Do you need to crop out the blurred flowers in tulips. How to care for tulips from the first sprouts to fading flowers

Flowers often interests the question of what to do with tulips after flowering. After the tulips are fighting, the troubles with them do not end. So that they pleased with colorful bloom in the new season, the implementation of a number of action. Need:

  • Abundantly water tulips after the end of flowering;
  • Enhance
  • Drop and properly keep bulbs.

How to care for tulips after flowering in the open soil

So the last petals from the tulips tremeted, but this does not mean that landings can be thrown without care. To form good quality bulbs, creating favorable conditions will be created. However, care for tulips after flowering in the garden is quite simple, even a schoolboy will cope with it.

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

When tulips after flowering? First of all, cut the color-point stem: cut off the flowerons after all the petals crumbled. If you leave the flowerca, the bulb will give nutrients on the formation and ripening of seeds. If you cut the ground part completely, the bulb will also not supprehend the necessary amount of nutrients, so leaves be sure to leave. When the sheet plates are independently wishes and dried, then the bulbs are ripe and they can be turned out.

Watering tulips after flowering

For 1-2 weeks after the floweros, it is necessary to abundantly water the landing, loosen the soil and remove weary grass.

How to get down

Tulips Immediately after flowering, adopt the potash-phosphoric fertilizer to prepare for future wintering and blossom, you can not make nitrogen.

Tulips after flowering What to do video:

When digging tulips after flowering in the open soil

Dig a tulip after flowering?

You can not dig bulbs of tulips several seasons in a row. Bulb the bulbs if it is necessary to disperse this, when the lawn has become thickened. Also, digging out in the regions with harsh winters for storage indoors until spring.

When to dig up the bulbs of tulips after flowering?

When to dig tulips after flowering in Siberia and Moscow region? Tulips bulbs, spend the leaks when the leaves completely yellow and get dry. Stick in the following order:

  • To dig bulbs it is better to choose a warm sunny day so that the bulbs can dry out normally;
  • Shovel Work carefully so as not to damage the roots and bulbs of tulips;
  • After the drains, carefully inspect the bulbs. Painful in appearance, rotten throw away;
  • If digging the bulbs falls on rainy weather, rinse them and dry in a warm ventilated room;
  • If there are signs of diseases (fungus, stains, points), treat the bulbs of the fungicide, then keep them separately from the total mass.

When to transplant tulips after flowering

When to dig and plant tulips after flowering? Transplanting the bulbs of tulips, which only beat away, is not worth it. It is necessary to wait until the ground part becomes shrouded and filled (the blurred flowers are preferably cut off immediately after the leaf sinking). By this time, all nutrients will go into the bulb, and it will be ready for a new growing season. Put the tulips after flowering or in June, immediately after the digging, or in mid-September until mid-October. In the regions with harsh winters (for example, in the Urals), many flowering tulips plant tulips plant.

Tulips transplant after flowering in June

The leaves must fly and dry, then proceed to. It is pretty simple to do it: dig bulbs and sear the extension, keeping the previous landing level. You can not dry the bulbs specifically, but to plant immediately after the squeezing. You can cut dry tops after a transplant, it is more convenient to control the landing depth. But if you are sure that you can not make a mistake, you can pruning the leaves right away.

How to store tulips after flowering

How to keep tulips bulbs after flowering? After the ducklings of the bulbs of the tulips are dug, sucked and sorted, go to storage. It is best to use mesh boxes, the bulbs can be laid in 1-2 layers, so they do not hesitate. In addition to sorting and decaying, a properly important component of the proper storage of bulbs is the corresponding temperature regime. So:

  • In July, store at 24-26 ° C;
  • In August, lower the mark up to 20 ° C;
  • Since September, 17 ° C is required if you are planning a spring fit;
  • In the consequent months (up to landing in the spring in open ground) Store at a temperature mode 12-15 ° C.

It is very important to observe the correct temperature regime when storing the bulbs, since the kidneys are formed throughout this time, leaf plates and flowers are laid.

Send bulbs for storage in a dry, ventilated room. Periodically, view the bulbs, damaged (fallen) throw away, so as not to destroy the entire seating material.

How to dig and store tulips before landing in the fall look at the video:

Dug-up tulips can also be planted in the fall, in the middle - the second half of September, until mid-October. How to dig and save tulips to autumn landing, find out from the video.

To grow a large bulb or multiply a variety, on the 4-8th day of blooming, you need to cut off the flowering head. A measure contributes to building bulbs.

Clean the shredded petals from the bed, yellowed leaves - they will rot, which contributes to the development of pathogenic microorganisms on the plot.

To significantly facilitate the care of tulips, land them into plastic baskets (there are special containers for this). After flowering, dug the tanks with the bulbs and move it into a secluded place to aging bulbs.

How to understand that the bulb of the tulip matured? Drop one of them and carefully inspect. Ripened onion surface flakes of a pleasant rich brown color, with a light glossy glitter.

It is impossible to imagine spring without flowering in parisades with different colors of tulips. In the inexperienced gardeners after the tulips beat away, the question arises, to do next with him. Just forget until next spring or immediately dig up? No, even after the end of their flowering, the care of the tulips must be continued, to form good bulbs for the next year.

Caring for the swarming tulips occurs at the following steps:

Feeding and enhanced watering

Immediately after the filming of colors should be removed by the blooming, watering the tulips should be continued for two more weeks and must be contacted, since it is precisely during this period the bulbs accumulate nutrients.

What to feed tulips after flowering:

  • phosphorus-potash fertilizer with a calculation of 30-40g per 1 m2, for example an aquarine, solver, crystalline;
  • you can not use fertilizers with chlorine and nitrogen.
Cut leaves

Cut the leaves of tulips after flowering can only be when they completely yellow. If you do it before, the bulbs will stop in development. Experienced gardeners in order not to lose their location recommend leave a leaf with a label.

So that the yellowing leaves of the tulips do not spoil the view of your paralisader, they can be squeezed to the ground.

Fleet of Lukovitz

After the leaves are completely dry out after flowering, there are spraying of tulips bulbs, approximately at the end of June - early July. You can find out whether the bulbs are ready, it is ready to dig one of them carefully, the presence of formed roots and brown spots on the scales will tell about her readiness, or if the ends of the stem and the tulip leaves can be easily coated on the finger.

The main rules for digging bulbs:

  • it is better to dig up on a sunny day to immediately dry;
  • if in crude weather, you should immediately wash with water and dry;
  • in order not to injure the roots, the shovel must be lowered deeper into the ground;
  • treat 5% warranny solution;
  • select and dispose of patients and non-sore bulbs;
  • it is better to dig up in varieties, starting with the earliest.

There is no unambiguous opinion about the need for an annual digging of tulips, there are recommendations to do this every two years and even in a larger period. But to preserve colors in large, beautiful and resistant to disease, it is better to dig bulk every year.

Storage of Lukovitz
  1. The dug bulbs sorted along varieties and lay out 1-2 layers in the drawers with a mesh bottom so that they do not start.
  2. 3-4 weeks (in July) dried at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C with good ventilation at humidity up to 70%.
  3. Then reduce the temperature of the content: in August - up to 20 ° C, and in September - up to 17 ° C.

In how to store tulips after flowering, observance of this temperature regime is very important, since it is at this time the most important processes occur: the formation of a kidneys, laying of leaves, flower of a flower area.

Throughout the duration of storage, the bulbs should be viewed to identify the sick with the subsequent destruction of them.

Transplant Tulipov

At the end of September, by choosing good weather (optimal considered at 5-7 ° C), the preserved tulip bulbs are planted again into the soil, seeing them before once again in a weak solution of manganese. It is better to choose a new place for planting, as the soil is depleted at the previous place of stay and the number of pathogens of bacteria increases. After disembarking tulips on the prepared section to a depth equal to the five-time size of the bulb itself, they should be hidden abundantly. A little later, fade and ashes, and with the onset of cold weather with a thin layer of peat or humus.

Compliance with these stages of the care of the tulip after flowering and transplanting it to a new place will provide you with brown blossom in the spring!

After a long, cold winter I want to add some bright, juicy paints to your life. How to care for tulips after flowering so that they delight their abundance every year? Need a comprehensive and competent approach. It is almost the first garden flower, so you need to take care of it in the fall. Care of tulips after flowering is necessary to get a good seating material next year.

There is one incredible legend about the yellow tulip. Once, for a very long time, the gods in the middle of the yellow tulip hid happiness. They promised that it would get to someone who would be able to reveal the yellow flower. Many tried to do it to pick up happiness to themselves, but they did not work. One day a little boy ran to the flower. He took into his palms a yellow tulip bud and, rejoicing the flower, loudly and sniffed. And then a miracle happened, the flower revealed, obeying the magic of children's sincere laughter.

For many people, tulip is a symbol of spring and holiday. I want these incredible flowers to please each spring every spring. Like other plants, tulip requires good and proper care.

Many gardeners believe that this is an unpretentious flower that does not require special attention. Therefore, they take care of them only during flowering. This is an erroneous opinion. The way to care for tulips after flowering can be divided into several processes.

Need for love and care

After the tulips performed their decorative function, the entire blooming should be removed. Then for another 2 weeks they continue to feed and water. Fertilizers are perfectly suitable as feeding, which is based in potassium and phosphorus.

Crop the plant can be possible only after the yellowing of all leaves on the stem. Tulips after flowering cut off immediately not recommended, since the bulbs will stop in development. When digging bulbs, you must follow the following rules:

  1. 1 dig up better in sunny weather. It will give them the opportunity to dry faster.
  2. 2 If it happened so that the bulbs of tulips died into crude weather, it is necessary to trace their drying.
  3. 3 When digging the blade to the ground, you need as deep as possible.
  4. 4 After the bulbs are extracted, it is necessary to carefully revise all the material and remove patients with instances.
  5. 5 The first digs of early grades.

Some flower products believe that it will be enough to extract a plant from the ground once every 2 years. In order for the spring gardener to please the flowering rug from tulips, you need to dig up annually. So, you can provide good conditions for the formation of floral kidney to form young bulbs.

If you leave it in the ground, it will be subject to different infections that will poorly affect the formation of a full-fledged bulb, and in the worst case the planting material may die. We must not forget that high-quality and healthy seating is a guarantee that the next spring in the garden or on the flowerbe will again bloom the magnificent tulips.

How to collect and prepare the planting material? This issue needs to pay special attention. The most common mistake of all novice gardeners is that they leave tulips in the ground for the entire summer period. So come only with some varieties of red. All the others need to dig up annually, otherwise the flowers will be fine with each time.

The mother's bulb in the process of separation of children falls lower in the ground, thereby pushing up the young copies upstairs. Invisible tulip contributes to the fact that the next year the kids will bloom, and the mother's bulb will go lower in the soil.

Accurate deadlines when you can dig tulips, no. This can be defined as follows: if the dried tulip stem easily winds on the finger, it means that the tulips can be turned out. You can not allow complete drying of the ground part of the plant. If you lose this moment, dig a bulb with kids will be problematic. Proward, children depart from the maternal bulbs, and when digging them, they can damage the shovel or not to notice and leave in the soil.

Growing tulips, care for them is a rather troublesome business. After the planting material is extracted, it is necessary to ensure that it is properly stored. Dugged and washed with flowing water of the bulbs before drying in prophylactic purposes are disinfected with a carbofos solution.

The bulbs need to dry. For this, they are spread with a thin layer in a room, which is well ventilated. The air temperature must be supplemented in the range of 25-30ºС.

If the process of digging the bulbs occurred in hot summer weather, you can omit the washing. Some of the dried tulips remove the lumps of dry ground and root. It is also recommended to handle the bulbs with a solution of manganese, before sending them to storage.

Before you leave them for the winter, the plants need to be sorted, put in boxes from boards or cardboard boxes. Lay no more than 2 layers. If there is a need to save the boarding material until spring, then for these purposes it is better to select a bulb in size in 3-4 cm. So you can be sure that the tulips will give a large flower next year.

Saved for storage of the bulbs spread to the container. It will be not bad if the bottom is from the grid material. Thus, the best air access to the bulbs laid on storage will be provided. Sometimes gardeners scatter them with small batches in bags of fabric or headband tights, which are then suspended.

To ensure a greater preservation of bulbs, they can be sprinkled with dry wood sawdust. If the party is small, wrap up every bulb in the newspaper.

If one boosts, the newspaper prevents the other infection. It makes sense to periodically view the stored material and reject feeding bulbs. It is also necessary to be sure that in a room that has been stored, there is no access to rodents. For mice tulip bulb - delicacy, they are able to destroy most of the planting material.

Autumn period

If the gardener does not plan to store them, but prefers to land in autumn, he will be interested in the following recommendations for landing tulips in open ground. Bring the flower beds under the tulips needed in areas where there are no large depressions. These flowers do not like winds and prefer to grow in well-lit places. Tulips are planted not only on the flower beds, they look great as a garden flower.

Place for planting is chosen dry. Water stagnation in roots can provoke a plant disease, and will also lead to the rotting of bulbs. To provide tulips more favorable conditions for growth, from the broken brick or sand makes drainage.

For normal growth, they need to disembark about 15 cm from each other. To form a beautiful flower garden, use the following admission: Large bulbs are sled in the center of the hole, and small on the sides. Before disembarking, it is necessary to thoroughly revise all the material. Lukovitsa with different flaws, cracks or cuts are cleaned. Only 100% high-quality material are planted.

Blossom of tulips - spring celebration. To the holiday occurred annually, this bulbous plants will need special care.

Caring for tulips after flowering

When the tulip petals fade, it is necessary to break the flower so that the forces are not spent on the seed zagging. Do not cut leaves, they are involved in photosynthesis, providing food. Now the main thing is to create conditions for the development of a young replacement bulb, because the old after flowering dies.

It is better to have it, rather than trim the flowers by the secateur. The latter method is easily transferred to the diseases of tulips, for example, a vius of spells.

After flowering, only the flower head is broken, you do not need to delete all color

In order for the bowl to be larger, the plants after a bunch fertilize to choose from:

  • daily influence of ash;
  • kalimagnezia;
  • potash Selutyra.

The feeder is made by wet soil. On this and other stages of growth fertilize the spring flowers by manure or fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen is not recommended. This can lead to the rotting of bulbs.

Do not forget about soil moisture. While the leaves are green, it is necessary to abundantly water the plants once a week if the spring was arid.

Watering tulips, you need to wash the ground to the depth of rooting roots: 35-40 cm

Fleet of Lukovitz

So that the flowers are not smaller, and the bulbs did not hurt and did not degenerate, any kind of tulips dig each year. Usually do it at the end of June - early July. Exception - kids of tulips, they dig 1 every two years. Experienced flower products advise:

  • conduct an event in dry weather;
  • immerse the shovel deeper than the onion sled, in the process of growth they deepen;
  • destroy all sick copies;
  • give the dug-in planting material in the disinfection solution.

Too early digging leads to the underdevelopment of the bulbs and children. In addition, the decorativeness of future colors will decrease. If you dig later, when shooting shoots, there is a risk that the bulb will have time to become infected with a fungus or crap protective covering scales. This can lead to a damage of planting material during storage.

When yellowing and fading leaves, try to wind the stem on the finger. If the escape did not break, turned out to be plastic, dig a control copy. If the flakes of the bulbs became light brown, the time of the digs came.

Dipped tulips do not break the stems at once, let them get drunk, and the nutrients will move to the bulb

Once I was presented with a dozen bulbs of pionic tulips. The flowering of stunning terry flowers lasted long due to cool weather. But after the yellowing of the tops, I forgot them to dig. Next spring did not climb any one. Neighbors say that they have rare new varieties degenerate and do not attend if they are not digging out annually.

Symptoms that tulips are time to dig up - video

Drying and disinfection

The dug tulips lay down under a canopy of 2 layers for two days. After this time, bulbous sockets are easily disintegrated. The bulbs are purified from dead roots and husks and disinfect at a 0.5% heatman solution for half an hour. The procedure will destroy the pathogens of rot and appreciate tulip by trace elements. Then the bulbs are again dried, sorted in size and put in open wooden boxes or baskets, preferably in one layer.

In order not to get the bulbs on one, it is convenient to disinfect them by placing in a gauze bag


During summer storage, buds and kidney of future bulbs are finally formed. In order for the aging process to occur correctly, they first withstand them at a temperature at a temperature of about 25 ° C in a well ventilated room. Optimal humidity - 60-70%. In August, the temperature decreases to 20 o C, in September and further - to 15 o -17 o C. If the listed rules are not followed, the tulips may not bloody or give "blind" buds.

Periodically, the landing material is examined and patients or moldy are selected. Most often, the stored tulips amazed with gray rot and fusariasis. With the first disease, the bulbs are covered with gray raids and gradually rotate. At the second, brown stains with a brownish rod, the bulbs exuded an unpleasant smell and also decompose. If the defeat is small, the rot is cut off with a sharp knife, the bulb is treated, as usual, then sprinkled ashes and dry.

Poorly dried and non-disgraced bulbs are often amazed by gray rot

Landing in the primer

Ideally, tulips are planted into the soil in the fall, in late September - early November. Spring landing, in April. But then the tulips will bloom much later, because they will need about three weeks to root. It is advisable to change the landing site every year so that diseases of diseases do not accumulate in the soil.

Where spring flowers will grow, moisture should not be stated. The future flower leaf is prepared in 2 weeks so that the land is evenly assieved. The beds are drunk to the depth of the bayonet shovel and bring compost, ash or superphosphate. If necessary, lime. On clay soils are welcomed by peat. In the absence of rains, the plot is spilled by water.

Before boarding the bulbs, they again move and disinfect in the solution of manganese. The depth of planting the bulbs is three of its heights. For large copies, the distance between the bulbs of 15 cm is kept, for medium - 10 cm, small - 5 cm. On the aisle, it is left 25-30 cm.

Advanced flowers plant tulips in special bulb baskets, they are very easy to dig

It is not necessary to cover the beds with the colors of the organic to not attract rodents. Upon the occurrence of unforeseen frosts on the flower, the agrofiber is spread, which is pressed by boards.

According to the advice of an experienced flower, when landing, put in the hole, a handful of sand mixed with ash. On this "hill" I put a bulb and fall asleep earth. Now the loss of tulips from a variety of rot on my heavy loam is minimized. And the bulb comes out larger, thanks to the fact that the sand breaks down and roots are developing freely.

Undercine immediately after flowering, disinfection of bulbs and warm storage with a subsequent decrease in temperature - here are three whales of the Grand Spring Blossom of Tulips.

The flowering of tulips ends, the petals take place and quite recently such an elegant flower bed, loses its appeal. What to do with tulips, after they beat away? How do you care after flowering? Do you need to dig them? What to do with dug bulbs of tulips? When can they be planted again? You see how many questions arises about the care of such an unpretentious flower. We will try to tell in detail and give step-by-step instructions on what to do next, after the tulips are fighting.

Feeding and watering tulips

As soon as the tulips are swinging - cutting off all the flowers, leaving one or two sheets on the plant. Tulips watered two more weeks. After flowering, the tulips should be filing with phosphorus-potash fertilizers: "Crystalline", "Aquarin" or other similar fertilizers that are not containing nitrogen and chlorine.

Flying of bulbs Tulips

Tulips are advised to dig each year, after 2/3 of the sheet plate yellowed (but you can dig up and less often: once in 2-4 years). At this time, the bulb has almost prepared for a hibernation, but the nest itself has not yet been contemplated. This time, as a rule, coincides with the end of the school year: the end of May is the beginning of June. On the dug bulbs of tulips should be already formed brownish flakes.

The dug bulbs of tulips, together with the residues of the leaves, are folded into the boxes and sent to a well-ventilated, dark premises, sorting by varieties. A week later - another, when the earth and scales are dried, the bulbs are easily separated from the ground and from foliage. Purified bulbs are crossed, patients are rebeling, treated with 5% manganese solution, are again folded into a separate container and sent for storage.

Storage of bulbs Tulips

  • Tulips bulbs are sorted by varieties
  • Put in the drawers with a mesh bottom no more than 2-3 layers
  • The first 3-4 weeks contain at a temperature of + 23 + 25 ° C in a dark ventilated room.
  • Then reduce the temperature to + 20 ° C, and for 1 week before landing to + 17 ° C

During the storage period, you not only keep them, but give it a good relax and form a kidney, flowers and leaves.

Planting tulips

In September, the time of planting tulips comes. Before boarding the bulbs, they are soaked in a weak solution of manganese or in any fungicide preparation for 1 hour.

  • The place for landing tulips is better to choose a new one that the bulbs are not infected with diseases whose disputes could stay in the previous bed.
  • The depth of tulips planting should be peeling the height of 3 bulbs.
  • After planting, the tulips are well watered with ordinary water.
  • A week later, the garden with arranged tulips lifts shed a solution of ammonium nitrates and ash (on a bucket of water 1 tablespoon of nitrates and 1 cup of ash).
  • Before the onset of cold weather, flowerbed with tulips can be closed with a layer of peat or any mulch.

In early spring, the sprouts of tulips will begin to appear from many almost marzular land, so that in a month flourish with large bright colors.