How to insulate the roof if there is no counter batten. Counter-lattice for metal tiles: is this element needed in the roof structure? Installation of a counter-lattice for metal tiles

Each roof is a rather complex system, which, like a layer cake, consists of individual elements assembled into a single structure. Moreover, each element performs a specific function, therefore, incorrect assembly of the "roof pie" will lead to disruption of its normal functioning. Therefore, if the question arises whether a counter-lattice is needed for a metal tile or it is possible not to waste time installing this element of the roof structure, then the answer can only be unambiguous - it is absolutely necessary!

The counter-lattice is an important element of the roof, so it should not be neglected. Many novice craftsmen mistakenly believe that the construction of a counter-lattice is an unreasonable waste of material.

The owners of the house will feel the consequences of such savings in the very first winter. Due to the lack of air circulation in the under-roof space, moisture will accumulate, which will cause the most unpleasant consequences - the formation of icicles and ice that destroy the metal-tile covering, wetting of the insulation material and a decrease in the thermal insulation qualities of the roof, etc.

Functions performed by the counter grill

Non-professional builders often do not see the difference in the concepts of "lathing" and counter-lathing. " Meanwhile, these are two designs that perform dissimilar functions and have a dissimilar appearance. The lathing can be sparse (lattice) or solid, but it is built in order to lay the roofing on it.

Advice! The type and design of the lathing is selected depending on the type of coverage. So, under hard coverings, as a rule, grating is performed, since less material is consumed for its construction and, accordingly, its installation is cheaper. Continuous floorings are necessarily arranged under soft coverings.

The counter-lattice performs other functions, the structure is assembled to create free space between the individual layers of the roofing "pie", to ensure ventilation.

Is a counter grill always needed?

In most cases, it is necessary to build a counter-lattice, however, when building residential buildings with non-insulated roofs, that is, if the attic is not supposed to be used, then it is allowed to exclude the counter-lattice from the roof structure. But in this case, it will be necessary to provide good ventilation in the attic space.

When constructing insulated roofs, the construction of a counter-lattice is mandatory. Moreover, it will be necessary to build this construction twice:

  • Internal counter-lattice is constructed between a layer of heat-insulating material and waterproofing.
  • An external counter-lattice is constructed between a layer of waterproofing material and a lathing on which the roofing will be laid.

Arguments for building a counter-lattice

When constructing a roof, it is worth thinking about the future. For example, even if at the time of building a house it is not planned to use the attic space, then no one can guarantee that in a few years, the owners will not need to convert the attic space into an attic. For example, in the event that, due to the increase in the number of households, additional living quarters are required.

Therefore, if the possibility of using the attic space in the future is not excluded, then it is worth immediately arranging all the necessary elements of the roofing pie, including counter-battens. Otherwise, if it is necessary to carry out alterations, a complete roof reconstruction will be required, which is quite costly.

The timely construction of the counter-lattice will not require significant time expenditures, and it will not significantly affect the total cost of construction. But in the future, if it is necessary to re-equip the attic, the presence of a ready-made counter-lattice will give significant savings, both time and money. The presence of a counter-lattice on a cold roof can bring nothing but additional benefit.

The counter lattice is used not only to provide ventilation of the space under the roof, with the help of this design additional noise insulation is created. And this is especially important if you plan to use metal-based materials for roofing - metal tiles, corrugated board, etc. Since such materials perfectly conduct sound, which creates certain inconveniences for residents of the house during the rain.

Another important argument that stands for the construction of the lathing is that this structure can be used to level the flatness of the slope, if inaccuracies were made during the installation of the rafters.

Basic rules for mounting counter-lattice

  • As a rule, counter-lattice is assembled from wooden blocks. The lumber must be well dried and free from signs of mold.

Advice! The cross-section of the bars for the construction of the counter-lattice is selected depending on the size of the roof. Most often, bars are used with a cross section of 50 mm. If a large building is being built with a large roof area, it may be necessary to use bars with a large cross-section.

  • The step of the arrangement of the elements of the counter-lattice always coincides with the step of the rafters, since the bars are packed precisely on the rafter legs.
  • It is recommended to pre-treat the material for the construction of the counter-lattice with antiseptic impregnations, this will help to ensure a longer service life of the entire structure.
  • The fixing of the bars to the rafter legs is carried out by hammering nails from galvanized steel. The attachment points are placed in increments of 30 cm.

So, counter-lattice for metal tiles is a functional element of the roof structure. This design is necessary to ensure ventilation of the space between the layers of the roofing cake. Removing moisture from the space under the roof avoids the premature destruction of wooden and metal roof elements.

Modern roofing methods bear little resemblance to traditional installation methods. For example, thanks to the use of metal tiles and corrugated board, the concept of counter-lattice has entered the everyday life of roofers. What is it? Is it really necessary? What functions does it perform and how is it installed? Let's try to figure it out.

Do you really need a counter grill for metal tiles?

Laying metal tiles on the roof is not cheap. It is not surprising that, wanting to save money, most of the owners may be perplexed about the need to make a counter grill. Is there really a need for its installation? Can you do without it? In short, the technological process of arranging a metal roof implies its use. Omission in this matter is a gross violation and can lead to a sharp decrease in the service life of metal tiles. It turns out that the manufacture of a counter-grill is justified and justified. But what function does it perform?

The main purpose and functions of the counter grill

There are several main purposes for mounting a counter-lattice, each of which significantly affects the terms and quality of operation of metal roofing materials. It performs the following functions:

  • Provides unobstructed air circulation. A feature of the roofing cake, which is made for metal tiles, is a good thermal insulation of the roof. The disadvantage of this design is the increased formation of condensation. To reduce the negative consequences of this, a counter-lattice is arranged. It allows destructive moisture to be removed from the roofing cake with a constant supply of fresh air.
  • Creates additional noise and heat insulation. The space that appears due to its installation creates an air gap. It effectively copes with the functions of the barrier and increasing the isolation of the room from extraneous noise
  • Eliminates irregularities in the rafter system. Even the use of a perfectly flat bar as a rafter does not guarantee an ideal roof plane. The counter grill eliminates minor irregularities

Attention! According to the technology, there is no need to install a counter lattice under slate and soft roofing materials, but its use is mandatory for metal tiles and corrugated board.

Why is it needed?

The main function of the counter lattice is to create an air gap in which air can circulate freely. This achieves the following:

  • The service life of the metal tile is increased. During installation, the integrity of the varnish coating is violated, which is applied to the sheets as a protective layer. Even if the necessary tools are used, the lacquer is destroyed in the attachment or cut points. Over time, if the necessary conditions are not provided, rust appears and, as a result, the roof begins to rot. To prevent this from happening, you need to create a natural removal of moisture from the roofing cake. The counter grille does exactly this function.
  • Provides additional space for laying thermal insulation. With the help of counter-lattice, it turns out to make the so-called "warm roof". This is especially important if you plan to use the attic for living quarters. But even if a "cold roof" is made, such a device can reduce the heat loss of the building
  • Provides a better work result. As already noted, with the help of a counter-lattice, it is possible to eliminate minor defects in the rafter system and irregularities of 1-2 cm

Another additional function of the counter batten is to securely fix the water barrier to the roof rafters. Initially, it is secured with a stapler. They start from the extreme row below. Roll out along the plane of the roof. Each subsequent row is laid with an overlap (at least 10 cm) with the previous one. After installation, a bar is filled in the center of each rafter, which plays the role of a counter-lattice. It additionally fixes the material. To avoid the rusting process, it is necessary to fasten the bars to the rafters using special screw nails.

The counter-lattice is made of a bar with a cross-section of 3/5 cm. It is nailed to the rafters strictly in their middle. The timber is connected to each other by the sawing method, this provides a stronger adhesion. After that, the crate is laid. It is important to know how to make a crate for metal tiles. It is made of a planed board 3/10 cm thick. The pitch of the lathing is determined by the roofing material, more precisely by its wavelength. For metal tiles, as a rule, such a gap is 35-40 cm. This is due to the fact that it must fit, clinging to the edges of the board with an internal wave. The installation process of roofing material is as follows:

  1. The hydro-barrier is laid
  2. The counter grill is fixed
  3. A roofing cake is made
  4. The crate is sewn

Attention! If a “cold roof” is being made, there is no need for thermal insulation.

Usually the spacing of the counter-lattice completely coincides with the distance between the rafters. In this case, it is enough to attach the bar in the middle of the rafter leg. A sloping roof may require narrowing this gap. If a small angle of inclination is used, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the used bar.

Installing the counter grill is not difficult. The installation process goes like this:

  1. Training. The edges of the timber, at the junction, are sawn at an angle
  2. Hydro barrier is sewn
  3. The prepared timber is sewn onto the rafters using galvanized nails

In the place of adjoining to the valley, the timber should be sewn, not reaching the edge by 10-15 cm. This makes it possible for the debris that appears during installation to slide down without hindrance.

  • The counter grill must be installed for any type of metal roof, even if the decision is made not to insulate the roof
  • The smaller the angle of inclination of the roof slope, the thicker the timber used as counter-batten should be
  • It is necessary to fasten the beams using galvanized screw nails. This will prevent rust from showing through at the attachment point.

Do not ignore the importance of counter-lattice, relatively small investments will significantly increase the service life of the metal tile.

Are you just going to build a house? Not sure which roofing material to choose in the future? Which is better: soft roofing or metal roofing? All materials have advantages and disadvantages, but if you count all the pros and cons, then metal tiles are the best option of all roofing materials.

Today, the most popular is the Rukki metal tile. Read more about Rukki metal roofing here. This material is durable, high quality and unique in appearance.

Is it worth making a counter grill? Advantages of counter-lattice for metal roofing.

The thickness and size of the counter lattice for metal tiles. Installation of counter-lattice.

Each roof device consists of a large number of elements that perform their functions while providing reliable protection of the space inside the house from various influences from external factors. In addition, the elements are able to provide a comfortable living for the inhabitants.

A counter-lattice device for metal tiles will provide roof ventilation and create additional heat and sound insulation.

The counter-lattice for metal tiles in the composition of the roofing pie and the rafter system plays an important role.

In this material, the purpose of this element will be described in detail, and counter-rails will be installed.

Basic functions of the counter grill

In no case should the concepts of lathing and counter-lathing be confused.

The lathing can be made of bars or boards and be either solid, for roll roofing, or with a certain pitch.

This is due to the fact that they have a different look and function, as well as a different sequence of the installation process. If open or solid battens are required as a base for roofing, counter battens should be provided in order to create a ventilation space between the waterproofing and the roof covering.

The lathing can be made of bars or boards and be either continuous, for roll roofing, or with a certain pitch. Everything will depend on the roofing.

  1. The counter lattice consists mainly of bars with a cross section of 25x30 mm.
  2. The step of the counter-lattice will coincide with, because they are stuffed on them precisely on top of the laid hydro and vapor barrier.
  3. On roofs that are large, counter-battens can be selected with a larger cross-section. These bars will prevent the roofing material from adhering tightly to the waterproofing, thereby contributing to a better level of roof ventilation and removal of moisture that forms on insulated roofs, while at the same time they play the role of a pressure element that is necessary for waterproofing and vapor barrier.
  4. A crate is arranged along the counter-lattice, which will correspond to the selected roofing.

Do I need a counter grill for metal tiles in my own home

With the help of counter rails, you can level the horizontal plane of the ramp if miscalculations were made during the installation of the rafters.

When asked whether a counter-lattice is needed or not, one can confidently answer that it is needed, despite the fact that it is not always performed. On simple non-insulated roof structures, where it is not planned to arrange a heated living room in the attic space, a counter-lattice is most often not made.

However, no one can say with any certainty that after a while the owner will not come up with an idea to make a living room out of the attic. Even on cold roof structures, counter-rails and the presence of hydro-, vapor barrier will only be beneficial.

In addition to ventilation of the space under the roof, additional heat and sound insulation will be created. The ventilated space under the roof will contribute to the long life of the entire roof without the need for any repair work.

The counter lattice can make it possible to level the horizontal plane of the ramp in case there were miscalculations during the installation of the rafters. All of the above can be enough to convince that it makes sense to put a counter grill.

The cross-section of the bars for the counter-lattice must be selected depending on the slope of the roof and the roof covering used.

  1. The material with which it is planned to produce the roof is laid on the crate, which must be made of coniferous wood. In this case, the moisture content of the tree should be about 20%.
  2. Boards or bars that are used for the construction of counter-battens and lathing should not have blue, knots, should be completely flat along the entire length.
  3. The cross-section of the bars for the counter-lattice must be selected depending on the slope of the roof and the roof covering that is used.
  4. For roofs that have a slope of less than 30 degrees, the cross-section of the bars should be large, because the weight of the roofing material on roofs that have a small slope will give a large load on almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe roof slope.
  5. In the case of large slopes, the load from the weight of the roofing material will be taken over by the lower parts of the roof slopes. Therefore, when using ceramic tiles, which have a significant weight, the thickness of the counter battens will have a different meaning.
  6. At the bottom, the cross-section of the slats should be large, while the middle bars can be smaller, and at the top, where the loads associated with the weight of the tiles are minimal, it makes sense to fill the thinnest counter-rails.

Correct arrangement of the base under the counter grill

Scheme of a roofing pie of a metal roofing.

Roof cake is a rather complex system that consists of a large number of elements. This can be especially important in the process of laying metal roofing tiles, which make particularly high demands on the quality of work. In such a case, you may need an insulation in the form of mineral wool, it is necessary to have an intermediate lathing, a membrane for waterproofing, a counter-lathing and a lathing on which the metal tile will be laid.

Such of the crate and film will act as a basis that is able to ensure the quality, durability and reliability of the entire roof structure, good protection from moisture, bad weather, snow, and so on.

What hydro-barrier might be suitable

Any roofing cake necessarily includes a waterproofing layer that will protect the roof structure from moisture ingress. The main task of such a membrane is to save the under-roof space and insulation from atmospheric moisture. In this case, the materials that should be laid during the construction of the roof can be protected from getting wet, mold, gradual destruction under the influence of water.

Such a layer will work together with an air gap, which can allow moisture to be removed quickly and efficiently.

The hydro-barrier is most often laid directly on the rafter structure, however, when laying metal tiles, the order must be slightly changed.

First of all, the selected insulation should be laid between the rafter legs (most often it is mineral wool), after which an intermediate crate should be made, which will allow for a small gap between the materials. Only after this does the process of fixing the waterproofing take place.

In this case, mineral wool will be able to ventilate well, and the membrane itself will be able to work more efficiently.

Hydraulic protection must be laid as follows:

The film should not be fastened with nails without the use of counter rails and mounted with an interference fit, it is best to provide a slight slack in the film.

  1. The film must be rolled out about the roof, from the eaves to the ridge, while pulling it.
  2. Each of the sheets is laid with an overlap of 150 millimeters in order to avoid possible moisture leakage. The bottom sheet should be laid first, after that - the strips that are closest to the ridge so that the overlap looks down.
  3. The waterproofing material must be attached to the rafter legs using a construction stapler.
  4. During installation, it is important to ensure that the membrane is not stretched. It is best to leave some slack (but never wrinkles).
  5. After completing these steps, it will be possible to lay the roof counter-lattice made of metal tiles.

The sequence of the device counter-lattice in your own home

After the rafter legs have been successfully installed, waterproof and vapor barrier should be laid on them.

For temporary fixing of insulating materials, a construction stapler should be used, which makes it possible to quickly and easily attach roll materials to the rafters.

Insulation for metal tiles should be laid from bottom to top across the roof slope, with an overlap of at least 10 centimeters. Next, it will be necessary to install the counter lattice. Bars for this structure must be made with a size of about 1.5 m and a section of 30x50 mm (50x50 mm should be used on roofs that have a complex structure and a large length of rafter legs).

In the place where the valley of the roof made of metal tiles is located, the counter-rails must necessarily recede from the inner corner by 8-10 cm in both directions. They should be nailed to the longitudinal planks that form the corner of the valley.

The resulting free space will help not to retain construction debris that is formed during the process of roofing, and will help to drain water without obstacles. The bars should be nailed to the rafters every 30 cm using galvanized nails.

Metal roof counter grill

Such a roof structure is easy and quick to install.

For metal tiles, you should use bars that have a length of 1350 to 1370 millimeters and a standard section of 30x50 millimeters. Fastening must be done using galvanized nails with a pitch of 300 millimeters.

In the process of constructing counter-lattices for a roof made of metal tiles, it will be necessary to connect the upper ends of the bars from opposite slopes using the method of washing down. The result should be a solid connection. Subsequently, this may make it possible to carry out more accurate calculations of the lathing for a given roofing material and perform the device of the correct ridge.

In addition to the fact that the counter-lattice structure for metal tiles is used on roofs, it is also used on vertical surfaces while the process of external wall insulation is being carried out. This will create an air space between the insulation and the facing material.

Condensation will not get on the inner side of the cladding on the surface of the insulation material. If the house is planned to be sheathed with wood panels, this will have to be done in order to keep the house planking intact for a long time.

Such a roofing pie will make it possible to solve such problems as:

  • more reliable fastening of the membrane on the metal roof;
  • arrangement of a reliable frame for the lathing;
  • obtaining an air gap for proper ventilation.

Modern roofing methods bear little resemblance to traditional installation methods. For example, thanks to the use of metal tiles and corrugated board, the concept of counter-lattice has entered the everyday life of roofers. What is it? Is it really necessary? What functions does it perform and how is it installed? Let's try to figure it out.

Do you really need a counter grill for metal tiles?

is expensive. It is not surprising that, wanting to save money, most of the owners may be perplexed about the need to make a counter grill. Is there really a need for its installation? Can you do without it? In short, the technological process of arranging a metal roof implies its use. Omission in this matter is a gross violation and can lead to a sharp decrease in the service life of metal tiles. It turns out that the manufacture of a counter-grill is justified and justified. But what function does it perform?

The main purpose and functions of the counter grill

There are several main purposes for mounting a counter-lattice, each of which significantly affects the terms and quality of operation of metal roofing materials. It performs the following functions:

  • Provides unobstructed air circulation. A feature of the roofing cake, which is made for metal tiles, is a good thermal insulation of the roof. The disadvantage of this design is the increased formation of condensation. To reduce the negative consequences of this, a counter-lattice is arranged. It allows you to remove destructive moisture from the roofing cake with a constant supply of fresh air.
  • Creates additional noise and heat insulation. The space that appears due to its installation creates an air gap. It effectively copes with the functions of the barrier and increasing the isolation of the room from extraneous noise
  • Eliminates irregularities in the rafter system. Even the use of a perfectly flat bar as a rafter does not guarantee an ideal roof plane. The counter grill eliminates minor irregularities

Attention! According to the technology, there is no need to install a counter lattice under slate and soft roofing materials, but its use is mandatory for metal tiles and corrugated board.

Why is it needed?

The main function of the counter lattice is to create an air gap in which air can circulate freely. This achieves the following:

  • The service life of the metal tile increases. During installation, the integrity of the varnish coating is violated, which is applied to the sheets as a protective layer. Even if the necessary tools are used, the varnish is destroyed in the attachment or cut points. Over time, if the necessary conditions are not provided, rust appears and, as a result, the roof begins to rot. To prevent this from happening, you need to create a natural moisture removal from the roofing cake. The counter grille does exactly this function.
  • Provides additional space for laying thermal insulation. With the help of counter-lattice, it turns out to make the so-called "warm roof". This is especially important if you plan to use the attic for living quarters. But even if a "cold roof" is made, such a device can reduce the heat loss of the building
  • Provides a better work result. As already noted, with the help of a counter-lattice, it is possible to eliminate minor defects in the rafter system and irregularities of 1-2 cm

Counter grill and hydro-barrier

Another additional function of the counter batten is to securely fix the water barrier to the roof rafters. Initially, it is secured with a stapler. They start from the extreme row below. Roll out along the plane of the roof. Each subsequent row is laid with an overlap (at least 10 cm) with the previous one. After installation, a bar is filled in the center of each rafter, which plays the role of a counter-lattice. It additionally fixes the material. To avoid the rusting process, it is necessary to fasten the bars to the rafters using special screw nails.

Lathing and counter-lathing for metal tiles

The counter-lattice is made of a bar with a cross-section of 3/5 cm. It is nailed to the rafters strictly in their middle. The timber is connected to each other by the sawing method, this provides a stronger adhesion. After that, the crate is laid. It's important to know, . It is made of a planed board 3/10 cm thick. The pitch of the lathing is determined by the roofing material, more precisely by its wavelength. For metal tiles, as a rule, such a gap is 35-40 cm. This is due to the fact that it must fit, clinging to the edges of the board with an internal wave. The installation process of roofing material is as follows:

  1. The hydro-barrier is laid
  2. The counter grill is fixed
  3. A roofing cake is made
  4. The crate is sewn

Attention! If a “cold roof” is being made, there is no need for thermal insulation.

Calculation of the counter-lattice pitch

Usually the spacing of the counter-lattice completely coincides with the distance between the rafters. In this case, it is enough to attach the bar in the middle of the rafter leg. A sloping roof may require narrowing this gap. If a small angle of inclination is used, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the used bar.

How is the installation of the counter grill performed?

Installing the counter grill is not difficult. The installation process goes like this:

  1. Training. The edges of the timber, at the junction, are sawn at an angle
  2. Hydro barrier is sewn
  3. The prepared timber is sewn onto the rafters using galvanized nails

In the place of adjoining to the valley, the timber should be sewn, not reaching the edge by 10-15 cm. This makes it possible for the debris that appears during installation to slide down without hindrance.

  • The counter grill must be installed for any type of metal roof, even if the decision is made not to insulate the roof
  • The smaller the angle of inclination of the roof slope, the thicker the timber used as counter-batten should be
  • It is necessary to fasten the beams using galvanized screw nails. This will prevent rust from showing through at the attachment point.

Do not ignore the importance of counter-lattice, relatively small investments will significantly increase the service life of the metal tile.

Are you just going to build a house? Not sure which roofing material to choose in the future? All materials have advantages and disadvantages, but if you count all the pros and cons, then metal tiles are the best option of all roofing materials.

Today, the most popular is the Rukki metal tile. Read more about Rukki metal roofing. This material is durable, high quality and unique in appearance.

Video about counter-lattice for metal tiles

Is it worth making a counter grill? Advantages of counter-lattice for metal roofing.

The thickness and size of the counter lattice for metal tiles. Installation of counter-lattice.

The roof serves as the protection of our house, therefore, its arrangement should be approached very carefully, carefully, without deviating from the installation rules. One of the features of the roof installation is the arrangement of the counter-lattice. How to make a counter-lattice for corrugated board, what are the nuances of this stage of the roof erection, as well as - what functions do the lathing and counter-beams perform? This is discussed further.

Not everyone understands the purpose of counter-rails, so they are often confused with crate. However, the functions of these elements of the roofing cake are somewhat different. To understand what is the difference, you should describe these structural elements.

The crate is made up of rows of boards that are nailed onto the rafter system. It can be solid or discharged. The step between the boards in a solid crate is less than a centimeter. This design allows you to isolate noise, retain heat. Discharged battens are often used on corrugated roofs. They are built from beams measuring 50x50 millimeters. The lathing boards are nailed to the counter-lattice.

The counter lattice is made of wooden beams, stuffed onto the rafters, directly onto the waterproofing. Counter battens provide air circulation between the waterproof foil, the batten and the profiled sheets.

Often, condensation forms on the coating, inside, which ultimately leads to rotting of the entire roofing structure. The counter beams are not just a frame for the lathing, they contribute to the removal of moisture. The counter lattice is made of beams with a cross section of 30x50 mm.

Counter grill functions

It's no secret that before laying the corrugated board, the roof is covered with a film designed to protect it from moisture. Therefore, counter-beams are a necessary condition for arranging the roof. Let's explain. It is imperative to leave a ventilation gap between the waterproofing sheet and the crate. This clearance can be achieved by installing counter rails.

The most relevant is the use of counterbeams on flat roofs. Also, you cannot do without it in the case of using corrugated board with a wave height of up to 21 millimeters. In both cases, there are risks of sagging roofing material. Therefore, being reinsured, builders make frequent or continuous lathing under the decking on such roofs. This requires the arrangement of an additional gap between the battens and the waterproofing. You can achieve it with the help of counter bars. The following functions are assigned to the counter grill:

  1. Provides a ventilation gap (it should be 5 centimeters)
  2. Contributes to the fact that the waterproofing film does not come into contact with the sheathing boards. The fact is that condensation often accumulates on the waterproofing film. Thanks to the counter-grill, it flows freely over the foil without harming the wooden elements of the roof.
  3. The counter-grating under the corrugated board ensures the straightening of the waterproofing material, so that it does not sag.

What are the crate

There are other functions of the counter bars. For example, if you cut the rafters carelessly, they can be leveled before installing the main lathing by stuffing additional strips. In addition, the counter battens can be used as a support for temporary, assembly battens, which are relevant for builders to move on a roof covered with waterproofing. In this case, the counter bars will not damage or tear the waterproofing.

Choosing wood

Which tree is most suitable for arranging counter rails? This question is asked by many builders, especially those who are not professionals. First of all, the choice of material depends on what kind of roof you choose, or rather, from what material it will be built. So, if you plan to make a roof of heavy metals, the ideal solution would be to choose pine or oak.

When covering the roof with light materials (as in our case - corrugated board), soft wood is used. In height, the system of counter rails varies from two to five centimeters.

Installing counter bars

It is not at all difficult to install counter bars. After laying and fixing the waterproofing layer, fill in the strips, which should be prepared in advance, parallel to the main rafters. Moreover, you should work very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the waterproofing film.

When choosing planks, give preference to those that are slightly more than a meter in length. You can calculate the length of each block so that there are three blocks for the height of the roof, the gaps between them should be 15-30 centimeters.

Counter-lattice bars are quite convenient for arranging the roof ridge corner. To do this, simply saw down the tops of the planks so that they form a roof corner. And already mount the skate on it. This greatly facilitates the work of forming the ridge corner with the main rafters.

As you can see, it is not difficult to build the device, it does not require additional costs. However, it performs many functions. Therefore, do not ignore the arrangement of the counter-lattice and do not bypass this stage of roof construction.