Durian how to eat. Durian: benefits and harms to the body

Once in South Asia, you are faced with a wide assortment of all kinds of tropical fruits and berries, each type of which has its own peculiarities of preparation and consumption. The most spectacular and popular among them is, perhaps, durian - the king of fruits. Let's figure out how to properly cut and eat it.

It should be noted that mature durian, actively exuding a characteristic bad smell, should be opened and eaten in the open air, so as not to create unpleasant situations for other people who are not fans of these fruits. Having chosen and bought durian of optimal maturity, you can easily open and extract the pulp from it yourself. To do this, you will need a hard surface, a knife and a saucer, it may be advisable to use protective gloves to avoid cuts from the thorns covering the fruit.

It is advisable to rinse the durian and cut it with clean hands. The durian fruit, if you look closely, consists of five segments, each of which is connected to other small grooves, along which, when naturally ripened on the tree, the fruit bursts. These grooves will serve as dividing lines, along each of them you need to make an incision, deepening the knife 2 centimeters into the thick peel.

Then, pushing apart one of the incisions with your hands, insert your fingers under the skin and divide the durian into several parts. In the cavity of each segment there will be a slice of yellowish pulp, the size of which depends on the variety and size of the fruit. In an unripe durian, the flesh will be harsh, the ripe flesh will be like custard, and the overripe flesh will look like mucus. In the pulp of durian, you will find several brown seeds that you should not eat, but the locals use them to make spices.

Durian is eaten mostly raw and separately from other foods. This is the only way to feel and enjoy the fullness of the rich fruity taste of this bad-smelling fruit. It can also be used in the preparation of various desserts, sweet drinks and salads. Durian pulp is pickled or frozen and sent for export to Western countries. Unripe durians have a less pronounced taste and firm flesh, however, this allows them to be cooked like vegetables - fry and even boil.

Ripe durians spoil quickly and practically do not tolerate storage, so they should be eaten immediately after purchase. Do not overeat when consuming this tropical fruit for the first time, as it can cause unexpected body reactions. Also, durian with caution is recommended to eat with hypertension.

Tell your friends about it.

Durian is an amazing plant. It combines an unbearable smell and a delicate sweet taste. It is healthy and rich in vitamins, but excessive consumption is dangerous to health.

The flesh of the fruit is tender, but on the outside it is covered with thorny thorns. From these thorns its name comes - in the Malay language the word "duri" means "thorn".

What does durian look like and where does it grow?

In the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Brazil and Africa, amazing green or yellowish fruits grow on large evergreen trees with support roots. The trees on which durian grows reach a height of 25-50 meters, depending on the species. The leaves of the tree never fall off and remain green all year round, reaching 10–18 centimeters in diameter.

It is believed that the plant originated in the region of Borneo and Sumatra and was brought to the territory of modern Myanmar about 400 years ago. Further, durians began to be actively bred in Thailand, East Vietnam and other countries. In Europe, they first learned about it in the 15th century, as told by the traveler Nicolo Conti.

Durians, which are sold in shops and markets in Asian countries, are grown on special plantations. In Thailand, the fruit is considered one of the national symbols, because most of the population is engaged in work related to its cultivation and sale. Thailand ranks first in its sales in the world, followed by Malaysia and Indonesia.

The shape of durian is oblong or round, diameter - 20-30 centimeters, weight can reach 8-9 kilograms. True, usually the weight of fruits that are sold in markets and in stores is about 1 kilogram. Inside, the fruit is divided into five chambers, each of which contains creamy pulp and seed.

Durian taste and smell

Those who have tried durian describe its taste in different ways. For some, it resembles a creamy dessert with banana and pineapple flavors, while others feel vanilla, onion, papaya, nut cream. Most of those who have eaten durian agree that no other fruit tastes like this. Also, everyone agrees that durian has an unbearable smell.

Durian contains organic sulfur. This partly provides him with a unique aroma, in which you can hear the putrid smell of rotten fish, rotten onions, sewers, household gas, stale socks, and garlic. In many countries, it is strictly forbidden to bring fresh durian fruit into public places, including hotels and airports. In Singapore, transport warning signs list bans on smoking, drinking and eating, carrying flammable goods, and appearing with durian. The pungent smell is too strong, and tourists can only take out memories of great taste or processed fruits.

It is important to remember that there are about 30 known durian species in total. Their taste and smell may differ, and the taste is highly dependent on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. For example, the most popular variety, Mao Shang Wang, has a bittersweet taste and bright yellow flesh. Red Shrimp and Green Bamboo varieties will appeal to sweet lovers, as they have a sugary aftertaste. The Sho variety is famous for its light alcoholic smell. Those who want to try durian for the first time are advised to choose the D24 variety, as its taste combines the main properties of the fruit.

It is because of the variety of species and varieties that it is often said that it is difficult to fall in love with the taste of durian the first time, it can be disappointing. However, after the fifth time, there is not a single person who does not become a fan of this fruit.

How durian differs from jackfruit

Durian and jackfruit are similar to each other only in appearance. Most often, the fruits of the jackfruit are much larger, the thorns on them are less pronounced, the shape is more like a pear. The smell of jackfruit is also peculiar. It is believed that a ripe fruit can be distinguished by its rotten onion aroma. The inside of the jackfruit contains a viscous pulp and seeds that are edible. Milky juice inside the fruit contains latex, because of this, it is better to cut jackfruit with gloves and clothes that you will not mind getting dirty without the possibility of washing.

Composition and calorie content

Durian contains 65% water, 24% carbohydrates, 5% fats and 4% fiber. The fruit is unusually rich in vitamins and microelements: vitamins A, C, group B, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. This is an impressive list of nutrients that can be obtained from durian. Only durian contains organic sulfur, which is part of the nervous, bone, cartilage tissue, hair, skin and nails.

In 100 grams of fruit, approximately 147 kcal.

General benefit

  1. The already mentioned sulfur, for which durian is especially valued, is part of the essential amino acids and enzymes, proteins and hormones for the body, including helping to maintain blood sugar balance and slowing down aging.
  2. Durian has a warming effect; when consumed, the temperature of internal organs rises. Southeast Asians even say that after consuming durian, you can sleep without a blanket. At the same time, modern scientific research suggests that durian does not warm the body, but only causes increased sweating.
  3. The indole in durian is a natural antiseptic. It helps in the treatment of infections. The population of Asia uses durian for colds and other diseases.
  4. The potassium in durian helps to strengthen blood vessel walls and heart muscle.
  5. When consumed regularly, durian helps to normalize blood sugar levels.
  6. Durian is believed to be beneficial for anemia and increases hemoglobin levels.
  7. Infusions of durian leaves and roots are used as an antipyretic agent.
  8. Durian can help the nervous system, reduce irritability, beat insomnia, improve mood and even relieve depression.

For women

The antioxidants and other substances in durian have a beneficial effect on the skin, with regular consumption of the fruit, you can see a refreshing and rejuvenating effect. Decoctions from the leaves and fruits have anti-inflammatory effects and help soothe the skin.

For men

Durian contains natural aphrodisiacs, it enhances desire and improves potency.

One of the main causes of death and illness among men in Western society is cardiovascular disease. In addition to potassium and other trace elements that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart, the use of durian is useful for men due to the fact that it does not contain cholesterol. Despite the fact that it is rich in fats, it does not increase, and according to some reports, it may even lower cholesterol levels.

Durian is a natural "energetic", it contains a natural analogue of serotonin. For men who are under heavy strain, durian can help reduce fatigue, anxiety, and stress.

During pregnancy

Durian is high in folate. It is necessary for the development of a healthy fetus, reducing the risk of miscarriage and dangerous complications. However, if a woman has high blood pressure, swelling, or other health problems, you should discuss with your doctor overseeing the pregnancy whether to take durian. Many experts strongly prohibit durian for pregnant women because the risk of adverse reactions is too high.

When breastfeeding

Durian perfectly helps to fight many diseases and even slow down the aging process, but it can be dangerous for the body of a newborn baby. The content of trace elements, vitamins and other substances that can be passed in milk can cause severe allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Breastfeeding mothers should not take risks and use durian.

For children

100 grams of durian contains 150 calories. In this regard, in countries where this fruit is readily available, it is recommended to include it in the diet of underweight children. Durian is rich in fiber, which is very beneficial for the digestive system.

In many countries, this is a favorite children's treat, with family traditions associated with eating. However, if we talk about children who have never tried durian before and live far from the tropics, you should be very careful with it. Excessive consumption can cause overheating and sweating, irritability, insomnia, throat irritation, and indigestion. Children on tourist trips should not be given a large portion of fruit at once; first, you need to make sure that there are no allergies and other problems. Small children under three years old are not recommended to use this fruit.

When losing weight

Durian is rich in fiber, which is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. It is used to prevent constipation. The fruit is very satisfying, so a small amount of it is enough to satisfy your hunger. Durian helps the body eliminate excess water and reduce swelling. All these properties make the fruit an excellent dietary product. However, for weight loss, it is recommended to consume small amounts of high-calorie and fat-rich durian in the morning. It is important to remember that durian is a very high-calorie product, and only one seed (weighing about 40 grams) contains 55 calories!

Harm and contraindications

In case of hypertension and intolerance to certain substances in the fruit, the use of durian is strictly prohibited. It contains substances that help balance insulin levels, but large amounts of it are prohibited in diabetes mellitus: it also contains high amounts of sugar, fructose and glucose.

It is important to catch that short period of the durian's life when he has already matured, having fallen from a tree, but has not yet had time to deteriorate. Fruit that is too soft may not taste good due to prolonged storage, too hard - unripe. When tapping a stick on the fruit, you need to listen to the sound: if the knock is dull, the fruit is most likely ripe.

Durian is stored at room temperature for no more than five days. Then it spoils, loses its pleasant taste.

How to eat durian

The fruit tastes best when it has just been cut. It is best to eat durian outdoors so that the smell does not get in the way. They eat the pulp with spoons so that the smell does not eat into the skin of the hands.

In Asian countries, it is customary to drink durian with salted water or even coffee, add it to cocktails made from regular or coconut milk.

Is it possible to eat bones

Raw seeds are considered inedible.

How much durian can you eat

On average, a fetus weighs 1 kilogram and contains about 1300-1500 calories. Thus, eating a whole fruit at a time will amount to approximately 70% of the daily calorie intake. In this regard, it is recommended to limit the use of durian and monitor the sensations of your body while eating.

How to clean

With light blows of the cleaver, the fruit must be split into several slices. Already from them, you can take a delicious thick pulp with a spoon.

Cooking applications

In countries where durian grows, it is widely used in various dishes. Pies are prepared with it, pickled in coconut milk. Unripe fruits are fried and stewed with spices, added to pastes for cooking other dishes, soups. The seeds are fried and used as a spice.

Durian is used for making biscuits, ice cream, jam, it is dried and baked in pies.

Why durian should not be consumed with alcohol

Durian has a strong tonic effect. In addition, the body takes a lot of effort to digest the fats and sugars it contains. In combination with alcohol, it can cause indigestion, poisoning, and dangerous high blood pressure.

There is a myth that durian in combination with alcohol can kill a person. This is highly unlikely as it requires a lot of drinking, eating a lot of durian, and being in poor health. However, the combination of this fruit and alcohol can really bring a lot of discomfort. After consuming durian, you should wait at least one hour before drinking alcoholic beverages.

Is it possible to buy durian in Russia

In western countries, durian can be found freely available in supermarkets. However, the sale is allowed only in containers where the durian is in a special net and frozen in order to avoid an unpleasant smell.

Despite strict restrictions on the transportation of durian, there are many companies in Russia that offer the delivery of this fruit. Fresh durians are transported in special containers for isolation and special storage conditions. In Moscow, the price of one fruit is more than three thousand rubles.

For those who do not want to risk trying fresh durian, several online stores in Russia offer dried fruit, sweets and other products with it. The prices for these products are much more affordable than for fresh fruit, and a small package of exotic treats can be a great gift. It is important to remember that restrictions on the use of durian also apply to processed fruit: you should not eat too many dried fruits or sweets with them.

There is a beautiful Thai legend about the origin of durian. Once the old ruler married a young beauty. The young wife did not reciprocate to her husband, and he turned to the hermit for advice. The wise old man advised the ruler of a recipe for a potion for his wife, which included a wonderful fruit with a magical taste. The wife ate the offered treat and immediately felt warm feelings for her husband. The ruler threw a festive feast, but forgot to invite and thank the hermit. He was offended and bewitched the fruit trees. The ruler returned for a new durian for his wife and was horrified by the smell of wonderful fruits. The wife could no longer eat them and again fell out of love with the ruler.

Durian festivals are regularly held in Asian countries. More than 150 thousand people come to the annual festival in China alone. In Thailand, Malaysia and other countries, fairs with festive events are held annually during the fruit ripening season.

The famous Esplanade Arts Center in Singapore, recognized as a masterpiece of architecture, is very similar to two halves of a fruit. The locals used to call him "durian". The triangular studs that cover the walls and roof help the light reach the concert hall and avoid overheating in hot climates. Due to the structure of the building's surface, it takes about two months for specialists to periodically clean.

  1. Durian blooms for a very short time, twice a year: in winter and summer. The flower blooms at dusk and falls by morning. Then the fetus begins to form. Durian flowers form large clusters, are bell-shaped, and can be white, pink or golden.
  2. The durian plant is not only a carrier of tasty and healthy fruits, but also a beautiful tree. It is often used in a suitable climate for planting in parks, decorating recreation areas with it.
  3. Durian should not be plucked or removed from the tree in other ways: you should always wait for the fruit to fall from the tree by itself and then ripen within a few days. Therefore, workers of durian plantations wear strong helmets on their heads, respirators on their faces, and special protective suits on their bodies.
  4. Durian farming is a profitable business. Trees begin to bear fruit at the age of about five years, with a stable harvest for 70–80 years. Some trees can live and bear fruit for over a hundred years. Trees do not require special conditions in tropical climates: minimal fertilization and maintenance is sufficient. At the same time, the demand for durian is constantly growing. As of 2016, China alone annually purchases about 400 tons of durian from Malaysia, another 16.5 thousand tons - Singapore. The price of a kilogram of fruit is $ 20-40, depending on the season.
  5. Arnon Rodthong, owner of Thailand's largest durian plantation, has announced a competition for his daughter's hand. He offered the potential groom about 20 million rubles in case of marriage. Among the requirements for the daughter's future husband are hard work, the absence of bad habits and knowledge of durian breeding. Shortly after the announcement, Arnon canceled the competition, but the announcement of a rich dowry for his daughter upheld.

« Important: all information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a specialized specialist. Neither the editorial board nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials. "

Durian is one of the most unusual healthy tropical fruits in the world. His homeland is India, Indonesia, Thailand. Grown in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, India, Cambodia. The best fruits are grown near Bangkok. The benefits and harms of durian are not fully understood.

What does durian look like and where does it grow?

The name comes from the Malay words, resulting in the phrase "thorny fruit". Indeed, durian is a large oblong ball, yellow or greenish in color. Weight is up to eight kilograms, diameter is up to thirty centimeters, covered with long pyramidal spikes. In the context of the durian, it looks like a large nut divided into hemispheres. Consists of five chambers, with white veins, each of which contains yellow or yellow-red flesh.

Nine of the thirty-four known species are allowed for use. Durian is beneficial, but in some cases it can cause harm to the body, so you need to carefully study the composition and properties.

Durian taste and smell

This healthy fruit leaves no one indifferent. Taste qualities are so ambiguous that everyone associates them with something individual. Most agree that durian tastes like a delicate cream of milk and eggs. For many it is a favorite fruit, others cannot be in the same room with it.

This is due to a specific smell. Despite all the benefits, because of the unpleasant aroma, many do not dare to try.

This property is explained by the chemical reaction of sulfuric acid and oxygen during cutting. The smell does not come immediately, it takes several minutes for the elements to interact. Compare the odor exuding to sewers or stale socks.

Important! In countries where the healthy fruit is widespread, it is forbidden to take it with you on the plane and to the hotel, since the unpleasant aroma does not disappear for a long time and is not masked by air fresheners.

At the same time, this unpleasant fact does not carry any harm to the human body. Rather, on the contrary, a strong smell speaks of maturity and the focus of benefits.

For the same reason, durian is exported in dried or canned form.

Chemical composition and caloric content of durian

Possesses a huge number of beneficial properties for humans. The calorie content is high, it is about 147 kcal per 100 g.

  • water - about 60 g;
  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fats - about 5 g;
  • carbohydrates - about 23 g;
  • fiber - about 4 g;
  • ash - 1 g

It also contains useful micro and macro elements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Durian is a storehouse of useful vitamins: A (beta-carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), niacin, B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 \u200b\u200b(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid).

There are no elements in the composition that are harmful to the body. The benefits are immense for many organs and systems.

Why durian is useful

The benefits of durian for women and men are beyond doubt, it has unique properties and is able to have a beneficial multifaceted effect on the body.

It is the only edible fruit containing organic sulfur. This is a useful element that is part of the cells of hair, skin, nails of a person, as well as nervous, bone and cartilaginous tissues of organs, proteins and some hormones. As a constituent of insulin, sulfur provides a balance of sugar in the blood, which is beneficial for diabetics. It also fights aging, promotes the elimination of toxins, has natural anthelmintic, antiviral properties.

Due to the high content of minerals, it benefits the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems. In addition, it has bactericidal properties.

Due to its high calorie content and fiber content, it is very nutritious. It quickly saturates the body, and the feeling of hunger recedes for a long time.

It does not contain cholesterol, so it can be consumed without it for those who follow a healthy lifestyle.

Durian is especially beneficial for women. Due to the content of the hormone estrogen, it increases the chances of getting pregnant and carrying a healthy baby.

Durian benefits for men

In addition to the general beneficial properties for women and men, the latter provides invaluable assistance in restoring and maintaining sexual function. It is an excellent aphrodisiac. Thanks to the hormone estrogen, it restores and increases potency, improves sperm quality and sperm activity.

Can durian be consumed by pregnant women?

It is extremely beneficial, but can be harmful to pregnant and lactating women, so they need to be treated with caution.

There is no categorical prohibition. A woman carrying a child can herself assess her condition and the opportunity to taste the fruit. Useful properties will benefit her and the baby. But if the pregnant woman suffers from swelling and high blood pressure, it can be harmful and worsen the problem.

How to eat and clean durian properly

Despite the variety of forms (dried, jam), fresh raw pod has the greatest useful properties. Only fully ripe fruit should be eaten immediately after opening. To do this, you need to cut the durian into several parts, the pulp is easy to extract. You can do this with your hands or with a spoon as it will be difficult to remove the smell. The indigenous people of Thailand eat with salted water. You can learn more about the instructions for cleaning durian in the video:

Why durian is dangerous

Possessing many useful properties, in some cases it can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the components can lead to allergic reactions;
  • it is forbidden to eat people suffering from hypertension, as it increases blood pressure;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • the simultaneous use of durian and alcohol is prohibited and extremely dangerous.

Durian and alcohol

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to combine the use of alcohol and durian, this can cause enormous harm to the human body.

Durian in cooking

Its beneficial properties, as well as its delicate taste, ensured its constant use in various recipes.

  • It is used for making cocktails, ice cream and jam.
  • Also used to make a specific dessert popular in Thailand. It consists of glutinous rice doused with sugarcane syrup and juice. Added durian pieces to it.
  • We love durian dodol no less. This kind of cake is a frozen baked mass of durian pulp, glutinous rice, sugar and coconut milk.
  • The seeds are used as a condiment.
  • In Indonesia, mint sauce is prepared from the pulp, which is served with rice.
  • It is used fried as a side dish for meat.

What is the difference between jackfruit and durian

Jackfruit in Thailand is no less popular than durian. This is also an extremely healthy fruit that has a specific smell and a whole range of useful substances and elements. But the difference between them is great.

These are the fruits of completely different trees. Jackfruit grows on a breadfruit tree, the fruits are huge, weighing up to thirty kilograms. As it grows, it is covered with green thorns; when ripe, these thorns become less pronounced. Ripe jackfruit is gray-brown in color. Its seeds are eaten, they contain milky juice, which is very difficult to wash from skin and clothing.

They are also different in appearance. If the durian pulp is in two large oblong halves, the jackfruit seeds are small, randomly located inside the fruit.

How to choose durian

Ripe fruits are most useful. To choose the most ripe fruit, you need to know what characteristics it should have:

  • to the touch, it should be soft, but elastic at the same time; excesses in one direction and the other indicate immaturity or overripe;
  • the thorns must be mobile, otherwise it indicates immaturity;
  • a dull sound should be heard when tapped;
  • the unpleasant odor should not be distinct;
  • the color can be green or yellow;
  • the fruit should not be peeled, as it has a short shelf life;
  • the surface should be free of stains and damage.

How to store durian at home

Purified durian is not stored, it must be consumed immediately, otherwise all useful properties will be lost. And in an unpeeled form it can lie for two days at room temperature, in the refrigerator - up to five days.

To extend the shelf life of durian, a kind of dried fruit is made from it. But the pulp is not just dried for this, but made - this method allows you to preserve the benefits and taste.


The benefits and harms of durian are incomparable. Due to the content of a large amount of nutrients and elements, durian has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body. It will not cause any harm if you use it wisely, adhere to all the rules, abstain from alcohol.

I tried durian for the first time back in 2012, when I went to study in China. I heard a glimpse of this fruit, but did not know much. Once I bought a tempting fruit, but after trying it, I felt the taste of rotten onions. It seemed to me that the fruit was spoiled, as it was soft and smelled strongly. In fact, I just didn't understand that this is normal for a durian.
In 2015, I went to Vietnam with my husband. He dreamed of trying this fruit, even in spite of my excuses. My husband fell in love with durian and bought durian-flavored sweets as souvenirs to enjoy this fruit in Russia. I was afraid to try durian a second time that time.
This year I have rediscovered durian for myself. We realized that this fruit should be eaten immediately after opening. If you buy already cut durian on the street, then there is a risk that it will be spoiled.I have personally seen some spoiled whole durians cut up and placed on plastic trays for sale.

Taste freshly opened durian is amazing. This is a whole range of sensations: banana, mango, ice cream, nut. Yes, there is a slight onion aftertaste, but in no way does it spoil the feeling.
Quite a few articles have been written about the benefits of durian, I will not duplicate them. I'll just say: this is an incredibly healthy fruit, but you don't need to overdo it!

Useful tips from personal experience !!!

1) Buy undamaged fresh fruit.

2) Take 1 durian weighing 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bfor a group of 4 people. A small durian weighing 2 kg can be eaten together. Keep in mind that there is not so much edible pulp in a whole fruit (about 30% of the total weight of the fruit), so it is quite possible to overpower a fruit of this weight.

3) In Vietnam, 1 kg costs 50,000 dong (about 150 rubles). So keep in mind, if you are "bent over the price", then you can safely bargain. However, it is worth considering that the entire fruit with a heavy skin will be weighed!

4) Eat the fruit immediately after opening.

5) Do not mix fruit with alcohol! It is dangerous for the heart!

6) Try to eat durian separately from other foods. It is better to eat the fruit 2 hours after and 2 hours before meals.

7) Avoid consuming large amounts of durian as it can cause diarrhea, but it can help with constipation. This fruit has a large amount of dietary fiber, so it is better to eat no more than 200 grams of pulp per day.

If you are hesitant to buy an expensive fruit, you can try other durian flavored products for a start. There are many durian flavored goodies in Asian countries: candy, cookies, ice cream and more.

Where could I buy???

Of course, it is best to buy the fruit in Asian countries: China, Thailand, Vietnam. Good durians are sold in Russia in Moscow at the Danilovsky market. However, the cost is quite high, about 1000 r for 1 kg of whole fruit.


Be sure to try! We only live once, so it's worth investing in this special fruit revered in Asian countries. If you follow the above tips, then the consumption of durian will cause you only the most positive emotions!

Durian is an exotic Thai fruit, the indescribable smell of which is legendary. He cannot be brought into a hotel room under threat of eviction, he is not allowed on a plane. Local residents have a saying that durian tastes like heavenly delight, and its smell evokes hellish visions. Among the fruits, there is not a single one that smells in any way similar. However, it is still worth trying it, because it has a pleasant taste and rich natural composition. In Asian countries, its fruits are considered very valuable.


Durian belongs to the Malvov family. Large fruits (up to 30 cm in size, weight - 7-8 kg) grow on tall evergreen trees. The appearance of the fruit is no less exotic than its gastronomic properties. The entire rind is covered with large pyramidal spines.

By cutting the fruit, you can see the pulp, located in the compartments separated by veins. The edible part is very tender, appetizing in appearance, an attractive yellow-cream shade. Most of the weight (about 60%) is taken by the thick skin with thorns. Therefore, even in large fruits, there is not so much pulp. The name of the fruit is translated from Malay as "thorny".

Where it grows, varieties

The distribution area of \u200b\u200bdurian is the countries of Southeast Asia. It can be found in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka. These wonderful fruits are also grown in Brazil, Australia, Africa. Thorny plants prefer humid tropical climates with rain showers. Fruits ripen mainly in spring and summer, and in equatorial countries they are harvested all year round. It is noteworthy that the flowering period of trees is very short - only 8 hours. It is also interesting that the fruits are not plucked from the branches, but they are collected that have already fallen to the ground.

In total, there are about 30 species of this plant. The most common is Thai Montong. The name translates as "Golden Pillow". This type is considered the most delicious. There are varieties with a smaller diameter and small thorns (for example, Kuteysky - originally from Indonesia). It is softer than the traditional look and less smelly.

What is useful

Durian contains many substances that the body needs. As with all fruits, it is high in water and fiber, which contributes to a normal digestive process. In addition to vitamins A and C, it contains a large amount of folic acid (B9). Therefore, its use fills with energy, ensures the production of hormones "happiness".

It contains iron, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese necessary for the vital activity of the body. It also has huge reserves of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. The sulfur contained in it slows down the aging process, participates in the formation of bone tissue.
Thanks to this set of trace elements, the fruit affects the body as follows:

Improves blood formation;
restores bowel function;
regulates the amount of sugar in the blood;
strengthens bones, nails, hair;
gives elasticity to the skin, increases turgor;
improves the functioning of the thyroid gland;
has a positive effect on the nervous system, eliminates depression.

Durian is a powerful aphrodisiac. It enhances sexual function in men, and in women it normalizes hormones. Due to the high estrogen content, it is recommended to eat it for girls who have problems with conception.

How to use

In Asian countries, the fruit is widely used in cooking, medicine, and everyday life. Its fresh pulp has the status of a delicacy. Raw slices are often used in exotic cocktails popular on tropical beaches and used in ice cream. Asian housewives make durian juice and canning the pulp. Slices of fruit marinated in coconut milk - a dessert adored by Thais.
The edible part is heat treated to prepare a variety of dishes:

mint sauce, which is added to rice
spicy pasta
fried and stewed snacks

Pastes and sauces are added to vegetables and meat. Fruit seeds are used as spices, seasoning ready meals with them.
For medical purposes, both raw fruit and decoctions are used. Healing infusions are made from tree leaves and drunk to lower the temperature. The same formulations are used for problems with the gallbladder, as well as for the preparation of medicinal baths. The leaves are used to make an ointment against skin diseases. To restore strength after childbirth, women are given a decoction of the peel.

Hot-smoked fish is made using dried bark. The finished product is saturated with the aroma of wood, which affects the unusual taste of the fish. In the everyday life of Asians, tree trunks are used. They go to build houses and boats.

What's wrong with the smell

Durian is recognized as the worst-smelling fruit in the world. This is the reason why it is not sent for export. The opportunity to eat this unique product falls only to tourists visiting the places of its cultivation. However, not all those who have tasted the exotic dessert are happy about this. Many tourists leave very negative reviews and say that they will never repeat this culinary feat in their life. The list of items with which the unfortunate fruit is compared is quite extensive. These are rotten eggs, fried onions with cutlets, garlic, rotten fish, and even dirty socks.

In most hotels, you can see a sign that strictly prohibits the introduction of durian into the room. Guides warn tourists that the fruit cannot be transported on the plane, even if it is tightly wrapped in plastic. With such a load, they will simply not be allowed to board.

Scientists cannot explain why the thorny fruit has such a strange scent. We only found out that 19 elements that make up the product are involved in the formation of a specific smell. Some of them are recognized by a person as something rotten.

In defense of durian, it must be said that not all people who have tried it are so hostile to its smell. There are tourists who say that they have not felt anything particularly unpleasant. Others say it has a normal fruity aroma.
It is possible that these people were eating an Indonesian weak-smelling variety. Or it's all about the perception of smells, which is individual for each person. But those who have not felt the bad scent are simply delighted with durian. It is now their favorite tropical dessert.

What does it taste like

In contrast to the strange smell, the taste of the king of fruits is incomparable. It is difficult to taste it the first time. The pulp has a multifaceted taste with a wide range of shades. Their spectrum is influenced by: place of cultivation, variety, storage conditions.
The slices extracted from the fruit are very tender, melting in the mouth. The taste is described as something like cream cheese, vanilla cream, with added nutty and fruity notes. Different people describe it differently. Someone gives off the taste of ripe strawberries there, others feel the mixture of banana and almond cream.

How to choose

To buy a good durian, you need to carefully examine and touch it. In a ripe fruit, the thorns are yellowish brown. The stem must be strong and fresh. When ripening is completed, the peel begins to burst on its own, cracks appear on it. If you take the fruit in your hands and shake it, you can hear the sound of the seeds. It is better to buy it closer to home, as it may not be allowed on public transport with it.

How to clean and eat

Opening the ripe fruit is not difficult. To do this, it is necessary to determine in which places the natural paths of the skin that begins to burst lie. It is recommended to put paper under the bottom. Then the tip of a knife is pushed into the crack and two or three cuts are made 7-8 cm long.
Next, put your fingers under the incision and break the dense skin. This should be done with a sharp movement. Ideally, the fruit breaks up into five parts. That is how many sectors it has. The pulp is removed with a spoon and placed on a plate.

You need to eat juicy slices quickly, immediately after cutting the fruit. The tasting takes place within the first minutes, otherwise the taste and aroma will mix. Other tips for eating durian include:

  • you need to eat only in the fresh air (in the yard, street cafe). This will avoid a putrid smell in the room;
  • pre-peeled fruit is not worth buying - even packed in an airtight container, it loses its excellent taste;
  • it is recommended to eat with a spoon, not with your hands. Otherwise, the smell will be absorbed into the skin of the hands, and it will be problematic to wash it;
  • do not put other foods next to them - they will acquire a specific smell.

The juicy fruit is great for breakfast - it satiates well. Durian is self-sufficient, but you can combine it with other fruits to make a sweet salad or smoothie. Freshly brewed coffee goes well with creamy pulp.


The fruit contains substances that increase the pressure. Therefore, it should not be used for hypertensive patients. It is not recommended to try it for pregnant and breastfeeding women. People who have an intolerance to one of the micronutrients that the fruit is rich in should be careful. Also, do not drink alcohol and durian pulp at the same time.

  1. In Asian countries, there are special durian cafes in which only this product is offered, there is nothing else there. Payment in them is taken not for the amount of food eaten, but for the entrance. Fruit is served in any quantity (of course, within reasonable limits). The fruit is opened on a table in front of the visitor. The price for such a meal is often lower than for fruit bought in the market.
  2. Phuket hosts a festival dedicated to aromatic delicacy every year. The holiday takes several days - from June 28 to July 4. Those who wish can taste over 300 varieties of durian. The famous Thai popsicles, rambutan, mangosteen and other exotic delicacies are also exhibited there for tasting.

Finally, a romantic legend about the origin of durian. One king fell in love with a beautiful girl. To win her favor, he turned to a sorcerer. He created for the lover a fantastically tasty fruit with appetizing pulp inside. The king presented the beautiful woman with a treat, having tasted which, she gave him her heart.

The happy chosen one quickly got married and got the girl as his wife. Shrouded in love spells, he forgot to thank the one to whom he owed his happiness. The sorcerer, angry, gave the magic fruit a disgusting scent. After the wedding, the king plucked the fruit to enjoy the unforgettable taste once again. Taking it in his hands, he smelled rot. The king thought that he was spoiled and out of anger broke it to pieces. But inside there was the same beautiful, juicy pulp.

Will there be any brave souls to dare to try this amazing fruit after such descriptions? In any case, the tasting of such a delicacy promises to be unforgettable and will be remembered for a long time.