Double plastic doors on the balcony. PVC entrance doors (metal plastic) in a private house

Not so long ago, metal-plastic doors put only on the balconies. With the development of technology, broader and reliable profiles appeared, allowing them to use them as an entrance in private houses and cottages. They are deprived of the main disadvantages of wooden doors - they do not swell from moisture, do not require regular renewal of paintwork, and it can look like the same or quite differently - it is your taste. Of course, with the reliability of metal entrance doors, they do not compare, but in the cottages and private houses such a margin of durability is not needed. First, you can penetrate through the windows. They are now no smaller size. Secondly, guard the territory, and wickets. So the inlet plastic doors are quite justified. Especially if you consider that they have many advantages and not so much flaws.

Input plastic doors can be part of the input group - with windows on the sides

Pros and cons of plastic entrance doors

  • Flexible manufacturing technology that allows you to make PVC entry doors of any configuration, colors, design.
  • Good protection rates from cold / heat.
  • Different opening systems.
  • We can operate in a hot and cold climate.
  • Do not react to moisture changes.
  • Provide good protection against noise, dust.
  • Compatibility with alarm.
  • The ability to install locks of any complexity - ordinary and closing in all directions.
  • Require minimal care, easily clean.

Of all the advantages, the input plastic doors on their own project can be reserved. Without any restrictions. More plus - the possibility of implementing a swing or sliding system. The sliding system is well combined with French windows. The area of \u200b\u200bglazing and they practically do not differ from the windows, as a result we get a very harmonious solution. Thus, make out access to the terrace, in the garden, to the backyard. Other materials do not provide such an opportunity - they are not compatible with the sliding system.

Sliding inlet plastic doors - a great way to make an exit to the terrace, in the garden to the backyard

Despite all the advantages, there are plastic entrance doors and disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • Mounting complexity.
  • Not too high resistance to hacks.

Most questions occur during installation. To enhance reliability around the perimeter of the doorway, a metal reinforcing pad is installed. It also improves the complexity of the installation. In addition, it is necessary to comply with technology that ensures a high degree of heat-sound insulation. All this makes the installation harder.

Input plastic doors: species, materials

As far as the inlet plastic doors will meet your expectations, as well, they will work, there will be or not to deliver inconvenience, it depends on whether materials are chosen correctly, fittings. The stability of the form depends on how the technology is sustained (is there an amplification in the corners, as carved in the opening profile under the accessories). The combination of these moments ensures that even street plastic doors work without problems. Therefore, every nuance is paying attention.

Method of opening

By the number of flaps, inlet plastic doors are one, two, three and four-dimensional. Most often in private houses put doors with one or two sash. Bivalves can be with two or one moving flaps. The second sash also opens, but only in certain situations - if more air should be inserted into the house or put something volumetric. For such models, the second flap is fixed by the spinages at the top and bottom. Three-rolled most often have one fixed and two movable flaps, four-dimensional - two-to-two ratio.

The number of flaps is determined by the width of the doorway. Up to 90 cm can be done one sash, from 1 meter to 1.8 m - two. A wider passage requires a three-stranded door.

According to the method of opening the door there are swinging (with opening inside or outdo) and sliding. Swing doors can be ordinary or pendulum (when they can open both inside the room and outside). In private houses, pendulum put very rarely, mainly if do the doors on the terrace.

Another point: entrance doors to a private house usually open out. This is not a rule, but so accepted. First, they are harder to knock outside, secondly, it is simpler, if necessary, to carry out inside. But it must be remembered that it increases the cost of the design, since the loops require another type, more expensive.


The quality and properties of the inlet plastic doors are determined by the quality and properties of the profile, from which they are made. Because the choice of profile is very careful. It is advisable to use well-known firms. REHAU, VEKA, KBE. They are checked, you know exactly what you get. Unnamed or little-known manufacturers are a big risk. No matter how soon change the doors due to their unsatisfactory quality.

Profile thickness and number of cameras

Street plastic doors are made from a special profile. It is wider and "thicker" that is used for the manufacture of balcony doors and accurately wider than that goes on the windows. Inside the profile, a reinforcing element is installed. For plastic doors, they put the contour from durable plastic, in the metalplastic reinforcing contour from aluminum.

For metal-plastic entrance doors, a class A profile is used, the minimum thickness of which is 70 mm, the maximum 118 mm, the thickness of the outer wall is at least 3 mm. In addition, it has a greater number of chambers, reinforced with thicker aluminum.

The choice of profile thickness depends on several factors. The first is a climatic zone. The colder / hotter in your region, the more fat profile is worth taking. The second factor that needs to be considered is whether there is a temper in the house. If it is, you can try to save - the tambour will be a buffer zone. At the same time, you should not forget about the cost - the thicker the profile, the more expensive it is.

This moment is also important as the number of isolated cameras in the profile (the more, the better, and at least 3 cameras, but better - 5), as well as the thickness of the wall of the outer jumper. A thicker outer wall is a big strength, the best protection against temperature differences.

Even, to give the inlet PVC doors of greater rigidity, in the corners put reinforcing elements. This is an important point warning through the severity or temperature difference. All these features affect the final quality and on the convenience of operation.

There is also the so-called "warm profile for plastic doors." It has an additional insertion from plastic - thermal survey. It isolates the outer and inside of the profile. This improves thermal insulation characteristics, has a positive effect on sound insulation.


A profile is on the manufacture of frame and sash, the inside of which the enhancing element is inserted is an aluminum profile. It can be C-shaped, P-shaped and closed - in the form of a rectangle. The most reliable is closed. It has greater rigidity, which guarantees the maintenance of the door shape at temperature differences. And pay attention, such a closed reinforcing profile must be on the frame and on the sash. Then even for large temperature differences, the door will not "will be deposited."

The difference between the profile for the manufacture of a plastic entrance door in a thicker plastic, larger the number of chambers and a reinforcing circuit made of thicker metal

At the same time, the reinforcing profile is used with a thickness of 2 mm - this is minimum, and there are still with 3 millimeter metal. It takes the design. It is by mass of the door that can indirectly distinguish a balcony unit from the inlet plastic door. Too thick metal it makes no sense, but also thin simply will not endure the load.

How to cut holes

Only there is one very important point. In many firms, when making the door holes for the installation of locks are cut with a grinder. And the holes make with a solid "reserve". It is simpler and faster, but such holes significantly weaken the design.

It is with this method of cutting the holes of the door bends "sabers" at large temperature differences. This is when on -20 ° C, and in the house + 25 ° C. In principle, the rejecting profile begins at less significant differences - from about -5 ° C. Just with an increase in the difference grows the gap at the top and bottom. Before ordering plastic doors, make sure that the holes are milling, and not cut by the grinder.


Since the profile and double-glazed windows for the weekend plastic doors have a solid weight, the loops must be reliable. Models are only overhead, the windows are not applicable. Select preferably the best of existing - PVC street entrance doors to a private house open / close very often. Only good quality gives a guarantee of many years of trouble-free use.

There are three loops on the folding width (60-80 cm), on wider - 4, rarely more. Each of the loops is designed for 150-200 kg, so that their overall "loading capacity" is very large. But it is not worth putting less powerful - the doors open often, so the fittings should be reliable. That is why it is better to order a loop of well-known manufacturers. They are responsible for how long the doors will serve, it will be or not, it will be done.

Special loops for plastic doors provide for the presence of

In order for the doors do not bother during operation, it is important to adjust them well. The weight of the flap should be evenly distributed onto all loops. Then, under any conditions, there will be no skew and other problems.


Plastic entrance doors can be without glass in general. Also, glass can be located at the top of the door (height of it is any). There is a third option - complete glazing.

If the glass is made from the vertex to the bottom, it is usually separated by a transverse crossbar - the impost. This is not necessary - there are firms that make solid glass, but there are few of them, since the technology is complex. It is worth such glazing is significantly more expensive, and there is also the possibility that it can change geometry. So basically try to persuade the impost. Such double-glazed windows are easier to manufacture, cheaper, more reliable. The location of the crossbar is determined depending on the design - if the input group assumes the presence of windows nearby, they are made either at one level or with a significant dispersion.

For street plastic doors, two-chamber double-glazed windows are usually used. They provide sufficient level of sound and heat insulation. Good indicators also have single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed windows. In general, there are the following types of double-glazed windows:

Glass can be ordinary, patterned, colored, satin (matte) with a mirror spraying. There are still armored. All this makes it possible to choose the characteristics of double-glazed windows for input plastic doors according to your requirements. Each firm characteristics differ slightly in the photo above the data on Ruhau firms.


Street weekend plastic doors can be equipped with a threshold of two types:

The choice of the threshold is not the most difficult point, but it also contributes to the level of comfort. For the entrance groups, the threshold is preferably done with a thermal explosion. This will not give the opportunity to penetrate the threshold.

Locking systems

Input plastic doors can be completed by conventional locks - with one point of fixation (single-side) or multi-axis. Multi-axes have several leaving "tongues".

There are two types of locks with multiple constipation - multi-axis and multiple. The clamps are designed for the best clamp of the frame to the frame. It ensures the maintenance of heat, so such locks should be used if the inlet plastic doors separate the warm room from the street or cold tambour.

The second type is multiple - have hazardous resistance. They have longer riglels (tongues) that are harder to squeeze. Such locks are worth using if you should pay the safety of great importance. Specifically - walls stone, windows small, with installed rolling shutters and alarm. Then it makes sense to put a more reliable castle. Otherwise, attackers will simply cost the doors using windows.

If both characteristics are needed - and good thermal insulation, and reliability - you can put a multi-axle anti-burglar. They have a pin (tongues) in the form of a mushroom. They are so simple not hack.

Publishers in multi-axes are located vertically (from 4 to 6) and in the corners (with high altitudes they put additional). It helps improve door fit. Speed \u200b\u200bin motion they can from the key, and can - from the handle. It is more convenient to use the handle. But it should be borne in mind that multi-rotated locks require a certain sequence of actions when closing. Over time, the owners are getting used to this, but at first it delivers inconvenience.

Plastic door assembling video

It is unlikely that someone decides to collect plastic doors on their own. Just after watching these rollers it is easier to understand the structure of the door, the purpose of each of the elements.

September 24, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

If you have a balcony or loggia, then most likely you have a balcony door with a window from one or two sides. This type of structures is called a balcony unit and can have a variety of configurations.

Previously, it was always put on the construction of wood products, the requirements for which are spelled out in GOST 11214-86 "Windows and balcony doors wooden with double for residential and public buildings." In modern buildings, plastic is increasingly raised, which is much better in terms of reliability. If you are thinking about replacing this part, then this review will tell you all the nuances of the work and the types of designs that can be used.

Legal aspects associated with balcony doors

I often ask questions about whether the dismantling of the balcony door is redeveloped. There are several nuances that need to be told:

  • If you want to just remove the window and the door and leave the opening, then no matching is needed, because the configuration of the wall does not change;
  • In case you need to expand the opening, then without negotiation it is not necessary. If you live in a panel house, then the permission will most likely be given if in the brick, then such an opportunity may be present;
  • If your balcony is transition and can be used as a evacuation pass, then you do not get permissions. You can only replace the balcony unit;
  • Finally, if you want to replace the door to the design of a different type, then no permissions are needed.

You can put completely glass designs instead of standard or replace the tree on PVC, there are no restrictions. The main thing is that the design is reliable and durable. If you are interested in the requirements for glass doors in transitional balconies, then most importantly of them are resistance to hacking, most modern manufacturers use anti-burglar fittings, so this question disappears by itself.

In the review, I will talk about what doors can be installed, especially since there are many options, and each of them has its advantages.

Types of doors

I will tell about the three main versions: wooden, plastic and aluminum doors to the balcony. Each of the solutions has its advantages and disadvantages, so the final choice in any case is yours.

Wooden doors

This option is well-known almost to all - the products are poorly tolerated with humidity, the design is deformed with time, because of which the door is badly closed. But modern products are very different from Soviet options, these are not low-quality doors, in our time they have a number of benefits:

  • The design is made of glued timber, which takes a lot of humidity drops much better and is practically not deformed over time. Such products do not bother in a couple of years, they will work for a long time as it should be;

  • High-quality fittings should be used in the design, it guarantees ease of operation;

I would generally advise you to clarify what accessories are used in the design. Nobody will put expensive components on low-quality products, so if the seller talks about the reliability of the fittings, then, most likely, before you is a good option.

  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material, and this is, according to many of its main advantage. In addition, the beauty of the natural structure of the tree can be very by the way in many interiors, and if you wish, you can buy the options you need;

  • Wood thermal insulation indicators are much higher than that of plastic or aluminumTherefore, if you need to protect the room from the penetration of the cold, cholect wooden doors with energy-saving double-glazed windows. The most reliable option is a double design in which there is space between the canvases;
  • Another plus of wooden doors is that if necessary, you can repair with your own hands. The surface can be colored by any suitable composition, and the fitness facility is replaced by a new one;

  • Designs can be manufactured from both pine trees and more durable rocks: oak or larch. The latest options are much stronger and much better opposed moisture, but also their cost will be noticeably higher than that of standard solutions.

Now we will deal with flaws, they also have:

  • If you have an open balcony, over time, the paintwork on the design will inevitably destroy and take painting of all elements. If you have a closed balcony or loggia, then this aspect does not matter;
  • The biggest minus of wood products is a high price. For example, a standard version of the balcony block with a size of 2000x1500 mm from pine will cost you about 35-37 thousand rubles, the product from larch will be more expensive by 4-5 thousand. And if you decide to install an oak design, then be prepared to spend about 70,000 rubles.

Plastic windows

This is the most popular and claimed version of the products today. The reasons for such popularity are several:

The democratic prices of the balcony unit on average ranges from 10 to 15 thousand, as you can see, in comparison with the same tree, this option wins at times. But buying the cheapest designs I do not advise, it is better to pay more, but get a product from a quality profile with a good fitness and energy-saving double-glazed windows

Advantage Description
Durability The design will serve you dozens of years, and if you use it on an open balcony or loggia, then the service life increases at times. Roughly speaking, plastic can be put and forget that the doors need to be changed in the near future. PVC is not afraid of temperature and humidity drops, which causes his durability
Good performance High-quality structures have good indicators of heat and sound insulation, that is, for reasonable money, you get a great solution that will protect your home from the cold and foreign sounds. If the balcony is glazed, then even near the motorway noise in the apartment will be minimal
Ability to choose color If the usual white version seems to you too dull and boring, then you can buy laminated products. They can be of different colors, as well as imitate the structure of natural wood, making the design as attractive as possible

It is impossible not to note the fact that in plastic doors the glazing area is much larger than in wooden analogues. The glass can be from the floor to the ceiling, which ensures the best light illumination.

Of course, there are balcony doors from PVC and its shortcomings:

  • Many believe that manufacturing material has a negative impact on human health. This is true only in part: in plastic and the truth there are harmful components, but their content does not exceed the permissible norms established by law. If they can be used in Europe with its rigid standards, then the safety of such products can not be worried;
  • The appearance of products is standard, even the use of lamination does not make them exclusive, because the same profile is used for production;
  • Over time, fittings require adjustment or even replacement. For example, if the door does not open to ventilation, but otherwise it works well, then you need adjustment, if the problems in all modes, then, most likely, the mechanism or separate parts should be replaced. Over time, seals can be supplied, but their replacement is not a big problem.

Aluminum structures

This option is used in the balconies more and more in view of several important advantages:

  • Designs can be both cold and warm. If earlier aluminum doors (most often sliding) were used only on insulated balconies, then modern themselves are perfectly protected from cold and can be used on cold spaces;

  • Aluminum is not afraid of drops of moisture and temperatures, no precipitation is afraid, so such doors can serve as decades. This metal is not subject to corrosion, so it makes no sense to worry about its safety;
  • From such a profile, the designs of various sizes are manufactured, and the glazing in them is always solid, which improves the appearance and allows you to see everything that happens behind the door;
  • The material is not lit, and also does not allocate any substances harmful to humans, so it can be used in any premises without any restrictions;
  • Another important plus is a small weight of the design, it does not create load on the design and easy to install.

Now we will deal with the cons, they are as follows:

  • Aluminum has low sound insulation indicators, which is why it is undesirable to use it in noisy places;
  • In terms of thermal insulation, this option is still inferior to plastic and wood;
  • If scratches appear on the surface, then remove them will be very problematic.

Types of designs

In addition to the manufacturing material of the door to the balcony, there may be different in design, I will tell you about the main versions, each of them is suitable for certain conditions, so there should be no problems with the choice.

Swing doors

This option is the most common and simple, but there are many types of designs that have their differences will deal with them:

  • Standard swollen option - When the entire width of the doorway is closed with one web, which opens inside the room at a convenient side for you. The design can be different: you can insert glass from the bottom to the top, can divide into two parts and make one deaf, it all depends on your preferences. If desired, an additional anti-mosquito door can be installed, which will protect the room from insects during the summer;

  • The second option is a two-dimensional design, one part of which opens, and the second is deaf. It shall that cost the cost of the product and simplifies the task, how to beat the opening: put two sashs of different widths, and the system looks much better than a huge door. In the houses of the 50s, the sizes of the balcony doors are non-standard, so there may be necessary to install the design with additional glazing at the top, so that the height of the canvas is standard;

  • If the width of the opening is great, then the installation of a two-dimensional version with the impost will be an excellent option. (This is the name of the jumper in the middle, to which the sash is adjacent). This option is distinguished by durability, but when moving, the jumper creates interference, so this type of product is advisable only in cases where you use one sash, and the second most often is in a closed position;
  • A pliable double-skinned door is distinguished by the fact that there is no jumpers between the sash, one part of it from above and below is fixed by special latches, which are opened if necessary. If necessary, the retainer opens, and you get a big opening without any obstacles. This is a very convenient solution, but its value is much higher than that of the above-described version with the impost;

Sliding systems

This option is only suitable for whom the opening is big and two or more sash can be fit. There are two main types of structures:

  • Doors-portals, this design is also called a compartment by analogy with cabinets. Its main feature is that two or more flaps are located on special guides. The movable part of the design, if necessary, the opening is applied to itself and moves to the side, everything is simple and reliable. In the highest-quality models of the sash can be drawn away for ventilation, it is very convenient and practical;

  • Another option is the harmonica door, which was called so for the specifics of its opening: the sash folded like the harmonica and become on the side, freeing the opening. This option looks very spectacular in large openings, and often the design is made two-rolled - one part opens in everyday use, and the second as needed, a visual example is shown in the photo below.

At the end, I would like to add a few comments about the outer fittings so that you can easily open and close the door outside, and you did not have a situation where the door slammed, and you stayed on the balcony.

There are several solution solutions:

  • You can put full-fledged rotary handles and from the inside and outside, then you can open the design from either side, and the problem, how to close the outside door, will not stand at all. The minus of this solution is that outsiders will be able to penetrate into the house, if they fall on the balcony to avoid this, on the outer handle I advise you to put a full-fledged design with the lock, among other things, it will reduce the balcony from children;
  • The second option is the fastening of the magnetic latch from the outside, it is a very simple solution: to one part of the design a block with magnets, to the second metal plank, even an inexperienced wizard will not have any questions how to set this element. For convenience from the outside, you can attach a simple handle to open the sash with it.


Whatever option you choose, be it a glass balcony door, a multistate design or a wooden version, it is important to purchase a high-quality product equipped with reliable accessories. The video in this article will tell more information on the topic, and if something is incomprehensible to you, do not hesitate to write your questions in the comments under the review.

Balcony doors separate the space of the loggia or balcony from the rest of the room. Thanks to them, protection against penetration into the house of cold air is ensured. In addition, the door is passed into the room light, as, in the overwhelming majority, are transparent. If the door is convenient and functional, it is always pleasant and comfortable to use it. Standard glasses and double-glazed windows are used as the glazing of structures, the same as on the windows.

Types of balcony doors

Depending on the combination with windows, the door to the balcony is divided into such types:

  1. Detached doors.
  2. Combined with window. These are the so-called balcony blocks:
    • windows are on both sides of the door;
    • the window is on the left of the door;
    • the window is on the right of the door.

Depending on the opening mechanism, the door can be:

  • swivel;
  • swivel-folding (as well as the previous option may be with left or right opening);
  • sliding
  • deaf.

Depending on the design of the door there:

  • one-bedroom having one sash;
  • double colors who have 2 sash.

Door openings have certain standards. Thus, the width of the swollen balcony door can be in the range of 70-90 cm. Its height is 200-210 cm. In private houses and in apartment buildings of the old building, the height of the balcony doors can reach 280 cm, and the width is up to 130 cm. In individual Projects can also use more overall designs that occupy the entire wall.

Modifications of balcony doors

The access to the balcony can be decorated in different ways. From whatever material, modern balcony doors were manufactured, their glazing is chosen by the owners at their discretion.

The main modifications look like this:

  • The door is completely transparent. It inserted the only large double glazing. This is the most popular variety of doors on the loggia, allowing to pass into the room more light;
  • . This is a double door, each half of which is glazed. The amount of passing light in the room is maximum;
  • The balcony door is divided into 2 parts, each of which is glazed. In the design of such a door there is a jumper that can be located at different heights;
  • The same 2 pieces (or alone), but only the lower part is closed with a sandwich (plastic doors to the balcony) or wooden panel (if the doors are made of wood). This is the most economical option.

Constructive features of balcony doors

Before replacing old balcony doors or redevelopment, the question often arises what better balcony doors? It depends mostly from the characteristics of the balcony opening, its size, your preferences and opportunities. By its design, the balcony doors are divided into several varieties, each of which has the right to exist:

1. Standard swing doors on the balcony. This is the most popular and inexpensive design, which is often part of the balcony unit. The door opens inside the room in one of the sides.

On the photo plastic balcony door PVC swing type with swiveling accessories

2. Double doorswhere one of the sash is deaf, and the second one opens. This is a fairly economical option. The deaf sash is used as an additional window. You can wash it, going to the balcony. This design is often used in the case of a wide doorway.

3. Double doors with impost. Both sash can open, but between them is a fixed rigid insert - an impost. Thanks to him, the flaps are fixed in the closed position.

Tip: If possible, do not acquire such doors, since the fixed impost creates an obstacle when moving onto a balcony and back.

four. . It consists of two parts, one of which is still fixed from below and on top of the frame. If necessary, the plump opens, as a result of which both doors swap. This is a very popular variety of balcony doors, although quite expensive.

5. Sliding doors on the balcony. Their characteristic difference is the possibility of moving the sash on the guide rails. This is a fairly large category to which the following varieties of doors include:

Materials for balcony doors

Balcony doors can be made of several materials. How not to make a mistake with the choice? To do this, you need to study the features of each material.

PVC doors

This is the most common type of balcony doors, distinguished by reliability and acceptable cost (on a plastic balcony door. The price, as on the doors from other materials, depends on many parameters, such as size, method of opening, modification, fittings, and TP.).

Metal-plastic doors on the balcony have the following advantages:

  • extraordinary durability;
  • high degree of heat and noise insulation;
  • they do not affect the temperature fluctuations and changes in humidity;
  • doors can be laminated by changing their color;
  • ecology is within the normal range.

Disadvantages of PVC doors:

  • conservative appearance;
  • the need to regularly care for fittings and seals.

Aluminum doors

Increasingly, structures with an aluminum profile are used as balcony doors. Moreover, warm doors from such a profile are no longer uncommon.

Advantages of aluminum doors:

  • low weight;
  • acceptable cost;
  • fire safety;
  • the ability to make doors of any sizes and forms;
  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • durability, calculated by decades;

Disadvantages of aluminum doors:

  • insufficient insulation of the room;
  • even warm doors are inferior in the level of heat-saving PVC structures;
  • the surface of the doors is at risk of scratches that are difficult to remove.

Wooden doors

Unlike old door structures that were exposed to deformations from excessive humidity and temperature differences, modern wooden doors to the balcony are almost the perfect choice. Made such doors made of glued timber, which prevents them in charge and damage. Usually wooden doors have chickens from wood or MDF, or plug-in double-glazed windows.

Their advantages:

  • they are clean ecologically;
  • the type of natural wood contributes to pacification and harmony in the house;
  • convenient control, as the doors are equipped with modern high-quality fittings;
  • noble appearance;
  • high heat-insulating wood quality make doors unusually comfortable at any time of the year.

Disadvantages of wood doors:

  • if the balcony is not glazed outside, then the moisture penetrating the street is affected by the door. This leads to the loss of its attractiveness, swelling and the emergence of difficulties with its opening and locking;
  • high price, much more than the cost of PVC structures.

Glass doors

Such doors choose creative people. Glass doors on the balcony are completely deprived of a frame. They consist of double-glazed windows (glasses) and control accessories. In the glass packages, the thick (about 1 cm) tempered glass or triplex is used. Break such glass is extremely difficult.

Advantages of glass doors:

  • the use of glass doors allows the maximum to fill the room with light;
  • the room visually becomes more;
  • the appearance of such doors is so unusual that the attention of guests at home is attracted;
  • doors are environmentally friendly and safe in operation.

Disadvantages of glass doors:

  • the cost of such structures is very high due to the use of expensive glass;
  • doors have considerable weight;
  • low thermal insulation and tightness, so you can only be used on a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia;
  • it takes a very accurate installation by specialists. Otherwise, a small skew can disrupt the perfect fit of the sash.

Accessories for doors

Doors for the loggia or balcony are necessarily equipped with accessories, which ensures their locking and opening, as well as the air vent. High-quality fittings will make the door to the door all over its perimeter as long as possible. Door fittings are divided into inner and external. The inner part in its design is similar. The composition of the external fittings includes such elements:

  • Door rotary handle. May be one-sided or bilateral. In the latter case, the door will be able to open in both directions. Often, the handles are supplied with locks to prevent their accidental discoveries;
  • Stationary handle located on the door side of the balcony. With her help, the door is covered by a man located on the balcony;
  • Balcony latch. It is a spring mechanism designed to hold the door in a closed state without using a rotary handle. It is very useful when you need to go to the balcony, covering the door tightly;
  • Decorative lining, covering metal parts of the door;

Tip: If the balcony is not glazed, then it is desirable to install a mosquito net in the doorway.

In recent times, plastic doors and windows have been obtained quite widespread. The cause of such a demand: practicality, durability, good performance, attractive appearance and democratic prices. Installation of plastic doors or windows is the best solution for a balcony or apartment as well as a winter garden. And knowing that today the doors and windows from PVC can be not only white, but also painted in RAL, in mass or laminated under a tree, with tinted or embossed glasses, stained glass windows or decorative binders, they are greatly used as interior or entrance doors. Therefore, to see plastic doors in Moscow and the Moscow region can be almost in every home.

Window Stroy offers a huge selection of high-quality plastic doors onto a balcony that can be combined or with glass, deaf plastic inserts from the sandwich panel. Such balcony doors with full glazing in height look in European and allow you to skip the room more light. We produce our plastic doors, the prices for which one of the most profitable and competitive in Moscow and the Moscow region, from Rehau, Veka, KBE profiles and install reliable and durable designs. At the request of the customer in the plastic balcony door, we can establish anti-burglar accessories and energy-saving double-glazed windows, and the profile itself can be enhanced with closed reinforcement. Our specialists qualitatively and neatly in a short time will measure the installation of plastic windows or doors in Moscow and the Moscow region and will perform a full range of turnkey finishing works.

Characteristics of plastic doors "REHAU BLITZ-NEW-DESIGN"

double-glazed windows 4x10x4x10x4

  • System depth: 60 mm
  • Three-chamber system
  • double glass - 32mm
  • Soundproofing windows: to class 4
  • Reinforcement chamber width: 35 mm
  • high class ecology

Balcony block: Advantages

The balcony unit separates the balcony from the room and consists of a window and door or separate doors. The product from PVC, has many advantages:

  • The balcony door should be easy enough to avoid sagging it on the loop. At the same time, it should be durable, providing enough hermetic closing.
  • Additional noisezolation and thermal insulation;
  • Presentable appearance;
  • Practicality. Having established a design once, you will not have to serve it in the future, it does not need special care.
  • Durability of products.
  • Available cost. Balcony unit with installation at an affordable price can afford anyone.
  • The possibility of lamination allows you to get the doors and windows for a balcony of various colors. Perhaps the performance under the wood.

Main types of balcony doors

Fully transparent, single Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm

Price - 9,470 rub.

Transparent with horizontal jumper, single-standing Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm

Price - 9 960 rubles.

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm

Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 9 180 rub.

Transparent, two-sided plum

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber (over the entire height of the door)
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 20 050 rub.

Transparent with a horizontal jumper, two-sided plop (without vertical jumper between the doors)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed camera 2-chamber
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 21 090 rub.

Combined, double-hearted plum (without vertical jumper between the doors)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber / sandwich
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 19 430 rub.

Transparent, single door (with a deaf window)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber (over the entire height of the door)
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 16 150 rub.

Transparent, single door with horizontal jumper (One part window is a deaf second twisted)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed camera 2-chamber
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 20 770 rub.

(the window on the left is deaf, and on the right swivelly folding)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber / sandwich
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 20 770 rub.

Combined, single door (in a single frame with a swivel folding)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber / sandwich
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 16 980 rub.

(on the sides two deaf parts)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber (over the entire height of the door)
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 20 880 rub.

Transparent, single door without horizontal jumper (with a side one deaf part)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed camera 2-chamber
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 18 860 rub.

Fully transparent door without horizontal jumper (from above the deaf part)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber (over the entire height of the door)
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 11 150 rub.

Transparent, two-sided plump door (without vertical jumper between the doors)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber (over the entire height of the door)
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 22 940 rub.

Combined, single door with horizontal jumper (from above two deaf parts and on the right one sash swivelly folded)

Rehau Blitz-New - 60 mm
Filling: double-glazed windows 2-chamber / sandwich
Complete set: inner handle, outer false handle, balcony snatch

Price - 19 310 rub.

The cost of balcony doors is indicated without delivery and installation

Also, our company can make and install plastic balcony doors from other PVC profiles. Rehau.; Veka.; KBE, Novotex..
Making colors for lamination profiles Renolit. in Masca and RAL

  • Balcony plastic doors

Only the correctly installed balcony door will be able to effectively protect the house from the cold. The feature of the balcony doors is that they are usually transparent, it is necessary for the normal entry of light into the room. In modern doors, instead of ordinary braids, the same double-glazed windows are installed as on the windows, which makes it possible to effectively save heat in the apartment.

Varieties of balcony doors

In order for you to choose the right balcony door, you must first deal with its varieties, find out the features of each option, its advantages and disadvantages.

Balcony doors differ in location relative to the window: they can be one for it to be located on the left or right side, as well as to be a separate element.

The balcony door can be placed on the left, to the right of the window or be in the middle

Also balcony doors have different opening mechanisms:

  • the swollen mechanism is traditional, therefore the most popular;
  • the sliding mechanism is convenient to use on small balconies;
  • the swivel mechanism is most often used in small apartments;
  • rotary-folding doors can additionally open to ventilation mode.

By type of design, balcony doors can be single or double. For their manufacture, different materials are used: wood, plastic, glass, aluminum.

Before choosing a balcony door, you need to decide how it will be mounted. Usually, the apartments are installed balcony blocks, and redo the wall to another door type will be expensive and difficult.

Photo Gallery: Types of balcony doors

Combined balcony door provides excellent heat insulation Double doors make it possible to carry large objects to the balcony Sliding balcony doors save space Glass panoramic doors ensure the penetration of a large amount of light Stained glass in balcony doors look exquisite

Types of balcony doors for manufacturing material

The functionality and service life of the balcony doors will largely depend on the material from which it is made. Consider the features of the structures made from various materials, their advantages and disadvantages.

Wooden doors for balconies

A tree is an environmentally friendly and safe material, but how practical do such doors are? People who love everything natural, believe that it is the wooden door that will be the most right decision. They are guided by the fact that such structures have a chic appearance and environmentally friendly.

So that the wooden balcony door serves reliably, only dry, high-quality wood and modern double-glazed windows are used for its manufacture.

But despite the presentable species, wooden balcony doors have one serious drawback - through time they dry, and their functionality is reduced, after which they poorly protect the room from the cold.

If you decide to use wooden doors on a balcony or loggia, they need to be additionally insulated. Do it in places of fastening of double-glazed windows, as well as in the joints of the door frame. The easiest option will be the use of self-adhesive tape. In order for the door to harmonize with the interior of the room, decorative materials for upholstery are used corresponding to the design of the room.

Plastic doors for balcony

The championship among balcony doors confidently occupy plastic structures, they are PVC doors. This is explained by the optimal ratio of such characteristics as quality and price. In addition, plastic doors are practical, they are convenient to use, and they have a beautiful appearance.

Plastic balcony door - a modern solution that not only reliably protects the room from cold, but also has a beautiful view, low cost

Among the shortcomings of PVC structures, some experts note their comparative briefness, but it all depends on the compliance with the rules of operation and care. If you have to inspect them in time, if necessary, change accessories and canvas, then such doors will serve you not one dozen years.

Glass balcony doors

Glass doors to the balcony in the apartment will not be met very often, usually such a decision choose creative people. More often they are installed in cafes or offices, as they allow you to better attract customers.

Materials can be used to create a glass balcony door:

  • triplex;
  • plexiglas;
  • polycarbonate.

The described materials are transparent, but their strength is much higher than that of ordinary glass, so they are safer. If glass is used, it is pre-hardened, which significantly increases strength, and it can withstand higher loads.

Glass door to the balcony - a modern and unusual solution that allows you to transform any apartment

There are two options for designing such designs: frame and frameless. To create a frame, steel, aluminum, plastic or fiberglass use. In the frameless version, there is no frame, instead of it uses fiberglass filler and polymer binders.

Plus, this option is that the room is obtained by light, its dimensions are visually increasing, the glass is an eco-friendly material. The lack of a glass balcony door in its high cost and low thermal insulation indicators, so they are recommended to be installed only on glazed balconies. And also such doors are complex in the installation, which is unlikely to do it.

Combined doors for balcony

The popular solution is the installation of combined doors. In this case, the lower part is usually made of PVC or wood, and the windows are installed on top. Thus, the bottom doors protect the room well from the penetration of the cold, and the transparent upper part, it passes a sufficient amount of light to the apartment.

Combined doors can have Filönchatu or panel design. The main advantage of the combined structures is their low cost, and the surface coating with veneer or laminated panels of the required shade, allows you to select doors for any interior.

Combined design usually from below is made of wood or plastic, and the upper part is a glass

The main disadvantage of combined balcony doors is that the buyer cannot verify the filling that is inside, namely, the strength, sound and thermal insulation characteristics of the structure depend on it.

To determine the quality of the combined balcony door, you can focus on its weight. If it is light, it testifies to the use of cardboard or thin plates as a filler, which indicates bad sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

Types of balcony doors for their design

The choice of the design of the balcony door depends on the size and shape of the outlet in the wall, as well as on your preferences and financial capabilities. There are several types of doors that differ in constructive features, and each of them has both pros and cons.

Most recently, traditional swing structures were practically no alternative. But now the market is represented sliding, retractable, panoramic doors, you can install the door-harmonica.

Double balcony doors

This decision can be implemented both in an apartment or house and in offices. The double door has a special design - two canvases that are located in parallel to each other. Such doors were often installed in the houses of the old building, but did not lose their popularity now.

Double door is two canvases located parallelly to each other

The presence of two door canvases allows you to better save heat in the house, so such doors can be installed on an unconflated balcony. The lack of such a design is that each canvas doors have its fittings for the purchase of which will have to spend twice as much money.

Balcony double doors

In old houses, only a single balcony door was installed, but the modern planning of apartments allows the use of plump or bivalve models. This design consists of two sash, most often one of them remains deaf, and the second use, but you can make both halves.

If only one sash opens, then it is installed on it all accessories. When both sash open, install shill accessories, which makes the design more expensive. The advantage of a bivalve option is that free furniture or other large objects can be taken to the balcony.

The bivalve door allows not only to go to the balcony, but also to carry out dimensions there

Since each halves of a double door is less than a single, then a smaller load is created on the accessories, which increases its service life. The disadvantage of such a design is that it is necessary for its installation, the width of which is at least 90 cm. The upper scorelet on the sash is located high, so if it is necessary to fully open doors, it will be hard to get it difficult to get it.

If you want to expand the discourse for the installation of a double balcony door, then before carrying out work, it is necessary to obtain permission in the residential commitassies.

Due to the fact that such a design has a large stalk area, it best misses the light into the room. This allows you to visually increase the space that is especially relevant for the rooms that windows come to the north.

Sliding doors on the balcony

Such designs allow you to remove the barrier, so the room expands and is filled with sunlight. Installing the sliding balcony door give an apartment a modern look. This solution allows you to make an apartment respectable, as well as save space when opening and closing doors. Sliding doors can open in parallel or lean out the windows.

Since the design has a significant weight, you need to take a powerful and reliable profile. Most of the door consists of glass, so it is necessary to choose modern and high-quality double-glazed windows that have good thermal insulation characteristics.

Sliding doors do not occupy space when opening, give the room a modern view

Wooden doors require more attention and care compared to plastic options. Laminated PVC structures embodied the practicality and reliability of plastic, as well as the beauty of a natural tree.

Sliding doors can be sloping-sliding type, they have a small weight, provide good tightness and thermal insulation. You can air the room without opening the door for this.

The lifting and sliding design has large dimensions, such doors are moving on the ceiling and floor rails. When you turn the handle, the canvas is lifted and shifted to the side. This allows you to create strong structures with a width to 2.5 m.

Balcony doors harmonica

This option when opening the door canvase reminds the harmonic. Despite the design features, such doors have insufficient tightness and therefore can be used on a glazed balcony. The doors characteristics will depend on the quality of the applied accessories and seals.

The harmonica door allows you to close a big deal, but it is better to install it on glazed balconies, as it is not a bit

The main advantage of such doors is that they take up little space, as they add to the type of Veter. They are used in large overwhelms whose width can reach 6 m. If compared with other door designs, then these will be worse than tightness.

Panoramic balcony doors

Panoramic doors can have a different design: sliding, swing, in the form of harmonica. Frame can be made of plastic, aluminum, wood.

The main advantage of such a solution is the presence of a large number of sunlight in the room. It is necessary to provide for blinds or curtains, since in the summer the room will be very hot.

Panoramic balcony door - a modern solution that allows you to enjoy the view from the window

Beautiful panoramic view that can be enjoyed at any time of the year. For greater comfort, the door is equipped with thermal survey and warm glazing. This design provides a stylish design, it emphasizes the exquisite taste of apartment owners and their financial position. Among the shortcomings of such a design, it is worth noting its high cost, the complexity of installation and care.

Often people confuse sliding and rollback doors, believe that this is the same. In fact, the peculiarity of the skipping doors is laid in their name. They have wheels, with the help of which they open, and the weight of the canvas accounts for them. This ensures the presence of a rigid and reliable support. Sliding doors have only an upper guide that negatively affects their characteristics.

Due to the presence of reference wheels, the life of the skipping doors is much larger than that of sliding structures. In the process of their work, there are no problems, they are not thrown and do not encourage. During the opening and closing, this design works much quieter.

The presence of the lower guide and reference wheels makes the design of the sliding doors more reliable and durable

Their disadvantage is that the lower guide creates certain inconveniences, as it interferes to walk and dirt is inserted into it. Low thermal insulation properties do not allow you to install retractable doors to an uncrowned balcony. On the wall, which is located next to the door, you can not hang pictures, shelves, etc.

Dimensions of doors for the balcony

Guest 11214-86 indicates what should be the dimensions for the balcony. In old houses, the width of the doorway is only 61 cm. This allows you to go through the doors normally, but you will not succeed.

In modern apartments, the size of the window block has increased significantly. Now the width of the lumen for the door is 70-90 cm, and its height from 2 to 2.2 m.

Standard width, height and thickness of the balcony doors provide:

  • total with a window sufficient light illumination;
  • multiple use and durability, which are ensured by the rigidity of the structure;
  • thermal insulation of the room;
  • the possibility of ventilation of the room with open doors.

If you decide to make the door to order or purchase them yourself, then you need to correctly perform measurements. Dimensions are removed from the outside and inside, they do it in several places. In addition to the parameters such as the width and height of the balcony door, its thickness is of great importance, according to existing standards, it must be 75 mm.

Installation of doors for the balcony

Before starting the installation of a balcony door, you must first make it necessary to make it possible to make the necessary materials and tools. Plastic doors are most popular, so consider the process of their installation. It will take:

  • measuring instruments;
  • level;
  • perforator;
  • plumb;
  • fastening elements;
  • a hammer.

The installation order of the balcony door:

  1. Dismantling the old door. Carefully remove the old construction and carefully clean the doorway from the plaster. In order not to be dust, the surface is covered with primer.

    During the dismantling, it is necessary to carefully remove the remains of plaster so that they do not interfere with the right door to install a new door.

  2. Preparation of plastic door. Before starting the installation, it should be disassembled. It will be easier to install when the canvas removed from the box and the double-glazed windows are elongated.

    When the canvas is separated from the door frame and removed the glass, much easier to install the door and less likely to damage the glass

  3. Installation of the door frame. To do this, in a set of plastic doors there are fasteners. On the inside of the box there are special grooves in which the brackets are installed. For attaching anchors, a hole is made in the canvase, it is much easier and faster, but the appearance of the door will be spoiled. On each side, a minimum of three fasteners are set.

    When installing the door frame, it is necessary to be clearly observed both vertically and its horizontal installation

  4. Installing the canvas. First, the web is planted on the lower canopy. The door is closed, with the coincidence of the top loop, when it happened, they are connected using the pin.

    After the cloth is installed on the lower canopy, the upper loops must match, and then they are fixed using the pin with the pin

  5. Sealing the door block. After you checked the correct installation of the door box with the help of the level and it was well fixed, and also installed the door leaf, the discovered between it and the wall are filled with mounting foam.

    After soaring the mounting foam, it must be protected from the negative effect of external factors, under which the material quickly loses its heat-insulating properties

Video: Installation of a balcony door

Features of operation

In order for the balcony doors to function normally for a long period, they must be properly operated and in time to serve:

  • periodically lubricate the moving parts of the accessure of technical vaseline and make them inspection;
  • clean drainage holes;
  • inspect the state of seals and lubricate them with lubrication.

Profile care lies in periodic cleaning of contamination, for this, special means or soap water are used. Fittings need to be protected from dirt from getting dirty. Rubber seals need twice a year to cleaned from dirt and wiped with a special means. This will preserve their elasticity and water repellent characteristics.

Accessories for balcony doors

If plastic doors are mounted on the balcony, then a separate lock and push handle are not installed for them. The same accessories is used as for windows. In this case, the quality of the accessories is playing great importance, as the doors have a greater weight, and the load on the loop, handles and locks will be greater.

To ensure better tightness, the balcony doors are equipped with a middle clamp. It does not allow the cold air to fall into the room. For the same goals, a primer and a balcony latch are used.

Accessories used on balcony doors:

  1. Balcony latch. It serves to fix the doors when a person goes to the balcony. Its presence allows you to lean the doors and while the person on the balcony will not get out of the room.

    Balcony latch allows you to fix the doors when a person is on the balcony

  2. Double-sided handle. This device allows you to close the doors hermetically. It is not recommended to be used on the first floors, as this is an additional opportunity for thieves to penetrate the room. For more reliable protection of the house from the robbers, you can purchase a double-sided handle with a lock.

    The presence of a double-sided handle allows you to open the doors both outside and inside

  3. Mosquito net. This is an additional device for a balcony door that is very popular. She does not miss insects, dirt and pooh to the room. For ease of use, you can purchase a mosquito net in the form of a door that is mounted on the loop and has its own knob for fixing and opening. This is a more convenient option than just a grid, which, at each output, you will have to remove and insert again.

    Mosquito net reliably protect the apartment both from insects and dirt, fluff

  4. Double glass. Usually it is used as on the windows. To properly protect the house from foreign sounds and cold, it should be at least two cameras.

    If the glazed balcony, then you can use a single-chamber window in the doors, and if not, then it is better to two-chamber

  5. Threshold. To create it uses part of the usual windowsill. Such plastic has sufficient strength to withstand the weight of a person, and it is heavier compared to the concrete threshold. In order for the plastic threshold to withstand a lot of weight, it must be properly installed, there should be no emptiness under it.

    The presence of the threshold does not make it possible to enter the cold air to the room

  6. Locking devices. They are mounted on the floor or on the wall and do not give the possibilities to the doors to open the lash, and also fix them in a certain position.
  7. Door hinges. Although the weight of the plastic door and less than a wooden one, so that it does not have saved and worked reliably, you need to install powerful loops and adjust them correctly. Basic requirements for door hinges:
  8. Automatic closers. These are special devices that allow smoothly to close the doors without your participation. They can be installed both at the top and bottom of the door, but there are closers that hide into the end of the canvas. The closer has the ability to adjust the closing speed.

    Automatic closers do not allow doors to sharply close

  9. Locks. They serve to protect the apartment from thieves. Shut-off devices can be:

Video: Choosing accessories for plastic doors

When choosing a balcony door, it is necessary to take into account its purpose, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the features of the interior design. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with possible options for doors, their features, advantages and disadvantages, after which it will be possible to make the right choice.