How to use submersible pump. Submersible pump for a well in the country - choose a high-quality unit

Submersible pump for a well in the country

Manual gates, cranes and other mechanical devices for raising water in buckets have long been considered an anachronism. Today, electrical pumps are used everywhere. What kind of advantages and disadvantages of various species are, what are the advantages and disadvantages of various species and how to choose a pump for a well - it will be discussed in our material. All household electrical pumps for the well are only two types: vibration and centrifugal.

Pumps for vibration wells

The working mechanism of the vibration pump is an electromagnet, the core of which is attached to the membrane. Under the action of alternating current, the core of the electromagnet, and with it and the piston made in the form of a rubber membrane make reciprocating movements.

Input and output of the vibration pump set check valves. In the process of operation, water is pumped in the direction specified by the check valves.

Advantages of vibratory pumps

Vibration pumps have a very simple design, very reliable and easily repaired. After several years of operation, the membrane can be broken, but it is very simple, and it is fairly cheap.

High level protection against electric shock. To obtain vibration, it is not a contact rotator, such as in an electrical call, and the frequency of the AC. The absence of open contacts and reliable sealing of joining places to the magnet winding provide electrical protection even if the water penetrates the winding.

Unassuming. Due to the lack of complex mechanical nodes, the pump retains performance in the most severe operating conditions, including the high drop of the upper and lower level in the well, the presence of sand in the water, sludge and other mechanical impurities.

Disadvantages and problems of vibratory pumps

Vibration raises a torment from the bottom of the well. This is a well-known problem of vibration pumps, and therefore they are rarely used for constant water supply. Partially the problem can solve the preliminary preparation of the bottom, in the form of a pillow of small gravel.

The design of most vibronic pumps is designed to attach the flexible hose, and not the rigid PND pipe. Therefore, they are not suitable for underground water supply laying to the house. And in connection with this, the vibronic pump is impossible to use in winter.

The pump vibration is a source of noise, which is enhanced as water decreases in the well. The mount is not rigid, but on the rope that needs to be regularly inspected to check integrity.

The main disadvantage is limited productivity, which is enough for the domestic needs of the average country house, or watering.

Centrifugal submersible pumps

All these shortcomings are devoid of centrifugal or rotary type pumps. In them, the water accelerates the impeller and due to the centrifugal effect, it is pushed into the pipe. These devices are produced in three versions: submersible well, well. They differ in each other with the diameter of the case and the appearance.

Clean centrifugal pump

This rather bulky is a wide unit, and only one rotor is usually installed inside it. Thanks to the large diameter of the impeller, it is enough to ensure the necessary performance. Well submersible pumps are cheaper than the well due to a simpler device.

Borehole centrifugal pumps

A small thickness of the borehole pumps is dictated by the diameter of the borehole casing. In addition, they usually work at greater depth and to pushing the waters post in such a height are supplied with more powerful engines. To compensate for the decrease in the centrifugal effect due to the small diameter of the rotor, a multi-stage impeller is used in such devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of centrifugal pumps


  • High performance.
  • Small noise level in work.
  • Increased water supply height.
  • Attachment PND pipe.


  • Higher cost.
  • Maintenance complex.
  • Higher requirements for lack of sand in water.

Choose a model and pump manufacturer

The specific selection of the pump is made on the basis of the scope of its application: summer or year-round, for periodic or continuous use will be used. When buying a specific model, such a parameter is important as the planned amount of water consumption, as well as the feed height from the pump to the accumulative Baku. All these parameters are defined by the manufacturer in the passport, less frequently in the instruction manual.

As for the manufacturer of the pump - it is best to focus on the opinion of its neighbors who already use such devices for their needs. In addition, it is necessary to ask the opinion of employees of the nearest workshop to repair this technique.

Lastly, the selection of the pump must be done according to advertising or the Seller's advice. Their goal is more profitable to sell goods and your interests are recorded last. In any case, it makes sense to give preference to a well-known brand and a greater price.

How to install a submersible pump for a well

The submersible pump should always be in the thickness of the water. In vibratory units, the water intake is placed on the top cover. It protects the pump from sand from entering the bottom. However, the distance from the bottom should be about a meter, or even more if the water level allows. Similar requirements are put forward when installing centrifugal pumps.

How to avoid overheating when using submersible pumps

Many modern models of the aggregates have a float switch. Its task to turn off the pump when the water level falls below the permissible one. When installing such a pump, it is necessary to provide a place in the well for the free movement of the float. Otherwise, the water will pump out that moment until its level decreases below the pump inlet. And this is fraught with overheating of the motor and the way out of order. The role of the float can play no idle relay installed at the point of connecting the feed pipe to the inner water supply.

To make a pipe from the pump to the house after turning off the engine, it is necessary to put the check valve between it and the vertical pipe. It will hold a pole of water, and it will enter the plumbing immediately after power supply.

The pump is suspended in water on a robust waterproof cable. If there is such an opportunity - you can additionally tie it to the support, driven into the bottom or to the wall of the well. This will reduce vibration and swinging, weakening docking and sealing in places of pipe connections.


Modern well pumps allow forever to forget about the manual fence of water and ensure the nutrition of the private water supply system is not worse than central water supply. Choosing a dacha pump, pay attention to its characteristics, read the reviews and consult with your neighbors, it will help to avoid problems and frequent equipment breakdowns.

For the arrangement of a full-fledged water supply in a country house or in the country, it is not enough to pull out a well with good water, it is also necessary to organize the delivery of this water into a house or other points of water treatment. If the depth of the well exceeds 8 - 10 m, and the well itself is at a distance from the house, the pump submersible for the well is used to supply water. Such aggregates can supply water to a height of up to 60 to 90 m under pressure, spending significantly less energy than surface pumps. Also an indisputable advantage of submersible pumps for wells is the relative silence of their work, you can only hear how the relay clicks. During the winter operation, the pump was immersed in water protected from freezing, at any time of the year it works more stably and debugged. The most important thing during the operation of the submersible pump is to correctly pick up the model under your needs and correctly install the pump in the well, firmly consolidating in a suspended state, as well as observe some nuances.

Selection of immersion pump for well

The main difference between the immersion pump from the surface is that submersible works fully immersed in water, which cools the engine and the unit of the unit. When the water level in the well drops to a critical mark, the pump is turned off to avoid the so-called "dry stroke" and not overheat. For operation in wells you can use both pumps for wells and borehole pumps. They are practically the same and vary only by form, sizes and price. The submersible price pump is slightly lower than a well. It is mainly due to the fact that the well pump has an elongated cylindrical shape and a small diameter so that it can be immersed in a narrow well. But for the well it is rather a lack. To install the submersible pump, there is a rule that the water level from top of the pump and the bottom should be at least 1 m. If you use a well pump with a length of 90 cm, and a non-bodied well, then comply with this requirement is almost impossible. In any case, if you install a pump in a vertical position. But, despite this, the wells use well pumps even more often than well, simply selecting the sizes correctly.

There are several types of pumps that can be used in wells, these are centrifugal pumps, vortex, auger and vibration. They differ in principle of work.

The main difference between the vibration pumps is that they do not have rotating parts and elements. Inside the pump housing is a core with winding. As soon as the core serves a current, an electromagnetic field is formed around it. This field attracts a rod bonded with a piston. At this time, water is suused inside the intake chamber, as there is a vacuum. Through the fraction of a second, the electromagnetic field disappears, the rod returns to the previous place. At this point, the return valve at the entrance to the pump is closed and under the action of piston pressure, water from the intake chamber is pushed into the chamber for the piston. When the next time the rod with the piston attracted to the core, the water from the chamber behind the piston will push into the pipeline leading to the consumer.

All the movements of the rod, in fact, are vibrations, from which the name of the pumps is vibration. These vibrations are not capable of harming the well, as it does not have parts that can collapse. But if the well is built on floating, the use of vibration pumps is not recommended, as they negatively affect fragile soils. Also, if the pump is not too far from the bottom of the well, then the likelihood is that with its vibrations it will raise the small dust particles of sand and suck them. As a result, dirty water will flow from the crane. In other cases, vibratory pumps can be safely installed in wells.

Vibrating pumps are cheap category, which is why their dachensons are often chosen for temporary use. Releases vibratory submersible pump for well, Ukraine, Belarus and China. The most common models are "Kid", "Rouh", "Rouh-1", "Vintage", "Aquarius", "Summer resident" other. The average price of such pumps is 50 cu

Vibrating pumps are considered reliable, as they do not have parts that can overheat from friction, rotating parts and bearings that need to be lubricated. However, a more solid choice will be a centrifugal pump for the well.

Centrifugal pumps have a fundamentally different building and operate differently. Inside the pump housing is the impeller on which the blades are fixed, which are curved against the movement of the impeller. Also inside there is an engine that drives the impeller using a shaft. As a result of rotation of the impeller, a centrifugal force arises, which sucks water inside the pump and pushes it to the outlet from the pump into the pipeline. In the middle of the impeller, low pressure is formed, and closer to the walls of the blades - on the periphery - the opposite is formed increased pressure. Under the action of this pressure difference, water is pumped first into the center, and then heading upward to the pipeline.

The centrifugal submersible pump must only be operated in dirty completely into water. You can not allow "dry stroke". Also, immersion in water is its thermal protection not only from the "dry stroke", but also from a random voltage jump or other emergency. Therefore, centrifugal submersible pumps are supplied with special automation or floats that signal the water level decreased to the critical mark.

The case of submersible centrifugal pumps can be made of plastic or stainless steel. More expensive and durable models are stainless steel pumps. They are not afraid of abrasive particles, sand and possess excellent performance. Also, a plus of such pumps is the ability to pump water with a sand content of up to 185 g / m3.

Price range for centrifugal submersible pumps is quite large: from 80 cu up to 700 cu Depending on the quality and manufacturer. Releases submersible pumps for wells ITALY, Germany, Denmark, China, Russia and Ukraine. The most expensive and reliable pumps are Italian Pedrollo and Zds., Germanic Wilo. and Danish Grundfos.. Budget, but high-quality units produces domestic Vytomet. But buy or not the Chinese production pump, it is already to solve you. Perhaps it makes sense to buy a domestic pump, it will not be less reliable.

What performance submersible pump to choose

The required pump performance is completely dependent on the water consumption in the water supply. It should be equal or to be a little more residents in the water. It is possible to determine the required water consumption by losing consumption from different consumers, such as a washbasin, sinks in the kitchen, shower and washing machine. First you need to make a list of all plumbing devices that will be used, then view in Table 1 The value of water consumption through them and summing up.

The next step will be the definition of a real consumption per unit of time. After all, the inclusion of all Santhechnibors is simultaneously unlikely. Therefore, the real consumption will be less, it can be viewed in Table 2. Sometimes instead of the tables, the actual consumption is determined by multiplying the consumer consumers by 0.6 - 0.8. This means that 60% of Santechnibors will work at the same time. But this method is not entirely correct, especially if we are talking about the water supply of a large mansion, where there may be a lot of sanitary pribers, but few residents.

In the tables, the data is listed in L / h, and in the characteristics of the pump most often in M3 / hour, so the obtained value must be multiplied by 3.6.

Example of calculating pump performance:

If there are such Santhechnibors in the house:

  • Electric water heater - 0.1 l / s;
  • Shower with a mixer - 0.09 l / s;
  • Watering crane - 0.3 l / s;
  • Sink in the kitchen - 0.15 l / s;
  • Washbasin - 0.09 l / s;
  • Toiletz - 0.1 l / s.

We summarize consumer spending: 0.1 + 0.09 + 0.3 + 0.15 + 0.09 + 0.1 \u003d 0.83 l / s.

The value of 0.83 l / s corresponds to the value of 0.48 l / s according to table 2. Translate the value to m3 / hour: 0.48 * 3,6 \u003d 1.73 m3 / hour. If the pump performance is indicated in l / h, then 0.48 * 3600 \u003d 1728 l / h≈1700 l / h.

Among the entire range of submersible pumps for wells, suitable models can be distinguished Pedrollo 4SR 2M / 7 with a capacity of 2 m3 / h, 63 Aquarius NVP-0,32-63U Productivity 1.8 m3 / h and Chinese unit 80 AQUATICA 96 (80 m) - 2 m3 / h. More accurately determine the model of the suitable pump can only after the pressure calculations.

Determination of the submersible pump

The required submersible pump pressure depends on the depth of the well, the water mirrors and the remoteness of the well from the house. To calculate the pressure, use the formula:

HTR - the required submersible pump pressure for the well;

Hheo - the height difference between the depth of the well and the highest point in the water supply system;

HPTER- The sum of all pressure losses in the pipeline from the friction of water on the material of the water pipeline, in the rotary nodes and tees. This indicator is calculated individually for each project, where the number of tees, angular elements in the pipeline, pipe material is taken into account. We will not too bother and simply add 25% to the calculations on the loss.

HSB - Free pressure required for a comfortable use of plumbing. In order to have a normal pressure when opening the crane, and not a thin pod. This indicator usually takes 12-20 m, the minimum allowable value is 5 m.

An example of calculating the submersible pump:

If the water supply in the house is designed in this way:

  • The depth of the well - 10 m;
  • Water height in the well - 3 m from the top;
  • Pump immersion depth - 8.5 m;
  • The well is on distance from home - 10 m;
  • The house is two-story, water supply to the second floor - 5 m.

Total, Hheo \u003d 8.5 + 5 \u003d 13.5 m.

Higher in the horizontal pipeline is considered as follows: for every 10 m of the horizontal pipeline, 1 m pressure is lost and add 20%, i.e. Power losses will be equal:

HPTER \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3 m.

HSVK we take 20 m.

Total HTP \u003d 13.5 + 3 + 20 \u003d 36.5 m.

Conclusion: We need a submersible pump with a performance equal to or more than 1728 l / h and pressure 36 - 40 m. These characteristics correspond to such pumps: 63 Aquarius NVP-0,32-63U, 25 SPRUT 90QJD 109-0.37, 80 Aquatica 96., 45 Pedrollo 4SR 2M / 7and many others. For more than 40 m, almost all submersible pumps possess. As shown on the submersible pumps for wells. Reviews are best to use Italian Pedrollo pumps, they have the smallest percentage of breakdowns.

Pump sizes and other amenities

When choosing a submersible pump for a well, pay attention to its dimensions. As a rule, the pump diameter does not matter, but the length significantly affects the safety of operation. For example, if our well has such characteristics, as described in the example above - depth 10 m, and water begins with 3 m from the top, then any pumps can be used in it, including long well submersible pumps with a length of 90 cm and more. After all, from above, and the pump will be a sufficient layer of water. If the water in the well is a bit, for example, from the bottom to the top of the water is only 1.5 m, then it is impossible to use long pumps. In such cases, you need to pay attention to submersible well pumps.

Compared with well pumps, submersible pumps for wells have better cooling and less sensitive to sand impurities and other solid particles. In addition, they are equipped with float switches that protect the unit from "dry stroke".

In the submersible pumps for the well, the water intake hole is located below, there is a filter that protects against large solid particles inward. But there are also models with a nozzle that sucks water from the surface layer of water, it has a floating filter that is supported by the float. This is the most convenient version of the pump for the well with a small amount of water. Also, this method of fence prevents the situation when sand is absorbed from the bottom of the well.

After buying a submersible pump for a well, a question arises how to install it into the well and how to carry out a water supply. In fact, these tasks are not so complex, although there are some nuances that need to be observed. It is better to carry out the installation of the pump better or even threesome, the well is the case, you never know what, and it will always be a suspension.


First of all, even before the immediate installation of the pump in the well, it is necessary to stretch the water supply station leading from the well to the house. To do this, dig a trench from home to the well. It is desirable that the trench does not have turns and bends, but was even, it will provide minimal pressure losses. The depth of the trench must be lower than the level of the primer of the soil, i.e. Approximately 1 - 1.5 m.

So, they dig a trench with a depth of 1.5 m and a width of 40 - 50 cm. At the bottom of the trench there should be no sharp stones, glass and construction trash. We perform a sand pillow - on the bottom of the trench we fall asleep the sand with a layer of 15 - 20 cm. Next, it is necessary to disseminate geotextiles in which the tap pipe will be wrapped. Now you can proceed to the laying of pipes.

Laying pipes water pipes

For street water supply, several types of pipes can be used - steel pipes, metal-plastic, stainless, polypropylene and ordinary garden hoses. The latter are only suitable for temporary water supply, which will be used for watering the garden or garden in the spring-summer season. Steel pipes are subject to corrosion and many forces with them, therefore, polypropylene tubes, stainless or metal-plastic, are used for stationary water supply.

  • We connect the segments of the pipes among themselves in length from home to the well.
  • Then turn them with thermal insulation material and put in a larger diameter pipe. Usually use either asbestos pipe or plastic sewer tube. In fact, the Sandwich system tube in the pipe serves as protection against mechanical effects and protects the thermal insulation material from destruction.

  • We put the resulting sandwich tube into the trench and outlook the location of the plumbing pipe into the well and in the wall of the house. Next, you can temporarily remove the pipe to perform the holes in the wall of the well and the wall of the house or the foundation.
  • In the wall of the well, a hole with a diameter of 15 cm is cut into the inside insert a sleeve with a length of at least 0.5 m, around the sleeve is shining a hole with cement-sandy solution, and after drying, we water the bitumen mastic.
  • Repeat the pipe into the trench again and carry out its end through the sleeve. The water pipe must enter the well at least 25 cm.

  • At the end of the plumbing pipe, we set a drain crane with a tee. The drain crane is useful to us in the event of an emergency drain of water from the water supply system. Turning the pipe down leads it to the place of installation of the pump.

  • Next, it is necessary to calculate the distance from the drain crane to the location of the submersible pump and cut off this length of the segment of the tap pipe.

Go to the installation of the submersible pump.

The submersible pump is suspended in a well using a cable. Since the end of the cable is necessary for something to fasten, then first perform the fastener frame. The easiest way to cook from the steel corner of 50x50 mm square frame, which will be installed on the headguard. In one of the corners, a hole is performed through which the end of the cable will be pulled out and then fixed.

  • We put the pump at the end of the pipe segment, which will connect the pump with a tee leading to the pipeline.
  • We unwind the electrical cable for connecting the pump to the network and laid it next to the pipe.
  • Then we install the feed valve on the pump outlet, if it is not installed at the factory. Use the Packing Plumbing Material.
  • By reverse valve, we attach a plastic or brass clutch.

  • We attach a pipe to the clutch.
  • Next, the electrical cable must be attached to the plumbing pipe so that it does not hang out in the well. To do this, it can be closed to a pipe with a tape with a step of 0.5 m or using plastic clamps. Adjust the electrocabyl needed with a small provis.
  • To hang the pump in the well, you can use a steel cable, galvanized cable or kapron. Steel use is meaningless - he quickly rusts. Therefore, there are only two options - galvanized and kapron. You can take any. We do the safety cable in the eyes on the pump head and fix it.
  • Decuting all this in a straight line: a pipe, an electrical cabel and an insurance cable, we begin to slowly lower the pump into the well. To do this, you will need two people at least. Gently omit the pump into the well, holding it for the safety cable. Raise the pump for the electrocabel is prohibited.

  • When the pump drops to the necessary depth, it is necessary to consolidate the second end of the safety cable on our framework. To do this, the end is done through the hole and fixed.

  • Now you need to attach a vertical pipeline with a tee. For this, someone must go down to the well and connect them to an American from the packles and Santechpass.
  • The electrical cable is output through the top or also start in the trench if it is planned to be conducted in the house in this way.

After installing the pump in the well, you can enjoy the laying of the pipeline through the foundation and conducting it to the place of installation of water supply equipment - the hydroaccumulator, filters and the boiler. When all pipes are mounted, the pipeline into the trench is covered in geotextiles, falling asleep with sand with a layer of 10 cm, and then falls asleep with soil.

To automate the operation of the submersible pump and make it more comfortable, the automation relays (pressure switch) and the hydroaccumulator are used.

The hydroaccumulator is a membrane tank, which is partially filled with water, and partially air. When the water capacity is filled, the air pressure increases when water becomes less, the air pressure drops. In fact, the hydroaccumulator is a transshipment point for water between the well and consumers. So that the pump does not turn on every time the Santechnic Crane opens, a hydroaccumulator is used. Its containers are enough for several hours of use.

When the air pressure in the hydroaccumulator drops to a critical mark, the pressure switch is triggered and includes a pump that immediately fills the hydroaccumulator with water. As soon as the container is filled, the pressure relay will give a signal to turn off the pump.

Pressure relay and hydroaccumulator are installed indoors. The relay is installed on top horizontally so that the condensate does not appear inside. Electrocabages, applying to the relay, are protected by corrugation. Pressure relay is connected via a UZO with a leakage current of 10 mA and a shutdown machine to 6 A.

The installation of the submersible pump in the well is conjugate only with one difficulty - so that it is necessary to descend into the well to the level of the sleeve to connect the pipes. But this can be avoided if used for pipeline a flexible hose or pipe. Then all the work can be performed on top, not going down. Also note that if you do not have the ability to conduct a plumbing below the level of ground freezing, then you can not block the pipes, but to wind up them with a heating electrocabel so that they do not freeze.

Pumping is the main element of any water supply. The efficiency and reliability of the entire system depends on the correctness of its choice.

For the arrangement of wells and wells today use two types of pumps - superficial and submersible.

We will talk about existing varieties, technical parameters and features of the selection of submersible installations in our article.

Types and characteristics of submersible pumps

According to the principle of operation, submersible installations intended for pumping clean water are divided into four categories:

  • vibration;
  • centrifugal;
  • vortex;
  • screw (screw).

The first are used to supply water from wells and wells dug in sandy soils. Their main advantages are reliability, simplicity of design and affordable price. The most popular trademarks are "Rouh" and "Kid".

The principle of operation of the vibration pump consists in the interaction of the magnetic field of the coil with a steel rod, on which a rubber diaphragm is attached. A variable current causes the rod to perform fluctuations with a frequency of 50 Hz. They are transmitted to an elastic diaphragm that creates a vacuum on the working chamber. Under its action, water from the source moves into the pump housing and pushes out of it into the water pipe.

Making a selection of a submersible pump for a well or well, one should not forget about the advantages of centrifugal installations. They are able to raise water from great depths, so not only in wells are used, but also in artesian wells. The basis of such a pump - a wheel with blades, planted on the motor of the electric motor. When it rotates in the case, a pressure is created, pushing the water into the feeding line.

Submersible centrifugal pumps

According to the design features, one and multistage centrifugal pumps are distinguished. The number of lifting steps they are equal to the number of working wheels with blades. What they are more, the more powerful and more productive installation.

Vortex pumps on the principle of action are similar to centrifugal. They are used to lift deep wells.

The name of the screw pump speaks for itself. The main element of the installation is the screw (auger) whose rotation creates pressure in the working chamber. Such pumps put in the artesian wells and wells. They are distinguished by high reliability and ability without breakdowns to pump fluids with a large amount of abrasive particles (sand).

Water supply scheme with submersible pumps

For proper installation of the water supply, it is necessary to clearly imagine from which items it consists. The beginners in this case will help the connection diagram of the depth pump, which indicates their location and name.

It should be noted that the principal difference in connecting vibration, centrifugal, screw and vortex pumps does not exist. All these aggregates work in a pair with a check valve, which is raised next to the pump or in front of the hydro-accumulating tank.

The installation of a deep pump is not used in the water supply circuit of the pressure relay. It is responsible for maintaining pressure in the highway in the limits specified by the user (or manufacturer).

Protection of the engine from overheating (when the water level is lowered below the pump) provides a dry stroke relay mounted on a tap pipe. It should be noted that the submersible type pump equipped with a float switch is a "frog", does not need to install such a relay. When the water level decreases below its enclosure, protection is triggered and turns off the engine.

The tank-hydroaccumulator is necessary for the operation of any pumping unit (and deep and surface). This is a buffer element that reduces the inclusion frequency of the pump, extending its service life. If there is no hydroaccumulator in the system, the engine will be turned on after each opening of the waterproof tap and the pump will quickly fail. It is possible to do without it only when a cumulative container with a level sensor is installed on the attic of the house. Pumping water into it, the pump is turned off until the fluid is spent to the level installed by the user. After that, the sensor will give the pump to the switch on and the cycle will repeat.

The drain valve on the highway is also needed. Without it, you will not be able to free the pipes, a boiler and a cumulative water tank for repairing or system prevention.

In which cases it is profitable to put the submersible pump, and in what pumping station?

Assembly, you need to resolve the question of choosing a pumping type.

Surface station is the optimal version with such source data of the water supply system:

  1. The distance from the source of water to the building is small (15-20 meters).
  2. Lifting height does not exceed 8-12 meters.

If the well or well is deep, and to the building you need to pull at least 30 meters of water pipe, it is better to buy a powerful submersible pump. An important plus of such an aggregate is the reliability in the work and the lack of necessity in the insulation of the pit (when installed in the yard).

Since the submersible pump is in a well or well, then noise from his work in the house is not heard. The pumping station, on the contrary, even when installing in the basement needs good sound insulation.

There is one purely psychological moment that affects the selection of a pumping station with other things that are equal to the submersible pump with the flow conditions (pressure, performance). This is a higher assembly availability of the installation. In one module, a pump, a hydroaccumulator, pressure gauge, pressure switch and dry-running relay are mounted here. At the submersible pump, the main nodes are supplied separately, so the beginners are not easy to collect them into a single system.

Manufacturers have found a way out of this situation and offer buyers with household submersible settings consisting of two parts - pump and automatic block, already connected to the Baku-hydroaccumulator.

How to choose the proper submersible pump?

If in the last century the dacket's dream was the "Baby" pump or "Rouh", today the market presents a huge range of submersible pumps.

At the same time, the algorithm for selecting the installation remained unchanged and includes only two parameters:

  1. Pump performance (m3 / hour);
  2. Pressure (meters).

These two values \u200b\u200bare among themselves in inversely proportional dependence. This means that the greater performance the installation is developing, the more with a lesser depth it can raise water.

To illustrate this fact, we propose to explore Table No. 1, in which the dependence between the main parameters of the pump is visible.

In the pump passport, the manufacturer indicates two extremes: maximum feed (performance) and maximum pressure. Therefore, buying a pump with a pressure of 85 meters, remember that with such a rise, its supply to the plumbing will be zero. Real working characteristics of the unit are in the middle. They should be taken into account when studying passport data.

Let's answer the question together, what submersible pump is better to choose, relying on the data of Table No. 1. Suppose that the height of the lift in the well (or well) is 8 meters (6 meters to the water mirror + 2 meters for the pump immersion). The distance to the house is 30 meters, the height of the water lift in the house (on the second floor) is 5 meters.

Loss of pressure on the horizontal section of the water supply site for simplification is taken equal to 1 meter by 10 meters of pipe length.

Another value that must be taken into account - the loss of pressure on overcoming filters, tees and pipe turns. You can accurately calculate it using special tables. We approximately take this magnitude equal to 10% of the pressure.

Water should come to a hydroaccumulator under pressure from 1.5 to 3.0 atmospheres (bar). For this, it will additionally be required from 15 to 30 meters of pump pressure (for calculation take 20 meters).

The final figure will look like this:

  1. Vertical lift - 8 + 5 \u003d 13 m.
  2. Horizontal feed - 30 m x 0.1 \u003d 3 m.
  3. Creating pressure in the system - 20 m.

TOTAL: 13 + 3 + 20 \u003d 36 m + 36 x 0.10 (per loss) \u003d 40 meters of pressure.

In our table, such a pressure approximately corresponds to the pump performance of 0.55 m3 / hour. Is there a lot or a little? For a family of 2-3 people, it is quite enough. For a larger number of tenants, a more productive installation will be required.

The life of the "buy with the reserve" principle when choosing a pump is justified only partially. If you buy an aggregate, the pressure of which will be 20-25% higher than the calculated, this is normal. If it exceeds it 2 times, then you will definitely overpaid.

Popular brands and indicative prices

Choosing a deep pump, each person seeks to buy not too expensive, but the most reliable product.

High user ratings were deserved by the German brand Grundfos (Grundfos), as well as Italian Pedrollo (Pedrolo) and Dab (Dub). Their pumps are distinguished by high quality assembly and reliability.

One who is not constrained in the means prefers to buy a submersible pump for a well with the automation of one of the specified brands. Approximate prices for the aggregates of average performance (3 m3 / hour) and pressure (70 meters) here are in the range of from 25 to 60 thousand rubles.

Models of aggregates intended for wells, on average price range cost a little cheaper from 17 to 30 thousand rubles.

The cost of submersible pumps for wells and wells of domestic producers Belamin, Aquarius, caliber and jilex is more democratic. The price of the most simple models for water supply from the well begins with 2 thousand rubles. Borehole aggregates are on average from 9 to 18 thousand rubles.

Aquarius BCPE 0.5 - 40 y

Popular dachants of the vibration type "River" and "Kid" occupy a lower price group, despite good performance. You can purchase such technique at a price of 1,600 to 2,800 rubles.

Advantages of screw electric pumps:

  • silent, since the inner parts are carefully processed and do not create friction;
  • repairs can be carried out outside the service due to the simple internal device;
  • the screw shaft is a cast design that is worn to different positions in the device, it does not break.

Important!If you choose a deep pump for a helical type well, then you can count on a long service life and the ability to use in any situations for different types of liquids.

Centrifugal and vortex

The centrifugal pump is the most popular model among the residents of the private sector, which, however, is not devoid of some flaws. The principle of supplying water by the centrifugal method is sooner or later leads to damage to the impeller - dents, metal cracks appear on it, which can reduce the efficiency of the equipment or even lead to its stop.

Centrifugal pump - a productive device capable create a large stream of water. It is suitable for organizing the water supply of a private house with a large number of water intake points.

The minus is that such equipment can work for a long time with clean water, without impurities of dirt and sand. If you choose a centrifugal electric pump with an upper water fence, then you can reduce clogging, since the suction device is at the top of the device and less susceptible to sand inward. At the same time, the water in the well will not be pulled out to the end. If in a private house it does not matter, then the best is a centrifugal with an upper water intake. Conversely, if you need to completely dry the container, then you need a device with lower water intake - for basements, pools, cumulative tanks. What is better and more likely in the farm - he choose.

Prices for surface pumps

surface pump

Vortex electric pumps are desirable use only in clean water. The presence of sand leads to a quick breakage of the equipment. A small efficiency does not allow you to get a big pressure, so such equipment does not fit for the water supply system of the private home.

How to choose a pump for a well

To accurately choose a deep pump for a well, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • distance to water mirror;
  • performance;
  • pressure;
  • the need for water on the plot or in the house.

To correctly calculate pressure, It is necessary to depth the well (indicated in the technical documentation) add 30, and multiply by 10% for stock. For example, the total depth of 30 m, add 30 - will be 60. Multiply by 10% - it will be 6. All pumps have an indicator of up to 8 m. So, such an indicator, as 6 m, is quite suitable.

For a family of 4 people you need about 200 liters of water a day, it is 40 l per minute. For the home needs of such performance will be enough. If you take into account the plot of land to water, then you need to purchase a pump with a margin.

Attention! An important parameter of the submersible equipment is the price. Do not buy too cheap electric pumpBecause the quality of the compounds and tightness of the case leaves much to be desired.

After first repairs, it will break quickly, the unit will be unsuitable for work. Submersible pumps are mounted in such a way that they cling to the cable and go down to the bottom of the well. The price will also include a cable. The device for connecting the device is not included in the cost of the kit, so it is necessary to provide costs.

Popular brands

Russian submersible well electrical pumps are popular in the market due to low cost. The championship holds the brand "Djleks".

A variety of models for all occasions allow you to choose quality appliance for certain purposes - for drinking water, pumping dirty water with impurities, sewer pumps. At a fairly low price, you can buy a good durable apparatus, resistant to.

According to statistics, each second device for pumping water in the world is made by the Danish company Grundfos. Prices for such equipment are much higher than Russian. Quality is confirmed by certificates. The company presents a wide range of reservoir instruments. Choosing the Grundfos brand aggregates, you need to know exactly what parameters must have a pump.

Long work without the need to repair is different wilo pumping equipment. The warranty period is 10 years. With proper installation and operation, the device can work 3 times longer.

The Italian brand Pedrollo has long been on the market and represents the pumping equipment of all types - superficial, submersible, semi-driving.

Important! The best submersible pumps for domestic use are those that fully satisfy the needs of the house and the household site do not require constant dismantling and repair.

Useful video: Pump Selection Rules for Well

Pumping equipment is not the technique on which you need to save. A good unit will work for a long time and without interruptions, but the cost of high-quality instruments will be higher. If you do not hurry and listen to the opinion of consumers, you can avoid mistakes in the purchase and operation of equipment.