Is it necessary to trim the stems after flowering tulips. When to cut off faded tulips and daffodils for the winter

Bright tulips bloom in the spring of one of the first flowers. They captivate with their beauty, and in Holland they are even considered a symbol and pride of the country. These delicate plants need careful regular care. Florists pay special attention to fertilizing, weeding, watering and transplanting tulips. But not everyone knows that at a certain stage after flowering, they need pruning. It is very important to know what to do with tulips after they bloom.

In early spring - in April - you can notice the first leaves of tulips. Plants begin to bloom a little later - in the last spring month. However, there are early varieties of tulips, which are full of already in late March, and later - only in the second half of June.

Tulips can be admired forever, but the period of their flowering is very short. The flowers begin to fade and the question arises of what needs to be done with them next.

After the tulips fade, they need to be cut and transplanted or dig bulbs for storage in the winter. Trimming tulips is definitely needed, so every gardener should know how this process goes right.

How to prune tulips after flowering

After the flowering of tulips is over, certain chemical reactions still occur in the leaves and peduncle. It is these parts of the flower that nourish the plant with useful substances so that new bulbs develop well. Therefore, completely wilted leaves and inflorescences should be cut after flowering.

If you do this earlier, then the chances are good that the bulb will disappear. Some drooping flowers themselves shed wilted leaves and peduncle.

After flowering should be cut off the heads of tulips. When the flower fades, the plant gives seeds, but for the bulb it is not very good, because it becomes weak. The process goes like this:

  • using scissors, you need to separate the head of the tulip from the stem;
  • the stem remains in place until the leaves turn yellow. This will happen in about a month and a half;
  • it is necessary to trim the foliage at ground level and remove everything that is above the ground;
  • the location of the flower should be noted in some way so as not to lose the bulb.

You should not carry out such manipulations with varietal tulips, but plant them with seeds.

It is recommended to cut and dig out the flower bulbs 3-4 weeks after the tulip fades. It should be noted that tulips cannot bloom all the same on the same day. This is a long-term and time-consuming process, so you need to be patient.

Tulip bulbs are stored under certain conditions

There are one-year-old tulips that will not germinate in the second year. Parts of such tulips, including the bulb, are thrown away after flowering. Many gardeners like these flowers because they are inexpensive, they are easy to grow and you don’t need to think what to do next.

After digging the bulbs, they must be stored until spring. Bulb storage rules are as follows:

  • remove garbage, earth from the surface of the bulb;
  • mark the date of bulb collection and tulip variety;
  • put the bulbs in a wooden container (box);
  • store in a dark, dry place, warm (up to +17 degrees) and without drafts.

In spring, the bulbs are planted in the ground after a thorough check for rot and damage.

Recommendations on how to care for tulips after flowering will certainly be useful to gardeners who are interested in maintaining their varietal characteristics. The cultivation of any bulbous flowers has its own characteristics. To ensure lush flowering flower beds with tulips next spring, you need to get high-quality planting material. And the main preparation of the bulbs begins from the moment the petals fall.

  Watering and feeding

It would seem that yesterday blooming tulips impressed with their splendor and were the main focus of the flowerbed. Today, disheveled buds and untidy stems have become unattractive. Inexperienced gardeners ask about what to do, maybe cut them clean and forget until next spring. You need to remember rule number 1: when the tulips have bloomed, you can not immediately cut leaves from them. Even if they turned yellow and faded. Another 2-3 weeks after flowering in the bulbs continue to accumulate useful trace elements and the energy of the sun through the leaves of plants. To interrupt the process of forming planting material means, subsequently, to obtain a weak bulb, which is unlikely to please a large flower next year.

One more question that interests beginner gardeners: is it necessary to cut the seed box? If the tulips have faded, it must be removed immediately or cut off with the stem, leaving at least 2 leaves on it. Then she will not take energy from the bulb for seed maturation.

All fallen petals should also be removed. Getting into the axils of the leaves, they cause them to rot.

When the onion bloomed, what can be done to keep the flowerbed attractive? You can mask the yellowed leaves with perennials, such as phlox. Some gardeners use a different trick: they take a metal stud and bend an unsightly faded stem to the ground. Another way is to grow tulips in special baskets or containers. During flowering, they will decorate the courtyard, flowerbed, terrace, and then containers with ripening bulbs can simply be removed to another place in the garden.

As already mentioned, for some time after flowering, the bulb actively accumulates nutrients in itself. She needs moisture and nutrition. Therefore, do not relax. Care for tulips after flowering consists of watering as needed and one top dressing. You can buy ordinary mineral fertilizers designed for bulb crops, only make them 2 times less than what is written in the instructions. Otherwise, the bulbs may get a chemical burn. It has a beneficial effect on tulips and phosphorus-potassium mixture (30-40 g per 1 m²). But what in no case can be done is to introduce manure, nitrogen and chlorine.

So, to summarize rule number 2: tulips after flowering for another 2-3 weeks need watering and top dressing.

  Preparing planting material

Another nuance in the cultivation of tulips: they are dug up annually and transplanted to a new place in the fall. The exception is red tulips, but they also begin to disappear after a certain number of years. In the southern regions, where at the beginning of April the air warms up to 20 ° C, gardeners transplant bulbs once every 2-3 years.

A few words about why tulips require an annual transplant. Their bulbs have the peculiarity of deepening deep into the ground, and every year deeper. To germinate, they need a lot of food and strength, and in the end they can die. You should remember rule number 3: tulip bulbs need to be dug up annually.

Another question that may arise when growing tulips: how to find the location of the bulbs? Indeed, after the foliage dries, the bed is leveled. But tulips can be highlighted a little earlier with flags or other marks.

The best time to pick the bulbs is in the middle of summer. You can determine for yourself whether they are ready? You need to dig 1 instance and examine it: it should be covered with brown scales and have roots.

Now they prepare several cardboard boxes where they will put onions, leaflets with the inscription of varieties, and a container with a disinfecting solution (5% potassium permanganate is possible). Then you can get to work. Let the street be not too cloudy, but not sunny. With a garden spatula, they carefully dig out the bulbs and discard the weak, small and damaged. Quality specimens are treated with a solution, and then laid out in boxes, depending on the variety. Dug out heads are dried and placed in storage in a ventilated warm room for 1.5-2 months, always shading. And then they are planted in a new place.

Tulips are often presented to the beautiful half of humanity on March 8, they are like a symbol of spring, femininity, tenderness. But what if the flower was presented in a pot? It can be saved and planted in the autumn in a flower bed. Leaving after flowering will be similar: regular watering until the leaves turn yellow. After the stalk becomes completely dry, dig the bulb, dry it and store it in a box until September. When the time comes to plant onion, it, together with everyone, is placed in the ground.

  Formation of a future flowerbed

Usually, bulbous flowers are planted in late August - early September. Then their flowering will fall in April-May. In cold regions, tulips are planted not in autumn, but in spring, and stored at a temperature of +20 ... + 23 ° C in a dark place.

Before planting, planting material is examined for disease. Spoiled specimens are discarded, and good onions must be re-treated with a fungicide to prevent diseases, for example, Maxim.

Planting material prepared, what to do next? You need to choose a place for the future flower beds. It is not recommended to re-plant flowers in the same area where they grew. Soil depletion can only be avoided if the location of the tulips is constantly changed.

The site is chosen sunny, with light soil. The land is prepared in advance, 2-3 weeks before landing. It is dug with the introduction of mineral fertilizers. A little sand is added to heavy soil.

Planting material is planted in two ways:

  1. 1. Landing in the pits. It is necessary to loosen the earth, make half a shovel indentations and evenly distribute the onions. Planting scheme - 10x10 cm, allowing tulips to bloom and not interfere with each other. Planting depth should be no more than 3 bulb lengths (photo). It is not recommended to press them into the ground. Then the flower bed is poured with warm water, and after 2 weeks they are fertilized with nitrate.
  2. 2. Landing in the trench. Many gardeners choose this method to get beautiful flower beds. Draw a flower bed and dig trenches up to 20 cm deep and 25-30 cm wide along the lines. Sprinkle the bottom with superphosphate. Next, take the largest bulbs, lay them bottom down the bottom of the trenches and pour a little earth. Smaller specimens are distributed between them and ground again.

And what to do with the kids, where to plant them? A beginner summer clerk may ask about this. The children are disembarked at the edges of the trenches. Then everyone is covered with soil and watered with warm water.

For tulips, care is completed by mulching the beds with peat, dry leaves or a straw layer of 10-15 cm. These works are carried out with the onset of the first cold weather.

It’s easy to get a blooming oasis of large, beautiful, healthy flowers in the coming season, it’s enough to follow all the tips listed above on how to care for tulips from flowering until the stems completely dry.

Tulips bloom late in the spring, and mine are ready to jump out of the snow almost. I simply always knew that it was necessary to dig them out every year, well, at least varieties and hybrids.

I do not gloat, maybe they don’t have enough time for flowers, maybe everything is fine, but it’s more pleasant for me to see the early arrows and magnificent buds. The riot of colors of the tulip meadow raises the mood and confirms that these flowers are grateful for the care.

Often I hear the question of what to do with tulips, after they have faded. Many gardeners after falling petals in a hurry to quickly cut off the leaves to zero. We will understand why it is a bad idea to intervene in the natural course of things.

Advice! To mask withering tulips between the rows, you can place annual flowers or bring flowerpots on the stem in which ampelous plants grow: petunia, lobelia, nasturtium.

When almost all the petals are dropped, you can trim the head, but not the peduncle itself. The fact is that after flowering in the bud, the seeds ripen, and all the nutrition will rush to these needs, but we do not need it. For us, it is more important that certain processes begin in the bulbs.

There is an accumulation of nutrients for the next year and the laying of kidneys for future children. Therefore, the aboveground part of the plant is simply vital to the one that is underground. And in general, tulips need more care after flowering, while they are sitting in the open ground.

Watering and feeding faded tulips

Within 10-14 days, after flowering, water the bed intensively, help the bulbs to intensify the work of accumulating useful ingredients from the soil. If it is depleted, it is necessary to fertilize.

Tulips like fertile, friable soils, so do not refuse the annual application of humus and wood ash. But when, after flowering, a dormant period sets in, fertilizers will not interfere with planting.

They should contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, manganese, iron, boron, zinc - all the elements necessary for respiration, growth, nutrition. Make sure that the nitrogen in the list is in small doses, its increased indices are needed exclusively before and during flowering.

Do I need to crop and when to do it

Leaf removal may or may not be done. If you choose the first, then wait until the stems become soft and turn yellow. This is the best time for cutting or tearing off the leaf part, and it begins 20-30 days after flowering.

Dig to plant again in autumn

According to science, tulip bulbs are recommended to be dug up: varietal every year, and “simpletons” after 2-3 years. What happens if you don’t? It’s very scary - nothing, the flowers will not disappear, except that hybrids will begin to fade and degenerate soon.

But we don’t need it. So we dig up tulips to maintain the varieties (in vain, they either bred, bought), and also in order to avoid the consequences of the following plan:

  • Bulbs multiplying, take away space and food from each other, from this they become smaller;
  • Every year they dig into the ground a few centimeters, you will not notice how the bayonet of the spade is not enough to dig them out - and this slows down the forcing of the flower;
  • Ill, rotten onions infect neighboring ones, and in general may one day not come out in the spring;
  • And, finally, the main thing: for the formation of buds during dormancy, tulip bulbs need at least 20-25 degrees. In the land of such conditions, of course, no.

We start digging with early varieties, and then move on to late tulips.

What to do with onions during storage

Dug onions in a brown-yellowish peel are laid out under a canopy for ventilation, where it is warm and there is no direct sunlight. After a few days, you can gently peel the earth and fallen away skins (you don’t need to tear off specifically). We leave it for another 20 days.

Then the storage temperature drops slightly, well, this is what happens, because August is in the yard. During this time, and still far from planting, you need to sort the planting material. We arrange large, medium and small onions in different containers. By grades it is already divided, probably. What is it for?

The fact is that when planting, we will plant bulbs of different caliber to different depths: large ones are lower, and small ones - superficially.

Advice! Planting bulbs of different sizes on separate rows will ennoble the beds, give them an aesthetic appearance, because the flowering of a single-caliber material will occur simultaneously.

By mixing large and small tulips, you will put off the flowering of the latter, if at all due to lack of lighting.

On summer storage and drying are the bulbs until planting, which is carried out in September-October.

Planting tulips in autumn

A bed for tulips can be prepared in advance, introducing humus, some ash or fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium salt) under digging. It’s better to choose another place, but if it’s permanent, then it’s okay, we dig and fertilize the earth every year.

The day is chosen dry, the weather is already cool, and the temperature of the soil should be 8-10 degrees.

We mark the rows, for bulbs of different sizes, they differ. Between the rows of large onions is a distance of 20 centimeters, of small ones - 10-12 cm. The planting depth is selected from the calculation of the three bulb sizes. So we do trenches in size of calibrated material.

Water the holes, put the bulbs of tulips in them and sprinkle them on top of the ground. Additional watering will have to be done after 4-5 days, because intensive rooting begins. And before frosts, you can mulch the plantings with humus, peat or compost.

Tulips do not need shelter, bulbs of a frost-resistant culture will undergo stratification (hardening) during the winter, so that with the first rays of the spring sun, wake up and start growing.

What forms do landings give

Tulips can be planted in rows where small bulbs will grow in front and large ones in the background. Plantings also have peculiar nests: several large bulbs are placed in the middle, and small ones are planted around the perimeter.

The beds look beautiful in the spring, if tulips are planted by variety and flowering time, because there are both early and late plants, and there is no way to count the color and hybrid variety.

Providing proper care for tulips after flowering, you can get not only magnificent flowers in the next season, but also additional bulbs - “kids”. Although such plants can be seen in almost every garden, not everyone knows how to grow them competently from the appearance of young shoots until all buds have withered and the stems have dried.

Tulips - care after flowering in the open field

These flowers are unpretentious and persistent plants, but improper care of tulips after flowering in the garden can lead to rotting of the bulbs, the formation of unbroken buds, thinning stems. When the flowers in the flowerbed begin to open one after another, the tulip needs special care - competent watering and regular cultivation, pruning, top dressing. You need to know when to dig the bulbs after flowering and how to save them until the next planting.

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

When caring for tulips after flowering, it is important to prune correctly. Then you can easily propagate your favorite look and grow healthy and strong bulbs. Pruning tulips after flowering:

  1. On the 4-8 day after the petals open (when they are about to crumble), the peduncle must be cut off. Such care is needed so that the plant does not waste strength and nutrients on the formation of seeds in the seed box.
  2. It is important not to touch the stems and leaves when pruning - if you remove them immediately after the flowers have faded, the bulb will cease to exist. When only the peduncle is cut off on the stem, the rhizome begins to intensively gain mass.
  3. If the tulip is cut for a bouquet, you need to leave a couple of leaves on the stem.
  4. Complete pruning of the plant is carried out after all the foliage turns yellow and dries.

Do I need to water tulips after flowering?

With proper care, watering tulips after flowering, as during budding, should be plentiful and regular. Moisture must penetrate the entire depth of the roots, because they cannot extract it from the lower layers of the soil. On average, 10 to 40 liters of water should be poured on 1 m 2 of plots once a week. Watering abundant and regular should remain for another two weeks after tulip blooms.

Feeding tulips after flowering

Fertilization of tulips after flowering is carried out no later than two weeks after the petals fall and pruning of the peduncle. One top dressing is enough for the growth of a flower bud for the next season, which continues to form all summer, and the growth of a large bulb. In this season, tulips are fertilized with potassium and phosphorus; during this period, the plant does not need nitrogen. When choosing drugs, it is important to pay attention that they do not have chlorine. Care for tulips after flowering - how to feed:

  1. You can scatter dry top dressing - and in an amount of 30-35 g / m 2 followed by watering.
  2. Or pour half a liter of wood ash 5 l of warm water and insist 8 hours. Strain the liquid and dilute again with water 1: 5. In a bucket of working solution, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of superphosphate and water the plants.

When do they dig tulip bulbs after flowering?

With proper care, digging up tulips after flowering, especially artsy varieties with fringe, is desirable to carry out an interesting pattern every year. More simple species (for example, ordinary red), you can disturb once every 2-3 years. The bulbs of these plants eventually go deep into the ground, and if left in the soil, there is a risk of infections. The flower itself will gradually grind and lose its varietal characteristics. Tulip Care - How to Dig Bulbs:

  1. Dig them up in June, 4-6 weeks after flowering. Until this time, the rhizome along with greens contribute to photosynthesis and growth of the bulb, the appearance of "children".
  2. To determine when to dig up the rhizome, you need to monitor the flower. Its leaves should fade and turn yellow, but not completely dry. If you disturb the tulip early, the bulb will not have time to pick up nutrients and will not later delight you with a beautiful flower. A late excavation is fraught with the fact that the nest will dry out.
  3. To get the bulb, you need to dig a bush, take out the "mother" with the "kids", tear off the roots and dried stems. Seeds for a couple of days are laid out in one layer in a shaded place to dry.

What to do with the "children" of tulips after digging?

Bulbs of tulips after digging are sorted, dismantled nests and calibrated (adults - separately, "children" - separately). After drying, small heads should be immediately placed in a cool room with a temperature of + 15 ° C. In a warm climate, the "baby" can quickly dry completely. In early August, such a bulb can be planted on a bed for growing. If it is not possible to store the "children" separately, they are planted immediately after separation, not forgetting to water and weed the plantings.

How to store tulip bulbs after flowering?

After drying, the planting material is pickled in a potassium permanganate solution, laid out in boxes and put in a dark place with low light or without it at all. It is important to ensure proper care of the tulip bulbs after digging:

  1. The air temperature in the room for the first 1.5-2 months should be in the region of +20 - 25 ° C, from the beginning of September it is lowered to + 15 ° C - ° C. This is necessary so that a flower bud can form in the bulbs.
  2. The room should be well ventilated so that the planting material does not rot and does not become moldy.
  3. From time to time, the bulbs need to be stirred and discarded, rotted, soft, defective so that they do not infect the rest.
  4. Tulips are planted in open ground in the fall - from mid-September to early October. It is still warm at this time, the plants will have time to take root, take root and winter well in the garden, in order to paint it with bright colors in spring.

What to plant after tulips?

Beautiful tulips adorn the garden, but have a short flowering period. So that the rest of the season the flowerbed is not empty, it can be planted with other plants. What to plant in place of tulips after flowering:

  1. Astra, salvia, marigolds, ageratum, lobelia, geranium, petunia. Their grown seedlings are planted immediately after tulips, plants will help to maintain a flower bed constantly in a flowering state.
  2. If tulip bulbs are dug up every year, then preference should be given to perennials that bloom immediately after them - hosts, astilbe, bruners, peonies, phlox. They will cover the bulbous stems that have fallen and lost their presentability.
  3. The classic companions of tulips are forget-me-nots, viols, and magrarrittes; they can be used to sow all the gaps between bulbs.
  4. You can grow vegetables after tulips. With onions, carrots and parsley are well combined. They are sown in the aisles of tulips in the spring or before winter. When the leaves of the tulips turn yellow, the grown tops form a green carpet on the plot. After the flower bulbs, you must carefully dig out so as not to damage the vegetables.

“Can tulips be cut after flowering?” Gardeners have long answered this question. They are much more interested in when to cut tulips after flowering, because the process has its own nuances.

In today's article, you will learn how and when to cut tulips after flowering, as well as when to dig out planting material, how to store bulbs, when to plant them, and how long after that they will bloom.

Before pruning, tulips are prepared in order to carry out the procedure with minimal damage to the plants. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of fertilizing and watering by the end of flowering tulips. The bulb accumulates all the nutrients necessary for laying new shoots through the stem and leaves.

The stem and leaves serve as a kind of battery for tulips, so premature pruning can kill the bulbs and forever deprive the gardener of the pleasure of observing the flowering of these plants.

When to crop tulips: after flowering. The end is indicated by the complete extinction of the surface part. The stem and leaves have completely lost their petals. In addition, they will be dry and will easily become detached from the bulb.

Here the gardener enters: it is necessary to mark where the bulbs are in the soil mixture, then with a sharp knife or secateurs (disinfected) cut off the already faded surface of the tulips. Cropping completed.

What to do with tulip bulbs after pruning?

After flowering is completed, the surface of the tulips is trimmed, the location of the bulbs in the soil mixture is noted, the gardener proceeds to dig the bulbs from the soil. In order to make this easier, the soil mixture can be loosened up a bit, then pry the onion with a garden spatula and remove it to the surface.

When to dig tulip bulbs:

  • Second half of June;
  • Early July;
  • When the leaves are completely yellowed;
  • If the surface part wilted;

Where and how to store tulip bulbs after digging?

Dug out tulip bulbs are placed in separate wooden boxes, then slightly sprinkled with earth (1-2 layers). Tulip bulbs are stored sorted by date of extraction and grade. In order to ease your future task, you can prostrate the bulbs.

The bulb is placed in a cool, dark place. Future planting material should not be exposed to direct sunlight or lighting, water. In a place where tulip bulbs are stored after digging, drafts, insects, rodents, and temperature fluctuations are excluded.

Where to store tulip bulbs:

  • In the attic;
  • In the basement;
  • In the pantry;
  • In a dry basement;
  • In a dry cellar;

As soon as the planting season begins - the temperature of the soil and air, the lighting will be available - the tulip bulbs return to their original place, but already in the prepared, nourished, moistened and loosened soil. Large bulbs will begin to develop and bloom in the first year after re-planting, while those that are smaller will sprout in the first year and bloom in the second.

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When can I cut tulips after flowering?

Can tulips be cut after flowering?

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?