Photo session 1 year old boy in nature

Photos of babies at a very early age - a real treasure of a family album. Bright and spontaneous, children's photos convey the emotionality of the baby, tell about his first steps and the unrestrained desire to open a new world. Children's photo session in 1 year is considered one of the most difficult.

Parents should understand that a one-year-old child’s photo session is always unpredictable shooting, when a baby usually does not sit still, trying to study everything, touch it and turn away from the camera or face up with the palms at the most unexpected moment. A professional children's photographer should be able to catch the desired angle, while the fidget runs, jumps and grabs everything that can not be touched.

How to prepare for parents so that the children's photo session will go well and make the most colorful photos for a year to a child?

Choosing a place

Photo session for a year can be anywhere! The kid is already quite active, so the choice of the location of shooting is completely dependent on the wishes of the parents.

At home, a photo session for a child of 1 year is always very touching and warm-hearted, because the peanut is surrounded by warmth and love in his home environment.

A bright and colorful photo session of the child will be 1 year in nature, when the baby is surprised to learn a new world in all its colors. It does not matter what time it is outside the window: in the summer in the sandbox and the funny panama or in the winter in an embrace with a snowman in huge father's mittens - the children's photographer captures the moment so that it becomes a pleasant memory. At the same time, you can always prepare props for shooting and any clearing in the park will change.

If you do not want to depend on changeable weather, the best option would be to shoot in a photo studio. At your disposal a variety of backgrounds and locations, as well as a variety of props for the baby.

First birthday

Of course, a photo session of children in 1 year also implies a birthday party for a baby with gifts, a delicious cake and balloons. To capture a joyful moment to replenish the family album is a must

Shooting can be done in the studio. Decorate the background with flags, balls, paper balls "plisse", etc., it's all individually. Buy a small cake and give your child freedom of action)) Remember, it will definitely get dirty, so you need to stock up on a spare set of clothes for your baby. Photos will be joyful and colorful.

The first year of a child's life is one of the greatest joys for parents. As a rule, by this date, the baby is already beginning to walk on its own, speak its first words and learn this vast world full of secrets. Such a celebration every family wants to capture on photographic paper, and in the most interesting format, so that the brightest moments of that day, as well as an infinite number of trifles, from which great joys are built, remain in memory.

Want to find interesting ideas for a child’s photo session for 1 year? Professional photographer Victoria Sergeeva is ready to offer a lot of interesting concepts for shooting your baby. Starting from a classic children's photo shoot and ending with a stylish Smash Cake, which fully reflects all the positive emotions of the holiday.

What is important to consider when holding a photo shoot of a child in 1 year?

One-year-old baby is, firstly, very sensitive, and secondly, it can be very difficult for a child to explain how to behave in order to get a good shot. This is where the difficult work of the photographer begins - sometimes you need to do a few dozen frames so that only one of them turns out to be perfect. The specialist needs to be attentive to every detail, choose the most successful angles, and also take into account a large number of other equally important aspects.

A big plus when shooting a child is that when the photographer works, the kid behaves naturally. Children are never shy, do not turn away from the camera and do not make the main mistakes of adults in a photo shoot for one simple reason - they are not afraid to turn in the photo unsuccessfully.

Parents also should not stand aside - feeling the presence of mom and dad, the baby will behave much more confidently and liberated with a stranger, which will greatly help to get good pictures, bring it to the ideal that can be achieved by further computer processing. But do not forget another important point - how to choose the most interesting idea for a photo shoot of a child for 1 year? It is worth analyzing this question in some detail.

Baby photo session for 1 year: ideas for shooting

When conducting such a photograph, it is necessary to take into account that the child is photographed, as they say in the circle of specialists, “not on a passport”. This means that frames should reflect positive emotions and cause associations with childhood. To do this, use the appropriate details, solemn outfits for kids, as well as another extremely important element - a cake. Be sure to take a few shots with parents.

The most important thing is to emphasize the atmosphere of solemnity. Without it, there will be no meaning in a holiday photo shoot for a child. Fortunately, creating a festive background is not difficult both at home and in a specialized photo studio. In the past, the presence of a large number of relevant details will help to organize an excellent shooting environment, which is why baby photo shoot ideas for 1 year  there is a huge set.

Ideas for a child's photo shoot for 1 year: choose the best option

Thanks to the appropriate setting in modern photo studios and professional photo processing facilities, you can create unique frames that will give you fond memories of the very beginning of a child's journey throughout life. There is also the possibility of creating a conceptual photo book with individual design.

If you wish to capture the first year of a baby’s life, then a thematic photo session for 1 year to a child, made by yourself or a child photographer, will keep in your memory dear memories - a birthday, a walk in the park with your family.

There are a variety of ideas for photosets for small children. You can take a picture of a child during a children's party or a family party; in kindergarten; on vacation in nature with their parents or with grandparents, as well as in the studio.

Photographing kids on the street

When your baby starts walking, it becomes possible to realize any ideas for photosets. Before you start taking pictures, consider a number of questions:

  • photoset topic
  • image of a child
  • accessories
  • suitable poses

To make the photos natural and pleasing to the eye, let the child choose the most comfortable postures for shooting: lying on the tummy or back, sitting on the grass while playing with a typewriter or a doll.

Professional children's photographer will make an excellent shot at the right time. Ideas of a photo shoot for a year to a child in summer are easy to implement. If your daughter or son likes to play on the beach, take a picture of them while playing in the sandbox or running through the water. Use all sorts of bright accessories - swimming circle, inflatable toys.

Unforgettable photoshoot in nature is easy to spend in the summer in the garden or at the cottage. Come up with a bright image for your child. For example, the boy would be a cowboy - blue jeans, a plaid shirt and an original hat.

With the help of a watering can, bright Panama and summer overalls you get a funny little summer resident. The girl will easily embody the image of a fairy-tale princess or a mermaid.

Very interesting will be shooting kids playing on the playground with his friends. If you like to go for a walk with the child to the park, do not miss a good moment and take great photos at any time of the year.

Take pictures with a good mood, hug and kiss the baby.

It is interesting to photograph a child in nature in the winter, playing in the snow, or when parents roll him on a sled.

A good frame in a natural setting is to take a son or daughter in your arms.

Watch the little man during the walk, and you will get a lot of interesting photos.

In the fall, it is easy to take beautiful natural shots when children play outside with colorful leaves.

Shooting a child's first birthday during a children's party

If your baby is celebrating his birthday for the first time, this is an excellent reason to organize a beautiful photoset. Children's photographer will help you choose the right scenery and accessories for filming. Mom and dad before holding such an important event should consider:

  • baby clothes color
  • winning image
  • what will the holiday cake look like

Invited guests, pets, grandparents and other relatives can take part in the photo shoot during the children's holiday.

To make beautiful photos, dress the girl in a bright dress.

During the shooting, the child can sit at the table surrounded by favorite toys, gifts and balloons.

Dress up the boy in a beautiful costume, put him on the floor. Add balloons, toys, colored pencils and take a picture from above - you get an interesting frame.

The most important thing is to capture a smile and a manifestation of positive emotions on your face in time.

Excellent children's pictures will turn out for the New Year if you show a little imagination and come up with a creative idea for your child.

"Catch" a moment of joy and laughter on the baby's face - and a good shot is ready.

A baby can sit near the Christmas tree, surrounded by gifts and Christmas decorations.

Photographing kids in the studio

One and a half years is an important period in the life of your child. A professional children's photographer will take stunning photographs, making the process a fun holiday for the child and his mom and dad.

Art photo session for 1 year boy includes a variety of ideas:

  • in the arms of mommy and dad
  • sitting in a chair or on the couch
  • in the image of a fabulous character

Prepare the child before shooting - he should be in a good mood. Come up with an image, choose the right costume, show the boy some simple poses.

As accessories, use musical instruments, plastic fruits - depending on the theme of the photoset. When everything is ready, the baby photographer can start taking pictures. As a result, you get great art photos.

So that the photo session for 1 year of the girl in the studio becomes unforgettable, think carefully about what to wear it. If you want to capture your daughter in various ways, take a few outfits with you.

The little fashionistas will be suitable pink color, pale lilac, white. Tie a ribbon on the head or put on a crown, add decorations. The image of the princess is ready!

To make the photos come out funny and bright, use color accessories, soap bubbles.

In the studio, your imagination is not limited by anything, so feel free to experiment to capture your child in the first year of life. An experienced photographer will make great photos with which you will have fond memories for a lifetime.

Children's photoset at home

In the home photo shoot can take part:

  • older children
  • pets
  • grandfather and grandmother

Gentle feelings, smiles, joy, sincere laughter - such photos will occupy a worthy place in your child's photo album.

If you live with a dog or cat, it will be quite simple to take original photos. Watch the baby and "catch" good shots with animals.

Positive, filled with warm feelings photos are obtained while the child communicates with his grandparents, brother or sister.

For a home photo session, ordinary clothes are suitable for a child. You can make a good shot even during everyday worries.

When the whole family is going to the festive table, there is a good reason to hold a photo session.

If you have the opportunity, create a creative image for the baby at home. To do this, use:

  • unusual background
  • original outfits
  • home merchandise

Excellent children's pictures are obtained during normal games. It is possible to dress the child and in a festive dress.

Come up with some ingenious plot, pick up colorful attributes and take a picture of the child in a convenient posture.

Options for photoset at home can be any number. Dream, experiment with different images. Family atmosphere is a great opportunity to capture moments of joy, a smile on the face of a baby. The result will be an unforgettable children's photo session for 1 year, the pictures of which will decorate your photo album.