Repair of facades of residential buildings. Repair of the facade of a private house: Current, capital, decorative our prices for the repair of facades

The rapid rhythm of modern life does not tolerate deposits. Using new materials and technologies that appeared in the construction market, it became quite feasible to perform facade work and in winter.

Do not consider the cold season as a kind of obstacle. Facing the facade of the house in the winter will allow you to save time and finish the construction earlier. The procedure is as follows:

1) Installation of scaffolding. Performed in the same way as in the summer, without any differences.

2) Installation of a moisture-proof film around the perimeter. It is needed to maintain a stable temperature directly on the outer walls.

3) Installation of heating devices. To do this, devices operating from electricity or gasoline can be used. Absolutely unacceptable heaters forming soot so as not to spoil the appearance of the building.

After installing the film, due to heating, the desired microclimate will be formed and it will be possible to repair at temperatures under an awning about 5-8 degrees of heat. In the language of workers, such a simple construction is called "warmly". It provides comfortable conditions for finishing in the winter and protects from snow and wind gusts.

The surface of the walls of the house should be dry, without snow or sleep. Winter work is performed using special masonry solutions intended for use under conditions of low temperatures. In no case cannot be prepared with hot water.

Contact our team right now, and experienced professionals will help calculate the amount of work required, their approximate cost and execution time.

The facade is the face of any house or building. Facades are separated by natural and artificial materials: plaster, brick, finishing stone, aluminum panels, porcelain stoneware plates. Like all material objects, building materials have a shelf life, on the outcome of which the facade or part of the wind is coming in disrepair: the finish is destroyed, the attractiveness of the exterior is lost, the falling pieces of the front layer are dangerous for the life and health of people. The condition of the facade affects the human factor: the irregular calculation of the bearing ability of the walls, the use of low-quality materials, the saving of the solution or the lack of experience in the installers will entail the deterioration of the quality of the facade coating.

Under the repair of facades, the building understands the combination of measures to assess damage, surface preparation, restoration of facade coating and engineering structures (hydrogen chute). Repair happens:

  1. decorative or current;
  2. capital.

The first option is intended for partial restoration of the facade without interference in the heat and waterproofing layers: the facade surfaces of the houses that go to the roadway of the street are darker from the soot of exhaust vehicles; Decorative stoves of ventfasades are broken down by the wind, the surface of the painted panels will be blown up. Restoration of such minor defects and are engaged in current repairs.

The overhaul is carried out in the destruction of the facade by more than a third, when working on redevelopment of buildings, erecting attachments or after a complete change of the appointment profile. With overhaul, the served coating is completely removed, and a full range of repair, preparatory and installation works is carried out.

According to SNiP 3.04.01-87 (sanitary standards and rules), the current recovery is carried out at least once every 5 years, capital - at least 1 time in 10 years.

Porcelain tile

Porcelain tile - high-quality facing material with zero hygroscopicity, which is made of several grade clay with the addition of dye and several natural minerals: quartz and spat. On the wall of the building, the tile is fastened in two ways: by gluing with a special adhesive composition or is installed on the steel or aluminum profiles system. The weight of the material requires an accurate calculation of the bearing ability of walls and a reliable foundation. High-quality glue used in the first case will serve as a long coating service and prevent individual plates. If one or more plates still peelled, the entire facade is examined. If the stagnation of porcelain stoneware is made with violations of technology or using poor-quality glue, then cosmetic or general repair of the entire facade is carried out depending on the area of \u200b\u200bdamage identified: the surface of the wall is purified from the adhesive solution, the cracks are closed, the tiles are again glued using a high-quality adhesive mixture.

Repair of ventfassada of porcelain tiles spend:

  1. in case of damage to the slabs themselves as a result of the impact of foreign factors: vandal actions, from falling trees, as a result of an accident;
  2. incorrect installation of the facade, due to which it does not perform its basic function - ensuring the air layer between tiles and insulating layer.

In the first case, the installation of new plates is made instead of damaged, in the second - the analysis of the facade to identify the installation disorders and their elimination with the subsequent setting of the facing.


Plaster - inexpensive universal material, which is most often used to finish the facades of houses. Its main positive qualities are a small total weight, a large selection of color solutions, ease of operation and applying to the surface of any building material.

Current repairs are carried out when the first signs of the destruction of the coating are appeared: cracks, resin and bitumen spots, material details. The destroyers are investigated by removing the plaster layer around damaged places to a firmly attached layer using a building tool. After that, the parts of the walls are cleaned, cracks close up and other defects, notch applied, then the primer, plastering mixture. Important moments that should be taken into account in the cosmetic restoration of plaster:

  • on concrete, it is impossible to apply a solution from plaster;
  • the thickness of one layer of the plaster mix - not more than 3 cm;
  • grout produce 4-5 hours after applying the mixture.

In the event that the total area of \u200b\u200bdestruction of plastering exceeds 30% of the surface of the walls, overhauls. It includes the complete removal of old coating, repair, preparation and manufacture of new house facing.

Repair of the facade surface from a fibric cement plate

Fibrocement is environmentally friendly, lightweight, durable and flexible material, which is made in the form of plates from light grades cement with the addition of firing cellulose fibers and fillers from natural minerals. Fibro-cement plates have a steam exchange ability, i.e. Allow the walls of the building "Breathe", this material does not rot, is not destroyed by fungus or mold. Fibro cement plates are used to arrange ventfassades and lining houses by siding. Repair of facade surfaces from fibro-cement plates is needed to restore aesthetics: washing and stoves, replacing damaged fragments. Fibro cement plates are used in the finishing of houses, so it is not necessary to replace or repair at a height without special equipment or climbers.

A natural stone

The finishing of the outer walls with natural stone gives the building an original, memorable appearance. Natural stone has a significant weight and relatively high price. Lime tuff, granite or marble apply for wall cladding. The first option is the easiest, easy to process and pruning. The method of repairing the facade facing depends on the type of installation: the stone is fixed with "dry" or "wet" way. Dry - arrangement of ventfassada from plates of natural polished stone, granite or marble. Wet method - gluing stone fragments on the primed wall surface. For successful stone mounting glue, you need to follow several important rules:

  • air temperature - up to -3 degrees Celsius;
  • no direct sun rays;
  • prix \u200b\u200bto produce from the bottom up;
  • use glue to work with outer surfaces;
  • thoroughly grind the wall before starting work.

Failure to comply with the rules leads to the appearance of cracks in the seams of cladding, detachable parts of the coating, losing fragments of stones. During the repair, damaged areas are detected, part of the cladding is removed, the wall is repaired, it is prepared for sticking the stone, the facade is installed.

Composite panels

Composite panel - a sandwich of two aluminum sheets with a thickness of 0.4 mm and an insulating layer of non-combustible polymer components. Panels are painted with various paint coatings. The panels have a total thickness of 0.2-0.6 mm and light weight (from 5.5 to 7.8 kg per square meter), so they are often used for lining of high-rise homes. The material of such a cladding does not have thermal insulating properties, and if the thermal separation gaskets were not used during installation, heat loss during the cold months from the apartment of the house is guaranteed. For thermal insulation are carried out:
  1. dismantling plates;
  2. repair and preparation of walls;
  3. laying of an insulating layer;
  4. installation of coating.

At the same time, additional coloring of the panels to improve the exterior of the building are performed.

Total repair of walls of the house of natural stone

The overhaul using stone finishes begins with the study of construction documentation and wall analysis: the possibility of foundation and walls are studied to withstand the large weight of the material. Then it is necessary to choose the finishing material itself: the breed and structure. Need to decide on the attachment method, because From this, the exterior of the building is depends after the end of the cladding: the sticking of the stone on the wall will give the house with the original type of construction from natural material, Ventfasad - impressiveness and rigor to the outlines of the building. The old coating is completely removed, with the adhesive application of the material, the work surface is also attached. Ventfasad allows you to save time on the alignment of the walls and removing small defects: the vertical plane of the facing is adjustable to the height of the metal profile mounting brackets to the wall.

Repair of residential construction from metal cassettes

Metal cassettes are metal sheets with a convex surface and edges for mounting. They are used to create ventfasades for buildings of all types. Metal cassettes are covered with polymer dyes with wide range of colors. The coating serves as the protection of corrosion cassettes. The renovation of the facades from the metal cassette is to restore the aesthetic type of elements located at the lower levels of buildings near the sidewalks and the carriageway of the streets: panels are polluted, scratches and dents remain on the polymer coating. To eliminate the shortcomings of the cassette is dismantled, they are given in the proper form: they are cleaned from the heatsings of the soot and dirt, they are aligned, painted and installed in their places.

The building with outdoor glass decoration looks harmonious and modern. Glass - durable, wear-resistant material that helps save heat and save the cost of lighting interior. Like any building material, glass requires repair. After a few years of operation, water leaks appear, cold air from coupling grooves, cracks, chipped glazing. Frequent reasons are the wear of polymer seals, the deformation of metal framework parts, a frequent temperature change, the impact of other natural factors. During the repair work, damaged glazing elements, gaskets are replaced, additional insulation of the joints and seams is performed, the facade is clean and polished. At the request of the customer, a complete replacement of glazing on better panels, which keep heat inside the room, allowing you to save on heating during cold periods.

Stages of repair work

The entire set of measures to restore or replace the external cladding of buildings can be divided into several stages:

  1. Study and evaluation of damage to the facade surface;
  2. Identifying the bearing wall capacity;
  3. Preparatory stage;
  4. Selection of material and cladding technology;
  5. Installation of the facade coating.

At the first stage, experts leave for the building and produce an outdoor inspection of the walls. Special instruments are used to identify fungus, mold, other contaminants affecting the emergence and development of defects. In some cases, the facade surface is opened in several places to take the sample. This is done to determine the qualitative composition of the finishing coating. A document is drawn up, which describes the area and nature of damage indicating other information that matters to preliminary evaluation of restoration work.

With a preliminary study, the study of design and estimate documentation is also made to determine the bearing ability of the walls: certain types of finishes require increased strength of walls and foundations due to a large total weight. The measuring devices are detected by the deviations of the walls from the vertical, the release of individual sections. Cracks in the walls are measured and explored: some defects can significantly affect the carrying ability. The greatest danger is developing cracks and defects in simpleness and jumpers. In panel houses, the most frequent defects are displacements of panels, corrosion of reinforcement and fastening elements, destruction of insulating gaskets and seams.

At the stage of surface preparation, the following types of work are performed for the construction of cladding:

  • removal of the initial coating;
  • sealing and repairing cracks, chips, destroyed wall elements;
  • removal of dirt and dust;
  • applying primer into one or more layers.

All preparatory work is carried out with capital restoration of cladding, the current repair of facade coatings using plaster or painted walls. Cosmetic recovery of ventfasades does not affect the walls themselves and insulating layer.

After studying the state of the walls and the foundation, you can proceed to the choice of material and technology for the outer decoration. If the building strength allows, the choice of materials is virtually unlimited: porcelain stoneware, artificial and natural stone, panels from various materials - almost everything that is stacked in the budget. If the technical condition of the house does not allow to apply "heavy" stone and tiles, it is worth choosing a finish using inexpensive, but spectacular metal cassettes or composite panels: low cost in combination with a slight weight will make it possible to issue a building in a modern style. For small budgets, the stucco finish is suitable: a qualitatively completed cladding will make the appearance of the building with neat and attractive.

Installation of the facade is the most responsible part of the repair. Compliance with all technical standards and requirements is an indispensable condition for the external finish to be beautiful and long-term. To install the ventfassada, a metal profile is used - aluminum or from galvanized steel. To increase the strength, the profile is attached horizontally and vertically. For work on high-rise buildings, special equipment (suspended systems) or installers with special skills are used. The presence in the staff of the contractor's company of experienced personnel is an important condition that guarantees the high quality of the works.


No. p / p Name of works and costs, materials incl. U measurement Price of materials (equipment), incl. VAT, rub.
1 Preparatory work

1.1 Cleaning garbage, preparation of the site for the installation of scaffolding (2,5m width), incl. garbage removal m2. 1 370
1.2 Installation of scaffolding of clamps with onboard fence, banner frame, incl. delivery m2. 240
1.3 Rent of scaffolding of Khomutov m2. 220
1.4 Banner mesh device on scaffolding m2. 90
1.5 A canopy device around the perimeter of the building to protect against precipitation m2. 2 900
2 Finishing of facades and architectural decorations

2.1 Dismantling of the stucco decoration on the building of the building in the TK removal of garbage m2. 720
2.2 Dismantling plaster on building building in TCs garbage m2. 842
2.3 Repair of brickwork with the replacement of the destroyed brick (ch. Up to 250mm (in brick) (approximately 10% of the area), taking into account the destruction of garbage m2. 4 740
2.4 Antobiological and antifungal and anti-salt processing of surfaces (approximately 30% of the area) m2. 2 720
2.5 Reinforcement of walls galvanized metal mesh for recreating a plaster layer m2. 1 315
2.6 Reinforcement of slopes galvanized metal grid for recreating a plaster layer mP 1 415
2.7 Stuccoing wall m2. 1 100
2.8 Plaster slopes mP 1 250
2.9 Device of cement-sand screeds of protruding parts for the device of the sweeps m2. 920
2.10 Finishing of walls and slopes (primer, putty, primer, painting 2-3 times) m2. 1400
2.11 Finishing architectural decoration m2. 2 440
3 Granite base, platforms and steps

3.1 Disassembly and export of cladding of the base, floor coverings and steps of entrances, porches and descents in the basement of the building m2. 1 320
3.2 Dismantling (disassembling) of an old base with loading and garbage disposal m3. 1120
3.3 concrete base device (without waterproofing events) m3. 7 140
3.4 Facing the base of the main entrance by plates from granite m2. 9 200
3.5 Device cover of the base of the main entrance from granite mP 9 600
3.6 Facing the paddling sites of the main entrance by plates from granite m2. 9 600
3.7 Facing the steps of the porch and descent to the basement of the main entrance by plates from granite mP 10 300
3.8 Facing the base of the courtyard and end walls with granite slabs m2. 10 300
3.9 Device of the cover of the base of the courtyard and end walls with plates from the Granite "Pokostovsky" 30mm mP 11 200
3.10 Facing the pads of the porch of the courtyard and end walls with plates from the Granite "Pokostovsky" 30mm m2. 11 200
3.11 Facing the steps of the porch of the courtyard and end walls with plates of granite "Pokostovsky" 30mm mP 220
4 Window and door fills

4.1 Dismantling of window (with double frames) and door fills on the outer walls of the building with loading and exportation pC. 280
5 Roofing and drainage system, flow, visors, canopies

5.1 Dismantling of drain pipes with loading and export mP 150
5.2 Dismantling of treads on protruding parts with loading and exportation mP 270
5.3 Disassembling roofing, with loading and exportation m2. 1 450
5.4 dismantling of the wing of the porch 1,2,3; Amploits, entrance to the basement, balcony with loading and exportation m2. 1 850
5.5 Repair of part of carrying structures (Mauerlat and rafal) roof (pre-) with loading and garbage disposal mP 3 700
5.6 Fire and antiseptic surface treatment of wooden roofing structures with labararatori m2. 2 820
5.7 Repair of the roof crate with loading and garbage disposal m2. 1 300
5.8 Manufacturing and installation of outcrops (sumps) of parapets, protruding parts (eaves) from galvanized steel mP 470
5.9 Device of the wing of the porch 1,2,3, pitfalls, entrance to the basement, galvanized steel balcony m2. 290
5.10 Galvanized steel cornice mP 620
5.11 Galvanized steel gutter mP 620
5.12 The roofing coating and hearing windows of galvanized steel in double standing folds taking into account infants, skates and adjoins m2. 470
5.13 Device of the wound from galvanized steel structures of the caps of air ducts, ventilation mines pC. 620
5.14 Device roof fencing with a symbol of galvanized 3x0.75m mP 490
5.15 Galvanized steel drain pipe mP 1 215
6 Completion of work

6.1 Dismantling of the time canopy of galvanized steel around the perimeter of the building with loading and exportation m2. 1 900
6.2 Dismantling, loading and removal of the banner m2. 600
6.3 Dismantling, loading and removal of construction woods with onboard fence, banner frame m2. 750

From this article you will learn:

  • Why repair the facade of a private house
  • The overhaul of the facade differs from cosmetic
  • What materials are separated by facades of private houses
  • How to insulate the facade of a private house yourself
  • Is it possible to repair the facade of the house yourself

What do you pay attention to first when looking at the cottage or private house? That's right, on the facade. Over time, any building materials are wearing, even the most durable, and the building may look unprepacently. Regular repair of the facade of the private house is needed during its operation to maintain an attractive appearance. At the same time, you can make the insulation of the structure to reduce heat loss.

When the facade of a private house needs repairs

The main reasons due to which the need for the repair of the facade arises:

Types of repair of facades of the private house

What does the technology of repair work depend on? A large influence on it has a material from which walls are made, and also matters the complexity of construction work. This repair is divided into cosmetic and capital.

  • Redecorating

What is this repair of the facade of a private house? Often, the facing of the facade does not change, but simply refreshed, acquiring lost attractiveness.

For this, there are different methods of decorative finish, it all depends on the wishes of the owners.

Cosmetic repair of the facade of the private house is recommended regularly, approximately 1 time in 5 years.

  • Overhaul

Such a facade repair must be balanced. We must weighively make a decision on the need to replace some elements of the facade.

It all depends on what state is the facade. Overhaul must be carried out every 15-25 years.

The need to overhaul the facade of a private house depends on the following reasons:

  1. It is necessary to restore the structure.
  2. The residential building needs to re-refill in public or commercial.
  3. Damaged at least 1/3 of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe facade.
  4. Reference is required or you need to carry the wall, make an extension.
  5. Need to equip or remake ventilation.

Types of materials for the repair of the facade of a private house

What do you need to keep in mind when choosing a material for finishing? It matters from which material the house is built, this is a key point in creating external design.

If the building is made of wood, experts recommend to arrange the ventilation between the wall and facing the facade.

Finishing facades of private houses can be carried out in two ways:

  • dryIn this case, the facing material is attached to the walls using selflessness, nails and other fasteners. It is very convenient, you will not depend on weather conditions. Minus - the design will not be monolithic;
  • wet - The surface is separated by special mixtures.

There may be a gap between the facing and the outer wall. According to this principle, the facades are classified in this way:

  1. non-ventilated;
  2. ventilated.

The unlealted facade of a private house is obtained in the case when the finishing material is attached directly to the outer surfaces of the walls. Often the facades are called wet and ventilated, it is not a completely correct designation.

With the arrangement of the ventilated facade of the private house, leave a gap between the wall and decorative coating. This contributes to the conclusion of condensate outside, the walls breathe. Such a facade protects the structure from all sorts of atmospheric influences.

Currently, there are such a variety of building materials on the market that buyers are difficult to decide on the choice when they want to refresh the facade of their home. The following main differences exist between finishing materials:

  • appearance;
  • properties;
  • life time;
  • as far as they correspond to our climate.

Consider the main varieties of materials for the repair of facades of private houses.


Such a mixture will hide all surface defects during shuttering, the facade of the private house after repair will be smooth and beautiful. There are two varieties of plaster mixes on the market:

  • gypsum plaster (expensive);
  • ordinary cement.

This coating can be applied to any base:

  1. concrete;
  2. from wood;
  3. brick.

Plus stuccoings are a budget option.

Minus - stunning the surface is not easy, you need to have a special skill. If you wish to do it yourself, keep in mind that you will need a lot of time for finishing.


This material is suitable for repairing any facade of a private house:

  1. brick;
  2. from concrete;
  3. wood.

The installation of siding sheets start from above, moving down. The building lined with this decorative material will look neat and representative.

If you want to use siding for spectacular repair of the brick facade of your private home, the walls are preferably tedded. The solution lines the surface and serve as an additional insulation.

Decorative tile

Not very practical material, tile with difficulty tolerates a negative temperature, does not like the bright sun. It is enough for a maximum of 1-2 seasons, after which it looks unprepacently.

It is desirable for its installation that the weather stood without rains, but the heat is also not needed.

When repairing the facade of a private house using a tile, take into account such a nuance - it will take a lot of time to dry the laying.


This is a beautiful material, but not very durable. When the temperature drops, the porcelain stoneware becomes fragile and prone to destruction.

Such material is suitable for the repair of the facade of a private house only in the case when the surface is protected from atmospheric influences.

It makes sense to use porcelain tiles when finishing the terraces and arbors, they will look very stylish.

What else can you get off the facade of a private house

Natural stone or his artificial analog

No finishing material can compete with natural stone. It is extremely durable and durable, his decorativeness is also no doubt.

But this natural stone is very expensive, so it is more often used in small quantities for finishing. The hosts of the private house during the repair of the facade prefer to combine this material with another finish. Often they replace natural stone with an artificial analogue. The cost of such a decorative stone is much lower, and the characteristics are almost the same as natural material.

Cons of the facade of stone - high price and considerable weight. The cost of artificial material is also large enough, although it is much cheaper than natural.

Siding out of wood

Material for the manufacture of such panels is specially dried and processed using antiseptics. As a rule, this is a board or timber bar.

Wooden siding has a lot of flaws - he is expensive and short-lived. Such a coating needs to protect against rotting, as well as it is fire hazardous. But this incredibly beautiful natural material still continues to be popular with private house owners when repairing facades. Recently, there appeared siding from a mixture of wood with cellulose, with improved characteristics. But he is also not very durable.

Finishing facades cassettes

Previously, the cladding of metal cassettes was used to finish public buildings, recently it is increasingly used when repairing facades of private houses. What is a facade cassette? This is a metallic decorative panel of a rectangular or square shape, with a special coating on a polymer basis.

Metal cassettes are used not only for finishing old houses, but also for new buildings. They are fixed on the frame in the construction of the building. But the price of such a coverage is considerable.

The repair of the facade of a private house is not an easy, strange, but an incredibly exciting procedure. Use modern high quality materials for finishing, follow the installation rules and, in this case, success is guaranteed!

Cosmetic repair of the facade of a private house

How often should the cosmetic repair of the facade of a private house? It is advisable to conduct such an event every 5 years. It is necessary not to just replace the cladding of the building, but still eliminate the defects of the surface - cracks and chips - as prophylaxis. Then you will not have to carry out overhaul in the near future. The new decorative facade facing will be reliably protected.

Operating procedure:

  • first, inspect the facade to determine the amount of destruction and scale of work;
  • elimination of the identified surface deficiencies - elevation, cracks and stains;
  • surface treatment with means that impede wetting;
  • purified walls are ground;
  • facing facade with decorative material.

1. Repairing the facade, which is separated by plaster

Plaster. This material is often used to repair private house facades. Such universal finish is available to everyone. It is easy to perform technologically, although the process also requires effort. Stucco has a small weight and rich color palette.

Minus - such facing will have to be often updated, the plaster quickly comes in disrepair under the influence of weather conditions.

What you need to consider when repairing the facade of a private house from plaster:

  • do not apply too thick layer of material on the wall, permissible thickness - no more than 3 centimeters;
  • gypsum-based mixture is not suitable for concrete wall;
  • after 4-5 hours after plastering, it should be grouting.

When the coating from the plaster is destroyed by more than a third, the overhaul of all cladding should be carried out. The old finish is completely removed and replaced by a new one.

2. Repair of facades covered with tiles from porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is a very hygroscopic finishing material. Such a tile is made from a mixture of several clay varieties with natural minerals. In which cases are repaired by the facade of a private house of porcelain stoneware:

  • the destruction of the coating under the influence of atmospheric influences;
  • the facade finish is incorrect.

In the first case, it is enough to replace the items that came into disrepair. In the second - you will have to dismantle and install a new one according to the technology.

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3. Restoration of fiber plates

What is fibroter? This is a modern material in construction, which is manufactured from cement-based plates, cellulose and mineral components. This eco-friendly material is durable, plastic and has a small weight.

Plates from fiber cement possess special properties - they allow the walls to breathe. Fungi, mold or rotting such material are not terrible.

The repair of the facade of a private house from fibrotenth plates includes the restoration of the appearance of the building - the change of parts that came into disrepair, washing the cladding or its painting.

4. Repair of the facade of siding

With siding sequence actions a bit different. Watch out the facade for damage. If so are not found, it is quite thoroughly washing the surface with ordinary water. You can use soft detergents. In case of detection of defects that can lead to the destruction of the cladding, it is better to replace such a panel when repairing a private house facade.

The only nuance - It is important to choose the right shade of the material. Color can burn under the influence of sun rays. Rehend to this issue seriously. The main thing is that the difference in color between siding panels has not rushed into the eyes.

To replace the details with damage, you will have to disassemble the entire design to this area. Look, in what condition the insulation is, perhaps, it also needs to be changed. Then install a new decorative element and collect cladding from siding anew.

5. Cosmetic repair of tiled facade

Tile coating is brushed similarly to a siding detergent or water. The difference is that the seams can be destroyed here. In this case, they are close in sealant, even a small slot in the facade facing can lead to a significant leakage of heat.

How does this happen? The moisture falls into the hole and, freezing in the cold, it expands, increasing the gap. This happens at each temperature jump, as a result, the integrity of the coating is disturbed and it occurs.

Overhaul of the facade of a private house: stages of work

The facade came into disrepair and the structure looks old and unsightly? We need to overhaul coverage! How to repair the facade of a private house with your own hands cheap and beautiful? A variety of photos presented in the article will help you with it. It is possible to organize work as follows:

  • Start repair

Carefully inspect the facade. The task is to detect possible damage to cladding, faults, cracks and destruction. Not always defects are visually determined, sometimes they can be revealed only when the surface is closed with a hammer.

Why on the facade of a private house there are cracks? The reason may be in a non-uniform shrinkage of the building. It is necessary to study the condition of the soil, you may have to first make the overhaul of the foundation. And only then start the restoration of the facade. In general, prepare for global work.

Sedips, wind and sun - your main enemies. Moisture can seriously destroy the facing, if it gets into microcracks and starts alternately to freeze there and thaw, expanding and narrowing. This will result in a violation of the integrity of the coating.

A hurricane can disrupt the attached construction that is unreliable. Separate bricks can fall out of the brick facing if the seams are deployed in it. Or you want to insulate the walls of the house.

After inspecting the facade of the private house and the repair assessment to be carried out, make a detailed action plan. It is necessary for high-quality reconstruction of the building so that they do not miss anything during the repair process.

  • Stages of capital repairs of the facade

What is the major overhaul of the facade of a private house? There are three stages - preparatory work, rehabilitation procedures and facing the facade again.

First. First, surface preparation is prepared for repair. Previous lining is removed and large defects are eliminated.

Next stage. The surface must be restored - with the help of plaster or primer, all irregularities are masked and aligned.

Third stage has its subtleties. What is it expressed?

Often during the repair of the facade, the owners of private houses wish together with a decorative finish to make the insulation of the building. Then facing work will include the installation of the insulation, which should be competently pick up.

In the event that the ventilated facade is equipped, its installation is performed in the following order:

  1. a frame of a metal is attached to the wall of the house, with anchors;
  2. the surface is insulated with thermal insulation;
  3. top of installation is installed for decor and design protection. It is necessary to leave a gap between it and the thermal insulation of about 20-50 millimeters for ventilation.

What will you do in the end? This air layer decorative facing will also protect the structure from adverse external factors. Many choose such a ventilated system for overhauling the facade of its private home. This beautiful protective shell will allow you to save on the heating of the building.

Especially popular today such ventilated systems for facades - "Marnor" and "Scandar". By installing them, you will forget about the repair of the facade almost forever - they will serve you at least 50 years! But they are suitable only for new buildings. If your home is not so, it is better to stop on the wet version. The technological process of its installation is a bit different:

  1. the insulation is glued to the facade - mineral wool or foam;
  2. the reinforcement grille is installed;
  3. the surface is plastering, sweeping and ground;
  4. then everything is facing brick, tiled or stone. It is possible to paint the paint coating for facades or another water repellent means.

Overhaul of the facade of a private house is a difficult process, it is better to entrust him to competent professionals. Such a reconstruction will restore the buildings of the building and will return to him an attractive appearance. Or maybe even completely change it if the owners want it.

Main types of work with major repairs:

  • it is necessary to calculate the supporting characteristics of the foundation and the base - whether they will be able to make the main load;
  • loading or strengthened wall laying;
  • the surface of the house is insulating, if this was not done earlier;
  • after installing the decorative lining, the seams are maintained to give the facade of a neat type;
  • finish cleaning of surfaces from contamination.

Insulation of a private house with polystyrene foam

Currently there is no better material for insulation of houses than polystyrene foam. This is obvious after analyzing the building materials market. Such insulation has an ideal price ratio - quality.

Flavoring in extruded polystyrene foam is weak, it consists of such components that are prone to self-filing after a couple of seconds after arson.

  1. Preparation for work
  2. The facade of the private house is cleaned with a brush or broom from dirt and dust. Surface stains can be removed by solvent or gasoline.

    All surface defects are sealed with cement-based and sand-based solution or sweep.

  3. Grinding walls and installation of suspensions
  4. Walls are covered with several layers of primer with deep penetration. This can be done with a roller, not only with a brush. As a suspension, an ordinary fishing line or a caprony thread is used. The suspensions are hung every 60-70 cm in height.

    These elements will show where you need to crop the insulation, and where to add glue. After installation, the surface will be perfectly smooth, suitable for shockting. You can easily install any decorative coating on it.

  5. Laying expanded polystyrene during repair
  6. Divide the glue according to the manufacturer's instructions. Then the adhesive solution, apply a spatula on the opposite side of the polystyrene panel. After that, with an effort, it is pressed to the surface of the wall.

    Starting the installation should be from the top section of the wall, moving downward. The panels must be densely interconnected to form a monolithic coating. This will depend on the quality of the insulation of the house. All the resulting gaps are better to immediately close the mounting foam or polyurethane.

    Fix polystyrene foam with dowels. Mounting points - Each corner of the panel and center.

    If the facades of the facade of wooden private houses are insulated with polystyrene foam, between the insulation and the surface of the tree, it is recommended to lay a layer of vapor barrier, fixing it with a stapler.

  7. Walking and finishing work
  8. Plastering for houses with insulation is desirable to carry out using the reinforcing mesh from fiberglass. For walls, a material with a density of 150 g / m 2 is needed, and for decorative parts on the facade there will be 80-90 g / m 2.

    The required thickness of plaster based on polymer components for surface leveling is about 0.5 cm.

    For the decorative finish of the facade of a private house, you can choose any material that wishes.

How to repair the facade of the private house

How best to do if the facade of your private home is necessary for a simple repair, without a guide? Suppose you need to add cladding or apply another layer of finishing material? You will be quite able to fulfill it yourself.

But first make a plan of work that you will need to create the estimates and purchase of materials for repair. Such a project you can make yourself or contact the specialists that they correctly picked the desired coating materials.

You will repair the facade of the private house with your own hands. It will cost you cheap, but it turns out beautifully, as in the photo. You will need you for this the most common building materials:

  • metal or plastic panels for siding;
  • plaster mix;
  • panels made of composites, decorative artificial stone, porcelain stoneware, etc.

When there are traces of mold or cracks on the facade of a private house, choose plaster as finishes. This material is different, not only on the basis of cement, there are also plaster varieties.

The procedure for plastering the structure:
  1. Free the facade from the previous coating using a metal brush or emery paper. Clean all the dust, dirt and blunt the wall under the installation of a new coating. In the humid climate, additional surface treatment with antibacterial agents is recommended.
  2. It is advisable to be plastered using the reinforcing grid. Before it should be installed thermal insulation for the insulation of the facade. The grid stacked directly on the plaster. This method is suitable for any surfaces - from brick, aerated concrete, etc.
  3. Finishing - decorative plaster. It happens different colors and textures - matte and glossy, smooth and abrasive, white and color, etc.

Often a private house after repairing the facade needs painting. If you wish, you can choose an updated structure any color - white, brown, beige, brick, etc.

The most common, affordable and simple type of repair of the facade of the building is the covering of its siding. Watching is a very laborious process that requires certain skills. The perfectly smooth surface is not as easy as it seems. Even newcomers will cope with the installation of siding sheets.

  • First, it is necessary to install the siding frame on the wall. It consists of metal or wooden profiles, which are fixed on the surface in increments of 40-80 centimeters.
  • Then the thermal insulation is placed - foam or mineral wool. The vapor barrier is on top of the top, the dowels from plastics are applied for its mount.
  • Start siding start the bottom, from the base, gradually moving to the roof. If your design provides ventilation, consider how the flow of water from the roof will be given.

The main advantage of this repair of the facade of a private house is the ease of installation. Tools you need a little, only hacksaw for cutting siding, level, screwdriver and perforator.

Facade Finishing: 20 Interesting Options

If you decide to build a house, think about its facade. It is of great importance how the structure will look like. Delive to this seriously, the building is needed not only for the decoration. It still performs a protective function.

Facade panels

Decorative panels are a very popular material to repair the facade of a private house. It is small enough, and the building immediately acquires a respectable appearance. Usually for this, panels from aluminum, composites or fashionable siding are used.

All these varieties of finishing panels have the same mounting scheme to the facade. There are various types of such a coating, with the most different textures that can imitate any natural material.

Facade shuttering

Nowadays, repair of the facade of a private house with decorative plaster does not lose relevance. What are the features of this finishing material:

  • low price;
  • a variety of colors, for the coating, you can pick up any shade of plaster, painting it into the desired color;
  • help professional masters will not need, you can easily fulfill this work with your own hands.

Beautiful and modern finish of facades. Photo

Today, building markets offer customers a variety of materials for the repair of facades of private houses. The price variation is significant - from budget options to very expensive, starting with a classic style and ending with modern. Choice for every taste and wallet.

Collaborate with the company "My Repair" is reliable and prestigious. Specialists working here are the highest level professionals. The company "My Repair" works throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.