Constructions of facades of buildings. Production of facade works

When the construction of the house comes to the final stage, the production of facade works comes, since this stage is priority. "Meet the clothes, accompanied by the mind." This also applies to the house: passersby do not visit the guest and will not appreciate the interior of the room. But turning attention to attractive walls, positive conclusions will be made quickly. The trim of the facade is performed once for many years, so the selection of builders is required to be responsible. Efficiency and quality depends on this.

Why it is so important

Production of facade works - the exterior finish of any species: new buildings, old buildings that are restored or only built. These works attach an individual, attractive form, and also carry a number of protective properties: sound insulation, heat exchange.

The facades are made mainly in the following objects:

  • country houses, cottages or mansions;
  • multi-storey residential and administrative objects;
  • hotels, entertainment and shopping centers;
  • public institutions: cafes, clubs, as well as country residences.

Every year the energy carriers are becoming more expensive, and given the harsh periods of the weather, without them can not do. Warming is able to save finances that could be spent on heating. This is due to the heat exchange: part of the cold air is filtered and repelled with warm, and the materials themselves do not let the wind and cold inside, ensuring the safety of heat.

In the summer, these processes proceed on the contrary: hot air passes through special materials, and moderately cool is removed inside the room. Thus, even at high temperatures, you will enjoy light cool. In addition, you can install ventilated facades for additional comfort.

Each before ordering facade works, "scrolls" in my head typical questions:

  • What is the term of execution
  • What will be the price
  • Whether the services will be performed qualitatively

Assistance in information support on any issues is included in the competence of our masters. When calling our company, exhaustive information will be obtained.

Facade work from Tekstroy City

During the practice, Tehstroy-City had to deal with certain nuances, but command coherence allowed successfully solved problems, leaving the customer satisfied.

Our employees use European and high-quality equipment with the help of which the time is saved, the cost and the period of operation of the installed materials.

Ordering the production of facade works with us, the client receives a number of advantages:

  • Guarantee. The system transfers extreme temperatures, does not form cracks, chips under a strong wind or low temperatures.
  • Individual approach. After taking into account the requirements of the customer, employees are proceeding.
  • Timely execution. No delays and additional boards when cooperation with us. We value our reputation.
  • Cost at the competitive level.

Service of our company

Facade construction work - a specialized area in construction, including measures to improve external (aesthetic appearance) and the operational characteristics of the building (protection of the supporting structures from the effects of cold, moisture and other external factors).

Allocate the following types of work:

  • Initial finishes (facing, device of insulated facades, installation of mounted systems);
  • Repair work (from small restoration activities to the overhaul of the facade).

We provide a wide range of services: insulation of slopes, primer, installation of arms and a storm system, machine plaster and more. Turning to us, you will receive a free consultation of the employee, perform measurements and determining the scale. After clarifying the formalities and prices of work, our masters begin to perform and pass the finished turnkey object. We provide services both in Moscow and Moscow region and in the Moscow region.

The cost of facade works in Moscow

The project of the external finishing of the facade is determined by a set of several factors. On the example of the installation of mounted ventilated systems, it is as follows:

  • The first point is the type of the facade system (fasteners and carrier frame). For example, the aluminum subsystem will cost the customer more expensive than galvanized, but reliability indicators will be higher. The highest quality and quality indicators option is stainless steel.
  • The second parameter affecting the price is a kind of facing material. Eliminate cladding with fibrotent plates, aluminum composite panels, porcelain stoneware.
  • The presence of insulation and thickness.
  • In addition, the estimate includes the cost of construction and installation works: installation of forests, setting the components of the ventilated facade.

With a detailed price list on facade work, you can read.

Some people wonder what kind of building facade is? What is his definition? This is the facial side of the construction, located outside.

The concept of "facade" has another value: this is a drawing of an orthogonal projection of the building. The projection is carried out on the plane located vertically.

The front side meets different types, which largely depends on its forms, proportions, architecture. As Wikipedia says, the following varieties distinguish:

  • main;
  • side;
  • rear;
  • street;
  • yard.


The facial side of the building is called the facade, it is she who meets guests. But it should be borne in mind that other parties of the building are also facades. However, they are not facial, but side, rear and so on. All of them are divided by constructive features:

  1. Stone, brick.
  2. Concrete, monolithic.
  3. Translucent.
  4. Hinged ventilated structures. They differ in cladding. Facing can be made: a porcelain stoneware, aluminum panels, fibercement, metal cassette, siding, blockchausa, decorative board, stainless steel.
  5. Media Fasfad. This is the most modern variety of facial side of the building. In this case, screens are installed. All together these screens form a video card. As a result, the facial side of the building looks like one big screen. Looks very fashionable and modern.

To beautifully place the main side, some professionals advise to apply stucco, tiles. You can use ordinary plaster, coloring.

Facial facade: Materials for registration

In order to arrange the main type of building, the following materials are used:

  • a rock;
  • siding;
  • panel;
  • plaster;
  • brick for cladding.

What is most often used

Stones often use stones for finishing the front side. You can apply both natural and artificial stones. The following natural stones are most popular:

  • marble;
  • limestone;
  • granite;
  • gabbro.

Artificial stones are very popular. A special demand is used by architectural concrete. It is still referred to as "white stone". From the "White Stone" you can create elements of decor for windows and doors, as well as hinged panels.

Similar design can be long enough (several sq.m). Moreover, the thickness of the "white stone" is small and is about 10 cm.

What is siding?

Siding is a material for facing the building. The material is represented as horizontally located panels. They fasten between themselves directly on the building wall. Siding is a very universal and attractive cladding element:

  1. With siding, you can achieve a variety in creating forms.
  2. It is very easy to operate.
  3. It can be made of a wide variety of materials.

Sayding varieties

  1. From Vinyl. Siding from this material is quite durable, durable, practical. The building becomes attractive due to the brilliant properties of the material.
  2. From foamflast. The heat transfer of the building is reduced. It is of great importance for buildings located in the harsh climatic zone. The advantages of siding out of foam is also an increase in vapor permeability of the construction, moisture does not accumulate on the walls.
  3. Metal. It is a metal finish will add the building of durability and resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  4. Of steel.
  5. From wood. The main facade with such a finish looks aesthetically, an excellent heat-styling construction is created.
  6. From cement.

Thanks to all these benefits, siding gradually displaces many listed materials (in particular, plaster).

Plaster, as a material for facing the outside of the building, is also used very often and tries not to take its position. The following types of plaster are developed: mineral, polymeric, mosaic, structural, chamethro.

The main party should look attractive, since it is the "face" of the construction.

Main facade: types of structures

What is included in the definition of the facade, you can understand and find out through the study of information.

Two main requirements are presented to all types of main types of buildings and structures:

  1. Protection of facilities from exposure to external factors.
  2. Aesthetic effect.

He can be:

  • dry;
  • wet.

"Dry" kind of facade systems is manufactured without the use of adhesive bases and special building solutions. Thus, any part is attached with the help of nails, self-tapping and other elements. An example of dry facades is siding.

"Wet" facades are mounted using a building mixture. Examples are: plaster, with clinker tiles (so that the glue base is needed) and others.

What will be needed for this species

Available for a wide circle of buyers. It consists of the following sleeps:

  1. Insulation (this is an inner layer).
  2. Flusket. With its help, the installers strengthen the walls.
  3. Decorative plaster. It happens any shape and coloring.

For the manufacture, there will be no complex diagrams and all sorts of aluminum fastenings, tiles and ceramic bricks, and the insulation is enough just to strengthen using the grid and bolts. But there is a small nuance - at temperatures below +5 ° C, it is impossible to mount a similar system.

A huge plus is that installation can be made regardless of the time of year and weather conditions. The "wet" facade gives the building integrity, but it directly depends on weather conditions and climate.

Additional classification

To date, the division of this building material for the following types is known:

Technology of ventilated systems is based on the formation of a gap for ventilation, which is located between the wall and the facade material.

In the gap begins to freely circulate air, thanks to this moisture and dampness evaporate. And the material itself qualitatively protects the floors of the premises from all sorts of atmospheric influences.

What is Ventfasad

This species should consist of three layers:

  1. Mineral insulation (it is located from the inside.
  2. Air layer (this is the middle layer).
  3. Facing part (outer layer). Most often outside it is covered with ceramic tiles. She carefully looks and has a lot of coloring.

Ventilated facades and other systems containing aluminum are not suiced. The main moment in this case is the compliance of the "price-quality".

An unjustible facade is used when the building has no outdoor insulation. If the facade needs to be installed on a wooden building, it is better to use the ventilated system, as the wooden walls themselves allocate a large amount of moisture. If you do not get rid of the accumulation of moisture, then the wooden house simply starts rot.

Front work Include a wide range of activities to preserve the appearance of the house and the improvement of its aesthetic and performance characteristics. It can be:

  • decoration;
  • restoration;
  • repairs;
  • plaster;
  • restoration;
  • equipment of ventilated facades;
  • hydrophobization;
  • glazing;
  • sandblasting;
  • sealing interpanel seams.

House cladding is performing facade workwhich will be converted and create a unique design for him. Facing can be performed using:

  • decorative plaster. Works are performed using modern high-quality materials Ceresit, Silk Stone, Knauf, Silk Plaster, VGT, etc. First, the walls are clean, then sealing the slots and cracks, the reinforcing grid is equipped and the layer of plaster is equipped. Such works can be combined with building insulation. They are held according to the technology of "wet facade", first installation of the insulation, and then plastering;
  • natural stone - limestone, sandstone, slate, etc. The material is not cheap, but durable, eco-friendly and aesthetic. A primer is applied to the prepared wall, the plates are mounted and the seams are maintained;
  • clinker tiles. The advantage is the naturalness of the material (the tile is made of clay), plasticity, thanks to which it is possible to make products of various textures. The assortment has clinker tiles of various colors. Material is inexpensive, durable and durable;
  • porcelain stoneware. It is performed simultaneously with the insulation of the building. It makes it easier to carry out the lack of necessity in alignment of walls and a small weight of the plates. Initially, the subsystem is equipped, the insulation, the windproof membrane and stoves from the porcelain stoneware are mounted on it;
  • siding. These are artificial panels, inexpensive, but durable. Have a lot of textured and color solutions.Conducting facade work Siding is often combined with insulation of walls. The advantage of siding in durability and ease of service;
  • aluminum composite panels. Modern innovative material from aluminum stoves on a composite basis. Reliable, durable, there is a large selection of colors. Used in the systems of the ventilated facade, installation work is usually combined with insulation of walls.

Repair of walls it is carried out to protect the supporting structures of the building from moisture, which can penetrate the cracks formed under the influence of temporary or weather factor.Repair facade Includes cleaning surface from contamination, sealing cracks and seam sealing, applying a layer of primer, putty, painting, plaster.

Services of facade workon the decoration of the building - This is decoration of the exterior with traditional and modern materials: plaster, cement, marble, stone, polyurethane and expanded polystyrene. The decor made of artificial materials on operational characteristics is not inferior, or even superior to natural products. It is important that these materials are lungs and do not create additional loads on the design of the house. Moldings, eaves, ornamental arches, sandriks, balustrades, columns and pilasters are equipped to decorate facades.

The facade can be decorated with finishing of their natural or artificial stone, light elements. Especially popular home decoration for holidays.

Restoration of facade. If the structures are destroyed by more than 30%,front work of the buildingcan fully restore its technical characteristics and an attractive appearance.

Wall insulation - This is an effective energy-saving technology that allows you to save up to 25% of the cost of energy carriers. Warming can be carried out on the technique of a wet or ventilated facade. Mineral wool and polystyrene insulation are used. To improve heat-insulating and fire-resistant properties, materials are combined.

Rates for facade works in Moscow

The cost of facade works will largely depend on the price of the materials used. It also affects the need for the use of special equipment and labor of high-speed professionals.High-rise facade workswill cost more.

Price rates for facade work on the repair of walls (in rubles per m2 without the cost of materials)
cleaningfrom 35.
repair of cracksfrom 200.
sealing seams (for the temporon meter)from 80.
paddingfrom 50.
solid shovelsfrom 250.
paintingfrom 50.
plasterfrom 350.

There are a number of works, rates for which will depend on many factors and are negotiated at the conclusion of the contract - this is a glazing (frame, cassette, frameless or spider system) or restoration work.

The facade is the most important part of the building, playing a primary role in creating an appearance, it perceives the effect of wind loads and precipitation. By type, material and color solution of the facade, form, size and location of window openings, the presence of architectural elements of various types, such as frontones, entrance groups, balconies and loggias, eaves, sandriks, pilasters, etc. You can always determine the style and appointment of the building, as well as belonging to this or other architectural style. In commercial terms, for good consumer demand for square meters in the building, the facade is also very important, since dull and unbroken buildings usually use worse demand, rather than the buildings with a bright, individual and richly performed front facade.

Additional ways to express architectural style

It often happens that the device of the enclosing structures is not enough for expressiveness of the facade, and the architect resorts to additional elements. It can be columns on the facade of the building with false roof over them, plastering and composite decorative elements located in the characteristic places of the facade. Forged barisades, statues, bas-reliefs give the undoubted expressiveness of the facade. Not the most recent role in the formation of the appearance plays architectural illumination, located in the most favorable places for visual perception.

And the most modern solutions include the use of spectacular media phases suitable, mainly on public buildings, the appearance of which is open to the review from afar.

Various types of facades

To date, in the construction industry of our country, a large number of facade solutions are offered for buildings of any type, the main features of which are described below:

Device of facades of bricks and other small small elements

    Most often, the role of such facade solutions is the stone masonry, which is an undesupply enclosing structure, two-layer or three-layer. Three-layer wall design over the past decade has lost its popularity due to the insufficient reliability of constructive solutions, which consist in a device for incortular (internal) and facing (outer) masonry from bricks, blocks of CCC and other materials to the height of the floor with the filling of the space between them with the effective Insulation - polystyrene foam or mineral wool, vaporizolation and windproof film. At the same time, the inner and outer layers of masonry are separated from each other by a distance from 100 to 300 mm with a pairing with flexible bonds from the glass ample, basalt fiber or stainless wire.

    The stiffness of this masonry is carried out with the help of small-stroke elements locally laid "in the gang" in the mounting places to the supporting structures of the building, the location of fire cutters, as well as in the location zone of window openings. The danger of main masonry consists in a free course of flexible communication in the body of the insulation and poor work on the shift in the case of displacement of the outer versts of the front design relative to the inner.

    A two-layer wall design is more popular today and is proposed mainly in the form of large porous incortive blocks with high heat transfer resistance, as an inner vests of masonry. Fundorate concrete, gas-silicate, ceramic hollow, polystyrene bonts and other types of thermal efficient materials can act here. The outer versta is performed from the same small-piece materials - bricks (most often) or blocks of CCC with the implementation of communication with the stake with metal or composite masonry grids.

    The architectural expression of the facade is formed in this solution using brick color alternation, styling it with a sink in separate places, as well as, applying an additional layer of plaster in places of eaves, framing window openings, etc.

Facade ventilated device

    A modern facade solution, originally used mainly in public buildings, but, gradually gaining consumer attention and in the field of residential construction.

    Constructive features consist in the device of the undercut masonry between the buildings of the building within the floor, or, if there is, the use of reinforced concrete walls and the fastening of the guides under the facade of stainless or galvanized profile steel to the elements of walls or the ends of the slabs of the ceilings. Between the guides, vaporizolation, windproof and the facade insulation is arranged, most often from Minvati.

    The rejection plane of the guides is somewhat on the plane of laying insulation, forming an air layer between the insulation and the decorative layer of the facade for the possibility of a draft - ventilation. A system of kleimers, intended for the device of the outer decorative layer of the hinged facade, is satisfied.

    Often, the work on the device of the facade is combined with the device of aluminum stained steel structures.

The device of the facade of porcelain stoneware and other flat materials

    The material for the decorative part of the facade is flat decorative elements, such as porcelain and agglomerate tile, fibrotent plates, metal and composite panels, aluminum, stem and other materials.

Device of wet facade

    It is used as an economical version of the aesthetic design of the building and consists in a device of several layers of plaster on the grid on top of an effective insulation, followed by weather-resistant decorative paints. This option, despite the relatively low cost, is a highly professional solution requiring the qualifications of working personnel.

    With the device of the plaster facade, the outer decorative plaster can be not only smooth, as well as with various aggregates forming a spoken layer when applied - shagreen, cored, etc.

The device of facades based on a three-layer wall panel


    This type of facade design is applicable for houses built according to typical series of large-pointed elements produced at DSC factories. In this case, the exterior wall panels, having a layer of insulation, are molded with already installed cladding elements. It may be a tile in the form of bricks - clinker, imitating the masonry, solid polishing, and vice versa, the wash still not until the end of the solidified panel to form an external textured layer.

Device of facades from sandwich panels

    This type of facade is formed by alternating the sandwich panels of various color solutions of the outer layer. Often, panel manufacturers have the ability to produce less large lung decorative elements for fastening over the main panels and forming the facade pattern.

Device of decorative facades of wood or wood polymer composite

    The main scope of application of wooden facades is a private low-rise construction - elements of the design - brica, boards, bars form the appearance of the building, being also carrying elements. On the market there are also special decorative wooden elements - cladding of wood polymer composite, etc., which can be used for the decorative trim of facades of public or production buildings from the sandwich panels to give them aesthetic and modern appearance.

In our perception of architecture, the appearance of the building plays a major role. Planning convenience, the thoughtfulness of the engineering and reliability of constructive solutions is not recognized immediately, and the beauty of the facade produces an impression at first glance. Facade structures are a business card of the building, the focus of the creative thought of the architect, they reflect the main aesthetic and composite principles of the author. The construction history knows many options for external walls and finishes their face surface. Actually, once the design of the wall and the facade was one of the whole. The stone masonry of medieval fortresses and logs nobody was hidden behind the decorative facing.

Variety of facades

But humanity sought to beauty, and the brutal aesthetics gave way to more complex, multi-storey designs. Just as the clothes became all the most elegant, covered with embroidery and ruffles, the houses dressed in a lace of stone threads, were faced with a luxurious marble, decorated with mosaics and painted with paints. All new and new elements arose on the facades: pilasters, platbands, eaves, belts, rusts, medallions. Architects created masterpieces from stone and plaster, still hit harmony. Over time, materials, designs, aesthetic views have changed. And most importantly, the attitude towards the facade changed.

Basic function

As any part of the building, the facade must meet the basic requirements formulated by Vitruvie in the first century BC: "Benefits, durability, beauty." The outer walls of the building is not only his face, but also the main protection. The comfort of staying in the house depends on them, and its service life. So that the house was warm, the outer walls should either be very thick, or consist of several layers: carrier, insulation and protecting. It was known in ancient times, but at the end of the XIX century began to be used in a fundamentally other scale. The buildings grew, which required a significant relief of external structures. The walls of modern houses cannot be erected according to the same principles as the walls of the ancient fortresses. They should be sufficiently light and at the same time durable and warm. With a frame structural circuit, the outer walls can be either attached or self-supporting, with a minimum thickness of the main carrier layer. The function of thermal insulation. The walls of modern houses cannot be erected according to the same principles as the walls of the ancient fortresses. They should be sufficiently light and at the same time durable and warm. With a frame structural circuit, the outer walls can be either attached or self-supporting, with a minimum thickness of the main carrier layer.


The main natural factors affecting preservation of facades: Strong temperature fluctuations can cause crack formation, wind and precipitation can lead to complete destruction of the facade, humidity can lead to corrosion and rotting, ultraviolet solar radiation discolores the facade, the process of destruction accelerates with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The thermal insulation function was successfully assumed to be developed in the middle of the twentieth century durable non-combustible insulation, and the outer layer of the wall forming the facade, protects the carrying structures and insulation from direct environmental impact, ensuring their durability and strength.

Today in construction uses a variety of facade structures. They can be divided into several groups: Single-layer (stone, brick, wooden, plaster), using external cladding (slab materials, facial bricks, all types of lining, etc.), multilayer facade systems. In addition, traditional facades are distinguished and modern. The first consist of natural components and have a long history of application (for example, plaster - more than 4,000 years). The history of modern has no more than 150 years. They use artificial materials or derivatives from natural. Their development is related to technical progress in the construction and chemical areas, as well as with the increased requirements for thermal insulation of buildings. Never has no power to have such an influence on the architecture, as in our days. The tasks of energy saving and reducing thermal pollution of the environment became the determining factor in the evolution of the facade systems in recent decades.

The facades become high-tech thermal insulating systems that have increasing all the achievements of materials science, heat engineering and construction mechanics. To replace the traditional methods of finishing with paints and decorative plasters, new, satisfying the increased requirements for the operational properties of coatings and capable of radically reduce the power consumption of buildings by increasing thermal insulation qualities. Multilayer facade thermal insulation systems, or ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems), provide up to 25% of heat savings. In Western Europe, ETICs received impetus to development during the energy crisis of the early 1970s. The Russian ETICS market originated in 1996 with the emergence of increased heat engineering requirements for the design of outdoor wall enclosing structures.

Heat loss and energy saving

It is known that thermal losses in residential buildings occur not only at the expense of the walls, but it is precisely the external fences that are traditionally considered their main cause. Even for low-rise buildings, this value reaches 35% of total losses. In high-rise buildings, it can reach up to 60-80%. Materials used to heat the heat loss. Water significantly reduces thermal resistance, so the enclosing structures should be securely protected from precipitation. At the same time, they must ensure an effective removal of excessive moisture from the room. The house is not a space station, it cannot be hermetic. Moreover, the durability of the design and comfort of stay in the building directly depend on how well the "breathe" its walls. Before the designers, it is a difficult task - to create such a wall design, which, with significant strength, would ensure the effective transfer of water vapor from the room outside and at the same time a barrier for outer moisture, as well as high heat resistance. Only the agreed job of the whole "cake" gives optimal results. The required thickness of each layer and their combinatorial is determined by the heat engineering calculation, in which there are factors such as the location of the house, its purpose and configuration, floors, orientation on the sides of the light. This is how the necessary design of the outer walls is determined, satisfying the current standards (SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal Protection of Buildings"). According to the requirements of January 1, 2000 to wall structures, - SNIP II-3-79, the values \u200b\u200bof the thermal resistance of heat transfer (RT °) in Russia are determined in the range of 2.1-5.6 square meters. M ° C / W and make it economically impossible to use traditional wall materials. So, for Moscow RT ° is 3.2 square meters. M ° C / W, which corresponds to a thickness of 5.0 m of reinforced concrete or 2.0 m brick masonry.

The framework of the calculated operating costs of heat supply, which are so great that they dictate the harsh need to apply modern heat-saving technologies with new construction and during reconstruction. The technical regulation law allows builders to build the facades of any type, except for obviously fire hazardous. However, the real position is such that any panel or brick house, not equipped with thermal insulating facade systems, today is forced to have its own power plant and boiler room, and soon the rent in it comes with prices in five-star hotels. In the conditions of an acute and ever-increasing deficit of the power supply alternative to the heat-saving structures of the facades.

Objective reality: choice Necklik

Among the existing options for increasing the thermal resistance of the exterior enclosing structures are most effective and, accordingly, we can consider the systems with the outer insulation of the walls and the subsequent protection of the insulation or layers of plaster (the so-called "wet" method), or structural attachments forming a protective decorative screen, separated from air layer insulation (ventilated facades). Each of the systems has a number of advantages and disadvantages, and only their objective analysis, taking into account the historically established architectural appearance of the city, allows the designer to make a choice. The optimal version of the facade is determined by the requirements of a specific situation: the task that the architect put; restrictions in construction in this place; The result that the customer wants to receive, and the means he has. The advantages and disadvantages of both systems, as often happens, make it possible to find the optimal solution.

Plaster systems

The implementation of both external and internal plaster works has always been considered particularly laborious and requiring high qualifications. In most of the architectural monuments that have come down to this day, plastering equipment was used on the facade, and hundreds of years we can admire these masterpieces. They are a multi-layer "fur coat" from the insulation, attached to the wall, reinforcing mesh, primer plaster and putty. The final finish of such a facade is performed by paint and varnish materials, decorative plaster or others. Although there are significant innovations in the technology of modern plastering facade systems associated with the addition of additional layers of insulation, the composition of operations and the nature of the work has not undergone significant changes. It is still necessary to accurately comply with the sequence and time of execution, as well as a high level of skill plaster. Even at the stage of installation of thermal insulation, careful control is necessary, because It is at this point that the final alignment of the walls is performed and operations that ensure the strength and durability of the structure as a whole are performed.

Stucm technology Systems

By complexity and labor costs, the process of the device of the plaster facade significantly exceeds the technology of installation of ventilated systems.

Basic operations:

  1. Preparation of the base (self-supporting, bearing walls or fences), alignment, impregnation (primer) of the aligned wall with a special solution;
  2. Installing brackets for heat insulation;
  3. Installation of insulation on adhesive solution (mineral wool plates);
  4. Sealing seams between thermal insulation plates (fastened penpropy);
  5. Bringing plate dowels in advance knotted holes in a special scheme;
  6. Grout hats dowels with a special solution;
  7. Additional strengthening of pairing places with the details of the facade of special reinforcement;
  8. Applying and grouting reinforcing grid;
  9. Applying the main plaster layer;
  10. Application of the upper (decorative) plaster layer;
  11. Color in one (for applied plaster) or two layers (for white).

All "wet" operations require considerable time drying. Work at temperatures below + 5 ° C is not permitted. Despite the need to use more expensive insulation, the total cost of components and materials for this technology per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe facade is significantly lower than that of ventilated systems. In addition, no particular difficulty performing conjugations with elements of the facade. And the most important thing is the possibility of performing complex decorative elements on the facade, which makes this technology indispensable when performing restoration work. However, the use of additional cladding in the form of tiles or bricks is limited by vapor permeability requirements and weight parameters.

The advantages of plaster facade systems: Comparatively low cost, efficient insulation and sound insulation of the structure, the ability to level the walls in any plane, the possibility of combination with other systems, a device of a monolithic insulation area, low weight.

The main disadvantages of plaster facade systems: For a long time of work, the dependence of the work from weather conditions, problems with the humidity regime of the insulation - steam, penetrating out of the building, does not have time to dry and accumulates in the insulation. As a result, cracks appear, detachment of the plaster layer, etc.

Ventilated systems

The systems with a ventilated air layer were quite widely used before the introduction of advanced requirements on thermal protection - to normalize the moisture content of the enclosing structures of production buildings with a "wet" mode, prevent overheating of structures from the Sun, protection against oblique rains, etc. The very concept of "ventilated facade" appeared in Germany (it. Beluefteten Fassaden). From the mid-1950s, such systems are widely used in housing and administrative construction. The main elements of the facades with an air gap are: a powerful thermal insulation layer, a metal substructure and a facing layer that determines the architectural appearance of the building. Due to the pressure drop in the height of the building in the air layer, there is a constant vertical air current, which allows you to effectively remove moisture from both the carrier wall and from the insulation, which increases the effective thermal insulation of the building, reducing heat loss of about 8%, as the air temperature in A gap for 2-3 degrees is higher than outside.

The temperature fluctuations of the wall array are equalized, which prevents the appearance of deformations; The dew point is shifted into the outer thermal insulation layer, the inner part of the wall does not reflect, no additional vaporizolation is required. In general, the use of any vapor barrier is undesirable in ventilated facades, as it prevents the free diversion of the water vapor outward. It is believed that there are practically no thermophysical problems and regulatory requirements for thermal protection are performed easily. When calculating the heat transfer resistance, the value of the thermal homogeneity coefficient is usually taken equal to 0.9. Meanwhile, the design is saturated with metal parts in combination with an effective thermal insulation material, and the heat transfer process is complicated by radiant and convective heat transfer in the gap, therefore the adopted thermal industry's coefficient value should be determined by consideration of these factors on the basis of a heat engineering calculation.

The characteristics of the ventilated facades make it possible to use them in the regions with large temperature differences, in the regions with high humidity, as well as in conditions where traditional facade materials have a rather short service life. To ensure fire safety into the system of mounted facades, employment or non-aggravated materials and products are included. Steel, preferably galvanized, fasteners and panels from artificial stone, ceramics or asbestos-cement sheets, special aluminum ng category panels. As a heater, Minvatu is used, which can withstand the temperature of 1200 ° C. This is especially important for the buildings of high floors.

Benefits of ventilated facade systems:

effective insulation and sound insulation The possibility of year-round installation in the shortest possible time, an increase in the life of the facades, ease of unlocking revision, a wide range of options for outdoor panels.

Disadvantages of ventilated facade systems:

high cost, limited architectural solutions, the need to increase the thickness of the wall due to air layers and brackets, restricting the possibility of insulation of slopes (figured openings), the emergence of "cold bridges" due to metal fastening elements, complexity in the installation of relatively heavy elements - stainless steel facing, Porcelain stoneware and natural stone.

The most common In the Russian market With air Gap

U-Kon, manufacturer - "Alkon-Trejd" (Moscow), "Yukon Engineering" (Nizhny Novgorod) "Wave", manufacturer - Wave Combine (Krasnoyarsk) "VF Vennal", manufacturer "Mosmetutor block" (Moscow) "Intellor "," Technochnok ", producer - EZ" Technok Stm "(Moscow)" Kaptakhnoster ", manufacturer -" Captchnostroy "(Moscow)" Ism-Facade ", manufacturer -" Infoservisarketing "(St. Petersburg) (Krasnoyarsk) Minerit, manufacturer - Oy Minerit AB (Finland) "Morzorok", manufacturer - RVM-2000 (Moscow) "Facade Master", manufacturer - "Construction Brevel" (Moscow) Diath, manufacturer - DIAT-2000 (Moscow) "Granitogres", manufacturer - "Granitogres" (Moscow) "Polyalpan", the manufacturer "Polyalpan" (Moscow)

Installation technology ventilated Systems

Installation of the ventilated system is a screw utilization process, with the exception of fitting cladding at the place where, as when laying a tile, it is necessary to conjugate the geometric elements of the system with the configuration of window openings and interface on adjacent walls. Only on the facade, as a rule, there are no elements that allow to hide the cropped places. In addition, the need to trim the facing leads to a significant increase in the cost of construction. The assembly can be conducted with the crackers, the surface preparation is not required, the results of the work are relatively easy to control.

With appropriate supervision and correctly selected technical solutions (calculation of anchoring and dowel), the result depends mainly on the quality of components and the system as a whole. The heat insulating layer does not require gluing with preliminary treatment of forns, because It is practically not exposed to static and wind loads. The heat insulation does not need to be coated, reinforced, can be used for it less durable and cheaper types of materials than in plaster systems.

The main stages of the assembly of ventilated systems:

  1. installing brackets and inserts;
  2. assembly of substructure;
  3. installation of thermal insulation;
  4. lining subsystem by adjusting inserts;
  5. installing cladding.

Since heat exchange processes are provided within the external cladding, the possibilities of the designer in the choice of facing materials are limited only by the considerations of fire safety. To date, the ventilated systems use: panels of aluminum, porcelain stoneware, copper, stainless steel, glass, fiberglass; Asbic cement plates with color or finishing, incl. plaster. Modern systems make it possible to lead a natural stone. In this case, to compensate for a significant weight of the slabs, it is necessary to provide an increase in the substructure and carefully calculate the amount of fasteners per 1 kV. The domestic construction industry has mastered the release of almost the entire line of elements for ventilated systems. An exception is a fastener - screw screws, rivets, beammers, anchor and dowels. To ensure normal quality it is necessary to use fasteners of leading world manufacturers.

State of the market of facade systems

According to the review of the market of thermal insulation materials and systems of the regions of Russia, carried out by CJSC Agency for Construction Information (St. Petersburg), in the markets of the regions of Russia, more than 70 insulation systems of facades are presented, and this amount is divided into approximately in half between plaster systems and aircraft hinged systems . Based on these companies-system holders and their regional representatives, expert assessments and open data, estimates of the capacity of the Russian market of insulation systems are formulated. Last year, 4.3-4.5 million square meters were insulated on the territory of the country using plaster systems. m facades of buildings. The growth rate can be estimated as 35-40% in physical terms. 5.4-5.8 million square meters. M was insulated by mounted aircraft systems. The attachment market also grew pretty quickly - for 2005 it increased by about 30-40%. In the next 2 years, we should expect to continue the rapid growth of the markets in question. Against the background of the gradual growth of housing and other construction, with the increased demands on the heat-saving capacity of buildings, taking into account the fact that the insulation systems have "entered the fashion" in designers and builders, it is unlikely to predict growth of less than 20-25% per year on both types of systems . According to analysts, the growth rate will be even more - 30-35%.