What dreams of a terrible man. What dreams handsome guy

As the dream explains, a man in a dream foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance, a successful course of affairs, well-being, romantic relationships, happiness. What else does he dream? Sometimes this image is prompting frustration, gossip, unrequited love.

Interpretation of the Dream of Annigma and others

Have you seen an interesting man in the night horro? Dream Dream Enigma explains: this is the foresight of harmonious relationship with a partner, good health, active vitality.

A young man in a dream of a dream of a pleasant acquaintance. But if the dream is afraid - he will be not so good as she represented.

What dreams of a handsome man? According to Miller, you will get a big amount of money, it will give confidence in the future.

There were several in your surroundings in a dream? Interpretation of the vision The following: You have a reliable partner who protects and supports any endeavors.

What kind of man saw?

Remember what kind of man seeing to see:

  • affectionate - recognition, success will spoil you;
  • the patient - in your life we \u200b\u200bneed changes;
  • blonde - a good job;
  • bruneta - Be careful not to trust everyone;
  • unknown - ahead surprise;
  • a friend - you guess about certain events or matters;

He was unpleasant? Dream Interpretation Warns: Let's get in front, you will have to seek help from people who causing antipathy.

Cute? All undertakings will be successful and will benefit - in the material sphere or in terms of useful dating terms.

Did the Giant dreamed?

Did you dreamed of a man high like a giant and with big feet? Successes at work, in business sphere. The results of your efforts will appreciate the manual.

What is the dream of a centaur? You have an inner force, know how to control your emotions, think about words and actions. Enter and further - there will be less problems.

With beard, mustache

A man with a mustache in a dream foreshadows a meeting, sitting with girlfriends. Bearded promises success at work, timely help.

If the pretty handsome played the guitar and sang for you - a fan will appear, which will delight romantic actions.

Do not rush with your head in the pool of passion only because the guy has a beautifully furnished. Learn it closer - maybe it's just a fleeting love, and you have little in common, and the views on important questions will drastically differ.


Familiar attacked you and broke? Dream Interpretation reports: Successfully solve difficulties at work. There will be obstacles to the implementation of a new project, and you will overcome them.

A fight with an unfamiliar man foreshadows a meeting with a person who does not cause positive emotions. In addition, trouble will begin.

Vision value with a bear

What dreams, as if an impressive man came to visit? Dream interpretation suggests: such a plot promises fame. But if he was silent, he was sullen - ahead of great disappointment.

The guy brought a bear as a gift? The dream value is the following: long-term perspectives will be positive - friendly or romantic relationships with it that will bring joy.

If a pumpkin appeared next to him in a dream - this is the foresight of the early pregnancy of the dreams, perhaps even from this man.

Often you see a man in a dream?

In Night Gresses, someone who you know often appear? It is worth paying attention to him, as the dream book tells. You have several points of contact - the relationship will be involved.

Dreamed that he often sent you an SMS message? You are too dependent on someone else's opinion. In addition, curiosity will be pushing at rampant deeds.

What dreams of how a stranger called accidentally, did you come up and met? Soon there will be a pleasant romantic surprise.

What do the plots of water mean?

He fishes on the river bank, and the water was transparent? Dream Interpretation promises: the sleeping will happen to accompany the luck. All of her actions are crowned with success.

A man was swimming in the blue water of the pool? The plot suggests: Test a strong love feeling, because of which forget about all the affairs and their responsibilities.

Has he trigged down the grass on the lawn and wet under the shower? Get a good profit from some business. It also symbolizes exemption from some pain or internal cleansing.

Saw strange plots?

Saw in a dream the feature in the appearance of an attractive young man? So, a respectable man will dishonestly go with you.

The sorcerer in the night dream, according to the dream, warns: Your ambitious plans will not come true. In addition, they will lead to big problems for you.

A man turned into a toad? The girl's reputation will suffer from gossip and leaders. The consequence of this can be parting with his beloved.

In a dream, you happened to guess the young man on the maps? You will suffer from unrequited love.

He slept and snoring in a dream?

Have you seen in a dream, as a man slept and snore? Dream Interpretation promises happiness, joy, well-being in the family, harmonious relations with his spouse.

If he fell asleep and involuntarily twitched - hence, they will fall into a situation where you are inconvenient for the uncompatory and the ominous behavior of your boyfriend. Try to explain why you can not behave like that.

In the night dream, the beloved woke up, got up and pulled you? Interpretation of the vision The following: Favorite person will help you develop and improve.

What is your own actions?

The vision value depends on what actions made:

  • argued - success in a new project;
  • hit - get acquainted with a decent man;
  • drew him - too idealize their merits;
  • photographed - pay attention to a good friend;
  • milo talked - personal problems are successfully allowed;
  • challenged - want to get rid of the burden;
  • we gave something - do not impose a guy.

Did you rejected a man in a dream? Dream Interpretation explains: you will be upset by an unpleasant situation on which you cannot influence.

Quite often to us in a dream, people come about whom we thought. It happens that strangers are broken in dreams. But the special category is occupied by night hirings, in which a man appears a nice girl.

You can't understand what dreams the guy who likes? The main assumption - you just dream about it. However, the dream is not always, in which a man's pleasant to you appears, means only the processing of fantasies and experiences consciousness.

In some cases, such dreams are able to open the veil of the future or prevent possible danger. This is also spoken by the compilers of various dreams. So why dream of a person who is not sensible to you?

A man, a guy, a boy in maiden dreams is a very common phenomenon that occurs for various reasons and factors. To decipher this dream correctly, you should pay attention to many trifles.

In addition, various representatives of strong gender come in dreams:

If a person dreams, in most cases it means that all your thoughts are engaged in thoughts and reflections about men.

The more often you dream about the guys, the frank and the rigging of the dream, in which representatives of the strong half of humanity come.

Very often, human behavior in a dream is interpreted by dreambooks completely in the opposite sense. For example, if a boy smiles to you in a dream, wait from him unworthy actions in real life.

That is why it is necessary to refer to competent interpretors of dreams to properly decipher the secret messages and signs.

Miller's dream book about the guy in a dream

What dreams a young man, according to this interpreter of dreams?

Usually, similar dreams reflect thoughts, feelings and desires that this man or boy calls you. You should pay attention to the emotions that you experience in a dream.

Informative are both moments as the behavior of a guy, his words, as well as the surrounding situation. For example:

  1. If you dreamed of a guy who wants to make a positive impression on you, it means that you should think about how to trust him. Most likely, he can deceive your expectations and dreams.
  2. Another point concerns his behavior. If a man behaves defiantly, soon you will have the opportunity to establish a good relationship.
  3. What else does this dream book say? The guy who likes, foreshadows in a dream of successes in commercial endeavors. That is, in some situations, it would seem that romantic dreams are not particularly related to love and emotions.

Why dream guy, according to this interpreter dreams? Dream Interpretation proposes to pay attention to many additional details and some features of behavior that demonstrates a man (boy) in a dream:

  • if the guy looks slightly, behaves rudely, drunk, it means that you are not sure of your own capabilities;
  • if your chosen one in a dream is very beautiful, it speaks of your low self-esteem and the inclination to idealize the object of love;
  • if a man is overly pleasing towards you, tries to show his location and joy, there is probability to be disappointed in this person;
  • sleep, in which you read the guy, means a fast break with the beloved;
  • if the guy in a dream is indifferent to you, in fact it nourishes warm feelings and eager to translate your relationship to a more serious level.

What does Tsvetkov's dream book say?

To figure out what a person dreams is, this interpreter of dreams suggests to remember additional points.

If the boy kissed you in a dream, in the near future expect various troubles and troubles. However, they will rapidly end and will not give much harm. Probably, you will be disappointed in some close person.

Another option is small health difficulties, but you will fully overcome them. Meanwhile, the dream book does not advise to attach great importance to such a dream, if before falling asleep you thought about your guy for a long time.

25 interpretations from other dreams

What does it mean if you dream a guy who likes? To see a man in a dream - always an exciting event, especially if you love him or he, at least you are not sensible. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the list of dreams, in which the beloved man or boy appears:

  1. When the guy strokes you in hand - he is waiting for active actions from your side;
  2. A man hides from you - his close and serious relationships are scared;
  3. The boy looks closely in your direction - you worry him and worry;
  4. He calls you by name - you are the road for him;
  5. Accuses you in something - the man himself guessed and tries to shift the blame on you;
  6. When a favorite boy laughs over you, most likely, he perceives you seriously or your relationship means little for him;
  7. Hugs with another woman - wants to call jealousy you;
  8. Asks forgive him - you are waiting for serious disappointments in anything (not necessarily in personal relationships);
  9. Shouts loudly - it means that he feels your superiority over his own capabilities;
  10. He confesses to you in love - he is experiencing real feelings, but it is not yet decided to admit in real life, because I'm not sure about them and your answer;
  11. Dream of having sex with him - a man wishes you;
  12. See how he eats, and you can't help you - throw thoughts about the opportunity to be with him;
  13. The boy dies in your eyes - a new relationship is waiting for you soon;
  14. When it is strange clothes on it - he has not yet decided on you and did not understand his feelings;
  15. Having dreamed of his knees sitting - he needs only sex from you;
  16. When a man does not recognize you in a dream - it is probably a different woman appeared, so you have to let him go to real life;
  17. Dream of gifts receiving from him - he is waiting for the initiative from your side, in general - the boy is experiencing sympathy and warm feelings for you;
  18. When a man has seeds in your presence - it is indifferent;
  19. If a person is dreaming, which is rude, threatens or swearing, - nothing good in this relationship does not expect you, it is better to stay away from it;
  20. See how he disguises in your presence, - you're waiting for her affection, tenderness, warm;
  21. When a man kisses with another woman - he thinks he does not represent much interest for you;
  22. If the guy sticks to you - such a dream means the transition of your relationship to a more serious level;
  23. When the boy asks advice - he really feels bad, perhaps he needs help;
  24. To dream strolling with a guy - it means that new events are coming soon, changes in fate, the emergence of new people in life or the change of opinions about people and events;
  25. If a man visits you in the hospital - be careful, the likelihood of treason from him is high.

Thus, if you had a guy who likes, you need to remember and carefully write down all the nuances of a dream, the smallest details, and then shut through various interpreters of dreams.

It is no secret that the "truthfulness" of dreams depends on Monday or Friday, Thursday or Wednesday you saw a dreaming dreaming. To determine the value of the image, you need to understand what the dreams mean by the days of the week.

On Tuesday

If your favorite man in a dream demonstrates his interest in you, kisses and caresses, probably, your relationship has lost its previous sharpness, the likelihood of parting is high. However, you should not be afraid - after a while you can come together again.

For young girls, a dreaming boy is not always a good sign, as relationships can be not quite successful. If you divorced in a dream, think about your inattention to the chosen one.

You will not consider a similar sign - risk losing your husband or lover.

On Wednesday

Dreams from Tuesday on Wednesday are preventing. You can protect the guy from an error or warning from rapid actions.

Sleep from Tuesday you need to tell a person who appeared in it.

In addition, see yourself having fun with the beloved means you need to diversify the relationship.

If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday that you quarrel, divorced or stop all the relationship with the chosen one, you probably have an opponent.


Dreaming from Wednesday to Thursday, in which a favorite man or boy is present, as a rule, come true extremely rarely. They only reflect your desires or show that you will thank or worry about the lost relationship.

Events seen in a dream can be realized, but in the distant future and with another person.

On Friday

Dreams on Friday night come true quite often. In addition, it is believed that it is on this day a person who you like will also dream of sleep with your participation, especially if the feelings are mutual.

If you saw a dream, in which you and your favorite man together, not tormented the events, and wait for the best moment.

If a person dreams, who quarrels with someone else, do not hope that in the near future you will be able to connect with your loved one, as a dream for Friday warns about his unaware of serious relationship with you.

On Saturday

Dreamed married for your beloved man - a good signal. So you made the right choice, and now you are only waiting for good: strong marriage, the birth of children and joint prosperity.

If the chosen one has changed in a dream, you need to understand what you do wrong in a relationship with a guy, and try to change your attitude towards him.

New acquaintances who give multiple positive emotions in dreams - a positive signal. You will meet in the real life of a person who can become your second half.

On Sunday

Similar dreams in which a favorite boy or man appears, are considered the most accurate. However, to interpret them unequivocally should not. Such dreams are just a hint.

What dreams of a man on Sunday night, which changes? Probably he actually wants to deceive you. If a stranger dreamed, sincerely interested you, wait for a soon acquaintance. Former beloved in a dream means that he again wants to resume relations.

On Monday

Dreams from Sunday can become prophetic, if you are not married. A man seen in a dream means that you will soon meet a pleasant guy. However, the flirt with it is more likely, rather than serious relationship.

Dreams from Sunday warn about the likelihood of scandals and parting with the lover, if you dreamed of quarrels and fights. Claims in dreams are often transferred to real life, so you should pay attention to the sense of choice and to prevent possible conflicts.

After carefully examining what the guy dreams, which, as follows, is noted, however, do not try to implement everything seen in real life.

Dreams In most cases, only are the result of processing unconscious thoughts and desires, and not by management to action.

Therefore, react to dreams without much fanatism, but still remember - warned, it means armed!

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

/ Dream Male

Psychologists believe that the answer to the question about what a man dreams to a woman is very simple. Most likely, the representative of the beautiful floor constantly thinks about the object of his love, and these thoughts are saved in the subconscious, which, in turn, reproduces the image in dreams. But it happens that a completely unfamiliar guy dreams. What does such a dream mean? For answers we turn to dream books.

What a man dreams: Interpretation of Miller

According to a psychologist, for a woman, a dream with the presence of a athletically folded beautiful stranger personifies all the benefits that gives her life. Newness in the future will be happy and financially provided. An unprecedented ugly guy foreshadows the girl frustration and difficulty on the way to achieving the goal. When Sleeping sees in a dream of a young man of unprecedented beauty, it means that it will be known and will swim in the rays of glory. If for some reason the appearance of the stranger pushes the girl, in reality she is expected to experience because of the betrayal of the person she took for a friend.

See in a dream guy by dream book Vangu

Clairvoyant gives his interpretation of what a stranger man dreams. In her opinion, a woman who saw such a dream will be deeply respected and revered in certain circles. When the stranger dreams a guy, it means for him welfare and success in endeavors. See in a dream of his young man in a white suit for a girl symbolizes the fulfillment of desires. If the guy in a dream is dressed in a black suit, then a dream on the way to goal is waiting for many difficulties that will arrange ill-wishers. When a woman dreams of a fat man, this is a sign that her life will be careless. To see a guy with physical disabilities in a dream - to betrayal or deceive of a loved one.

Dream Dream Hasse: if a man dreams

  • The chopped old man promises a long life.
  • If the girl dreams a young guy, then she will have anxiety in any occasion.
  • A dream in which a complete young man is present, foreshadows joyful minutes and getting pleasure.

Recovered man in the dream dream book

Esoteric believes that for a woman, a dream with the participation of the face of the opposite sex predicts all kinds of pleasure. If a young man sees another guy in a dream, he will be waiting for his new business.

Male in a dream: Dream Freud

If the guy dreams of a stranger, it means that in reality he suspects his girlfriend in treason. Perhaps such jealous fantasies are associated with fear not to satisfy their beloved, as a result of which it will find more experienced partner sex. Woman seen in a dream, an unfamiliar male figure personifies the type of her ideal man. When a girl dreams her friend, this is an indication that in fact she is not friendly to him, but love feelings and secretly dreams of closeness with him.

Meneghetti's dream book

  • If the young person dreamed of a young man in a raincoat and a hat, then she swept her thoughts from others, but she would still have to open before them.
  • To see in a dream of a beautiful guy - a sign that desires are not destined for a long time.
  • Drawing a naked man symbolizes the danger.
  • When a male man is dreaming with a gray beard - not avoiding the disease.
  • For a woman, to see a man in a shirt in the dream - the forever of unfortunate marriage.
  • The dead guy lying on the road dreams of the detection of new sources of income.

What dreams of a man in a dream

In all cases, when a man dreams, the dream interpretation interprets the meaning of the plot with his participation depending on the appearance. So, if this person is pleasant, well folded, dressed dressed - we can expect wealth and success.

If the hero of the dreams, on the contrary, ugly, is inaccurate - this is a symbol of fast disappointment and a set of trouble.

When a woman dreams that the appearance of a man is not just unpleasant, but frightening - the experiences are not excluded due to a close friend.

The age of a man in a dream is important. So, the young - a signal about the likely receipt of some disturbing news, the old - the prediction of a long life in respect and honor.

If the girl sees a beautiful man in a dream and he is benevolent to her - she will be famous.

In the event that it is scared by his repulsive appearance and annoying courtesies, then in a real life, the person she considered a friend will give her a lot of unpleasant experiences.

If you saw a well-folded man in a dream - it means that the pleasure of life and hope to gain a condition. But if you have seen in a dream, a man of sullen and ugroen - you are awaiting frustration and difficulties.

A man in a dream for a woman symbolizes mostly male part of the character and energy of this lady, or, as they say in the eastern countries - "Energy Yan". At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the way a man appears in a dream, it can change a lot in the interpretation of this dream.

According to the Dream Interpretation of Maya (and this tribe was quite not the last in astrology, in its entire history) to the question: "What a different man dream is" there are two equivalent values \u200b\u200b- good and, respectively, bad. Good - this is if a girl or woman sees a naked man in a dream. This may mean that soon it is in the right to expect and count on a very unexpected and quite a pleasant offer. It is likely that it may be a proposal of hands and hearts, but far from the fact that this is exactly the case, because fate periodically loves us to throw out surprises, about which it is not even possible to guess. The bad value is if the lady sees in a dream of an alien man who builds something. From this dream, it is necessary to wait for troubles, and the likelihood is great because it will be a disaster that will become any accident or car catastrophe.

It is important, paying attention to the negative meaning of such a dream in Maya's dream book, to understand that this is the foresight of the catastrophe, but not the death of someone who sees such a dream. And by this, you should not take everything close to heart, but it is recommended to be careful in the near future, especially with regard to transport.

Also, another man can dream if a young girl is experiencing about his chosen one or just a certain young man. In this case, most likely she just wants to bind him to himself and, very not the fact that it will happen. This dream will be just a display of hidden spiritual experiences. If, in a dream, the girl sees a young, beautiful and well-coherent man - this means that it expects a very interesting future, a beautifully secured life and probably even certain fame. But it is not necessary to seduce so much - just nothing happens and to achieve certain goals you need to make certain efforts. Sleep, in a similar way, can only tell in which direction it is worth moving, or simply morally prepare for any active actions and serious steps.

If in a dream a married woman (girl) there is a certain man (for example, a friend's husband, a colleague or just familiar), then this may mean that in a short time this lady is awaiting pleasant news associated with that kind of activity with which for It is associated by this person. For example, if a colleague comes in a dream - it means you can expect positive feedback from the authorities, or even at all at all at the career ladder. Also for women to see a man in a dream may mean that soon her good personal relationships with someone will be laid. It is like love relationships with a new partner, friendly with a colleague, and the likelihood that a woman will find a new girlfriend. Such a interpretation is connected with the fact that it is often a subconscious will, when it imagines a man - immediately processes this image as a symbol of a certain kind of relationship.

It is very important to take into account that directly communicating with that person who dreams - it happens quite rarely. In a dream, we see only images. So a man-colleague means work, familiar or friend - relations outside work and rest, just a stranger - desires and dreams.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that our subconscious often produces images that are very difficult to interpret. Similar dreams described above can also be written off on a very "scenery" of a dream. By this, it should be carefully remembered, if it is so interesting.

Male in dreams

Dreams are as a reflection of real life, in a dream, the brain processes the information obtained, and turns it into the dreams. Often, in a dream, young and old, close and completely unfamiliar representatives of strong gender, which can be participants in the vital plot, or abstract vision come to us. In any case, the appearance of a man in a dream something means, and our dream book will tell you what a man dreams.

Interaction with a man

It is not very pleasant when you have to run away from a man in a dream, and the dream book interprets it as fear in the subconscious, tense relationships with the face of the opposite sex, some uncertainty in it. Also, this dream can fill the disappointment in love, and if it was also not to run away, then in the dream book, you can become a victim of intrigue.

Dream interpretation in different ways interprets what dreams of dancing in a dream with a man: from psychoanalysis, such a dream testifies to sexual dissatisfaction, and if you danced ballet, then this is the foresight of new love relationships. If a man hugs you in the dance, you can expect a happy, unexpected event, harmony in the family.

According to the interpretation of dreams, a slow dance with a man in a dream is the tension of relationships, small quarrels with this man in reality. It is worth alert if the dance partner skips you around him - you can deceive close people. If the dance is rhythmic and fast, then you are awaiting moments of joy in a friendly company.

If your emotions are excavated, you hide anger, keep everything in yourself, then do not be surprised, what dreams to beat a man. This is a warning, reflection of reality in a dream, Dream Interpretation advises: no need to injure your psyche and hurt a deep in herself.

In addition to the mental state, fighting a man in a dream - promises losses. But if you beat your subordinate, or a competitor, the dream book predicts easy success in the career or the adoption of the only correct decision in a difficult situation.

If a woman dreams that she is a man, the dream book foreshadows steep changes in life, and a representative of weak gender will have to make decisions more inherent in a strong one. However, from the appearance of a woman in a male appearance in a dream, it is possible to draw conclusions about the moral orientation of future actions, the more beautiful and more attractive appearance, the better the equitable action.

According to dream interpretation, a fight with a man who is not familiar with you, promises a meeting with very unpleasant personalities who will threaten your life, health and welfare. Such a plot in a dream warns the danger, so it is worth being very careful, do not walk lonely along the night streets and do not climb on the Rogger.

Dance with a man in a fast dance in a dream - prepare for unexpected troubles that will turn out to be empty. And if during the dance partner throws you, then you need to urgently understand your thoughts, think, do not try to benefit from the relationship? Remember, real feelings can only be gratuitous, so you should think, and with the person you meet?

Dream Interpretation explains what the man's fight is dreaming, as an appearance in the future of new friends who, alas, do not trust - they are treacherous and everywhere are looking for their benefit. If in a dream you had to hide from a man, then I will have a goal to which you go, it will be not so affordable, as it seemed: there would be different circumstances on the way to it, which will have to accept, and make all the forces to overcome them.

Let the lonely girls do not doubt what to dream to hug with a man in a dream is a vision of promises a long-awaited acquaintance with the narrowed, strong, long-term relationships and love. In general, the hugs of a man in a dream is a very good sign for women, and the more realistic sleep, the happier will be a personal life. But if the hugging is not aptive, neglected, then the dream book gives an alignment to a decrease in the service.

What dream of a man's attack? If the attacker is your favorite person, the dream book warns that you should be harder in my decisions towards the second half, not to give slack, otherwise he will "sit on the neck." If during a fight in a dream stranger kicked you, then expect a significant increase in welfare.

Sometimes in a dream it may seem that someone else is sleeping with you, and in the dream bed with a man with a man treats as a warning: unmarried girls should not fully trust their beloved - the relationship is most likely ended with disappointment. But there is no married to worry, because what dreams of such a dream will only bring joy - an unexpected gift from her husband.

Usually, the pursuit of a man in a dream in the dream book is symbolized as attempts by a person who offended you to sneak guilt, ask for forgiveness. Think who offended you most recently? You may not doubt, what the persecution is dreaming, predicts the raptice of the offender, most likely he will appear to you, and asks for forgiveness.

Sleep - Displays our reality, and erotic sleep most often warns about a new, serious acquaintance, and what dreams to sleep with a man, dream interpretation interprets in different ways. For a married thing - the appearance of a lover or the weakening of family bonds, and for an unmarried girl - the appearance in the life of a person who can be fully confident.

As in most cases, what is seen in the dream, reappearing with accuracy to the opposite. So, if in a dream, a man is crying, then, in the interpretation of a dream room, a great joy awaits you. And the stronger the guy's suffering, the more all-consuming your happiness will be. Tears, so not inherent in a strong floor in real life, in a dream only the best moments of life foreshadow.

Dance Waltz with a man in a dream, while reading the rhythm clearly, warns that your misinterfit and uncertainty can provoke a decrease in service, or even dismissal. And just a light waltz, with a pleasant partner in the interpretation interpretation, acquaintance with a merchant, which will bring new paints.

What dream of sex with a man? According to dreams, such an erotic dream will proper the early implementation of the conceived. If your sexual partner is not familiar to you, then most likely the prohibitions, which will appear in a dream, are likely to appear in a dream. Just caress a man in a dream - the dream book symbolizes as dissatisfaction in personal life.

A quarrel is always unpleasant, but what is happening to swear in a dream with a man - only good impressions are promulit. On the interpretation of the dreams, most likely you are confessed in love, and will offer more serious development of relations. If a man sticks to you in a dream, then you should dig deeper into yourself, reconsider your communication style - because of it, many people who are interesting for you can simply stop all sorts of contacts with you.

To feed a man in a dream - a good sign, such a dream of a dream book promises to receive good news from afar, as well as sometimes it is interpreted as an omnant of children. What dreams of a conversation with a man? Most likely, this is the display of your internal experiences about the relationship in the family, excitement about the conversation you want to start with your loved one. Sometimes, talking to a man in a dream foreshadows difficulties at work.

A gift in real life is always nice, but is it in the world of dreams? Dream Interpretation interprets an unexpected gift from a man in a dream, as a hidden danger, you need to be very careful. What dream in a dream to kill a man? This dream is displaying your psyche. You may have at the moment you are experiencing fear that you cannot calm down, and murder in visions - the struggle of your mind with fear.

If in a dream you caught a gaze of a man, then the dream book warns: Be careful! In your life there may be a cunning tempter that will make everything to knock you down from the planned path and hide - this is what the man looks at the look at you. Do not trust strangers in reality, be vigilant. Let you do not deceive attractive clothes and an external gloss - all this is intact, most importantly - thoughts.

How does the dream man in a dream interpret? For a married woman, this is the leadership of new acquisitions that will be very desirable and long-awaited. For the girl, this is not a very pleasant omen: Perhaps it is awaiting disappointment in love, which will be so strong that she will not be able to believe anyone else.

In reality, it is very rare to see how a man beats a woman, but in a dream such a phenomenon is not uncommon. Why dream such violence in a dream? For men, the dream book treats it as a dream powerlessness to his beloved before the head. But to calm the woman will work out, especially if in the union of sleep, it will be amazed and will not be able to give delivery.

If in a dream you have a choice between men, then do not be discouraged, the dilemma in real life, which for a long time tormented you, soon it is easy and easy to be resolved, such is the prediction of the dream room. And if you have seen tears of a man, then your choice will bring you only happiness and joy, you will not regret what they did.

Dream Interpretation explains that the feast of a man who offended you in a dream is the power of the Spirit and self-confidence that will accompany you for a long time in everyday life. If, in a dream, the guy gave you surrender, then this means that despite the entire control of the situation and self-confidence, your plans are failing, even if favorable circumstances occur.

An independent, rich man who came to you in a dream, Dream Interpreted as an omnant of early improvement in affairs, your well-being will soon become as you always dreamed of. Although, if in a dream you survived unpleasant feelings, then do not hurry to swim in gold, and move it away from various unexpected situations.

Even the most faithful wives in dreams sometimes comes another man, and then what a lover dreams, dream interpretation is interpreted as instability in the family of a dream in real life. Perhaps you should change your behavior, try to talk with my spouse, try to establish relationships. Remember, the dream is the same reality, only reworked by our brain.

The dream in which you had to look closely in the eyes of a man, on the interpretation of a dream room, indicates a person who will be the most reliable support for you. Even if you are an unfamiliar man, try to remember the features of his face, believe me, in the near future you will meet him, and you can trust him unlimited.

Different men

Unmarried girls can dream a man who likes, but indifferent in reality. And if in a dream the story is the same, then you may not doubt, the dream book treats what this plot dreams is: the lover will pay attention to you, and you can count on a durable union.

Dream interpretation interprets what a drunk man is dreaming, as a dream of dreaming for fun, holiday. This promises incorrect actions, which, most likely, have to regret. Also, the drinker in a dream symbolizes the hidden danger from strangers. Therefore, later walks should be worn, and behave very carefully.

A woman who in the past had to part with her husband, a former can often come in a dream. So what dream is a former man? The answer to this question Dream Interpretation gives very unequivocal: it probably regrets the loss of a spouse, and wants to return everything back. Look at the situation on the other side: if you then parted, it means not everything was so good.

What dream of a man dream? Dream interpretation interprets such a vision depending on the situation. Rugan with the boss foreshadows the conflict that can occur both at work and at home. Conversation, or simply contemplation of a superior position symbolizes dissatisfaction with wages and working conditions.

If you have to see many men in a dream, it is interpreted by dreams as a protection, protection against a strong person who will help in all matters and endeavors, under his defense you can significantly improve your life. So you can safely take for a new lesson, you will succeed, you can even try to open your business - Dream Interpretation only luck.

What dreams a bearded man is, such a dream is clearly not from favorable, it warns: do not associate your life with a person who does not fit you at all, but feelings are so strong that you do not want to notice. Take a look at things sober, appreciate the situation: what is more expensive to you - fleeting happiness is now, or a stable and reliable future.

A man with a beard in a dream can also designate a symbol of wealth, and the thick beard, the greater profit is expected. And if it is also a handsome man, well-groomed and rich, then do not doubt what this plot dream is: in a short time, your life will change for the better, you will find new ways to earn money, and everything will be fine in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation warns if a hanged man appeared to you in a dream - be careful, such events that can deliver many hassle and experiences can occur. It is worth just to wait for an unfavorable period, and at this time do not start any new affairs, otherwise, ignoring the prediction in a dream you can earn a bunch of problems.

If he dreamed of a gray-haired man, better, as in the case of the Hangman, to hide, and live the usual life, without taking anything - any undertakings will end not very good, they will make it fell climbing and nervous. In general, by Miller's dream book, gray hair from a man will dream that you are developing in reality.

A naked man in a dream foreshadows the rapid development of events that will not make long wait. Be sure, quite soon your life will go to a completely different man, everything will change for the better. And if the naked guy is also beautiful, do not doubt, what dreams of such a plot - expect rapid enrichment and success in affairs.

By dream book, a bald man appears in dreams: a woman does not get married to a woman, the marriage will be short-lived, and unhappy. And if you dream a military man, you can expect new fans with serious intentions. A conversation with the military in a dream, by the dream of Nostradamus, warns more carefully choose friends, as some of them lie to you. If the military came in a dream to a man, he can confidently expect success in business.

Long hair in a man - Dream interpretation interprets as a symbol of the far road, possibly a romantic journey. It is possible that in the journey you will receive a gift from your loved one who will really please you. Also, if you see brilliant, thick and healthy hair in a dream, the dream book is promoting wealth.

Dream interpretation interprets in different ways, what dreams red-haired man. It all depends on the situation. If you have a donned red hair on your head, then be alert, you are surrounded by hypocrisy people, you should not trust everyone. If the guy has a red beard, then the dream interpretation treats such a plot as success in affairs and enrichment.

What dream actor a man? Such a dream foreshadows unprecedented success for the opposite sex, it will be simply amazed by the number of workers. But be careful if in a dream you are married to the actor, such a dream may impose disappointment in love.

According to dream interpretation, the dwarf man in a dream is the forever of the new life. Perhaps there will be a person who loves adventures, and you will leave with him with your heads with him. Moreover, this person can be entirely trusted, he, though an adventurer, but very reliable.

If you dreamed of a drowned man, and he is not familiar with you, you may not be doubtful, what dreams of such a plot - in a short time your life will change for the better. If the drowned is familiar to you, wait for the news from afar. Most likely, the news will be with pleasant news that associated with a drowned dream.

What dreams of a high man? Growth, on the interpretation of a dream room, denotes an increase in work, raising up the career staircase, and if the guy is generally incredible sizes, then you jump over the step to a very high position.

For any woman, a handsome man in a dream foreshadows only good changes in life. Lonely can find a satellite, and married will become pregnant, or a new wave of passionate relations will begin with her husband. Dream interpretation interprets such a dream depending on the situation: if a handsome young man dreams of a young girl in an erotic dream, then it warns of dissatisfaction of sexual desires.

If you dreamed of a back of a man, and she was naked - wait for trouble at work, a decrease in position. What dream of a back of the outgoing person? This means against you very poorly configured by someone influential, and he will interfere with you in life. If problems appear in the future, be sure they have come not without the help of other people.

A happy married couple often causes envy, but the displacement happiness may not be so beautiful as it seems. A woman who dreamed of a married man - in reality is not quite pleased with his spouse and family life, you need to dug in your thoughts, find the reasons for such a hostility, and even better - contact a psychologist.

The dream in which a man comes in a nurse and with orders, most often does not succeed anything bad. If a military man dreams of a unmarried woman, then she can expect the emergence of new workers whose intentions will be quite serious. If the woman is married, then the military symbolizes a new splash of relationship with her husband, the repetition of the past passion.

A fat man who appeared in a dream promises unpleasant moments that, by the way you will succeed with success. If a fat man in a dream switched to you the road, you can expect a random major gain, or just an increase in position. You can safely begin a new business - according to dreams, everything will definitely succeed.

What dream of a crying man? Interpretation of the dream book with this plot is unequivocal: the dream foreshadows only the joy and happiness that suddenly falls on your head. Soothing in a dream of a crying person, you literally attract good luck to yourself, and most likely your success will be associated with work.

Depending on the situation, the dream book interprets in different ways, why dream of a man's name in a dream. In general, such a dream should be considered in the context of which name is associated with. Most likely, a person with this name will soon remind himself, or he often recalls you, therefore, it is so original in the kingdom of dream.

If the bristles were dreamed of a man, and this person is far from being indifferent, then disappointment awaits you: he will behave dishonestly and unprincipled - so pushes the dream book. With this person should not bind his life, anyway, long-term relationships are impossible at such an alliance. On the contrary, if the guy rubs about you unshaven cheek, the dream book predicts your patronage over anyone.

It is believed that the dead man dreams just to change the weather, but here is a person who imposed on his hands in a dream is a bad sign, but not fatal. Only the troubles, the trouble and experience of promoting a hanged man. By dreams, even if you pulled hung out of the loop, and returned it to life, then you still will not be able to avoid losses.

According to the interpretation of the dream room, a man in a sleep in a dream, especially if this outfit is elegant and modern, foreshadows the careless, the joyful life that you will soon be able to enjoy in full. If the costume costume is dirty or old-fashioned, then in the interpretation of the dreamhouse, expect a decline in affairs.

A naked man in a dream Dream Interpretation interprets as an insecurity and weakness of a dream, you need to reconsider your life positions and boldly move forward to the intended goals, despite the trouble. If the naked guy rapidly runs somewhere, then you may not doubt what is the dream of such a plot: very soon your affairs will go uphill.

Seeing a man in a dream in a dream, a woman should monitor the situation in life with all caution. It is possible that she wants to slander or dishonor. What dreams someone else's man? On the shocking of the dreams, in the dream the internal experiences and sympathies of the dreams were concluded, as well as dissatisfaction with family life, and even envy.

By dreams, a man with a child in his arms is in a dream to women who are looking for protection and support. The kid symbolizes good and joy, and a man is a defender. In the interpretation of the dreams, it foreshadows the appearance in the life of a new, very pleasant dating.

If an elderly man appeared to you in a dream, it predicts glory and honors. Perhaps the circumstances will make you make you any feat, or just an act of "with a capital letter", for which you will be awarded - such are the interpretation of the dream room.

A man in shorts, and on the street in a dream means that your conscience is not clean, be careful in the actions performed, do nothing shameful. What dreams a dancing man? This is usually the prediction of the dreams about joy and carefree pastime. In general, if the pants are new and integer, then this dream foreshadows an adventure adventure that will end well.

Dream Interpretary interprets the plot where a hairy man is present, as an expression of the instinctive passion of both sexes, the appearance of a person testifies to courage, therefore, the dream is not very satisfied with the sex partner. Such a dream, who came to the guy, testifies to his insecurity, should be changed by life positions, and revise relationships with a weak floor.

An unexpected guest man in a dream - promises a new romantic acquaintance that will be very long, and maybe even turn into serious, attached, relationships. If you have nothing to feed the guest, then you will most likely be deceived by a stranger. But do not worry, dream book is promulit that the deception will open, and the dishonest person will be punished.

What dreams smoking man? Smoking - as a symbol of calm and recreation. In your business is now creative stagnation, but it is only a vacation before the throw. Dream Interpretation advises a little to move away from affairs, stay, get together with thoughts, and with new forces to rush into battle.

A man in a dream acts as a symbol of active activity, logic, male start. Dreaming foreshadows the achievement of success, honorary activities. The same man is constantly dreaming - problems of a psychological nature are possible.

Have you been close to a man whose saw in a dream? What age was a man in your dream? A man in your dream was somehow crossed? What hair was a man from your sleep? What appearance was a man in your dream? What was the man in your dream? What did a man do in your dream? What did you do in a dream in a dream? How many men did you see in your dream? Next to a man in your dream was someone else? What condition was a man in your dream? Who dreamed of a man?

Have you been close to a man whose saw in a dream?

Former man man who likes a familiar man unfamiliar man Favorite man Another man

What age was a man in your dream?

What dreams of an elderly man

Dream Interpretation is considering an elderly man as a forerunner of the future honor, glory. It is possible that it will be capable of making an attitude or a significant act for which you get a reward.

See an adult man in a dream

The adult man dreamed of - for a young girl, a dream showing a symbol of her father, and also points to her true attitude towards him. Emotional characteristic will depend on the appearance of a man.

Dreamed of a young man

What dreams of a young man? You will have many tempting opportunities, prospects. Boldly step forward, towards your own desires, fantasies, you will all be obtained.

Dream old man

To see in a dream of an old man - to in vain bustle, wiping. Your experiences will be groundless, in fact everything is not as scary, as your imagination reports.

A man in your dream was somehow crossed?

Man without foot

Dreamed of a hanged man

A hanged man is dreaming - at work will not be able to avoid problems. Possible causes of conflict with colleagues or a sorry with the boss can be your unwillingness to carry out direct regulations.

Dream dead man

The dead man is interpreted by the dream of Felomena as a lack of support from the side of loved ones. A high probability is in an extremely disadvantage, when helping you really can not.

See a man without hands in a dream

Dreamed a man without hands - one of your friends will be angry. You can get into the extremely unpleasant situation, but no one can support you or defense, you will have to count only on yourself.

Dreamed blind man

What dreams blind man? You are accustomed to living at the expense of others, so your claims to help from the side and manifestation of the nobility of too self-confident.

What hair was a man from your sleep?

Redhead man bald man gray man long-haired man

What appearance was a man in your dream?

Handsome man fat man high man naked man pregnant man bearded man man with knife

Dream of a man Caucasian

A dream of a Caucasian man means the provision of unequivocal signs of attention for a woman. For a man, a dream foreshadows a meeting of a girl who can become a real mistress, a keeper of a homely hearth.

What was the man in your dream?

Man in black man in female clothes man in dress man in suit man in white

What did a man do in your dream?

Barely man hugged a man

Dream that a man stretches his hand

He dreamed that the man stretches his hand - some of the acquaintances would be in a difficult situation, which would make ascend to help.

The situation may develop in the opposite direction - you will need help or need support from.

What dreams smiling man

What dream of a smiling man? For a girl, a dream means a quick acquaintance with solid young men, worthy of becoming a reliable second half in relations. Feelings will develop rapidly and dynamically.

A man looked at you in a dream

You see in a dream, as a man looks at you - in reality, someone is intently watch you, studying your life. Surely there are wishes to learn interesting facts from your biography or character traits.

See the sleeping man in a dream

Sleeping about sleeping man foreshadows pleasant surprises, joyful, happy moments. Their source will be your fan wishing to make a pleasant.

Man in mirror man crying man gives birth man leaves

What did you do in a dream in a dream?

Talked with a man fed a man got acquainted with a man were in bed with a man

Caressed a man in a dream

Sleeping about caressing men acts as a symbol of dissatisfaction manifested in personal life. It is worth talking on this topic with your partner, otherwise it is not to avoid nervous tension.

Named man in a dream

It dreams that the man was called by name - it will be possible to get valuable information about an important person that you will not hide from others. If you remember the name of the man - the person with the same name is able to provide you with real help.

Woman sees himself a man in a dream

Woman sees herself a man - dream book interprets such a vision as the appearance of a non-standard situation requiring the manifestation of all your strength, courage. Only so you can get out of it with dignity.

Beat a man lying with a man hiding from a man sex with a man dancing with a man to run away from a man kill a man kissing with a man hold a man's hand fight with a man

How many men did you see in your dream?

Dreamed two men

Two men dreamedled - there are two tasks to be solved in reality, their importance will be extremely large.

Come to this responsibly, as your actions will be closely observed from the outside. Much depends on your solution.

Many men

Next to a man in your dream was someone else?

What dreams man with a child

A man with a child is dreaming - to the emergence of an extraordinary idea affecting the area of \u200b\u200bfeelings.

A man with a child in his arms symbolizes the need to assist you. It may be support or protection. In your life, a person who is capable of similar will soon appear.

Man and woman

What condition was a man in your dream?

Love man rich man drunk man

Dreamed married man

Sleep about a married man for a woman is a symbol of discontent. Family life takes all the strength, upset. It is necessary to deal with the reasons for this, and even better not to distort yourself reflections, but to seek help to a psychologist.

Dream of evil man

An evil man dreams of disappointment. His reason will be someone from friends. This person seemed to you reliable, but soon he could seriously let it, which would turn the problem.

See in a dream of a hungry man

Dream Interpretation Felomen interprets a hungry man as a retreat from his own intentions in a difficult matter. A man at the church - all the problems will be able to resolve with the help of loyal, reliable friends. Attempts to feed hungry indicate spiritual growth.

Who dreamed of a man?

Married woman dream another man

Dreamed another man - for a married woman is a disturbing sign. With its current partner will soon begin serious discrepancies in opinion, misunderstanding. So far it seems that everything is fine, but in fact this process has already begun.

Naturally, any married woman is interested in what dreams is that the husband goes to another? Most often, the meaning of this sleep is reduced to the interpretation of relations inside the family. However, not always this dream is negative.

Most likely, a dream in which a man leaves his wife to his mistress, means at least a quarrel between spouses. It is possible that this dream will be the cause of the conflict. A woman can decide that he did not notice any details pointing to the presence of another lady in the life of his beloved men, and now the subconscious tells her in a dream missed in real life. Do not be so seriously perceived dreams. The world in the family is much more expensive than all suspicions. Moreover, the quarrel will soon drop by itself and reconciliation will be sweet, more than ever.

Of course, they have great importance. Therefore, his interpretation should be built on the circumstances under which the man leaves the woman. If a woman reproaches a woman in a treason in a dream, hence, in reality, he considers his wife a reference to devotion. Relationships in the family are clearly trusted, the spouses do not just love each other, but also respect. On the other hand, this dream shows that the woman herself is not confident in herself and is afraid to actually lose his spouse. The dream once again emphasizes how carefully applies to her partner. It is advisable to throw away the alarm, such a man does not betray his wife's trust.

Similar clean and incredibly sincere relationships are infrequent, and sleep calls to save them. What dreams that the husband goes to another woman, and care is accompanied by a scandal in which her husband and wife participate? In this case, you can not even reflect on the meaning of sleep.

This family is so strong that conflicts between spouses can occur only in a dream. However, a dream can be a hazard warning from a completely different side. The cause of trouble will not be a mistress of a man, which is most likely not. However, it is better to avoid shortcoming and try to clarify all the questions by asking them straight. By the way, the day of the week, when a woman saw a dream.

Dreams on Monday are always empty, so you should not dramatize the situation, no matter how negative it seems. Dreams coming on the first days of the week do not predict the future, but show the past. Here, if the dream visited the lady on Wednesday, it is worth showing anxiety. It is believed that treason dreamed of this day really occurred. No matter how much marriage lasted, the husband will constantly change his wife. The spouse would not hurt to test himself to the presence of damage, induced one of her husband's mistresses.

Often, the prophetic dreams come on Thursday. If treason occurred in the dream, it means that the man is already ready for her. At the same time, it is not a fact that he will change with the woman who plays his mistress in a dream. It is likely that physical treason will not happen, but the fact of her husband's sympathy in relation to an outsider can be considered proven.

What dreams, the husband goes to another woman, if the dream was on Friday? The dream on Thursday predicted a single betrayal, a short novel. Sleep, dreamed on Friday, speaks about the presence of a deep feeling. Do not be surprised if in the near future the husband will gather things to leave for a happy rival. On Saturday, the doned treason becomes a sign of betrayal. However, we are not talking about another woman and deceives not necessarily a beloved man. It can be a lie of the girlfriend or children, in the name of receiving personal gain.

Seeing treason on Sunday is also a bad sign. Most likely, this dream is evidence of the poor health of a woman. Therefore, it is worth believing the prediction and pay attention to yourself by throwing all the alarms until complete recovery.

In any case, the dream of a treason of her husband can be considered an indicator of the extinction of feelings, because relationships become too fresh. To blame for this follows both spouses. If the woman saw in a dream, as a husband kisses a surveillance woman, you should carefully treat my surrounding. Someone from close acquaintances hid angrily and prepares a very unpleasant surprise, meeting which is preferably fully armed.

Of course, dreams are infrequently extinguished, and do not worry because of their own fantasy. However, if the dream does not give rest, you can try to get rid of the negative, putting a candle in the temple and praying for the well-being of your own family.

When a woman sees a dream about the treason of her husband and is tested for a long time because of this alarm, it means that it is to worry about. Maybe you should look for the reason for yourself and make the relationship more romantic, so that the man does not come to the head of the thought about treason.

Dream interpretation sex with another man

What dreams sex with another man in a dream by dream book?

If the girl dreams of sex with another man - it means that he will have an acute competitive struggle, it will have to prove his superiority and right to place under the sun.

Dream Dream Man near

What dreams a man next to dream in dreams?

Sleep, in which you are in the society of men, with which in real life you are associated with close relationships - symbolizes the nature of your connection, is its reflection.

If you are comfortable and interesting to you in his company, you are waiting for joyful events that build up the usual life and bring fresh unusual notes into your life.

A dream in which a man hugs a woman, an omnant of a happy event. If a man seen in a dream is a husband, then it means that everything will be in the family perfectly.

If it dreams that a woman hugs an unfamiliar handsome man, then in a short time in her life, a familiarity will happen, which will turn into love, and may end with marriage.

If a young girl dreamed that she hugged her unpleasant, a non-fair man - in her life, change to the worst associated with work was possible. If a man who hugged you in a dream is a relative, this is a good sign, a promising world and consent to the family.

Dreamed another man

Dream Interpretation dreamed of another man Dreamed, what dreams in a dream another man dreamed? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the other man dreamed in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dreamed of a man, then you have some kind of pleasure. If you see a stranger man in a dream, it foreshadows the commission of some adventure. To see a man itself means to get into some kind of spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, it promises you the exercise of the plans for a long time.

To see a man-actor - to the upcoming quarrel with friends or loss of someone from people close to you. Research, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, it means an ambulance.

To see a man's dream in a dream and enjoy communication with him means that you have to cry a lot and worry on trifles.

If in a dream a small growth man is trying to tie a quarrel or a fight with a man who is superior to his strength, it means that you are exchanged for trifles. Also, sleep is surviving an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources lead numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that have occurred later. Such facts lead in their "comparative lives" an ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (approx. 45 - Ok. 127), the Roman historian and the writer Guy Lights Tranquil (approx. 70 - approx. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate.

On a private dream, which was predicted by misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "lives" was preserved. Once at night on the eve of the murder of the Roman dictator and the commander of Guy Julia Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up in sobs: she dreamed, as if she was holding the killed husband's arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the meeting of the Senate scheduled for this day. If he had given the importance to this warning over his wife, he would have stayed alive (in the Senate he had twenty-three knife wounds, in which all senators were attended) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have formed otherwise.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dream of a young, cute man - in real life anxiety awaits you. Old gray-fired man foreshadowed a long life. Very fat, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means a disease in the family. A man in a shirt is a sign of unfortunate marriage, on an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features of the face is to disappointment in the beloved.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that they will come across many obstacles to the exercise of conceived. A cheerful and sociable man foreshadows that they will gain fame due to the achieved successes.

Aggressive man, roughly achieving intimate intimacy with you, means that you are coming unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. To dream of a dead man - to big money.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If a woman sees in a dream a nice man with beautiful features of the face - the dream promises her well-being, satisfaction with fate, consistent joy. If such a dream sees a man - this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, goats of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, getting a state, in black - loss and sadness. Tolstech in a dream foreshadows you well-being in matters, and a low-spirited man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. Gorbun does not promise anything good, for often this dream warns about the deception or betrayal of those who you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful, well-folded man, in the near future she enjoys a full life and will be happy in love and sex. But if you have seen a man of sullen and ugroen, they are waiting for disappointment and problems with their loved ones.

For a man to see in a dream another man (friend or stranger) means that soon he will have an opponent who is able to destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Male

"Talk as a man with a man" Serious conversation, clarifying relationships.

"Be a man" Call for courage, nobility.

"I will make you a real man" (strong, volitional man). The "man" the word carries the shade of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If the image of a woman symbolizes the sphere of senses, then a man: this is a symbol of active activity.

Meet a slender, pleasant man: foreshadows the cases that will please you. Such a dream is equally favorable for both women and men.

An ugly man in a dream: a sign of failure in affairs. Most likely, your future plans need revision.

A woman in which she sees her husband: can suggest, in what condition is its current affairs and plans.

See my husband cheerful and cheerful: Sign of wealth in the house.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream: it foreshadows some difficulties that nevertheless end well.

Seeing her husband ugly or unpleasant: a sign of acute discontent with its position.

Such dreams do not foresee anything good.

If a woman sees herself a man: this suggests that she is able to cope with the difficult situation and can safely count on their strength.

Dream Interpretation - Male

Bald man - to respect and wealth.

A man in the shirt of a woman dreamed of - to trouble marriage.

A naked man see - to luck.

Dead man on the street - to the opening of new sources of income.

Intimate relationships in a dream with a man - to loss of state.

Dream Interpretation - Male

To urinate to your feet - foreshadows great luck, success.

Uncoated head and loose hair - someone in secret plots against you.

Uncoated hair and closed face - there will be a litigation, a trial.

If the Ox Wasp is in front - it will be a misfortune in the family associated with households.

You see yourself with eyebrows in the evening with another person - there will be a promotion.

Teeth fall out by themselves - misfortune with father or mother.

Having damaged, climb on the bed - unfortunately, trouble.

Rock dust and dirt - foreshadowed.

You enter into sexual intercourse with a man - foreshadow the loss of welfare.

Woman puts the clothes of a man - indicates the birth of a noble son.

The naked body of a man is foreshadowed by fate.

Dream Interpretation - Male

To see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded and clever man - means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of the state.

If a man of ugly man has seen in a dream, and the sullen - you will come across disappointments and many difficulties that are diverting you.

If a woman dreams a very beautiful man - she will receive fame and will like it.

If, in a dream, she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then it is coming unpleasant experiences because of the man she considered her friend.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dream a handsome, well-folded man, it means that you will be happy in love and live an interesting life.

A ugly man dreams of solitude and dissatisfaction with life. If a woman dreams that she is frightened by the appearance of a man, it means that she will have problems because of the man she loves.

See a husband with another woman

Dream book see husband with another woman Dreamed what dream of seeing her husband with another woman in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to see a husband with another woman, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Music

Dream Interpretation - Music

Dream Interpretation - Husband, Male

Dream Interpretation - Music

Dream Interpretation - Music

Dream Interpretation - Music

A man or husband unexpectedly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Music

Dream Interpretation - Music

Dream Interpretation - Music

Also see hug.

Dream Interpretation - Music

Husband washes another woman

Dream book my husband washes another woman Didn't mind what dream of a woman washes another woman in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the husband washes another woman, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Music

Hugging and kissing her husband, meeting or accomplishing it, is a sign of complete mutual understanding and love between spouses, peace and consent in the family.

If in a dream you pass a letter addressed to him, after reading it with its content in secret from the spouse, it foreshadows the divorce and section of property through court instances.

If your husband came from work tired and besides the patients - such a dream foreshadows troubles and lack of money. Cheerful and full energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing, is to sufficient in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you will do your husband in treason, speaks of your too prejudice to him in real life. If the husband in a dream throws a family to your care, and himself hides a few days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, - such a dream means temporary disorder in relationship between you, which, however, will soon be changed by complete consensus.

A quarrel with her husband's hobby in the soil should make you think about the origins of this weakness of the spouse - they do not lie in your behavior?

To bury her husband in a dream foreshadows the arrival of his friends, because of what the apartment will temporarily turn into a parny courtyard and at the same time resolving.

Sleep, in which you leave from my husband to another person, can bring big trouble on you in real life because of your too sharp and long language.

If in a dream, the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classic scheme, taking on a married bed of your lover, - in reality your excessive coquetry gives her husband a reason to suspect something wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees him married, does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Music

A quarrel with her husband - means his confidence and respect for you.

Such a dream may also foreshadow some trouble outside the family.

If the wife dreams a very gentle husband - problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that she threw her husband without a visible reason - revealed to short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will change mutual imposition and consent.

If a husband dreamed of sick or tired, then this is a disease of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful - life will open with brilliant perspectives.

The house will be material well-being.

If he dreamed that her husband was in love with another woman - in the family not all safely.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and should be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man - in the family she is alone or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If the girl dreamed that she was married - she should pay more attention to his appearance and think about his dignity.

If you have dreamed that your husband leaves, but, leaving the house, it becomes better than the growth - sleep foreshadows that close people will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband is involved, but another woman is to divorce or significant losses.

If you have dreamed that as a result of the scandal, your husband is killed - this is a very bad dream.

If her husband dreams that he is holding with her - the world will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profits.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, Male

A woman see in a dream that her husband, a beloved or a close friend got married, - the prediction of the fact that he will soon be waiting for parting and loneliness.

If you dreamed that you are looking for your husband, but it is not, or you call him, and he turned back to you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is spoiled. Between you are lost mutual understanding and gentle affection. And if you have difficulty, then your husband will not support you.

To see him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles are waiting for you, because of which you lose peace and sleep. Seeing her husband beautiful (without frills) and pleasant in a dream - a sign of joy and pleasant trouble.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is passionate about another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him to make your collaborative life more attractive and interesting, since now your husband is dissatisfied with your life with you. Quarrel and swear, fighting him in a dream - a dream on the contrary, which foreshadows joyful events and peace in the house. To see her husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. Male to make female work in a dream - a sign of trouble, losses, stagnation in cases. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for sleeping. A man with a white beard see in a dream means you should take care of your health.

Dead man on the street see in a dream - a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your alarms and trouble will end soon. My husband to see the dead in a dream is a sign of losses and a big trouble. Many men in a dream to see - a sign that you will not find yourself places. If a woman dares a young man of a pleasant look and speaks with her, then soon it is waiting for change in his personal life. Remember the words of this person and how it looks. If your impression of it in a dream is pleasant, then there will be both changes. And vice versa. Lodge to see in a dream and frighten - a sign of anxiety, trouble and chagrin. Sometimes such a dream means that a close person will betray you or deceive. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead.

Dream Interpretation - Music

Swear with her husband - to a happy family life. You threw a husband - by the end of the protracted quarrel. Accused of infidelity - to deserve respect and recognition of relatives. Fight - getting rid of severe illness. Quarrel with fatal exodus - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - your home awaits awning and life will open up new horizons before you. Divorced - the emergency establishment of harmonious relations. Swear at a party from acquaintances - to a joint journey. Dream of widow - you will marry again. Unmarried - you will have a new fan. Sleeping with her husband - to sufficiency. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband changes - the acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband go on a wide level road. You light the sun.

Dream Interpretation - Music

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to someone from family members.

Seeing her husband dead - to great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight her husband - to peace and harmony.

If the husband in a dream leaves you without a reason, - the temporary cooling will occur between you.

If it dreams that the husband goes to another woman, you must fight the monotony and the municipality of family life, as your relationship suffer from this.

Leave her husband, love another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If the girl dreams that she is married, she must take care of their attractiveness for men.

Write with her husband - to separation.

Intimate intimate is someone else's intervention in affairs, whose influence.

Traveling together with her husband - to loss of property.

Giving a husband to get drunk - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Music

Husband and wife beat each other, fighting - foreshadows the emergency establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head decorations - foreshadowing in

Husband and wife enter the market - foreshadowed by real estate.

Husband and wife feat together - foreshadowing.

Husband and wife welcome each other with a ritual bow - foresaw parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - foreshadows the disease.

You go along with my spouse (wife) somewhere - soon there will be a misfortune.

Wife gives her husband water - happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs - foreshadowed happiness.

A man or husband unexpectedly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Hug your husband - foreshadows a happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Music

If a woman dreamed that her husband leaves her without a visible reason, then between her and his spouse would arise a short-term alienation, which would be replaced sometimes complete agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which the husband creates you unkought accusations, very favorable: he promises confidence and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband, pale and tired, then someone from your loved ones can get sick.

But the cheerful husband who appeared in a dream will bring prosperity to your home and will open up new horizons.

If we thought that your husband was in love with another, - you should critically look at your life - whether it is too monotonous.

But when you herself dreams that you fell in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

The girl who saw himself in a dream in the role of a married lady should take care of his appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Music

If you dreamed that my husband prepares something, someone fell in love with you. So that this love has not led to conflicts with her husband, take a bath with rose petals at night.

If you dreamed that my husband died, someone tries to hover it. To save the family, give your husband a key chain or a pendant with your photo and make him wore it.

Dream Interpretation - Music

The husband leaves you without a visible reason - a short-term alienation between you, which is replaced by the wonderfully consent;
quarrel with his spouse, he crepts you unkought accusations - a favorable sleep, trust and respect in real life, but there is a threat of danger completely from the other side;
see her husband dead - to big sorrows;
Pale, tired - illness in a circle of your loved ones;
Cheerful - prosperity in the house, life will open in front of you new horizons;
Your spouse is in love with another - the dream encourages you to critically reconsider the usual way of touching your home - not your life is unobed;
For a woman - love another - this is the true state of your spirit, you are alone in the family or not satisfied with your position;
For a girl - to be married - take care of your attractiveness and dignity;
The husband leaves you, but, more and more removing, it becomes higher - your surroundings will impede the achievement of your harmony in relationships, fight with obstacles to your happiness;
Your spouse in the company with another woman participates in the scandal, as a result of which he killed - the danger of divorce or other losses, ordinary everyday troubles.
Also see hug.

Dream Interpretation - Music

This dream also has the opposite meaning. If you dream that you have a husband, your cherished desire will not fulfill. If in a dream you are in love with someone else's husband - it foreshadows the loss of desires, indifference to virtue and spiritual apathy. But if the widow sees in a dream that she has a husband, having fun with her, - this means that it will soon receive a profitable offer to marry and react favorably.

Dream of Astromeridiana

Why do you dream of a man in a dream?

By dream book a lot of men - if they are beautiful, well folded - you are waiting for an unforgettable moments of fun, get ready for a pleasant time.

What dreams of many men of strangers are dreaming - for a woman such a dream is surviving a career growth, good luck in business, for a man - good luck in business, financial profit.

Many older men - you will be merged, will respect.

A man who likes - if you are not together with him, then such a dream just means that you will thank on it, want warm relationships.

Hug a man relative - guests will come to you, there will be a holiday at home, hugs the son - happiness in the family, hugs his father - to bitter news.

Favorite man hugs and kisses you in a dream - if everything is fine in your relationship, then this period will last for a long time. In the reverse case, sleep indicates a lack of attention and caress from its part.

What dreams of a man who likes - what were his actions in a dream? If this is your friend and he invites you to go on a date - it may happen in real life.

A man hugs and kisses dreams - such a dream is the personification of your dreams about the perfect man. If in a dream you see familiar features of the face, then the subconscious hints who could be for you such a man.

What dreams of hugging a man - a friend - you will have a warm and cozy family atmosphere at home. A virous man is to see himself not with her husband, but with another man in a dream, with a warm relationship, means that in your family everything goes not So smoothly. If in a dream you wanted to look for comfort and affection from another man, beware that it does not happen and reveal.

What dreams another man - if you love it in a dream, then you should be seriously thinking about your marital status.

A stranger is a man - see a man's loved one with a strange man in a dream means the appearance of an opponent who began to provide your lady more attention than you.

What dreams someone else's man - if he scared you in a dream, then you will have to be able to reveal for your friend or a friend, something will happen to him.

A married man - if in a dream you have a novel - you are unhappy with your spouse. For an unmarried girl, such a dream reports that she will marry, but unsuccessfully, and can also turn novels on the side.

What dreams a married man is a young - you can hear unpleasant news. Married older man - you will live a long life, your relatives will respect you and read.

The man with whom they broke up - if he is a beautiful and smiling you, then this is a good sign.

What dreams of a man with whom they broke up, with another woman - if the gap did not happen on your fault, then sleep indicates that this happened due to the fault of the opponent, which he preferred to you.

To see a man with whom they broke up, lonely and sad - he very regrets about your break, wither he himself served as.

Idiom dream book

What dream of a man in the dreams:

  • Man - "Speak as a man with a man" - a serious conversation, clarification of relationships;
  • "Be a man" - call for courage, nobility;
  • "I will make you a real man" (strong, volitional man).
  • "Guy" - the word carries the shade of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness, so this dream is interpreted.

Female dream book

A man in a dream woman, what?

To see a dream about a man - generally see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded man means that you will fully enjoy life and will soon correct your financial situation. If a man is dark and unpleasant to you - you will come across serious disappointments and difficulties in the near future. A woman is a very handsome man in a dream foreshadows fame and popularity in society. If, in a dream, she is unpleasantly affected by his appearance, she is coming by experience because of the man she considered her friend.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Why in a dream a man dreams:

The man what dreams - to good, a new business (man), so said in the dream interpretation about this sleep.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

What dreams of a man:

  • To see a man in a dream - if you dreamed of a man, then you have some kind of pleasure.
  • If you see a stranger man in a dream, it foreshadows the commission of some adventure.
  • To see a man itself means to get into some kind of spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.
  • If a man seen in a dream is in prison, it promises you the exercise of the plans for a long time.
  • To see a man-actor - to the upcoming quarrel with friends or loss of someone from people close to you. Research, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.
  • If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, it means an ambulance.
  • To see a man's dream in a dream and enjoy communication with him means that you have to cry a lot and worry on trifles.
  • If in a dream a small growth man is trying to tie a quarrel or a fight with a man who is superior to his strength, it means that you are exchanged for trifles. Also, sleep is surviving an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

Erotic dream book

What dreams of a man:

A man - if a woman dreamed of a beautiful, well-folded man, in the near future she enjoys a full life and will be happy in love and sex. But if you have seen a man of sullen and ugroen, they are waiting for disappointment and problems with their loved ones. For a man to see in a dream another man (friend or stranger) means that soon he will have an opponent who is able to destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

Dream Interpretation: A man mean

Men see in a dream - pleasure (for a woman); For a man - a new business, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Dream of the XXI century

What dreams of a man?

Sleep to see about a man - see a bald man in a dream - to respect and wealth. For a woman to see a man in the shirt - to the troubles in marriage, a naked man in a dream - to good luck, to see the dead man on the street - to the opening of new sources of income, intimate relationships but a dream with a man - to loss of state, in the next dream book you can learn another Interpretation.

French dream book

See in a dream man, what?

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: A man What dreams - If a woman sees in a dream a nice man with beautiful features, "the sleep promises her well-being, satisfaction with fate, a lot of joy. If such a dream sees a man, is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, goats of business opponents. A man in white clothes is a pleasure joy, getting a state, in black - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream foreshadows you well-being in affairs, and a low-spirited man is what you will overcome difficult circumstances. Gorbun does not like anything good, for often this dream warns about the deception or betrayal of those you trust.

Large dream book

What dreams of a man:

A man - pleasure (for a woman); with a white beard - a disease; In the shirt - an unfortunate marriage for a woman.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

What dreams of a man in a dream:

The man is to see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded and deft man - means that you will fully enjoy life and grant the state. If a man of ugly man has seen in a dream, and the sullen - you will come across disappointments and many difficulties that are diverting you. If a woman dreams a very beautiful man - she will receive fame and will like it. If, in a dream, she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then it is coming unpleasant experiences because of the man she considered her friend.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation: A man in a dream

Men see in a dream - old man - long life; fat - you are waiting for pleasant moments; Young - alarm.

Esoteric dream book

If a man dreams:

A man what dreams is a young business, the task. Elderly honors, fame; than aggressive, the beneficial success; If good, gentle glory does not benefit, "copper pipes" can become your death. Cares, calling the case reminds of myself. His actions show that it can interfere or help the case; (for example: it cares can become entertainment). M., who turns out to be a friend, the case is not new, but requires a new look, extraordinary solutions. In bed for your case you need a creative approach. Initially familiar business of your life.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

See a man

In a dream, what dreams of a man will dream about - a long life - fat - you are waiting for pleasant moments - young - alarm

Dream Stranger

Man (unfamiliar) - psychological disagreements with them, new concern; Type of influence (for a man). For women - love and sexual claims; Rough, hard, volitional part of the sipping person. If the elderly is her relationships and feelings associated with the Father. Hairy or wild for both sexes - a strong animal love passion; wealth; Spiritual degradation.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist A. Malegetti

Dream Interpretation: Man if you dream

  • By dream of a men's foot - a symbol of structures supporting the whole person. This image indicates historicity in CE as the highest life positivity. In any case, it must be associated with the whole (that is, an individual).
  • Dream interpretation man in a hat and a raincoat - you really don't want to share your thoughts and feelings with the surrounding people, and it will have to do it.
  • Man, handsome man - the fulfillment of desires is delayed for a long time
  • Man, naked - danger, AIDS
  • To see a man with a white beard - a disease; In the shirt - for a woman - misfortune from marriage; The dead man on the street is the opening of new income.