Decoration of the facade of the house with siding. House cladding with siding: interesting modern solutions

Among all the variety of finishing materials intended for facade decoration, siding takes a leading position. Finishing the facade of the house with siding helps to achieve external attractiveness, increase the thermal insulation of the room and at the same time create additional protection for external walls from adverse factors. Installation of decorative coating does not contain any difficulties, so the process will be mastered by a person without special training. Characteristics of certain types of siding and a description of the main stages of installation will help determine the choice of material and complete the facade decoration yourself.

Types of siding and the purpose of the material

The birthplace of modern siding is considered to be North America, where in the 19th century the house was decorated with overlapping wooden boards. For its appearance, the coating was called herringbone. Later, the idea of \u200b\u200bpractical cladding migrated to Europe. The list of materials with which they began to decorate the facade of the house has also expanded. Characteristics of certain types of siding will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of the finishing coating and the most suitable finishing option for private housing construction.


Vinyl siding has gained wide popularity due to its high performance. The decision to finish the facade with vinyl will bring the following benefits:

  • easy installation;
  • affordable cost;
  • service life exceeds 20 years;
  • light weight does not create a significant additional load on the foundation of a private house;
  • wide color palette;
  • the texture of vinyl siding successfully imitates various surfaces, including expensive woods, marble and stone;
  • suitable for finishing any surface of the facade;
  • resistance to cleaning agents.

Comment! Hard blows to vinyl siding can cause cracks.

This is the most suitable option for finishing the facades of private houses. But non-observance of the installation technology threatens the formation of gaps that will violate the insulating properties of the material.


The use of wooden panels is relevant for the interior cladding of private houses. The main advantages of the material are a high degree of thermal insulation and an attractive appearance. Facade cladding with wood siding is impractical for the following reasons:

  • low resistance to adverse external factors;
  • to extend the period of operation, it needs regular impregnation with protective compounds;
  • high cost of the product;
  • fragility in comparison with finishing coatings made of other materials.


Metal siding is presented in two versions - steel and aluminum. Metal steel panels are relevant for cladding warehouses and other industrial structures. Material advantages:

  • durability;
  • fire safety;
  • a large selection of colors.

Along with the advantages, negative aspects are characteristic of metal steel panels:

  • need periodic coating with anti-corrosion agents;
  • dents remain after mechanical damage;
  • the significant weight of the metal finish creates a serious additional load on the foundation of the structure.
  • high price.

Aluminum metal siding is intended for industrial buildings and cladding of facades of private structures. The winning sides of the finishing coating:

  • strength and durability;
  • wide palette of shades;
  • color fastness;
  • affordable cost.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the risk of deformation as a result of serious mechanical stress. But in general, cladding the facade with metal siding made of aluminum is an acceptable solution with practicality.


Cement siding, which is called fiber cement, is considered a novelty in the finishing materials market. Imitation of expensive types of wood or stone is achieved by mixing ordinary cement with cellulose fibers. Cement panels have the following positive features:

  • Resistant to fire and moisture.
  • There is no risk of mold and mildew.
  • Strength and durability.
  • A wide choice of colors is accompanied by visual appeal due to the ability to recreate any pattern.

But the negative aspects have become the reason for the extremely rare use of fiber cement as a facade decoration for private buildings. The coating is relevant for the design of industrial buildings. Main disadvantages:

  • Significant weight, which not every foundation can withstand.
  • Complexity of processing.
  • It is practically impossible to carry out the installation without special training, the work is carried out with the use of protective equipment (respirators).
  • High price.

The need for finishing the facade of private house building with siding does not always arise. Work is being carried out, if necessary:

  • to give the house respectability;
  • carry out additional thermal insulation;
  • protect walls from the influence of adverse external factors.

In the absence of these factors, a private house does not need finishing work on the front side.

Preparatory stage

The process of finishing the facade is preceded by a preparatory stage. Initially determined with the amount of siding that is required for the job. The calculation is carried out independently, focusing on the scheme presented below, or entrusting a responsible event to sellers and consultants.

To determine the required amount of material for finishing the facade, the following information will be required:

  • dimensions and area of \u200b\u200bfront walls;
  • number and size of windows;
  • roof configuration of a private house.

Attention! The approximate amount of siding for the facade is calculated by calculating the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and doors from the total wall area. The result is divided by the area of \u200b\u200bone panel.

The material is always purchased with a margin, this is done in case of damage to the siding during cutting or installation. Therefore, the final figure is multiplied by a factor of 1.1. This will be the minimum amount of finishing coat that should be purchased for finishing the facade.

In addition to panels, additional elements are purchased for facade decoration. This includes:

  • start and finish profiles;
  • connecting strips;
  • inner and outer corners.

For more information on additional siding elements that will be useful for finishing the facade, see the photo:

Independent finishing of the facade implies the presence of many tools, the list of which is given below:

When the siding and related materials are purchased, all the tools are at hand, you can proceed to the preparatory work. The process is as follows:

  • The dismantling of the hinged elements located on the facade is being carried out.
  • Loose areas of the old finish are removed.
  • The slots on the facade are sealed with foam or sealant.
  • Depending on the material of the walls, an antiseptic treatment may be required.

Attention! If there is a pediment, the work on finishing the facade with siding begins precisely from this section of a private house.

Finishing the facade of a private house with siding in the photo below:

Frame installation

The need to install the frame is determined by the material of the outer walls. Wooden slats or metal profiles are used as lathing. A wooden frame for finishing the facade will be cheaper, but the metal has greater durability and reliability. The main stages of the process.

The history of siding began about two centuries ago in the United States. To protect them from rain and wind, houses were sheathed with painted boards, placing them at a slight angle. Today, siding facade decoration technology is the most popular. With its help, you can protect the walls of the house from external influences and give an attractive look to the entire structure.

Siding is considered an economically viable and easy-to-install option for finishing the facade of a building.

Modern manufacturers offer siding not only in various colors, but also from various materials: wood, vinyl, metal. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Vinyl, or PVC siding, can imitate a wide variety of natural coatings, is durable, has a wide range of colors, but is subject to the influence of temperatures, which must be taken into account during installation. Vinyl siding is generally straightforward.

Types of profiles used for finishing the facade of the house.

Wooden panels provide excellent thermal insulation and are also environmentally friendly. However, like any wooden building materials, they need to be treated with an antiseptic to avoid mold, pests and premature failure. Metal siding is strong, durable, and has a variety of colors. The only negative is that it corrodes in places where the surface layer is damaged.

The ease of installation of siding facade decoration compares favorably with other cladding materials. Before proceeding with the cladding, prepare the necessary tools:

  • puncher;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • long level;
  • pencil;
  • construction rope;
  • a tool for cutting panels (depending on the material, it can be, for example, scissors for metal).

Scheme of the correct installation of siding to frame rails.

For fasteners, nails and screws are required. It is better to choose the latter with a small round hat.

Before you start finishing the facade in this way, you need to prepare it:

  • dismantle drainage systems and attachments (platbands, shutters);
  • carefully remove climbing plants;
  • if the facade is already sheathed with clapboard, then it is worth checking the integrity of all the damaged boards, replace them, check the reliability of the fasteners, if necessary, strengthen them;
  • using a plumb line and level, check the evenness of the surface;
  • check, if necessary adjust, window openings and frames.

Facade finishing technology takes place in several stages

To prevent deformation of the siding from exposure to sunlight, it is necessary to make temperature gaps.

  1. The device of the frame for siding and laying of thermal insulation. The lathing helps to hide the unevenness of the wall, creates an air gap between the cladding and the wall of the house (this is additional heat and sound insulation). Depending on the location of the siding, the frame is also made. If the siding is mounted vertically, then the lathing is horizontal. And vice versa. The frame is attached to the wall with nails, the step of the fasteners is 40 cm. For additional thermal insulation, insulation is laid in the crate. Mineral wool, expanded polystyrene will do.
  2. The beginning of finishing cannot be arbitrary. It is performed strictly according to the instructions. Experts recommend attaching the starting siding panels and auxiliary elements at the second stage. A start strip is installed along the perimeter of the house. If there is already some kind of sheathing, then its bottom edge must coincide with the top edge of the starting strip. Using vinyl siding in your work, you can easily pick up special corners that are simply indispensable for finishing corner joints. The upper edge of the corner should not reach the eaves by 6 mm, and the lower one must be lowered 8 mm below the start panel. The step of fixing the corner is 20-40 cm.
  3. Directly attaching the siding to the frame can be done in two ways. The first is with an auxiliary rail. It is part of the facade and is matched to the color of the main cladding. Siding panels are inserted from both sides into this rail. The second is an overlap mount. Here it is necessary to strictly monitor that the vertical joints of panels of different rows do not coincide, as this will make the seams noticeable. It is necessary to start installation from the start panel, that is, from the bottom up.

Important points

All work with siding can be carried out only at an air temperature of at least -10 ° C.

It is better to adjust the panels along the length during operation in order to avoid troubles with too short parts.

The panels are attached to each other according to the tenon-groove principle. The last panel is secured with screws or nails. All elements are attached only through a special fastening slot (it runs in the middle of the panel). It is categorically impossible to fasten along the edges. When carrying out fasteners, do not press the panels or pull them, so that subsequently there will be no skewing of the cladding. To return the hinged elements to their place, prepare holes in the siding for attaching them. The diameter of such holes should be 5 mm larger than the required one, so that there are no problems when the panels are compressed or expanded.

Siding is considered one of the most practical materials used for facade cladding.

The siding has good quality and performance characteristics, and is also very easy to install.

Products have a varied assortment, which makes it possible to provide the house with an ideal appearance.

In this article, you will see a photo of siding houses.

The material consists of panels, which later acquire an integral system on the facade of the house. The material used for the production of products is diverse... Accordingly, each type of siding has its own characteristics and performance characteristics.

There are a lot of options for implementing the desired design solution, each type of product has its own color scheme and a variety of textures. Basically, the products are characterized by a sufficiently high level of strength and reliability, it is also profitable to use them because their price level is not too high.

Beautiful siding for house cladding - photo:

Pros and cons

There are a lot of positive characteristics of siding material, the main ones are:

  • the duration of the period in which the siding can be operated without problems reaches 50 years;
  • thanks to the finishing with siding panels, the house acquires an attractive appearance... With the help of this material, it is possible to create a variety of styles and implement the most daring design ideas;
  • the material does not need special care measures, it does not need to be painted. It is very easy to handle;
  • siding is characterized by lightness and elasticity;
  • the panel installation process is very simple, it requires the efforts of only one person, which allows you to significantly save on a team of workers;
  • has a high resistance to sudden changes in temperature conditions;
  • creates a reliable protective barrier for the surface of the facade of the house finished with siding from the effects of negative destructive environmental phenomena;
  • condensation does not form under the surface of the panels, since there are ventilation holes in it that remove the accumulated moisture;
  • the material is resistant to the processes of decay and corrosion, and also does not deteriorate due to the vital activity of insects and microorganisms.

As for the disadvantages of this material, it is worth considering the following points:

  1. The material from which the siding is made is completely synthetic. Respectively, does not have a sufficient level of environmental friendliness... This does not apply to the wood variety of panels, although it is not as reliable as the others.
  2. Flammability of siding... This moment is important in the event of a fire. If the panel begins to melt from fire, then corrosive and toxic substances are released from it, which are dangerous to the health of people and animals. It is very difficult to extinguish products.
  3. If a low temperature regime persists for a long time, then siding panels become very brittle and may start to crack... Chipping of panel parts is even possible.
  4. The material is not too resistant to mechanical damage... This is especially important for the metal variety, since even a scratch on the surface is a significant quality threat for it. The panels cannot be restored, which requires the cost of replacing the damaged panel.


For homes that are more likely to be exposed to sunlight, it is best to choose light-colored siding as it is less prone to fading.


Those who decide to use siding for finishing work on the facade should familiarize themselves with the varieties of such material.


  1. Aluminum... It is characterized by a wide assortment of various reliefs and colors; this variety is intended for finishing office premises or residential type of multi-storey buildings. This is due to the fact that the panels weigh very little, and therefore will not weigh down the facade of a private house.
  2. ... It consists of wood fibers, which are pressed under high temperature conditions with the addition of a special resin. In appearance they imitate natural wood. The price category of such products is quite high. The panels are flammable.
  3. Steel... In most cases, this variety is used in industrial construction. The color range is wide enough, the product weighs a lot and has a tendency to corrosive processes.
  4. ... This variety is one of the newest invented by foreign industry. Has a high level of fire resistance... Made from cement and cellulose fibers. In appearance it resembles wooden boards. Well suited for finishing work in educational institutions, kindergartens. It is also gaining popularity in private construction.
  5. ... It is also one of the newest inventions. It has its origins in Japan. The price category of the material is low. The siding contains clay and some other natural materials.
  6. ... It is considered the most common and popular, since it has an affordable cost, a simple installation process, the ability to hide all defects of the facade surface, and is also resistant to moisture and does not support combustion.
  7. ... A type of siding panels that vary in width. Manufactured from steel (galvanized). During production, a polyester coating is applied to the surface of the product, which protects the material from corrosion. The main advantages of this type are a high level of fire resistance, strength and the maximum possible duration of operation. Resistance to a wide range of temperature conditions.


When choosing an aluminum type of siding for finishing a house, it is necessary to take into account that there is a risk of injury during the installation process. Such work should be approached as carefully as possible.

Photos of houses sheathed with siding in different colors:

Finishing options

Departing from the performance and protective properties of the siding material, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of the building, which will be achieved due to the panels. There are a great variety of finishing options, since the assortment of this material allows any imagination and fantasy to come true.

In addition to the fact that it is possible to combine several colors of the material on the facade of the building, you can purchase panels of different textures and, for example, create an imitation, or.

With regards to finishing options for installation technology, there are two:

  • horizontal.

With the help of vertical installation of siding panels, the facade of the house is visually extended, the height of the wall becomes visually larger. The horizontal finish creates a single, coherent system that looks harmonious and cozy.

To create a more expressive and bright facade of the house, you can use dark colored siding on the corners of the building.

Care features

To maintain a neat appearance at home, it is sometimes necessary to clean the surface of the siding panels from dirt. If the contamination is insignificant, then they can be easily removed using a strong pressure of a jet of water... You can use the usual Karcher for this. If more significant contaminants appear on the surface, then a soft brush is used to remove them.

If mold is found on some panels, then after removing it, the panels must be treated with a solution with 5% chlorine concentration. It is forbidden to use pure chlorine for panels. It is impossible to clean the surface if the outside temperature is low.

It is not recommended to use various cleaning agents, which include abrasive structures, as they can damage the top layer of the material. Chemicals should not be left on the siding surface for more than 10 minutes.

Useful video

In this video, you will see many options for the design of houses with siding:


The ease of use of siding material, as well as its simple installation and affordable price make it a very good option for finishing works on the facade. Observing all the necessary recommendations during operation, you can not return to repair work for a very long time.

In contact with

When buying a private house or building it, in any case, people think about how to improve the appearance of their home. Now this can be done in a variety of ways, because the shelves of the construction markets are simply bursting with all kinds of products.

The best way to improve the look of a private home is to use siding. This material appeared relatively recently, but has already become quite popular due to its qualities. Siding perfectly tolerates external factors, wind, humidity, temperature changes and mechanical damage.

As stated above, siding improves the appearance of a building, even if it is old enough. The bottom line is that you don't have to do home decoration. When using siding, there is no need to repair cracks and chips with plaster and primer.

Finishing the facade of a wooden house with siding

As a finishing material, siding has gained great popularity primarily due to its low cost and ease of installation... Anyone, even without average repair skills, can make the cladding of a private house using siding.

Previously, when decorating the walls of a private house, materials of natural origin were used. It could be stone or wood, but the construction market is now quite diverse in this aspect. After siding appeared on the shelves of the markets, the sale of materials from natural wood fell, and there is nothing surprising here. Wooden products are extremely expensive, and at the same time they are inferior in quality. Wood does not withstand moisture or temperature changes.

Siding, of course, is made not only of plastic, but even made of natural wood, and this material has many disadvantages. These include the low durability of the material, as well as the increased risk of fire. The tree has to be constantly monitored, painted and restored, which takes money and time.

Metal siding has more advantages than wood material, but it is recommended to install metal only on small buildings that belong to warehouse or production areas. Of the benefits of metal siding worth highlighting:

  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • variety of shades and colors;
  • low level of fire hazard.

Although this finishing material has a fairly large number of advantages, you have to closely monitor the metal. Metal is susceptible to rust on its surface, so it is necessary to constantly treat the finishing material with an anti-corrosion solution. In addition, metal siding is also very heavy, which can damage a wooden house too much for a long time.

The newest type of finishing material is basement type... This is a kind of siding that looks like a stone or brick. It is distinguished by its high quality, as well as resistance to weathering and humidity. The stone fits perfectly into almost any style of a private house.

We must not forget about the vinyl type of wall decoration, which is also often used to improve the appearance. Panels that have a vinyl covering consist of two layers. The first layer refers to a protective material that keeps the constant influence of external factors. The second layer provides protection from physical and mechanical stress. Vinyl siding there are such advantages as:

  • service life exceeds 45 years;
  • no need for additional care or restoration;
  • resistance to corrosion and mold formation;
  • fire safety;
  • any type of surface can be installed.

Siding facade finishing technology

The technology for installing siding on the facade of a wooden house can be conditionally divided into two groups, such as:

  • installation work on the installation of the frame;
  • installation of panels.

Lathing for installing panels it is not always used, but only in cases when there are large drops or obvious irregularities on the surface of the walls of a private house. The frame is also erected if the facade of the house already has pre-installed cladding. There is simply no point in dismantling it, because it will be cheaper and easier to install the crate on the old covering, although some advise to remove it.

Usually, for the manufacture of the frame, you can use materials at hand in the form of planks and wooden boards. You can also buy ready-made aluminum strips for the frame, along with fasteners. The guide strips must be installed perpendicular to the siding. The distance between wooden planks should be 400 mm, and between metal products 300 mm. Naturally, the installation of planks and the subsequent installation of siding create extra space between the finishing material and the wall surface, but it can be used to create heat and sound insulation.

After the construction of the frame you can safely proceed with the installation of siding. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. First you need to purchase aluminum nails with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 20 mm. Nails will be needed to attach the panels to the frame slats.
  2. Siding installation always starts from the central part of the wall and then moves in any direction to the very end. Then you can start finishing the second side, extending from the central part.
  3. If the material does not fit in size, then it can be easily cut using an electric file. This will reduce the risk of deformation of the panels.
  4. Siding, unlike other finishing materials, cannot be fastened close to the wall surface.
  5. After installing five rows, you need to check the structure using a level.

It is important to remember that siding is only suitable for installation on old-style buildings or on houses that have already passed the shrinkage stage. You cannot install this material on new buildings.

Necessary material when decorating a house with siding outside

When finishing with siding such tools will be required, as:

For panel mounting on the surface of the house you will need such material as:

  • chamfers;
  • initial and hinged trims for finishing;
  • siding panels;
  • connecting strips;
  • trims for edging;
  • spotlights;
  • strips for the finishing stage;
  • corner pieces for the inside and outside;
  • platbands.

It is worth noting that you will not need to walk around the market in search of the necessary parts for finishing the facade of the house. The bottom line is that siding comes with all the necessary materials. All that is needed is to place an order, provide the company with the dimensions and type of the building, and then the specialists will form a siding kit, which will include all the parts necessary for installation.

Although installing the siding is quite simple, it is still during installation mistakes can be made, which will ultimately affect the appearance, quality and service life of the material.

First of all, it is important to remember that the panels have the ability to expand or, conversely, become smaller, depending on the weather outside. Typically, changes in size during the year can fluctuate within 1%. Naturally, in frost, the material narrows, and at high temperatures, the length of the siding can increase, so during installation it is impossible to fix the material, it is too rigid. When it expands, there is a chance of damage to the panels or deformation. Even if no breakdown occurs, it still significantly reduces the service life of the panels.

When decorating the facade of a house, it is important to remember that there should be distance in size 1 cm... This will help to avoid deformation during its expansion at high temperatures. In order to reduce the chance of siding expansion, you can also install protection that repels direct sunlight and thereby prevents the material from heating.

Facing the facade of a house is one of the main components not only of external attractiveness, but also of reliable protection of external walls from the adverse effects of natural factors: rain, snow, and sunlight. In addition to protective functions, house cladding creates good thermal insulation of the room.

Today, on the construction market, you can find many options for facade cladding. One of the most popular types of finishes is siding. Do-it-yourself siding facade decoration does not require special training, skills and abilities. A responsible approach, the correct choice of material, strict adherence to the installation technology, as a result of which a high-quality facade finish will be provided.

Varieties of siding panels

Before you start cladding the facade of the house, you need to get acquainted with the varieties of siding panels and study the characteristics of the material from which they are made.


Steel siding is used for cladding industrial buildings and warehouses.


  • a large selection of colors and shades;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • durability;
  • not flammable.


  • periodically requires coating with an anti-corrosion compound;
  • dents remain from mechanical damage;
  • a large mass increases the load on the foundation of the building, which must be taken into account even when building a house;
  • high price.

Aluminum siding is used for cladding industrial and residential buildings.


  • lightweight, strong and durable material;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • a huge selection of colors;
  • acceptable price.


  • corroded;
  • deformations from strong mechanical stress are possible.

Wooden siding is used mainly for interior cladding of residential and office premises.


  • aesthetic appearance;
  • keeps warm well.


  • fragility;
  • high price;
  • needs constant impregnation with special compounds to increase the service life.


Cement siding is the latest technology for cladding the facade of a building. Cellulose fibers are added to ordinary cement, thus obtaining a cladding that resembles expensive types of wood. A special crimping technology makes it possible to produce this type of siding with any pattern. It is used for cladding industrial facilities. For residential premises it is used in rare cases.


  • a huge selection of colors;
  • not flammable;
  • durable and durable.


  • heavy weight, which will create an extra load on the foundation;
  • the complexity of material processing;
  • facade cladding will require not only special training, but also the use of respiratory protection (respirators);
  • high price.

Vinyl siding is one of the most used types of finishes. The material looks impressive and expensive, as it imitates many textures: expensive types of wood, stone, marble. You can also choose different colors and create an original pattern or picture.


  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • reasonable cost;
  • reliability, durability (over 20 years);
  • lightness of the material;
  • a huge selection of textures and colors;
  • any type of surface can be sheathed;
  • the ability to replace multiple panels;
  • can be treated with various detergent mixtures.


  • vinyl panels do not withstand heavy impacts and may crack.

Facade cladding with vinyl siding is the best solution for finishing the facade of a house. It is desirable that a specialized team be engaged in the facade cladding. Poorly laid panels will allow air, moisture and insects to pass to the wall of the house, and this threatens to damage it. It is possible to sheathe the facade with your own hands, for this you need to prepare tools and materials that will help you in your work, as well as read the instructions.

Tools and materials

Required tool:

  • measuring devices (ruler, square, tape measure);
  • a hammer;
  • rope;
  • screwdriver;
  • ladder;
  • electric saw for cutting panels.


  • outer and inner corner;
  • window strip;
  • H and J profiles;
  • starting and drain bar;
  • spotlights.

Facade finishing stages

Before sheathing the facade with siding, you must clearly follow the installation technology, which consists of several stages.


  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the house (cottage);
  • the dimensions of the walls;
  • the size and number of window openings;
  • type of roof of a country house.

Having all the data for the calculation, you can independently calculate the required number of panels for cladding using the following algorithm: subtract the area of \u200b\u200bdoors and windows from the area of \u200b\u200ball walls of the house, divide the resulting number by the area of \u200b\u200bone siding panel. Multiply the result by 1.10. Thus, the area of \u200b\u200bthe panels is calculated with a 10% margin.


Prepare the surface of the walls. Clean their contamination, remove unnecessary items (pipes, frames, window sills, etc.). Blow out the cracks with polyurethane foam or seal up with cement mortar. If the surface is wooden, then treat it with a special mixture (antiseptic).


If the house is new, then the crate is not required. Provided that the house is old, it is necessary to prepare the crate for fixing the panels. For the lathing, wood or metal is used. Wooden crate is cheaper than metal crate. But the metal crate is more reliable and durable. For wooden lathing, slats that are pre-treated with an antiseptic are suitable. The iron crate is made of galvanized profiles.

Warming and waterproofing

The next step is insulation and waterproofing. Foam can be used as insulation. For waterproofing - a membrane. The first layer is insulation, the second is the membrane, and then a new crate is made.


  1. The siding is fixed with a gap between the end of the panels and the corners of 6–8 mm. It is also necessary to maintain a gap of about 2 mm between the panels and the battens to prevent deformation of the siding.
  2. Before attaching a new panel, it is connected to the panel attached to the crate. The outer corner should cover the joints of the panels.
  3. Fix the strips of window openings and j-profiles, including in doorways. Lay the corners of the profiles with an overlap.
  4. Install the H-profile in a vertical position, leaving a gap of 3–5 mm at the top and bottom.
  5. Fasten the finishing strip under the roof of the building.
  6. The first row of siding is attached to the starting strip, and fastened with a self-tapping screw at the top and in the middle at a distance of 35–45 cm. Installation of the next rows is carried out in the same way.

The technological process of installing siding is not particularly difficult, so you can do it yourself.


A detailed description of the stages of siding installation:


Correct installation diagrams: