How to compose your speech portrait. Speech portrait as a way to describe personality

Personality speech portrait

  • 1) One of these parameters is the lexicon of a linguistic personality - a level that reflects mastery of the lexical and grammatical fund of the language. At this level, the vocabulary of words and phrases used by a particular linguistic personality is analyzed.
  • 2) Researchers call the next step the thesaurus. When describing a speech portrait, the emphasis is placed on the use of colloquial formulas, speech turns, special vocabulary that make the person recognizable.
  • 3) The third level is a pragmaticon, which includes a system of motives, goals, communicative roles that a person adheres to in the process of communication.

The activities of TV presenters are familiar to everyone who watches television. They pose questions to their on-screen interlocutors as representatives of the audience on the screen. At the same time, TV journalists have a regular effect on public opinion, on the minds and hearts of their viewers. The TV journalist forms his style, image, according to certain principles, rules, tastes, in accordance with his own ideas about what a person who is spiritually and morally full of value, about the role of this person in society. A person speaking on television shows his attitude to a particular problem. The coincidence of the positions of the personality of the informant and the source of information does not impoverish, but enriches the information, since the audience knows: the opinion expressed by the TV presenter expresses something more than the opinion of one person. Having created a fundamentally new form of communication, people have expanded its boundaries to an unprecedented scale.

Ivan Andreevich Urgant - Russian actor, TV presenter, musician. Each of us can safely call the TV presenter Ivan Urgant an ironic person with an excellent sense of humor. Ivan himself says:

"A portion of healthy irony generally brightens up our gray, gloomy everyday life."

Urgant also draws attention to the fact that he lacks live broadcasts on our television:

“The fact is that during a live broadcast, people who work in the frame have completely different feelings. I think you can feel it. All flaws are compensated by the pleasure that you get when you see what is happening right in front of your eyes "

In conclusion, I would like to remind you what a SPEECH PORTRAIT is. This is a person considered from the point of view of his ability to perform speech actions - the generation and understanding of statements.

By carefully listening to the speech of a stranger, observing him in different communicative situations, we can draw up a portrait of a linguistic personality. A MAN'S SPEECH IS HIS BUSINESS CARD. It carries information about a variety of personality traits of the speaker: about his origin, about his age, profession, education, intelligence.

speech portrait personality grammatical


  • 1) Matveeva G.G. Speech activity and speech behavior as components of speech. - Pyatigorsk, 1998 .-- 14p.
  • 2) Rozanova N.N. Russian speech portrait: Phono-restomacy / M. V. Kitaygorodskaya, N. N. Rozanova. - M., 1995
  • 3)\u003d101
  • 4)

By discipline Russian language and culture of speech

Language portrait of personality


1. History of appearance and general concepts

2. Speech manipulation

3. Reconstruction of the personality portrait

4. The role of speech features in linguistic personality


List of references


Often, only after hearing the speech of a stranger to us, we can form a kind of idea about him, a qualitative picture. Whether we read a text written by an unknown person, or heard his words live, we immediately saw a portrait of his character. He, of course, so far only conditional, but it was he who left that very first impression ... How could we so quickly be able to note something about a person for ourselves? After all, we still do not know him at all.

In fact, subconsciously, we have already assessed him by the linguistic portrait of the personality that he provided.

1. History and general concepts

The priority in the development of the theory of the linguistic personality in Russian linguistics rightfully belongs to Yu. Karaulov. Further, the concept of a linguistic personality followed the path of complication, turning into a scientific concept, as evidenced by the research of A.G. Baranova, S.G. Vorkacheva, O.JI. Kamenskaya, V.I. Karasik, T.V. Kochetkova, V.V. Krasnykh, M.V. Lyapon, V.P. Neroznaka, O.B. Sirotinina, I.I. Khaleeva, A.M. Shakhnarovich and other figures. “The introduction of the concept of personality into linguistics means the ability to say that language belongs, first of all, to a person who is aware of himself and his place in the world, his role in practical activities and linguistic communication, his attitude to the accepted principles and conventions of conducting a discussion, creatively using them in their subject and speech actions. "

What is a linguistic portrait of a person? The concept of a linguistic personality in Russian linguistics was once developed by Acad. V.V. Vinogradov. Then it was reflected in the most detail by Yu.N. Karaulov. This concept in this concept is understood as "a set of abilities and characteristics of a person that determine the creation and perception of speech works (texts), which differ in the degree of structural and linguistic complexity, depth and accuracy of reflection of reality, target orientation."

In linguistics, a "linguistic personality" is understood as a speech personality - a person as a native speaker, his ability to speech activity, that is, a complex of psychophysiological properties of an individual, allowing him to produce and perceive speech works.

Both of these opinions agree that a linguistic personality is made up of a person's abilities to carry out various types of speech-thinking activity and use various kinds of communication to communicate with each other and with the outside world.

In many cases, along with the concept of "linguistic personality", the concepts of "speech personality", "communicative personality" are used. Correlation of concepts linguistic personality and speech portrait lies in the interdependence of language and speech.

A language portrait is made up of a person's speech behavior and non-verbal accompaniment, if any. Let's talk about speech behavior: what should you pay attention to when receiving information?

The speech behavior of each is unique, since it is a combination of his individuality and qualities, which form the basis of a person's speech culture, is a mirror image of psychological properties. Therefore, the features of speech behavior determine many character traits.

2. Speech manipulation

Any text is an important source of information about the individual properties of a linguistic personality. If this is any of a person's own publication or his work, then, of course, by the nature of the letter, you can analyze his personality. Also, it is possible to reliably predict the properties of a person by quotes from the object of research or direct speech (if the object is a literary hero). But, unfortunately, if information for research is given to us indirectly, by a third party, for example, after editing by the media (hereinafter referred to as the media), then the first thing before analysis is to check the reliability of the data or source.

The language portrait presented in the media plays an important role in influencing public and personal opinion. How the information is conveyed after being processed by the journalist's hand determines how this information will affect the audience. Often, in order to interest the listener, media workers change the words of a public figure, thereby changing his true linguistic personality. The speech portrait of a politician, perceived through the prism of comments, undergoes such significant changes that a number of its details are significantly distorted. And whatever it really is, the linguistic personality of this public person has already been built in our minds according to the model proposed by the editors.

There are many techniques of linguistic, linguistic manipulation, involving the use of expressions with different emotionally stimulating colors to denote the same phenomena. So, for example, a person waging an armed struggle for the creation of an independent national state is called a freedom fighter, terrorist, partisan, or militant, depending on political preferences. For each information genre, along with general methods of manipulation, there are also special methods. Television, for example, uses unattractive camera angles or edits the footage appropriately to form a repulsive feeling in viewers towards objectionable social objects. In printed information, their words are assigned a form that is undesirable to the reader, thereby distorting the linguistic portrait.

If the point of reliability has already been passed, then we can proceed to the analysis.

3. Reconstruction of the personality portrait

The linguistic personality includes three levels that will help us in creating a speech portrait in stages.

1) Verbal and semantic. Reflects the knowledge of the lexical and grammatical fund of the language. At this level, the vocabulary of words and phrases used by a particular linguistic personality is analyzed.

2) Lingvo-cognitive. Emphasis on the use of colloquial formulas, speech patterns, special vocabulary that make a person recognizable. This level represents a personality thesaurus, which captures the "image of the world", or a system of knowledge about the world.

3) Motivational or pragmatic. It includes a system of motives, goals, attitudes and communicative roles that a person adheres to in the process of communication.

The analysis of the linguistic personality by levels allows us to reconstruct the linguistic portrait of a specific personality (or a group of individuals).

For example, examining the sample at the first level, we will be able to designate for ourselves how educated and literate a person is, how wide his vocabulary is. All this will be indicated to us by the observance of the rules and norms of the language, the correct and appropriate use of visual means and turns of speech. In the sentences of the text, the eloquence and detail will tell us that this is not the first work of the author and, most likely, a lot of time has been spent on it. In a speech delivered in the present tense, spontaneous, the absence of phonetic errors and competent design will indicate that their author has a good vocabulary, is often practiced in such discussions, and even, perhaps, is close to studying oratory.

The second level can tell us about the areas of interest and enlightenment of the individual. The use of professional jargons or special terms at this particular stage will show what a person is interested in, how deep or wide his level of knowledge is. If, for example, in a conversation (article) about mechanics or technology, the author operates with terms from the medical sphere (the body of the engine, the heart of the apparatus, the resuscitation of the device), then this clearly indicates his interest in medicine.

The third level relates rather to the content and meaning of the text (speech) than to its textual component. On it, you can identify the goal, idea, comprehend what questions the researched person is asking.

The linguistic person consciously refers to his linguistic practice, bears the reflection of the socio-social, territorial environment, traditions of education in the national culture. The formation of a linguistic personality is influenced by external (social) and internal (biological and psychological) factors. The most significant social factors are family, social circle, school, media, mass culture. Of the intrinsic factors, temperament, dominance, mobility and extroversion / introversion, as well as gender and age, are the most noticeable influences. As the child socializes, the number of external factors affecting him increases, while the ability to critically evaluate and choose has not yet developed.

4. The role of speech features in linguistic personality

Revealing pronunciation features requires a special linguistic analysis. Consider some of the features that personality speech can tell us about.

For example, there is a so-called "geka" pronunciation, which is especially pronounced among people from the southern regions of Russia. Words like mountain, horn, weightthey pronounce it with a throaty (fricative) "g", in contrast to the explosive "g", which the literary norm prescribes to pronounce. Also, the peoples from the south, in the dialect have a characteristic okan and a soft pronunciation - be at the end of 3 p. units h. present tense verbs: to walk(instead walks). The same features can be seen in the speech of the inhabitants of Belarus.

For people of a creative and acting nature or professions related to the field of art, the choice of various kinds of evaluative words and phrases like it's a pity(instead sorry) undoubtedly no doubt, certainly, veryand extremely(instead very) and the like.

The initial lines of a telephone conversation can also tell a lot about a person. According to the rules of etiquette, for example, it is recommended that you first introduce yourself, and then ask the interlocutor ( Excuse me, who am I talking to?). Asking the person you are calling to answer the phone is ideally expressed in a relatively small set of options:

Can ask Ivanov (Nikolai Ivanovich, Kolya ...)?

Could you ask…; - You can ask ...; - Please ask ...

Of course, if your interlocutor uses one of the phrases

Ivanova, please!

I need Ivanov!


and similar formulas, he has no idea what etiquette and good manners are. In the intelligentsia, such statements are assessed as rude and therefore unacceptable in telephone conversations.

Quotes from literary works are very typical for the speech communication of intelligent native speakers. These can be, for example, quotes of the form: to be or not to be(and various manipulations of this formula that do not lose the thread of the source), i would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve; And nothing has changed; I sit, bothering no one, mending a primus; the meeting continuesother.

One of the characteristic features of the speech behavior of intelligent native speakers (not only Russian) is the ability to switch in the process of communication from one variety of language to another, depending on the conditions of speech. Correct "binding" of a certain manner of speech to certain situations of communication is a necessary component of the skill, which is called "language proficiency". To highlight this ability in a speaker, of course, it is necessary to analyze his speech in different language situations and environments.

A person, as a linguistic person, is capable of generating and perceiving texts, that is, he knows how to use ready-made speech works in certain situations and for certain purposes: to support communication, to demonstrate his cultural level, to express his attitude to something. The possibility of using precedent texts depends on a number of factors: the degree of social and psychological proximity of the interlocutors, the nature of the communicative situation, the community of knowledge. That is, according to what precedent texts a person uses, one can characterize such a personality quality as emancipation or the ability to convey what he wants.

The success of verbal communication depends on the ability of the communicators to organize their verbal and non-verbal behavior according to the tasks of communication. ... Therefore, if a dialogue with someone fails, you should not immediately assert that his vocabulary is poor, he does not know how to express thoughts and his sphere of interests is too limited. Perhaps he simply does not seek contact and does not want to reveal his linguistic personality.

The philologist T.P. Tarasenko identifies a number of personality characteristics that are reflected in the speech portrait: age, psychological, social, ethnocultural and linguistic. For the most complete and accurate description of a linguistic personality (individual or collective), first of all, reconstruction and analysis of its speech portrait is required.

Let's highlight the main characteristics that can be determined when analyzing a speech portrait:

1. The general level of education and culture (in style, syntax, the presence of dialectisms, primitivisms, phraseological units, idioms, etc.).

2. The level of proficiency in the language in which the written or oral fragment of speech is considered. If we are talking about a literary work, then on the basis of the given direct speech of the hero. (Grammar, spelling, phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology).

3. The level of professionalism, quality as a specialist (professional jargon, slang).

4. Social status (lexical range, stylistics).

5. Gender, age. Marital status.

6. The location of the individual (according to dialectisms), place of origin (homeland).


So, having considered the main aspects of the linguistic personality, we have learned to identify some of their qualities when talking with unfamiliar people. Also, now we can analyze our speech portrait and change something in it. The study of qualities according to the linguistic portrait of a person is a very interesting and necessary knowledge.

List of references

1. Eiger G.V. The mechanism for controlling the linguistic correctness of the statement. Abstract of thesis… .doc. Dis. -M., 1989 .-- 50 p.

2. Karaulov Yu. N. Russian language and language personality: textbook. - M .: Nauka, 2004 .-- 264 p.

3. Bogin GI Model linguistic personality in its relation to the varieties of texts .: dis. doct. philol. Sciences: 10.02.20 / G.I.Bogin. - SPb., 1984 .-- 200s.

4. Mamaeva S.V. Speech portrait of the collective linguistic personality of schoolchildren in grades 5-7: dis. … Candidate of Philol. Sciences: 10.02.01 / Mamaeva Svetlana Viktorovna - Lesosibirsk, 2007 - 202 s

5. Spomer, E.A. Communicative failures in dialogical communication in relation to communicative laws and types of linguistic personality: dis. ... Candidate of Philol. Sciences: 10.02.04 / Shpomer Ekaterina Andreevna, - Abakan, 2011 - 309s

6. Puzyrev AV Experiments of holistic-system approaches to linguistic and non-linguistic reality: Textbook. - Penza: Rus, 2002. - 210 p.

7. Krysin, LP MODERN RUSSIAN INTELLIGENT: AN ATTEMPT OF SPEECH PORTRAIT [Electronic resource] ./ LP Krysin // Russian language in scientific coverage. - M., 2001. - No. 1. - P. 90-106 - Access mode:

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The speech portrait of the speaker is the essence of the specificity of speech communication, its types and forms. Barriers to speech communication. Communication failures, reasons for their occurrence. Language as an objective basis for speech communication. Types of linguistic personalities as subjects and objects of communication.

The concept of a speech portrait of a group of native speakers is not new in linguistics. The similarity of social-speech portraits can be found in dialectology, especially when it comes to describing not a given dialect as a whole, but, for example, a dialect of a group of villages or one village. However, in dialectological descriptions, the actual linguistic characteristics of the speakers of the dialect are well represented and the model of communicative selection remains unaffected. Meanwhile, the choice of linguistic means depending on the goals of communication is the most important indicator of group preferences and rejections.

In the middle and especially in the second half of the twentieth century, methods of dialectological description are actively transferred from rural dialects to urban speech. The experience of dialectological research is also used in Russian sociolinguistics - in the development of questionnaires, methods of oral questioning, etc., although sociolinguists themselves do not always explicitly recognize this. Of course, in the sociolinguistic study of the urban population, methods are also used that are not used by dialectologists in the study of rural dialects, for example, the method of participatory observation (borrowed from sociology), which makes it possible to study the speech of a particular community "from the inside". In most cases, a dialectologist is deprived of this opportunity: no matter how he, a city dweller, adapts to the norms of behavior of the speakers of the dialect, they perceive him as a "stranger", as a representative of another culture.

In itself, the intensification of the study of urban speech can hardly, however, be considered a step towards the creation of social and speech portraits: the study of the language of the city as a certain kind of national language or even the speech characteristics of a separate, concrete city does not give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of language and speech behavior that are clearly outlined. groups of the urban population, distinguished, for example, by the generality of the profession, the level and nature of education, by belonging to one generation, as well as by the totality of similar characteristics.

Apparently, the immediate impetus for the development of the concept of "social-speech portrait" was the idea of \u200b\u200ba phonetic portrait, put forward in the mid-60s of the twentieth century by Mikhail Viktorovich Panov and brilliantly embodied by him in a number of phonetic portraits of politicians, writers, scientists of the 18th - 20th centuries ... [Panov 1990].

Although these portraits are individual: the manner of pronunciation of an individual, a given person is described, their social and general cultural value is undoubted, since each of the portraits reflects the peculiarities of speech of a particular social environment (the representative of which is the “portrayed”).

The idea of \u200b\u200ba phonetic and, more broadly, speech portrait was taken up by other researchers.

The question is raised about the construction of such speech or, in its terminology, sociolinguistic portraits, in which there would be a component characterizing the tactics of speech behavior: the choice of some elements (from pairs or a number of options) and their use in speech, depending on the conditions of communication and non-use, conscious or subconscious rejection of others.

The fragment of the speech portrait of the intelligentsia as one of the social strata that make up modern Russian society, offered below, contains mainly such "diagnostic spots" - socially marked ways of choosing and using language means and features of speech behavior.

There are similar concepts such as linguistic personality. The linguistic personality is also due to the difference in the socio-psychological experience of various individuals, their uniqueness, so to speak, of speech biography. The variety of methods for constructing a discourse (text) within the framework of genre communication is determined by the strategies of intra-genre speech behavior - the general principles of organizing the interaction between the speaker and the listener within the speech genre. Within the framework of informative communication, strategies are associated with the pragmalinguistic features of the discursive thinking of a linguistic personality, i.e. With the way in which the speaker models reality in his speech work.

A linguistic personality is traditionally considered as “a set of human abilities and characteristics that determine the creation and perception of speech works (texts), which differ: a) by the degree of structural and linguistic complexity; b) the depth and accuracy of the reflection of reality; c) a certain target orientation ”(Karaulov, 1987: 8), the most logical and relevant is the consideration of the linguistic personality through the analysis of the texts created by it.

Many researchers emphasize the close connection of the concept of a linguistic personality with concepts such as linguistic / communicative competence, linguistic consciousness, linguistic existence, communicative, or speech behavior.

There are five aspects, or components of the linguistic personality: 1) linguistic ability, 2) communicative need; 3) communicative competence; 4) linguistic consciousness; 5) speech behavior.

A linguistic personality is understood as a set of abilities and characteristics of a person that determine the creation and perception of speech works (texts), which differ in a) the degree of structural and linguistic complexity, b) the depth and accuracy of the reflection of reality, c) a certain target orientation. This definition combines the abilities of a person with the characteristics of the texts generated by him. The three aspects of text analysis that are highlighted in the definition have always existed separately as intra-linguistic and completely independent tasks.

The study of the concept of "speech portrait" historically begins with a phonetic portrait, important methods of describing which were developed in the mid-1960s by M.V. Panov. Analyzing the pronunciation of individuals, M.V. Panov characterizes the literary norm in a diachronic aspect and creates a number of phonetic portraits of politicians, writers and scientists. Gordeeva M.N. Speech portrait and ways of describing it. // Linguo-stylistic and linguodidactic communication problems. No. 6 -M., 2008

According to S.V. Leords, “a speech portrait is a linguistic personality embodied in speech,” and the problem of a speech portrait is a particular area of \u200b\u200bresearch of a linguistic personality. E.V. Osetrova notes the great role of the speech portrait as a component of the speaker's appearance in the formation of an integral personality image. T.P. Tarasenko defines the concept of a speech portrait as "a set of linguistic and speech characteristics of a communicative person or a certain society in a particular period of existence." The researcher identifies a number of personality characteristics that are reflected in the speech portrait: age, gender, psychological, social, ethnocultural and linguistic.

G.G. Matveeva understands a speech portrait as "a set of speech preferences of the speaker in specific circumstances to actualize certain intentions and strategies of influencing the listener." The researcher notes that with the help of a speech portrait, speech behavior is recorded, which is "automated in the case of a typical repetitive communication situation."

Also G.G. Matveyeva notes that, like a linguistic personality, a speech portrait can be individual and collective. The focus of an individual speech portrait is an individual style that reflects the characteristics of a particular linguistic personality. Such a portrait is most often compiled in the study of an extraordinary, elitist personality, which is characterized by a creative attitude to language, for example, by the object of research by V.Ya. Parsamova became M.Yu. Lotman, and R.F. Paufoshim - A.A. Reformed. In addition, an individual speech portrait makes it possible to judge the speech characteristics of a particular social group. The collective speech portrait makes it possible to generalize the phenomena inherent in a certain circle of people united in a national, age, social, professional plane. Research is being conducted in each of the areas listed: S.V. Mamaev, students - S.V. Leord, youth - B. Maksimov, emigrants - E.A. Zemskaya, intelligentsia - L.P. Krysin, civil servants - M.N. Panov, lawyers - N.V. Varnavskikh. The creation of a speech portrait is possible in relation to any sphere of communication, including the political one. There are many studies devoted to the linguistic personality of the modern politician, both individual and collective. For example, E.V. Osetrova in her work "The Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: Sketches for a Speech Portrait" analyzes the speech characteristics of an individual, and in the study "Speech Image", based on an analysis of several linguistic personalities, she attempts to compose a collective speech portrait of a politician. In addition, there is the concept of a national speech portrait, which implies the definition of the characteristics inherent in a national linguistic personality.

The subject of study can also be the character of a work of art. In literature, a speech portrait is a means of creating an artistic image. The speech characteristics of a civil servant in Russian literature are paid attention by M.N. Panova. The speech structure of an artistic image is considered by L.K. Churilina, E.A. Goncharova, E.A. Ivanova, Yu.N. Kurganov, M.V. Pyanova, A.K. Zhunisbaeva.

Analysis of a speech portrait is a characteristic of different levels of realization of a linguistic personality. At the same time, it is possible to describe not all layers of the language, since "linguistic paradigms, starting from phonetic and ending with word-formation, turn out to be quite consistent with general normative parameters." The researchers talk about the need to "fix bright diagnostic spots."

In describing the speech portrait, few adhere to a strict model. Usually, a separate side is subjected to consideration, most often these are the features of phonetics and word usage. There are several schemes that reveal the structure of a speech portrait and make it possible to describe it.

M.V. Kitaygorodskaya and N.N. Rozanov called the speech portrait a "functional model of a linguistic personality" and singled out the parameters by which this model is analyzed. One of these parameters is the lexicon of the linguistic personality - the level that reflects the mastery of the lexical and grammatical fund of the language. At this level, the vocabulary of words and phrases used by a particular linguistic personality is analyzed. Researchers call the next step the thesaurus, which represents the linguistic picture of the world. When describing a speech portrait, the emphasis is placed on the use of colloquial formulas, speech turns, special vocabulary that make the person recognizable. The third level is a pragmaticon, which includes a system of motives, goals, and communicative roles that a person adheres to in the process of communication. All three levels of this model correspond to the levels of the linguistic personality in the model of Yu.N. Karaulova: verbal-semantic, cognitive and pragmatic.

L.P. Krysin, describing the speech portrait of the Russian intelligentsia, highlights the characteristics necessary for analyzing the speech portrait. These include the features of linguistic units and speech behavior, which, according to L.P. Rat, the greatest research interest. Proceeding from the fact that most often the description of a speech portrait is carried out precisely from these two sides, within the framework of this classification, we will consider the main ways of its analysis that are possible and implemented in modern linguistics.

Features of the use of language units. Specific phonetic and lexical units can be easily recorded in the speech of speakers of non-literary forms of the language. The existence of a single norm in a literary language reduces, but does not exclude, the likelihood of the appearance of specific linguistic units in the speech of its speakers. For example, L.P. Krysin notes the elements of speech of the intelligentsia that distinguish this class from other social strata: the specific pronunciation of certain sounds, especially in the speech of the older generation, characteristic lexical units, and features of word use. The researcher believes that no less important is the conscious or unconscious disuse of any lexical means, "and this applies not only to words belonging to uncodified language subsystems - vernacular, slang or dialectal, but quite literary words."

Many researchers pay attention to only one side of speech. M.V. Kitaygorodskaya and N.N. Rozanov in the phono-restomatology "Russian speech portrait" focuses on the description of pronunciation features. Based on tape recordings, researchers identify traits that reflect speech personality. However, the work stipulates that the description of purely individual features of speech associated with speech therapy deviations is not included in the research objectives. Speech preferences of a person in preference for a certain orthoepic variant, in a phonetic ellipsis, in the choice of methods of accentuation are considered. The nature of the material also makes it possible to judge the dynamics of the orthoepic norm.

Along with phonetic, the study also examines lexical features: lexical repetitions, the use of diminutives, stylistically reduced, evaluative vocabulary.

The study "Linguistic personality" examines the reflection of the verbal-semantic level of the linguistic personality in the individual lexicon. It reveals the relationship between the concepts of "mental lexicon", "internal lexicon" and "individual lexicon" and presents the character's vocabulary - "a list of words in the aggregate that make up his discourse." The individual vocabulary is described as "a system that serves the communicative needs of an individual" with the help of which it is possible to reconstruct "fragments of the individual image of the world."

Against the background of the growing interest in the collective speech portrait of social-age groups, works appear on the speech of schoolchildren and students. The description of such speech portraits is also carried out at all language levels. Studying the speech of younger students, he adheres to this scheme. When characterizing phonetics, they say that it is conditioned by some age-related features of the production of sound units, for example, fuzzy diction. In the field of word formation, irregularity is noted, in vocabulary - free combination of words, jargon and vernacular, in morphology - the frequency of using independent parts of speech, incorrect use of grammatical categories. At the syntactic level, the most common constructions are identified. The phenomena under consideration are due to age characteristics and the expressive-emotional nature of the speech of schoolchildren and make it possible to characterize the cultural and speech aspect of the speech portrait of adolescent schoolchildren.

Thus, the description of the language level of the speech portrait includes the characteristics of units of one or more levels of language. In many studies, preference is given to the lexical and syntactic levels; there are works devoted to a deep description of one of them. The object of research, covering all language levels, is often the collective speech portrait. When analyzing the speech of a native speaker of a literary language, one of the aspects of the analysis is compliance with orthological norms.

Features of speech behavior defines speech behavior as "a conscious and unconscious system of communicative actions that reveal the character and lifestyle of a person." In speech behavior, three stereotypes can be distinguished: speech, which is someone else's speech used by the speaker, communicative - clichéd phrases named in the same situations, and mental, implying habitual reactions in linguistic and non-linguistic form. In the classification, the use of precedent phenomena corresponds to a speech stereotype, communication formulas correspond to a communicative one, and the phenomenon of a language game correlates with speech and mental stereotypes.

Formulas of communication, a characteristic feature of speech behavior, expresses the ability to switch from one variety of language to another, determined by the conditions of communication. Depending on the number of linguistic varieties that a given personality owns, digloss and polygloss are distinguished. The assimilation of the system of social roles in society is closely related to the assimilation of the norms of verbal behavior that ensure the fulfillment of these roles. Different ways of expressing the same meanings make it possible to vary these norms.

Communication of people with different degrees of acquaintance is governed by certain rules, the effect of which is found already at the initial stages of the speech act. In society, certain formulas are developed that are used in frequently repeated, stereotyped situations. These are formulas of a strictly defined morphological structure and lexical content. For example, an appeal to a stranger begins with the words: "Sorry", "Tell me please", "Do not tell me". The “facelessness” of the addressee is determined by the condition of absence of acquaintance. It is noted that some commonly used appellatives have age and social restrictions, but often these boundaries are violated, often due to the lack of a suitable equivalent. For example, in modern society the appellative "girl" is commonly used in relation to the majority of women. Etiquette formulas in which ethical norms are embodied can also be attributed to frozen formulas, or speech stereotypes, which are fully reproduced by native speakers. Observance of parity - the main ethical principle of speech communication - finds its expression, starting with greeting and ending with goodbye throughout the entire conversation. Etiquette formulas are an important component of communicative competence, their knowledge means a high degree of language proficiency.

In the process of communication, not only established communication formulas are used, but also the so-called precedent texts. Precedent texts are understood to be widespread and frequently reproduced texts that are familiar to a wide range of native speakers and reflect the culture of a given society. Knowledge of precedent texts reflects the worldview, nationality and cultural level of an individual.

The possibility of using precedent texts depends on a number of factors: the degree of closeness of the interlocutors in social and psychological terms, the nature of the communicative situation, the community of knowledge. The latter allows the speaker to introduce into his speech elements that the addressee must recognize and correctly interpret.

The precedent texts are associated with the pragmatic level of the linguistic personality, on which the goals and motives of speech behavior are identified. Since the use of precedent texts in speech is an indicator of the level of a linguistic personality, their analysis allows you to build a system of views of the world reflected in the linguistic form. Case statements model an external point of view on various phenomena. Citation sources are varied.

Word play can be classified as a characteristic feature of speech behavior that distinguishes native speakers, representatives of different age groups and social strata from each other, therefore it is an important part of the speech portrait.

The language game includes deliberate distortion of the word, playing with the sound composition, internal form, connections with other words, puns.

The researcher distinguishes such functions of a language game as linguistic - the construction of units that are unique in form and meaning; the function of enriching the language at the expense of "a game that has ceased to be a game", for example, comparisons, metaphors. It is also noted that a language game is a means of weakening the content of a message, serves for a more accurate and original transmission of thought, for imitation of someone else's speech.

Thus, a speech portrait is a personality's speech preferences, a set of features that make it recognizable. A unified strict analysis scheme has not been developed, however, when studying the research carried out, the main points that require description can be distinguished: firstly, this is the lexical level, in the analysis of which the features of word use are considered; secondly, the level that reflects the ideas about the world, concluded in the meaning of words and expressions - the speaker's picture of the world; thirdly, the level of communicative roles, strategies and tactics.

The analysis can be carried out as one or several features of speech. In studies, when characterizing a speech portrait, more attention is paid to linguistic features. Features of speech behavior are not studied so actively, they are often considered in conjunction with linguistic ones.

So, with a change in the scientific paradigm, attention is focused on the connection between language and a person, and the problem of a linguistic personality is brought to the fore. A detailed study of the concept of a linguistic personality leads to the emergence of many definitions, including through the concepts of speech, communicative, vocabulary personality.

The concept of a speech portrait is closely related to the concept of "linguistic personality". This connection can be traced when identifying an individual, collective, national speech portrait corresponding to the typology of a linguistic personality, when correlating the levels of the structure of a linguistic personality and a model for analyzing a speech portrait.

When describing a speech portrait of a speaker, linguistic and speech features are considered, separately or in combination. Most of the works are devoted to a detailed analysis of features at a specific language level: phonetic, lexical, syntactic. Analysis of a speech portrait is a characteristic of different levels of realization of a linguistic personality. One of the most important points in the characterization of a speech portrait is the fixation of the brightest elements; in this regard, the description of all levels of the language is not obligatory, and the basic characteristic is the characteristic of language features and features of speech behavior. In addition, in relation to the speech portrait of a foreigner, the linguocultural aspect acquires a certain value. When describing a speech portrait of a literary character, you should also pay attention to commenting on the lines by both the author and the characters themselves.

Thus, the scheme for describing the speech portrait used in this work is as follows:

1. Features of linguistic units of different levels;

2. Features of speech behavior (etiquette formulas, speech cliches, precedent phenomena, language game);

3. Linguistic and cultural features (reflection of culture in the language);

4. Reflection of characters and metalanguage marks.

15. Sokolova T.M. Expression of the speaker's subjective position as one of the typological features of Russian colloquial speech // Russian language: historical destinies and modernity: materials of the II Intern. Congr. researchers rus. lang. Moscow, March 18-21, 2004 [site]. URL: http: // 2004 / ru / decision / (date of access: 12.03.2010).

16. Ter-Minasova S.G. Language and intercultural communication. - M .: Slovo, 2008 .-- 262 p.

17. Yagubova M.A. Lexico-semantic field "assessment" in Russian colloquial speech: author. dis. ... Cand. philol. sciences. - Saratov, 1992 .-- 21 p.

Atlas Irina Anatolyevna - postgraduate student of the Department of German Philology, GOUVPO IGLU. Address: 664025, Irkutsk, st. Lenin, 8, e-mail: [email protected]

Atlas Irina Anatolyevna - post-graduate student, Irkutsk State Linguistic University. Address: 664025, Irkutsk, Lenin str. 8, e-mail: [email protected]

UDC 811.111.-81.342 © E.A. Babushkina


The article is devoted to the description of the phonetic portrait of a person to determine those speech characteristics of the speaker that characterize him as a person. Among the phonetic characteristics that influence the creation of the correct speech image, a number of segment and, especially, over-segment units, such as speech melody, speech tempo and pause, are noted.

Key words: speech portrait, linguistic personality, pronunciation features, speech melody, speech rate, pause.


The article presents a description of the speaker’s phonetic portrait aimed at identification of speech characteristics which specify their personality. Some phonetic features both segmental and suprasegmental, including speech melody, tempo, pausation, are labeled to have an influence on the coherent image of the speaker.

Keywords: speech portrait, linguistic personality, pronunciation features, speech melody, tempo, pausa-tion.

The problem of creating a speech portrait of the speaker has been worrying the minds of linguists for more than a dozen years. The active development of the anthropocentric approach to the interpretation of the linguistic personality, which united the efforts of many related sciences, such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, pragmalinguistics, ethnolinguistics and others, put the human factor at the forefront, namely, the personal characteristics of a person that affect the processes of speech production and speech perception.

Many researchers note the individuality and uniqueness of the speech portrait of an individual person who has knowledge of linguistic semantics, the system of concepts of her picture of the world and the laws of speech behavior. Yu.N. Karaulov, for example, interprets a linguistic personality as “a set of human abilities and characteristics that determine the creation and perception of speech works (texts), which differ: a) in the degree

structural and linguistic complexity; b) the depth and accuracy of the reflection of reality; c) a certain target orientation ”. This definition combines the abilities of a person with the characteristics of the texts generated by him.

On the other hand, scientists note the prospects of creating a collective speech portrait of a person, which would make it possible to judge the speech characteristics of the society, of which the individual is a part, and generalized the phenomena inherent in this community. Defining a speech portrait as "a set of linguistic and speech characteristics of a communicative person or a particular society in a particular period of existence", T.P. Tarasenko identifies a number of personality characteristics that are reflected in the speech portrait: age, gender, psychological, social, ethnocultural and linguistic.

Thus, a speech portrait is a linguistic personality embodied in speech, united with other personalities into one social community (national, demographic, professional, etc.).

In recent decades, the problem of personality identification by voice and speech has attracted attention as domestic (A.A. Leontiev, R.K. Potapova, E.I. Galyashina, F.E. Yakovlev, V.P. Belyanin, E.A. Bryzgunova , A.M.Shakhnarovich, V.I. Batov, S.L. Koval, P.V. Labutin, V.R.Zhenilo, F.I. Yakovlev, T.S.Pekhovsky, E.A. , etc.) and foreign linguists (J. Crawford, J. Honey, K. Scherer, A. Broeders, P. French, J. Baldwin, P. Foulkes, A. Barron, P. Ladefoged, J. Laver , F. Nolan,

D. Reynolds, B. Bower, Ph. Rose).

The founder of the concepts of speech and phonetic portrait of a person was M.V. Panov, who described the pronunciation of a number of politicians, scientists and writers of the past. In his model for creating a phonetic portrait, the scientist relied on the social characteristics of people, such as belonging to a certain social stratum, the presence of dialectal features in speech, age, profession, etc. Despite the fact that each of the portraits represented the manner of pronunciation of a particular person, he combined in itself, individual and collective properties, since it was a reflection of the speech of its social environment (theatrical, poetic, everyday, etc.).

These ideas were developed by other researchers who set the goal of constructing such speech, or, as T.M. Nikolaev, sociolinguistic portraits, in which there would be an element of choice of options for speech behavior depending on the communication situation. Asking the question of the need to represent all levels of the language system when using a sociolinguistic portrait as a method of describing speech characteristics, she answers it in this way: “Many linguistic paradigms, from phonetic to word-formation, turn out to be quite consistent with general normative parameters and therefore are not of interest. On the contrary, it is important to fix bright diagnostic spots ”.

Analysis of a speech portrait is a characteristic of different levels of realization of a linguistic personality, among which one of the key aspects are phonetic features, in particular, intonational characteristics of a personality: the rate of speech, its melody,

pause and highlight words that carry a semantic and expressive load. Speech and phonetic portraiture of a personality makes it possible, through the analysis of systems of consonantism, vocalism and intonational characteristics of speech, to reveal the features of a linguistic personality, which carry signs of group belonging.

The voice of a person, being an integral part of his image, serves to create a holistic impression of the personality, which is formed under the influence of the individual characteristics of the quality and range of the voice, its loudness and melody, as well as the emotional state of the speaker, the normality of speech, possible defects affecting articulation, and a number of other factors. It is important to remember that the assessment of a person by other people is also conditioned by social stereotypes of speech communication. However, knowledge of these objective connections can greatly facilitate the process of communication in both native and foreign languages.

In his fundamental research of the Russian speech portrait, M.V. Kitaygorodskaya and

N.N. Rozanov examined the pronunciation characteristics of individuals, relying on the phonorecording of speech, in which characteristic features that reflect the speech individuality were manifested. The authors described the speech predilections of the individual regarding the choice of the orthoepic variant, in the phonetic ellipsis, in the choice of accent highlighting techniques. Interesting are the conclusions about the dynamics of the pronunciation norm, made on the basis of the material studied.

The problem of interaction between the individual and the general language in intonation takes a central place in the studies of a group of linguists representing the scientific school of E.A. Bryzgunova, V. Ya. Trufanova, having analyzed the actor's speech, comes to the conclusion that the speaker's individual preferences are manifested in the nature of the change in tone within the intonation structure (IC), in the originality of the IC combinations and characteristics of the speech rate. In her opinion, the ratio of the individual and the general in intonation is presented as the ratio of the individual choice to the general means available to the intonation system of the language, while "... the impression of originality in intonation is created due to the peculiarities of selection, use and combination of means common to all."

This idea is supported by G.N. Ivanova-Lukyanova, who believes that speech should be considered according to individual characteristics that can be expressed: a) in the simplicity or complexity of the intonation model; b) in the preference of the intonation structure at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence; c) in the direct or indirect use of intonation structures; d) in the peculiarities of the use of expressive intonation; e) in the transitional types of IK, characteristic of the speech of one or another speaker.

The analysis of the general and individual on the material of the sound portrait of politicians determined the parameter of the main tone movement (PFR) as the main diagnostic feature among the considered acoustic parameters of the prosody of political speech. In addition, the variation in the size and direction of the FHT interval conveys the phono-stylistic (genre) characteristics of the speech of Russian politicians.

All these data confirm that the phonetic characteristics of an individual's speech are a reflection of the personal characteristics contained in his speech portrait, and include age, gender, psychological, social, ethnocultural and linguistic characteristics of a person.

The results of numerous experiments conducted by British sociolinguists indicate that a significant amount of information about the speaker's personality depends on the perception of his accent. At the same time, geographic data, such as the place of birth and place of permanent residence of the speaker, are fundamental. As for the social characteristics of speech, most of them are found only against the background of regional characteristics, which proves the primacy of regional features relative to the social characteristics of pronunciation, and, in general, demonstrates a close relationship between social characteristics of speech and territorial ones. It is known that the higher the social status and level of the speaker, the less regional features in his speech, despite the fact that the territorial features of pronunciation are inherent in almost all native speakers.

From the point of view of the interaction of the main prosodic components, melody and dynamics, the dynamic component is the leading means of accent emphasis in dialectal speech, which gives reason to talk about the dynamic nature of phrasal stress in

a number of socio-territorial types of pronunciation. For normalized speech, unity, one-pointedness of the action of melody and dynamics is more characteristic, with the leading role of the tonal component. The phonetic nature of the timbre of voices associated with the socially established articulatory mode of the inhabitants of various regions of Great Britain is revealed through the distribution of the spectrum energy, the total amount of energy spent per unit of time and other indicators.

In contrast to the melodic and dynamic components, the temporal characteristics of regional speech are more susceptible to factors of individual variation and are difficult to generalize. With the exception of some nuances related to the social status of speakers, including their professional level, gender, age, as well as ethnicity and stylistic variation, the rate of speech of speakers of British socio-territorial types of pronunciation is within the normal range and cannot serve as a basis for their opposition.

Belonging to a certain social class as a limited group of people, along with being included in a certain social network with a hierarchy of connections inside and outside it, have a significant impact on the formation of the type of speech behavior, including the type of pronunciation. According to T.I. Shevchenko, ". Social differentiation of pronunciation reflects social differentiation in society," and the type of pronunciation is associated with the lifestyle of the people who own it, therefore the accent has value as a symbol of class.

As studies of regional speech have shown, "the intonation contour in the aggregate of its melodic, temporal and dynamic characteristics is a socio-cultural, territorial and historically determined category." All that has been said convinces us that the social and regional in the prosodic characteristics of the speech of individual groups of speakers is inseparably united, and it seems possible to consider the melody, dynamics, tempo, rhythm and timbre of speech as the means of social-territorial identification of speakers.

The purpose of communication in a native or foreign language is to achieve mutual understanding, due not only to semantic categories, but also to the situational nature of production

and the perception of texts at the phonetic level. When communication takes place in the native language, the perception and transmission of information is carried out using a single linguistic code within a single language system. Phonetic variability of speech is regulated by this system, without violating the generally accepted norms of its implementation. A native speaker quickly decodes the information he perceives, coping well enough with the variability of pronunciation units. Optimal processing of a sound signal is provided by several cognitive conditions, namely: linguistic and speech abilities brought up in an individual from childhood by this language system and a set of linguistic knowledge on the use of the rules of phonetic design of speech.

Since the teaching of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis traditionally implemented in conditions of artificial (classroom) bilingualism, mastering the norms of foreign language speech occurs outside the natural language environment. The result of this process invariably becomes a foreign accent, which is an integral part of the phonetic portrait of an artificial bilingual. Inconsistency with the requirements of the system and the norm of a foreign language is most often caused by phonetic interference of the native language when two or more languages \u200b\u200bcome into contact.

Linguists and psychologists have been dealing with the problem of interference for more than a decade. However, despite the active development of research paths in the field of interference of language systems in various directions, many of its aspects remain insufficiently studied. In particular, the works of linguists indicate the absence of factors that determine the prerequisites for the phenomena of interference at all language levels, the lack of a complete and comprehensive description of the speech phenomena of this phenomenon, the scatter in the interpretation of the basic concepts in the theory of language contacts, the lack of uniformity in the methodology and methodology of studying the phenomena of interference.

One cannot but agree with the opinion of G.M. Vishnevskaya that, along with the colossal experience of teaching English, in domestic science the phenomenon of interference remains a key issue in teaching a language in school, student and any other classrooms. Modern international contacts urgently require the training of specialists who are proficient in English.

in the Lie language, and especially the language that is as close as possible to the pronunciation norm of native speakers. This will allow you to be proud of domestic scientific achievements in the field of teaching English. Hence the desire to understand the complex mechanisms of the appearance of phonetic interference not only from the standpoint of neuro- and psycholinguistics, taking into account the acoustic-physiological factor of speech perception and speech production, but also from the standpoint of the human cognitive sphere, which is a set of mental processes of world perception.

In his speech behavior, each speaker, guided by the goal of being understood, focuses on communicative cooperation with the addressee of his speech, on the search for such forms of communication that would be most effective for mutual understanding. Hence the need for communicants to find a common language not only in the terminological sense of this phrase, but also in a figurative one: to succeed in making such a linguistic selection for an utterance that would indicate the speaker's ability to actualize skills that meet the expectations of the listener.

Meanwhile, in the specific conditions of communication, the absolute identity of the code used by all participants in communication is an extremely rare phenomenon. On the contrary, the heterogeneity of the language code is common, and the degrees of such heterogeneity are different. Having considered the theory of language codes L.P. Rat, we will give their brief classification:

1. Speakers speak different languages: each side speaks only its own language and understands only it; verbal communication is impossible.

2. Speakers each speak their own language, and in addition, they understand the language of the interlocutor; verbal communication is limited.

3. Speakers speak common languages \u200b\u200bfor them, which are not native to them; communication can take place in one or another language.

4. Speakers each speak their own language and, moreover, the same intermediate language in which communication takes place.

5. One of the communicants speaks the language of the interlocutor, and the other does not; verbal communication is carried out only in the language of the interlocutor.

6. All participants in speech communication use a common national language, while communication failures are possible due to the dissimilarity of language signs in content,

expressive-stylistic coloring, functional-stylistic affiliation, as well as the presence of differences in communicative stereotypes and communicative tactics.

From this brief description of the different aspects of verbal communication, it is clear that an adult has a certain set of socialized communication norms, including both linguistic norms proper and the rules of social interaction. These norms and rules are obligatory for people living in a given speech community; they manifest themselves with particular force during verbal communication in a heterogeneous social environment. Thus, we can talk about three types of factors that affect the nature of speech communication in a heterogeneous human environment: linguistic, social and situational.

Since each person is a social person, whose activity is inextricably linked with the surrounding speech community, the speaker's territorial, social and ethnic identity, his gender and age can be attributed to the main factors affecting the phonetic characteristics of an individual's speech, and thus helping to create the correct speech portrait of a person in the course of intercultural communication.


1. Bondarko L.V. On phonological perceptions that provide speech communication // Phonology.

Phonetics. Intonology: materials for the IX Intern. Congr. phonetic sciences. - M., 1979. - S. 54-58.

2. Vishnevskaya G.M. Bilingualism and its aspects. - Ivanovo, 1997 .-- 174 p.

3. Ivanova-Lukyanova G.N. Features of the actor's intonation // Language and personality. - M., 1989 .-- S. 106-116.

4. Karaulov Yu.N. Russian language and linguistic personality. - Moscow: Nauka, 1987 .-- 257 p.

5. Kitaygorodskaya M.V., Rozanova N.N. Russian speech portrait. - M .: Education, 1995 .-- 432 p.

6. Krysin L. P. Speech communication under conditions of speech heterogeneity. - M .: Editorial URSS, 2000 .-- 224 p.

7. Nikolaeva T.M. "Sociolinguistic portrait" and methods of its description // Russian language and modernity. Problems and prospects for the development of Russian studies: reports. all-union. scientific. conf. - M., 1991. - Part 2.- S. 73-75

8. Tarasenko TP Linguistic personality of a senior pupil in the aspect of its speech realizations (based on the data of the associative experiment and sociolect of schoolchildren in Krasnodar): author. dis. ... Cand. philol. sciences. Krasnodar, 2007 .-- 26 p.

9. Trufanova V.Ya. Speech portrait of the speaker against the background of the intonation system of the language // Questions of Russian linguistics: collection of articles. scientific. Art. to the anniversary of E.A. Bryzgunova. -No. XI. Aspects of studying sounding speech. - M .: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 2004 .-- S. 197-213.

10. Shevchenko T.I. Social differentiation of English pronunciation. - M .: Higher school, 1990. - 142 p.

11. Shevchenko T.I. Phonetics and Phonology of the English Language: Course in Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language for Bachelors. - Dubna: Phoenix +, 2011 .-- 256 p.

12. Yartseva Yu.S. The frequency interval of the main tone as an acoustic parameter of the general and individual in the sound portrait of a modern politician // Vestn. Volgogr. state un-that. - Ser. 2, Linguistics. - 2011. - No. 1 (13). - S. 262267.

Babushkina Elena Alekseevna - Cand. philol. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language, BSU, 670000, Ulan-Ude, st. Smolina, 24 a. E-mail: [email protected]

Babushkina Yelena Alekseyevna - cand. of philology, assistant professor of English language department of BSU, 670000, Ulan-Ude, Smolin str. 24a. E-mail: [email protected]

UDC 81.34 © E.A. Babushkina


The article examines modern pronunciation tendencies in the speech of television announcers, taking into account the factors of social variability of intonation, and also summarizes the results of an experimental study of the melody and speech rate of announcers of news programs on the American channels CNN and NBC.

Key words: television, communication, announcer, prosody, pronunciation rate, social variability, speech melody, speech rate.


The paper focuses on the current pronunciation trends of TV news reading with regard to some factors of social variation of intonation. It also presents the results of some experimental studies into melodic and temporal features of the CNN and NBC newscasters.