Why does the severed head dream: interpretation from dream books. Why does the human head dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Trinkets. According to the legends of the Indians and Persians, a prisoner who sees in a dream his head severed and separated from the body, this dream promises freedom; sick - recovery; grieved - consolation; debtors - payment of their debts. For rulers and noble people, this dream promises prosperity, honor and a replacement of fears and worries with pleasures, the trust of servants and subordinates. When the head is cut off by the verdict of the law, it means that the one who has seen such a dream will be freed from his melancholy and other deeds. Only bankers, money changers, paramedics and other industrialists do such dreams foreshadow the opposite. If someone dreams that some acquaintance cut off his head, this is a sign that he will share pleasure and happiness with this person. If a child who has cut off your head, who has not yet reached even adolescence, then this dream portends: a man - a disease, a pregnant woman - the birth of a male child, and her husband - danger or death. The half-cut head means the same thing, only to a lesser extent. Egyptian dream interpreters say that chopping off the head of an armed man in a dream foreshadows the one who saw such a dream entering the service of some important person and rendering him great services. Tearing off the head of another in a dream predicts good luck in business and revenge on enemies. If you dream that you turned your head to a chicken or other bird, this is a sign of awaiting joy, feasts and amusements. Holding your head, cut off from the body, in your hands predicts the loss of children or someone from relatives to the person who is dreaming about it. If a person is single and in a dream he decorates his head with flowers or some kind of headdress, so much the better for him. This is a sign that all his affairs will end happily and safely.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a head in a dream means:

Someone's head - an important meeting with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need;
to see your head is a disease;
a cut off and bloody head - a frustration of affairs, grief;
you have two heads on your shoulders, a swollen or a child's head - a rapid ascent up the career ladder and other successes;
feel a headache - worries;
to wash your hair - prudent and fruitful deeds, by performing which, you will call upon all your common sense to help;
the head of the animal is a warning against your promiscuity in choosing friends and activities.
Also see Dizziness, Wash, Corpse,.

Freud's dream book

A dream with a head in the dream book is interpreted as:

The head in dreams is either a neutral symbol, if our attention is attracted by its individual parts, or symbolizes a woman.

The nose is the symbol for the penis.

The mouth or lips symbolizes the female genitals.

The ears also symbolize the female genitals.

The cheeks are the symbol of the breasts.

The forehead or bald spot symbolizes the buttocks.

The eyes symbolize exaggerated attention to their person.

The teeth for a man symbolize masturbation or fear of exposure and punishment for it.

For a woman, teeth symbolize children.

If a woman injured her head, then this symbolizes the coming menstruation.

If a man has injured his head, then he should expect trouble from upcoming sexual contacts.

Small dream book

Sleeping with your head means:

Seeing a beautiful head in a dream means that in reality you will meet influential people who will help you achieve success. If you dreamed of your own head, then you are in danger of a nerve disorder or headaches. A bloody head seen in a dream, cut off from the body, portends disappointment and the collapse of hopes. A dream in which you see that you have two or even more heads predicts quick success in life, but this success is unlikely to be permanent. If you have a headache in a dream, then in reality you will be seriously worried. If you dreamed of an unnaturally large head, then fate will generously reward you. A child's head in a dream promises joy and financial success. The animal's head warns you that your desires are low. Wash your hair in a dream - to success in society.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Meaning of sleep head:

big and shaggy - happiness
bald - beware of stupid antics
to see someone filmed - respect and satisfaction in life
with good hair - you are in love
wash your hair - work and earnings
cropped - misfortune
crippled - grueling work
closed - find out poverty and something unkind awaits you
take off someone's head - miss the benefit
beautifully curled - a vain search for virtuous friends.

Miller's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a head:

The appearance of someone's head in your dream promises you an important meeting with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need.
Seeing your head portends a disease. A cut off and bloody head promises you frustration and many other troubles.
If you dream that you have two heads on your shoulders, then such a dream can lead to a rapid ascent up the career ladder and other successes, and a dream about a swollen head and a vision of a child's head in a dream is also promising.
Feeling a cruel headache in a dream is a harbinger of worries.
Washing your hair is an omen of your prudent and fruitful deeds, in doing which you will call upon all your common sense to help.
The head of the animal warns against your promiscuity in choosing friends and activities.

Muslim dream book

What the head can dream about:

If someone sees that his head has separated from the body, then the elders will remove him from themselves. If someone sees in a dream that his head has become large, he will achieve greatness, honor and wealth. If, on the contrary, he sees that his head has become small, then fall from the place he occupied. If someone sees in a dream that his head is anointed with oil, then if the oil is in moderation, his affairs will be well-organized. If there is a lot of oil, then grief and concern will stick to the person who saw such a dream.

Dream interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Head, in a dream means:

Two horns grow - competition in business; wash your hair - moving, recovery; a person's head is cut into two parts - fortunately.

Dream interpretation of Kopalinsky

If a girl dreams of a head, then this means:

A living head is good; bald, shaved is a bad sign; cut off - freedom; dead - longing, sadness.

Old Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream of a head:

shaved - unfortunately; big and fat - good luck; bald - beware of stupidity; filmed - respect.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Head in a dream out dream book of Tsvetkov

Shorn - unfortunately;
big and fat - good luck;
bald - beware of stupidity;
filmed - respect.

Esoteric dream book

Head in a dream out Esoteric dream book

Separately familiar - "never mind", in vain clog your head with nonsense, unnecessary information. Stranger - do not dream your brains, your memory stores a lot of unnecessary knowledge. Yours - you need additional knowledge, you need to learn more.

Dream interpretation of Solomon

Head in a dream out dream book of Solomon

feast, contentment

Ukrainian dream book

Head in a dream out Ukrainian dream book

In a dream, have a big head - honor and wealth. To have a head with gray hair - sadness, with short hair - prosperity; to see your head severed is the death of parents. To see a head with big ears in a dream is to gain great fame. Chopping off someone's head is an acquisition of something.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

Head in a dream out Dream interpretation alphabetically

Seeing in a dream in yourself or someone else's enlarged head portends success and fame, if you are engaged in intellectual work in real life.

A small head in a dream portends poverty, painstaking and thankless work.

A shaggy head in a dream - fortunately, bald - is a warning against evil deeds.

A severed head - to chagrin.

A head with lush hair is for love, a shorn head is unfortunately.

A broken and bleeding head - to work exhausting, but money.

Permed head - trust your buddies to divulge your secret.

A head in a hat - to hardship and misfortune.

A talking head without a body portends an important meeting with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need.

Seeing your head in a dream is a disease.

If in a dream you see you have two heads, this is an opportunity to make a quick career and get rich.

A child's head without hair means future family happiness and well-being in the house.

The head of the animal warns: be choosy in your choice of friends and profession.

There is a pig's head in a dream - go on the road, a lamb - make a profit, a lion's head - to loss.

Seeing dark and light hair on your head at the same time portends great doubts about the upcoming choice, in which you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake.

All blond hair on the head is a sign of complaisance and kindness, dark hair is a love trap.

Red head - false, change in relationship.

A golden head is a sign of the dignity and courage of your chosen one.

A chestnut head - to failures at work, neatly combed - attachment to the hearth, scorched - avoid trouble, a burning head - to profit, lice - to poverty, a dandruff head - to suddenly find great wealth.

A head with big ears will give you a high honor, with long hair - suffer a loss, with short - to well-being.

To massage the head is to experience happiness. To chop off someone's head is to win.

Seeing a tiara on your head is a sign of disagreement on some issues.

To feel a strong headache in a dream - you will be overcome by many worries.

If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily.

Washing your head in a dream is an omen of your prudent and effective decisions.

Seeing someone washing their hair with shampoo means that soon, secretly from others, make a trip, taking part in unworthy scams.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Head in a dream out Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If the head was the main symbol in your dream, you will meet important people. Own head - the result of dating depends only on you; washing your hair - a fleeting acquaintance, correctly used in the right place at the right time, will lead to success in society; unnaturally large head - rapid career growth due to the protege of a new acquaintance; children's head - your ideas will be heard, which will bring unprecedented financial profit.

If in a dream your gaze was riveted to individual details of the head, fundamental changes are coming in your life: unnaturally large ears - honor and glory await you among colleagues; admiring a curl or curl - a fleeting connection will end in affection and marriage; the teeth of the interlocutor - you will be able to adequately resolve the confrontation that has lasted for many years; the outlines of the mouth, lips - in the dispute you will come out the winner; nose - you will become the owner of information that will bring profit; blush or dimples on your cheeks - your old dreams will come true; forehead or bald spot on your head - the rash actions of your enemies will help you get out of a seemingly hopeless situation.

Remember the head you dreamed about, consider in detail all the details that seemed unimportant in a dream, and try to remember the face.

Severed, wounded, broken head - frivolous actions can lead to irreparable consequences: own head - promiscuous sexual intercourse is the cause of your misfortunes; animal head - base desires will cause the most faithful friends to turn away from you; a baby's head is dishonor; the severed head rolled away from the body - the collapse of all hopes; talking head - the boss is expected to be dragged out and demoted; your head was cut off - your immense trust in strangers gave your enemies the opportunity to manipulate you; you cut off your head - the loss of a wise counselor; the head is partially subject to decay - to a protracted illness; rotten head - death of a loved one.

Extend your dream and imagine that you are on a battlefield in which you emerged victorious (see Battle).

The head is part of the action - obstacles in business that are very important to you: you turn your head and look back - the reason for failure lies in the past; knocking out a door with your head or smashing a brick on your head - rash, hasty actions will negate all your efforts; banging your head against the wall - you have an irreconcilable struggle in which you will prove your case; during prayer, hitting your head on the floor - wasted forces will not allow you to make the final throw at the decisive moment; carry out complex mathematical calculations in your mind - the obligations that were assigned to business partners will not be fulfilled; experiencing a severe headache - a deep emotional shock will lead to a loss of interest, indifference to life; hide your head - pass in the face of danger; to see someone walking over the heads of others - envious people try to harm you.

Imagine that all the actions that you did in your dream were part of a plan of salvation. The plan was successful. Try to imagine the positive emotions you are experiencing as a result of your efforts (see Saving Someone).

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Head in a dream out Dream interpretation of the 20th century

It symbolizes thoughts, ideas and experience, and therefore, if in a dream you paid attention to this part of the body, then the meaning of sleep is directly related to your plans and ideas.

Seeing a talking head without a body in a dream: a sign that any ideas or advice only seem reasonable, but in fact will not help you succeed.

The head of the monument, made of bronze or wood: also indicates that the value of any ideas is doubtful and illusory.

Stone head of an idol: may be a hint that your plans are contrary to some unshakable foundations.

At the same time, meeting someone with a big head (if that doesn't sound ugly to you): suggests that you can use someone else's good advice.

Seeing your head increase in size if this fact does not bother you: a sign that you have ideas that can ensure success.

If a big head bothers you in a dream: - this speaks of the vainness of your ideas, maybe you think too much where you should not think, but act.

A severed head or a head marked with wounds or bumps: warns that some of your plans may be wrong and even dangerous.

Rommel's dream book

Head in a dream out Rommel's dream book

A big head - for promotion to fame and success in science, for honors and wealth, and for a sick person - to aggravate the disease.

An unnaturally small head - to poverty.

A gray head in places - to sadness.

Bald, bald - to trouble.

Seeing a curled head is a joy.

Sprinkle with varnish or lubricate with gel - to well-being.

Shorn - at a loss.

With big ears - to the honors.

Wash your hair in a dream - to recovery, doing good deeds.

Sometimes - to move to a new place.

If in a dream you see horns on your head, a rival in business will appear or a violent death awaits you.

To cut off someone's head - to defeat enemies, to achieve the fulfillment of their desires.

If a lonely person carries his own head in his hands, this is an auspicious sign that promises the implementation of all plans.

It's even better if he does it with one head on his shoulders.

In this case, he will be very successful in business.

Two or many heads on their shoulders - a favorable dream, meaning a brilliant career, well-being in the family.
Dream interpretation for girls

A big head is a sign of honor and intelligence.

A head with big ears is a sign of fame.

A shaved or shaved head is a sign of dishonor.

To see many heads on your own shoulders - your affairs are in order.

Okay, okay. And you're not going to have a haircut.

Astrological dream book

Head in a dream out Astrological dream book

Big and ugly dreaming of damage, witchcraft against you.

A small head is a disease.

Wash your head - to the head wash at work.

Collection of dream books

Why is the Head dreaming about 46 dream books?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the "Head" symbol for free from 46 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form for all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Do you have a headache - get ready for some serious excitement.

Wash your hair in your sleep - to success in society.

A dream in which you have two or more heads - predicts quick success in life, but it is unlikely to be permanent.

I dreamed of an unnaturally large head - fate will generously reward you.

If, on the contrary, he dreams that his head has become small - he is destined to be removed from his post or even be fired.

Idiomatic dream book

"Lose your head" - to get carried away with something, to fall in love; "Have a bright head" or "have a head on your shoulders" - rationality, insight, wisdom; "Turn everything upside down" - turn over, distort an event, a situation; "Out of my head", "out of my head" - to forget, to give oblivion; "Dizzy with success" - conceit; "Head swells, goes around" - discomfort, quick change of events, a lot of things to do; "The head (pot) is cooking" - ingenuity, ingenuity; "Oak head" - stupidity; "Garden head" - ridiculous, ill-considered actions; "Does not fit in my head" - improbability of the received news, misunderstanding; "Boggle your head (unnecessary)" - do not attach importance, unnecessary trouble; "never mind" - do not hesitate; "Pan head" - chief, voivode; "Big-headed" - smart; "Bungler" - a fool; "Turn someone's head" - fall in love, interest yourself; "Dive head first" - go completely into business, hobby, problem.

Icelandic dream book

See the head with long hair - to help; see a gray head - to a good profit; see a rotten head - to harm.

Moon dream book

The head is gray in places - sadness; with short hair - well-being.

Small Velesov dream book

The head hurts - chores, troubles; spinning - great joy awaits (on Tuesdays and Saturdays this dream is to sadness); big - wealth, luck, honor; small - poverty; gray in places - sadness; severed - respect / loss, death of parents; to cut someone - victory, the acquisition of something; cut off for you - success; shorn - loss, misfortune; have two heads - good, marriage; to have an animal - success, defeat the enemy; bald - poverty; bald - beware of stupidity; tie the head with ribbons - illness; a handkerchief - chores.

Mythological dream book

Talking head - warning, wise advice, cheating at the boss, chagrin.

Very high - the likelihood of the sleeper's insanity, or life wisdom.

Your head torn off or taken off - one of the happiest dreams? absolute, complete success in life.

Muslim dream book

If anyone sees that his head has separated from the body - the elders will remove him from themselves.

If someone sees in a dream that his head has become large - will achieve greatness, honor and wealth.

If, on the contrary, he sees that his head has become small - fall from the place it occupies.

If someone sees in a dream that his head is anointed with oil - then, if the oil is in moderation, his affairs will be improved.

If there is a lot of oil - will stick to a person who has seen such a dream, grief and concern.

The newest dream book

In a dream, why is the Head dreaming?

The head is a persistent disease associated with blood circulation. Sleep-tip: treat this ailment with non-traditional methods.

The head hurts - to family concerns.

New dream book 1918

Head shaved - Unfortunately; big and fat - luck; and small - poverty; in curls - joy; bald - beware of stupidity; removed - respect; to smear with oil - well-being; hack someone - victory.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The head of an adult on the body of a child - someone who has matured mentally, but in reality still represents a child.

The head is conscious intentions.

A blow to the head is an unenforceable or interrupted intention.

Russian folk dream book

The head is the main organ, "the head of everything", symbolizes the mind and social status.

Family dream book

Someone else's head - dreams of an important meeting with influential people.

Own head - to the disease.

Foreshadows failure in business and other grief.

Animal head - Warns you to be more choosy about your friends and activities.

The interpreter

To see a prisoner's head without a body in a dream - portends liberation, and the rest of the fight with a strong enemy; see a gray head - there is a sign of joy and gaining respect; washing your hair is a sign of separation from family and friends; wash someone else's head - a sign of breaking a friendly connection with that person.

Chop off someone's head - portends success in the enterprise and victory over enemies; cut off the head of an armed man - means to enter the service of some important person and be useful to her; cut off the head of a chicken or other bird - portends joy and unexpected pleasure; to dream of a severed prisoner head - portends liberation, a sick recovery, grieved consolation, burdened with debts to pay these, rising in dignity, a successful continuation in that, anxious and saddened joy and tranquility, a poor recovery; see a head cut off by a legitimate person - there is a sign of participation in her pleasures, success and exaltation; to see a cut off head as a baby or child - portends death to the sick, and elevation and honors to the healthy; to see the head cut off by a robber - portends the death of children, parents, relatives or friends, husband or wife, deprivation of inheritance and also disorder of property; to see his head cut off by a court - portends getting rid of boredom and any unpleasant business; however, however, this dream is very unhappy - bankers, brokers and merchants; see a head like an arap - portends a long journey; to see in a dream a head smaller and differently educated than usual - there is a sign of weakness, slavery and dishonor; wash your hair in a dream - portends misfortune; see your head in a dream more than usual - portends the rise of ranks, winning litigation and overcoming enemies, and for merchants this dream generally signifies great profit and a very profitable bargain; to the sick, it portends an intensification of the disease; have a swollen head in a dream - there is a sign of wealth and profit; see a wolf's head or other wild animal in a dream - portends perfect success in enterprises, victory over enemies and respect from fellow citizens; feel pain in the head in a dream - there is a sign of loss of credit or power of attorney; have two heads in a dream single and unmarried - portends marriage, and others a visit to a pleasant company; hold on to the head of family people in a dream - portends the death of someone from their family, but lonely people have such a dream - signifies happiness and success in enterprises; have a bald head in a dream - there is a bad sign but for the most part portends poverty.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Head is dreaming?

If you see a beautiful head in a dream - in real life you will meet influential people who will help you succeed.

If you dreamed of your own head - you are at risk of a nerve disorder or headaches.

Seeing a bloody head separated from the torso - portends painful disappointments and the collapse of your innermost hopes and aspirations.

Seeing yourself in a dream with two or more heads - predicts quick and phenomenal success in life, but this success is likely not to be stable.

Experience a headache in a dream - to strong anxiety.

See a huge head - predicts that from life you will get more good than bad.

Children's head in a dream - promises you joy and financial success.

If you dream about the head of an animal - this means that your desires are of a base nature, and you are only interested in material pleasures.

To dream that you are washing your hair - promises you success with outstanding people.

Seeing a stranger's head cut off in a dream - means that you will be able to eliminate the enemy or an unexpected obstacle that greatly interferes with you.

If the head is cut off to a friend or loved one - it brings you separation from your loved one.

Being exposed to or expecting a head cut off and experiencing pain and fear while doing so - a sign that health problems await you: various ailments and diseases; without pain - you will suffer from humiliation, job loss is possible, chores and worries about daily bread are coming.

Dream interpretation 2012

The head is a reflection of intuitive thinking (also the need for it). The need to figure out something (also an opportunity).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why did the Head dream in a dream?

See a head in a dream - a harbinger of an upcoming serious and promising meeting, your head from the side - means that you urgently need to take care of your health.

Have a big head in a dream - to wealth and respect, small - to hard and low-paid work, poverty.

If you dream of a head with long hair - to losses, with short - to profit, with big ears - to fame and respect, bald - to sadness, shaved - to deception, bald - to trouble.

If in a dream your head looks back - to obstacles and a lull in business, a return to its original state, a return to the past.

Have many heads in a dream - means that you are doing well and you are on the right track.

Have a horse's head on your shoulders - to obstacles and hostility.

Chop off your head in a dream - a harbinger of your victory over enemies, carry someone else's head in hand - do someone else's work, keep yours - to correct mistakes, to put things in order.

If in a dream a man whose head was cut off comes to meet you - to great happiness.

Dizzy spells during sleep - can promise you family quarrels or loss of property, failure in business, especially in very risky operations.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Head - can indicate to you that you are ahead of others by the head.

The head is also associated with intelligence. Do you work your head in your life? Do you take the time to analyze the situation and fully understand it?

Dream interpretation for bitches

Big head with yourself or someone else - glory, fame and respect.

Small - hard and unprofitable work.

Feel a headache in a dream - new troubles and worries will appear.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Head - symbolizes thoughts, ideas and experience, and therefore, if in a dream you paid attention to this part of the body, then the meaning of sleep is directly related to your plans and ideas.

To dream of a talking head without a body - a sign that any ideas or advice only seems reasonable, but in fact will not help you succeed.

Monument head made of bronze or wood - also indicates that the value of any ideas is doubtful and illusory.

Stone head of the idol - may be a hint that your plans go against some unshakable foundations.

At the same time, meet someone with a big head (if that doesn't sound ugly to you) - suggests that you can use someone else's practical advice.

See your head grow in size if this fact does not bother you - a sign that you have ideas that can ensure success.

If a big head bothers you in a dream - this speaks of the vainness of your ideas, maybe you think too much where you should not think, but act.

A severed head or head marked with wounds or bumps - warns that some of your plans may turn out to be erroneous and even dangerous.

Dream Interpretation of Health

See your head healthy - you need to think about your actions, and the patient - think about your way of life and its connection with the named diseases.

See someone else's big head with shaggy hair - to positive emotions; bald - keep control of your actions and relationships with other people; head of the opposite sex with beautiful hair - to sexual dissatisfaction; cropped - to stressful situations and to illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If you dreamed that you were dizzy - do not be proud, you have not succeeded yet.

To dream of someone's swirling, unkempt head - it's time for you to go to the hairdresser and put your hair in order.

Shave your head in a dream - to total bankruptcy.

Scratching your head is a benefit.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Your head is spinning in your sleep - you will fall in love very much.

If you dreamed of dirty, unkempt hair - this is bad luck.

Shave your head bald - to the summons to the army.

Scratching your head - to a quarrel, abuse, tears.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Head - to care.

Dizziness is a misconceived response to an enemy.

See a swirling head - to nagging and persecution.

Shave someone bald in a dream - to bring a hopeless situation to the extreme; some business will be reduced to zero.

Covering your head is a wise decision that will save you from trouble.

Scratching your head means betrayal through subordinates.

Tying your head is a headache.

Dream interpretation of Kopalinsky

A living head is for good; bald, shaved is a bad sign; cut off - freedom; dead - longing, sadness.

Dream interpretation of Martin Zadeki

See a big head - joy, wealth, honor; small - poverty.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if the Head is dreaming in a dream?

The head is large and shaggy - happiness; bald - beware of stupid antics; see someone filmed - respect and satisfaction in life; with good hair - are you in love; to wash your hair - work and earnings; cropped - misfortune; crippled - grueling work; closed - to recognize poverty and something unkind awaits you; take off someone's head - miss the benefit; beautifully curled - a vain search for virtuous friends.

Miller's dream book

The appearance in your dream of someone's head - promises you an important meeting with influential people with the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need.

See your head - portends illness.

Severed and bloody head - promises you frustration of affairs and many other troubles.

If you dream that you have two heads on your shoulders - for such a dream, a rapid ascent up the career ladder and other successes are possible, and a dream about a swollen head and a vision of a child's head in a dream is also promising.

Feel a severe headache in a dream - a harbinger of worries.

Washing your hair is an omen of your prudent and fruitful deeds, doing which. You will call on all your common sense to help.

Animal head - warns against your promiscuity in your choice of friends and activities.

If you dream that your head is spinning - such a dream predicts losses for you, perhaps the destruction of a family, a frustration of affairs.

Chinese dream book

Dreams that the head is gray - portends longevity and great happiness.

Two horns grow on the head - you will face competition in business.

She dreams that her head is bald, all her hair has fallen out - portends failure in business.

Uncovered head and loose hair - someone is secretly plotting against you.

A person's head is chopped into two - Fortunately.

The man with the severed head walks - to great happiness.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Head in a dream?

Seeing in a dream in yourself or someone else's head enlarged in size - portends success and fame if you are engaged in intellectual work in real life.

Small head in a dream - portends poverty, painstaking and thankless work.

Shaggy head in a dream - fortunately, bald - a warning against bad deeds.

Severed head - to chagrin.

Head with lush hair - to love, with a haircut - unfortunately.

Broken and bleeding head - to work exhausting, but money.

Permed head - Trust your friends who will divulge your secret.

A head in a hat - to hardship and misfortune.

A talking head without a body - portends you an important meeting with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need.

See your head in a dream - to the disease.

If in a dream you see you have two heads - this is an opportunity to make a quick career and get rich.

Baby head without hair - means future family happiness and well-being in the house.

Animal head - warns: be choosy in your choice of friends and profession. There is a pig's head in a dream - go on the road, lamb - make a profit, a lion's head - to a loss.

Seeing dark and blonde hair on your head at the same time - portends great doubts about the upcoming choice, in which one should be extremely careful not to be mistaken.

All the blonde hair on the head - a sign of complaisance and kindness, the dark ones are a love trap. Red head - false, change in relationship. Golden head - a sign of dignity and courage of your chosen one. Chestnut head - to failures at work, neatly combed - attachment to the hearth, scorched - avoid trouble, a burning head - to profit, lice - to poverty, dandruff head - suddenly find great wealth.

Head with big ears - you will be given a high honor, with long hair - suffer a loss, with short hair - to well-being.

Anoint your head - to experience happiness.

Chop off someone's head - win a victory.

The head is the boss, master, "head" of the family; mind.

Big, thick - success, wealth.

To be without a head is a great happiness; recovery.

Small - everything is bad.

Dream interpretation of signs

Head - seeing yourself headless, or holding your head in your hands, or taking off your head (one of the happiest plots!). And also a big head or a thick neck - to honor, prosperity.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed that you had a bald head - in the near future you will be in great need.

In a dream, you see a severed head - one of your acquaintances who occupies a prominent position in society will soon die.

If you dreamed that you were chopping off someone's head - your business will go well.

Someone chops off your head - all your undertakings will not bring you profit.

You watch someone get their head chopped off - a lot of money will be borrowed from you in the near future.

Talking head - a sign that you will have long, vain conversations.

Burning head - dreaming to great chagrin.

Charred head - misfortune will befall the family of one of your friends or acquaintances.

Freud's dream book

Head in dreams - is either a neutral symbol, if our attention is attracted by its separate parts, or symbolizes a woman.

The nose is the symbol of the penis.

If a man injured his head - he should expect trouble from upcoming sexual contacts.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Head shaved - Unfortunately; big and fat - luck; bald - beware of stupidity; filmed - respect.

Aesop's dream book

The head - this symbol is loved by all peoples, because it absorbs different characteristics of people: mental abilities, prudence, quick temper, impetuosity, and so on.

Head - symbolizes the mind, which is opposed to the heart, which embodies the soul.

To dream of a man who, after he could not open the door with a key, broke the door with his head - this dream warns that if you act ill-considered, complications with far-reaching consequences may arise; beware of hasty ventures.

To dream of a man who bangs his head against a wall - to an irreconcilable struggle; you will need all the willpower to withstand the upcoming conflict and prove your case; Be more attentive to family and friends so as not to miss the moment when they need your support.

Seeing a man kneeling in prayer and hitting his head on the floor every time after prayer - to a waste of energy; save energy, otherwise you risk staying away at the decisive moment, because there will be no strength for the final throw; do not rely on a person who is known for being too diligent in everything, he can ruin everything with excessive zeal.

To dream of a person who complains that he cannot cook anything, the boiler has broken - to problems at work; those to whom you made promises will present their claims; to non-fulfillment of urgent matters.

You dream that when you touch your head, there is a ringing and buzzing, like from hitting a cauldron - to frustration; loss of interest in life, indifference; to deep emotional shock; beware of accidents, especially concussion situations.

Seeing in a dream a man whose head spills out sawdust - to deal with a person who constantly forgets everything and cannot adequately respond to unplanned circumstances.

Run down the street at breakneck speed, not paying attention to what is happening around - to lack of time; you have to clean up the accumulated cases and provide useful information to those who wish to deal with you; loss of opportunity, loss of contract.

Seeing a man riding a horse headlong - to difficult cases; you are not going to pass in the face of danger; you will plunge headlong into the chores that will overwhelm you.

See a crowd of people and a person who steps on the heads of the others - envy gnaws at you, but it is unfounded, act according to the rules and you will be the first in business.

Medieval dream book

Have a gray head - to wealth.

See that my head is shaved - to losses.

Bowed head - this means that you need to beware of enemies.

See your head gray - to wealth.

Have a shaved head - to increase.

Shampooing - to get rid of danger.

Severed head - to wealth.

See that my head is shaved - to deception or to discord.

See you beheaded - to wealth.

Have two heads - to the common good.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Have a big head - honour; curled - joy; small - poverty; to smear with oil - well-being; have a haircut - loss; to see severed - death of a relative; bald - a nuisance; to cut someone - victory; have big ears - honour; with long hair - loss; with short hair - well-being.

Ukrainian dream book

Have a big head in a dream - honor and wealth.

Have a head with gray hair - sadness, with short hair - well-being; see your head severed - means the death of parents.

See a head with big ears in a dream - to gain great fame.

Chop off someone's head - the acquisition of something.

Esoteric dream book

The head is a separate familiar "never mind", in vain you clog your head with nonsense, unnecessary information.

Stranger - do not dream your brains, your memory stores a lot of unnecessary knowledge. Yours, you need additional knowledge, you need to learn more.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Head according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, head is wisdom.

More interpretations

I dreamed that you lost it - your emotions will dominate your mind.

Dreams that she is mutilated - you should be more prudent.

A dream in which you have a headache - warns of worries.

If in a dream she is chopped - parting is possible.

If it is bloody and separated from the torso - you will be upset.

I dreamed that you were torn off - get ready for unheard of luck.

Dreams that she is spinning - you will have problems in your personal life and material nature.

If in a dream the head is on its own and at the same time speaks - you can count on the patronage of high-ranking officials.

I dreamed that you were soaping her - to everyone's respect.

In a dream, you have several of them - your luck will be huge, but sometimes it will turn away from you.

If you dream that it is huge - you will become a darling of life.

See the head of a child in a dream - to a good event and well-being, an animal - it is worth thinking about spiritual values.

Broken head - deterioration in performance, headaches, lethargy and chronic fatigue will haunt you in the near future.

Dreaming of a kiss on the head - sexual dissatisfaction, problems with a partner, family troubles.

See mushrooms on your head in a dream - you will be interested in the opinions of all the people around you. After listening to everyone, you will find the right solution.

Shaving hair - the tone of the body has weakened, the immune defense has worsened, it is necessary to improve your health and put yourself in order.

Veil on your head - extraordinary events will force you to mobilize all your strength in order to react to them without delay and delay.

I dreamed of seeing a knife in my head - sincere joy and happy laughter in reality. Maybe you will meet friends you haven't seen for a long time.

Your head itches is a profitable business, your efforts will pay off handsomely. It is possible to receive an inheritance.

Blood from the head - there is a possibility of inheriting a house, or a sudden acquisition of real estate on favorable terms.

I dreamed that a bump appeared on my head - any mistake now threatens to nullify all your previous efforts.

Blow on the head - emotions have been overwhelming you lately, be less hot-tempered, restrain negative impulses. If possible, give yourself at least a short break from work.

Broken head - you will rack your brains over how to make your household chores easier. Housekeeping takes up most of your free time. For older people, this dream means that they give advice to those who do not need it.

The severed head is dreaming - ill-wishers are powerless against you, things are getting better, troubles recede.

To wash your hair - recognition of your merits will allow you to take a high position. Sleep predicts financial independence and professional success.

Severed head in a dream - will have to go through difficult tests, wounded pride will loudly remind of itself in the coming days.

I dreamed that my head was gray - do not expect a quick solution of cases, there may be some obstacles and litigation.

Bald head - the risk of sleeping as a victim of thieves, being involved in a dubious adventure.

The head is spinning, as the dream book says - this is a deterioration in health. Under the influence of stress factors, numerous chronic diseases make themselves felt.

Sores on the head - the events of the past days will make you worry in the future.

The dream in which the severed head appears - deprivation of support from partners, delay in matters that will lead to losses.

A wet head is a task that will throw you into a stupor. You won't know where to start, where to start.

Headache - you have to worry about the event. Some event will throw you off balance.

A shaved head - the ability to quickly resolve emerging issues, will come in handy now.

Severed head - you are too assertive in business, too persistently impose your opinion on others.

Video: Why the Head is dreaming

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I dreamed about the Head, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Head is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Good day! I had a rather strange dream, but did not cause fear, more questions.
    First, I’ll say that I buried my husband six months ago. Now the dream itself: I sit on the sofa in the apartment where we lived with him before, and I see that my husband's head is lying on the sofa. The first thing I think about is: "unexpectedly, well, probably, the mother-in-law decided to leave it as a keepsake." Eyes closed, neck with some clotted blood. But this does not scare me, I decided to stroke his cheek, gently, with the back of my hand, and suddenly he seemed to wake up, opened his eyes, smiled and said: "Kiss me." I kissed on the cheek, and he said: "Not so, really," I kissed on the lips. After that I woke up. Help me explain what it means, otherwise I read dream books, there is quite contradictory information there.

    Good day. On August 1, against Thursday, I dreamed about the severed head of my deceased husband. The dog began to lick it and the head came to life, and later I saw how the body of my husband came to life. He kissed me and food particles got into my mouth through my mouth, I walked away and spat them out. Tell me what such a dream means.

    I was driving with a friend and his wife. We drove into the woods to relieve themselves. I saw a black bag in the snow and roughly guessed what was there, but all the same I came up and kicked the bag. The head of a stranger rolled out from there. And in the distance in the forest, I saw a passing car from which a man was looking at me and I thought it was his doing and he noticed me. Then I woke up

    a wide road I stand at the side of the road someone's unfamiliar man's head in a takinsta helmet moves along this road, stops not far from a large ZIL 131 type car, then says something to me (I stand silent) and suddenly a huge black (rubber-like) wheel from the car that backs up crushed this head, I screamed some man's name m woke up

    Good day. I had a dream last week: as if I was without a head, while I was wearing a suit and talking to someone, but I had no head. I sutra decided to see what it means, but forgot to do it. And the next day I had exactly the same dream, only when I realized that I had no head again, I began to be indignant about this and remember that I had not yet learned the interpretation of this dream (and this is all in the second dream). Those. In the second dream, I already understood that this was not real (without a head), it outraged me (that I again see myself without a head) and I knew that I had dreamed it earlier, but I still did not recognize the interpretation. Can you tell me what this means? Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed of three people entering the house but not to me but to my friends. Then a dog and a cat appeared. The dog grabbed one person, this woman and began to bite her legs, and then bit off her head and dragged him along with this person.

    • I have no children, but my husband and I really want them. And from Thursday to Friday I had a terrible dream: I gave birth to a beautiful baby, but his head fell off! Without blood, but like a doll, it just fell off several times, I had to insert it into the neck like a toy. At the same time, the baby did not die, he looked and ate (it gave him a breast). I am terribly worried that sleep means something terrible! Help decipher it, please!

  • I dreamed of a sore on my left cheek (now it actually itches) and a super huge pimple on my forehead, and then it began to deflate from pressing and air came out of it and a huge hole became visible, as if I looked into the skin pore.

    hello!) I dreamed that I washed my hair and there was a thick foam on it, I began to wash it off from the shower by tilting my head down to the bottom with warm water, I really felt that it was warm, and then my ex-boyfriend's aunt came with some boy and began to wash his hair too or to rinse, there were two hoses with a shower, she took a second hose and gradually less cold water began to pour on my head, then even colder…. and I don't remember anything anymore

    i dreamed of my deceased neighbor, an old grandfather, he comes to my house, and I kick him out, he does not leave. then I ask my mother to hold him, a friend throws an ax to me and I chop off his head, my mother and I take him out into the street, but I came back and asked for food, I call the police and then I woke up.

    I dreamed that an unfamiliar woman came to my house, plump and treated my head, presenting her hands to her. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears. And after that I passed out. I woke up, she was in the kitchen. I started looking for money, since her appearance is not very good. But everything was in place. There was further sequel, but it was more like a dream than this picture. That is, I talked to her about something constantly, but I don't remember what. And I don't seem to know her, but I seem to know her. And when she began to heal her head - this is too memorable moment.

    I dreamed that I cut off my own head and sewed on a new one, with my face. And when I wanted to change it back, I saw the old head lying on the floor and decomposed. I had a thin scar on my neck.

    I dreamed that I had two heads, and the second was sick (wounds) and she needed to be operated on, the second did not show herself in any way, she just was, I saw her on my shoulder and wanted to get rid of her, did not look like mine, but like a bad drawing, outlines of the mouth and nose, without eyes and hair

    I saw my friend (they used to work together) The dream is colored, painted in light rainbow tones. Somewhere we are supposedly at work, she leaves the office, and she has a growth on her head (it seems like a crochet finger). . Previously, apparently covered. The woman is beautiful, young, successful ... Why would it?

    Hello! I dream that my head was scratching very much and I combed it so that the hair was torn out by the roots in my hands, I go to the mirror and see two wounds combed to blood, I take a second mirror to look closer and there are white worms in the wounds .. Tell me what this means sleep, very creepy after this.

    Five of us were lying in the shelter, two of them were wounded, I got distracted, turned around, and my comrades had already chopped off the heads of the wounded ... and very, if I may say so, neatly, evenly. There was no blood.

    the deceased daughter and the living husband washed my hair, it was dark and long, my daughter held the box, and my husband poured water, the water was clean and poured into this box, I told my daughter now everything will pour on the floor, take a rag and wipe the floor, then we had a hairdresser and had to cut and curl, I told her that later my daughter would cut my hair herself, and the hairdresser was tired, I told her to rest the next day, we will do it, then the hairdresser braided me

    there are several rooms in an old unfamiliar wooden house. looks like a big bath. familiar people from work. basins, soap. soap accessories. I start to wash my hair, but for some reason in clothes. I lathered it, but there is nothing to wash it off. A work colleague suggests taking off my clothes, it will be more convenient. I follow the advice, but I only take off my socks, of which I have pairs of 8-10, different - both woolen and ordinary. water appears, I wash off the soap from my head, wipe my hair and go to the gazebo, where people familiar to me, work colleagues, one of whom appeared in the dream more and more clearly than the others, are sitting at the table.

    I have cut hair of a dark color, a bruise with blood stains on my forehead, severe pain, a young man kisses on a sore forehead and asks for forgiveness for a kiss, saying that he wanted to help, Everything happens on another planet, around insects, lizards, gophers, gray houses , In the sky flies a piece of iron, similar to an open tin can.

    I saw my dead mother alive in a dream, but with a charred head, she asked me to cut something for her. I told her that she needed not to get it so that everything would heal. What should you cut off? Cut it off to me. Always dream of sitting with her back to me.

    I dreamed about my daughter (she is 2 years old) we were visiting, I was asleep when I woke up she was not there, then I saw her with a bandaged head, I started asking about what happened in a panek, they told me that she fell (I started to feel her head and felt that she had a broken head, began to call for help and woke up (I just had a terrible panic in the night)

    I cut off my head. I look at her and think, a beautiful head, good hair, can make her into a wig. But I thought that I do not know how to make wigs and it is better to bury my head. Suddenly, some kind of structure appeared on which I put my head and I got some kind of prize for it. I woke up happy and cheerful. I have not seen blood

    I dreamed that large cauldrons were standing in a semicircle and under them were burning human heads and they were still moaning. and someone says that it's only hot at first, and then they get used to it. and a shaman appears and says that you need to read a prayer and we read together.

    i dreamed that I washed my hair at work and forgot to comb and so wanted to go home, I leave work and understand that I forgot to comb and come back to comb, I had a dream from Friday to Saturday.

    In a dream I saw myself running around the market, and then stopped and saw the cut off heads of cats on the table, they were covered in blood, and then what happened, I don't remember what such a dream could have? thank you in advance

    i was sitting in the classroom, for some reason I was little quarreling with the teacher, started to run away from her changed my jacket in the jacket turned out to be a knife ran out of the school at the corner of the school 3 guys cut off the dog's head and walked with her
    I walked with them in 1 direction, and 1 asked another what the bee does on the dog's eye

    Hello. I dreamed that my mother's head was pinched in the bus window when he was paying for the trip. Mom was outside the bus, only stuck her head through the window into the driver's cab. the bus started, I got scared, everyone started shouting to the driver to stop ... but ... I can already see my mother's body and her severed head outside the bus on the sidewalk

    I saw animals in a dream, they were bloody and some without a head, namely a horse, they lay in my yard and they were not completely dead, but I was afraid of them and hid at home I looked out of the window

    hello, Tatyana! had a dream today, from 30 to 31 October. I dream that I go into the university study room where I once studied, the room has white walls, a dirty table, and a mirror. all. I look at myself in the mirror and see terribly dirty greasy hair in me. and I think I need to go home as soon as possible, how could I go out into the dirty street. then I turn around, and I have another head of mine lying on the table. Those. and I have mine, and there is another one on the table. not bloody nothing. my normal face, eyes closed. and I start to look at the pimples on my cheeks, then I found a bunch of some kind of mucus in my ears, I began to pull it out. horror in general.

    I dream that I am leaving my room to drink, and at the table sits a man, completely black, with a round and almost flat head, he seems to be drawn, one hand is on the table, the other is hanging.

    i saw in a dream the severed head of my acquaintance on the road and was scared that I could not even look at the head and told my friends about it, and also saw that the second acquaintance was stepping on his head and blood flowed out of his head in a fountain, I saw how the police were protecting the place of murder, and the reason for cutting off heads are the car door

    I dreamed differently today, but I remember well that I washed my hair in my bathroom. I heated the water and diluted it with the water in the toilet so that it was not boiling water. I poured it into the bathroom, there was not much of it. I didn't climb into the bathroom, I just tilted my head into it and washed my hair. And in front of me in the bathroom sat my acquaintance, with whom I have been working a lot lately. I washed my head, started talking to him and then it was as if I forgot that I washed my hair and started to wash it again

    I went to some shed, I knew that there was a pig being slaughtered, I went there. There was a pork head on the road near the barn, but when I entered the barn, there was not pork meat lying there. but it looked like this was the meat of a young calf there was also my neighbor, she was selling it, her husband was, he was putting the meat in his bag, THERE were some other women, I don't remember, but women of the same age,

    I gave anesthesia to my friend and he at that time talked to me. Suddenly during the operation it was necessary to cut off his head
    for the sake of saving the child he was giving birth to! And he cuts off his own head and
    continues to talk and joke with me, and I hold her in my hands! \\ he lies on the operating table, and I sit at his head as an anesthesiologist \\
    then I tell him: "What a brave act, you are a very brave person!"
    and then his head dies in my hands and I start to panic that I cannot do anything and wake up!

    Good day! three times a week I dreamed similar dreams, as if my friend was passing me into the hands of a child and said that he was 8-9 months old, and when I turned the child to face me, I saw that he could not hold his head yet and it worried me greatly and the child seemed to me very ugly and sick (looking like a disabled person), in fragments I remember thin underdeveloped legs, and then something with hands ... in general, I have dreams about little children all week.

    I am writing again, but in great detail.

    A woman's head (smiles) with hair in a stove (fire is on), from the top of a vat in which heavy oil evaporates from the head.
    I go out to the roof, some kind of negative from me is put on the dove with black ointment ... to cleanse this negative (I don't remember if there was one horn on the head). There were still pigeons with one horn on the roof, and I thought that only such pigeons would help me. The dove flew up (like the one that was anointed), I really wanted its revival in order to honor HIM (you can also help yourself with the help of him and other pigeons with one horn — and I knew that only they could help me — I knew for sure), he I made a half circle and said goodbye ... ... ... .. then all the sleep stopped, I woke up in the sleep ... ... and remembered this dream.

    I dreamed something strange.
    As if in my head on the back of my head a growth in the form of a cylinder made of scalp, and in this cylinder I had a coin of irregular shape (polygon), and when they took it out (I don't remember if I did it myself) I touched the growth with my hand, and there I felt traces from the edges of the coin, as if it had been there for a long time and had grown in. When the coin was taken out, the brain was visible. A brother was standing next to him and he had the same growth on his head and there was also a coin there.

    i dreamed that when we were at home with a small child (he is 5 months old), a big bird got into an apartment or house. A bird looks like a crow. And we were very scared, we were hiding, and then my brother came and cut off his head. but the body of the priest was still moving and seemed to even walk, we closed it to the balcony and waited for my mzh.x

    i was in a nightgown and a dressing gown with washed hair (shaggy), I was looking for my grandson and did not find it, I wanted to call my son, but the phone turned out to be a master who came to make a TV, then I also found 2 phones, but they were not mine either, and then I started scream and woke up

    I had a dream today in which my deceased grandmother sits on a chair in front of the table and spreads out in front of her either 4 or 5 thin squares that look like cheese. Her actions seem to resemble fortune telling. She seems to be trying to draw my attention to this. At the same time, the grandmother's head is absolutely bald.

    Somewhere in an open area, but not in the city, rather it is some kind of settlement in the region, I was in the circle of people whom I did not identify in a dream, but there was a feeling that I knew them and treated them normally. And I dream that a huge snake about 3 meters long and as thick as an arm is crawling away from the place where we are, and I understand that it can harm us and I catch up with someone together, and as a result, it turns out we already have it in a bag with the cut off head and immediately dream that we are in a house like a cafe and a cat, for some reason, also with a severed head, but as if alive and, like, we put it in a bag too, and he tries to get out of it, but I don't I let this be done like sit in a bag and he listens to me and sits looking at the people around in this room.

    I dreamed separately about the head of an acquaintance (with whom I spoke the night before), I do not remember the dialogue, but the conversation was not aggressive. The continuation of the dream was a dialogue with a colleague, who whispered to me, as it were, “in my ear” that they were looking at you now, to which I replied “now it is clear why my joints hurt” ..

    My beloved and I were in a house in which there is no light, we walk through the snowdrifts, then I find myself in some kind of dump in an unfamiliar place and I have the head of my beloved in my arms, it talks to me and calms me down.

    The dream is very real, I felt that the doctor was inserting knitting needles into my head, checking the brain after the injury, but it really hurt in my sleep, but I could not wake up from the pain, my head was bandaged, after the doctor checked that everything was in order, I told my husband what the doctor was doing to me, then I woke up, usually after a sensitive pain I wake up and in reality what I dreamed hurts, I feel any pain.
    I understand that this is a signal, there are many options, but I guess)

    my ex-husband washed my hair, rinsed with clean water from a ladle, then we walked together along some road, not even a road, but to a beautiful place against the background of the mountains and talked about our life that he had another woman, but he answered reluctantly, only that I corresponded with her, I don't remember further

    the girl is lying on a gurney, I divided her head into three parts. I myself am worried about this. But after a while I saw this girl, though she was lying in the gurney again, but nothing happened to her head and she was talking.

    In a dream, I cut off the heads of two blacks, a man and a woman. Then I went about some business and these heads were on my way and I stepped over them and
    worried that he did it (that is, cut off his heads).

    I dreamed of a place unknown to me in which there are a lot of churches and my deceased mother-in-law, who called to go with her. But although I was wearing sneakers, they seemed so heavy to me that I could not walk. I said this to my mother-in-law and took them off, and then she asked me to wipe her head, which I did, but when I washed her hair was not hers (of a different color and length). And then she said that I could go further alone. What can all this mean?

    Hello! I dreamed that some strange figure was chasing me. I ran away from her for a rather long time through the castle-hotel, until one door showed an exit to the courtyard. There was a sculpture in the yard, I climbed onto the pedestal. But a figure suddenly stops me, she is in all black. He says that reckoning has come for my oversight and chops off my head, but then forgives and after chopping off my head grows back. The figure, grinning, says that at first there will be some discomfort, but after that it should pass. What is it for?

    I dream that I began to scratch my head and it seemed to me that something was growing in my head. When I went to the mirror, I saw that under the hair, on one side, 2 palms with a very beautiful manicure came out, and on the other hand they were just beginning climb out.

    In a dream, I heard a kitten meow, it was heard from under the sheet on the bed. I lifted the sheet and saw the kitten's meowing head chewed off by other kittens. I didn’t see the kittens, but I knew that they were nearby. Pulling up the sheet, I got blood on my hand. After that I went to the tap with water to wash my hand.

    grandfather came and went to the bathroom after a while I looked into the bathroom his body lay and his head lay separately there was no blood I was scared and woke up grandfather is no longer alive for about 10 years

    The head of the ex-husband, standing on the windowsill, lay down. I was not surprised. but it became a pity. I go over and stroke his head. and his hair is all gray and a short-cropped hedgehog. Then I put his head on the body, take his hand and lead him somewhere. I press his hand to my cheek. I feel sorry for him. He lies down on the bed and falls asleep, and I cover him with a blanket. What is it for? We have not lived for eight years. In a dream I meet a friend. and he tells me that he wants to come back to me again.

    I ate a big red fish with my grown children and my ex-husband in an unfamiliar apartment. Then we all left. Later I returned to clear the table, began to look closely at the fish's head and saw that it was alive - moving its lips and eyes. I went to tell the children about it, everyone was surprised together. When I returned, instead of a fish head, there was the head of a large dog. At the same time, I did not feel fear or surprise, but as if I experimented with my head that she could, I was curious and sorry for the dog, because she looked me in the eye like that. Then a frightened neighbor (stranger) knocked on our door and said that she had a neighbor (friend) in her apartment corridor and he looked like a decaying corpse. We were scared too, because he died and had to be buried, he really looked like decaying. Then there was the fact that my eldest daughter ironed the laundry in the apartment of a deceased and revived neighbor, we fled from the revived neighbor who returned with our linen, and I met him face to face. I was not scared, but somehow I felt uneasy, but he began to explain that he had come to life, he was surprised and showed how his body was being restored. At the same time, he really looked much better than when we saw him in the corridor of a neighbor.

    my name is maya. I have one mental illness, I am wondering why the dream is at this time. I look in the mirror, I have, which was not strange, huge nostrils through which the insides of the head could be seen, they are the color of frozen blood and the texture of rotten tissues, after sleep I could describe this with the word rotten head. I am always afraid of losing the ability to think, and roughly speaking, the head is the most important organ for me

    Hello robot. I dreamed of a small alien with a transparent glowing belly, and then someone touches him and I shout, don't touch 220 volts there and I see it, this creature is dying, and already one strange head with a similar look to a pig. I'm trying to revive, but it's all in vain ... ... there was no fear and the feeling that it should be so ... strange ... I read science fiction and I never dreamed of such dreams before ..

    i saw the deceased's grandfather he died 2000 g he called me and we moved away from the house there was a stump he took an ax and said lie down I was afraid but lay down he said close my eyes and cut off my head it hurt but I got up my head was in place but with a scar like then so

    the explosion of a spray paint in the stove ignited the soot and exploded with a terrible lingering rumble, and neither I nor my house in the attic of which I was in a dream were injured, only one Chechen suffered, his head was torn off and I took it off the attic and my hands were in blood. (I woke up) In the next dream I saw a girl, I first hit her, then I regretted and fell in love, and we ate together.

It so happens that all disturbing thoughts and impartial dreams are interpreted by a dream book not as tragically as it is in a dream. Therefore, what a person's head dreams of does not always mean trouble. It is important to pay attention to the dreamed details in order to correctly analyze the vision seen.

Whose is she?

According to Miller's dream book, the dreamed head of a person foreshadows a quick meeting with an influential person, which will positively affect the course of important matters.

Seeing your own part of the body is a physical ailment. Another explanation for which the dream of its own cut off chapter, which is located separately, is available in the ABC of the Interpretation of Dreams and reflects the discord between the heart and the mind.

The severed head of a person who in real life is the enemy of the dreamer, lying on a gold tray, symbolizes victory over him without much effort.

If a man dreamed that his wife, as a dish, presented him with the boiled head of a man, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be a cut off part of his mother's body, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer should look for the root of family problems in the actions of his parent.

For a pregnant girl, the severed head of a baby in a dream, despite a disturbing dream, promises an easy childbirth and a healthy baby. For others, a dreamed vision prophesies in reality joyful events and pleasant acquaintances.

Features of the seen picture

The bloody severed head of a person seen in a dream, lying separately from the body, predicts failure in business by Miller's dream book. Another option for explaining why such a picture is dreaming is given by a Muslim interpreter, who speaks of the discontent of the authorities for the work done by the dreamer.

The blue head of a person predicts the appearance of a deceased in the house. You can undo the prophetic effect of a dream by telling your close friend about it on the same day.

A living talking head of a person speaks of the perspective in real time to listen to advice and comments from others, which in fact will be empty and ineffective.


Seeing oneself as an executioner and cutting off the heads of criminals in a dream is interpreted by the dreamer's anger towards others and the whole world. Perhaps you should put things in order in your thoughts, otherwise such a mood can ruin your trusting relationship with loved ones.

A married woman, who accidentally cut off her husband's head in a dream, promises a scandal and litigation with her husband about her frivolous behavior. The dream book advises you to stop flirting and flirting with men, otherwise this will lead to a loss of confidence in the chosen one and a deterioration in relationships.

Seeing how you hold your own severed head in your hands is interpreted ambiguously by the dream book. On the one hand, such a picture predicts prosperity and family idyll, on the other hand, it predicts a sharp and unpleasant turn of events that will negatively affect your well-being.

What dreams of carrying a person's head somewhere predicts the occurrence of dangerous situations. You need to be careful in the near future and not endanger your life and the health of loved ones.

The likelihood of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month... Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day... Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday... Saturday is strictly Saturn's day, the planet of fate, fate, trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so Saturday dreams will tell you about the rules that we must obey, show what we have to limit ourselves in, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that serious restrictions are not expected, much of what has been planned is easily realized. But if the dream is dark, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then the plans will come true only as a result of hard work, that is, in the near future nothing will come easily. On Saturday night, you can learn about your own fate or the fate of other people.

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HEAD - Miller's dream book

The appearance of someone's head in your dream promises you an important meeting with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need.

Seeing your head is a disease. A cut off and bloody head promises you frustration and many other troubles.

If you dream that you have two heads on your shoulders, such a dream can lead to a rapid ascent up the career ladder and other successes. A dream about a swollen head is also favorable, and a vision in a dream of a child's head. To feel a severe headache in a dream is a harbinger of worries. Washing your hair is an omen of your prudent and fruitful deeds, in doing which you will call upon all your common sense to help.

The animal's head warns you not to be so promiscuous in your choice of friends and activities.

HEAD - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see your head in a dream - a dream foreshadows an unpleasant situation for you, circumstances will bring you to hysteria, to illness.

You see someone's head cut off - griefs in real life will follow one after another.

It seems to you in a dream that you have two heads on your shoulders - a dream promises you a rapid ascent up the career ladder. You must hurry to consolidate the result.

You wash your head - the act that you do will be prudent. This is exactly the act that is expected of you.

You are dreaming of an animal's head - a dream warns you against casual acquaintances. You are interested in everything, you take on everything in a row - you are scattered.

A dream in which you see that your head has increased in size means that you will be promoted, honored, winning a lawsuit or wealth obtained in an unusual way (like a treasure, for example). A very large head in a dream is a warning that someone will seduce you to do something wrong. The dream warns you that you should not give in to persuasion and enter into risky ventures.

A small head in a dream - to discouragement, insult, dishonor.

Having two heads in a dream means that you will be able to get out of a difficult and delicate situation with honor. Sometimes such a dream predicts you victory over the designs of your enemies. To have many heads in a dream is a sign of honor, power, great authority.

Having the head of a wolf, lion or other predatory animal itself is a harbinger of great merit, success and respect of others.

To see others with the head of a predatory animal is a sign that you should be wary of a cunning and domineering enemy.

Holding your head in your hands means the loss of loved ones - your wife or children, if you are married. A single dream predicts success in business and unexpected luck.

Combing your hair in a dream or putting a hat on your head is a harbinger of success.

To dream that your head is turned backwards means that you will have to hide in order to avoid trouble and the bad consequences of your actions. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will find yourself in a difficult position and be confused. After such a dream, you will have to make some important decision.

If in a dream they want to remove the scalp from you, then you should beware of the revenge of a person whom you undeservedly offended.

If in a dream you see that your head is separated from the body, then the dream predicts freedom for prisoners, recovery for the sick, consolation for the suffering, and debt repayment for creditors. For domineering people, sleep predicts an increase in their influence.

A dream in which a familiar person decapitated you means that you will have a pleasant pastime in the company of this person. If in a dream you are beheaded by a small child, then the dream predicts death for the sick, and honors for the healthy. For pregnant women, a dream foreshadows the imminent death of a spouse and the birth of a boy. If in a dream your head was only cut off by half, this means that all of the above will only be half true. If you were beheaded with a mortar in accordance with an ancient rite, then great honors await you.

To decapitate a warrior is a sign that you have to serve the greats of this world and that your ambitions will be fully realized.

Seeing a person in a dream with his head removed is a sign of well-being and satisfaction.

Removing the head from someone in a dream - to losses and troubles.

A crippled head in a dream portends misfortune, losses, worries, hard work.

To see a covered head - your own or someone else's - is a sign of great experiences, a serious illness or death.

HEAD - Dream interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Two horns grow - competition in business; wash your hair - moving, recovery; a person's head is chopped into two parts - fortunately.

HEAD - Indian Dream Interpretation

If someone sees in a dream that his head has become larger and more sublime than usual, this portends respect, honors, triumph over enemies, winning the process. For a merchant and banker, this dream predicts the acquisition and return of huge sums of money. The patient has a strong and severe fever.

To dream of your head small, weak and pointed means a lack of intelligence, dishonor and submission.

Whoever dreams that he has the head of a Moor or an Arab will have a journey or a long journey.

Whoever dreams that he has three heads on his neck will have influence, honor, domination in life. He can boldly and boldly look ahead like a man with three heads.

If a man sees in a dream that robbers or murderers have cut off his head, he will lose his children, relatives or property. For a woman, such a dream portends the loss of expensive trinkets.

According to the legends of the Indians and Persians, a prisoner who sees in a dream his head severed and separated from the body, this dream promises freedom; sick - recovery; grieved - consolation; debtors - payment of their debts. For rulers and noble people, this dream promises prosperity, honor and a replacement of fears and worries with pleasures, the trust of servants and subordinates.

When the head is cut off by the verdict of the law, it means that the one who has seen such a dream will be freed from his melancholy and other deeds. Only bankers, money changers, paramedics and other industrialists do such dreams foreshadow the opposite.

If someone dreams that some acquaintance cut off his head, this is a sign that he will share pleasure and happiness with this person.

If a child who has cut off your head, has not yet reached even adolescence, then this dream foreshadows: a man - a disease, a pregnant woman - the birth of a male child, and her husband - danger or death.

The half-cut head means the same thing, only to a lesser extent.

Egyptian interpreters say that chopping off the head of an armed man in a dream foreshadows the one who saw such a dream entering the service of some important person and rendering him great services.

Tearing off the head of another in a dream predicts good luck in business and revenge on enemies.

If you dream that you turned your head to a chicken or other bird, this is a sign of awaiting joy, feasts and amusements.

Holding your head, cut off from the body, in your hands predicts the loss of children or someone from relatives to the person who dreams about it.

If a person is single and in a dream he decorates his head with flowers or some kind of headdress, so much the better for him. This is a sign that all his affairs will end happily and safely.

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It so happens that worried thoughts and impartial dreams are interpreted by a dream book not as gloomy as it is in the vision itself. Therefore, what a person's head dreams of does not in all cases mean unpleasant events. The main thing is to remember all the details of the dream in order to give the correct explanation according to the dream book.

Whose is she?

What is the dream of a person's head, according to Miller's dream book, promises a close date with a high-ranking person, which favorably affects the development of the most important matters.

As the dream book says, your head, separated from the body in a dream, is a painful state. Another explanation of which I dreamed of my own severed head, which is located separately, is in the ABC of the Interpretation of Dreams. A similar plot foreshadows a rift between heart and mind.

The severed head of a person who is in reality the enemy of the dreamer, located on a tray of gold, represents the victory over him without much difficulty.

If the dreamer dreamed that his wife put a boiled human head as food for him, which, upon close examination, turned out to be part of his parent, then this means, according to one of the versions of the dream book, a man needs to look for the root of problems in the family in the actions of his mother.

For a pregnant woman, the severed head of a newborn in a dream portends an easy birth and the health of the unborn baby. For other people, a vision dreamed in a dream predicts in reality happy events and joyful meetings.

Features of the seen picture

Why dream of a person's head in blood, which is separate from the body, according to Miller's interpreter, this means - upcoming difficulties in business. An additional interpretation of why such a plot is dreamed of is provided by the Muslim dream book, testifying to the discontent of the boss over the work completed by the dreamer.

The blue head of a person in a dream portends that the deceased will soon appear in the house. You can remove the predictive effect of a dream by telling your friend about it on the same day.

An animated talking human head speaks of the prospect of actually listening to recommendations and criticism from outsiders, which in fact will be meaningless and invalid.


To see oneself as a murderer-executioner, and to decapitate bandits in a dream, is interpreted by the dreamer's hatred of all people and the whole world. Probably, you need to put all your thoughts in order, otherwise you run the risk of destroying a trusting relationship with your loved ones.

A married woman who accidentally decapitates her husband in a dream portends a showdown with her husband because of her frivolity and misbehavior. The interpreter recommends ending flirting and coquetry with strangers, otherwise you can lose the mercy of your soulmate and worsen family relationships.

Seeing how in a dream you hold your head in your hands is explained by the dream book in many ways. Either, such a plot portends well-being and idyll in family relationships, or the interpretation of a dream with a person's head promises an unforeseen turn of events that negatively affects your well-being.

A dream where a person's head is carried somewhere portends the emergence of serious life problems. In the future, it is necessary to be more careful so as not to expose your own life and the health of your relatives to a possible threat.

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