Beautiful houses and apartments in Victorian style. Victorian style in the interior: description and photo examples

Victorian style in the interior appeared in the UK early XIX century. He combined the brightest historical and exotic styles. Mass production made it affordable for a large number of people.

The history of the origin and spread of the style

Queen Victoria's era became the golden age for the UK.

The development of industry and numerous colonies made it one of the richest powers of the world. The bourgeoisie flourished and wanted to get closer to the aristocratic circle. Puritan strict style of the Queen Anna's era went to the past.

Early Victorian Style In the Interior

Historical and exotic styles entered the fashion.

Neoetics, Neurokko and neorokokoko showed prosperity and exquisite taste of the host of the house. Moorish, Indian and Chinese hinted on the fact that this man did the light and brought from there. Dicky things.

Mechanical machines made accessible things that were used to be a lot of aristocracy. In the houses there was a thread made of papier-mache in the style of Baroque, stucco from a rococo style. Ceramic sets at first glance were difficult to distinguish from porcelain.

Middle Victorian Style In the Interior

In the 50s, the British began to tire from mass imitation and fakes.

The first interior companies appeared. One of them belonged to William Morris.

His goal was to find the balance between high art and everyday life. He set up manual production of furniture, stained glass and medieval style products.

Fabrics, wallpapers and tiles are especially popular with Morris drawings.

In his ornaments, he tried to unite gothic with naturalism and believed that nature is the best source of inspiration. At the first wallpaper, Morris depicted pink bushes from her garden.

In the mansion, the Whitewick-Manor preserved curtains and finishing of the fireplace on the sketches of the designer.

Late Victorian Style: Deconstructivism

Deconstructivism is a decomposition on the elements: in the Victorian House the room was drawn up in different styles. Imagine that your bedroom in the stylish styled, the office is in neootheic, and the living room is in the colonial. Various styles were combined even in furniture. The classic back of the chair was supplemented by baroque legs. The combination of different historical and exotic styles is the brightest feature of the interior of the Victorian era.

Characteristic style features

"Fear of empty space": decorations, furniture and plants completely filled rooms

Abundance of ornaments on the walls, ceiling and upholstery of furniture

Paintings in massive carved frames and tapestries

Rich drape: dense, dark curtains from velvet and velvet

Collections of ashtons, photos, porcelain statuettes and busts

Color spectrum

Different color palettes were popular in the Victorian Epoch. In the early period, the interior was drawn up in saturated colors of precious stones. Saturated burgundy, ruby, golden:

In the middle period, the interior became more restrained. Preference was given to more elegant colors: from pale sand and beige to the shades of the dark wood.

In the late period, bright colors were published. In this living room, a azure fireplace is highlighted against sand furniture.

Registration of walls

For the design of walls during the Queen Victoria came with a scope. Factory wallpapers were practical, inexpensive and beautiful solutions. Preference was given to bright colors, with patterns and ornaments. Through the contrasting paintings in massive wooden frames or tapestries.

At the end of the century, English engineer Walton invented a linker. This is a wallpaper consisting of three layers:

  • paper base;
  • thick solution from natural components from which the pattern is painted;
  • layer of paint

It is these wallpaper with an interior in the Buckingham Palace.

Like such wallpaper looks truly luxuriously, they are used to this day.

Floor design

Paul in the era of Queen Victoria covered parquet.

Or tile, if you wanted to embody in the mansion the colonial exotica of East India. Tile is usually kept in the corridors, bathrooms and in the kitchen.

Lightly popularity used carpets of light shades with floral patterns.

Fireplace as a mandatory element of English decor

The heart of the Victorian house is a fireplace. Decorated with natural stone and wood, decorated with carvings, under the color of furniture and upholstery.

And he could stand out by an unusual color solution or catchy. Such fireplaces attracted views to themselves.

Tree - the main element in the room decoration

The interior in the Victorian style is filled with a tree, certainly matte. Varnish in the XIX century did not use.

On top of the wallpaper, the British often put the wooden panels on a third or half of the wall. The panels did from expensive wood varieties and decorated with ornaments.

Victorian light solutions

In the era of Queen Victoria in England from France, lamps and table lamps came from France.

The bases of the desktop lamps were paid out of bronze, giving it a planned form. Then they were hand-made manually and made inserts from semi-precious stones, stained glass and ceramics. A real work of art was obtained.

Luxury lampshades made manually from silk, satin and velvet. Decorated with embroidery, fringe and glass.

Victorian Decorations and Accessories

Each Englishman considered his duty to collect a collection. Most often not one. Collection items that exhibited on a fireplace shelf and special racks. It could be: caskets, tobacker, porcelain figures or fireplace watches

Victorian style in modern interior

If you decide to embody in your apartment a dream about the old-kind Victorian England, do not forget some important points:

  • Dark tones in the interior decoration are asked for large windows and natural lighting
  • Volumetric Victorian chandeliers and stucco mete high ceilings
  • A large number of accessories looks harmoniously on a large area

Remember, the atmosphere is in detail: in outdoor large watches, chests and baffies, plants in floor pots, sculptures and vases. Choose any style, popular in England of the XIX century and boldly pick accessories for it. Convenient, right?

If you doubt that we can handle alone, we always have, we,

Victorian style in the interior - This is a restrained luxury and beauty,

this style gives a person a feeling of comfort, stability is the smell of good cigars, strong coffee and fresh morning newspapers. This style corresponds to ideas about prosperity, it transmits a kind of confidence in the future of a person who preferences to him. Most materials used with difficulty can be replaced in case of wishes to save. As for numerous accessories - they must be real, i.e., in fact, this is an antiques of the relevant value. But if a person is ready to incur certain expenses, ultimately he can enjoy a cozy atmosphere in a warm, hospitable house


The preference of the Victorian style of an apartment interior, as a rule, give connoisseurs of traditions, bourgeois quality, consisting of people of middle-aged, businessmen, cultural figures, university teachers. Youth interiors in the Victorian style seem too pathetic and "complex", but often it happens that with age yesterday's lovers of high-tech and modernity sincerely fall in love with massive oak furniture, strict stucco on the ceiling and striped fabric wallpapers


Victorian style implies not cheap interior items and finishing materials - everything should look expensive, reliably, stable and with dignity. No victorian interior costs without indoor plants. They are put on the floor (in no case do not on the windowsill and not on the table), grouping in one corner. Pots are predominantly clay and monophonic, harmonizing with the overall decoration of the room.


In the true Victorian interior of the apartment you will meet a lot of vases, ottomans, shirm, caskets and ashtons from expensive stones or metals, stands for pens and pencils.


Since the beginning of the 1980s, neo-Greranian buildings again entered the English fashion, in which the lifting windows were the de facto standard. The windows did not possess aesthetic attractiveness, but even the fact that they also imposed certain inconveniences of practical use did not affect the decision of the architects and the builders of post-modern. Thus, the lifting and sliding windows are quite strongly susceptible to "sticking" and are difficult to wash. They rattling under the influence of strong wind gusts. On the other hand, penetrating through the imperfect design of drafts from a medical point of view are beneficial to the health of the British nation, because Due to the permanent circulation of air in the room, a fresh atmosphere is supported.


Victorian style elements:

Decorative elongated windows

Decorative verandas

Hearing windows

Complex intricate patterns on the cornice

The combination of a large number of colors

Victorian style is characterized by the wealth of an element ornament, which form the roof and walls of the house. Being common in 1837-1901, this style is characterized by neo Gothic - the roofs have elongated multifaceted turrets. Walls are decorated with multicolored ornament.


Roofing is selected here in combination with flowers used on the facade decor. Saturated colors are suitable here - red, green or mixed gray, which will provide a strict contrast to the exterior of the facades of the house.

The British call the Victorian period briefly: "Victorianism" and believe that in aesthetics, he meant the triumph of pragmatism and materialism, which, however, is generally characteristic of "English style". For Victorian style, the presentability and weight of the forms are characterized, the massiveness of jewelry, careful finish of parts. Eclecticism and stylistic variation of Victorianism are also explained by the natural reaction to the Puritan style, the strictness of the previous era of the "Style of Queen Anna" and "Georgians".


In addition to traditional materials, new, such as iron and glass used, but metal structures were usually covered with decor. Furniture is usually heavy, dark covered with abundant carvings. In the interiors, the mood of the "romantic semi-frame" is created, which increases thanks to accessories in pseudorensans, oriental and other styles


Characteristic features of the Victorian style is the eclecticism combining gothic, rococo, exotic and classics. Exotic at that time meant Indian and Chinese styles. In addition, the Victorian style is a combination of unsurpassed quality and vintage, classic canons. Victorian style in the interior passed several stages of development. At dawn of its development, the Victorian style in the interior was a cumbersome neoclassic, the decor of which was distinguished by the fancy and maritimeness of the patterns used, ornaments and motives. And finally, this style turned into the fact that now we call the English classics that is a sense of measure and respectability. This style is known to us from the film about the famous detective Hero Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes


In addition, it should be noted that the Victorian style is inherent in some degree of deconstruation. Deconstruvism is a house in which each room is finished and decorated in a separate interior style. Cabinets and libraries are usually drawn up in the Gothic style, the ladies (Baura) - in the style of Rococo, and the canteens and hallways are "oriental style". The Victorian style combines the Scottish cell and floral ornaments, which are made mainly on the curtains. A separate interior subject can be performed simultaneously in several styles.


The main elements of the Victorian style in the interior:

mixing styles of gothic, baroque and renaissance;

the combination of old traditions and impeccable quality;

basic colors: brown, bordeaux;

characteristic lines: straight and arc;

characteristic forms: vertical elongated planes;

characteristic elements of the interior: the litterness of the interior of trinkets;

window shape: Gothic, arched, rectangular;

doors: rectangular massive, with brass trim.

History of Victorian style

Victorian style was formed in England during the rule of Queen Victoria, namely: in the second half of the XIX century. At this time, thanks to the rapid development of the industry and the colonies existing around the world, the bourgeoisie began to rich and develop as a class, striving to surround themselves with the attributes of "luxurious life."


Many interior items available not to all and those who are considered luxury have gained mass popularity. Decoration, arrangement and furnishing of houses acquired a demonstrative nature of status and prosperity. The use of certain interior items began to be considered a manifestation of excellent taste, solidity, prestige, wealth and respectableness of the owner of the house. People at this time began to travel a lot, in contact with the rides with different oriental and exotic cultures, which they began to put their homes in the interiors.

In the art of the Victorian period, three stages are distinguished:

Early Victorian, or non-trial period (1835-1855);

Medium-Victorian period ("Mid-Victorian Period", 1855-1870);

Late Victorian, or "Free Renaissance" ("Free Renaissanse Revivals", 1870-1901).

The Rannevictorian period is characterized by parallel development of the styles of "Neochk", neorokokok, Neoeta, "Byzantine", "Mauritanian", "Chinese" styles. The decline of art was inevitable.

"Gothic for a long time is hidden to make it suitable for commercial buildings. The facades of Greek temples were decorated with residential buildings and banks. Roman baths looked at the guise of railway stations. " Eclecticism was accompanied by the negative impact of the first results of the industrial revolution. Neootic forms were used for churches, universities and government agencies. In the construction of residential buildings, they were focused mainly on classicism with admits of the motives of Byzantine, Renaissance and baroque styles

Machine can be done quickly and cheap any "historical decor": "baroque thread" from Paper-Masha, or painted plaster, "gilded rokaili" from tin. Ceramics imitated metal; "Victorian furniture" in the style of "Louis XIV" was connected to the "Gothic" decor. And all this against the background of heavy curtains and blackened academic paintings in gilded frames.

For the late Bulk Style, the mixture of "historical styles" is characteristic: "Louis XIV", Rococo, "Elizabethan Renaissance" and Tudor-Renaissance ("Styles of Tudor"), as well as the Baroque styles of the King Yakov and Restoration of Stuarts.

The art of the Victorian era was eclectically and therefore did not constitute a single artistic direction or style. Consequently, the name "Victorian style" should be taken in quotes, understanding his figuratively.

In the 1890s, in the period of modernity, the critical attitude towards this "style" gave rise to the course of Edwardian neoclassicism.

Features of the Victorian Interior Style

The main qualities of the Victorian interior style of the apartment - comfort and diversity - as it is impossible to meet the needs of a modern person in a comfortable, good and at the same time exquisite apartment.

The harmony of the apartment in the Victorian style is that in it everything is balanced, symmetrically imbued with a sense of measure, but at the same time saturated.

Most often for the premises made in the Victorian style, furniture of light brown tones or dark red-brown is selected. Accordingly, everything else will be from pale pink, almond, lilac shades before again red-brown. An important place is made by gilt and rich colors in the drapes of ruby-red or emerald green.

In most cases, the furniture used in the arrangement of the premises in the Victorian style is made of natural wood of valuable breeds. Often the decor uses gilding, inlays with precious metals and other materials.

For floor covering, a parquet of natural wood is used. We should not forget that the use of natural wood when decorated and decorating the premises of the time of centuries was considered a manifestation of excellent taste, solidity, prestigiousness and respectableness of the owner of the house. In addition, a tile having an original ornament or pattern can be flooring. The windows are also performed from natural wood by fitting in the Gothic style or rectangular having jumpers. Doors are also performed by massive natural wood with decorative venatables


All forms - vertical elongated, lines - straight and arcuate.

The walls are decorated with plaster, cloth / wallpapers or with round dismissed roses, realistic birds drawn, animals. Often the walls are made up with tapestries or wallpaper with a complex ornamental pattern, often volumetric resembling bas-relief. The wallpaper of British production, imitating fabric, especially popular. Images of leaves - maple, oak and birch, fern, as well as forest colors and berries are used: lilies, clover, strawberries.

On top of the wallpaper in size in a third or half of the height of the walls are attached panels of valuable wood. They do not have threads, but decorated with a classic style ornament. By the way, varnish panels are categorically not recommended: glossy shine alien Victorian style


The ceiling can be with dark beams or stucco with a ceiling (reproduction of any picture). Ceiling chandelier with imitation of candlelight performs a decorative role. The main light is due to desktop and floor pair lamps with fabric lamps.

Furniture is a massive, heavy, decorated with carvings. Sofas, chairs, chairs - bulk with thick upholstery. The bed in the bedroom should be without a canopy. Popular dressers, chests and floor hours. An integral part of the living room is a fireplace (even if electric) and all sorts of accessories for it.


The use of an unlimited number of "baubles" is allowed: Chinese vases, Indian caskets, stuffed animals, paintings, etc. All sorts of horizontal surfaces should be closed with saturated ornamental textiles, the floors are eliminated with the image of birds and plants with carpets.

In the interiors of the Victorian era, floral patterns are widely used, burgundy drapery from a soft plush, in general, all that helps to recreate the atmosphere of home heat. A big role is played here covering, Baldakhins and, of course, curtains. As a rule, the curtains in the Victorian style use the best curtain fabrics, skillfully assembled and decorated with braid with soft pomponics. A typical phenomenon is a few eaves for several types of fabric on one window, while the window seems to be "bought" into the curtains. Heavy fabrics are necessarily combined with lighter, tower or lace, curtains


The indispensable attributes of the Victorian interior of the apartment - paintings and wall clocks. The works of painting are suspended on a special rail made from the same tree breed as the panel, and therefore almost imperceptible on the background of wallpaper. Frames in the Victorian style, on the contrary, are selected volumetric, heavy, but in no case are not gilded. As for the content of the paintings, they must correspond to the atmosphere of the Victorian style - portraits, landscapes, plot sketches and in no case abstraction. And so that they do not lose on a general background, the tones of works should be contrasting


Extremely appropriate in the Victorian interior will also look at the mirrors in full growth, with the same frames, as in paintings - as a rule, they are posed opposite the fireplace, windows or doors and often toned in yellow, red or green


Another frequent hero of the Victorian interior is a fireplace made of granite, black or red, and necessarily in a classic style, under the panels. The fire is better to cover the screen, and the fireplace itself is to cut down with a metal fence with gothic spiers, painted black, with a height of 40-50 cm.






- This is primarily luxury. It includes different styles, starting with Gothic and ending with the epoch of Tudors and Elizabeth. In independence, the uniqueness of this method prevailing in it is unrivaled. Today's designers introduced new elements that transform this style to modern way.

Rich and deep dark shade

Victorian style in the interior of the living room is not just demonstrated luxury. This style can be practical and multifunctional. 25 projects presented in the article will return you to the past, without losing its modernity.

Saturated dark colors

Victorian style always wins visual qualities. The lack of boring tones, the presence of rich and deep colors is a special feature of this style. In Victorian style you can observe purple, dark blue, and lively yellow shades.

Dark purple shade here prevails

Elegant carpet and expensive furniture in the living room from White Pebble Interiors

Live yellow color in the living room walls

Carved tree over the fireplace

Saturated blue wallpaper

Agrowing walls

Unlike its modern analogues, Victorian living rooms often seem incredibly cluttered. The walls in the premises are decorated with antique engravings and paintings that are the center of the living room. Add decorative cuttings designed for arches and relief walls, and a stunning living room.

You will have a seating area in which each item is part of the story! Stained glass and stone fireplaces are the final part of this extravagant puzzle.

Rich painting

Wall decorated with various paintings

Picture of two boys framed in golden colors

Dresser painted

Two-story living room in Victorian style

Exquisite chandelier and a huge picture

Golden approach

Gold in the interior is the personification of the Victorian era. You are not mistaken if you use a gold ornament. This is an eternal element of the Victorian style, which even in taste even modern homeowners. Combining gold with dark shades, your classic living room comes to life in front.

For those who do not like shiny elements, gold shades are an excellent substitution.

Gold atmosphere

Competent application of gold shades in the living room interior

Golden curtains and armchairs

Tree in Golden Tones

Golden painting over the fireplace

White and gold interior design

Intricate and catchy details

Simple things, such as candles on a fireplace shelf (with silver candlesticks, if it allows), fresh flowers in a vase and fruit vase can make your living room of truly Victorian. Carpets with oriental patterns, soft and velvety curtains and beautiful brass lamps will become the last stroke of the style of the style.

The presence of colors in the vases is dominated here

Interesting chandelier form

Candlesticks over the fireplace

Condemned Victorian Style Option

Rich dark tree in intricate furniture

Vase with beautiful colors on a coffee table

Victorian style in the interior, luxurious and full of life, will be an excellent choice if you want to exquisitely and tastefully issue your home. Despite the fact that the time of the victorian style is dating from the middle of the 19th century, it still remains unusually popular. So, a historical reference that tells about the prerequisites for the origin of the Victorian style in Britain two centuries ago.

First of all, Britain was the epicenter of the industrial revolution, and this boom in industry meant not only that society, in general, became richer, but also the fact that a new class of rich merchants appeared. Money was no longer focused only in the hands of the local nobility, the new class earned great funds that could be spent on the luxurious finish of their mansions to put themselves at the bottom. The novels of that time often boasted their wealth, drawing up at home in an extravagant interior.

The second important event that had a serious impact on the formation of a Victorian style was the flourishing of British colonization. New colonies meant an additional increase in trading class income, but not only that, now the residents of Britain suddenly gained access to exotic goods from around the world. Fabrics, colors and styles of British colonies definitely express themselves in the internal design of the interior of English homes.

The period of the Victorian era (this time covers the 19th century and focused in Britain) is a lot of contradictions. With regard to cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions, people tried to shook off the fact that they considered the era of the romanticism of the previous century, and the society, in general, was largely more conservative, and in many ways repressive.

Any manifestation of frivolism and frivolism was encouraging the disapproving views of others, and the head of the corner was delivered and discipline. During the reign of Queen Victoria, the practicality and strict moral norms appreciated. You can't think, looking at the Victorian style in the interior.

As society became more and more humble and submissive, the inner decoration of the house was becoming more magnificent and luxurious. A number of events explains the extravagance boom in the interior design. Most historians share the Victorian era for three periods, early, medium and end of the epoch, and each of these periods has had a significant impact on the development of the Victorian style. In general, early and middle periods are characterized by floral patterns and bright colors, while a later period of the Victorian style becomes more gothic.

Characteristic features of the Victorian style - a house or apartment in the city.

Victorian style, a photo with the image of which will allow you to get a clearer and bright view, is distinguished by the following characteristic features:


Color has an incredible importance in the design of the premises in the style of the Victorian era. In particular, the Victorian style was distinguished by the use of bright colors, but there were some factors that had an impact on what the principle of these colors were selected.

In urban homes, a saturated palette was used, and the base for this was dirty air of industrial cities, light colored walls was too quickly dirty. Bright, rich colors were usually used for living rooms and bedrooms, and brighter in libraries and dinner halls. In most cases, a special finishing coating was used together with the paint to emphasize the colors and make the surface more texture.


At the dawn of the Victorian era, it was customary to glue the walls throughout the house with a floral pattern. Basically used wallpaper of red, blue or green with a yellowish-brown accent.

In a later Victorian period, the floral pattern is inferior to a stylized deciduous ornament, and for coloring the so-called "earth colors", muted tones of brown, yellow, green, gray and ohlogen color are applied. A similar mood change occurs in favor of fashion on the Gothic, which, by that time, becomes very high popularity.


With regard to the style of furniture, the people of the Victorian era often paid their eyes either in the past or on their overseas colonies. In the manufacture of furniture of the early and late Victorian period, curved, rounded edges and curls of A la French furniture of the 18th century were popular. In a later period of the Victorian era, the upholstered furniture made on the eastern manner.

Characteristic features of the Victorian style in the interior - Country house

What does the interior decorated in the style of the English country house mean? Flower flower beds near entrance doors? Relaxed informal furnishings, filled with comfortable sofas and windows, closed with curtains with floral pattern? In principle, you will be right, the style of a country house includes all these moments, but, at the same time, not limited to this.

The interior in the Victorian style, which is used in England country houses, includes the following characteristics:

Victorian style color gamut in photo

The style of the English country house requires a palette of darker colors than those colors that are used in most modern houses. For the floor, predominantly use brown or red colors, while the walls are glued with wallpaper with a pattern, most often these floral motifs, which are also used as coloring for curtains, pillows and tablecloths. Victorian style color gamut is a mirror that reflects the riot of autumn paints.


In the English country houses it is not customary to cover the walls of paint. Instead, wallpapers are used, also should not forget that darker with floral coloring wallpaper are preferred.


As a material for furniture, a tree is most often used, everything is wooden, including tables, chairs, bookshelves and lockers with focusing details made of brass. For sofas and chairs, a soft comfortable packing with leather or velvet coated is used. Another important point is that the furniture should have a kind of some affection - the house should create the impression of residential rooms.

A key element of the design of a country house is a traditional fireplace. The cozy atmosphere of the living room creates a crackling fireplace, a massive leather sofa and an oak bookcase, crowded with books in an expensive binding. Even if you cannot build a real fireplace, as an option, you can consider electrical, but absolutely no fireplace can not be considered, since it is an integral part of the atmosphere of the living room made in the Victorian style.

Pictures and decorations

If you have conceived to arrange your home in this style, first - these are pictures on the walls, and secondly, you should go to shops selling antiques, in search of tables, lockers and buffets, so that you can set your collection valuable items and statuettes at best. Perhaps the impression of light climbing will be created, but remember, in the first place is your own comfort, if the room is overwhelmed by porcelain statuette and you, literally, afraid to go into it, to not break anything, then you stopped with decorations.

In general, the country house, decorated in Victorian style, impress comfort and warm atmosphere, where every detail of the interior was chosen with care and love!

If you like movies and books in the style of "Jane Eyre" or "Pride and Prejudice", you definitely celebrated beautiful Victorian dresses. Exquisite girls from that era in such luxurious outfits look very impressive. Therefore, many beautiful sex representatives often imagine themselves in a similar image. It's not so difficult to realize such a dream into reality, because some Victorian style echoes are present in modern outfits.

Style history

Victorian style first appeared in the XIX century. Its name comes on behalf of Queen Victoria, which at the time Rules of Great Britain. It was she who introduced lush dresses, corsets and skirts, decorated with lace.

Victorian-style dresses allowed girls to get closer to the canon of beauty of that time. The tight corset, tightening the waist, created the effect of a feminine figure like "hourglass". Such dresses were equally well and looked at the laits with lush forms, and on thin beauties.

Luxury dresses with corsets could afford only noble ladies. Such outfits were distinguished by exquisite and complex design. It took a lot of time and effort to study all the small details, than justified the high cost.

Dresses in this style were multi-layered and lush. The fabric of the skirt was decorated with lace, swans, all sorts of bows and ribbons. Lacek corsets were a mandatory image element. Sometimes they were tightened so much that the waist was narrowed to thirty centimeters, and the girls were literally impossible to breathe.

Velvet, silk, satin, satin and other expensive fabrics were used as material for sewing. The colors were chosen saturated and deep - burgundy, dark blue, green or black. The girl in such a dress looked luxuriously, so she did not need a bright makeup. Ladies complemented their image exclusively decorations with natural precious pebbles.


Victorian-style dresses are very easy to recognize. First of all, they differ femininity. The "Hourglass" style allows you to emphasize the smooth lines of the ladies of the lady, and the corset lifts the chest. At the same time, due to the closed neckline, the dress in Victorian style looks restrained.

To give dresses in the Victorian style of pisces, they were complemented by crinolines. So called skirts on durable steel hoops that create a volume. They also help maintain a flat posture, which we see the girls of that era in the photos and in the movies.

In addition to the dresses, in Victorian style you can meet the spectacular combinations of multi-layer skirts with blouses, embroidered lace or ribbons. In general, lace and embroidery complemented almost all the outfits of the Victorian era.

Such luxurious images of the lady complemented by real jewels. Decorations, as a rule, were massive and fright. We enjoyed the popularity of rings, earrings and bracelets in the form of hearts, birds, snakes or angels. Also, many women wore Shali. Decorative capes, like dresses, were sewn from expensive fabrics and decorated with all available ways.

For modern woman

With the death of Queen Victoria Fashion changed, but some elements of the Victorian style appear in clothes and now. Many designers, inspiring this intensive era, complement their collections of things that came to us from the last century. So, for example, blouses with high lace collars have repeatedly appeared in the collections of such famous designers, as Alexander McQueen and Ralph Lauren. Ryusha, lace, bows and swans are decorated today not only dresses and blouses, but also jeans, and other things from Denim.

In various design collections, spectacular corsets are also common. Now they are combined not only with dresses, but also with skirts of classic cut and even jeans, creating contrasting, but therefore even more interesting onions.

You can emphasize the thin waist using a corset with lacing. It can be both solely decorative element and functional. In the second case, the corset will not only focus on the waist, but also to do it thinner. True, consider the fact that a long time the corsets cannot be worn so as not to harm your health.

Modern Victorian-style dresses are also slightly different from their predecessors. They are more comfortable, as they are not complemented by the crinolines and the pile of the skirts interfering with a normal gait, and the corsets in them are performed for the most part decorative role.

Effective will look at the Victorian dress on various solemn events. Choosing such an outfit for the graduation, you will accurately stand out among the same type of classmates.

The dress in the Victorian style will look original and at the wedding. If you like this era with her romanticism, it is quite possible to make a thematic wedding.