom, many owners of such premises are thinking. Its favorable location affects a good rest, which will be without nightmares.
The article suggests that you find out where it is best to put the bed in the bedroom.

The well-being of a person depends on where to put it. According to feng shui, a person's head should be located in a direction favorable to his health.
In the marital bedroom, it is necessary to navigate the best place for the spouse.
The location of the head of the bed depends on:

  • The head position to the north is considered ideal. Then the magnetic lines of the Earth will run along the human body.
    In this case, he receives material stability, peace of mind, good health, and in case of illness - a quick recovery.

At the same time, sleep is calm and sound, and peace and tranquility reign in the soul. Married couples begin to understand each other better, become more attached to each other, but this situation is too calm for a teenager and an active person in life.

  • The natural movement of heavenly bodies corresponds to the position of a person's head to the east, which has long been associated with the spiritual principle, with the concentration of the mind, mental forces and freedom of spirit. In hot summer weather, it gives a cool feeling.

Strong ambition and ambition endows the East, gives the desire to accelerate the course of events. His energy can help start a new business, wake up in the morning in high spirits.
  • The location of the head to the west can bring love, increase creative inclinations, which is especially important for poets and artists. The direction to the West makes passion more intense, which strengthens family relationships, fills life with satisfaction.
  • For singles looking to become famous and more successful, the head should be directed to the south. In this case, all affairs on a wide front receive positive energy for rapid progress.
  • The northeast is saturated with heavy energy. This is necessary for those who want to achieve their goals in life, make the right decision.
    The northeast gives vigor, but does not allow a person to relax and improve the quality of their sleep.
  • Long and healthy sleep can help the northwest direction of the headboard, which is more necessary for mature and elderly people. In this case, young and carefree such a direction can contribute to the acquisition of leadership qualities and correctly dispose of their responsibility.
  • To get rid of instinctive complexes, increase creativity, the direction of the headboard during sleep to the southeast helps, which is very necessary for those starting a new business, for the flow of fresh energy to them.
  • Sleepers with a head facing southwest can find harmony and contentment in life. This situation can improve family relationships and work.

How it is arranged, how to put the bed correctly is shown in the video in this article. If the sleeping bed is in accordance with the requirements of Feng Shui, it unites the successful Qi flows, increases and balances their movement, has a positive effect on maintaining health, and makes people more successful.

How to arrange the bed well

The instructions for installing the sleeping bed offer the following ways to place it:

  • Near the wall. This is the most successful location, the person has a feeling of security, and the bed is fully supplied with the necessary energy.
  • Headboard by the window. In this case, the person feels discomfort.
  • Central location. This is not the best placement of the bed indoors. There is not a single wall nearby for protection, which could be alarming.
  • Across from the door. In this case, if there is no other option, a screen or partition must be installed to separate the bed from the door.

The device depends on the size and shape of the room, and the preferences of its owner are also taken into account.
But still, some general principles exist, and it is not recommended to violate them:

  • Niche. Placing in an alcove or alcove is the most appropriate option for arranging a bed in a bedroom. A closed space gives comfort and safety, an example is shown in the photo.
  • The device of the bed between the window and the door has a negative effect on a person:
  1. indoors, this place is most susceptible to drafts, which is dangerous for maintaining health;
  2. getting into a room, a stranger will immediately see the bed - the most intimate place in the house.
  • Window. You need to provide a free approach to the window. If there is no other option, you should close the window with blackout curtains, which will make your sleep more restful.
  • It is necessary to ensure that no heavy objects are hung over the bed: chandeliers, paintings in heavy frames, shelves with books. He will not be able to give a 100% guarantee, even a very reliable fixation with his own hands to the wall, from an unintended fall, which can lead to injury in a dream.

How to fit a bed in a narrow bedroom

A narrow bedroom in an apartment is quite common, especially in Khrushchev houses. How to put a bed in a narrow bedroom?
Where to place the rest of the furniture so that there is no feeling of clutter in the room? Such problems appear when solving these issues.
When creating the interior of a narrow bedroom, you should give preference to compact furniture:

  • , not a great depth of wardrobes will fit perfectly in the room.
  • The room will seem more spacious, when you install the bed near a smaller wall, you can put it along or across the room.
  • If possible, it is better to replace the bed with a folding sofa.
  • Bedside tables can be replaced with tall, narrow chests of drawers, more functional and practical.
  • No need to clutter up the room with decorative elements and accessories, even the furniture should not have any excesses.
  • In the design of a narrow bedroom, it is better to adhere to the principles of minimalism, where methods of visually expanding the space are used.
  • For a narrow room, the main decorative element is usually a large mirror. You can install it on one long wall. It will not only decorate the room, but also visually make it more spacious.
  • Zoning space is not a bad technique for decorating a narrow bedroom. It can be zoned in two or three zones using through partitions that look like shelves, shelves or screens.
    Visual zoning can be done with different finishes in different areas. Zoning is necessary to "expand" the room, it makes it more comfortable and cozy.
  • Proper lighting and light wall decoration can make a room more spacious and comfortable.

Tip: If the apartment has a narrow bedroom, how to put the bed, you can get acquainted with the catalogs of designers and choose the option that is most suitable for this room.

How to choose indoor flowers for the bedroom

In today's life, low humidity in their homes and negative energy in the air in rooms furnished with objects made of ultra-modern artificial materials have become constant companions of people.

Plants become the first assistants in solving these issues.
In addition to this main task, flowers in the house bring other benefits:
  • They make the room look beautiful.
  • Purify the air from hazardous elements, releasing phytoncides.
  • Treatments such as aloe.

The question of which flower to put in the bedroom is answered well by the teachings of Feng Shui. His supporters strongly recommend getting rid of plants that absorb positive energy, they oppose many flowers in the bedroom.
For example, those with sharp leaves or needles.
In their opinion:

  • Do not keep cacti in residential visits. Their thorns make the inhabitants of the sleeping area prickly and unapproachable, which does not contribute to a warm relationship with a loved one.

Tip: For lovers of cacti, it is better to put them in the office or near the computer.

  • To diversify the interior in the bedroom with indoor flowers, there should be no more than three pots located farther from the bed.
  • Best of all, these are plants that enhance the feeling of love and understanding.
  • According to Feng Shui, an auspicious houseplant for a bedroom should be red. For example, feces. He helps to avoid conflict situations between spouses.
  • You can place a small ficus in the bedroom. It is best suited for couples looking for a baby. In Feng Shui, when caring for a small ficus, the energy of the house is adjusted for the appearance of a child.

It is up to the owner himself to decide which flowers should be used in the bedroom, based on his preferences and well-being.
Good health and sound sleep are closely related. One person sleeps a lot, another has very little time, but the bed for everyone is the master of the bedroom.
You need to choose it convenient and comfortable, even if the price of the product is high enough, but in this case you cannot save. The best way to properly orient the bed setting in the room is to experiment until pleasant sensations and joyful life events come.

The bed is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom, but how is the bed properly positioned in the room? Not everyone knows how important its optimal location is.

The main requirement for a sleeping place is convenience. People spend a lot of time in bed. This piece of furniture is primarily intended for sleeping. In addition, you can simply relax on the bed, watch or read a book. Sleep is an important part of any person's life.

If a person slept well, then during the day he will have strength for work and other matters. When a person has trouble sleeping, he feels lethargic and lacks energy. Sometimes, a person cannot understand why he sleeps badly. And the reason may be that the sleeping place is not located correctly.

Let's figure out how the bed should stand in the bedroom - with respect to windows, doors, cardinal points and according to the teachings of Feng Shui, and see examples in the photo.

How should a bed stand in Feng Shui, photo

Basic rule

Where and how it is better to put the bed in the bedroom is a rather difficult question.

Remember the main thing: the bed must not be placed with the footboard towards the entrance to the bedroom. Everyone knows that dead people are carried forward with their feet. Therefore, this bed placement is a bad option.

Feng Shui is a popular teaching that originated in ancient China - it says that in no case should you arrange a sleeping place in such a way that people will lie on it with their feet towards the door.

There is a belief that negative energy passes through the doors into the room at night.

If you cannot move the sleeping place, then at least close the doors and as tightly as possible before going to bed.

You can protect yourself from bad energy if you install a pedestal with a living plant of great height next to the bed. A screen separating the space is also suitable.

The main thing is that the height of these items exceeds the height of the bed; it is believed that then all the negative energy will be on them, and people sleeping on the bed will be protected.

Getting a bed right in a small bedroom is not easy. There are rules that you can ignore, but one of them must be strictly observed: there should not be sharp corners next to the bed, it is unacceptable that they be turned towards the bed. Negative energy emanates from sharp corners. This is very harmful for a sleeping person.

The connection between ceiling, bed and sleep

When equipping a bedroom, in particular, placing a bed, people rarely attach much importance to the ceiling, and this is really important. If large objects hang over the bed, for example, a chandelier, in a dream a person will feel subconscious anxiety. For this reason, massive lighting fixtures with a large number of shades and pendants must be abandoned.

In the bedroom - in the area where the bed is - you should not equip the ceiling with exposed beams. Ideal if the ceiling is smooth, painted white. You can make a false ceiling - this is a great opportunity to hide the beams.

Feng Shui states that there should be no mirrors in the bedroom above the bed location. Forget the mirrored ceiling. You should not allow a sleeping person to be reflected in the mirror, if only because if he suddenly wakes up and sees his reflection, he may be scared asleep.

How to position the bed relative to the door and cardinal points

The general scheme of an ideal apartment and its internal layout in accordance with the cardinal points is as follows:

In the bedroom, any sleeping place must be placed so that lying on the bed, a person can clearly see the entrance. If this cannot be done, then it is necessary to hang it in the mirror so that the door is reflected in it. Lying on the bed, a person will see a mirror image of the entrance.

The best option is to arrange the bed diagonally in relation to the entrance to the bedroom. The head of the bed should be facing east or north.

How to properly position the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, photo

If the bed is single, place it in the corner of the bedroom. On a bed set in a corner, a person will be calmer. In addition, there is an opinion that if the teenager's bed is arranged this way, he will devote much more time to study, and entertainment activities will recede into the background.

A bed intended for two must be placed so that it can be freely approached from one side or the other.

On both sides you need to put side tables for storing personal items. Place lamps on the bedside tables.

It is convenient to use lamps if the main light needs to be turned off. One spouse can sleep peacefully, while the other can read. The light from the lamp installed on the bedside table will not interfere with the person sleeping on the other side.

To achieve semi-darkness, create an intimate atmosphere, make the sleeping place more comfortable, use a canopy. It is easier to relax on a four-poster bed.

To create a canopy, you can use a dense material of a dark color or, conversely, a light one. Transparent fabric also looks beautiful. Choose the material for the canopy based on personal preference.

The bed should not be positioned in such a way that those sleeping on it lay their head towards the window. If you cannot change the position, then you need to purchase curtains made of thick fabric and draw the curtains up the window before going to bed.

You can pick up beautiful roller blinds: they are usually made of thick fabrics, so you don't have to worry that you will wake up with the first rays of the sun.

If the bed is double, then you need to use a mattress designed specifically for this bed model.

Important! You cannot use two small mattresses: this division into two parts is symbolic. It is believed that such a division of the bed can adversely affect the relationship of the spouses.

Sustainability is important

It is important to correctly position the bed, but it is equally important to choose the right bed correctly. Designs with water mattresses, round-shaped beds and models equipped with wheels are distinguished by their originality: they are convenient to move. Such beds were fashionable, but many note their instability. Thus, they are not very comfortable for sleeping.

Remember! Stability is an important factor when choosing a bed, so opt for reliable structures.

There are models of beds on sale that are located on the floor with their entire base. Feng Shui teachings say that this is bad. It is necessary that there is a space between the floor and the bed where energy flows will circulate.

Electrical outlets do not belong next to the bed: it is better to keep them as far away as possible. Chinese sages argue that electrical appliances emit energy radiation harmful to the human biofield. It's good if there are no outlets in the bedroom at all.

Important! Household items should not be placed under the bed: the floor under the bed should always be clean.


In the bedroom, you can make a floor of different levels and place a bed on the podium. You will get a great place to sleep, where you will be not only cozy, but also calm.

If the bedroom has a niche, this is the best option for placing a bed. If the niche has non-standard dimensions, then you can make a custom-made bed.

Read about combined wallpaper in the bedroom: design, photo selection of ideas for combining several types and colors of wallpaper, tips for choosing companion wallpaper.

You can find out about the prices for corner wardrobes in the bedroom with a photo.

If the house has two floors, and the bedroom is located on the first, then it should not be located directly under the bathroom. The energy in the bathrooms is bad, and it can be transferred to the bedroom. If you cannot change the layout, then place the bed as far as possible.

The bed must not be placed above the cooking area.

Feng Shui principles

Feng Shui teachings that the sleeping place should be placed according to the principle in which four animals appear. There are simple truths in this principle.

The headboard should be high. The sleeping place should be located as close to one of the walls as possible.

Pay attention to the photo below - the main points that require special attention are shown when finding the correct location for the bed in the room:

The location of the bed in the bedroom relative to the door, photo

If you want to strictly adhere to the rules, you need to place a dragon figurine on the left side of the bed, and a tiger on the right. In front you need to hang a picture on which a bird with red plumage is drawn, and on the side of the headboard - a drawing depicting a turtle.

People spend a lot of time on sleep. Sleep allows you to restore strength, the body needs good rest. Falling asleep, a person should distance themselves from anxiety and everyday problems.

How to put a bed in a small bedroom, photo

Therefore, the arrangement of the bedroom should be given great importance, the location of the bed should be chosen carefully, all the requirements should be followed, and then the sleep will be sound and healthy, the rest will be full, the state of health will improve, the mood will rise and the working capacity will increase.

Watch a video tutorial from a practicing expert on how to properly put the bed in the bedroom in Feng Shui:

Have your bedroom painted in calm, relaxing colors? But at the same time, you continue to toss and turn, cannot fall asleep, wake up feeling like a squeezed lemon, and not a vigorous cucumber? Have you ever thought about decorating your bedroom how to put the bed correctly? If sleep doesn't bring you proper rest, it may be because your bed is out of place.

The location of the bed in the bedroom can have a noticeable effect on your sleep and overall well-being, this effect is explained both from a rational point of view, when, for example, a draft or a feeling of insecurity, and from the point of view of feng shui, where free circulation of energy is important. streams. In this article, we will combine both approaches and provide tips to help you find the best bed position for you.

Incorrect location of the bed in the bedroom

So let's start with where the bed should not stand... So, if your bed is in this position, you should think about rearranging.

Foot to the door

Do not put the bed with the foot to the door. Many believe that this is a bad omen, because this is how the dead are taken out of the room. Feng Shui also categorically prohibits this position of the bed, because at night negative energy can penetrate through the door to the bedroom. In other words, if it is impossible to rearrange the bed, you can reduce the negative impact if the door is always closed during sleep.

Headboard to the window

In a dream, a person is absolutely relaxed, defenseless and vulnerable, therefore it is at this time that he more than ever needs support, the window cannot provide a complete sense of security, you cannot rely on it. It is better if the head of the bed is in contact with the wall.

Bed by the window

If you turned the bed with the headboard against the wall, but at the same time put it close to the window, you also did not quite right. And it's not only about feng shui, everything is much simpler and more pragmatic here - cold air comes from the window, which makes it easy to catch a cold, or even get a more serious illness. Don't experiment with your health!

Items above the bed

Heavy chandeliers, cabinets above the bed can cause imperceptible anxiety, seem (albeit subconsciously) a threat, not allowing you to truly relax, which can lead to insomnia.

Bed in the aisle to the window

Door-window passage. This is not the best position for a bed due to the fact that it is between the door and the window that various energies are actively moving, which will not allow you to sleep peacefully.


There should be no mirrors above or opposite the bed. Feng Shui claims that the mirror reflects energy and directs it back, and during sleep, a person must free himself of unnecessary information, negative emotions, heavy thoughts, problems. Remember the famous saying "The morning is wiser than the evening"? If there is a mirror near your bed, then this proverb is not about you, since the mirror will reflect all the bad energy accumulated during the day and send it back to you, and you will wake up tired, sick and depressed.

TV in the bedroom

It is advisable not to place the bed closer than 3-5 meters from the TV, because its harmful radiation adversely affects sleep and the general state of the sleeper.

Uncomfortable mattress

Even if your bedroom is perfect and the bed is positioned correctly, an uncomfortable mattress can ruin your sleep. The ideal mattress is neither soft nor hard, with independent springs, or without springs. You can buy one.

Once upon a time, a cat was first admitted to a new apartment, and where she lay down, there was a bed. We trust cats less now, so here are some guidelines to help you find the right bed position without their help.

Optimal bed layout

You should position the bed so that lying or sitting on it, you see people entering the bedroom. The optimal location is diagonally to the door. This bed position will give you a sense of security and tranquility.

Which side of the world should the head of the bed be directed to

According to Feng Shui, the head of the bed should be directed to the north or east.

Features of the arrangement of double beds

If the bed is intended for two people, ensure free access from both sides. The bed should be wide enough. Beds with a width of 140 cm or more are considered doubles. But the really comfortable width is 160 cm and up.

How to put a baby or single bed

If one person sleeps on the bed, it is better if it stands sideways to the wall or in the corner between the window and the door.

Compliance with these rules when arranging furniture in the bedroom will make your rest more fulfilling, will allow you to recharge with energy for the next day and, of course, will have a beneficial effect on your health.

If you notice that your bed is not standing as recommended, do not be lazy to make a small reshuffle. The effect will not keep you waiting!

The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. And your general well-being depends on how true it will be comfortable. But not only its qualities, the choice of a mattress, etc., are important, but also its correct location in the room. If you think it is easy to fit your bed correctly in your bedroom, you are wrong. There are too many nuances from the point of view of ergonomics and from the point of view of energy, which is studied by Feng Shui. You will have to smash your head in order to choose its optimal position, but the rest will be complete.

How to arrange a bed in a small bedroom

You can read about the redevelopment of the Khrushchev buildings in this article. The design of the kitchen is discussed here, and you can also read about the design of the hallway.

Feng Shui bedroom: rules

To feel good, work capacity - at least normal, you need to get enough sleep. You can't argue with that. The atmosphere should be calm and relaxing, and for this, when decorating a bedroom, they mainly choose light, pastel colors.

But it's not just the color that creates the atmosphere. The furnishings, including furniture and other items, are equally important. Oriental philosophy pays great attention to the correct arrangement of objects and decor, and in particular, one of its directions is feng shui. There are quite a few rules, here are the main ones that apply specifically to the bedroom:

  • It is advisable to place the headboard close to a solid wall without windows or a doorway. If you can't put it against a solid wall, then at least not under the window.
  • Do not put your feet against the door.
  • Should not stand on the straight line connecting the window and doors.
  • If there are ventilation shafts or sewer pipes behind the wall, the bed is definitely not placed against such a wall. This applies to bedrooms with their own bathrooms. Position the bed so that it is as far from such a wall as possible.

How to put a bed in the bedroom

Orientation to the cardinal points

According to the Chinese sages, the direction of our home in general, and places to sleep in particular, influences our life: in a dream we spend much more time at home than while awake. Therefore, choose where to put the bed as a headboard:

  • to the south - provides a stable reputation;
  • to the southeast - enhances persistence, contributes to the achievement of goals;
  • to the east - sleeping peacefully;
  • to the north-east - activates thought processes;
  • to the north - promotes the development of intuition;
  • northwest - attracts friends;
  • to the west - strengthens health and promotes the appearance of offspring;
  • to the southwest - attracts love.

Based on all this, you choose to sleep with your head to the north and develop your intuition or to the southwest to find love ... well, or somewhere else.

When choosing the location of the bed, consider its position relative to the cardinal points.

Read here how to choose wallpaper for the bedroom.

How to safely and comfortably put a bed in the bedroom

Safe - this time from the point of view of health and possible dangers, and convenient - from the point of view of ergonomics: so that it is comfortable to sleep and maintain the bed - to make up, change linen.

From this point of view, sleeping on the straight line connecting the door and the window is not worth it. The reason is drafts, which can be dangerous and will definitely not add comfort.

Do not put tall cabinets on the sides of the bed. This creates an uncomfortable feeling, and there is a chance that something will fall. Feng Shui also, by the way, does not recommend such an arrangement of furniture, but for a different reason: the corners of the furniture are directed towards the sleeping people, disrupting their energy.

Only small height furniture can stand on the sides

A little about how to put the bed in terms of ergonomics. It is desirable that on both sides there is a passage of at least 70 cm.If there is a dressing table, chest of drawers or other furniture on one side, then the distance increases - at least 0.95 cm, and preferably a meter or more. Then you can squat near the furniture to open the lower drawers, for example, and it will not interfere when making the bed.

Sleep is a state in which a person spends a third of his life, which is why creating a comfortable sleeping area is very important for the body. The bedroom plays an important role in the life of every person; it is a zone for the restoration of energy reserves and physical strength.

The location of the bed in the room has a significant impact on the sleep and physical health of the owner. A person may be prevented from falling asleep by discomfort or a feeling of danger, and from the point of view of feng shui, it is the wrong rotation of energy flows. Therefore, if sleep or rest does not bring the desired effect, then you do not need to immediately take medications and fight insomnia, maybe the whole point is that the bed is not in the right place.

Where can a bed stand in a room?

In addition to making the bed and all the adjacent attributes in the form of bed linen, pillows, mattresses and blankets comfortable to use, choosing the correct location for the bed is also important. There are many variations in the location of the bed in the room; the bed can be placed by the window, against the wall, in the center of the room or in the corner. A sleeping place is the most important piece of furniture and the rest of the elements are selected taking into account the stylistic design and location of the bed.

But each zone in the space of the room has a different effect on the quality of sleep, and the location of the bed depends on the geometry and dimensions of the room.

In small rooms, the principles of bed arrangement are not very different from the furnishing of large rooms, but there are still slight differences. Rooms with a perpendicular arrangement of windows and doors imply the installation of a bed with a headboard against one of the solid walls. If the window and doorway are located opposite each other, then it is better to place the bed across the window-door line, but at the same time the distance from the foot of the bed to the opposite wall should be at least 50 cm.

If the bed is designed for two people, then access to it should be from both sides, while single models can be installed close to the wall, they are the best solution for small spaces. If you still need to install a double bed, then transformers come to the rescue. In any case, regardless of the type of construction, it is better to install the bed with the headboard against the wall. There are several ways to replace a classic bed with a more functional piece of furniture. You can purchase:

  • Folding berth.The bed is built into the chest of drawers and, when assembled, is a rack with shelves.
  • Loft bed. The bed model is located on a suspended structure; a workstation or storage system can be located below.
  • Sofa bed.The unfolded structure is a full-fledged bed.

In narrow rooms, the question arises with free space around the bed. The solution to this problem can be:

  • Laying the bed across the room with its back to a long wall.
  • Placing the bed along one of the walls, suitable for single models. With a similar arrangement of double beds, inconveniences arise, as well as discomfort due to the free space behind the headboard.
  • The best option is to place the bed in the corner of the room, in this case the headboard is against the wall and creates a sense of security.

Near the window. Putting the bed under the window is undesirable for several reasons. Firstly, free access must be provided to the window opening, and secondly, if the window is not well sealed, then constant drafts in the cold season can lead to undesirable health consequences. The bed should be located at a distance of 1.5 m from the window.

What is the best feng shui arrangement?

Harmony and comfort are considered the most important components of an ideal interior design. However, in the pursuit of functionality or luxury, many owners break the link between the two and settle for unhealthy sleep and discomfort. While restoring the energy balance and maintaining comfort in the house can only be the arrangement of furniture according to feng shui.

Feng Shui teachings contain information in their treatises on how to arrange furniture in space without prejudice to the movement of Chi energy, which is necessary for a person. No matter how skeptical people may be about these teachings, considering the theory of feng shui from the point of view of utilitarianism, it becomes clear that this teaching has a clear scientific basis: the competent arrangement of objects in the room really creates a biofield more favorable for the human body.

This ancient Chinese philosophy is based on 6 basic principles:

  • Conformity. Feng Shui is not a fan of oversized furniture, especially in small houses. The dimensions of the decor items should be in harmony with the size and geometry of the room, otherwise the situation will "hang" over the person and emotionally press on him. At the same time, small soft headsets, fragile racks should not "get lost" in the space of large rooms.
  • Orderliness.Corner furniture with a sharp geometric shape impedes the movement of energy; it is advisable to purchase all items of a soft set on high legs so that Qi particles can freely move in space. Piles of decor, closely spaced pieces of furniture also hinder Qi, and it is better to place furniture along the walls.
  • Orientation. The room should have a clearly defined energy center, which is one or another object. In the dining room it can be a table, in the bedroom - a bed, in the living room - a soft set, depending on the purpose. The remaining interior items are arranged in a circle or octagon, this creates an energy sphere in which all positive particles are concentrated. It is also recommended to position the bed with the cardinal points in mind for a good sleep.

  • Protection.The best solution for a feng shui bedroom would be beds with a rigid wood base. During sleep, the body is engaged in restoring energy and for this it needs solid support, which will be reliable protection and support for the body.
  • Harmony.The bed, according to the eastern canons, is undesirable to put the footboard to the doorway. The best solution would be to place the bed across - between the window and the door. The berth should have a view of the door, but the bed should not stand in front of it. This creates a sense of security and does not allow the Chi energy to escape. Placing heavy dressers, wardrobes and hanging shelves is not recommended in the bed area. Hanging a chandelier over the bed is also not worth it. When placing a double bed, it is important to consider the possibility of free access to it from both sides. It is not advisable to place the double bed too close or close to the wall.
  • Lighting. The room should be filled with light, which is evenly distributed over all interior items - this attracts and concentrates Qi energy, which creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house.

When arranging furniture according to feng shui, there are no particularly difficult moments, so organizing the space according to the canons of this oriental philosophy will not be difficult even for those who do not understand the intricacies of design.

Feng Shui is a philosophy that originated in ancient China. Special energy flows, the creation of which is aimed at the teachings of feng shui, help to create balance in the house, and bring happiness and success to its owners.

A feng shui bedroom should be in the love and family sector,that is, somewhere between the east side of the world or southwest. Cleanliness, comfort and order should reign in the room, broken things are unacceptable in the interior, and the decor is made in the appropriate colors. For a small bedroom, you should choose light colors; for large rooms, more saturated shades are suitable, but in any case, the color scheme should be harmonious. Since it is in the bedroom that the bed is the energy center, it should prevail over other interior items.

If the bed belongs to a married couple, then it must necessarily have a one-piece structure with one mattress, but not a double one with the possibility of separation.

There are a large number of mattresses that differ in the degree of hardness, the type of filler, and also in size. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to select a mattress taking into account individual needs for comfort, the sleeping place should support deep sleep and give complete relaxation. The better the sleep, the more energy the body stores.According to feng shui, it is not recommended to buy used beds and mattresses from other owners, they accumulate foreign energy, which has a negative effect on the body.

To balance the flow of energy, you need to choose beds with high legs. Beds with additional storage niches under the berth are not placed in the bedroom, according to philosophy.

According to Feng Shui, energy during sleep should circulate freely around the bed and its owner, but this becomes impossible if the space under the bed is occupied.

According to Feng Shui, it is through doorways during sleep that all Yin energy, that is, positive, flows out of the body. That is why it is recommended to install the bed as far as possible from doors and windows, especially in line with the doorway or headboard of the structure to the window. This applies to both the doors to the bathroom and the doors from the cabinet. But it is important that the bed is located at a slight angle relative to the door. But in a room with a balcony, it is generally not recommended to organize a sleeping area.


How not to bet?

  • It is undesirable to put the bed with the foot to the door, firstly, this is considered a negative omen, and secondly, according to feng shui, all positive energy leaves through an open doorway. If it is not possible to arrange the bed differently, then you can reduce the negative impact by closing the door to the bedroom while you sleep.
  • It is not recommended to place the bed with the back to the window opening.This increases the level of danger. The sleeping person is at greater risk during sleep, both physically and spiritually, so it is better to place the bed with the headboard against the wall to create additional support.
  • In general, placing a bed close to a window is harmful. It is not only the Yin energy that matters, but also the fact that the draft emanating from the window can cause serious diseases.
  • It is not recommended to place the bed under a sloping roof or under a roof window.There is a feeling of oppression due to the massif hanging over the bed, the same applies to the placement of the bed under the stairs.

  • Located above the bed hanging shelves and massive chandeliers create a sense of anxiety and are perceived as a potential threat. These elements can cause insomnia.
  • Not the best position of the bed - between the window opening and the doorAccording to feng shui, these elements emit energy that interferes with restful sleep.
  • It is not recommended to put the bed in front of a mirror.This piece of furniture stores and reflects all types of energy. For a healthy and sound sleep, a person needs to get rid of unnecessary information, disturbing thoughts and experiences. While the mirror stores charges of both positive and negative energy throughout the day and sends it back to the person during sleep. Eventually, the owner of the mirror bedroom wakes up tired and depressed.
  • The location of the bed against the walls with built-in pipes and air vents is undesirable. Therefore, if there is a bedroom adjacent to the kitchen or bathroom, it is recommended to install the bed against the opposite wall, the same applies to the installation of the bed near the heating battery.
  • A TV installed in the bedroom has a negative impact on the general condition and sleep, therefore it is not recommended to install a sleeping place in a room with a TV. It is also harmful to place a bed near sockets, they also emit harmful energy flows.

You can see more details on how to arrange a bed in a bedroom according to Feng Shui in the next video.

How to separate the bed in a one-room apartment?

The arrangement and furnishing of small apartments and studios is always an order of magnitude higher in complexity than for spacious rooms, since it is necessary to place the same number of pieces of furniture in a small space, but at the same time preserve the functionality and free space for movement. Three principles can help in this:

  • zoning;
  • color scheme;
  • use of multifunctional furniture.

Sleeping accommodations with built-in drawers, hanging shelves, modular furniture and light-color design contribute to the visual expansion of the space, coupled with the preservation of functionality. But the most effective method for placing a kitchen, dining room, bedroom and living room in a one-room apartment without losing valuable square centimeters is precisely zoning.

You can visually separate the sleeping area from the rest of the space without any construction work to install walls or partitions. You can allocate space using curtains or screens, tall shelves or dressers are also suitable.

It is possible to divide the bedroom space not only with the help of curtains, but also with the help of contrasting walls and flooring, playing not only with colors, but also with textures.

More complex zoning methods include installing partitions or a podium on the floor. But the good news is that a podium or partition can be converted into a storage system.

How do I fit two beds in one room?

Placing two sleeping places in a room at once is a laborious process, the point is not only in taking into account the dimensions of the space, but also in the fact that creating harmony in such an interior is a little more difficult. But experienced designers have developed several basic ways to arrange two beds in a bedroom:

  • The first way is to create a symmetrical environment like a mirror image. This concept is suitable for spacious rooms, it consists in an absolutely identical arrangement of cabinets, beds and storage systems. This method is suitable for hotel rooms or hostels.

  • The second way is to arrange the beds at an angle. It is suitable for small rooms.

  • Another option for an angular arrangement is placing the beds with their headboards facing each other in the shape of the letter "L". This leaves additional storage space.