What you need to know about the baptism of the child. When is it better to baptize the child after birth, what days? What you need to buy for the baptism of the child, what to give? Rules of the Baptism of the Child in the Church for the Boy, Girls, Great, Parents

What gives a man baptism? If you answer this question, then everyone can be fully conscious and argued to make a choice - it is necessary to be baptized by him, or not.

Firstly,in baptism, a person is cleared of all sins, including the original sin, which is inherited by us, as a genetic disease (the name "original" does not have any attitude towards childbirth). This is stated in the main Christian prayer, which is called the "Symbol of Faith", and which is necessarily read during baptism: "Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins." When preparing for the baptism of "Symbol of Faith", it is necessary to read, understand and remember, and if you suddenly disagree with some of its items, it means to be baptized early.

SecondlyIn baptism, a person is born into a new life, the life of the spiritual, in which he appears completely different, inaccessible to the opportunity: the connection with God, receiving grace, and in the future - the inheritance of eternal life.

When is it better to baptize?

The question of when it is better to adopt baptism - before or later - in different periods of history decided in different ways.

In favor of later baptists (in adulthood and even elderly), there is a simple logic: in the baptismal font, the person is cleared of all his sins - and the inheritance of the original sin, and accumulated on their own life before baptism. It means that later he pursed - the less errors have time to do for the remaining period of time, the more righteous will be at the last court.

However, this logic has several serious flaws. Firstly, death does not always come in old age and according to a predetermined schedule, and the baptism of "for later" must be remembered that this "then" may not come. Secondly, baptism gives a person the opportunity to connect to God here, in this life, in the sacrament of communion, and, laying the baptism - deprive itself of this opportunity.

Fashion for late baptism occurs periodically, and every time causes a discussion around him. In particular, St. Gregory Nissky, in writing with the speaking name "against the baptism deployment", wrote like this: "Mustache itself from impermanence and the uncertainty of life. Do not trade with grace so as not to lose the gift. "

Do I need to baptize babies?

You can be baptized at any age starting from the moment of birth. But the question of whether it is necessary to baptize babies, it arises quite regularly. What arguments are most often nominated against the baptism of children?

Argument number 1: "To make a choice for the child in favor of baptism is violence; Growthrates - will understand himself. " Raising children is inevitably due to the fact that we have to make a choice for them. We choose your children books and toys, circles and sports sections, school and place of residence. We decide whether to put the vaccinations and take antibiotics, they inspire that it is good and what is bad - and exactly in the form in which they themselves understand. In any case, parents seek to raise children in their value system - this is the question of the freedom of choice of children. And baptism is not just a change in the status in the Heavenly Office, this is primarily the acquisition by a person new opportunities. And here I want to quote a fragment of one of the discussions of the forum about the relevance of baptism of babies:

"You see, this dispute is meaningless, because in the root there is a question of how parents perceive God. If God is most valuable for them in life, the meaning of her, truth and love, then mom with dad and people cannot leave her baby without this gift. If God is only one of the forms of knowledge and communication with the world, part of culture, etc. ... then, of course, they can postpone the baptism of the baby with a cold wording: "It will grow up - it will choose."

Here, perhaps add just nothing.

Argument number 2: "Bract the child is not necessary, because up to seven years he is so sinless." Indeed, children up to seven years in the Orthodox tradition are considered babies who are not able to respond fully for their actions, so the confession is not necessary for them. However, they are not free from original sin, as already mentioned above. And before the baptism devoid of many opportunities - they can not be used, celebrating the day of the angel (whom they simply do not have), you can not pray for them in the church - only at home.

In any case, the choice in such a question remains for parents (it is behind the parents, and not grandparents and other relatives, friends and sympathizer).

What is needed for this

In addition to the wishes, it will be necessary to be baptized by the implementation of some conditions and accompanying accessories. The following conditions can be the following: if a child is baptized, then you can not do without the godfather, and also, in some temples you may be visited by public conversations. From the necessary accessories, perhaps, probably, but their full package will depend on both your desire and the temple where baptism is performed.

So you will need: cross With the device on which it will hold on the neck, the chain or thread does not matter. If a little child is baptized - it makes sense to take a silk or wide satin ribbon so that they do not cut gentle skin. There are observations that gold and silver chains also do not cause the skin of the kid's unpleasant irritation.

Baptist shirt - It can be purchased in a specialized temple, or if you like difficulties, sew yourself, cut simple, she resembles a night shirt with an embroidered cross on his back. In fact, this is not a mandatory attribute of baptism, but it betrays additional refinement to the event and corresponds to the traditional church aesthetics. If a baptismal shirt does not acquire, you need to stock such a form of clothing that would not confuse you and those surrounding when in contact with water. Now in many temples there are fonts for complete immersion, respectively, everything that the baptist will be dressed will be guaranteed wet. But even there, where baptism is performed by a refusal way in a small font, at least the belt will also be seized with water.

Candles - They can be purchased directly in the temple, where the baptism will occur, they are necessary to participate in the cross move, which takes place in the process of this worship. It is worth clarifying how much in the temple in which you are baptized, it is necessary to candle on one baptized and godfather, because some of them are given to the altar as a donation.

Towel - But here you yourself understand, the more, the better, if someone thinks that there is enough little waffle towel, he will be very jealous of people who are not cleaned to take real bath towels, still a wet cause.

Replacement clothing - If you do not have it, then not only until the end of baptism, but a lot after it you will have to experience a number of awkwardness and inconvenience about your appearance. As a rule, the temples provide a place where you can separately change clothes to men and women, and for especially chaste and individual. However, it will be better if you ask in advance whether there is such a place in the temple and if it won't be it, and you are going to be baptized exactly there, you can foresee everything, by the way, usually take a baptic look only before the baptism itself, with the exception Foot, but about it below. Until the very moment of baptism and after it you can stay in everyday clothes.

Slippers - They will need because, because you need your runled legs. As a rule, it will be offered to you at the beginning of worship, and in order not to stay barefoot can take slippers with you. The most ideal option is shale.

Certificate of baptism In some temples, it may not be available, so you ask in advance whether it will be issued. Now they are different types: simpler and painful, you can choose and purchase yourself, but you can rely on that temple where baptism will be performed. In any case, it is necessary to ensure that it is correctly filled, the name of the baptized and the godfather is correctly delivered, the date of the baptism, the name and surname of the priest, the name of the temple, the indication of the heavenly patron and the day of the angel.

Camera or video camera, Of course, at your discretion, but baptism is performed only once in life, why not capture him. Again, ask in advance whether there are no restrictions on the photo and video in this temple.


In fact, the institution of the godfather currently lost its former importance. It is very rare to meet an example so that the goddes really participate in the upbringing of their gods. Moreover, the godparents are very often just living very far and physically cannot fulfill their duties. How is ideal? And Ideally, the godfalls are fully responsible to the parents before the age of adulthood for its Orthodox education and education. In fact, they are the second parents. This concern includes a whole range of events - from home education, to joint church services and financing the relevant needs - for example, the acquisition of spiritual literature, icons, baptismal cross, finally.

During the very baptism, the godfall is tortured for the bison from Satan and are connected with Christ, confirm this desire to confirm loudly and perceive their child from the font. In short, testify before everyone about his own adequacy in the Christian education of his kid. Naturally, according to church opinion, the godfather and before God are responsible for the spiritual and moral life of their children.

This, of course, is ideal, but it must be striving for him. Consequently, and the godpass pick accordingly. Church practice, however, leaves the ability to be harmful to get upset and reflecting about not fulfilling their duties if the satell or his parents do not want it. Here, the family world cannot be tested by the efforts of the godfather if the family is not ready for this. But it is necessary to remind regularly. That is why the crisses are necessarily fit into the evidence of baptism.

Traditionally, the boys pick up the godfather, and the girl's godfather, if there is no possibility to have both immediately. The godfall cannot consist among themselves and the Khfezhatim in direct relationship, for example, a husband and wife cannot be godparents to each other and at the same time in one child, to whom they were invited. Other relatives may well come up for this role.

With all the frivolism of the performance of his duties, at least with the names and other personal and church holidays, simply by human, the godfalls should congratulate their gods, not depriving them of this communication. And finally, if parents disappear for the baptized, the goddes should take care of them, as their own children, up to the fact that they take them home, at least as Sirius Black took Harry Potter.

About public conversations, or why do you need lectures before baptism?

Today in most temples of Yekaterinburg as part of the preparation for the sacrament of baptism, a visit to special occupations - public conversations is offered. The amount and quality of them in each temple is different, the meaning is the same - to explain the Breatham Basics of the Faith, which they are going to accept, tell about the changes occurring in life after baptism. That is, public conversations should contribute to a more conscious and more serious approach to baptism.

An announcement - that is, oral instruction in faith before accepting baptism - this is just a new one, which is well forgotten old. The tradition of published conversations was formed in the church in the second-third centuries from the Nativity of Christ. Then the announcement lasted from forty days to three years. Even special publishing schools, which have become truly educated centers. For example, in one of the most famous - Alexandrian acceleration school, not only theology and philosophy, but still ethics, dialectics and even physics were taught.

Before us, the memory of the traditions of the ancient church came in worship and folklore. Until now, the main church service is liturgy (the one, on which you can get, if you come to the temple Sunday morning) is divided into two parts. The first part is called "Liturgy announced" - it is also present on it, but preparing for baptism, that is, announced. Pray together with everyone, listen to the reading of the Holy Scriptures and sermon. This part ends with a special prayer - precisely about announced. There are words addressed by the priest to themselves: "Polyus, announced, the dominance", after which they themselves should answer "Lord, Pomemui". And since there was a lot in the ancient church, and they answered with enthusiasm - there was a saying "screaming as announceable." However, today it is not relevant, since all prayers come across the church choir. The second part of the service - "Liturgy of the faithful" - begins with the words "announced, sore". Only baptized on the second part of the liturgy remain.

Now in many temples, this public conversation is partially restored, however, in very different forms. Somewhere from the goddes or adults of the baptized is required to visit only one conversation, which predicts the commission. And somewhere you need to visit 12 or 16 classes. Oblast conversations allow you to get information what is called, first-grade, and in some ways are the unique possibility of peculiar church liberation.

In any case, you will have to clarify whether in the temple that you have chosen for baptism such conditions for its adoption, and are you ready to agree on it. Another proven and traditionally Russian way to solve all problems remains to be baptized by acquaintance. Then, as a rule, a familiar father hopes for your homemade self-education, and will not torment you with tedious narratives, if you are so evaluating everything that happened from the creation of the world and up to events, at least 33 years from the Nativity of Christ in Palestine.

How baptism is happening

Baptism can be performed both individually and collectively, depending on your wishes. Again, it is necessary to solve this question on the eve. Naturally, individual baptism will always be preferable, but unfortunately, not so many people know about their right to be baptized in this way, and not waiting for one common day. We just need to talk with the priest.

At the beginning of Baptism, the priest will explain where to get up: the Khfezhem, the godfather and sympathizer, who came to be late for loved ones. Also, obviously, explanations will be given for those who lead a photo and video. By the way, the best position is before the priest and slightly on the side, then you can choose the most successful angle for the main points.

Baptism begins with a prayer name, which their Christian names are enshrined. Also, since that time, his Heavenly Patron appears in man and the Guardian Angel is activated. Sometimes people are renamed if there is no name in the saints, who were awarded for his parents. The priest reads prayers and first autumns every procession, blessed those who came, and then puts his hand with his head on his head, symbolizing church patronage. At the same time, the bafesem will need to be loudly informing the priest's names, in the future the father will slowly remember.

After that, four sufficiently long forbidden prayers are read, which is prohibited to act on the baptized forces of the Satanic, the forces of Besysky. Who watched Western thrillers and horror strokes on the topic of exorcism, can safely carry out analogies, so it is. In the Orthodox selection of baptism there is a place to expulse the devil. As a sign of this, the priest turns into the Khfezhatim and blows a triple and crucifier to everyone in the face, pronouncing the corresponding words of the spell. If the worms or cockroaches did not fall out of you - you can assume that the rite of exorcism you have passed successfully.

From this point on, the phase of the active participation of the baptized and godfall in the event of the event occurs. Everyone turns face to the West, as a rule, to the exit from the temple and the priest warn that now he will ask questions that should be loud and clearly, preferably a chorus, respond. What prompted to answer along the go He himself, however, if people visited the public conversations they themselves know. At the same time, in the sign of freedom from Candans Satan, everyone lift both hands upwards, showing that there are no shackles on the wrists. Two times the priest three times asks whether those who came from Satan are rejected, to which they affirmically meet the specified wording.

The most active actions in this event are the fulfillment of the proposal of the priest: "and the Duni and plush on it." At this moment you need to blow and spit on the floor. The fact is that the life of a Christian begins with insults, with a spit on the enemy of salvation. Thus, a person says: I have nothing to do with you, Satan, just no, I spit on you - the latter happens literally.

Immediately after renunciation of the devil, a connection is made with Christ. Everyone turns face to east, as a rule, to the altar, as they stood, and again they answer the questions of the priest, but already with his hands lowered. The priest asks several times about the seriousness of the intentions of those who came, and those also in the prescribed form respond. At this stage, it is good if someone from the godfather is highly prepared and can take on reading out loud of the symbol of Orthodox faith. The symbol of faith is called a set of major chain truths, or dogmas, where the briefly stated that we believe in Christians. If none of those who came by midsend the character of faith knows, he can read the priest himself, and the rest will try at least something to understand. Ideally, every Christian should not just know him by heart, but still be able to comment on why this is exactly the case, and not otherwise. But, usually, this is the first self-education task. It is easy to find a symbol of faith, it is in any prayer or in a book that is simply necessary for everyone and which is called very familiar: "God's law".

After reading the Symbol of faith in the end of all questions, the priest teaches those who came, how to be properly baptized and bowed, mean - how to donate himself with the procession. Besides the fact that we add fingers when baptized in a certain way - large, index and medium together, symbolizing our faith in the trinity, and two triggering to the palm - Unnamed and Mysinette, as a sign that Christ was both God and man, we are autumn It is like this: on the forehead, on the belly, on the right shoulder and on the left, completing the glory sign of a small bow. We are thereby calling for the consecration of God to all our thoughts, feelings and actions. And the rest left in honor of the prudent robber, who was crucified from Christ, and did not swear with everyone with everyone, but just quietly asked the Lord to remember him in the kingdom of heaven.

It is at this point that it should be changed, adopting a baptic appearance actually. Before the immersion, the priest will encourage you with holy oil - a barely, which symbolizes the mercy of God. He willxt the forehead, chest, ears, arms and legs.

Usually, be baptized by seniority, starting with the smallest, but this is how the priest decides. No need to say that the day before you should take a good shower.

In the water you will dive three times, and if it is associated with diving, calculate in advance how much oxygen you need. Try to dive, but do not swim, because with a big font to catch you immediately it will be difficult. While you are immersed or poured, the support team prepares a large towel, and the photo reporters do not leave their cameras on the idleness. Immediately after baptism should be changed, but the legs should still be free.

Then it comes to the crosses. If you purchased them in the temple, they can not be sanctified, but if it is a thing from the store, it is worth asking in advance so that the cross is sanctified to you, to do it here, when baptism.

Batyushka himself puts on all the cross, which should be immediately removed by the gate, because it is not imaginary and not apparent, and the native one.

Mint Miropomania

After that, the sacrament of the world-formation is committed. You will re-smear in holy oil again, but this time it is not a fir, and the Holy Miro. In this sacrament, a person serves the graceful gifts of the Holy Spirit for the conduct of Christian life. And the sacrament is so important that it also, as well as baptism, is accepted by a person only once (the second time in life is minor and only when they are ordained in the bishops and when joining the royal throne, from where and the expression "anointed to the kingdom"). The priest will encourage the forehead, chest, lips, eyes, nose, ears, hands and legs.

Holy Miro (from Greek. Ύύρον "Aromatic oil") - specially cooked and consecrated fragrant oil. In the Orthodox Church, the Miro is preparing on the basis of olive oil with the addition of white wine and many aromatic substances (it includes aloe, incense, rose petals, violet, spicy and caalganic roots, nutmeg, pink, lemon and cloves - only about forty ingredients). The abundance of the components symbolizes the multiplies of Christian virtues.

Miro Patriarch is brewed, on a passionate sadmice in the Small Cathedral of the Don Monastery (in Moscow), where a special oven works for this purpose. Consecrated to the great Thursday (the last Thursday to Easter) in the Patriarch of the Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov, and from there are delivered by bishops in their dioceses. So where it exists in Russian saying "all in one world of Mazana".

Previously, the baptism was rarely accustomed to baptism, because they were waiting for the release of the public school and arranged a community-recognition holiday. And celebrated as follows: they made a small godfather, to some famous place that was not far from the temple, or walked around the temple itself and sang the songs of the newcomers in which the event was glorified. And so, you will also be offered to participate in the cross move, which, as a rule, is now accomplished around the font, where baptism occurred. To do this, they will need prepared in advance candles on one on each. During the procession, you will also be offered to take part in general singing, and this opportunity should not be overlooked. Especially if everything is fixed on the camcorder.

Immediately after baptism and the world-formation, a person brings the first, at least in his baptized life, a grateful sacrifice of God. And such a victim is nothing more than his own hair, then the decoration that grows the most remarkable part of our body. Do not suffer with hairstyles, the father triggers you very modestly and tastefully, in the form of a cross on my head.

The baptism of the prayers of the churching is completed, while men are injected into the altar - the most holy place of the temple, and they read them before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What's next?

And then you yourself already have the owners of that gift that you just got. Again, ideally, it would be nice to seriously treat the resulting change and start our own religious life. Find out what is a prayer, try to visit Saturday and Sunday worship in the temple, confess and commituate at least once a month and so on, but about it, more details and deployed, it is worth saying separately. In any case, baptism makes everyone to God more than it was before. Baptism is the birth of a new person. And each of us knows that it is not easy to give birth to a person, but it is even harder to grow it.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born Frogo before all the century, the light from the light, the God is true of God is true, born, unprecedented, one of the father, they are the same. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end.

And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets.

In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead. And the life of the future century. Amen.

How to prepare for the baptism of the child? The rite of baptism of a newborn baby is enveloped by a huge number of people will take, traditions and rules. About the most popular of them and let's talk: what you need to pay attention to the day of baptism, and what folk signs are nothing more than prejudice? In this article, we will consider the 30 most popular rules and will adopt that may help parents to decide on how when and why baptize the baby.

Baptism of children. Rules, signs and traditions associated with the sacrament of baptism:

  1. A good sign is considered if the child has become less crying after the baptism's rite, not so capricious, began to sleep better. It is also believed that after baptism, a child has a strong health. No wonder they advise not to postpone the rite of baptism if the baby was born weak, prematurely - in this case, the sacrament can even spend on the walls of the maternity hospital or at home.
  2. The godfather must give a krestler to the child, and the godfather is to buy clothes for baptism.
  3. You can not wipe the water from the face of the baby after bathing - the holy water should dry on the face itself.
  4. After the baptism of the clothes, in which the baby was, it is impossible to wash. It is necessary that holy water dried on it, and then leave and protect as a talisman throughout the life of the child. It is believed if the baby fell ill, he should be wiped with a baptizing dress - and it will help him to cure. Also, it is also impossible to use this clothing again on another rite of baptism.
  5. The baptismal wear should be extremely light color. As a rule, white. Also allowed minor drawings, inscriptions, embroidery on baptismal clothes.
  6. If the child does not cry during the rite - this is a very good sign. Even better if the baby fell asleep during the sacrament.
  7. It is believed that the child will have a happy life if you hear church bells before the christening.
  8. You can't buy a gold cross - this metal is considered unclean, sinful. The cross should be silver or just metallic.
  9. The life of the child will be happy if immediately after the baptism rite in the temple will be widder.
  10. Bad sign - to transfer to another date previously planned rite of baptism of the child.
  11. Unresolved baby can not be submitted to someone else's house. You can go to visit the baby only after the sacrament.
  12. Woman should be the first to baptize the boy, and her husband is a girl. Otherwise it is believed that the godfather will take a happy family life from them.
  13. Unbelievers cannot be godparents, mentally ill people, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics.
  14. Children can not become godparents. The girl should be at least 13 years old, and the guy is at least 15.
  15. It is impossible to be baptized in one water (fastened) several kids. This is bad sign.
  16. Bad sign, if during the rite the priest forgets or confuses words, he falls out of the hands of items.
  17. Between the godmother and father should not be a love connection - this is a sin. It is also desirable that they be blood relatives.
  18. A pregnant woman can not baptize a child - otherwise there will be a sovereign, and her own kid.
  19. For christening, a child in the church is ordered or a measured icon is bought. It is called a measured because it corresponds to a child's growth in centimeters at birth. It should be a personal kid icon, only a child can pray before her. It is believed that the measuring icon is a strong guard for the child, gives him protection.
  20. In the church, the godfall should not sit down - otherwise the child is waiting for unhappy fate.
  21. Before the baptism, the baby is not worth showing anyone, even relatives. It is believed that the child has no protection yet, because the baby can be jammed.
  22. I will not be refused if you are asked to become a godparents, the church explains this way: it is not a sin to refuse - this is not a sin, but to churn a child and not take part in his life, spiritual development is a great sin. Therefore, it is better to refuse if you are not sure that you can in good faith to fulfill all the responsibilities of the godfather or mother.
  23. The child needs to be painted on the eighth or fortieth day of life, then the sacrament will give the baby a very strong defense.
  24. On the day of baptism, his guardian angel appears in the child, so it's not worth tightening with the rite and paint the baby faster.
  25. After baptism, the baby receives his second (church) name that cannot be accepted anyone.
  26. Before the baptism ritual (both relatives and the godfather) should read prayer.
  27. A woman who took an abortion cannot be invited to become a godmother.
  28. When baptized at the godmother should be covered with a head, it is also impossible to baptize in pants - it should be a skirt or dress below the knees.
  29. The rite of baptism is the sacrament, therefore, the kid and the godded parents are involved, a native father may also be present. It is advisable not to invite other relatives and friends to the rite. They can congratulate the baby already in christening - this is a celebration in honor of Baptism.
  30. You can baptize a child on any day of the week, as well as on large church holidays and post. However, the people are subject to the Saturday, it is considered the most successful day for the sacrament.

What is baptism as a sacrament? How is it going on?

Baptism is a sacrament in which the believer, with a three-time immersion of the body into the water with the call of God's father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, dies for the life of a carnal, sinful and revive against the Holy Spirit of the Spiritual. In baptism, a person is cleared of the original sin - the sin of the progenitors reported by him through birth. The sacrament of baptism can be committed on a person only once (as well as a person is only once born to the light).

The baptism of the baby is committed by faith of perceptions, which lies the holy duty to teach children a true faith, help them become worthy members of the Church of Christ.

The baptismal set of your baby should be as recommended to you in that temple, where you will be baptized. There you will be prompt that you need. Mainly this is a baptismal cross and a baptismal shirt. The baptism of one infant lasts about forty minutes.

The baptismal set for the girl has, both a number of common features and a number of differences from such for a male baby. Its most important part is, of course, a native cross, which baby gives her godfather. But besides him, a kit of the appropriate baptismal clothing is also needed, which includes a gingerbread, dress and towel (ion). It is necessary in order to complete the crumb after dipping in the font. The baptismal sets for girls are often decorated with embroidery and other decorative elements. But watch them not much. It can create inconvenience for a girl, and for the godfather during baptism. The baptismal set for the boy is usually more discreet in the decor and consists of a baptismal shirt, caps and again, towels-Хомы. And, of course, of course, a native cross. Sometimes the baptized sets are complemented also with booties. By purchasing a baptismal set for a boy, pay attention to all things to be as comfortable as possible. This is relevant for both clothes for the girl and for the boy.

This is the sacrament from the announcement (reading over the preparing for the baptism of special prayers - "prohibitions"), renunciation from Satan and a combination of Christ, that is, connections with him, and the confessions of the Orthodox faith. Here for the baby, the appropriate words should pronounce the godfather.

Immediately at the end of the announcement begins the submission of baptism. The most visible and important point is a triple immersion of a baby in a font of the pronouncement of words: "To slave the slave of God (slave of God.) (name) in the name of the Father, Amen. And Son, Amen. And the Holy Spirit, Amen" At this time, the godfather (one sex with the Blessam), taking a towel on his hands, is preparing to accept his godfather from the font. The adopting baptism after that goes to new white clothes, a cross is put on it.

Immediately after this, another sacranery is performed - in which the stenam of the Holy Spirit is served by the Saint Spirit, which strengthen him in the life of the spiritual spirit, is performed. After that, the priest and the godfather with the newest three times around the fonts in the sign of spiritual joy of compound with Christ for eternal life in the Heavenly Kingdom. The passage is then read from the message of the Apostle Paul to the Romans, dedicated to the topic of baptism, and the passage from the message of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostles to the World Sermon of Faith with the command to baptize all the peoples in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. After Miro was washed by a priest from the body of a crueling special sponge, mesmerized in Holy Water, with the pronouncement of words: "Especially justified. Especially enlighted. Consecrated ESI. I was washed by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Our God. Breasthawned. Especially enlighted. Miscellated Esi. He was consecrated, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

Further, the priest will cruciate the hair of the newcomer (from four sides) with the words: " Slave the slave(but) God's (name) in the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen", Folds the hair on the wax pellet and lowers it in the font. The break symbolizes the submissions to God and at the same time marks the small sacrifice that the newcomer brings God to thanks to the beginning of a new, spiritual life. After pronouncing things about the godfather and the newly-standing sacrament of baptism ends.

Usually, immediately follows the insertion denoting the first attachment to the temple. The baby taken by the priest on his arms swears onto them on the temple, shaped to the royal gates and entered into the altar (only boys), after which he was given to parents. The churching symbolizes the dedication of the baby to God on the Old Testamental Sample. After baptism, the baby should be gentle.

Why do only boys bring into the altar?

In principle, boys do not need there, it is only a tradition. The Sixth Ecumenical Cathedral determined: from all those belonging to the discharge of the laity, will not be allowed to enter the sacred altar ... (). Famous canonist EP. This comment gives this ruling: "In the mind of the mysteriousness, brought in the altar of the bloodless victim, it was paid, from the oldest times of the Church, to enter the altar, anyone who did not belong to Clear. "The altar is intended only for sacred people."

It is said that, before you baptize your child, you should confess and compete.

Even whatever the baptism of the child Orthodox Christians are called by the Church to regularly begin both saint. If you have not done this so far, it will be good will be the first step towards the full church life to do, preceding the baptism of your own baby.

This is not a formal requirement, but a natural inner norm - because, by introducing a child to church life through the sacrament of baptism, introducing it to the fence of the church - what will be themselves to remain out of it? For an adult person who has not died for many years, or never swear in his life, did not get to the adoption of Holy Tyne, - at this moment it is very conditionally Christian. Only encouraging himself to life in the sacraments of the Church, he actualizes his Christianity.

What kind of orthodox name to call the baby?

The right to choose the child name belongs to his parents. In the choice of names you can help the lists of the names of the saints - the Slanders. In the sacraments, names are located in a calendar.

There is no unambiguous church tradition choosing names - often parents choose the name of the baby from the list of those saints that are glorified on the birthday of the child, or on the eighth day, when the name of the name of the name is made, or in the period of forty days (when the sacrament of baptism is usually performed). It is reasonable to choose a name from the list of names of the church calendar from those that are close enough after the birthday of the child. But however, this is not some kind of compulsory church establishment, and if there is some deep desire to call the child in honor of this or that saint, or some kind of vow from parents, or something else, then this is not an obstacle at all .

When choosing a name, you can get acquainted not only with what it means one or another name, but with the living of that saint, in honor of which you want to call your baby: what is this holy, where and when he lived, what was the image of his life, For what days his memory is performed.

Why are there in some temples closed the temple at the time of the sacrament of baptism (without making this with other sacraments) or are not asked not to enter into it people not strangers, but call themselves Orthodox?

Because during the baptism of an adult, it is not very nice to the most baptized or baptist, if on him, sufficiently disturbed, strangers will look, watch the greatest mysteries, a curious look at those who have no prayer relationship. It seems that the prudent Orthodox man does not go just the viewer for someone else's baptism if he was not called there. And if he does not have enough clock, church servants are prudent, removing curious of the temple at the time of the sacrament of baptism.

What should come first - faith or baptism? Is it possible to be baptized to believe?

Baptism is a sacrament, that is, the special action of God, in which, with the response desire of the person himself (by the person himself), he dies for sinful and passionate life and is born in a new one - life in Jesus.

And on the other hand, this is what the baptized and the church man should strive for all his life. All people are sinful, and you need to strive for such a compassion of faith, which are combined and doing. Faith, among other things, is the effort of will. In the gospel, one person who met the Savior exclaimed: "I believe, Lord! Help my unbelief. " () This man has already believed in the Lord, but he wanted to believe even more, stronger, more decisive.

It will be easier to strengthen in faith, if you live a church life, and not to look at it from the side.

Why are we baptizing babies? They still can not choose the religion themselves and consciously follow Christ?

The person does not affect himself, not as an individual, unlikely decisive, how to be and act in this life, but as a member of the church, the community, in which everyone answers each other. Therefore, an adult can vouch for the baby and say: I will try to make it so that he grew up a good Orthodox Christian. And while he cannot answer for himself, his godfather and the godmother give his faith for him.

In any age, a person has the right to be baptized?

Baptism is possible for a person of any age on any day of the year.

At what age is better to baptize the child?

You can baptize a person at any time from the first and to the most recent breath. In antiquity, there was a custom to baptize the child on the eighth day from birth, but it was not a mandatory rule.

It is more convenient to baptize the child during the first months from birth. At this time, the kid does not yet distinguish mom from "someone else's aunt," which will keep him in his hands during baptism, and the "bearded uncle", which all the time will approach him and "do something with him", not terrible for him.

The older children are already quite consciously perceive reality, they see that they are surrounded by the people who are stranger, and there are no moms or at all or she does not go to them, and they may not be anxious about this.

Do I need to be bruteed again if a man "baptized grandma at home"?

Baptism is the only sacrament of the church, which, in case of extreme necessity, may make a layman. During the years of persecution, the cases of such baptism were not rare - churms and priests were little.

In addition, in the old time, the rebel grandmas sometimes baptized newborn kids if their lives threatened danger: for example, if the child received a generic injury. Such baptism is usually called "immersion." If the child died after such baptism, he was buried as a Christian; If I survived, it was brought to the temple and the priest fled the baptism of the necessary prayers and priests performed by the layman.

Thus, in any case, the baptism in the temple should be "filling out" the baptism of the lament. However, in the former times, the rents specially trained how to make baptism; In the Soviet years, it is often completely unknown who and how baptized, whether this man was trained if he knew what and how to do. Therefore, for the sake of confidence in the actual commitment of the sacrament, the priests most often cross such "immersed" as if there was a doubt that they were baptized or not.

Can parents attend baptism?

It may well, and not just attend, but pray with the priest and the godfather about your baby. There are no obstacles to this.

When is baptism?

Baptism can be performed at any time. However, in the temples, the order of baptism is established in different ways, depending on the internal schedule, opportunities and circumstances. Therefore, you should be concerned about to learn about the procedure for committing baptism in the temple in which you want to baptize your child.

What do you need an adult man who wants to take the sacrament of baptism?

For an adult, the base for baptism is the presence of sincere Orthodox faith. The purpose of baptism is a connection with God. Therefore, the baptism coming to the font needs to be solved for themselves very important questions: Does it need him and is he ready for this? Baptism is inappropriate if a person with it is looking for some earthly goods, success or hopes to solve its family problems. Therefore, another important condition for baptism is a solid desire to live in Christian.

After making the sacrament, a person should start a full-fledged church life: to regularly be in the temple, find out worship, pray, that is, learning life in God. If this does not happen, the baptism will not make any sense.

It is necessary to prepare for baptism: at least to carefully familiarize themselves with these public conversations, read at least one of the gospels, know by heart or close to the text. The symbol of faith and the prayer "Our Father".

It would be simply wonderful to prepare for confession: remember your sins, wrong and bad inclinations. Many priests are doing very correctly, confessing announced before baptism.

Is it possible to baptize during the post?

Yes, you can. Moreover, in former times, the posts served as preparation not only for a specific holiday, but also to the entry into the church of new members, i.e. To the baptism of announced. Thus, in the ancient Church, baptized mainly on the eve of large church holidays, including during the post. Traces of this still persist in the features of the worship of the holidays of the Nativity of Christ, Easter and Pentecost.

In which case, the priest may refuse a person in baptism?

The priest not only can, but must also refuse a person in baptism, if he does not believe in God, as teaches to believe the Orthodox Church, since Vera is an indispensable condition for baptism.

Among the grounds for refusal in baptism, there may be an unpreparedness of a person and a magical attitude towards baptism. Magic attitude towards baptism is a desire to protect against the power of evil, get rid of, get all sorts of spiritual or material "bonuses".

Capture will not be in a drunken state and leading an immoral lifestyle up to their repentance and corrections.

What to do, if it is just known that a person is baptized, but no one remembers the one with which he was baptized? Breasting a second time?

Such a situation is found quite often. You don't need to baptize the second time - you can baptize only once. But you can give a new name to a person. Make it is entitled to any priest just confessed by a person and coming with a new name.

How many times can you be baptized?

Definitely - once. Baptism - there is a spiritual born, and a person can be born can only once. In the Orthodox symbol of faith, it is said: "Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins." Secondary baptism is unacceptable.

What to do, if you do not know, you are baptized or not, and not to know who?

You need to be baptized, but at the same time warn the priest that you can be baptized, but you don't know about it. The priest will be baptized on the special order for such cases.

What are the godfather and mother responsibilities in relation to their gods?

The godfather in relation to the gods there are three main responsibilities:
1. Prayer. The Godfather is obliged to pray for his godfather, as well as as far as he increases, teach prayer to ensure that the sickness himself could communicate with God and ask him for help in all his life circumstances.
2. Versional. Teach a godfather the basics of Christian religion.
3. Moorching. In my own example, to show the gadget of human virtues - love, kindness, mercy, and others so that he increases with a real good Christian.

How to prepare for the sacrament of baptism by the future godfather?

The godfather are guarantors for their godfather. They are charged with the obligation to take care of the spiritual and moral education of their scene. The godfather taught it the basics of Orthodox faith, prayer and the image of the life of a real Christian. Therefore, the godpars themselves should be well aware of both the gospel and church life, have a good prayer practice, regularly participate in worship services and church sacraments.

Did you decide to become a godfather, but do not meet the requirements? Make it so that it becomes a reason to start moving in this direction. First, listen to the public conversations in the temple or on specialized courses organized in your diocese. Then read the choice of the gospel from the brand or from Luke. Choose yourself - the first in short, the second is clearer. It is also possible to find them in the Bible; More precisely - in the New Testament. Carefully read the text of the faith symbol - during baptism, one of the godfall reads it by heart or from the sheet. It would be good if you know the time of baptism, you knew by heart the prayer of ours.

After baptism, deepen and expand your knowledge of biblical history, pray at home and participate in church services - so you will gradually acquire the practical skills of Christian.

Is it possible to become a godfather in absentia without participating in the baptism of the baby?

The initial name of the godfather is perceptions. They received such a name because they "took" the baffs from the font; At the same time, the church as it would delegate them part of their concern about the new Christian and the learning of his Christian life and morality, therefore not only necessarily the presence of the godfather during the baptism and their lively participation, but also their conscious desire to adopt such responsibility.

Can representatives of other religions become the godfather?

Definitely no. In baptism, perceivers testify to the Orthodox faith, and by their faith, the baby takes the sacrament. One thing is already making impossible representatives of other religions to become perceptuals when baptism.

In addition, the godparents take on the duty to bring up a godfather in Orthodoxy. Representatives of other religions cannot fulfill these duties since Christianity is not theory for us, but life itself is in Christ. Only those who live like this life can teach this life.

The question arises: maybe then become the godfather representatives of other Christian denominations, such as Catholics or Lutherans? The answer is negative - cannot for the same reasons. Only Orthodox Christians may become percepts with baptism.

What do you need to bring with me to baptism and who from the godfather should do it?

For baptism you will need a baptizing set. As a rule, this is a native cross with a chain or ribbon, a few candles, a baptismal shirt. The cross can be purchased in ordinary stores, but then the priest should be asked to sanctify it. It will take a towel or diaper to wrap and wipe the baby after the font. According to the unwritten tradition for the boy, the Cross Father acquires, and for the girl - the godfather mother. Although this rule does not necessarily adhere to.

How many people should have the godders and mothers?

One. As a rule, one with a child of the floor, that is, for the boy - the godfather, and for the girl - the godfather. The ability to melt for a child at the same time and the godfather and the godfather is pious custom. It is not accepted to have more than two perceptons.

How to choose a godfather for a child?

The main criterion for the choice of the godfather or godfather should be whether this person can subsequently help in the Christian education perceived from the font. The degree of acquaintance and simply the pleasantness of the relationship is also important, but it is not important. In former times, care for expanding the circle of people who will seriously help the children gave birth, made an unwanted invitation as the godfather's relatives. It was believed that they, and so, by virtue of natural kinship, would help the child. For this reason, the native grandparents, brothers and sisters, uncle and aunt rarely became perceptuals. Nevertheless, it is not rebeling, and now it becomes more frequent.

Can a pregnant woman become a godmother?

Can. Pregnancy is not an obstacle for perception. In addition, if a pregnant woman herself wants to take the sacrament of baptism, then she may well do it.

Who can't be a godfather?

Juvenile; Inovier; mentally ill; Completely unreleased in faith; persistence

What are the godparents to give a gossip?

This question lies in the field of human customs and does not concern the spiritual life regulated by church rules and canons. In other words, this is the personal matter of the godfather. You can also give anything at all. However, it seems that a gift, if so, still be the place should be useful and remind of baptism. It may be the Bible or New Testament, a native cross or saint icon, in honor of which the child is called. Many options.

If the godfather do not fulfill their duties? Is it possible to take other godfall and what should I do?

In the literal sense, it is impossible. The godfather will be only the one who perceived the child from the font. However, in a sense you can do this. We will hold a parallel with the usual birth: let's say, father and mother, giving birth to their baby, refuse him, do not fulfill their parental duties and do not care about him. In this case, a child can someone adopt and raise like a native. This person will become, albeit a reception, but the parent in the true sense of the word. Also in the birth of spiritual. If these goddes do not fulfill their duties, and there is a person who can and wants to take on their function, then he should receive a blessing for this from a priest and then start to take care of the child. And the "godfather" at the same time can also be called. At the same time, it is impossible to baptize the child again.

Can a young man become a godfather of his bride?

Definitely no. A spiritual relationship arises between the godpiece and the godman, which eliminates the possibility of marriage.

How many times can a person become a godfather?

As much as it considers it possible. Being a godfather is very responsible. Someone can dare to take such responsibility once or twice, someone five or six, and someone maybe ten. Each itself determines this measure.

Can a person refuse to become a godfather? Will it be sin?

Can. If he feels that it is not ready to be responsible for the child, it will be more honest and in front of his parents and before the child and before himself say it directly than becoming a formally godfather and not fulfilling their duties.

Is it possible to become a godfather in two or three children from one family?

Yes, you can. There are no canonical obstacles to this.

One of the fundamental components of the sacrament of baptism is shackle parents. Without them, the sacrament is impossible. As you know, the first shaft was John the Baptist, cross Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River. For the first Russian people who accepted baptism in Russia, the man who spent the baptism rite became more shaped. The sacrament itself occurred somewhat unusual way. Since immediately a huge number of people were baptized, they gathered on the shore of any river and under the leadership of the priest went into the water, who is in the belt, and who and the throat, the priest divided them into 2 parts: female and male, after which the sacrament Baptism. At the same time, all women were given one Orthodox female name, and men were male.

At present, everyone can choose shaft for their child himself. It is important to remember only that shafts should not be among themselves in marriage, and you can not be shackled by your wife or her husband. Interestingly, the girl from 13 years old could become an embarrassment in Russia, and the shaft - the young man who turned 15 years old.

Also in Russia, there was a tradition, according to which the boy had only a godfather, and if the girl was baptized, she had only a god mother. Now, as a rule, the baby has both shadow parents.

Gentle parents play a huge role in the life of a child. They work on his spiritual education, to enjoy him to the Lona of the Russian Orthodox Church. Therefore, they must be primarily orthodox people. They should show their lives an example for their younger spiritual chad. It is great when a satellite can attend the church with his shag, acquired to other sacraments of the church.

It is important to establish friendly trusting relationships with your godly, so that the skeleton could seek advice, support at any time to its shaft parents.

  1. 2. Guardian Angel

During the sacrament of baptism, the Guardian Angel appears at the child, who throughout the life of the child protects him from the troubles and misfortunes. It is very important from the Small years, to learn the baby to read prayers not only Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, but also the Guardian Angel, who is constantly, day and night stands on guard and protects us from evil. You should teach the child the simplest prayer: "Holy angel of God, the keeper of my, moth of God about me."

  1. 3. Captive clothing

During the molding of baptism, the soul of the child is transformed, it is born eternal. And the symbol is the transformation is snow-white baptismal Or the girl, it includes, as a rule, a baptismal shirt or dress, cap, booties, as well as a special pelleon - ion.

A snow-white outfit of a child testifies to his purity of the soul, that all his sins were cleared. According to the ancient Russian Orthodox tradition, the baptismal shirt can be transmitted by inheritance, from one child to another. But the hidgeter should be stored until the end of his days. In the old days, when the hands and illness were attacked by a person, he was hidden by a hound, and all the diseases retreated.

  1. 4. The role of parents during baptism

In antiquity, the parents of the child could not be to the church during the commitment of the sacrament of baptism. The mother after childbirth for forty days was considered "unclean", and could not be present in the church, and this "uncleanness" was in some sense to be transmitted to the Father. And parents gave their child with shackle parents, and they themselves stayed at home and prepared a festive table. In many families, such a tradition has been preserved to this day. After the shafts returned, they again passed the child to their parents, and called them his new name given by baptism.

  1. 5. Guests

Our ancestors believed that the fewer people know about the sacrament of baptism, the better. As a rule, the guests, besides parents and shafts, included grandmother-obstrine, who took birth to the mother and another 4-5 of the most closest relatives. No lush feasts satisfied, the event was noted in the most closely family circle. In many places of Russian land, even existed such a custom, the child after the sacrament of Baptism was transferred to the parent through the window in order to deceive evil spirits. At the same time, parents were called a new name of the baby, and evil spirits were to not know him. The main decoration of the festive table was a baptizing porridge. And there were two porridge. They were prepared from buckwheat or wheat cereals. One porridge "with fun" was prepared for the Father, it contained many seasonings, from such a cereal - literally eyes climbed onto the forehead. It was done for the Father to at least to some extent to feel all the pain of the mother, while she gave birth. The same porridge that all guests ate were preparing with honey, raffered, and served in the fur hat that symbolized the wealth that the baby expects in the future.

After the festive table, guests traditionally received gifts from their parents, also the daughter-in-law gave mother-in-law, and she, in turn, gave the gifts of the mother and the child.

  1. 6. Gifts from gifts

According to the tradition, on baptism, the gloomy mother was preparing, often sewed independently, baptismal Or for the girl. The principal difference did not have these outfits, only a baptistic dress was sewed, and for a boy - a baptismal shirt.

The crumbs paid the sacrament itself of baptism, and also bought a cross.

Weissious shafts approximately from the XII century. They gave their gods kits from 12 "apostolic" gold or silver spoons. Images of the apostles were engraved on such spoons. People are victory, they also tried to give at least one silver spoon, which also promised the richness of the child in the future.

Currently, the choice of gifts is huge. But still, first of all, a gift should have spiritual meaning for the child. It may be children's prayer, or children's Bible, Icon from the image of the saint - a patron of the baby. A good gift will be a dimensional icon, which is done in the growth of the child. Such a gift in early childhood teach the baby to the idea that he had a spiritual patron, his defender, to whom you can handle your troubles and mourn.

  1. 7. Behavior in the Church

It is very important before the start of the sacrament of the baptism to visit the conversations that the priest holds in the church. In the conversations, he talks about the meaning of baptism in the life of the baby, about what it is committed, about the role of parents and shafts in the murmitant.

Many must be confirmed before participating in the sacrament of baptism. It is important to remember that the church needs to come in fitting clothes - for a woman, a skirt and a handkerchief, there should be no causing colors in clothes. Bright paint on the face, bright fashionable varnish on the nails and the abundance of jewelry is also not welcome.

The shafts and all other guests of the male floor should also be dressed festively, but in calm colors, they enter the church without a headdress.

Be sure to have consecrated with you baptism cross which must be put on a person.

During the commission, the shafts hold on the hands of the baby, and on his behalf they read all the proper prayers and rented from Satan.

By tradition, if a girl is baptized - she is kept shaky if the boy is baptized - a godfather.

Also, you should not forget about the baptized candles that shaft are kept lit during the commitment of the sacrament of baptism.

Well, all behind - and the shafts led by a new member of the Orthodox Church, hurry to go home, where they are waiting for their parents of the baby and a festive table.

"Those who are not born to water and the Spirit cannot be discussed in the kingdom of God ..." (John 3.5).
Church sacraments are divine establishment, and the Lord Makes them. The sacrament is called such a sacred effect in which the visible signs and symbols secretly (incomprehensible) is served by a person grace of the Holy Spirit, or the saving power of God.

The word "sacrament" indicates that it is not subject to research by reason, but is taken by a believing heart.

The door to Church of Christ is the sacrament of baptism: only a person who accepted the baptism can become a member of the church, and therefore this ordinance is also called "spiritual birth." For a naked man, the gates of paradise is closed. The Lord Himself Jesus Christ said to His disciples: "If anyone is not born from the water and the Spirit, can not enter the kingdom of God. (John 3.5) - and before the ascension to the sky blessed them, - So, go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ... "(MF 28, 19).

The sacrament of baptism consists of consecration of water and lodge, anointing of consecrated and the subsequent, the most important attack, a three-time immersion of the bison in water with the words: "The slave of God (his name) is barely in the name of the Father. Amen. And son. Amen. And the saint spirit. Amen". Water since ancient was a symbol of purification, and the immersion in it is a symbol of repentance. Consecrated firings, which, during the sacrament, fits first water, and then baptized, there is a symbol and health, reconciliation symbol. Candles depict the light of the right faith; Cadyl - the fragrance of the Holy Spirit. White clothes new - freed from the power of sin and Satan new life or soul of a Christian, which he must keep unreputed; And finally, the native cross is the criste of Christ and the sign of faith in his victory.

Requirements for participants of the sacrament of baptism of babies.

Babies cannot consciously begin the sacrament of baptism, so the baptism of children is committed by the faith of parents and perceivers (godparents), which are becoming full participants in this sacrament along with babies.

Only the baptized people of Orthodox religion did not disappear from church communications are allowed to the sacraments of the Church. The discharge from the church takes place not only due to the committing (mortal) sins, but also in cases where people did not start the saint and repentance of the saint and repentance. Did not fit - in fact did not want to have parts with God. "Jesus said to them: True, truly telling you: if you don't have the flesh of the Son of Human and drinking it to him, then you will not have any life. The pointed flesh and drinking my blood has eternal life, and I resurrect him on the last day "(John 6, 53-54). Therefore, before participating in the sacrament of the Baptism, people who disappeared from church communication should be reunited with the church through repentance. In the sacrament of confession, a person receives a forgiveness for the deed sins and reunites with the Holy Cathedral and Apostolic Church. It should be noted here that repentance implies not only the transfer of the raised sins, but also a firm decision to change their lives. According to Greek, repentance sounds like "methane", which is literally translated as "the change of mind." The change of mind is the awareness of the opposition of your current state and the desire to be reborn, the desire to change for the better, which eliminates the formal attitude towards this sacrament.

These preparatory requirements refer not only to the native parents of the child (as a last resort, to one of them), but also to the godded parents. In addition, the church's sacraments undoubtedly need to know the foundations of Orthodox religion: what he believes and whom he relieves. Therefore, at a minimum, it is necessary to understand the interpretation on the Symbol of Faith and read at least one gospel (for example, from Mark).

The baptism of infants without preparing parents is permissible only "fear for the sake of death", i.e. In the event of a threat to the child's life (severe illness, urgent complex operation).

If you live a full-fledged church life and proceeded to the sacrament of the Holy Communion no later than a year ago, it is not necessary immediately before the baptism of the baby and compete.

The rite preceding the baptism is to read the cleansing prayer over mothers.

During the first forty days after the birth of the child's child "according to the ordinary law of natural cleansing," a woman's seal for her, as it were, is prohibited by the entrance to the temple. On a fortieth day, mother will have to enter the temple, holding the baby's hands, ready to bring him and his motherhood to God. In his prayers, the church unites two motherhoods: the human and motherhood of the Major Virgin that gave birth to the true rule. Prayer fills human motherhood with unique joy and completeness of Mary's Divine Motherhood. The baby whom she wore and with whom the mother was completely connected, performed her grace. Now this grace fills the church, and each mother receives her child to God.

What happens during baptism?

The word "baptism" means "immersion." The main action of the baptism is the three-time immersion of the bison in water, which symbolizes the three-day stay of Christ in the coffin, after which the resurrection was made.

Each baptic repeats the path of Christ. Just as Christ died on a sacrifice for our sins, in the sacrament of baptism we die for sinful life and the creation of the wills of Satan, to then resurrect for life with God. All our nature is updated to the most reasons. We are left to all our sins in which we sincerely repented.

If a baby is baptized, then he must have a godfather parents, the responsibilities of which include the Christian raising of their gods. For them they will give a rigorous answer to the court of God. The one who agreed to become a godfather must realize that he takes on a huge responsibility for the child, and if it is not repaid to perform his duties, it will be strictly punished.

To give a child Christian education, the godfall themselves should live a Christian life, pray for their goddly.

Gelons parents are perceptions.

The custom to have perceivers with baptism goes back to the ancient apostolic legend. The Greek word "Anadehomenos" (perception) also has the meaning of the "Guarantor for the debtor". Saint John Zlatoust in one of his published conversations explains the role of perceptions: "If you want, we will turn the word and to the receivers of yours, to see and they seem to reward, if the great diligence will appear, and, on the contrary, what a conviction will follow you If they fall into carelessness. Think, the beloved, about those who adopted the guarantee of money that they are more dangerous than the debtor who took the money. For if the debtor is prudent, then the guarantor will facilitate the burden; If it becomes unreasonable, then he will prepare a greater danger. Therefore, some sage instructs, saying: "If you charge, take care of how to pay" (Sir. 8, 16). If the adopted money guarantee consider themselves responsible, then as far as those who are involved in the spiritual, those who have adopted the guarantee of virtue must show great care, convincing, advising, correcting, showing deceic love. And let them do not think that what is happening does not have meaning for them, but let them learn exactly what they will become partners of glory if their instructions will lead to the path of virtue; And if they fall into idle, there will be a lot of condemnation. For therefore, there is a custom of calling them with spiritual fathers so that they recognize them through the affairs themselves, which love should show in the instruction of spiritual. And if you commendably lead to zeal about the virtues of those who are in no way a relative, then how much more should execute the one who we accept the spiritual. Now learned now and you, perceptions that a considerable one threatens you danger, if you have carelessness. "

Parents need to remember that by the decision to chrish the child, they must attach a conscious promise to God to educate him according to the rules of the Orthodox Church. But, besides their commitment, the obligation of godparents is required. It is expressed in the baptismian vow of the godfather for the baby before God and the Church: "I denied from Satan, I combine Christ." Therefore, when baptized baby, you need to pay special attention to the godfather and on their faith.

In general, it is necessary only one perception: a man for the baptized person of a male or woman for female face. But, at the current tradition, there are two perceptions: a man and a woman.

When baptized babies, percepts hold their godparents throughout the sacrament. Preferably, the boy holds a godfather, and the girl is a godfather mother, but if it is difficult, you can keep in turn. After a triple immersion of the baby in the font, it is transmitted to the hands of a cross or cross-country (depending on the floor of the baffling). It is precisely because after diving in the font of the godfather (s) takes the baby from the hands of the priest, and the Slavic name of the perception went. Thus, he takes over his duty to raise the child in the Orthodox spirit and the answer for this education will be given on a terrible court. The godparents are trying to teach the gods of faith and piety, bring to the sacraments of the Orthodox Church and until the end of their days they pray for them.

Often, people are not serious about the election of godparents for their child. The vast majority of godfall do not meet the minimum requirements of the Church: not a single prayer, they did not read the gospel, do not know how to cross the crosses correctly, do not wear the cross. Such a perception will become only a formal godfather for a child, although the Church places greater responsibility for the spiritual education of the newly-cut.

It is completely unacceptable that the godfather become people who left the church due to the commission of grave (mortal) sins. Before participating in the sacraments of the Church, such people need to be reunited with the church through repentance in the sacrament of confession.

This applies not only to the godfather, but also to parents. For those who are not incerever, confession is obligatory!

It should be understood that parents should choose admirers depending on those spiritual qualities that will want to see in the future in their child. Therefore, asking to become a godfather you need exactly those people who meet these qualities. Parents also need to remember that, offering other people to be the godfather, they impose a big responsibility on them regarding the education of the child in the Orthodox faith.

Therefore, before you offer someone to become the godfather's parents of your child, it is necessary to determine for yourself: Will this person be able to incur such responsibility, whether it will not be an excess sin for which they will have to keep the answer in a terrible court.

While the perceptions are responsible before God for the upbringing of their gods, parents carry full responsibility for the spiritual, spiritual and physical development of their children, and the godfather are only assistants in this.

Subsequently, upon reaching a child of conscious age, the perception must explain to him the foundations of the Orthodox faith, drive him to the communion and take care of his moral and spiritual state. This once again shows that you need to choose the godfather of the baptized and rigorously believers familiar with the content of the Holy Scriptures living with church life in its sacraments.

It is desirable that for some time the children's parents confessed to the baptism of the child and were involved.

It is desirable that children will be removed from participating in the sacrament of baptism as percepts, since they still know too little and cannot be the true educators of their kid. Not allowed for perception of the monks and nuns, also parents can not be perceptuals of their own children.

In spiritual relationship, marriage is prohibited between susceptors and perceived in the sacrament of baptism, as well as with parents perceived. That is, the godfather and the godfather can not marry either the gods or gods, nor with their relatives in the blood of the fathers and mothers. The perception and perception (the godfather and the mother of the same blessby) may be married to each other.

Chin announcement.

Baptism is preceded by the chin of announcement, during which the priest reads prohibitive prayers directed against Satan.

Ieria blows the cruciform three times on the baptized, uttering words: "Crawling from it (or from it) of any delicious and unclean spirit, hidden and nesting in his heart ...". They are a reminder that "Created the Lord God of a man from the dust of the earthly and blown to his breath of life, and became a man with a soul," (Gen. 2.7). Further blesses three times and, laying your hand on the chapter of the baptized, reads prayer. The hand of the clergyman is the hand of the very Lord Jesus Christ, who is a gesture of protection and blessings, for in the future this person has a deadly fight with the forces of darkness.

Three prohibitions on unclean spirits.

The Church tells us about the uprising against God in the part of the angels who have worked pride in the spiritual world. And the source of evil is not in their ignorance and imperfection, but, on the contrary, in those knowledge and perfection, which led them to the temptation of pride and disappearance. Satan belonged to the very first and best creatures of God. He was imprisoned enough, wise and strong to know the Lord and not submit to him, rebel against him, wish "Freedom" from him. But since such "freedom" (i.e., arbitrariness) is impossible in the kingdom of Divine harmony, which exists only with voluntary agreement with the will of God, Satan and Angels are expelled by God from this kingdom.

That is why when baptized, the ban "Satan and all the agghels of it" is performed. St. Cyril Jerusalemsky speaks in the public concession: "The maintenance of this prohibition is the following: the first - hencens and drives the devil and all his action terrible for him by the divine names and the sacraments, expelleding the devil, commanding him and the demons to escape him from man and not to create him. Similarly, the second prohibition is expelled by the demons with the divine name. The third prohibition is together and a prayer, ascended by God, begging to expel the evil spirits from the creation of God and approve it in faith. "

Refraction from Satan.

The baptized (or godfather parents, if the baby is baptized) is rebounding from Satan, that is, it rejected the sinful habits and lifestyles, refuses to pride and self-affirmation, conscious that unreleased person is always a prisoner of passions, Satan.

Confession of loyalty to Christ.

However, the person himself will never be able to brave with a devil without alliance with Christ. Therefore, after the announcement of the war, Satan in the rank of announcement should be a combination with Christ.

The child becomes a member of Christ's Christ. His arms will be post, prayer, participation in church sacraments. He has to fight with his sinful passions - evil, lingering in his heart.

Breathable confesses faith, reads the faith symbol. If a baby is baptized, then a perception of the faith must read for him.


1. I believe in the One God of God, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible.
2. And in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beef, and from the Father born in the first time; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away.
3. We for the sake of the person and our for the sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven, and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest.
4. Crullago in the Pilate Pilate, and suffering, and buried.
5. And resistant on the third day by Scripture.
6. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father.
7. And the Paki of the dignship with Glevai Sudiuti alive and the dead, the Energ of Kingdom will not end.
8. And in the Spirit of the Saincho, the Lord, the life-wagon, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spolly and Suslavim, the Glagolavsago prophets.
9. In the saint, the Cathedral and Apostolic Church.
10. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins.
11. The resurrection of the dead,
12. And the lives of the future century. Amen.

The Symbol of Faith contains all major Christian truths. In ancient times, man should have learned them before baptism. And now this is a necessary condition for baptism. If a person disagrees at least alight with a symbol of faith, i.e. It does not have proper faith, then he can not be attached to the sacrament of baptism personally and even baptize his own children. What does he teach them? Responsibility for learning the truths of the faith of babies carry their perceivers and parents and, if they forget about it, they make a serious sin. A detailed interpretation on the Symbol of Faith can be found in any book "God of God".

Since the time of Apostolic Christians used the "faith symbols" in order to remind themselves the basic truths of the Christian faith. In the ancient church there were several short characters of faith. In the 4th century, when there were false teachings about God's son and about the Holy Spirit, there was a need for the previous characters to supplement and clarify. Thus, the symbol of faith consumed by the Orthodox Church appeared. It was compiled by fathers I and II of the Universal Councils. The Republic of the Universal Cathedral received seven members of the Faith symbol, II - the remaining five. I The Ecumenical Cathedral took place in 325. According to R. X. In Nahei, to approve the true teachings about the Son God against the false doctrine of Aria, that the Son of God was created by God by the Father. II Ecumenical Cathedral - in Constantinople in 381. To approve the true exercise on the Holy Spirit against the false coating of Macedonia, who rejected the divine dignity of the Holy Spirit. When studying the symbol is divided into 12 members. The first is said about God Father, then according to the seventh inclusive - about God Son, in the eighth - about God's spirit of the Holy, in the ninth - about the church, in the tenth - about baptism, in the eleventh - about the resurrection of the dead, in the twelfth - about eternal life.

The sacrament of baptism.

Consecration of water.

At the beginning of the very sacrament of Baptism, the priest makes each other in the font and reads prayers for the consecration of water, then blesses the water in which the Breatham has to wash his sins. He falls on three times with her procession, blowing on her, uttering prayer: "Yes, they will crush under the sign of the image of your cross all the opposite forces."

Consecration of water for baptism is one of the most important parts of the chinocution, which has a deepest connection with the sacrament itself.

In prayers and actions when performing sanctification of water for baptism, all sides of the sacrament are revealed, its connection is shown with the world and matter, with life in all its manifestations. Water is an oldest religious symbol. From a Christian point of view, there are important three main sides of this symbolism. First, water is the primary cosmic element. At the beginning of the creation, the "Spirit of God was rushing over the water" (Gen. 1, 2). At the same time, it is a symbol of destruction and death. The basis of life, life-giving force and, on the other hand, the basis of death, destructive power is such a dual image of water in Christian theology. And finally, water is a symbol of cleansing, rebirth and updates. This symbolism permeates all the Holy Scriptures, is among the narration of creation, fall and salvation. Saint John the Forerunner urged the people to repent and purify from sins in the waters of Jordan, and the Lord himself Jesus Christ himself, having accepted Baptism from him, consecrated the water element.

Consecration of ily.

After the consecration of the water, the priest reads a prayer for the consecration of oil (oils) and the water is melted. Then the priest makes an acknowledging of the baptized barely: face, chest, arms and legs. In the ancient world, the fools were used, first of all, as a healing agent. Firings, symbolizing healing, light and joy, was a sign of the reconciliation of God with a man. The pigeon, released by the nay of the ark, returned, brought him an oil branch, "And Noah found out that the water came down from the ground" (Gen. 8, 11). So, in the anointing of the water and the body of the Brewee Ehlith, it marks the completeness of life and the joy of reconciliation with God, since "there was life in him, and life was the light of people. And the light in the darkness shines, and the darkness did not argue it "(in. 1, 4-5).

Baptism updates and restores the entire person in its pristine integrity, reconciles the soul and body. The water and the body of a person for reconciliation with God and God with the world are melted.

Immersion in the font.

Immediately after anointing, the most important point of baptism occurs - immersion in the font.

The priest immerses the baptized into the water with the words: the slave of God is baptized (called the name) in the name of the Father, Amen (first dive). And Son, Amen (second dive). And the Holy Spirit, Amen (third dive). Immediately after diving, the cross is entrusted to the crosse - the sign of adopting the god sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, faith that Christ is truly died and truly risen from the dead, so in it we can die for sin in relation to our mortal life and become partakers here and Now - the life of the eternal.

The vestment is new.

The vestments in Roma Light, after baptism marks, above all, the return of a person to the integrity and innocence, which he possessed in paradise, restoring his true nature distorted by sin. Saint Amvrosiy, Bishop Median, compares this clothes with the glitteries of Christ, who transformed on Mount Favor. The transformed Christ revealed himself to the disciples not in naked form, but in the clothes "white, like the light", in the non-rupture radiance of divine glory. In the sacrament of baptism, a person again acquires his original robe of glory, the main truth of Christianity is clearly and really opens, "you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ appears, life is yours, then you will appear with him in glory "(count 3, 3-4). The deepest mystery is performed: the unity of the human and divine in the "updated life". Grace supplied to a person in baptism, as in the rest of the sacraments, is the fruit of the sacrificial death of Christ and His Resurrection. She informs the will of the will to save and power to go through life, carrying his cross. And therefore, baptism can and should be determined not figuratively, not symbolically, but essentially as death and resurrection.

In a Christian understanding, death is, above all, spiritual phenomenon. You can be dead, still living on Earth, and to be not involved, lying in the grave. Death is the remoteness of a person from life, that is, from God. The Lord is the only owner of life and life itself. Death is opposite not to immortality, but a true life, which was "light of humans" (in. 1,4).

Life without God is spiritual death, which turns human life into loneliness and suffering, fills it with fear and self-deception, turns a person into slavery sin and malice, emptiness.

We are not saved because we believe in the supernatural power and power of the Lord, since it is not such faith he wants from us. Believe in Christ means not only to admit it, not only to receive from him, but, first of all, work in glory. It is impossible to expect help from him without fulfilling his commandments and, above all, the commandments of love; It is impossible to call him the Lord and bow in front of him, without fulfilling his father.

Immersion in the water means that the baptist dies to the life of sinful and helps with Christ in order to live with him and in it (Rome. 6, 3-11. Kol. 2, 12-13). This is the most important thing in the sacrament of baptism. Only by grace of God, we know that "this water is truly true for us and a coffin, and a mother ..." (St. Gregory Nissky).

The sacrament of the world-building.

After immersing in the font and vestments in white clothes, the priest assisted the newly encouraged by the holy world: captures the "seal of the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit".

Through the world-aging of the Holy Spirit, it comes off on each of us, by performing us by the power of God, as once on the day of Pentecost, he descended on the students of Christ.

Holy Miro is a specially cooked butter, which once a year is consecrated by the Patriarch and then sends all the dioceses, where the bishops distribute it to their abbots.

The priest misses the holy world of an already baptized person. His forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouths, ears, chest, hands and legs are woined.

The holy world is enacted by different parts of the body, in order to sanctify the whole person through anointing: and his body, and his soul. Announced forehead for making a shame that covered him in the crime of Adam, and to consecrate our thoughts. The eyes are awarded so that we do not get the touch in the way along the path of vice, but to go along the path of salvation under the guidance of the gracious light; Ears - so that our ear so much to hearing the Word of God; Magnify - so that they become capable of broadcasting the Divine Truth. Hands for consecration for the work of pious, affairs, pleasing to God; legs - to walk our in the footsteps of the commandments of the Lord; And the chest is that we, having enhanced the grace of the Holy Spirit, won any enemy strength and could all make Jesus Christ (FLP. 4. 13) in strengthening us. In a word, our thoughts, desires, our heart and all our body are sanctified to make them capable of new Christian life. The anointing of the world is a visible sign, printing that the newest is given from God the Holy Spirit. Since that minute, this sacred seal is laid on us, the Holy Spirit enters into the engagement, in a close living connection with our soul. With the same minute, we become Christians.

Whenever time, the priest repeats the words: "Print the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit", and the perception at the end of anointing is responsible: "Amen", which means "genuinely, truly."

Miropomanazing - New independent sacrament, although it is associated with baptism and is committed, according to the rules of the Orthodox Church, immediately after a triple dive into the font.

Acquired through the baptism of the new son, our caring mother - the Holy Church - without any depreciation begins to make his care for him. As in bodily life, air and food is needed to strengthen the baby forces, and for her born spiritually through baptism need special, spiritual food. Such food teaches the Holy Church in the Mystery of Miropomania, through which the descent on our soul of the Holy Spirit occurs. It is similar to the descent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, former with the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Reading the Holy Scriptures and procession around the font. After the sacrament of the world, there is a triple procession around the car.

The solemn entry of the font with singing "Elitsa in Christ is baptized ..." is, above all, the expression of the joy of the church about the birth of her new member of God. On the other hand, since the circle is a sign of eternity, this procession shows that the newly promoted expresses the desire to ever serve God, to be a lamp, which is not under prior, but on the candle (Lux 8, 16), yes shines all people with their kind Affairs and asks the Lord to wait for his eternal bliss. Immediately after the procession around the font there is a reading of the apostle and the gospel. During reading, godfalls are standing with burning candles.

Finishing baptism rites.

The final rites of the chin-surgery of baptism and the world-formation - the washing of the Holy World and the kneading hair - they are committed immediately after reading the Gospel.

The first rite is flushing from the body of the newly end of the Holy World. Now the external, visible signs and symbols can be eliminated, because from now on, only the inner mastering of the man of grace, faith and loyalty will support him and will give strength. The Christian must carry the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit in his heart.

The hair of the hair, which is performed immediately after washing off from the body of the newly end of the Holy World, from ancient times was a symbol of obedience and sacrifice. People felt in the hair concentration of strength and energy. This rite is found in the rank of initiation into a monk, and in the rank of dedication of the readers. In the fall of the world, the way to restoring divine beauty, darkened, humiliated, distorted, begins with the sacrifice of God, that is, with bringing him a joy and thanks to the fact that in this world it became a symbol of beauty - hair. Especially lively, the meaning of this victim is revealed in the baptism of babies. The child can not offer God anything else, and therefore he is cut off from his hair from his head with the words: "Slave of God (Slave of God) [Name] In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


Holy baptism is the spiritual birth of a person, i.e. The beginning of his spiritual life, and in the early years, the parents and the godfather depends on what the continuation will be. Try to communicate your child with God, first of all, in the sacrament of the saint communion in which a person is truly connected to God.

The child can be seen in any Orthodox church. Baby (up to 7 years) before the communion is not required confession, and it is not necessary to be the entire service in the temple. It can be brought / to bring after the start of worship, depending on his spiritual age. All small children can be adjusted after feeding (but not immediately after; children in the temple before the communion should not be gnawed by the rags, croutons, etc.). When feeding, meat food should be deleted. If possible, try to start communion of children on an empty stomach, teaching them to the skills of the post, i.e. After midnight on the day, the communion should not give a child and drink. After 4 years, you can only move on an empty stomach.

From an early age, try to instill children's skills, knowledge about faith and church through reading prayers, holy Scriptures for children (Bible, Holy Gospel), reading the lives of the Saints, the Law of God and other spiritual literature. Teach children to see the presence of God in all manifestations of the world around us.

Memo to parents.

For the baptism of the child must be purchased:

Sanctified cross on the ribbon (if the cross is bought in the jewelry store, then it must be consecrated);
- a baptismal shirt;
- diaper and towel;

With the baptism of children, the boy needs a godfather, the girl is a godmother, you can invite the other. The age of godparents should be older than 16 years.

Aggel - Fallen Angel.
He cries - church., Reject, noted, repel.