Why do the grapes dry? The reasons why grapes are dried

Many gardeners grow grapes in their area, which is a real treasure for the content of useful vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much. They are not stopped even by many difficulties that have to be encountered, including the manifestation of various diseases. As a result, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall. In this regard, it is important to understand why grapes dry and determine the main reasons before it is too late.

When breeding grapes it is necessary to take into account many factors and features for its normal development and growth. To preserve the crop, it is necessary to determine the reasons why the cuttings and leaves of the plant dry and what to do in this case. Many factors can influence this. In this regard, the methods of struggle may also be different.


To choose the right method of treating grapes, you need to understand the reason why its leaves and cuttings dry. Depending on this, it will become clear what to do next. The berry crop does not tolerate low temperatures, so those who live in the northern regions are most often faced with grape diseases.

Many gardeners cover bushes for the winter to protect them from the cold. But in some cases, it can do more harm than good. Under such protection, air usually stagnates, and this leads to an increase in humidity. In such favorable conditions with poor ventilation, various fungi begin to appear and actively multiply.

The berry can catch the infection if the elementary rules are not followed:
  wrong soil composition;

  • insufficient watering;
  • little light;
  • lack of heat.

These leads not only to the fall of leaves and fruits, but also the plant itself is significantly weakened.

A diseased plant can pose a serious danger to bushes that are still healthy, because fungi, viruses, and bacteria are carried by the wind. In some cases, the problem is solved by replacing the affected plants with a more resistant variety. If you do not take any action, then you can lose the whole vineyard. The most common fungal and viral diseases are this, and others.

Little nitrogen

Another common reason why grape leaves are drying out is the lack of nitrogen in the soil. This is manifested as follows - the leaves begin to gradually lighten, and then completely dry. The way out of this situation is introduction. You can use special compounds purchased by the store or fertilize the land with cow, chicken manure.


Uninvited small guests can also be the reason why grape leaves and cuttings dry. Among the most frequent visitors can be noted, and other insects. Some of them are so small that you can only see them under a magnifying glass. If these pests are found, it is necessary to immediately treat the plant with insecticides. If ticks are found, they must be controlled with acaricides. They can be recognized by a yellow-red hue, and their habitat mainly falls on the lower part of the leaves.

Some of the most dangerous diseases

The reasons why grape cuttings and leaves dry out lie not only in improper care. This can be due to diseases, among which there are the most dangerous.


In addition to poor climatic conditions, grape cuttings with leaves can dry out due to damage to the plant by some disease. The most dangerous of them is considered.   It appears when the soil is rich in carbonate compounds. The disease manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the soft parts of the leaves, which fall over time. And if new leaves grow in their place, then they differ in much smaller size and are very thin. In advanced cases, the disease has a bad effect on the fruits themselves - they become noticeably smaller. Chlorosis affects not only cuttings and leaves, the plant suffers completely.

The peak of the disease occurs in the spring or in the second half of summer. As a good disease prevention, a regular procedure for loosening the soil is necessary. This contributes to the evaporation of excess moisture and improve air exchange in the soil.

Spring Fever

The most common fungal disease is, which is found in almost any region where grapes are grown. Infection occurs in the spring, and the reason why the leaves turn yellow and dry is the fungus Botrytis cinerea. A warm and humid environment is a favorable condition for its occurrence.
First of all, the disease affects the cuttings and leaves, on which you can notice a gray fluffy coating. If you slightly shake them off, it crumbles. As a result, the fungus quickly spreads to healthy parts of the plant. Grape fruits that are just beginning to ripen or are already ripe are especially hard hit.

Under the influence of the fungus, the berries acquire a brown hue and quickly rot. And such fruits are no longer suitable for consumption.
  Fighting the disease is easy. To do this, cut off and burn all affected parts of the plant. Then the bush should be sprayed with a solution of drinking soda at the rate of a teaspoon per liter of water. Liquid green soap is also suitable. But the best way would be to purchase seedlings that are already resistant to this disease.

Despite the danger, the fungus can be beneficial.

When the fungus hits the berry on the eve of the harvest, this allows the production of dessert varieties of elite class wines (Tokaj, Sauternes). Due to the action of the fungus, the skin of grapes is rapidly destroyed. This helps to increase the sugar level in the fruit juice. Therefore, in some cases, the fungus is applied on bunches intentionally.

The most dangerous fungus

One more   a dangerous fungal disease is called -known about but to anyone who grows grapes. The affected plant can be seen immediately - on the leaves you can see spots that acquire a pale yellow or light green hue. Over time, these spots increase, and their color
  em from light and green changes to red. On the underside of the leaves, you can see a powdery white coating.

The fungus “moves” very quickly, rapidly forming new spores, and infects neighboring plants. In addition to leaves, berries, stem and roots are at stake.
  Fight with such a disease should be before the first signs of infection appear, in order to avoid the loss of childbirth. First of all, grapes need to be planted in suitable conditions. That is, the place should be well ventilated and located away from the lowland, where moisture usually accumulates. Regular watering, bait, loosening the soil, mulching - this is a good prevention against this disease. Conducting chemical treatment of the plant will also not hinder. Planting around dill grapes also helps.

If the plant is already infected, then you can spray it with a Bordeaux mixture (1%) or with the Ridomil Gold preparation. Only 30 days before harvesting should be discontinued. In general, if frequent cases of mildew damage to plants are noticed in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, choose plant varieties that are resistant to this disease.

Red disease

Rubella has been known since the time they began to grow grapes. It is usually non-infectious and usually occurs in hot weather, which is more commonly observed in July. Leaves acquire a bright red tint, which indicates a lack of potassium. The situation can correct the timely introduction of potassium nitrate (1%). If nothing is done, then the grapes will die, and then there can be no talk of any harvest.

Rubella of an infectious nature is acquired due to the action of marsupial fungus ascomycete. You can fight the infection chemically using fungicides. The main thing is that the harmful effects of these drugs should be safe for humans and animals. Some agents affect only the affected parts of the plant themselves (Rovral, Omayt). Others affect the entire plant as a whole (Quadris, Bayleton, Fundazole). And there are those that differ in the combined combination of the first two types of drugs (Carbis Top, Gold, Reed).

Biological agents are not toxic, but have a short effect. For this reason, they are good only at the initial stage of a fungal infection. Among many biological products, Haupsin is well established, its effectiveness is 90% and lasts for two weeks. Moreover, it is completely safe both for humans and for all animals and insects.
  Along with these methods, timely removal and burning of damaged parts of the plant, cutting off excess branches and leaves, and other preventive measures helps.

Preventative measures

It will not be possible to completely protect the grapes from the occurrence of diseases, but all risks can be minimized. So what needs to be done? First of all, it is worth buying shoots only in specialized stores where healthy seedlings are sold. This will avoid diseases during the first 2-3 years.

Grapes can not tolerate neglect, he needs regular and proper care, which includes regular watering and loosening of the soil. This contributes to the normal air exchange in the soil.

Fertilizing is also a prerequisite. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive compounds, it is enough to use natural fertilizers (cow or chicken manure).

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plant and if insects are found, timely treatment with special compounds.

During the inspection, you can cut off excess branches and leaves, which also improves air exchange and protects against fungi.


As you can understand, there are many reasons why grapes dry out. This is mainly due to the defeat of any disease. Therefore, before you start cultivating this garden crop, you should take a closer look at persistent plant varieties, which will help to avoid the harmful effects of various fungi and bacteria. Nowadays, in almost any city such varieties are bred in sufficient quantities. Therefore, problems with the acquisition of seedlings or seeds will not arise.

But if you regularly take care of the grapes and take timely measures, then he will not be afraid of any diseases. In this case, a good harvest will be all year round.

When growing grapes at home, they often face sudden wilting of bunches at different stages of berry development. In order to prevent the development of such a problem on the bushes, it is necessary to consider the main causes and possible solutions.

Why do bunches of grapes fade and what should I do?

There can be many reasons for the wilting of bunches of grapes, but most often there are five main ones that require detailed consideration for timely decision-making on saving the crop.

Lack of moisture

Despite the fact that grapes tolerate a lack of watering, sometimes excessive drought caused by a lack of rainfall can cause the grapes to dry out.
  A plant that is constantly experiencing a lack of moisture reacts with a decrease in yield, a decrease in the density of berries, their withering and drying. Harvest in this period of time is at risk, since it is not possible to immediately notice the problem. Usually, in one cluster, all the grapes do not dry out, this happens gradually, grape after grape.

Watering grapes is not necessary only if at least 2 times a month heavy rainfall occurs. When the air temperature is stably high, and precipitation is absent or is a weak short-term rain, watering is carried out independently.

Did you know? To make 1 liter of wine, you need about 600 grapes.

If the grapes begin to fade from a lack of moisture, it should be watered immediately. It is recommended to water with water at room temperature, under a bush, in an amount of 20-30 liters at a time. Watering is best done in the morning or evening, so that the moisture well nourishes the roots before the heat. As a rule, after a similar procedure, the wilting process is suspended.


One of the most common causes of cluster wilting is the effect of the sun on the plant. Summer scorching sun rays sometimes adversely affect some clusters that are not covered by leaves. The burn manifests itself in different ways: strongly burned grapes acquire a brown hue, the taste and aroma resemble fermented berries, if the sunburn is light, then the berries fade slightly without changing color, but the taste deteriorates greatly.

To save the crop from sunburn, create artificial shading. So that the grapes do not suffer from a lack of sunlight, the plant must be shaded only at lunchtime, when the sun's rays are most scorching.

Crop overload

If many brushes are tied to the plant, they are removed in a timely manner, otherwise, during active growth and ripening, some clusters may not have enough nutrients for ripening, so the plant will independently adjust the amount of yield, killing most of the berries. Berries on an overloaded bush begin to fade sharply and crumble without ever starting to ripen.

Usually, overloading with the crop is possible on young bushes, when not yet thick enough branches are formed on the plant and the root system is poorly developed, such problems are not observed in adult specimens. To prevent overload, it is better to remove extra clusters on your own. On a young bush (up to 4 years), only 5-6 formed clusters should be left, the rest should be removed.

Fungal diseases

Diseases of a fungal nature of origin, which can cause the drying of grapes, include mildew and oidium.

Mildue in a short time affects all the bushes of grapes on the plantation. The disease can be detected by light yellow, oily spots of a small size on the leaves of the plant.
  If you do not start to deal with the problem in time, the fungi spread to the vine, brushes and berries. Activation of spores by mildew occurs in the spring, when the air temperature warms up to + 10 ° C. Particularly quickly, damage to the plant occurs in warm and humid weather.

Spots initially appear on green grapes and cause it to dry out. If the fungus develops already on ripe grapes, the berries dry and fall off. Mildew treatment must be carried out with a mixture of copper sulfate and lime liquid. The concentration of copper sulfate depends on the degree of development of the bush: before the buds open, they should be sprayed with a solution of 3%, the entire remaining period of time - with a 1% solution.

Did you know? The oldest vineyard is located in the city of Maribor, Slovenia, whose age is more than 400 years.

The solution must be prepared as follows: in 5 l of boiling water, dissolve 100 or 300 g of the product. For lime mortar, quicklime (75 g) and water (10 l) are used. The two products obtained should be mixed, filtered and sprayed on the bush, well irrigating the affected elements.

Spraying is carried out in calm, dry and warm weather. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days, to achieve maximum effect. Among the effective drugs in the fight against mildew are Kuprozan and Kuproksat, which are used according to the instructions on the package.

Oidium affects the ground part of the plant, covering the crowns, leaves and berries with a white coating, which turns brown over time, so the disease is often confused with a sunburn. Massive damage to berries occurs in high humidity and warm weather conditions.

At this time, the grapes may begin to wither sharply or burst. In the treatment of plants, sulfur is used, which gives a good result. To prepare the product, sulfur powder (100 g) is bought, which is mixed with 10 l of water.

Suitable weather conditions for spraying are dry and warm, air temperature not less than + 20 ° С. Spraying is carried out every 10 days until the bushes are completely cured.

Important! The resulting solution processing is carried out only in the morning or in the evening, during the period of the least solar activity, since it is possible to strongly burn parts of the plant.

To cure a severely affected plant, such drugs as Topaz and Fundazol are used, according to the instructions on the package.


Sometimes, the cause of wilting and shedding of grapes from the bush is the defeat of the plant by pests. Common pests that cause a similar reaction of the plant include spider mites, underground phylloxera and wasps.

The spider mite first affects the leafy part of the plant, provoking twisting, wilting and drying of the leaves. Almost simultaneously, after curling the leaves with their drying, the berries wilt.

At this time, the defeat of the bush is already quite strong and it will not be possible to save the crop, so further measures are aimed at saving the plant from death. In order to prevent the death of the crop, the treatment is carried out, revealing the first signs of spider mite vital activity - the appearance of a thin web on different parts of the plant and turning the ends of the leaf out.

Underground phylloxera settles on the root system of the plant, sucking out the juice and nutrients of the plant. Outgrowths form on damaged roots, which impedes the normal development and nutrition of the plant. The growth of the grapes stops, the shoots wither away, the leaves fall off, the berries fade and fall off. After the death of the roots, the plant dries completely.

It is very difficult to determine that the plant struck the phylloxera, since the insect lives at a depth of 0.5 m.The main danger of the underground phylloxera is that it can spread to the roots of bushes located nearby, and there are no drugs for treating the plant.

There are only tools that allow you to destroy the phylloxera, along with the bush, so they are used immediately as soon as they notice the defeat of at least one bush so that the pest does not have time to hit the neighboring ones. To destroy the insect, use volatile flammable carbon disulfide, at a concentration of 300 cm³ / m².

Wasps are common pests of grapes that damage berries. After violating the integrity of the peel in the grapes, they begin to fade and dry, thereby reducing the quality and quantity of the crop. Wasps do not eat the berry completely, but if they damage one, they go to the other.
  A massive defeat of the crop by wasps is possible when placed near the bush of an aspen nest. The solution to the problem is aimed at destroying the wasp nest in the dark, when the wasp comes to rest. At this time, it is considered effective to spray the nest with poisonous substances - "Dichlorvos", "Raptor", according to the instructions.

Important! Poison processing of the nest should be carried out in protective clothing, be sure to cover the face with a net to protect it from massive bites, since wasps are likely to try to protect the home from attack.

After 20 minutes, the nest is recommended to burn. If the grape is damaged by wasps in the absence of an aspen nest near the bush, measures are taken to protect the berries by putting on purchased bunches on bunches. Special fabric bags can be purchased at stores specializing in horticultural supplies.

Preventative measures

It is easier to prevent the grapes from drying out than to take measures to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Common preventive measures include:

  • landing on a suitable site   (with good aeration of the soil) in compliance with the recommendations for planting;
  • landing sustainable   to common diseases and pests of varieties;
  • adherence to schedule   preventive spraying against diseases and pests;
  • regular cropping   extra shoots, removal of weak or damaged parts that reduce the immunity of the plant;
  • regular fertilizerthat allow saturating the plant with the necessary substances that stimulate the normal growth and development of all parts of the bush;
  • watering   grapes during a period of severe drought;
  • preserving stepsons   in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brushes to protect the crop from the scorching sun;
  • timely harvest, the destruction of plant debris fallen from the bush.

Thus, grapes can fade for various reasons, which require careful study to make the right decision to eliminate them. To make it easier to resolve the situation, you can use the helpful recommendations in the article.

Video: Diseases and pests of grapes. Fight with them. Grapes 2016

The defeat of the vineyard with diseases and pests often causes serious damage to the vine. If the leaves dry on the grapes, the shoots wither and die, for the grower it becomes a heavy loss. Twice the big trouble, when the brushes suffer, the berries dry out and a significant part of the crop is lost. Moreover, the drying process can begin both immediately after setting the berries, and already during their ripening, be accompanied by symptoms inherent in diseases of the culture, and proceed for no apparent reason.

Video: Grape berry. Sunburn. Grapes 2015

Why do berries dry on grapes? The reasons for the loss of clusters are many. Most often, winegrowers identify diseases caused by pathogenic fungi.

In the first place by harmfulness there is downy mildew, affecting not only the crests and brushes of grapes, but also the green mass, new and perennial shoots. The fungus, invading plant tissue, inhibits the intake of food and moisture. The infected parts of the vine, including brushes and ripening berries, dry out and die.

  - This is not the only problem threatening with the loss of the crop. There are other diseases of grape berries, photos with the action of which on the vine clearly demonstrate the degree of danger and the need to combat them. Insect pests can cause serious damage to the crop, there is a risk of losing berries and with insufficient care of the vineyard.

Dry Grapes

Fungus called Eutypa lata Vine disease is widespread in all viticulture regions, where winters cannot be called mild, and cause especially great damage in seasons with high rainfall.

Video: Grapes Sunburn on berries

Since the pathogenic fungus is able to penetrate into the tissues of not only grapes, but also of many other garden and fruit crops, this complicates the fight against the manifestations of the disease and its spread. The disease affects not only shoots and berries, on the photo of a disease of grapes, changes in wood caused by the fungus are clearly visible. Particularly severely, the disease affects adult grape bushes, from the age of 8 years, and the symptoms of dry sucking become apparent when the plant gives an increase of 20–25 cm in length in early summer.

Shoots and leaves lag behind in growth, oh sizes and color differ from healthy ones. The leaves dry on the grapes, and then the necrosis affects the affected shoots. Settled berries dry up or stop growing, and remain small until the end of the growing season.

Spotted Anthracnose Grapes

One of the reasons why grapes are dried can be anthracnose. The peak of infection with this serious disease occurs in wet periods, and the pest is active not only in warm weather, but in the range of 2–30 ° С.

Manifestations of anthracnose are often mistaken for mechanical damage to berries and shoots caused by hail. But the weather has nothing to do with it.

Rounded necrotic spots with a brown-black border are areas of penetration of harmful fungi. Such spots can merge, the dried affected tissues inside them are destroyed, and young leaves drying on the grapes appear burnt.

We all love to eat sweet and fragrant grape berries, and its juices with unique taste and fine wines leave few indifferent. Many gardeners cultivate this charm in their summer cottages, however, the cultivation of the vine is not a difficult process at all, but it also has pitfalls, for example, such as drying berries and even whole brushes. Beginning wine growers and gardeners - amateurs, faced with such a problem, immediately panic - so much effort has been expended, and the crop died for an unknown reason. In this article we will try to figure out why the clusters are drying by the vine and how to deal with it.

Why does a bunch of grapes dry - reasons

It is so insulting when such a nuisance occurs as the drying out of clusters at the moment when the berries are already set and have begun to ripen. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, and in order to prevent this disaster in time, you must learn to distinguish between them. So why do the clusters dry - possible reasons:

  • the amount of moisture is not enough for normal growth and maturation;
  • soil poverty - insufficient amount of nutrients and minerals;
  • excess ultraviolet rays;
  • illiterate pruning of the vine or its absence;
  • improper garter to the support of varieties with large brushes;
  • bend of the crest of a bunch;
  • paralysis of the crests of the cyst.

And also the cause of drying of clusters of vines can be various diseases and pests:

  • mildew disease;
  • oidium or false sunburn;
  • damage by gray rot;
  • chlorosis damage;
  • verticillosis;
  • anthracnose;
  • eutiposis (dryness);
  • buffalo cicada;
  • insects are pests;
  • weak treatment of plants from morbidity.

Let us consider in detail each reason individually.

Lack of moisture. The fact that grapes are unpretentious in cultivation and care does not mean that you do not need to water the vine. If the summer is rather humid, with good rainfall, then the vineyard will have enough moisture, and with a dry summer, watering the plants is simply necessary, because with a lack of moisture the berries become small, sour taste, and even, in general, dry out, so do not forget to water in time grapes so that nothing interferes with the normal growth and ripening of berries.

Lack of nitrogen in the soil. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the vineyard will begin to dry quickly - first the leaves, which will become light in color, and then the bunches themselves. In order to avoid drying out, it is recommended to feed the soil with mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, or add organic matter - manure, chicken droppings.

Excessive ultraviolet rays cause a burn, which adversely affects not only grape brushes, but also berries and leaves. First, the berries change color to brown, and taste like mash, then completely dry. This is the most common cause of cluster drying out. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the stepsons growing in the cluster area in order to exclude direct sunlight.

An excess of grapes due to improper garter of the vineyard to the support. Why does the vineyard dry, in which large weighty clusters are tied? Most hybrids form too large and heavy brushes. When the support is uncomfortable, or the vineyard is not tied to it correctly, the crest on which the bunch is located is bent under its weight. From this, moisture cannot enter the brush, and it begins to fade. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to properly load the vine on the arches and supports.

Paralysis of the crests of the hands. If the vineyard withered for no reason, then the crests may have dried out. This phenomenon is called paralysis and has not yet been found any explanation why it occurs. Brushes and berries dry out due to disturbed circulation of moisture and nutrients. Often appears when the summer is dry. Necrosis and brown spots appear on the scallops, as a result of which the bunch ceases to feed and dries. If one plant suffered from paralysis, it is not necessary that this scourge will go to neighboring bushes. In such cases, it is recommended to feed the vineyard with fertilizers, which include magnesium.

Mildew disease. A terrible scourge called mildew is often the reason why grapes cluster dry. The disease causes great damage to the vineyard during the flowering process. First, single berries dry up, and, immediately, before ripening, whole clusters up to half. The reason is that the mildew fungus blocks the access of nutrients and moisture to the bunch. To prevent defeat by this fungus, the vineyard should be treated with preparations from mildew - Ordan, Kurzat, Polykhom, Ridomil. Processing is carried out three times during the growing season - before flowering, after flowering and when the berries have reached the size of peas.

An oidium or a false sunburn can also provoke the drying of berries and clusters. He is often confused with sunburn. A slightly noticeable white - gray coating appears on the berries, similar to a tan from the sun, and then the berry bursts or withers. When a vineyard is damaged by an oidium, it is treated with colloidal sulfur before harvesting.

The defeat of the gray rot fungus usually appears in the spring, when it becomes warm and humid. Such conditions are the best opportunities for the development of Botrytis cinerea, a fungus that completely covers the plants and causes the grapes to dry out. The fight against this disease should be started immediately.

The defeat of chlorosis. If the soil contains a large amount of carbonate, there is the possibility of chlorosis, due to which grape bushes can dry. Most often, it appears in early spring or in the second half of summer. Chlorosis affects the entire bush. To prevent chlorosis, it is necessary to loosen the soil to normalize air exchange and evaporation of excess moisture.

Verticillosis is a fungal infection of grapes that penetrates the bush from the soil through the root. The disease does not appear immediately, but several years after infection. Mostly young shoots are ill. If the vine is overloaded, the disease manifests itself more strongly, so it is necessary to correctly load the vine in order to get a decent crop of berries.

Anthracnose is also a fungal infection of the vine. This fungus is common in areas with a humid climate. The disease is recognized by necrotic spots on clusters, leaves and the entire green component of the vineyard. If the fungus manifests itself before flowering, then the whole bunch is affected, and when the bush begins to bear fruit, spots on the scallops appear, as a result of which the brush dries up. Anthracnosis is a tropical disease, and has recently appeared in our climate.

Eutiposis is a fungus infection that affects not only vineyards, but also other crops. They hit the wood of the vineyard, resulting in slower plant growth. The underdevelopment of all parts of the grape does not allow to give the proper harvest to the vine. Old vineyards of the northern regions are more prone to eutiposis. The emergence of its contributes to increased humidity. Bunches stop filling and dry.

Buffalo cicada - a harmful insect, which is a fairly common cause of drying clusters of vines. This insect lives and reproduces in the grass under a bush. Offspring gives once during the summer period. Larvae, having grown into adults, move from grass to grape shrub, causing irreparable damage to it. The insect damages the grape shoots and scallops on which the bunch is located. As a result of these damage, the grape brushes dry out. In order to prevent damage to the grapes by buffalo cicada, they double-treat the vines with benzophosphate and also remove all the grass that grows under the vineyard, and in its place they plant garlic or onions, which scare away these insects.

Good luck to you viticulture!

Many gardeners grow grapes in their area, which is a real treasure for the content of useful vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much. They are not stopped even by many difficulties that have to be encountered, including the manifestation of various diseases. As a result, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall. In this regard, it is important to understand why grapes dry and determine the main reasons before it is too late.

When breeding grapes it is necessary to take into account many factors and features for its normal development and growth. To preserve the crop, it is necessary to determine the reasons why the cuttings and leaves of the plant dry and what to do in this case. Many factors can influence this. In this regard, the methods of struggle may also be different.


To choose the right method of treating grapes, you need to understand the reason why its leaves and cuttings dry. Depending on this, it will become clear what to do next. The berry crop does not tolerate low temperatures, so those who live in the northern regions are most often faced with grape diseases.

Many gardeners cover bushes for the winter to protect them from the cold. But in some cases, it can do more harm than good. Under such protection, air usually stagnates, and this leads to an increase in humidity. In such favorable conditions with poor ventilation, various fungi begin to appear and actively multiply.

The berry can catch the infection if the elementary rules are not followed:
  wrong soil composition;

  • insufficient watering;
  • little light;
  • lack of heat.

These leads not only to the fall of leaves and fruits, but also the plant itself is significantly weakened.

A diseased plant can pose a serious danger to bushes that are still healthy, because fungi, viruses, and bacteria are carried by the wind. In some cases, the problem is solved by replacing the affected plants with a more resistant variety. If you do not take any action, then you can lose the whole vineyard. The most common fungal and viral diseases are alternariosis, oidium, bacterial cancer, and others.

Little nitrogen

Another common reason why grape leaves are drying out is the lack of nitrogen in the soil. This is manifested as follows - the leaves begin to gradually lighten, and then completely dry. The way out of this situation will be the introduction of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. You can use special compounds purchased by the store or fertilize the land with cow, chicken manure.


Uninvited small guests can also be the reason why grape leaves and cuttings dry. Among the most frequent visitors can be noted spider mites, aphids and other insects. Some of them are so small that you can only see them under a magnifying glass. If these pests are found, it is necessary to immediately treat the plant with insecticides. If ticks are found, they must be controlled with acaricides. They can be recognized by a yellow-red hue, and their habitat mainly falls on the lower part of the leaves.

Some of the most dangerous diseases

The reasons why grape cuttings and leaves dry out lie not only in improper care. This can be due to diseases, among which there are the most dangerous.


In addition to poor climatic conditions, grape cuttings with leaves can dry out due to damage to the plant by some disease. The most dangerous of them is chlorosis.   It appears when the soil is rich in carbonate compounds. The disease manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the soft parts of the leaves, which fall over time. And if new leaves grow in their place, then they differ in much smaller size and are very thin. In advanced cases, the disease has a bad effect on the fruits themselves - they become noticeably smaller. Chlorosis affects not only cuttings and leaves, the plant suffers completely.

The peak of the disease occurs in the spring or in the second half of summer. As a good disease prevention, a regular procedure for loosening the soil is necessary. This contributes to the evaporation of excess moisture and improve air exchange in the soil.

Spring Fever

The most common fungal disease is gray rot., which is found in almost any region where grapes are grown. Infection occurs in the spring, and the reason why the leaves turn yellow and dry is the fungus Botrytis cinerea. A warm and humid environment is a favorable condition for its occurrence.
  First of all, the disease affects the cuttings and leaves, on which you can notice a gray fluffy coating. If you slightly shake them off, it crumbles. As a result, the fungus quickly spreads to healthy parts of the plant. Grape fruits that are just beginning to ripen or are already ripe are especially hard hit.

Under the influence of the fungus, the berries acquire a brown hue and quickly rot. And such fruits are no longer suitable for consumption.
  Fighting the disease is easy. To do this, cut off and burn all affected parts of the plant. Then the bush should be sprayed with a solution of drinking soda at the rate of a teaspoon per liter of water. Liquid green soap is also suitable. But the best way would be to purchase seedlings that are already resistant to this disease.

Despite the danger, the fungus can be beneficial.

When the fungus hits the berry on the eve of the harvest, this allows the production of dessert varieties of elite class wines (Tokaj, Sauternes). Due to the action of the fungus, the skin of grapes is rapidly destroyed. This helps to increase the sugar level in the fruit juice. Therefore, in some cases, the fungus is applied on bunches intentionally.

The most dangerous fungus

One more   dangerous fungal disease bears the name - mildewknown to anyone who grows grapes. The affected plant can be seen immediately - on the leaves you can see spots that acquire a pale yellow or light green hue. Over time, these spots increase, and their color
  em from light and green changes to red. On the underside of the leaves, you can see a powdery white coating.

The fungus “moves” very quickly, rapidly forming new spores, and infects neighboring plants. In addition to leaves, berries, stem and roots are at stake.
Fight with such a disease should be before the first signs of infection appear, in order to avoid the loss of childbirth. First of all, grapes need to be planted in suitable conditions. That is, the place should be well ventilated and located away from the lowland, where moisture usually accumulates. Regular watering, bait, loosening the soil, mulching - this is a good prevention against this disease. Conducting chemical treatment of the plant will also not hinder. Planting around dill grapes also helps.

If the plant is already infected, then you can spray it with a Bordeaux mixture (1%) or with the Ridomil Gold preparation. Only 30 days before harvesting should be discontinued. In general, if frequent cases of mildew damage to plants are noticed in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, choose plant varieties that are resistant to this disease.

Red disease

Rubella has been known since the time they began to grow grapes. It is usually non-infectious and usually occurs in hot weather, which is more commonly observed in July. Leaves acquire a bright red tint, which indicates a lack of potassium. The situation can correct the timely introduction of potassium nitrate (1%). If nothing is done, then the grapes will die, and then there can be no talk of any harvest.

Rubella of an infectious nature is acquired due to the action of marsupial fungus ascomycete. You can fight the infection chemically using fungicides. The main thing is that the harmful effects of these drugs should be safe for humans and animals. Some agents affect only the affected parts of the plant themselves (Rovral, Omayt). Others affect the entire plant as a whole (Quadris, Bayleton, Fundazole). And there are those that differ in the combined combination of the first two types of drugs (Carbis Top, Gold, Reed).

Biological agents are not toxic, but have a short effect. For this reason, they are good only at the initial stage of a fungal infection. Among many biological products, Haupsin is well established, its effectiveness is 90% and lasts for two weeks. Moreover, it is completely safe both for humans and for all animals and insects.
  Along with these methods, timely removal and burning of damaged parts of the plant, cutting off excess branches and leaves, and other preventive measures helps.

Preventative measures

It will not be possible to completely protect the grapes from the occurrence of diseases, but all risks can be minimized. So what needs to be done? First of all, it is worth buying shoots only in specialized stores where healthy seedlings are sold. This will avoid diseases during the first 2-3 years.

Grapes can not tolerate neglect, he needs regular and proper care, which includes regular watering and loosening of the soil. This contributes to the normal air exchange in the soil.

Fertilizing is also a prerequisite. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive compounds, it is enough to use natural fertilizers (cow or chicken manure).

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plant and if insects are found, timely treatment with special compounds.

During the inspection, you can cut off excess branches and leaves, which also improves air exchange and protects against fungi.


As you can understand, there are many reasons why grapes dry out. This is mainly due to the defeat of any disease. Therefore, before you start cultivating this garden crop, you should take a closer look at persistent plant varieties, which will help to avoid the harmful effects of various fungi and bacteria. Nowadays, in almost any city such varieties are bred in sufficient quantities. Therefore, problems with the acquisition of seedlings or seeds will not arise.

But if you regularly take care of the grapes and take timely measures, then he will not be afraid of any diseases. In this case, a good harvest will be all year round.