How to feed rhododendron in the spring. How to feed rhododendron in spring and summer? Video: Rhododendron Care

There is an opinion that caring for the rhododendron is rather complicated, and the shrub itself is moody, so not everyone takes it in a temperate-cold climate. And only when you get closer to this amazing and beautiful plant, you understand that it is not a matter of complexity, but the specificity of culture. Rhododendron is not complicated - it is just not like everyone else.

Rhododendron bush in bloom - such a handsome man is worth the effort!

General requirements for the growth environment

It so happened that rhododendron belongs to the elite of the flower and decorative kingdom. Having acquired such a valuable specimen, many seek in the garden to allocate the best place for him - in the sun, with fertile soil, generously seasoned with humus. Stereotypes work that have nothing to do with the real needs of the culture, and this is the main mistake of inexperienced gardeners.

Under natural conditions, most species of rhododendrons grow in undergrowth, that is, in a special microclimate under a canopy, where they are reliably protected from the scorching sun, piercing winds, drafts. When planting rhododendrons in the garden, they need to create growing conditions, focusing on the principles of life in the natural environment.

  1. Light needs intense, but diffused. It is such lighting in the lower tiers of the forest, and it is this intensity of solar radiation that determines the structure of leaves and the type of photosynthesis. Evergreen species are more sensitive to excess sun - in open space they receive leaf burns.
  2. Sour and well-drained soil. Under natural conditions, most of the root system (and in rhododendrons it is superficial) is located in a deciduous forest litter, consisting of rotted and fresh litter, humus, and podzolic soil. This medium is not too nutritious, has an acidic pH, but is saturated with air, which is important given the structure of the roots of the plant.
  3. Symbiosis with mushrooms is the basis of plant nutrition. The roots of the rhododendron, like other representatives of the heather family, do not have root hairs. The role of the supplier of nutrients from the soil to the tissue is performed by the mycelium of mycorrhiza, the simplest fungi that live directly in the cells of the plant. So that the mycelium does not suffocate, a constant flow of air is needed, therefore dense clay soils are absolutely not suitable for heather crops.
  4. High humidity of the soil and air. Rhododendrons have a special relation to moisture - they suffer from a lack of water and from excess, especially in the case of stagnation or flooding. The problem is solved by the correctly selected structure of the planting substrate, which should not only be filled with moisture and hold it, but have sufficient aeration.
  5. Protection against winds and drafts. Many, including winter-hardy, species that tolerate temperatures of -30 ° C and below suffer from piercing winter winds and drafts. For protection, agricultural techniques are used - a protected place, shelter for the winter, planting in groups.

Thus, if rhododendrons are grown taking into account biological characteristics, they will not create any problems and will delight the owners with magnificent flowering for decades.

The right choice and planting is the key to plant longevity

So that the acquired rhododendrons do not become a culture of one season, you should thoroughly prepare for the reception of the plant. Agro-technical measures preceding planting are conventionally divided into several stages - the selection of a suitable variety, stocking of components for the substrate, and selection of a site.

Plant selection

The agricultural technology of planting and caring for rhododendron is largely dependent on the species. For beginners in gardening, and also if you are not sure about the temperature of your area, it is better to start with deciduous varieties. Firstly, they are more adapted to cold climates; in winter they do not require sheltering crowns; secondly, they are not so demanding on moisture and can grow in the open sun.

From deciduous shrubs, R. Canadian, Japanese, Daurian, Schlippenbach, yellow, pink are suitable for the middle lane. And it’s better to start with the species, and not the varieties — they are more viable and resistant to adverse conditions.

If you still decided on the evergreen rhododendrons, start with the Katevbinsky, Caucasian, Yakushiman species or varieties and hybrids created on their genotype.

Important! When choosing planting material, give preference to plants from local nurseries. Although they are not as attractive as those grown in the mild climate of Europe, they are hardened and adapted to the conditions of the region. The optimal age of the seedling is 3-4 years.

Seat selection

For growing rhododendrons, the most problematic areas of the garden are often suitable, unsuitable for photophilous crops - in the shade of trees, from the north, north-west side of the buildings. The main thing is that it should be secluded, protected from the prevailing winds in the region and midday sunlight.

Having the shrub under the trees, you need to choose the varieties of the latter with a deep root system in order to distinguish between the nutrition zones of plants. Rhododendrons prefer growing in the neighborhood of pine trees, junipers, oaks, maples, apple trees.

Substrate preparation

In our gardens, soil suitable for the cultivation of rhododendrons is quite rare, therefore, the planting substrate should be prepared in advance. Necessary components for the soil mixture:

  • horse (red peat) with an acidic pH;
  • coniferous litter, consisting of semi-decomposed needles, twigs, cones, mixed with humus and other plant debris;
  • river sand or sandy soil (upper fertile layer);
  • rotted sawdust of conifers.

The substrate is prepared from peat and coniferous litter in equal proportions with the addition of one part of garden soil or river sand. Needles can be replaced with sawdust, ordinary lowland peat can be acidified by adding moss sphagnum, acidic fertilizers, for example, potassium sulfate or ammonium. The main thing is that the substrate is light, breathable and with an acid reaction. If there is nowhere to take suitable ingredients for the substrate, you can purchase targeted soil for azaleas.

Important! One of the reasons why rhododendron does not bloom may be alkaline soil. Such an environment has a depressing effect on the plant - in addition to not blooming, it weakly adds to growth, is affected by pests, and leaf chlorosis develops.

Landing technology

Seedlings grown in containers are planted both in spring and autumn. In the spring, it is advisable to do this before the beginning of the active vegetation, tentatively, in April. The autumn month of planting is September, so that before the cold weather the plant has time to take root and adapt.

An obligatory agrotechnical requirement for shrub planting is the preparation of a deep (not less than 50 cm) and wide (60–70 cm) planting hole, which is filled with a prepared substrate. It is carefully compacted and spilled with water.

Before planting, the sapling is lowered into the water so that the earthen lump is sour, the roots are straightened and placed in the prepared hole. Another requirement is that in no case can the root of the neck be deepened, it must be at the same level as before the transplant.

After planting, the root zone is necessarily mulched. For these purposes, conifer needles, rotted sawdust, leaves, straw are suitable. Their layer should be at least 5–7 cm thick. Mulch not only retains moisture, but also serves as a light organic fertilizer for rhododendrons.

The shrub likes group plantings - natural thickets reliably protect shoots from winds and freezing. The distance between the seedlings depends on the height of the adult shrub, but not less than 1 meter.

Seasons: Seasonal Concerns

For rhododendron, the specifics of care are determined by seasonal changes: in spring - withdrawal from winter sleep and preparation for flowering, in summer - concerns about the growth and laying of flowering buds for the next year, in autumn - preparation for winter.

Spring chores

With the establishment of positive temperatures and the absence of strong night frosts, cover material is removed. You need to do this in cloudy weather, in several steps, gradually opening the bush first from the north, and a little later from the south. Leaves wintered without access to light are sensitive to the bright spring sun and can get burns.

In the spring, the leaves of the rhododendron remain twisted for some time, not receiving an impulse from the roots, so the first thing to do is start the root system. To do this, they dig out the mulch so that the soil thaws faster. If after a week the leaves still remain twisted, it means that they have lost a lot of moisture and the root zone must be watered with warm water.

After swelling of the buds, the shrub is inspected and removed frozen shoots, dried branches. If the weather is dry, the plant must be watered at least 2-3 times a week before flowering. The norm of watering is 10-15 liters per adult bush.

Important! Water for irrigation of rhododendrons should have a pH level in the range of 4–5 units, otherwise it will alkalize the soil, which is undesirable. In order to acidify water, 3-4 g of citric, oxalic, acetic (70%) acid or 15–20 ml of electrolyte for batteries are dissolved in 10 l of liquid.

Spring is the only time of the year when rhododendrons can be fed with organic fertilizers. You can use only well-rotted manure, if possible, horse peat is added to it. A bucket of this mixture is poured into the trunk circle instead of mulch and watered abundantly.

How to feed rhododendrons in the spring, if there is no organics? At the end of flowering, top dressing with targeted complex fertilizers of Kemir for azaleas (rhododendrons) is effective. It is fully balanced and, in addition to containing the necessary nutrients, acidifies the soil.

Summer care

After flowering, the care of the rhododendron is aimed at replenishing the forces for the growth of young shoots and laying flower buds. The plant needs the following agricultural activities.

  • Regular, plentiful watering and spraying of the crown with water of summer temperature in the hottest hours.
  • Removing seed bolls so that the shrub does not spend energy on ripening seeds, but instead sends them to a young growth. This should be done in hot weather, so that the injured shoot dries out immediately.
  • If the plant was not fertilized with Kemira during flowering, June supplementation with nitrogen-containing fertilizer, for example, ammonium nitrate (25-30 g per 10 liters of water) is needed. Nitrogen is needed for the growth of green shoots. Irrigation rate - 2 buckets of mortar per adult bush.
  • In addition to feeding rhododendrons in the spring and in June, some gardeners recommend that fertilizers be applied in the second half of July. By this time, the shoot ends the growth, its leaves become dense, leathery, and a flower bud appears at the top. Top dressing at this time with a phosphorus-potassium composition is a guarantee of abundant flowering for the next year.

Advice! For top dressing in three doses - in early spring (100 g / m²), during flowering (100 g / m²) and in mid-July (50 g / m²) use the following universal composition of acidic fertilizers. Superphosphate (10 parts) and sulfates are mixed - ammonium (9), potassium (4), magnesium (2).

Winter preparations

An important element of rhododendron care is proper preparation for winter.

In winter, the evergreen shrub should be very well saturated with moisture so that it lasts for many months of cold weather, so it is recommended to water it abundantly in the fall. Deciduous shrubs need watering only in case of dry weather.

Both deciduous and evergreen species need to cover the root system with a thick layer of mulch (up to 20 cm). The soil is covered in a near-stem circle for the radius of the crown.

To shelter around the bush, they build a frame of wire or wooden battens - a kind of improvised wigwam. It is surrounded by fir branches or covered with 2 layers of breathable covering material (burlap, lutrasil). Low-growing species are covered with fallen leaves, needles.

When growing rhododendrons, the main thing is to understand their nature, to learn to recognize problems and needs by the state and appearance of the bush. The plant is responsive not only to the correct agricultural technology, but love and care, and always reciprocate.

Video about preparing rhododendrons for winter:


How to feed rhododendron in spring and summer?

Rhododendron is a representative of the heather family, with delicate spherical flowers. This is a slowly growing flower with a superficial root system, so it is important to regularly drain the soil, otherwise water and nutrients will not reach the roots fully. The plant loves when it is fertilized. In response, he always thanks his bright beautiful buds. This article is about how to feed rhododendron in spring for flowering, after flowering and in summer for laying buds for next year.

General information on fertilizers for rhododendron

The store sells a wide range of fertilizers for this plant. The flower reacts positively to their introduction. However, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Only young liquid fertilizers are used to feed young rhododendrons, because they are better absorbed.
  2. It is not recommended to use imported granular fertilizers in our latitudes. Most of them are designed for growing flowers in a warm climate, when a year has a greater number of hot days. When they are introduced, growth of new shoots is possible in late August, which will lead to their subsequent freezing out with the onset of winter in temperate latitudes.
  3. You can not fertilize the plant with ash. It lowers the acidity of the soil, which in turn leads to chlorosis in rhododendrons. The disease appears as yellowing between the veins of the leaf.
  4. Superphosphates must not be abused. In large quantities, they lead to a lack of iron, which is fraught with the development of chlorosis, especially on young leaves.
  5. Do not use preparations containing chlorine and lime, because this will kill mycorrhiza. Many varieties of rhododendrons love acidic soils (ph 4.5-5.5).

Rhododendron is fed three times a year, but the composition of the fertilizer varies depending on the period.

Top dressing in the spring while laying buds

Azofoska fertilizer is well suited with a ratio of 22:11:11 nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It will fill the soil with mineral elements, make the root system stronger, activate growth processes and extend the period of plentiful flowering. The drug is perfectly stored in the soil and does not wash out too quickly.

"Azofoska" has the appearance of yellowish granules. This is a universal product for spring dressing. Suitable for any type of soil.

Avoid applying high concentrations of fertilizers - this causes root burns, and in severe cases can cause death. Follow the dosage instructions on the packaging.

Of the specialized fertilizers, it is popular - Rodo & Azalea Azet. Contains soil microorganisms and fungi. The preparation is granular, the consumption is as follows: 100 g of dry granules per adult plant. It is recommended to use it at the beginning of the flowering season. This fertilizer saturates the soil with nutrients for 4 months.

The second feeding after flowering is in late May (or early June)

The second top dressing contributes to the laying of buds with the beginnings of flowers for next year. Universal fertilizer has the following composition: 20 g of potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate and 40 g of ammonium sulfate. These items can be purchased at the store for gardeners. By combining them, you get 80 g of fertilizer, which is enough for 1 square meter of area.

Can be used instant fertilizer "Kemira universal"recommended by many growers. It is diluted in water (20-30 grams per 10 liters), after which the plant is watered with the composition. More detailed instructions can be found on the packaging.

Organic fertilizers are also needed. The most popular option is to use acidic peat.

With great care, rotted manure should be used. For top dressing, manure is bred in water in a ratio of 1 to 20, then it is insisted for several days so that microbiological processes begin in the solution. Manure solution  saturate the soil with nutrients, make the earth loose, improve its aeration. Superphosphate (300 g per 10 l) can also be added to it.

When using manure, carefully monitor the ph of the soil. Such top dressing can greatly reduce its acidity, so often it is not worth it.

Suitable organic fertilizer for rhododendrons horn flour (or shavings). Unlike manure, this fertilizer contains a lot of phosphorus, and the biodegradation process takes longer.

If possible, it is advisable to enrich the soil with fertilizers of organic origin, since they are better perceived by the plant. Just like mineral ones, they are best applied in diluted liquid form. Rhododendrons are carefully watered with water before application.

Third feeding at the end of July

During this period, nitrogen-free fertilizers are used. Acid preparations give good results. 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate per plant are introduced into the soil. This composition helps to strengthen the shoots, densification of their tissues, which is very beneficial for the plant during wintering.

Mulching is carried out at the end of August. This helps to avoid freezing in the winter, preserves the friability of the earth, prevents the formation of weeds, retains moisture in the soil. Organic mulch is formed from pine needles. It takes 3 years to form it. Organic mulch is well suited for rhododendrons, as these are acidophilic plants. It is important not to fall asleep when mulching the base of the bush, because this can lead to rooting.

When applying fertilizers and mulching, do not additionally acidify the soil.

You should know about watering

An ideal option for irrigation of rhododendrons would be soft and acidic water, with a low salt content. Tap water contains bleach and lime. It is too harsh, not suitable for watering. Therefore, it must be softened or used for irrigation with rain, melt or running water. You can check the water for hardness using soap. If it is easily washed, then water of satisfactory hardness.

Using hard water will destroy mycorrhiza. Subsequently, the entire plant may die.

Rigidity can be reduced in the following ways:

  • the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 1 ml per 10 l;
  • using oxalic acid (C2H2O4) at the rate of 22.5 g per 1 cubic meter;
  • the addition of citric acid 3-4 grams per 10 liters of water;
  • a more affordable way to reduce stiffness is to cover the soil with acid peat, take 0.5-1 kg per 1 cubic meter.

Watering rhododendrons must be plentiful, one adult plant usually takes up to 10-12 liters. With severe drought, it is also advisable to spray.

What to do when rhododendron changes color of leaves?

When a plant lacks one of the mineral macro- or microelements, its appearance changes. Common signs: yellowing of leaves, young shoots do not grow, buds do not bloom, shoots turn yellow, leaves become spotty, etc. Chlorosis is a common disease.

In rhododendrons, this disease can occur due to the introduction of lime or dolomite flour. These fertilizers shift the ph of soil to the alkaline side, which the flower really does not like. Acidity can be restored using special acidifiers. Another way to acidify the soil is to sphagnum peat application.

If the leaves have lost their luster, and brown spots appear on their edges, then this may be a sign of a lack of water or a lack of potassium.

If rhododendron was originally planted on clay soil, then the leaves may turn yellow as a result of the receipt of a large number of aluminum ions. To return to their previous appearance, it should be used for irrigation iron chelate solution.

What if shoots grew in the fall?

Autumn shoots will freeze in winter, so their growth must be stopped. In order to prevent secondary growth of shoots, watering is drastically reduced starting in August. The last top dressing is made at the end of July. If the weather is rainy, then watering can be completely stopped.

All conditions are met, but shoots still appeared? Then rhododendron must be treated with a 1% solution of potassium sulfate or phosphate. This procedure will suspend the growth of young twigs.

What happens if you stop fertilizing rhododendron?

If in the first years of life, rhododendron developed on soil rich in mineral elements, and then it was no longer fertilized, the reserve of nutrients will run out. The plant will lose its decorative appearance. The acidity of the soil will decrease, and the plant will become ill. In the most severe cases, this can even lead to his death.

Now you know how to feed rhododendron in spring and summer in July. Proper care will give him the opportunity to develop faster, bloom profusely and look healthy.

The rhododendron plant is a native of the Heathers. In translation, the name rhododendron means rosewood. This is a fairly well-known plant in growing at home, and the common people call it indoor rhododendron.

General information

The plant is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. Less common in Japan, Asia, North America. In Ukrainian open spaces, this plant grows in the subalpine zone, and only the Carpathian rhododendron. But only there it is called in its own way “Chervona Ruta”. This species is listed in the Red Book.

Rhododendron flower grows in nature and in groups and solitary individuals. It is found on the slopes of mountains in marshy areas and in the tundra.

Rhododendron is an almost evergreen shrub plant or trees. The height of the miniature species ranges from 10 cm to one meter, and there are exceptions, the height of which is about 30 meters.

The leaves of the plant are of various shapes and sizes, too. The foliage is arranged in a spiral shape. Leaf shape oblong oval with slight pubescence. Inflorescences are presented in brushes or scutes, sometimes singly. Corolla has a sunny or pinkish tint.

Fruits are formed in the form of boxes with many seeds. There are about 1300 species of plants in the natural environment.

Varieties and types

This is a deciduous species, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. The shoots of the plant are directed upwards. Foliage in the shape of an ellipse is about 4 cm in length and up to 1.5 cm in width. Inflorescences are single, gently purple hue. Flowering begins in mid-summer, after the complete appearance of the leaves.

Accelerating shrub. The height of this species is about 3 meters. The foliage is oblong about 12 cm long. Inflorescences are presented up to 10 flowers in brushes and have a pleasant aroma. Flowering occurs at the end of spring.

This is an evergreen bush with many leaves reaching a height of 4 meters, but to a greater extent the width of the bush exceeds the height. The shape of the leaf is in the form of an ellipse about 15 cm long. In the brushes there are up to 20 flowers. Corolla at a flower of a violet shade. Flowering begins at the end of spring.

Overclocking view of about two meters in height. The leaves resemble maple leaves and are located at the ends of the stems. The inflorescences are pale pink with a splash, the diameter of the flower is about 10 cm.

It is a bush about 2 meters high. The shape of the bush is spreading. Foliage elongated about 10 cm in length a little pubescent. In the autumn period it has a yellowish-red tint. Inflorescences are scarlet of a sunny shade, about 8 cm in diameter with a pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in the last month of spring. The duration of flowering is more than a month.

Pretty common. Due to the abundance of flowers, almost no leaves are visible. Height is about one meter. Bell shaped inflorescences. The shade of the flower is scarlet, yellow or pink.

This is not a large bush up to half a meter in height. In adult plants, the shade of the bark is dark gray. The leaves of the species are elongated with a rounded end. Young individuals have an individually pleasant, but more harsh aroma.

Inflorescences in the species have a light pink tint, not having an aroma. In brushes about 15 flowers. Flowering lasts all summer.

In height, about 1 meter 20 centimeters. With a brown tint of bark. Shoots are more overclocking in nature.

The foliage is oblong in the shape of an oval. On the inside, the sheet is covered with hairs. Flowers are knocked into shields of about 8 pieces. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 3 cm. The shade of the petals is light or pale pink. It blooms in spring and is a good honey plant. The hybrid view is quite demanding in the care and landing.

Not a large shrub. Spreading shoots. The foliage is alternate, about 8 cm long, the surface of the leaf is olive-colored, and on the inside there is a less distinct shade. Inflorescences on high legs, about 5 flowers on one. After flowering, a fruit box with small seeds is formed. The aroma of the plant is similar to the smell of fresh strawberries.

Not a voluminous tree shaped like a ball. The foliage is narrowed, dense, glossy on the outside. The shade of the leaves is a dark olive shade on the outside, and on the inside it has a chocolate shade with small villi.

Inflorescences are about 7 cm in diameter. Starting flowering, the petals have a pale pink hue, and by the end they acquire a saturated white color. Flowering begins by the end of spring.

Has a spherical bush. A hybrid plant from Katevsbinsky rhododendron. Bred in 1851. The height of the plant is about 3 meters. Medium sized ellipse foliage. Inflorescences with a pink tint and crimson spots. Flowering begins in late spring and lasts about a month.

Rhododendron planting and care

The landing site should be selected a little shaded. Preferably the northern part. It is preferable to plant rhododendron in early spring, in the first months of spring.

Rhododendron transplant is performed in the fall before the start of frost. Also, a transplant can be made at any necessary period, only in advance before flowering for a month, or after the plant fades in a few weeks.

Soil for rhododendrons

The soil for planting should be light, loose with a good layer of drainage. It is important that the soil is acidic and with enough fertilizer. Suitable peat and loamy soil in a ratio of 8: 3.

It is necessary to avoid stagnation of moisture, otherwise the plant will die. It is necessary to plant a plant in a prepared hole about half a meter in diameter and of the same depth.

To acidify the soil for rhododendrons. It is necessary to introduce into the soil recycled sawdust from conifers or rotted needles of conifers.

At home, you can check if your soil needs acidification. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the leaves of currants or cherries, and when the water cools down, throw a little earth. If the water changes color to blue, then the soil needs acidification, if red, then normal. And if you change color to green, then the soil is neutral.

Caring for a plant does not require special skills, it is just necessary to loosen the soil in time and remove weed grass.

Watering Rhododendrons

Moistening the plant is preferably moderate. Water needs to be settled or, if possible, rainy. The soil should be moist to 30 cm deep. It is possible to determine whether it is necessary to irrigate, according to the appearance of the foliage, if they become faded and matte, then moisturizing is necessary.

Rhododendron loves quite moist air about 65%, therefore, requires frequent spraying of leaves.

Fertilizer for Rhododendrons

The plant should be fertilized, starting from early spring until the end of flowering in mid-summer. Fertilize cow liquid manure with water in a proportion of 1:15. Before fertilizing the plant must be watered.

The most practical fertilizer option is in the early spring period of mineral and organic complex fertilizers. During flowering with cow dung.

Autumn fertilizers for rhododendrons are necessary after flowering. For this, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are suitable.

Rhododendron pruning

Trimming the plant is required if necessary to create the desired shape. Pruning is done in early spring, before the start of the growing season. Dry shoots are cut off and old branches are rejuvenated, the thickness of which is about 4 cm.

Plants that are poorly overwintered or outdated must be rejuvenated completely by cutting off all shoots at a height of about 30 cm from the ground.

Winter Rhododendron Shelter

It is necessary to cover the plant if you have hot and frosty winters. For this, the bush is covered with dry leaves and sawdust. And the shoots themselves are covered with fir branches and insulated with burlap.

Warming must be removed after the snow melts in early spring.

Propagation of rhododendrons by cuttings

For this, cuttings are cut from adult large plants about 8 cm long. They are placed in a growth stimulator for half a day. And then planted in a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 3: 1, then cover with cellophane, making a greenhouse.

Periodically opening for watering and airing. Rooting occurs up to 4.5 months. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into a mixture of peat and needles.

Rhododendron propagation by layering

To do this, in the spring they add a young shoot into a small depression about 16 cm deep and sprinkle it with soil, water it during the summer period, and when it takes root, it is transplanted separately.

Rhododendron seed propagation

Seeds must be sown in a container with prepared peat, to a depth of about a centimeter. Cover the container with glass and periodically ventilate and moisten the soil. The temperature for germinating seeds needs about 15 degrees.

After the appearance of several pairs of leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers, and in open ground in the second year after sowing.

Diseases and Pests

  • Before the onset of cold weather the leaves of the plant begin to redden and crumble . In other words, the plant is preparing for wintering.
  • Rhododendron does not bloom   The reasons may be different, the soil may not correspond, a little light, a lot of nitrogen fertilizer, leads to the growth of branches and leaves, and flowering does not begin.
  • Rhododendron leaves turn yellow   from excessive moisture in the root system, it is necessary to monitor moderate moisture.
  • Rhododendron does not grow   due to lack of fertilizer, the soil is not acidic or the sun shines excessively, and the plant suffers from heat.
  • Rhododendron discards leaves   The reason for this may be dry soil, unsuitable land for planting, or your plant is affected by pests.
  • Rhododendron withers and leaves turn brown   The causes are most likely due to dry air and insufficient spraying. There may also be excessive exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Rhododendron leaves are pale green   with insufficient lighting, the leaves become pale and faded. The second reason is the lack of watering the plant.
  • Rhododendron buds did not open   the reason is the increased air temperature, the optimum temperature for the plant indoors is about 16, and on the street within 22 degrees.
  • Rhododendron has blackened leaves   the cause was the disease of chlorosis, it manifests itself with a lack of soil acidity.
  • When pests appear on a plant , it is necessary to treat the rhododendron bush with an appropriate insecticide.

Spring events with rhododendrons are not as saturated as with roses. However, the rules must be followed when opening rhododendrons.

Rhododendron Opening Time

When establishing a positive temperature and in the absence of forecasts of strong night frosts. The most important thing, as with roses, is not to substitute overwintered rhododendrons in the bright sun . They must be disclosed on a cloudy day, or in the late afternoon. For some time, it is worth leaving a shelter on the south side.

We must try to do everything so that the roots of the plant work.

To do this, we dig out the mulch so that the earth thaws.

We spill rhododendron with warm water. During the dry spring we try to water as often as possible.

If, on the contrary, the rhododendron is in a pool of meltwater, try to divert this water from the roots of the rhododendron as soon as possible. And in principle, this should not be, it is necessary to plant a rhododendron so that it does not appear in the flood zone in the spring. If this is not possible, make a rhododendron a mound on which it is planted. Rhododendrons calmly relate to transplantation, so feel free to correct the mistakes, this will only benefit the plant.

Do not be afraid of the unsightly appearance of rhododendron in spring. And most often it looks like this:

leaves folded into a tube and lowered. Some leaves may be brown.

In this picture is the Haaga (The Hague) rhododendron after a good wintering. Leaves are down and slightly curled.

If the leaves are very tightly twisted - urgent resuscitation of rhododendron is needed

Twisted leaves for a week, two - it depends on the weather, open and rise. In warm spring with sufficient rainfall, you can already see the expanded leaves when the rhododendron is opened. As in the photo at the end of the article

Brown leaves are not restored. Remove them before the summer.

Brown leaves result from frostbite or withers. If there are too many such leaves, the rhododendron may not survive.

In the second photo, just such an unsuccessful wintering of the Katevba rhododendron, the upper shoots were very badly damaged, and in the future they had to be completely cut off.

the record holder for survival Katevba rhododendron is usually restored almost from a dead state. So even if you are not at all happy with the appearance of the rhododendron after removing the shelter, do not rush to destroy it. Water, water, and most often you will see new shoots by the beginning of summer.

In the third photo, the same rhododendron as in the second five years later. Nothing now reminds of how he suffered during the wintering in 2005. Then in 2005, after trimming, he gave new shoots and by the fall he almost completely recovered.

Plant rhododendron (lat.Rhododendron)  - a genus of semi-deciduous, deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs of the Vereskovye family, which according to various sources includes from eight hundred to one thousand three hundred species, including those azaleas that are popular in indoor floriculture, which are nicknamed "indoor rhododendron". The word "rhododendron" consists of two roots: "rhodon", which means "rose", and "dendron" - a tree, which as a result forms the concept of "rosewood", or "tree with roses." But azaleas really look like roses.

In nature, rhododendrons are distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere - in Southern China, Japan, the Himalayas, North America and Southeast Asia. Most often they are found in the coastal zone of rivers, seas and oceans, in partial shade of undergrowths and on the northern slopes of the mountains. Some rhododendrons are capable of growing in height up to 30 cm, other species are creeping shrubs. Flowers of plants of this genus differ in size, color, and shape. Suffice it to say that the smallest of them are literally tiny, and the largest reach a diameter of 20 cm. Today, garden rhododendron has about 3,000 forms, varieties and varieties.

Choosing a place to plant a bush

Choosing a place to plant a rhododendron is fundamental to its further proper development. The plant is rather capricious, whimsical and makes its own demands on the level of lighting, humidity, soil composition and neighboring plants.

Rhododendrons love good lighting, but at the same time they can not be long exposed to direct sunlight, so you need to provide for them a slight shading.

You can not plant these plants in too shady places, in this case, already weak growth slows down, and flowering becomes weak or does not occur at all.

Due to the natural characteristics of rhododendrons, if possible, they should be placed near any reservoir (pond, stream, pool). If it is absent, then it is necessary to spray the plant until it blooms, it must be done in the morning or evening hours using soft and warm water. During flowering, it is worth stopping, since the buds and flowers can become covered with brown spots, which will significantly reduce their decorative effect. At this time, you need to increase the number of irrigations.

A great option would be to plant a rhododendron close to a pine tree. Its root system goes deep into the soil and does not interfere with the good development and flowering of the plant. However, it creates sufficient shading. But maple, alder, linden, willow or birch will greatly dry out and take nutrients from the surface layers of the soil and the rhododendron, which has a more modest size, is quite difficult to resist. In such cases, it is recommended that the prepared pit is internally insulated using a non-woven covering material.

Landing Features

The best time to plant rhododendrons is spring. During spring planting, plants are able to adapt well and take root in a new place. And you will have the opportunity to admire the first flowering. Plants with a closed root system (in the container) can be planted at a later date.

At the chosen place, landing pits are prepared in advance. The root system of rhododendrons is quite compact, therefore, even for tall species, it is enough to dig a hole about 50 cm deep and 70-80 cm wide. The distance between plants depends on the height and diameter of the crown of the bush and averages from 0.7 to 2 m. Drainage to the bottom pits are required: a layer of broken brick and sand 15-20 cm, if the landing pit is deep, then the drainage layer increases to 30 - 40 cm and includes fine gravel or crushed stone (but not calcareous!).

It should be remembered that in nature rhododendrons grow on acidic, humus-rich, loose, air- and water-permeable soils. Therefore, the garden substrate should be appropriate: a mixture of leafy soil, horse peat, litter of coniferous trees (3: 2: 1) with the addition of full mineral fertilizer: 70 g per pit. Optimal soil acidity 4.5 - 5.0.

Before planting, the root ball of the rhododendron removed from the pot should be well saturated with water. If it has dried up, it is immersed in water and wait for the cessation of the release of air bubbles. The bush is planted in a hole filled with substrate, making sure that the root neck is not deepened, but is 2-4 cm higher than the soil level, taking into account its precipitation. Around the bush make a near-stem well with raised edges and watered abundantly.

Rhododendrons have a shallow, sensitive root system (30-40 cm), which develops mainly in the litter and the humus horizon. Therefore, around the planted bushes, mulching material is necessarily poured, preserving moisture, preventing overheating of the soil and weed growth, protecting the roots from mechanical damage, reducing the depth of freezing of the soil. As a mulch, pine bark or wood chips, coniferous litter, peat are best suited, while the mulch layer should be at least 5 cm.

Plant care

A transplanted plant requires attention and careful care. In addition to regular abundant watering, rhododendron needs to be sprayed on foliage, especially when planting in late spring. The soil must be mulched to maintain sufficient moisture. When mulching, you should choose options that increase the acidity of the soil.

The root system of rhododendrons consists of gentle, thin hairs that look like tangled hair, so loosening the soil, especially deep, should be excluded from flower care measures. Weeds grown next to the plant must be removed periodically.

The appearance of the plant will immediately report a lack or excess of water - the rhododendron leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. Watering is required in sufficient quantities, but without overflow, this is one of the main rules for caring for the crop.

To ensure proper care of the rhododendron, it is important to carry out timely pruning of overgrown bushes. Places of cuts to prevent infection of the plant, smeared with paint or garden var.

Compliance with simple requirements for caring for a plant will allow you to grow a wonderful flowering bush.

Watering rhododendron

The usual irrigation rate for rhododendron is 1-1.5 buckets two to three times a week for an adult plant. Young seedlings are watered more often, but not more than 0.5 buckets per 1 bush. During flowering - more often.

If the weather is dry in autumn, the plants should also be watered abundantly. This contributes to a better wintering. In dry and hot weather, the bushes are sprayed with water.

Water should be acidified before irrigation: the pH of the water should be no more than 4-5 units, otherwise the alkalization of the soil occurs, and rhododendrons begin to hurt. Under such conditions, they are deficient in nitrogen, which is manifested in the form of yellowing of the leaves. Then they dry up and the plant dies.

For acidification, you can use concentrated sulfuric acid (1 ml per bucket of water) or oxalic, citric, acetic or other organic acids (3-4 g per bucket of water).

A good solution to this problem is to use an electrolyte for acid batteries. 10-20 ml of electrolyte per bucket of water reduces the pH from 7 to 4-5 units (the electrolyte is the same sulfuric acid, only diluted, and therefore there is practically no risk of burns).

Secondly, using electrolyte, we not only acidify the soil, but also introduce one of the vital mineral elements for heather - sulfur.

The soil near the rhododendron bushes should not be loosened, since the root system of rhododendrons lies very close to the surface.

Late spring and early fall frosts of rhododendrons are not dangerous. Most varieties during the period of active vegetation and flowering are able to withstand a drop in temperature to -7 degrees. Faded inflorescences must be removed. This prevents the formation of seeds, but allows the plant to use the nutrients to set the buds for flowering next year and for the growth of shoots.

At a young age, the removal of inflorescences causes the formation of new branches and the best growth of the bush in width and height. Additional branching can be achieved by removing vegetative buds.

Feeding rhododendron.

You need to fertilize even those rhododendrons that were planted this year, and the first feeding is done in early spring, and the last - at the end of July, after flowering, when young shoots begin to grow. Rhododendrons prefer liquid top dressing from semi-overripe cow manure, horn flour. Manure is poured with water in a ratio of 1:15 and allowed to infuse for several days, and only then used as fertilizer. Before feeding, rhododendron is watered.

Since rhododendrons grow in acidic soils so as not to disrupt the reaction of the environment, it is preferable to use ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, nitrate, sulfate or phosphate of potassium, calcium sulfate and magnesium in a very weak concentration of 1.2: 1000 from mineral fertilizers, and a solution of potash fertilizers can to be even weaker. The optimal feeding regimen implies the introduction of organic or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the spring of 50 g of ammonium sulphate and 50 g of magnesium sulphate per m², and after flowering, in early June, 40 g of ammonium sulphate are added per 1 m² of the plot with rhododendrons and 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In July, only 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added per 1 m².

Pests and diseases of rhododendron.

Of the pests, mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites, bedbugs, weevils, rhododendron flies, as well as snails and slugs bother rhododendrons most of all. The gastropods are collected by hand, and rhododendron treatment with an eight percent solution of the fungicide TMTD, or Tiram, is used as a prophylaxis. Spider mites, rhododendron bugs, and also weevils are destroyed by treatment with diazinon, and in case of damage to the rhododendron, the topsoil will also have to be treated with the insecticide. The remaining insects are exterminated by malathion in accordance with the instructions for the drug.

Of the diseases, rhododendrons are most often pursued by fungal diseases - leaf spotting, cancer, chlorosis, and rust. They arise, as a rule, as a result of poor aeration of the roots. Spotting and rust are destroyed by preparations of copper sulfate, in particular Bordeaux liquid. Chlorosis, from which rhododendron turns yellow, requires the addition of iron chelate to water for irrigation. As for cancer, it is necessary to remove the shoots affected by the disease or cut them to healthy tissue, in addition, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments of rhododendron with Bordeaux liquid in early spring and late autumn.

Features of propagation of the rhododendron shrub

Rhododendrons are propagated using cuttings, green layers, seeds, or simply by dividing an overgrown bush.

Cuttings are carried out in early summer. To do this, cut the desired number of cuttings with a length of about fifteen centimeters and remove the bottom sheets from them. After that, they are placed for a day in a container with a solution of growth stimulant. Then they are rooted in the soil substrate, which includes coniferous soil, peat and coarse sand in equal parts. After that, they are covered with glass jars and placed in a bright room with an air temperature of at least twenty-five degrees. After two to three months, the root system forms in the seedlings and in the spring they can be planted in the garden at a constant place of growth.

For this method of reproduction, you need to dig a hole in the spring next to an adult plant to a depth of about fifteen centimeters. Tilt the young shoot, and fix its middle part in the hole, for example, with wire. Then you need to fill it with soil, and tie the upper part to a small stick. Usually in the fall layering takes root and begins to grow. Next spring, it must be separated from the main plant and transplanted.

The overgrown rhododendron bush can be divided into parts and transplanted into separate landing pits. With proper care, such plants after a year produce a large number of young shoots, branch well, quickly gain decorative properties and bloom.

Seed propagation is rarely used.since it is a very complex and lengthy process. The formation of a full-fledged plant and the onset of the first flowering have to wait at least three years, making during this time many transplants of young seedlings. In addition, if they are not constantly maintained properly, they may result in deformed or weakened seedlings.

Wintering in the open ground

In order to preserve rhododendrons in the winter, they need to create the appropriate shelter. First you need to warm the roots of the plant. To do this, create a protective layer of peat or dry foliage about fifteen centimeters thick. Then arcs are installed above the bushes, and they are tightened with their non-woven covering material. After the air temperature is set at minus ten degrees, the shelter is closed with a thick film and from above again secured by arcs. If possible, you can later fill the structure with snow.

With the onset of spring, shelter is removed, but this should be done gradually. It can be completely removed only after a good warming up of the soil and preferably on a cloudy day so that the bright sun does not burn the tender young leaves. Compliance with these wintering conditions guarantees good growth and very plentiful flowering.

Rhododendrons in garden design

Rhododendrons are suitable for decorating a garden of any style. They look equally good both growing in single copies, and as part of a group composition. Coniferous species and plants that are common in the wild, such as juniper or fern, can be a good combination for them.

Low-growing species with different flowering periods can be used to decorate alpine slides and rocky gardens. In this case, the proximity of heather and gentian is well suited for planting rhododendrons.

Hedges form higher bushes and trees. They ennoble garden paths and lawns. In this case, for rhododendrons with yellow flowers, plants with buds of red or bright orange are suitable as companions. But specimens with inflorescences of pink or purple color will be effectively shaded by plants with white flowers.

Useful properties of rhododendron

Rhododendron is a very useful plant and its use is diverse. Grown as decorative flowers and used in various industries. But some of them have the most invaluable value for human health. Adams rhododendrons, Daurian, golden, yellow, Caucasian, Ungern are applicable in medicine due to the content of andromedotoxin, rhododendrin, ericoline, arbutin. Long-term studies have shown that the biochemical composition of these plants is huge.

Ascorbic acid was found in the leaves, an increased concentration of this vitamin is observed in the summer months. Indisputable advantages are the presence of phytoncide, bactericidal and insecticidal properties of rhododendrons. In almost all parts, tannins of the pyrocatechol group were identified. There is no doubt that the plants are unique and many of them have medicinal properties, in addition they are used for the production of perfumes, they contain essential oils, they have a strong smell of flowers, leaves and branches.

Means with rhododendron have antipyretic, diaphoretic, analgesic properties. The composition of the leaves is not so harmless - tannins, arbutin, rutin, poisonous glycoside (andromedotoxin) require special care in their use. Almost all types of rhododendrons choose cliffs, rocky slopes, and sandy river banks for habitation. They are harvested during the flowering period, dried under a canopy, laying out in a thin layer.

Contraindications Rhododendron

Rhododendrons are able to cope with diseases whose treatment in other ways is ineffective. Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The beneficial properties of infusions and decoctions will have a beneficial effect only with strict adherence to dosage! The plant is contraindicated in children, pregnant women, with tissue necrosis, serious kidney diseases.

Varieties of rhododendron

Highly decorative woody plants, incredibly elegant, rich in color of flowers and splendor of flowering. About 1300 wild species are counted, and more than 600 varieties are used in gardening. Rhododendrons are unusual during flowering. Only several types of medicinal properties are known.

Rhododendron Daurian  grows wild in Siberia and the Far East. Its height can reach 2 m, has short leaves, blooms in May. Siberian healers prescribe an infusion of leaves as a diaphoretic, diuretic, analgesic. The ability of the infusion to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, increase cardiac activity is manifested.

With its help, it is possible to lower blood pressure, it has an expanding effect on the coronary vessels, regulates shortness of breath. Daurian rhododendron root is used for dysentery. The substances hyperosil, avicularin, azaleatin, resins and essential oils in alcoholic extracts act depressingly on the activity of pathogenic bacteria and infections in the human body.

Rhododendron adams  popular among Siberian hunters, brewed tea from the leaves cheers up, relieves fatigue, tones and gives a supply of energy.

The plant has a pleasant aroma similar to strawberries, after drying, the smell persists. Rhododendron Adams is mentioned in Tibetan treatises as a plant stimulant with tonic and adaptive properties. Essential oil containing farnesene, nerolidol, germacron is present in the leaves.

Young shoots contain ursolic and oleanolic acids, triterpenoids and flavono derivatives. Mongolian doctors recommended the plant in the treatment of cholera, diphtheria and for the destruction of streptococci. Infusions and decoctions are used for external use - washing infected wounds, ulcers, and rinsing the mouth and throat.

Infusion of Adams Rhododendron:  pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with a liter of boiling water for 30 minutes and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day, before meals.

Rhododendron Japanese low bush, winter-hardy. It blooms in May and June. There are many varieties of this species. Parts of the plant contain andromedotoxin, methyl ester orsellinic acid. This type of plant is studied in detail while it is used for the manufacture of furniture, carpentry and turning products.

Rhododendron Caucasian grows in the nature of the mountains of the Caucasus, it revealed glycosides, saponins, tannins. The leaves also contain polysaccharides, ketones, essential oils, phenolic acids. Healers use Caucasian rhododendron as an antirheumatic agent. Successfully treated bronchitis, infectious diseases. Useful properties of this species in gynecology are used. Extracts on water in the form of rinses are effective for problems with gums, for the treatment of tonsillitis, stomatitis. Caucasian rhododendron is an excellent honey plant.

Rhododendron deciduous  has many types: Canadian, Ledebour, Japanese, Kosterianum, pink, gooey, Vasa, yellow. During the flowering period, any of them decorates the gardens with bright colors. Incomparable rhododendrons bloom in spring and early summer, bewitching with an abundance of flowers.

Rhododendron Hybrid  includes many evergreen varieties - Azurro, Homer Vaterrer, Katevbinsky, Hackmanns, Bernstein, Brigitte, Holbuket and many others. Shrubs bloom in June.

Schlippenbach Rhododendrongrows in the south of Primorsky Krai, in the countries of East Asia. This beautiful deciduous plant, which lives in deciduous forests and on dry rocky slopes, perfectly survives in gardens, although it grows slowly. In addition, the shrub is incredibly beautiful. Moreover, it is a useful medicinal plant that is very much appreciated in Eastern, Tibetan, Indian medicine.

Currently, its narcotic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, astringent action is known. It is used in folk medicine as a stimulant of sexual activity and a diuretic.

Rhododendron pinkoriginally from Canada, winter-hardy, unpretentious. It develops well in both wet and dry climates; it belongs to deciduous varieties. He loves bright places, slightly acidic, friable soils. Although the flowers are small, they are many and they form a magnificent hat.

Rhododendron is golden,perhaps more often than other types used in the treatment of many diseases. It is used for insomnia, nervousness. The infusion of the plant relieves swelling, headaches, relaxes muscles with convulsive manifestations.

Rhododendron Infusion Recipe:2 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into a thermos, filled with 1 glass of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. A strained drink is consumed 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Russian botanist I.Gmelin noted that decoction of leaves helps during transitions in the mountains from fatigue and muscle pain. In patients with cardiovascular insufficiency, when taking tinctures from a plant, an increase in blood flow velocity is observed, the work of the heart is normalized.

Rhododendron Tincture Recipe: fill 1/5 of the glass container with raw materials and pour alcohol or vodka to the top. Insist two weeks. Drink 10-15 drops, diluting with water (0.5 cups).

Rhododendron indoor  has a superficial root system, so it is advisable to grow it in wide shallow pots. Like all rhododendrons loves an acidic environment, drained, rich in humus and potassium soil. In the summer, the plant must be kept in a shady corner of the balcony without drafts, spraying regularly the leaves.