How to build a summer kitchen: tips and solutions. Summer kitchen in the country

At the dacha, you just need a room where in the warm season you could cook dinner or do some preservation for the winter. And even if there is a large house on the site, every hostess simply dreams of a summer version of a closed kitchen.
But how to inexpensively make such a structure with their own hands, users will find out by reading this article.

Features and types of buildings

The closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged detached building with running water and electricity. A great place for receiving guests during the warmer months, family dinners and social gatherings in the evenings, it is the right solution for regions with rainy summers and early frosts. However, it is not worth using such a structure in winter, unless the owners have worried about heating in advance.

Such a kitchen can be an independent structure or an extension to the main house, utility block or bathhouse. It can be equipped with a fireplace, barbecue or oven.

An interesting layout option is a kitchen-house with a terrace or veranda. All the necessary kitchen utensils and equipment are compactly located inside, and a dining area is formed under the canopy.

In the villages, a variety of structures with a cellar and barbecue are preferred. But you need to take into account the fact that the walls of the basement will become the upper part of the kitchen foundation, so they should be made of the most durable material.

It is important to note that if it is not possible to conduct electricity on the site, then the right decision would be to purchase a generator that runs on diesel fuel, which will provide light for both the building and kitchen appliances.

The erection of a closed structure is a laborious process that requires accurate calculations and drawings of every detail of the building. Designing a project with the correct dimensions will speed up construction and help avoid mistakes.

Site selection and design

The initial stage in the construction of a summer kitchen in a summer cottage is the choice of a location, and then the design of all its components. And so that the result of the work does not disappoint, you need to remember several features.

The best options for building materials

The choice of building materials directly depends not only on the service life, preferences of the owners, but also on financial capabilities. But today there are many practical examples of successful combinations of cheap materials with more expensive ones.

When building a summer building, the greatest demand is for:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • polycarbonate;
  • natural stone;
  • professional flooring;
  • wood;
  • lining;
  • aluminum.

Do not forget that the summer cottage should emphasize the beauty of the future structure, so it will be appropriate to lay out paths of gravel or tiles, plant flowers and perennial shrubs. And if you have the financial ability to build an artificial pond.

If the site is fenced with a brick fence, it is good to make a kitchen from the same material or using natural stone. Such a structure is not afraid of the influence of the external environment and will stand for a single decade.

It is much easier to make a prefabricated indoor kitchen from a bar. Such a project will be less expensive, but every detail of the building will require constant maintenance and processing. In addition, wood wears out much faster than brick or stone.

To cover the floor, use:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • decorative tiles.

The roof can be covered with:

  • professional flooring;
  • soft roof;
  • metal tiles.

The exterior decoration of the building with siding elements will give the kitchen a modern look.

Laying the foundation

Having decided on the place and having formed a design project, it is necessary to proceed with the construction of the foundation of the building.
When planning an open version of a summer kitchen, one could simply make a small depression in the ground over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future structure, fill it with sand. Allow time to stand a little, and lay out a layer of brick or boards. But the basis of a closed kitchen should be a durable and solid foundation, requiring phased installation.

If the floor covering will be made of decorative tiles, the work surface must first be sanded or a level cement screed.

Photo: the monolithic foundation is ready for building

Construction of walls

If the owners of the summer kitchen plan to use it in late autumn during the first frosts, you need to take care of strong walls so that the room inside does not freeze through under the influence of low temperatures. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to erect a masonry half or a whole brick thick.

Photo: masonry process using laces

Lovers of wooden house structures will assemble the walls much faster. Their basis will be a frame made of timber. And it is better to use metal corners and self-tapping screws as fastening elements. The outer part of the walls can be sheathed with a thin layer of boards.

Interior decoration is carried out using drywall, plastic, lining, or plastering.

Installation of roofing

The roof of a closed kitchen should be durable and practical. Therefore, purchasing materials for its installation, you can opt for:

The shape of the roof depends on the preferences of the owners. A gable roof would be a reliable option.

Photo: construction of a log with a gable roof

If the building will be used in winter, it is recommended to insulate with mineral wool or other heat-insulating material.

It is better to make one wing of the roof covering or a visor longer to create additional protection for the walls during precipitation, thereby extending the life of the entire building.

Interior decoration and interior design

High-quality interior decoration and well-chosen interior design will create a pleasant atmosphere of home comfort.

When starting the arrangement, you should pay attention to such nuances.

When creating a closed summer kitchen, it is necessary to accurately calculate every detail of the structure and correctly combine the selected building materials with the general style of the room, then the resulting structure will become not only a subject for pride, but also a favorite place for the family for many years.

Order a gazebo from professionals

No time to build on your own? Please contact the following organizations.

Construction companies

In the fresh air, not only the appetite is stronger, but the food is absorbed much better. In warm weather, you don't want to sit indoors at all. Winter preservation is also easier to do outside. In the article, we will tell you how to build a summer kitchen for a summer house with your own hands, demonstrate diagrams, drawings, photo and video instructions.

Choosing a type

All types of summer kitchens can be classified into two categories:

  • open;
  • closed.

Closed kitchens resemble a small house-like structure, which often does not have much insulation. The advantage of such a solution will be protection from insects, better protection from bad weather, as well as from the wind. The open kitchen option can be protected from one or more sides with a fabric, wood or other wall. The advantage of such a solution will be greater unity with nature. Among the open types of buildings, there are options:

  • With barbecue. In this case, you have the advantage of cooking your favorite dish over an open fire. The barbecue will be available in any weather. If you additionally mount the oven, then you can please your friends with pizza.
  • With a gazebo or pergola. It's nice to sit among the greenery. This is exactly the solution in which the entire structure will eventually be shrouded in grapes, ivy or other climbing plants.
  • Carport adjacent to the house. The easiest way to build. Requires the least investment. But there is a negative point. When cooking, all steam and smoke will go towards the house. This can damage walls or other finishing materials.

Preparation stages

Once you've chosen one of the possible options, it's time to create a small project.

  • Choosing a location. It's good when there is an opportunity to place the kitchen in a cozy garden, where a pleasant atmosphere of tranquility reigns. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the proximity of the location of various communications. They will definitely be needed. Electrical appliances will need wiring. When preparing food, you cannot do without water and after it you need to put it somewhere. Do not place the building close to driveways and roads. Then your meal will not be spoiled by unpleasant odors. If there is a toilet on the street, then it is better to leave it as far as possible.
  • We dwell on the material for construction. If you are planning a closed kitchen, then you can approach it as a frame building, in this case you will need wood. A good option would be a building made of foam blocks or brick. The open one will most likely be of wood, or one or two of its walls will be of the material that was listed earlier.
  • We decide on the roof. On an open structure, soft tiles will look great, but this is a fairly expensive solution, although it cannot be ruled out, because the roof area will be small. A good option would be metal or corrugated board. Perhaps, waiting for your turn, you have sheets of slate or ondulin - they will also work.
  • It is also worth considering in the project what equipment is planned to be purchased for the summer kitchen.


A summer kitchen is usually thought of as a lightweight construction. This means that the foundation can immediately protrude with the floor, or, perhaps, pouring is not required at all.

  • First, you need to clear the selected area of \u200b\u200ball debris and vegetation.
  • A small layer of top soil is removed.
  • One of the corners of the future building is marked with a wooden peg or a metal rod. Then three more elements are installed. To position them correctly, you need to measure the diagonals for identity. A fishing line or strong twine is pulled between them, which will serve as a guide.

If the building will consist of a canopy, then after these steps you can proceed as follows:

  • The entire perimeter of the marked site is dug to a depth of 30 cm.
  • The bottom is leveled and compacted.
  • Sand is poured inside with a layer of 10‒15 cm. It is also leveled and well rammed.
  • The remaining space is filled with screenings and the final leveling is performed.
  • Next, on our "cake", which has been prepared, paving or other tiles that are intended for the street are laid. This can be done on a dry cement mortar, which, after spilling with water, will fix the entire base well.
  • Pits are dug at four corners, their depth should be at least 50 cm. Formwork is installed inside. A crate is made of reinforcement, which will be the basis of a reinforced concrete structure. It fits inside and is filled with solution. With the help of a vibrator, the entire mixture is rammed. While the concrete has not yet hardened, two metal plates are inserted in the middle, to which we can fix wooden pillars that will support the walls and roof.

This base option will be relevant when the soil is dense enough. In cases where groundwater can approach very close to the surface or displacements of the upper layer are noticed, a more solid foundation must be provided. Also, if you plan to finish building a stove or barbecue on such a foundation, then separate concrete supports will need to be laid for them.

In order to make a foundation slab, we need to take the first three steps from the previous instructions. Next, we take on the following:

  • Cooking 8 pieces of reinforcing rods. Four of them should be 10 cm shorter than one of the sides of the future structure, 4 others should be 10 cm shorter than the other. If the building is square, then they will all be the same size.
  • We lay four of them in the shape of our future structure and fix them to each other. Then, every 40 cm, we tie the longitudinal and transverse jumpers. Prepare the second mesh in the same way. We connect the two gratings with jumpers to such a height that the future slab rises above the surface by at least 5 cm.
  • We lower the entire structure into the middle of the dug hole, install the formwork and fill it with concrete. We ram with a vibrator. We level it with slats and let it stand for several weeks.
  • Metal plates can be placed in fresh concrete around the perimeter in meter increments to the width of the future timber for the walls. Or it can only be done in the corners.

It is very important that the floor is above the ground. Thanks to this, rainwater will not flow. It is also good to make a slight slope of the floor so that rainfall that will be blown by the wind can flow freely into the drainage or simply through the door.

In the case when it is planned to build a closed kitchen made of brick or foam block, this version of the foundation may be enough. Also, for these needs, you can build a strip shallow or columnar foundation. In this case, such a large-scale excavation is not performed.

  • A trench is being dug to a depth of 50 cm along the entire perimeter of the future kitchen. The width will depend on the thickness of the walls. In any case, the foundation should be 10‒15 cm wider.
  • A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, which is leveled and spilled with water.
  • A metal base-lattice is made according to the principle as in the previous instruction. She fits into a trench.
  • Formwork is installed with the expectation that the future foundation rises 20-30 cm above the ground.
  • Pour in cement mortar, ram and level it. Let it stand for 2-3 weeks.

The supply of all communications must be carried out in parallel with the laying of the foundation, so that later you do not have to hammer holes in it or dig under it. To prevent the pipes from being clogged with mortar, they must be closed in advance with a cloth and plastic oilcloth.

Open kitchen

This option can be built most quickly. We have already laid the foundation and support for the supports. If you plan to close the kitchen on one or both sides with walls made of bricks or other material, then the first step is to start building these partitions.

  • At the corners of the future walls, we dig a metal square pipe or profile 50 × 50 mm in size into the ground. We set it up by level. We do this so that the planks are close to the masonry. They will guide us.
  • Pull the fishing line between them. We raise it to the height of the first row of bricks that will be laid. We set it up by level.
  • We prepare a cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1: 3. This will be sufficient for our purposes.
  • We make the laying, focusing on the stretched line, and also periodically recheck ourselves with the level.
  • As soon as the first row is finished, raise the line for the next and so on until the very end.
  • In order for the structure to be more stable, a reinforcing mesh can be laid in the seams.

If you don't plan on having walls of this nature, then the process will be much easier.

  • We fasten a beam to the metal plates that we laid during the manufacture of the foundation, which will serve as a support. When the entire structure is of great length, then it is necessary to foresee in advance the need to install 3-4 pillars on one side. Their length should be equal to the height of our building, and the dimensions of the sides should be 15 × 15 cm or 15 × 10 cm.
  • We set them in level so that they are strictly vertical. The beams of one wall should be longer so that we can organize the roof slope.
  • We immediately strengthen our posts with the upper strapping. It can be made from the same logs. We fix it with metal corners.
  • To give greater stability to the entire structure, you can install two jibs near each post. They can be fixed to the support with self-tapping screws, and to the base with an anchor bolt.
  • We mount beams for our future roof. In order for them to better hold in the places of their abutment to the harness, it is better to perform cuts. We fix it with metal corners.
  • We make a crate under the flooring, as recommended by the manufacturer. We lay the roofing material.
  • To create more comfort, one side (or more) can be sewn up using a wooden lining or a block of house. On the other, make a wooden lattice. You can equip supports for climbing green plants.

In the case when it is planned to build a pergola, after laying the ceiling beams, nothing else needs to be done. They can be stained or varnished. Further, the plants themselves will do their job, creating a shade when they fully grow.

Closed kitchen

At the design stage, it may have been decided to erect walls from a foam block or brick, then this can be done according to the principle with the installation of vertical landmarks, which was mentioned above. The walls may not be too thick. In some cases, laying in a half-brick is allowed. But always consider the weight of the future roof. In the future, the outside of the building can be sheathed with siding or a block house. For interior decoration, a house block, lining or other material that will be resistant to frost is also suitable, because it is unlikely that someone will constantly heat the room in winter.

A timber is laid on the walls, which will act as a Mauerlat. Its size can be 10 × 15 cm. It is fixed with anchor bolts or studs, which must be bricked up during the construction of the walls. Under it, it is imperative to lay waterproofing in the form of roofing material or bikrost. A rafter system is installed on the logs. It can be for both a gable and a pitched roof (for this option, it will be enough to make one wall higher than the other, then beams are simply installed between them). The lathing is mounted on the beams and the roofing is laid. The ceiling is hemmed from the inside.

You can go simpler and stop at the wireframe version. For it, we need beams of the same size as for the vertical columns from the instructions for an open kitchen. We make the foundation out of them. We lay them along the perimeter of our foundation on two layers of roofing material or bikrost, which will serve as waterproofing. We make a bandage between them. To do this, at the edge of each log, there is a depression half the depth and width equal to the width of the log. Checking the diagonals. We fix them together with self-tapping screws and internal metal corners. Next, we fix it to pre-prepared plates or anchors to the foundation.

We mount corner support posts from the same timber. With a step of 60 cm, we install additional vertical supports from a board measuring 10 × 5 cm.For greater rigidity, we fasten the jibs for each main support. We carry out the top strapping and install the rafter system for the future roof. We do this by analogy with the open kitchen option.

Home stretch

Even if a barbecue or stove is planned in our kitchen, this does not exclude the presence of a gas or electric stove, which are much more convenient to use. It is necessary to take care of the installation of the sink, mixer, as well as the support for the dishes on which it will dry. It is good if there is a cabinet in which you can hide cutlery, as well as pots. You need to take care of the dining table, as well as comfortable furniture on which you can relax. For greater comfort, it is better to carry out the main and decorative lighting.

For an open kitchen project, it is best to ensure that all lighting fixtures are preferably IP68 rated. In this case, you do not have to worry about any elements being damaged by rainwater.

Don't go casual about your summer kitchen project. Let it be, in a sense, a design decision. After all, it will serve not only as a place for eating, but also as a recreation area with family and friends.

For a summer residence, many plan to order or build a summer kitchen with their own hands: this is a very simple design that makes it possible to relax in the fresh air and at the same time cook food. The structure provides a stay in the personal plot with special comfort. It requires the arrangement of a special site using materials at hand.

Simple or complex kitchen design

If we supplement the idea of \u200b\u200ba simple summer kitchen, then only after making the appropriate changes to it:

  1. The place in the gazebo reserved for the kitchen can be made elongated in order to install a stove in it.
  2. Replace the hexagonal gazebo with an ordinary rectangular building.
  3. Convert the dining room of the summer building.
  4. Replace the canopy with a conventional closed structure.
  5. Leave the area in front of the entrance to the building open.

Such schemes for the construction of simple summer dining buildings are a popular addition to small summer cottages that are located near water bodies. It is ideal to use a block of wood to assemble the frame of the structure, its roof and the beams of the glazing frames. Indoor and outdoor floors can be made from decking, which is made with sawdust and a polypropylene binder.

Another option for a summer building can be a structure where the kitchen is a frame structure, the walls of which are built of brick and wood, that is, they consist of 2 parts. The back wall can be laid out using red bricks.

The lined wall should be a continuation of the base of the oven and the working space of the kitchen.
On the end of the room, doors are hung from boards of a conventional design, consisting of 2 leaves. On the other hand, you can lay out a fireplace with a chimney and a hood. The front wall can be decorated with a three-section glass unit. The dimensions of the structure are usually 4x3 m, which is quite enough for such a structure.

Your own summer cottage, which is not filled with outbuildings, can be equipped with an additional structure. It can be a summer kitchen made of timber, which is a universal design. If the project involves laying a stone stove, then this task is the most difficult. An additional foundation will be required, so it is better to entrust the work to professional craftsmen.

Simple summer building

Projects of summer kitchens for a summer cottage are presented in huge numbers on specialized sites. You can choose a glazed room or a room open on all sides with a fireplace and stove. It should be designed in the same style. For example, furniture can be made from scrap materials. Everything is determined by the needs of the family and the state of its budget. It is important not to miscalculate with the installation of the stove and the assembly of the construction of a summer kitchen for a summer residence with your own hands.

The advantages of a simple summer building can be realized not only in the warm season, but also in the cold one. The features of the structure to be equipped should depend on how often it will be used: constantly or exclusively in the summer. Usually on the territory of personal plots there are no separate food blocks with barbecue.

It is hot in summer and there is no particular desire to waste time making food. In this case, arranging a summer kitchen with your own hands should make life easier for many summer residents. A covered summer kitchen is ideal for private households. The device of such a structure differs from the usual construction of a building, but the general idea resembles the construction of gazebos or verandas with a stove or barbecue. The elements included in the design of the kitchen are as follows:

  • oven for a summer kitchen with a hood;
  • a canopy over the kitchen and a place for organizing a feast.

The structure has a hard concrete surface, usually a tiled area. This could be a wooden floor. A summer kitchen in a private house usually looks like an extension, which allows you to create a structure that is easier to install, which reduces construction costs.

The options for a summer cooking extension may vary. A simple kitchen should be under a canopy or in a gazebo. The presence of one load-bearing wall is the best option for such a building, which allows you to close the kitchen and feast from any drafts.

Summer kitchen options

You can start solving the issue, having decided on the budget of the future structure and the place for its construction. Previously, you should imagine the future design, draw up its scheme, taking into account your own needs. In most cases, summer kitchens for summer cottages are built in the following options:

  1. A simple kitchen design that takes up little space under the canopy.
  2. Area with a canopy of 10-15 m², with an additional place where you can cook food on the grill or stone brazier.
  3. Closed room, equipped with a ventilation and air heating system.

In the first case, the site should be removed from the main building or resting place. Often this type of kitchen design is 3 m². The option involves the installation of a stove, the presence of kitchen utensils. The room must be closed from bad weather. Usually it is located near an open terrace or veranda.

The area of \u200b\u200b10-15 m² for the kitchen is spacious, providing for the presence of a dining room and a conventional partition, a bar counter and additional rooms. A summer kitchen with a ventilation system may have a basement room for storing food. The correct choice of a place for installing a kitchen may involve the construction of a gazebo, which must be equipped with an oven and refrigerator. Even the simplest design of a kitchen with a barbecue should have a gutter to drain water, possibly a water supply.

How to equip a simple kitchen option

Summer kitchen construction is the most successful. If such a project is thought out in advance, then it will not cause various problems during its implementation. The room is a conventional structure that can be erected by hand.

Among the main difficulties that need to be solved in the process of arranging a summer kitchen, there may be the following:

  1. The discrepancy between the choice of a conventional stove and its installation inside the kitchen.
  2. At the same time, it will be necessary to solve the problem of arranging the chimney through the roof covering.

The room itself should be comfortable and warm. It requires excellent ventilation without drafts. It is best to choose the usual corner placement of the building or the installation scheme for the frame with walls and window openings. The room should have a dining area, so the usual setting of the dining table along the countertop may be the best option.

Simple options for summer kitchens are suitable for small summer cottages, but also suitable for mansions. A kitchen structure installed on a wooden floor, raised above the ground by means of a light foundation, can be covered with a sectional canopy. This will allow you to take advantage of the available space for safe cooking and rest. For such a room, it is enough to provide a gas-cylinder stove and an exhaust hood. As a result, a minimum of waste and pollution can be achieved when this option is compared with the use of firewood.

The construction of the summer kitchen can be placed inside a hexagonal glazed gazebo. The dining room is located under a canopy. The closed design ensures compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, assumes normal storage of product stocks.

The dining table and chairs are moved under a canopy, which does not interfere with free movement from kitchen to dining room. A team of 3 people will be required to build a summer facility. It can be done within 10 working days. The price of an ordinary building is approximately 25 thousand rubles. Of the usual options, this design is more convenient and comfortable, so summer residents often choose it for their plots.

Preparation of the foundation and construction of the structure

A do-it-yourself summer kitchen can only be built on a separate foundation. The back wall is laid out half a brick wide from a red sample. A large stove and a table top can be attached to the back wall.

The initial stage of construction is associated with the arrangement of a conventional shallow foundation, reinforced with a grid from a hot-rolled rod having a cross-section of 10 mm. A tape 55 cm wide under the body is often poured along a contour in the form of the letter P. A foundation is required under the furnace.

Combining stove with fireplace

After pouring the base, columnar supports are mounted vertically, on which a gable-type roof can later be placed. In the far corner of the building, you can place a stove, possibly combined with a fireplace. This simple method allows you to connect the stove and fireplace under a common chimney. The fireplace itself is made in the usual way. The kiln is built using the kiln masonry technology. Fireclay bricks are used to lay out the combustion chamber.

Roofing construction

Tie the vertical support pillars using a horizontal bar. The following elements are installed on it:

  • vertical supports;
  • ridge run;
  • rafter system.

Waterproofing is being installed on the rafters and lathing is made of slats for laying the tiles. The roof can be made of profiled sheet or shingles. The floor in the room is laid out of ordinary clinker tiles on a sand base.

For structures with a wood or coal stove, this option is safe if the floor in the building is made of wood. The front wall of the structure is reinforced with a horizontal cross member, and then the entire surface is sewn up with clapboard. After that, you will need to insert a window frame into it.

Fasteners should be stuffed onto the facade frame and doors with 2 sashes should be hung. The gap is wide, which provides access to light and air, especially in the evening. The choice of any option for a summer kitchen must be compared with your own capabilities, if you want to implement the project yourself.

Suitable options are not only modern technologies for the construction of gazebos, but also outdated methods. It is also possible to equip the roof and floor with the help of inexpensive materials. The duration of the structure's operation depends on the quality of the work on its arrangement.

A simple summer kitchen option for a summer cottage is available for any budget and skill level.

If you wish, the kitchen can be made completely closed, but then you can only use gas and electric ovens in it, and a brazier and a wood-fired barbecue can be placed next to the kitchen.

Simple summer kitchen with barbecue and barbecue with your own hands.

This summer kitchen option is only used for cooking over an open fire. It includes a barbecue, work table and a canopy sink. The dining area and barbecue are located on the adjacent area.

For the construction of the summer kitchen, the ground was first leveled, a layer of gravel and sand was laid on it, and the pillars were concreted under the support pillars of the canopy.

At the next stage, we lay the tiles on the prepared site. In the area intended for the barbecue, there will be no tiles, it will be with sand, just decorate the edges of the site with curb tiles. Then we lay out a circular masonry under the brazier with refractory bricks.

We install the canopy: first, the support pillars, then we connect them with floor beams, the roof of the canopy slopes away from the site. We sheathe the frame of the summer kitchen with wooden planks.

We cover the brazier with decorative masonry made of natural stone.

We install a slate roof, sheathe the inside of the summer kitchen with a magnesite slab intended for outdoor use. Installing a work table, sink and barbecue.

Such a summer kitchen can be made by hand in just a couple of days off.

Summer kitchen with a bar counter.

The design of this summer kitchen included a shed for the summer kitchen itself and a pergola for the dining area. The summer kitchen includes an oven, barbecue and, potentially, a pizza oven.

Using this kitchen as an example, you can see that a summer kitchen with your own hands can be built in several stages. At the first stage, everything is being built, except for the pizza oven, which so far is only in the plans, but there is no ability to build it and the means to hire a master to build it. It was postponed for the next year.

The order of work is standard - we level the site, concreting the pillars for the supports, laying a gravel-sand cushion on the site, and paving the site.

Because the summer kitchen is located in a quiet corner of the garden, then they decided not to close it on three sides, but to make only the rear blank wall. The simple laying of their cinder blocks forms the work surface. The table top was made of wooden beams.

The very process of building such a kitchen is not very laborious and any summer resident can afford such a summer kitchen project.

Do-it-yourself simple summer kitchen near the house.

Unlike summer residents, the owners of a private house have a serious plus - they do not need to go anywhere and the construction process can be more calm and measured. The construction of this kitchen began with the paving of this beautiful area in front of the house with natural stone combined with cobblestone. When the site was ready, it was decided that it could also be used for a summer kitchen next to the house.

First, the pillars were concreted under the canopy supports and installed. The entire kitchen will be made of concrete slabs and support platforms will also be concreted under them.

In order to make a concrete countertop, they made a formwork, covered it with foil, and put reinforcement. The places for the sink and barbecue were marked with containers of appropriate sizes. After the concrete had hardened, the formwork was removed and the edges sanded.

We erect a working table for our summer kitchen from concrete blocks, we bring the water inlet to the place intended for the sink.

Our summer kitchen with our own hands is almost ready - a sink is installed, on the right side of the countertop there is a place for a barbecue, in the lower left part there is a place for a barbecue.

Additionally, a storage cabinet was built next to the summer kitchen.

This is where the pillows from the furniture will be stored in the dining area.

We covered the roof of the summer kitchen with transparent polycarbonate, finished the decorative fence around the kitchen to give the building a more finished look.

A simple and beautiful kitchen with your own hands can really be made inexpensively and easily.

But how pleasant it is to enjoy an outdoor dinner in the garden!

Do-it-yourself summer kitchen next to the gazebo.

A small shed next to the main gazebo can be turned into a small summer kitchen.

Styled wood furniture made from scrap materials will add a relaxed atmosphere of comfort to this corner of your garden.

If necessary, you can host a large enough company here - you just need to put a large table.

So a simple canopy next to the gazebo can turn it into a dining area for a summer kitchen.

Summer kitchen with a stove with your own hands.

If you know how and love to cook in the oven, it is not necessary to follow the general fashion for barbecues and barbecues. Add an extension to your gazebo, make a stove in it - and you have a wonderful summer kitchen, not like the others.

By the way, grill and barbecue may well find their place in your summer kitchen.

This option is great for areas with cold summers, where while you are standing near the stove it is warm, but when you sit and eat, you want comfort, not refreshing coolness.

You already have a gazebo - it can be used as a dining room on cooler days. And for summer days, you can simply place a table between the house and the gazebo.

For the barbecue itself, an ordinary canopy tied to a gazebo and a small work table next to it for cooking will be enough for you.

So, if you are creative about what you already have, then it is not necessary to build a new free-standing structure for a summer kitchen. By intelligently adding small elements, you can significantly increase the functionality of existing buildings.

A simple summer kitchen with your own hands can be built with a very modest budget, you just need to turn on your creativity and it can be built quickly and inexpensively.

If you approached this process intelligently, then you can always expand, complete and improve your summer kitchen.

Do you agree that a simple summer kitchen with our own hands is within the power of each of us?

In many old private courtyards you can find a small house, which the owners call the summer kitchen. In winter, it is almost never used, and in the warm season, life is in full swing here. Does it make sense to build it in the yard of a new house?

Despite the fact that modern houses are much more spacious than buildings of the middle of the last century and are often equipped with powerful climatic equipment, summer kitchens have not lost their relevance. This is due to several factors. The main one is the desire to spend as much time as possible outdoors, and not in an air-conditioned room. The gentle breeze and rustle of foliage are much more pleasant than the monotonous hum of an air conditioner and currents of cold air that threaten to catch a cold.

The abundance of modern building materials and equipment makes it possible to equip a summer kitchen no worse than an all-season kitchen. With electric stoves and gas grills, you can cook even those dishes that are not available in the main room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Spending a lot of time in the kitchen is a kind of tradition in our country. Here we not only cook and eat, but also receive guests, sit with the whole family in the evenings at tea and talk. So why not do it outside in the warm season?

The advantages of this solution are many:

  • The modern pace of life is such that we spend most of our time indoors. And this does not have the best effect on health. Evenings in the garden will strengthen it.
  • Cooking outside is a great way to maintain a constant temperature in your home, rarely turning on the air conditioners. The steam from the pots and the heat from the burners will simply blow away the summer breeze. This is especially true for those who harvest canned fruits and vegetables for the winter.
  • All odors remain outside. Agree, the smell of fried fish or cutlets spreading through the house and eating into the furniture is not the best flavor.
  • For families with small children, this kitchen is a great way to combine a walk with the little ones and cooking. It is enough just to glance at the little ones frolicking in the garden, going about their business.

The building has only one drawback - the seasonality of use.

Types: open and closed, examples of successful layouts (photo)

Structurally, all buildings of this type are divided into two types: open and closed. The choice of one of them depends on the planned method of operation, the amount that you are willing to spend on construction, the area of \u200b\u200ba free site and many other factors.

Open summer kitchens

Such a building looks more like a well-equipped gazebo or terrace.

It is open from 2-4 sides, and is protected from the sun and precipitation by a canopy. The advantages of open summer kitchens include:

  • maximum light and air;
  • low construction price;
  • no need for major design;
  • the speed of construction.

But she also has disadvantages:

  • ubiquitous dust that will constantly have to be wiped off surfaces before cooking;
  • insects that will surely flock to the light;
  • neighbor cats who come at night in search of something tasty, carelessly forgotten on the table;
  • short service life - only in summer.

Closed summer kitchens

Such structures represent a full-fledged house with a foundation, walls, roof, windows and doors.

Most often it is a light, poorly insulated building. The advantages of this type of structure include:

  • long service life - from mid-spring to mid-autumn, especially if a furnace is installed inside;
  • absence of insects and uninvited four-legged guests;
  • the ability to lock the room, which means to leave not only food in it, but also valuable things;
  • garden furniture can be stored here in winter.

Among the disadvantages:

  • high cost and complexity of construction;
  • a limited amount of light and air - after all, this is a closed building.

With a large glazing area, the room can be easily transformed into an open kitchen by simply opening or completely removing the windows (if provided by the project).

Combined summer kitchens

This is a kind of symbiosis of open and closed construction. It provides for a small closed part, equipped with a functional area, and a large open seating area with a table, chairs and possibly a barbecue.

The dining area can be open-air like a patio. Or it can be protected by a canopy or pergola. The playground also looks great, twined with ivy or other liana on all sides. In such a green gazebo, it is fresh and cool even in extreme heat.

This option combines the advantages of open and closed kitchens, while practically has no disadvantages.

Project options

There are a lot of options for building open and closed summer kitchens. It all depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owner.

The most inexpensive option is a regular wooden gazebo with hard flooring. Any available material can be used as a roof. It can be decorated with climbing plants. This creates shade, comfort and prevents drafts.

Properly used textiles can achieve the same effect. In addition, the curtains drawn in the evening will protect from prying eyes and insects.

If necessary, you can make the summer kitchen closed on one or more sides. To do this, it is enough to sew up the spans with a light material that does not create a large load on the base - wood or plastic. Often one of the “walls” is formed by the chimney of a grill or oven complex.

One of the most successful options in our climatic conditions is a closed gazebo with a large glazing area - French windows. In warm weather, they can be opened, creating a space blown by the breeze, and in cold weather, they can be closed, keeping the warmth inside. Such a building can be used from early spring to late autumn, especially if there is a stove inside.

Where is the best place to place the summer kitchen

When choosing the location of the summer kitchen, several factors must be taken into account:

  • Possibility of supplying communications. To ensure full use, water, sewage and electricity must be supplied to the building. Gas is not required, it is much easier to install an electric stove or use cylinders.
  • Remoteness of outbuildings. The kitchen should be as far away as possible from an outdoor toilet, septic tank, dog enclosure, and livestock and poultry sheds. This will eliminate the possibility of an unpleasant odor in any wind direction.

An open summer kitchen can be adjacent to the house. This greatly facilitates and reduces the cost of construction and laying of communications. And moving between the house and the outbuilding is more pleasant, especially in the rain. It is desirable that there is an adjacent wall without windows. Then smoke, odors and noise will not penetrate into the house.

It is especially cozy in the space formed by the inner corner of the house. Then the kitchen has two walls. Its construction requires minimal financial and time costs.

Adjoining only one wall gives you more planning freedom. You can vary the size, furniture arrangement and decoration methods. The main thing is that the kitchen is decorated in the same style as the facade of the house.

A very popular option for placing a closed-type summer kitchen is above the cellar. In this case, its monolithic walls serve as a foundation, which significantly reduces costs. In turn, the building serves as additional insulation. This can be either an inexpensive panel house or a full-fledged building from a bar. In the latter case, care must be taken that the foundation can withstand the weight of the structure.

More interesting options for designing and decorating a summer kitchen in the video:

DIY summer kitchen: video

It is not difficult to build a simple open or closed summer kitchen. Most often, wood is used for this - beams of different sections, board, lining. To protect the material from moisture and insects, it must be coated with special compounds. It is also advisable to use fire retardants that reduce the flammability of wood.

Consider an inexpensive and uncomplicated construction option.

  • Laying the foundation. For a light panel building or an open summer kitchen, in most cases, a columnar foundation is sufficient. Work begins with marking and soil removal. Then a cushion of rubble and sand is filled in, formwork and a reinforcing frame are installed. All this is poured with concrete. After it has completely solidified, you can continue to work.

  • Lower crown. For waterproofing, an insulating material - roofing felt - is laid on each of the pillars. Then the lower harness is assembled from the logs treated with a protective compound. It is fixed to the concrete with anchor bolts.
  • Erection of vertical supports and installation of horizontal lintels. All this is also made of wood and connected with metal corners, dowels or cuttings. The installation of jibs in this design is not necessary, several horizontal jumpers are enough.

  • Top rail and rafters. From above, on the vertical beams, the upper harness is mounted and the rafter system and the roof lathing are assembled. The method of its installation depends on the type of roof chosen.
  • Plumbing and sewerage. It is necessary to bring the main communications to the future structure before arranging the floor. This will hide the pipes and facilitate the installation of the cover. Since the system will only be used in summer, it is advisable to introduce pipes from below, between the foundation pillars.
  • Floor covering. The most budgetary and easy-to-use floor option for such a kitchen is edged board. With the right processing, it will last for many years. A rough floor in a summer building is not needed, we immediately lay a finishing one.

  • Installation of roofing material. The roofing technology depends on the type of material. It can be laid directly on the battens or on a special substrate. It is desirable that these were materials with a small resonating ability - slate, roll roofing or ondulin. Then the room will not be too noisy during the rain.

At this stage, the open summer kitchen can be considered ready. All that remains is to finish, install furniture and decor. If the plans include a closed kitchen, construction work should be continued.

  • External cladding. Outside, the structure is sheathed with board, siding or any other facade material. Preferably the same as the house is decorated, or similar to it.
  • Installation of windows and doors. There is no point in installing expensive double-glazed windows and doors in a poorly insulated building. Ordinary wooden frames will suffice.
  • From the inside, the walls can be sheathed with clapboard, plastic or moisture-resistant plasterboard, followed by painting.

After finishing the finishing works, the premises can be used for their intended purpose.

What type and size of kitchen to choose, to build it independently or to hire specialists for this - everyone decides for himself. But this building will undoubtedly make the site much more comfortable and allow you to spend many unique days and evenings. As you can see, you can build a summer kitchen yourself without any special skills and significant material costs.