The essence, composition and structure of the basic production assets of the enterprise. Fixed assets of the enterprise and their structure


1.1. Concept, essence and purpose of fixed assets of the enterprise ... .5

1.2. Classification of fixed assets …………………………………… .6

1.3. Composition and structure of fixed assets ……………………………… ..9

ІІ Section. Valuation, depreciation and amortization of fixed assets

2.1. Assessment of fixed assets …………………………………………… ..12

2.2. Depreciation of fixed assets ……………………………………………… 14

2.3. Depreciation of fixed assets ……………………………………… 18

ІІІ Section. Indicators and directions for improving the use of fixed assets.

3.1. Indicators of the use of fixed assets ... 23

3.2. The main directions of improving the use of fixed production assets ............................................................................. 25




Fixed assets are one of the most important factors in any production. Their condition and effective use directly affect the final results of the economic activity of the enterprise.

The problem of increasing the efficiency of using fixed assets and production capacities of enterprises in modern conditions is central. The place of the enterprise in industrial production, its financial condition and competitiveness in the market depend on the solution of this problem, since fixed assets are the most significant component of the property of the enterprise and its non-current assets.

To date, the topic of the course work is very relevant, since in the conditions of rapid technical progress, there is a constant improvement of technology, new, more highly productive types of mechanisms and devices are created that replace old technology. The term of use (service life) of fixed assets in the production process is becoming increasingly important, both from the point of view of technical progress, and from the point of view of a more correct and highly efficient use of those capital investments that are spent on creating new fixed assets.

Fixed assets are involved in the production process for a long time, they serve a large number of production cycles and, gradually wearing out in the production process, in parts transfer their value to the manufactured products, while maintaining their natural form. This feature of fixed assets makes it necessary to use them as efficiently as possible.

Purpose of writing the work - study of the company's fixed assets.

The goal set in the work is achieved by solving the following tasks:

    study of the concept, composition and structure of the company's fixed assets,

    consideration of a detailed classification of fixed assets,

    study of the types of valuation of fixed assets,

    consideration of the concept of depreciation and amortization of fixed assets of an enterprise,

    analysis of indicators of the use of fixed assets,

    analyze ways to improve the use of fixed assets


І Section. The essence and purpose of fixed assets, their composition and structure.

1.1. Concept, essence and purpose of fixed assets of an enterprise.

Fixed assets are means of labor that repeatedly participate in the production process, while maintaining their natural form. They are intended for the needs of the main activity of the organization and must have a period of use over a year. As depreciation occurs, the value of fixed assets decreases and is transferred to the cost of production through depreciation.

To recognize an object as the main asset for an organization, the following conditions must be met:

    the object is intended for use in the production of products, in the performance of work or the provision of services, for the management needs of the organization, or for provision by the organization for a fee for temporary possession and use or for temporary use;

    the object is intended to be used for a long time, i.e. a period lasting more than 12 months or a normal operating cycle if it exceeds 12 months;

    the organization does not imply the subsequent resale of this object;

    the object is able to bring the organization economic benefits (income) in the future.

There are three main features that reveal the economic essence of fixed assets: multiple participation in new production cycles; transferring the cost to the finished product in parts and during the entire operation time; preservation of the original form.

The main defining feature of fixed assets is the method of transferring value to the product - gradually: over a number of production cycles; parts: as they wear out. Depreciation of fixed assets is accounted for according to the established rates of depreciation, the amount of which is included in the cost of production. After the sale of products, the accrued depreciation is accumulated in a special depreciation fund, which is intended for new capital investments. Thus, the lump sum advanced value into the authorized capital (fund) in terms of fixed capital makes a constant circulation, passing from monetary form to natural, to commodity and again to monetary. This is the economic essence of fixed assets.

The main production assets of an enterprise are means of labor that participate in many production cycles, retain their natural form and transfer value to the manufactured product in parts, as they wear out. The law of reproduction of fixed capital is expressed in the fact that, under normal economic conditions, its value introduced into production is fully restored, providing an opportunity for constant technical renewal of the means of labor. With simple reproduction at the expense of the depreciation fund, enterprises form a new system of labor tools, equal in value to worn out ones. To expand production, new investments of funds are required, attracted additionally from profits, contributions of founders, issuance of securities, credit, etc. With a large scale of fixed capital used, large and large enterprises have the opportunity to finance not only simple, but also significant the least expanded reproduction of means of labor.

1.2. Classification of fixed assets

To account for fixed assets, to determine their composition and structure, their classification is necessary. (Fig. 1)

Figure: 1. Classification of fixed assets (funds)

According to the principle of material-natural composition, they are divided into:

1) buildings - architectural and construction objects that create the necessary conditions for labor and storage of material values \u200b\u200b(buildings and structures in which the processes of the main, auxiliary and auxiliary production take place, as well as administrative buildings and outbuildings);

2) structures - engineering and technical objects that perform technical functions for servicing the production process, but not associated with changes in the subject of labor (tunnels, overpasses, railways of intra-plant transport, gutters, etc.);

3) transfer devices - devices with the help of which electrical, thermal and mechanical energy, as well as liquid and gaseous substances (electrical and heating networks, communication lines, gas networks, steam pipelines and other devices that are not part of buildings) are transmitted;

4) machinery and equipment, including:

a) power machines and equipment - designed for the generation, conversion and distribution of energy (generators, electric motors, steam engines and turbines, internal combustion engines, etc.);

b) working machines and equipment - directly involved in the technological process, affecting the objects of labor or moving them in the process of creating products (metal and woodworking machines, presses, hammers, thermal equipment, etc.);

c) measuring and control devices and devices - are used to regulate production processes manually or automatically, measure and control the parameters of technological processes, conduct laboratory tests and research;

d) computer technology - a set of tools for accelerating and automating the processes of solving problems of enterprise management, production and technological processes;

e) other machines and equipment that are not included in the listed groups that perform certain technical functions (equipment for automatic telephone exchanges, fire escapes, fire trucks, etc.);

5) vehicles - means for moving people and goods across the territory of the enterprise;

6) tool - means involved in the implementation of the production process as a direct form-building element, with a service life of more than 1 year;

7) production equipment and accessories - serve to ensure the performance of production operations, create conditions for safe work, storage of objects of labor, liquid and bulk solids (work tables, workbenches, fences, etc.);

8) household inventory - performs the functions of maintaining production and providing conditions for work (copy machines, tables, cabinets, printers, etc.);

9) land plots, perennial plantings;

10) working, productive livestock and other fixed assets.

By functional purpose, fixed assets are divided into:

1) fixed production assets are those means of labor that are directly involved in the production process (machines, equipment, etc.), they create conditions for its normal implementation and serve to store and move the means of labor;

2) non-production fixed assets - these are fixed assets under the jurisdiction of industrial enterprises, but not directly involved in the production process (residential buildings, kindergartens and nurseries, schools, hospitals, etc.).

By belonging, fixed assets are subdividedfor own and rented.

Depending on the degree of impact on the subject of labor, fixed production assets are divided into:

1) active - these are fixed assets that are in the production process

directly affect the object of labor, modifying it (machines

and equipment, technological lines, vehicles);

Fixed assets (, fixed capital) is a part. They are created in the process, reused in production (economy) and gradually (in parts, by way) transfer their value to the created products and services, without changing their natural-material form.

Fixed assets are the most important element of national wealth.

Essence of fixed assets

Fixed assets refer to production assets, as they are created and used in the production process.

Fixed assets include objects that serve for at least a year and cost more than a certain value, established depending on the dynamics of prices for the products of asset-creating industries (Fixed assets include objects, the cost of which is determined in the amount of fifty times the minimum monthly wage established by law on the date of their acquisition).

The essence of fixed assets:
  • they are materially embodied in the means of labor;
  • their value is transferred in parts to the product;
  • they retain their natural shape for a long time as they wear out;
  • are reimbursed based on depreciation at end of service life.
Signs of fixed capital
  • Operates for a long time, participates repeatedly in the production of products and services
  • It transfers its value to the result of labor in parts, as it wears out
  • During operation does not change its material form

Classification of fixed assets

To study the composition of fixed assets, groupings are used according to the following criteria:

  • by sectors of the economy - fixed assets of sectors that produce goods and provide services;
  • by forms of ownership - fixed assets in state, private and other types of ownership;
  • according to the system of participation in the production process - fixed assets directly used in the production process of products (works, services), and inactive fixed assets, including those in stock, for conservation, for repair, for reconstruction;
  • by ownership - own and leased fixed assets;
  • on a territorial basis - fixed assets of districts, republics, territories, regions and cities.
Sources of data on fixed assets:
  • regular statistical reporting on the availability and
  • one-time statistical reporting on the data of revaluation of fixed assets
  • business register data and sample survey data.

By affiliation fixed assets are subdivided into own and rented. Basic production assets depending on the degree of their impact on the subject of labor divided intoactive and passive.

Tangible and intangible fixed assets

According to the all-Russian classifier, fixed assets are divided into tangible and intangible.

Tangible fixed assets include:

  • Buildings (other than housing).
  • Structures.
  • Dwellings.
  • Cars and equipment.
  • Transport vehicles.
  • Tools, production and household inventory.
  • Working and productive livestock.
  • Perennial plantings.
  • Other fixed assets.

Building - buildings and structures in which the processes of main, auxiliary and auxiliary production take place; administrative buildings; household buildings. The cost of these objects, in addition to the construction part, also includes the cost of heating systems, water supply systems, electrical fittings, ventilation devices, etc. The cost of buildings as part of the main industrial and production assets of Russia is 28%.

Constructions... The group of structures, constituting, respectively, 21% includes engineering and construction objects that are necessary for the implementation of the production process: roads, overpasses, tunnels, bridges, etc.

cars and equipment - power machines and equipment, including all types of power units and engines; working machines and equipment that directly affect the subject of labor or its movement in the process of creating products; measuring or regulating instruments and devices and laboratory equipment designed for measurements, regulation of production processes, testing and research; since 1972, computer technology has been separated into a separate subgroup: electronic computers, analog control machines, as well as machines and devices used to control production and technological processes; other machines and equipment that are not included in the listed subgroups.

The specific weight of the group "machinery and equipment" in 2002 was 43% in the total value of fixed assets of the industry.

Vehicles (owned by enterprises rolling stock of railways, water and road transport, as well as in-plant vehicles: autocars, trolleys, carts, etc.). The share of vehicles increased to 18%.

Tools and fixtures... Fixed assets include all types of instruments with a service life of over 1 year. Tools and inventory that have been in service for less than 1 year are classified as revolving funds.

Transfer devices (6%) - water supply and electricity networks; heating network, gas networks, steam pipelines, i.e., objects that transfer various types of energy from engine machines to working machines (oil pipelines, gas pipelines, etc.)

Production and household tools and accessoriesdesigned for storing materials, tools and facilitating production operations - workbenches, shelves, tables, containers, office and household items (furniture, fireproof cabinets, duplicating machines, fire-fighting items, etc.).

Working and productive livestock... Working cattle (horses, bulls, oxen, camels, etc.) have been singled out as a separate group since 1996. The fixed assets also include productive livestock - adult animals that produce products and offspring (cows, ewes, sows, etc.). The value of young stock, livestock and fattening animals is included in the working capital of agricultural enterprises.

Perennial plantings... Fixed assets include perennial plantations: fruit-bearing orchards, berry fields, forest shelter belts.

On-farm roads.

Landowned by the enterprise.

Other fixed assets.

Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, directions of the state's economic and depreciation policy, the classification of fixed assets is periodically revised.

The above classification of material fixed assets is specified for each branch of the economy. That is, the classification of fixed assets in industry differs from the classification of fixed assets in agriculture, and the classification of fixed assets in agriculture differs from the classification of fixed assets in construction.

Natural-material classification of fixed assets allows you to analyze the change in their structure, to determine the proportion of active and passive parts of fixed assets. The assignment of a particular type of fixed assets to the active or passive part depends on the specifics of industry activities. Usually, buildings and structures are included in the passive part of fixed assets. But in a number of industries, for example, in the oil and gas industry, wells (included in the group of structures) belong to the active part of fixed assets.

Intangible fixed assets (intangible produced assets):

  • Exploration expenditures.
  • Computer software and databases.
  • Original works of entertainment, literature and art.
  • High-tech industrial technologies.
  • Other intangible fixed assets that are objects of intellectual property, the use of which is limited by the ownership rights established on them.

Fixed assets include not only operating fixed assets, but also the cost of unfinished objects, which are transferred in this state from the manufacturer to the ownership of the user or, when they are paid in stages, are actually financed by the customer. Consequently, assets are accounted for as fixed assets from the moment they become the owner's property. As a result, fixed assets increase by the value of the value of the unfinished manufactured tangible assets, i.e., by the value of the value of the work in progress of equipment (with a long production cycle) in the part paid by the customer, uninstalled equipment paid by the customer. This group also includes livestock, young animals, plantations of perennial plantations that have not reached fertile age, grown for repeated production of appropriate products, as well as bee families, poultry and fish grown for the production of livestock products and breeding purposes.

See also



1.1. Composition, structure and classification of fixed assets of the enterprise. five

1.2. Indicators of the efficiency of using the company's fixed assets 8


2.1. Characteristics of the Olkon Joint Stock Company. 25

2.2. Analysis of the financial and economic condition of JSC Olkon. 27

2.3. Analysis of the state of fixed assets of JSC "Olkon". 32

2.4. Ways to improve the efficiency of using fixed assets in Olkon JSC 38




The fixed assets of the enterprise are such means of labor that serve many production cycles for a long time and at the same time retain their natural form. Accounting and assessment of fixed assets helps to determine the technical equipment of the enterprise, to establish the wear and tear of equipment, as well as the timing of its renewal.

To carry out economic activities and ensure normal functioning in a market environment, any firm needs various resources with the help of which the production of various goods and services is carried out. First of all, such resources include the fixed assets of the enterprise, which represent the most expensive part of the means of production and participate in the production process many times, which leads to their further wear and tear. In this regard, fixed assets transfer their value to manufactured products, works and services in parts, while maintaining their natural form.

The state and effective use of fixed assets of the enterprise contributes to an increase in the volume of turnover, profits and an increase in the technical equipment of the enterprise, which leads to an improvement in the results of the activity of the company itself as a whole.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the problem of assessing the company's fixed assets is gaining more and more attention. The influence of scientific and technological progress changes the conditions of management, and, consequently, the functioning of the enterprise as a whole. In the first place there are issues of the technical level, quality and reliability of products, works, services, which depends, first of all, on the state of fixed assets. In this regard, the study and assessment of fixed assets that ensure the normal functioning of individual enterprises is a prerequisite for the development of any modern company.

The object of the research is the main production assets of the enterprise.

The subject of the course work is the analysis and assessment of fixed assets of the "Olkon" joint-stock company.

The purpose of the course work research is to analyze and evaluate the fixed assets of an economic entity.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. to reveal the essence and classification of the fixed assets of the enterprise;

2. consider indicators characterizing the use of fixed assets;

3. to analyze the depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprise;

4. to analyze the basic production assets of the enterprise JSC "Olkon" and to assess them.

When writing a term paper, the following methods were used:


2. synthesis.

The theoretical and methodological basis was the laws and regulations, as well as the works of scientists - economists: OV Baskakova, IA Mukhina, LF Seiko. and others.

Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature.


Composition, structure and classification of fixed assets of the enterprise

Fixed assets (MPF) - part of the property that acts as a means of labor, which are necessary for the production of products and the provision of services or for the management of the company for a period exceeding 12 months and costing more than 100 times the minimum monthly wage. They represent the most significant part of the property of the enterprise and its non-current assets.

In modern economic theory, the concept of "fixed assets" and "fixed assets" are mainly used as equals, but there are some differences between them. Fixed assets are a set of material and material values \u200b\u200bused as means of labor. As tangible assets, fixed assets have a monetary value, and in monetary value they are usually called fixed assets.

Fixed assets include both buildings, structures, equipment, computers, and capital investments made by the enterprise in perennial plantings and leased fixed assets.

Accounting Regulation "Accounting for Fixed Assets" PBU 6/01 regulates the assets of the enterprise as fixed assets, if the following conditions are met simultaneously:

1. the object is intended for the production of products, the performance of work or the provision of services, for the managerial needs of the company, or for their lease;

2. the item is used for a period exceeding 12 months or a normal operating cycle if it is more than 12 months;

3. the firm does not intend to further resell this object;

4. the object is able to bring economic benefits to the company in the future.

Fixed assets differ in many ways, in connection with which there are many of their classifications. One of them is the division of fixed assets of the enterprise depending on the nature of their participation in the sphere of material production. In this case, they are divided into:

1. Production fixed assets, which are characterized by constant participation in production and transfer their value to finished products, works, services entirely at the expense of capital investments.

2. Non-productive fixed assets, which are characterized by a lack of participation in production, because are intended to serve it and pay off not by transferring their value to finished products, works or services, but by national income.

Depending on the industry affiliation, fixed assets are divided into industrial, trade, agricultural and others. In this regard, at enterprises with a diversified economy, funds are allocated for each type of activity.

On the basis of a natural-material characteristic, fixed assets can be divided into the following types:

1. buildings, structures;

2. workers, power machines and equipment;

3. measuring and regulating instruments and devices;

4. computer technology;

5. vehicles;

6. tools;

7. production and household inventory;

8. perennial plantings;

9. working, productive, breeding cattle;

10. on-farm roads and other relevant facilities.

By the nature of use, fixed assets are allocated, which are in operation, in reserve, for conservation, reconstruction or completion.

By the nature of participation in the production process, fixed assets are divided into active and passive.

Active fixed assets are understood as funds that are directly involved in the production process of products and have a direct impact on the volume and quality of finished products. All other funds of the enterprise are usually classified as passive, because they do not have a direct impact on the subject of labor, but create conditions for ensuring the production process.

The share of the active part of fixed assets is the most important indicator of their structure, since the volume of output, production capacity and other economic indicators, first of all, depend on the active part of the assets. Depending on the industry of production, assets of fixed assets include funds that differ in the nature of the impact on the objects of labor and their participation in the production of products. So, for example, in the energy sector, power equipment and transmission devices can be attributed to assets, at an enterprise whose main activity is mechanical engineering - machinery and equipment, etc. Thus, the active part of fixed assets characterizes the technical level of production in any industry.

To characterize OPF, indicators of their structure are used, which show the ratio of various types of fixed assets in their total value. This ratio shows the technological structure, which is influenced by the technical and economic characteristics of the industrial sectors of the enterprise.

The production structure of fixed assets is influenced by various factors, such as:

1. technical equipment of the enterprise;

2. the level of concentration, specialization, cooperation, combination and diversification of production;

3. the geographical location of the enterprise;

4. forms of reproduction of fixed assets;

5. technological structure of capital investments;

6. industry specificities and other factors.

There is also an age structure of fixed assets, which shows their distribution by age groups, for example, up to 5 years; from 5 to 10 years, etc. When conducting an analysis at an enterprise, various age groups can be used depending on the industry, the specifics of the enterprise or the type of its activity.

The average age of fixed assets can be calculated as a weighted average both for the whole enterprise and for individual groups of machines and equipment.

Thus, each firm needs to monitor the wear and tear of the active part of fixed assets, since the results of the financial and economic activities of the entire enterprise as a whole depend on it.

Similar information.

Fixed assets are subdivided into production fixed assets and non-production fixed assets.

Basic production assets are the material and technical base of social production.

The production assets operating in industry make up the industrial-production assets - these funds, in view of their diversity, are studied comprehensively.

In order to study the volume and composition of industrial production assets, they are grouped according to various criteria - by forms of ownership, by industries and by their natural form.

The essence of the classification is to create the ability to distribute the fixed assets of enterprises according to their purpose in the production process and reflect their technical level.

The main production assets of industrial enterprises are divided into groups:

  1. buildings, structures;
  2. transmission devices;
  3. cars and equipment;
  4. production and household inventory.

The ratio of individual groups of fixed assets in their total volume represents the specific structure of fixed assets.

The initial cost of fixed assets is the sum of the costs of acquiring or manufacturing funds, their installation and delivery.

Replacement cost - the cost of reproduction of fixed assets in market conditions.

Residual value is the difference between the original or replacement value of fixed assets and the amount of their depreciation.

Depreciation is the monetary value of the depreciation value of fixed assets transferred to products. Depreciation is included in the cost of production.

The annual amount of depreciation deductions is determined by the formula: A \u003d (B - L) / T,

where B is the full initial cost of fixed assets;

L is the liquidation value of fixed assets minus the costs of dismantling them;

T is the standard service life of fixed assets;

M is the estimated cost of modernization during the entire operational period.

Annual depreciation rates are also determined using the following formula:

Annual balances of fixed assets are made to characterize changes in the volume and movement of fixed assets, their reproduction.

Annual depreciation of fixed assets is equal to the amount of accrued depreciation for the year.

Fixed assets (FF) - are a set of material and material values \u200b\u200bused as means of labor and acting in kind for a long time, both in the sphere of material production and in the non-production sphere and transferring their value to finished products in parts.

OPF is the main production assets that participate in the production process for a long time, while retaining their natural form, their value is transferred to finished products gradually, in parts as they are used.

Non-production fixed assets are fixed assets that are not directly involved in the production process, do not transfer their value to the product, but are on the balance sheet of the enterprise. These are objects designed to meet the personal and cultural needs of the organization's employees.

OPF, according to their role in the production process, are divided into:

1 active part - directly affects the production, quantity and quality of products;

2 passive elements that create the necessary conditions for the production process.

In addition, in accounting, the PF does not include items that are employees less than a year, regardless of their value, and low-value items, regardless of their service life.

Fixed assets of organizations and their intangible assets determine the content of fixed capital, and in the accounting form the concept of non-current assets.

According to the material-natural composition, the PF is subdivided into:

1 building. Buildings include buildings in which various shops are located, administrative buildings necessary for a normal technological process;

2 buildings. Structures include engineering and construction objects of various nature, with the help of which technical functions are performed not related to changes in objects of labor (gas wells, water towers);

3 transfer devices. Transmission devices - power lines, cable lines, telephone and telegraph networks, radio communications, pipelines, oil pipelines, etc.;

4 machines and equipment. Power machines and equipment include machines-generators that produce energy; motor machines (electric current motors, mercury rectifiers, transformers, steam boilers, compressor units). Working machines and equipment - equipment used to manufacture products (machine tools, presses, cranes). The main production equipment is divided into cash, installed, working. Cash is the equipment on the balance sheet and included in the inventory lists of the enterprise, regardless of the state and location. The installed equipment is the equipment located in the production premises, active, inoperative, in reserve and on conservation. Not included in the composition of such equipment received by the enterprise, but not assembled and not put into operation. Working is the equipment that produces products;

5 vehicles. Vehicles - mobile vehicles on the balance sheet of the enterprise, designed to move goods and workers (wagons, trolleys, cars, tractors);

6 tool. The tool group includes all kinds of mechanized and hand tools - measuring, cutting, pressing, jackhammers, as well as all kinds of devices - vices, cartridges;

7 production inventory and accessories. Production inventory and accessories combine tools that facilitate labor - workbenches, work tables or that contribute to its protection - fencing of machines, machine tools, as well as inventory containers, containers, etc. appointments, etc .;

8 working and productive livestock;

9 perennial plantations;

10 on-farm roads;

11 other OF.

The characteristic features of OPF are that they have a high cost, long service life, function for a long period, retain their natural form, transfer the value contained in them to the manufactured products gradually in parts, as they wear out.

The ratio of individual groups and elements of the OPF represents the production structure of the OP in which the active and passive parts are distinguished.

The structure of the OPF is influenced by the following factors:

Material, technical and production features of the industry;

Forms of organization of production;

The technical level of production;

Forms of reproduction of PF;

The level of industrialization of construction;

Geography of industry location;

The nature of the products manufactured;

Production volume.

By affiliation, OPF are subdivided into own and leased.

Own ones are wholly owned by the enterprise, and the leased ones are the property of other business entities and, in accordance with the lease agreement, are used at this enterprise.